People With PurposePeople With Purpose

CALM 35 - Relationships - What Do Great Coaches Know

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In what is the 35th episode of David´s CALM leadership series he talks about the benefits of having a coaching culture and relationships in your organisation. He shares the 11 principles you need to follow if you are going to tap into this style of leadership.


  • Using coaching principles to lead is incredibly effective, but it needs to be done right.
  • Respect for others and the fact that they have a different worldview is core to this approach.
  • Help people to understand what is behind their behaviour and to see the behaviour of others in context.
  • Believe in your team. 
  • There are no unresourceful people. Only people who find themselves in an unresourceful state. With your help, they can learn how to change that state.
  • Fear is important it keeps us alive, but you need to help people not to be overcome by fear.
  • Take ownership and lead by example.
  • People don´t have to like what you say. You will be asking probing questions.
  • Set goals that stretch people but are also achievable.
  • Have standards and boundaries, but be flexible too.


‘You´ve got to respect the person you are coaching.’

‘The person you´re coaching is not the behaviour.’

‘You need to take ownership of the communication, the conversation.’

‘There is no failure, there is only feedback.’



People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


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People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose  
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