Patriots Postgame Show 1/5: Reaction to Statement on Jerod Mayo, Takeaways From Season Finale vs. Buffalo

Published Jan 6, 2025, 12:09 AM
Tune-in as we give our reaction to the Patriots postgame decision to part ways with Jerod Mayo. We share our thoughts about the team's 23-16 season finale win over the Bills, and the implications it has on the Draft and the offseason. Plus, Cole Strange phones in to discuss the win, starting the last two games at center, and what it meant to be back on the field after his injury.

This episode at the Patriots Postgame Show is presenting by Draft Cans.

This is the Patriots Postgame Show presented by DraftKings.

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Hand off to Stevenson. Let's big hole across the forty cut SLOs the forty five at steam rolls the Defender.

There live from our studios inside ju Lett Stadium, here's Matt Smith.

And good afternoon, everybody. Good evening. However you want to slice it, that'll put a wrap on the twenty twenty four regular season. Where today in Foxford, Massachusetts, you want to wing with Patriots one for the fourth time all year. They finished the year four to thirteen. They beat the Buffalo Bills twenty three to sixteen. Was the final here at Jolette Stadium today. You didn't ask, but that's exactly the outcome that I was hoping for. Professional representative, you don't try to lose, You play to win the game. As a great herb, Herm Edwards like to say, I know there were fans out there that are not happy because with the loss, or excuse me, with the win. The Patriots are now selecting fourth in the twenty twenty four twenty twenty five NFL Draft, Chris Josh, thank you very much. There you see it right there, read him and weep Tennessee one, Cleveland two, the Giants three, and your Patriots number four. That's fine, that is fine. There's not a generational player in the draft this year. The Patriots will have their choice of what do you want edge rush, you want a wide receiver, you want to tackle. You'll find somebody there at four. You won't have to overpay to get it. So that's the story. Drake May played one series. On his last play didn't look pretty. He got sacked as von Miller picked up a nice cozy million and a half as he bullrushed the Patriots right tackle and blew by him like a hot knife through butter to get his sack. Drake sort of hit his head a little bit. He was out, Joe Milton was in, and the early returns Joe Milton looked pretty good. I would hesitate to say there's a quarterback controversy. When the Patriots return in April, of this year. But Joe Milton looked like he could play the part. Maybe he's a backup quarterback. Maybe he got something there. Huh, nice little scramble off platform throw. This was an impressive drive. If this was the first drive, Chris, he looked good.

You know.

I didn't see a lot of mistakes by him. I didn't see him forcing the ball. I don't think Buffalo was playing a lot of different disguises or anything like that. They were probably pretty vanilla throughout the game. I think Milton went back, found who he's looking for, had time more often than not a and delivered. I thought he played a pretty solid game. I think he was eleven for his first eleven. I'll wait till Stat's Paul and stats Mike get here to confirm that. But I thought Milton looked pretty good. And that's a nice problem for the Patriots football staff to have. After all this, maybe they save some money and they don't have to pay the going rate for a backup quarterback next year, and they can go the backup quarterback in Joe Milton, then find another veteran to bring in if they need to have three quarterbacks on the roster. But I thought Joe Milton looked pretty good today, Thank you very much. Red Zone Paul has just arrived. Red Zone Mike has just arrived, and we're eager to get their thoughts. The Patriots wrap up the twenty twenty four regular season with a twenty three sixteen win here at you Let Stadium against the Buffalo Bills. The Patriots finished four and thirteen, and what everybody wants to know is the Patriots will be picking fourth in the twenty twenty five NFL Draft. Mike has has had phones on. First you win, you get instant analysis first from it.

That was that being said on TV. I didn't hear that they are officially in a spot.

I don't know if.

Anything, but I don't know if it's official. Guys had the Tankathon board up. Matt Lapian showed me online that they're in the four hole. Tennessee one, Cleveland two, the New York Football Giants three, and the Patriots are four.

Okay, Well, there we go.

And I said that that's fine by me. It's fine. That's fine by me. Yeah it is.

I mean, and I'm sure people will be upset about not being first overall, I get it, But like I said, right, as we I think ended our pregame show. It was this is kind of exactly what I thought was gonna happen out there.

I maybe didn't see.

You know, Joe Milton putting those first couple drives together where he you know, I think sort of what like ten to ten, eleven eleven, right out of the gate. So I heard you talking a little bit about him, Matt. I thought that was, you know, an encouraging performance.

Bunch encouraging right.

Yeah, I'm not telling you that he's the guy, you know, but he looked How about this one, Mike, We saw him. The last time we really got an extended look at Joe Milton was in training camp yep, during practices and for a stretch when he played in the games. Yeah, did he look better today than he looked in August?

I think so, I mean, uh, footwork, Yeah, I mean I would say I would give Evan some creditus sitting next to Evan Lazar course upstairs, and you know, he said they did a you know, good job scripting it out for him, and I think that that's probably true, you know, really putting together a good package of plays for Milton right out of the gate. You know, it wasn't quite as as productive there as we got going, and the game dragged on a little bit, you know, it was it was a little bit more.

How exotic was Buffalo Probably not very.

No, no, So I mean, I do think there are some caveats before we spend the next four months talking about if we have a quarterback contris here. But as I wrote in my little rapid recap, I just wrapped up. You know, if you if you found, if you believe maybe that Milton could be the backup quarterback, that might be a really really positive fine for you. And I always say it, it's it's always great to develop quarterbacks in this league. You can never have too many. And it looks like, you know, the Patriots have a little something to work with there with Joe Milton going into her two.

Paul instant analysis.

Yeah, I am with you, guys. I am not overly worked up by the number one to number four war drop. Fans disagree, but you know, as Javalani Devai says, you know, they don't they don't have the right to disagree. Sorry, A lot of people are upset that they felt in everything. I just don't think that there was the bounty of riches that a lot of people think. So maybe I'll be wrong about that and we'll talk about it again come say April. But for now, I mean the game was exactly as advertised, with all of the intensity of uh, you know, backyard you know, game of touch football the day after Thanksgiving. It was a really weird atmosphere. I thought there were probably more Bills fans here than Patriots fans. It was half empty. No one seemed to really want to win, you know. In the teams. I thought some young guys, you know, on both sides played with some intensity, but overall it was preseason like there was no game plan, there was no real intensity to the the proceedings.

But you won.

And I think that, you know, whoever's on the field is going to try their best to play. Yeah, And I think to expect otherwise is being disrespectful to the players on both sides of the ball.

And disrespectful to the game because I do think that matters, Paul. I think that matters, and it matters a lot. I'm not picking out this guy, it's just I like him. I think he's a pretty good coach and he's done a decent job here.

But I just noticed.

What's the kid Battle who made a couple of plays down the stretch.

Yeah, Miles Battle.

Yeah, Mike Pellegrino was all over him to try to get him. You got to make another play. He's coaching like the game was dependent or that next down was dependent on whether or not they were going to make the playoffs. I don't expect anything less from a coach than that. You know, there was a minute and change left to go in the game, and Pellegrino's coaching his ass off. That's what I expect from the coach's staff, and they delivered. You know, it ended in a win today, and I bet you they can feel Look, nobody feels good about finishing four and thirteen, but at least today maybe the message got through circumstances. What have we been saying I've certainly have been saying it all year. You need a co conspirator to win most of these games. Buffalo conspired to help you in this win.

The game didn't mean anything to him, but.

You went out and won the game, and I think that's that's respecting the game, to go out.

And put that kind of performance out there.

It is I mean, I understand the fans upset about not being the first overall pick. If you had to have a year where you did lose the first overall pick in the final game of.

The regular season, maybe this is a year.

This might be the year that you want to do it. And a number of young players were able to get some opportunities today. I noticed the same thing you did where they were all over battle there along the sidelines when you got that that third down pass breakup, So you know, look those are I know that those things don't move the needle overall for the Patriots, you know where the Patriots are going or anything like that. But I think for some of these guys who have put in a lot of time and work into this whole season behind the scenes for them to be able to get out there and make some plays.

You know, Paul, you laugh about that, and you're more than entitle to your opinion about that. But I here's what I'll say for a guy like Pellegreen and those guys, when he's out of the shower and he's going into the parking lot tonight to have it with this wife.

This is not about Pelo, but I'm saying that the guys running off the field like they just got the and I agree, But the capes are on the field, we're fighting the other team. No, it's silly, you know, pretend that you've actually been in the NF exactly. But I mean that the post beer posting beer the Pellegrino is going to have today and for all the other Pellegrinos on the Patriots sideline, that postgame beer is going to taste a little bit better today, don't you think, because it didn't taste very good for most.

Of the season.

No, I think it will.

I think you're right.

I agree with you about Pellegrino, which and I would also agree if forgive me Mike the guys in Battle Miles Battle, if he's like feeling really good about himself right now, I don't. I have no issue with that either. Like it's I don't have any issue with the Patriots being very happy that they won the game today. Like I said at the start, I one four three, like it didn't really matter that much to me. I understand it's better to be one. I get it. I understand why. So I don't need people to spend the next two hours explaining to the three of us how wrong we are for not being upset about this, but I'm not upset about it.

Yeah, and I can.

I'll take a stance on that for the opposite of that, Paul. When we get going a little bit, we're here to hear from you. Eight five five Pats five hundred is the TPX hootline. Please electronic mail us at podcast at patriots dot com. We hope to speak to a Patriot's player a little later on, but before we do, let's at least kick things off with our final version of the good, that, that, and the injured.

Now it's time for the good, pretty good, pretty good, the bad and the injured.

Ah ah, you are right, guy.

What do you got, Paul, straight A's across the board.

No, but then does I think I think there's a couple of things that that really starts me.

One of them.

I mean, I'm gonna let you, I know you already talked about Milton a little bit. I'm gonna like Kayshaun Boody. I thought had a strong game along the sideline, you know, down the field, big plays. I thought he had a nice little shaken bake after one of those catches. Seven catches on seven targets, one hundred and seventeen yards. I thought he was really good in a touchdown.

I thought he had a.

Really solid game. Kayshawn Booty. Kayshawn Booty showed today that he deserves to be in the mix next year when the Patriots begin camp as a wide receiver.

Is that a fair thing to say? Of course, he's done enough. He's done enough this year.

Let me see, let me see what they do in the off season.

First, I just said in the mix, can't we bring him to camp?

Well, depending on what? Yeah, yeah, I mean he's under contract, he's coming out camp, but I want to see what they do in the off season.

Yeah, I didn't say line him up in the as you're number one, bring up he's coming to camp.

Absolutely, you can't get anything for him.

No no, no, no, no, no no no no.

Right, all right, Deuce, Yeah, I'm gonna put Milton on. I just thought it was really impressive how he came out of the gate. I was living a little surprised that you just have one series of Drake may That was, you know, an interesting choice. We spent a lot of time talking about that, so, you know, credit to Patriots coaches for listening to Paul's key may say, and that's what they did. But yeah, like you said, Matt, some good stuff from Joe Milton, I thought, you I mean, just his arm is on display that touchdown, throw, throwing, I mean on the run, throwing back across the field, and it wasn't just that forty eight yard touchdown. I thought they were just a number of throws where, you know, not even to compare him to Drake, just you know, like Mac and guys that we've seen in the past, without the juice in the arm. You can see how quickly Joe Milton can get the ball there. I thought, you know, the touchdown that wasn't to to Mario Douglas. There maybe the fun play him on quirking a missile down the field. So you know, look, I think there's still a long way to go for Joe Milton. And I don't know if I would say, all right, we're all set backup quarterback, but I think he definitely showed well today and I think it's a positive reflection on you know, the job the offensive coordinator and the quarterbacks coach have done developing these guys behind the scenes. He didn't look lost, he looked you know, he came out with what the plan was and he executed it.

Can I interrupt for a quick red zone? Yeah? So what are your guys thoughts? The Tampa Bay just won the division by holding on to beat New Orleans twenty seven nineteen. So they come up with a fourth down stop. They get the ball back with under twenty seconds to go up eight, so you just take a knee, right. They threw a pass to Mike Evans which got him over one thousand yards to extend his record. Can seck whatever many years in a row eleven twelve?

Yeah, thoughts, I love it.

I mean, I just I think those are the kind of things that coaches can do to win the trust and the respect of the players.

I couldn't agree with you. I could not agree with you. I know there will be people that criticize that and say that he put the game in jeopardy for a selfish individual stat eleven years in a row with a thousand or more receiving yards, and I believe you got an eight yard catch that gave him one thousand and three yards. I think it's a nice that the sideline went crazy for him. I think those kinds of things can help you as a team. Now, obviously there's some risk there, you know something. If a disaster strikes and you end up losing the game on play like that, obviously you're gonna lose your job. But I kind of agree with you. I think there's more more nice moments like that, you know than all right? So can I and I didn't see the past.

No, I didn't see it. I didn't see either.

I saw the aftermath.

Can I trip in for someone?

But I just wanted to, you know, that's a quick little red zone side.

No, that's fine.

And and Mike Evans a terrific first ballot Hall of Famer.

Good for him.

I get it million and a half for von Miller to go by the statue that's known as Demandre.

What's the last name?

Jordan Jacobs himmed him him two million and a half for him. The punter puts the ball inside the twenty after special Team's guy made a heck of a play at the goal line to keep it back in. One hundred grand for that uh red ass. What was the other one that he knew?

Was that why the Bills were so excited?

Yes? Yeah, And the other one's.

Why the people in the press box were so excited.

Hundred grand, one hundred grand for the punter to get that ball inside twenty I hit a figure for an incentive. And the other one was they brought Cooking on the goal line and handed him the ball three times because he passed Orienthal James Simpson on the touchdown list like it was a parade of it.

Sent money left, right, do we win any money? Do we get any inside? Think now? Fred said, I was late. Uh so. I think I'm getting docked. Uh so? And you had no problem with any of those, paul In.

Certainly not a punt inside the you know, like you get a sat This was like sort of manipulating the game to get a guy the incentive. You know, does Mike Evans play like you're punting the ball. Your goal is to get it as close to the goal line as you can, right, Yeah, you know Von Miller's job is to go get a sack on throw it down, So like that's not necessarily manipulating the game. Mike Evans, when you're up eight with ten seconds left, throwing as throwing a pass to him is manipulating it.

I have no problem with it. I don't.

I think that's fine. Yeah, I think it's fine. I just I mean that this is what Week eighteen comes down to.

You know.

Well, that's the other thing is, you know, let's just keep adding games so they can right, stats are more plastic, right right?

Okay, let's see we got Paul, we got Mike. Let's go back to Mike for more good.

Why are you not get any from you? Yeah?

Well, I mean look at I started off when I don't do you guys, like, do you walk the whole level down from the press box to get down here for the end of the game, we have to wait for the ass to come down, ask morrel. I'm I probably did ten minutes by my side, wait by by myself.

Waiting for you, ten minutes less than we have to say if you were ritten.

All right, so I had I.

Had no and that were even better because the boss man's here.

I think I waxed enough on Joe Milton, right, you heard it a little?

And can I get one or can I say one? I don't know if you got one, Paul, right, And I don't really want to have a couple more. I'm gonna group these guys together because last week I made the mistake of putting Antonio Gibson on and I didn't really think he deserved it, But I just thought Antonio Gibson and Austin Hooper were two veterans who laid it out there today.

And played hard.

And you know, Paul talked a lot about guys who are like, why he playing, I have to play like those guys I think are right in that cusp of both guys that you know are. I mean, Hooper's not under contract but has had a long season, has taken hits, has been a part of this team. And Gibson, you know, is come on a little bit here at the end, tiny bit. But I just was impressed by how those two guys played.

They ran hard.

The stats don't really jump out off the page again for either of them. But I just think when you talk about needing to play, veterans need guys who need to look like they want to play and get some extra yards.

I thought both those guys just they made an impression on me.

Excellent observation. Let's pause for station identification to get Fred Kersh's.

Instant analysis as he joins the program. Well, the fans are not happy, I tell you that much. No, they are not happy. So but I don't know what to say other than like, what are you supposed to tell a player right? You know?

And you can't tell me they went out there, you brought up the practice squad, you emptied the bench, So I mean, what else are you gonna do? Freddie absolutely like the Mayo played.


Yep, he sure did.

Don't blame this on an organizational like, you know, misstep.

Our third quarterbacks percent you're not going to bring him in, no, like, well.

Your third quarterback played right, skipped, you know, and you know he did just enough to win the game. You know, the third quarterback played and didn't do anything right? You know, they like White went in.

Paul I said to you that I just wanted to finish up on one thing about that topic. And there was an email or in the pregame social that said something along the lines of, you know what, I don't like the stink that comes with.

Having the number one pick.

That means your team stink garlet letter, you know, and that's not something that I'm really all that wild about having define or defining my team. And you can bet that everybody in the locker room feels exact same like you want that in your resume.

I mean, if it was Orlando Pace, you know listening there, like first overall, Andrew, if it was just an absolute lay up for what the Patriots need, I would be I would be devastated right now. And no disrespect to Travis Hunter. He might be an outstanding player, but you know, when you're really matching up what the Patriots need, I think in my opinion, they're kind of in a good spot to you know, maybe they can move down a little bit or maybe if they do want to reach on one of those tackle guys, it's not going to be like that's ridiculous to reach it.

For, you know.

And I love the point you made it in the post of the pregame, but let's just say you get stuck quote unquote taking that number one pick and it's not going to be Shodoor Sanders or Kem Woods. So now you're taking a player, and now that's a stigma that gets attached to that player, like Eric Fisher is the poster child, that's the number one tackle who who's really not number one worthy the Panthers inside the one Mike your boy catching a lot of passes in this overtime drive right eighteen jure guy's a cruciator, so you know, so you eliminate that too, because let's just, let's just it could be the same guy. What they take Kelvin Banks one or four, it's not the same correct for Kelvin Banks having to live up to that at.

But you know, just to play Devil's advocate, the counter argument is, no matter what the offer is, you just take the best off and you move down.

Okay, Yeah, but I'll be curious to see if the offer they can get it for the fourth pick is any different than the offer right, so we'll never know. I'll be able to compare apples to appen.

As it stands.

Right now, Fred, it's Tennessee one, Cleveland two, the Giants three, the Patriots four. What if the Raiders, like if there's a what if there's a Dion Shador Sanders kind of parlay in the mix and the Raiders need to get ahead of the Patriots in order.

To make that happen.

There's my we don't know enough now on January whatever today is the fifth to know there might be a deal out there cooking for that for somebody that wants to get ahead of New England.

At four, we don't know.

You know, yes, they have to get ahead of the teams that are going to take quarterbacks, can get ahead of the Patriots, you know. So that's that's the argument for the other side that you wanted to stay one. So if someone wanted to do that to make sure they got the quarterback, they got ahead of the.

There's a draft order right there up on your screen.

Like Cleveland, Giants, Tennessee are all going to be possibilities for quarterbacks. Probably Cleveland little less so, but Giants and Tennessee are absolutely going to be in the market for a quarterback, right And.

So then I asked you this question, Paul, And I was debating this with somebody earlier today and I heard the all Fred's buddies up in the press box making jokes as Joe Milton, is Joe Milton uh more draftable than the two guys that are at the top of the draft this year Ward and Uh.

We had a lot of we had a lot of these lines in the press box. And I said to Lucas, do you think what do you think we could get from me?

But my question is are those guys even? Are those draftable? At one in three Sanderson Ward isn't that. Don't those seem like tremendous reaches the.

Little bits that you've seen, so for me, they do. But we've seen this with quarterbacks virtually every year.

Yeah. Yeah. I I also heard no matter what, the Patriots may better make it a quarterback competition in training.

God was happening, Fred?

What'd you think of Milton? I thought he played really well, But again, you're you're playing against their backups, vanilla like, there was some throws that were behind Hooper second half.

Second half was not good.

Yeah, it wasn't as good as the first half. But listen, he did better than I expected him to do, right, Might I.

Mean he's gonna be brought in next year? Of course he's under contract. Might he be in line to be the backup quarterback legitimately the backupack? That's a ceiling, it's a goal for him next year.

For people asked that question, I said, well, that will be decided this spring and summer. It's not decided now, correct, He'll.

Have to it's not going to have a lot to do with what happens now.

He's going to have to earn it. And they said, well, what, Greade, would you give this is after the first half I said a B.

People were like, what, you know, I would have given him an A in the first half.

He was pretty good, a tough grader. Yeah, I like that.

I mean, is there any chance the team is intrigued by him off of that first off season? With this, with this quarterback class, with how desperate teams are for quarterbacks.

I mean, I I don't rule anything out because Fred and I talk about this all the time. The abject stupidity of the league never ceases to amaze me. So I'm not going to tell you no.

I mean, what if what if you loved them coming out?

You know, you would have taken them before the two hundredth pick went way?

Well maybe you know, maybe a team was sitting there and they said, Jesus.

Like, someone doesn't want to take Shador Sanders at three, but they they missed on on Milton at two hundred.

The only the only scenario I would see where a team would offer and not a lot, but they'd offer something for Milton is if they've got a quarterback who might have four or five years left in his contract, but he's going to be your quarterback and you feel like you have time to really develop this guy, and you know, if he's ready, when our guy's done, great, If not, we're in the quarterback market. But like, you can't hurt to have somebody that we're working with, Paul, Did.

You have anybody audition gee dropping dimes?

Bro? Do you have anybody additional on your good life?

No, I do, wanted to say, but I so strongly agreed with Mike's Austin Hooper. There's a lot of guys, you know, ramondri Stevenson, I don't think play to play. He didn't, and there were a lot of other guys that were sort of play but not really. But he took some shots.

Oh yeah, and it was proctive.

Like his catches were in traffic, like tough catches with guys draped on him. The stats didn't blow you away, but I really agree, Like I just put eighty one veteran toughness down on my list, so I I do, I think that's a really good one. Might not to be condescending, and like, I really agree with my goodwie.

But you finally got one in the last game, right. I didn't mean it.

I didn't want it to sound like that, ye know, you know, Antonio Gibson to a lesser extent, but sure. Yeah, and I would say to pros your boy, Yeah, I mean, I just think that that Hooper was really good. I don't think Gibson was very productive, but not not for a lack of toughness, like which is the reason that he's on.

The good list.

Yeah heah, WHA's three yards to carry though, even with a couple of decent runs. Your boy, Yeah, he's on my list, you know the last two drives, you know, And I know that Keyon Coleman's not really a separator, that's not what he's known for. But it's a guy that comes off the practice squad and he's on his hip like three or four times at the end of the game. Very competitive for a kid off the practice squad. I had him on my good list too.

How about my main me and Jehem Bell? One catch? Yeah, I really noticed you missed the one catch?

Oh no, no, no, he had a nineteen yard Oh no, I did notice it. I stand corrected because I noticed his reaction after it, like, oh, that's not something out of the ordinary. I actually liked the professionalism for Jahem Bell, Like I've done this, I've been here, I can catch the ball as opposed to someone else who caught a pass today who got up and I don't know, you would think it was the fourth of July spinning the ball, shooting the guns like Jayvon Baker. I'm not happy with that to.

See that catch. Jimmy g I'd say too for if we're in the one place territory. Marcel Style had a nice goal tackle.

He was on my list too.

Ye, a couple of good plays, but that that goal line tackle.

Should we not be in the one play zone right now? Are we missing others?

I don't know. I mean, I'm kind of in the one play zone to be I.

I didn't really think there was a whole lot of anything today. This was like two teams that seemed like you take it.

No, no, no, no, no, you did take it right, Okay, let's move to the bed.

Did you run out of place? Like the fourth down stop earlier in the game. I had down here like it was like third and fourth in less than a yard. They came up with two stops on quarterback sneaks. You know, it's good toughness inside. I don't know who to credit exactly, but they stopped them. Marvelous Marvin Mims thro a touchdown.

And the Denver Broncos have clinched a playoff spot. Not yet.

If I had known they were wearing the orange uniforms, that's.

A good UNI game. That's a really good UNI game.

They're not wearing the Hey, let's see if we got in the uniform that no one knows what team we are.

That's a really good UNI game. What's the kid's seventies name?

That's uh, we're going downs, aren't we?

You're going down? Yeah?

I had penalties in general, but Kayden Wallace, tough day, good place to start.

Tough day?

Three times? Is it more than three times?

A lad year?

It was, Yeah, I had a whole and I have two holes and.

I heard I heard his number three times.

I didn't get the second hole, but I'll take your word. I had a hold and I had a uh another penalty. I legal man downfield on one of them. But yeah, not not great. And he's and I looked up the guy he was facing practice squad guy.

Yeah, it's uh, I think one.

Of the casey two hill whatever.

The opposite of a silver lining is like one of those little bad things coming out of this that you don't really pay attention.

But just that was a guy we talked a lot about this week.

Want to see Kayden Wallace a right, you've got to have him an opportunity and you know, not great, certainly not great when he got in last week either. So I'd say it's it's safe to say that that whole tackle position, both sides, it's a huge question mark left tackle, right tackle going into this offseason.

What else in the bad list?

Just I thought more so in the middle of the game, but run defense again just didn't look great. Another pick for Aaron Rodgers tough break. I didn't really have a lot of bad in this game though, either I didn't like, you know, I didn't have a ton of good beyond you know, like the obvious that we mentioned, But I didn't see a lot of breakdowns.

It was kind of like a scrimmage. So it's hard to say it.

And I said, Matt, and you'll appreciate this because you're a big part of the like the in stadium practice that they have every year. I said to Fred, you know, with about five minutes suff this looks like the in stadium practice like this the lower Bowl was like like maybe like twenty thousand people here by the end of the game. Yeah, and then this is like one of those days that Fred would say to me, what do you think tonight about forty four thousand? Like and it was like being in a library, right, And I think fans didn't know how to react.

Well, I did place.

I did see when I came down and I was standing with a Marine corps and there was under two minutes UF to play, and it was the first time I saw an all game. But there were two bags over two fans.

Yeah, some bags. I mean there might have been booing and yelling. It wasn't loud enough to get into the press box. I didn't hear.

Yeah, but you know why, there's a lot of Bills fans.

Yeah, there were a lot of Bills fans. Yeah.

I also thought it was interesting that to I didn't enter the game till the second quarter, so thought at first, statement's getting sit down, But it seemed like he just got.

Stuff for the first quarter.

Yeah, he got disciplined, just staked out. In my mind, if he didn't play at all, then I would say, well, who knows he was nicked? Yeah, I mean, like Stevenson didn't play. I don't think he got disciplined. I think he was a veteran who they said, you know what, you don't have to hunt Henry this week.

Stevenson didn't play.

Yeah, and when you came out pretty quick him at the end.


Ever, we're gonna hang out, hand it off to you a bunch now.

Just you know whatever, just do what you do.

You're not good for me. I don't need any prompting.

Just be dre.

Just just one more thing. Not to beat the bag thing too badly. But I'm old enough to Uh, I'm old enough to remember bags.

On heads that sticks. That's not a not a great look, all right.

Uh, it's the Patriots postgame show fueled by Draft Kings, are presented by Draft Kings, and joining us on the line right now is Cold Strange Cole. Congratulations on today, win the season finale. Congratulations and how's it going being Cold Strange Center for the New England Patriots.

It's going good. It has a little bit different ring to it, but it's going good. Thank you on the Congress. It feel good to.

Win, I bet yeah. What was it feeling like in there. It's been a tough year, no doubt about it. And everything like that, but at least and the final chance that you get to come out off the.

Field with a win. I bet it was a pretty good feeling in the locker room with the players and the coaches.

Yeah, it definitely is. I mean, there's no secret, namebody. This has been a really tough season for everybody, so to finish it on a win, it feels good, you know, And I feel like anyone who's in the right head space is looking toward the future, looking toward next year, and I feel like this is kind of a good ending note for the season, working towards improving and getting back to winning next year.

Cole, what can you say about Joe Milton and the job he did there today at quarterback?

I think Joe did a great job, But I mean really don't matter what. I think he did do a great job. First start, like he played well. Yeah, yeah, I feel like, you know, I guess we would have to watch the tape and maybe look more closely, but I feel like you got the ball out quick. Uh you know, I feel like, yeah, he just played well. I was really proud of call.

You two games wire to wire after you know, a long, a long haul to get back like physically, how did you feel like playing two full games at a new position?

It felt, you know, it's definitely a little bit new playing center, and I definitely made some mistakes which are very fixable, but I just you know, I gotta I gotta fix those. So yeah, I don't know, you know, I'm sure, but I'd definitely a lot lesser than the guys who've been playing a full season.

And and my guess is you've been sure. I mean, it's a little more than a year after your injury call, the rehab and everything you did. It was a nice moment on Friday when the team on her, Nancy Meyer. It's another great story there. But to be named the ed Block Courage Award nominee for the team and for the team, the coaching staff, the training staff to laud you for your work, dedication and getting back. I bet you there were days where we're going, why am I doing this?

This hurts? This is terrible?

Am I ever going to do it? For your determination and then to be able to get in the field and at least see the fruits of your labor, you know that, Yeah, I can play again. It must be a tremendous feeling.

It was.

It was very humbling to be awarded that. And the truth is, I think all I can really say is I feel very much so that moving forward, you know, I kind of have to earn that, you know, even more so because yes, I did come back and I played in a couple of games, but I don't know, I just you know, I'm not even close to where I see myself being. I'm not even close to achieving what I want to achieve, and so, you know, it's humbling and I appreciate it, but it's just, yeah, I guess I don't have much to say other than that.

It must be good to feel like you're part of the team as opposed to just rehabit every single day.

But that's great.

Right, Yeah, it is.

It's one of the things I was missing the most, for sure.


It's just a little frustrating though. You get back, you play two games, and now here you are, You're back in the offseason. You got to go back to training. Do you feel like these two games maybe just you know, gave you a little bit of motivation now to get through this offseason and really train and get back to full one hundred percent ready to go for twenty twenty five.

Yeah, I said, that's exactly what's done. I'm very much looking forward to this offseason in the sense of like having time to train. You know, this pass off season obviously that was rehaving from an injury, and so I was doing a lot of rehab work PT and lifting. But you know, being healthy going into an off season is sort of different story because it allows you to train at a fuller capacity for a longer period of time. And so coming into next year's season, don't know, I just feel very much so that I'm going to be prepared for it, and I can't really get I can't I can't wait to get to work, honestly.

And Cole, where will you be doing that training in the off season? You can go home, where are you going to be?

I guess I'm not really sure. I'll probably go home for a little bit, but I think I'll probably come back here and do most of my training here.

Okay, good to see you, Cold Strange.

Congratulations on the win, Good job at Center, and hope you have a very profitable meaning productive I guess is a better word productive offseason. And congratulations on.

The win today.

Thank you very much.

Thanks, Thanks Cal.

Cold Strange our guest and the Patriots postgame show brought to you by DraftKings and the post game player interview is presented by Microsoft Surface. So big thank you to our partner, Microsoft Surface, the official sideline technology and laptop of the NFL and the new England Patriots that provides players and coaches with the tools to succeed both on and off the field.

Check out the new Surface Pro designed to keep up with you is.

The most flexible, most powerful to and when laptop and tablet there at surface dot com. Before we go to a break, let's wrap up the good, the bad, and the injured. Did we get everybody off the bad list that we wanted to mention?

I do believe so. Am I being a little.

Picnicky on another bad penalty by Dietrich Wise?

He had a rough.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Just and on the injured I heard the MAPU that he went out. I don't know what the designation was. And the booty at the end was head right, Yeah?

Was that?

On the the last catch he ma he got tackled and kind of landed on funny. He definitely got up slow. Did I miss any injured?

Those the only two that I jotted down.

Yeah, okay, we want to hear from you at eight five five Pats five hundred. That's the phone line. Please emails at podcast at Patriots dot com. The Patriots are winners today. Oh what's my apologize?

I did? Thank you, Matt.

I'm sorry about that. I was all revved up to hit it, and Matt Morel says, please don't pump the breaks stop on.

The bill breaks no break for you.

Yeah, I mean it was like I said, it was a strange game in that I, you know, aside from the novelty of watching Milton play, and I thought, I got admit, I think you would being harsh on him in the first half. Now, I'm not going to go crazy because and it's way less about the personnel because there was backup personnel on both sides. But it's like there's no game plan, there's nothing. There was nothing that was as vanilla as it gets. And I thought in the first half everything he wanted to do bang was there. In the second half, he had to hold the ball and he started running around and we saw training camp Joe Milton, you know, running around for extended periods of time hitting the bull. A couple of times down the sideline, as we predicted Mike in the pregame, but overall, like, I don't know how people could have expected, you know, a whole lot more. I thought he consistently moved the ball during the game, and you know didn't really. I mean, you had a couple of turnover worthy plays. You know, one of his scrambles, he sort of lost the ball all by himself.

And bring it way away from his body.

But you know, I thought for the most part, I mean that that was a pretty pretty Now I don't know again, don't like it's weird, because I'm like, this is typical, Paul. I can just argue anything. I'm gonna say that Fred, he was better than you have given him credit for in the first half. But let's not make that out to be like he showed you he could be the backup next year, right, I don't.

Know what he showed you too small of a sample size, but can we Is it too much to say that it was.

A positive performances?

I totally think it was a positive.

You rather see that than him go out, and you know, just to be.

Fair, if he did, I wouldn't say that he can't play.

That he can't play right, right, but the backup quarterback position will be decided in the spring and summer. Correct, yeah, correct? Uh.

Deshaun from Virginia's Next on the Patriots Postgame Show, brought to you by DraftKings. Good afternoon, Deshaun.

Good on God, how you go doing great?

How are you?

Uh? Not so good? I was gonna say, well, but there goes an opportunity at least kind of extraditing process of trying to build this roster, because, Uh, I look at the fact that even though we have all this money, but I don't think that it would benefits down to strutch us. It'd be hard to actually want to come here. The different fact that I know the attack is very very high. Uh, they know this situation here, so it doesn't look very promising. So I was hoping that they can go ahead and try to, you know, retain the number one pick, so that way they can go ahead and try to get multiple assets because the team really needs it. I think they really fumbled, uh, their ability to try to extradite the process of building this roster. That's all I have to say.

Okay, thanks for the call, and I have a feeling we're gonna get that call about ten ten times in this post game show, and I don't care, Like I don't think it's something to argue about with this money. I understand why people feel like that, I.

Really, but let's they didn't fumble anything. But let's let's try to actually be realistic about this. Let's just say they had the first. You know, what, do you think the hall would be like? Reasonably?

That's why I don't think it's that big a deal, right, That mean we're doesn't mean we're right, no.

But let's just say what would the hall be like. Let's just say you got someone else's first that was in the fifth spot or sixth year.

Switching spots.

You're not acquiring a first, you're not getting a first. You're getting an you're getting there first, and maybe you get a second and a third.

Second this year. I think the mock that I saw, and not from anybody who would ever say, well, they know what they're talking about, but was on the interweb, was you swap first, you get a second this year, you get a first next year. This is what people were saying. And a player and I don't I don't think. I don't think you're getting that.

I agree.

I think you're getting a second this year, a third this year, or maybe a second next year this particular draft class.

So so reasonably you're you're missing out on two extra picks in the first three rounds. I don't think that's an organization killer, no, you know, I don't think that sets you back.

And might help. That was what DeShawn did use this word. I didn't accelerates.

It accelerates, But that doesn't mean you can't. Let's just say, let's just say we know what we're doing with our picks, and we have the fourth pick. What if we move down and swap picks in the first and get another second this year? So now we're only out one pick, as you know, so there's still ways to skin this cap, even sitting at four.

Absolutely, it's an aggressiveness on trying to accumulate more assets. So that's what you're talking about.

Now, what I prefer to have the first? Yeah, I would. I would prefer to have the first. I don't think winning this game, you know, makes up for that in any way. I just don't think there's any way you can tell players don't win this game.

And that's why I would quipple with Matt's word fumble, because I don't know what you wanted the coaches to do. If yeah, no, but you said you quibbled what they did.

I don't because this is.

Why I'm agreeing with you, Okay, you know, because I don't know what you could have asked the coaches to do today, and and you know, short of of intentionally saying, do not win this game under any circumstances, pull a Belichick from five. That's the only thing that Mayo could have done today short of what he did. He played everyone, He played his third string quarterback the entire game, saved for three plays. They had all backups. They had practice squad, it was.

The Polar Express practice squad.

And were telling me, who the guys aren't our team?


We didn't even know who these guys were Smith, isn't it right? Guard?

And I don't know what else beause somebody wrote in you know, well, the owner can tell the player to like he can't. Can you imagine a player having an owner to say, hey, why don't you.

Be lightly a lawsuit about this?

Absolutely, Miami, you know you can't. You can't do that. It's so like I get it, you're disappointed. You don't have the first you can't play your fantasy GM now. But you know, it is what it is. These guys came out, they competed, and by the way, the guys in the Bills team we were they were competing as well. They were. You know, I heard Pele doesn't look like the Bills are playing. I totally disagree with that.

I think I think they played hard and they just made sure that they had the guys healthy that they wanted to keep healthy.

And McDermott was calling timeouts at the end, like you know, they were trying to win the game. So it's just the way it worked out.

The only thing I would argue with the Bills in terms of how much they wanted to win was taking Trubisky out. Yeah, because I think if Trubisky stays in, they probably score in the fourth quarter. Sure, and Mike White stinks, so he's not.

Of course you do. No, Mike White was.

He played pretty well for like a game when they lost the Jets. The Jets, he threw for four hundred yards.

And even remember the Mike Light that used to play for the Cowboys. No, no, no, no, no, that's Danny White anyway.

No, he had a couple of like huge passing games and games they lost by a million points, and seasons they went like.

Miami, maybe if he's on Miami's team, maybe Miami's in the playoffs, he's.

Supposed to do You saw what? Did you watch that? Yeah?

He was terrible, Like he on Coleman's running all by himself across the field. He threw it eight miles.

I mean, don't you think that the Giants fans wanted the Giants to lose last week? I mean, they have so much more to lose by not having the first overall pick than the Patriots. You can't tell players not to compete. No, this is their job. They don't care about the organization having the first pick, totally their job. Their job is to play well.

Wyers, those guys don't want high draft picks coming in.

They're gonna take their jobs right right uh before we Matt Morell has given me permission to go to break Paul.

But I wanted to get this one thing. And for you, did you.

Get a little little queasy when you saw Drake may Seandwich done the third play of the game.

Did you look at that.

And go because it didn't really look I do wonder, you know, in all seriousness, I do wonder if that hastened his departure.

That's exactly what I could right I said, it's.

A Fred right away, I go, maybe the sack got you know, maybe they wanted to plan for a little while and then they were like, first third down. He's getting harassed.

No, yeah, right, easy to drink, easy to enjoy, but light As the official beer sponsor of th England Patriots, crack one while you enjoy the post game show presented by DraftKings.

We'll be back right after this timeout.

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Join the conversation by calling into the TVX hotline at eight five to five Pat's five hundred, or email the show at podcast at Patriots dot com. Now live from our studios. Here is Matt.

Smith, Patriot's twenty three sixteen winners over the Bills. Today in the regular season finale, Morell told you how to get in touch with us, and you're getting in touch with us and predictably not happy. Chris and Calfax, California writes in I could not be more upset with the Patriots winning today. This one is going to set the team back years. Couldn't have been a worse outcome. All I can do is pray the coaches and scouts are all gone and replaced with actual competence. Everyone but man Gonzales can take a long walk off a short pier. I'm so excited to take a third string guard fourth overall.

I'll meel apologize.

I'll email on Tuesday with a much more level added response, but I'm mad for today. Thanks guys, and pay Paul Moore signed to Paul's wife, I mean Chris from Callfax calif.

I really disagree that this is going to set the team back for years. I think if you were in the quarterback market and there were quarterbacks of it, yes, I get that, but we've got the quarterback. This is not going to set the team back from years. It may not accelerate it the way that previous caller said it might. But if you make the right pick at four, or you or you you know, trade back and get a couple extra picks, and you you hit on the guys, you're fine. But that's that's important thing. Make the right pick.

So you're picking at the top of the round every round, it's important that you hit on the picks. I don't think it's all that much easier to do that at one than it is four.

Right, And and listen, I get the whole package that if you Travis Hunter is the messiah, Okay, I get that, he's.

A great chance to still get him right, but he's not.

He's probably not worth the first overall pick. And by the way, no one in this draft is.

Well he is because he's the best player in the draft.

Well, yes, I don't relatively speak.

I don't think drop into four hurts your chances of getting him all that much. That's what you really want, because I think there's a really good chance that you're going to see the quarterbacks now go one two, go into four. I think I think that I think they're gonna go one three. I think Cleveland's the two, right yep, So I think Cleveland might not take them, but I'd be surprised that the Giants see I think that the big thing with the Giants is day Ball. If Dabel stays, then I'm not sure they'll take a quarterback because I think they might be able to do something else with Brian dabels Ridge. Yeah, and then you know, I see this mock draft right here from Tankathon has Travis Hunter. Uh there, and then Tep McMillan. Now, will people be all that upset up they took Tep McMillan at four. I think a lot of people have claimed for him. I need to I'd rather have Travis Hunter than Tep McMillan, but.

I need to do more research on him.

But I mean, I don't think people would be devastated if they took with a lot of people think is the best receiver in the draft right now, I think Travis Hunter is but I think he's a better cornerback than he is receiver.

And that's what he's going to play primarily in the league.

Who think, I don't know, but that's what I would do. But again, I don't know how many times I can be wrong.

Well, I mean there will be I don't know, there will be those people that think you've got to build up this line.

Oh, you got to build on both sides.

And by having that building the first pick, you could have had two relatively high picks if he trayed down, one of which would be a high caliber tackle.

The unfortunate parts were never gonna know because they're probably gonna stick at one and pick, and so you'll never actually know what the compensation package was going to be like for this draft class generally. But there's some really good defensive players up there too. I'm just saying, Abdu Carter, Mason, Graham, just guys are good.

So I did tell you a couple of days ago that I have a little inn at Penn State because one of my son's really really good friends is a player at Penn State. The way he talks about Abdul Carter, Patriots would do to get him pick.

You both.

He says he never saw anybody who wants to be great more than he does. Like his just his work, ethic, his focus. He's not really into a lot of nonsense that's not going to help him.

Become a better football player. I like it.

That's the way that he's he's thought of inside the Penn State family. Admittedly it's coming from a fellow player, so take it with a grain of salt.

Is there any chance that neither of these quarterbacks go in the top five? Yes, I think there is neither neither.

I would say no, but I would say there's a better than average chance than only one does. So I think Sanders will Paul.

Are you saying, if I'm listening to you correctly, that if Dabe all stays Davil, who can develop a quarterback? Although I guess he couldn't really with Daniel Jones, that Daniel Dabe.

Daniel Jones is his season a.

Couple of years ago.

That is Dabel.

That Dabel will look at this and say, well, give me Darnold or give me this guy, or give me that guy, and we're better off than with Sanders, not.

Last year, where you know it's give me Drake May that's the guy I think I can develop. It's I really don't have anything here, so yeah, give me, give me Darnold or you know, give me someone.

Yeah, Okay, Scott in the UK says, gents, obviously credit where it's due, and that's for Milton. But what the f are we doing out there? Locked in the one spot all the EMO You could want to get more picks and rebuild faster. Instead we decided to actually show up for the first time in weeks and slipped to pick four worth far far less and significantly hinder the rebuild. And I'm reading that correctly. Heads have got a role inexcusable livid is Scott from the UK.

We decide to show up, what does that even mean?

See this is people have this impression that they've lost fourteen games because they don't try for thirteen games sorary because they don't try. And I don't think there was a whole huge amount of difference in the effort today is what's last week? They just played better today and they played against the team that was different than the last If.

The Patriots played their whole start is the game. Okay, I could see what you're saying, but again, they emptied the bench starting with the practice squad, and we have two guys who've covered the team, three guys who've covered the team the entire year, who were looking at each other with a flip card, going, who's thirty five knows everybody?

I just I didn't look at my flip card once. I just asked Mike and Evans Miles, who guy from Harvard?

We get the press release of the people that they're calling up. It was like roll call of the unknown.

You know, like if you had bet me yesterday that those transactions were from the Patriots or the Bills, I would have had to flip.

A coin, right, Jack.

But I'm not exactly not paying attention to Stuffy.

Uh, she wants to know what Milton's value is, Greetings. I know we look at Milton as a backup, but that was in Capitol letters. Maybe someone needs a quarterback and makes us an offer. Foughts, Yeah, mildly.

I was a little tug in cheek on that one, but I'm sure you know that's that's part of the off season discussion. I just say, too, like the thing about going to four, Like selfishly for us, it's a lot more interesting to spend the next few months talking about this, because if you're one, it's really are we gonna drap trousers?


Or who's going to give us a trade package?

And at least at four, now you can talk about some of these other names and at least realistically consider them more as that one. You were kind of locked in two different directions and that was it, and there's not gonna be much debate.

So selfishly I like it too.

We'll get to the phones in a second, but Robert, hold on, are we locked in it? Four? Cold? On a second? Yeah? With four, I believe, and I think that's locked. That's Locking'll soak it up.

Here's a quarterback who started seven games last year and went four and three in nose seven games. He completed seventy point four percent of his passes sport nineteen hundred and thirty six yards, with twelve touchdowns and seven picks. Should have been clamoring for him, right he was available in the off season, Jake Browning. Anybody offers Cincinnati anything to make him their starter?

Right? Can we not? Can we just?

Can we just call today what they saw that arm I'm fine with that. I'm fine with all I think he played better than you think he played Like, I'm not telling you that I didn't see anything out.

Of that That pop dropped in the end zone after the scramble. That was a freaking bullet. I mean, the only thing people describe passes as bullets. This was a bull.

It was a bullet. The only thing about that players, I don't really like those.

Was it a dime?

I don't like those, like run arounder.

Than a dime? It was it was an aspirin, Oh it was. It was a it was a piece shot. It was.

It was unbelievable. Like his arm strength is incredible. But don't talk to me off of one game that like someone. They're going to be barreling down your door now to get this guy.

Like what if we trade the photo? Someone might someone might give you a call. Yeah, we'll give you what do you give you a seventh? Yeah? What did you What did you get?


Six round pig?


Yeah, I give you.

You take a six and that's all you.

They're not going to give you a first round pick for him.

Fred said it when he sat down that they think they could get from May they be angry, they be angry disappointed? Question Mark from Robert who says disappointed, upset people should be enraged. Mayo must be fired immediately after his press conference. Does anyone realize the draft capital they lost dropping three spots? I think about this draft.

I just want to ask gentlemen forgetting about the draft and what the value is. I want someone to call in or write in and tell us what they thought Mayo did wrong?

Right, there's a lot of reasons why you can be upset with Mayo this year, yes, and why you don't think today is one of them? Today is not one of them? Correct? Correct? Yeah? Ache and back all right.

This is from Allen in South Carolina for the front. This is a little much uh. For the first time since Brady Garoppolo and Pressett do the Patriots once again have the deepest quarterback room in the National Football League.

In all seriousness.

That was perform that was that was specific, and signs.

Of development today fair positively for alex Van Pelton possibly put them above the level of scapegoat.

Now into the off seats. I think there's something to be said for that. The three of us, the brain trust up when you're on your blog, Freddy, the brain trust has side conversations and we all said this. This does speak well for now.

I was told earlier in the season that JJ McCartney is the one that spent the most time with his brother. TJ is the guy you're talking about, Yes, TJ.

Yeah, I just like, I wish that we could have some sort of like rationality to this stuff. And I knew it was coming.

I got for you.

I'm not frustrated at all. I knew it was coming.

Here we go from Sam and Halifax, UK, Hey, guys, I like most wanted the first pick, and I'm not opposed to get rid of getting rid of Mayo, but fans booing the team for winning when it didn't play its best players may Gonzo Henry is awful fan behavior. Guys are playing for their careers. Plus, this draft looks not that great. Lots of fans will saying this is another man mistake makes no sense, just poor to me? Whoray? From Sam, I added the who ray by.

The yeah, I mean, that's that's kind of where I am.

But I think also some of what we're getting right now is this just this is the end of the season, and this is not just entirely about this game and losing the number one pick. It's been about the whole process and going three and fourteen or four and thirteen and how it's looked along the way. So I think this is a chance for people to just let loose a little bit and they should be able to frustrations.

Yeah, let's see the number is eight five to five, Pats five hundred. Let's check in with David and Florida. You're next to the Patriots postgame show presented by DraftKings.

Hi, David, Hey, guys, what's it going good?

How are you sir?


I'm good.

So I just gotta first of all, thank you guys for your coverage all season, providing your therapy sessions and everything, and I'll be listening to you all through the off season as well. But I gotta call in and sort of tell Patriots fans chill out a bit here because I wanted the first overall pick.

That's fine.

You know, I was even rooting for a loss a little bit today. But I feel like fans can't get in their own heads about rooting for losses, especially multiple years in a row, because you know, that's the sort of the behavior that the tank culture just kind of bothers me, especially as a as ay been. That's that's sort of not really worked out for me. And it once losing gets in your culture in that sort of way, it's very, very very difficult to get out of it. So if you're constantly tanking, like everybody wants this team to do for years and years and years, all right, now you've got the players, but now you all have losing culture and you can't get out of it, and now you're stuck at five and twelve every year.

Yeah, David, I think that's a great call.

A lot great call, David, Thank you very much, A lot of head nodding on your comments when you were talking them.

Good call.

Yeah, I just think that that part of it, you know, when you decide that losing's good, are acceptable, it's hard to just flip a switch, you know when it gets hard down the road, Well, losing used to be okay, you know what do we have to dig in for now?


And you're seeing it too.

Is we get further away from twenty eighteen that I mean, there's less and less guys that have had six.

And I also think, and this is corny and I have nothing to back it up, and it's it's not factual. It's just kind of a feel like the whole karma thing, you know, like when when you know my boy Felger on my show Fred is he's kind of psychotic when he comes to this and irrational, but the whole like football gods will come back. I look back a couple of years ago, people were up in arms in Houston and they were a laughing stock around the league for going balls to the wall to win the last game, and they won against Indianapolis. Would like a fluke come back at the end of the game. They won the last game of the Lovey Smith era, and it cost him the number one overall pick. They dropped to two, and it kind of set the stage to get CJ. Stroud instead of Bryce Young. Yeah, because sometimes karma is with you, you know. I don't know if they would have taken Stroud over Young, but they didn't have a choice and they got the guy who's better, even though Young's played better lately. Really well again.

Today, is that is that evening out a little bit? No, Stroud's not coming back to earth.

Well, Stroud didn't have as good a year as did a rookie year, but Young would have to have three unbelievable seasons to match any to match Stroud this year.

Let's keep an eye on that one.

It's been really good. I know you hate all new teams.

Let's just keep an eye on that one.

He'll be rooting against Detroit tonight with with needles sticking in the d Campbell and you know who agrees with you, Fred, Fred hates all new teams too. He wants Buffalo never to win because that would upset the balance of life.

Well, that's true, but I don't mind the Lions winning. I don't mind that that. Lions need to stick to where they are. That's the Bills. The Bills need to stick to where they are.

Ever having one footprint, the Bills would be the Yeah, I was way off. I know, to get Kansas City out, and that's I think most Patriot fans are probably rooting not to see Kansas City.

I agree with that too, but I we cannot upset the balance of nature by having the Bills.

Would I'll be honest with you, I would favor either Buffalo or Baltimore over Kansas City right now.


I don't know what's going to happen in the next week or two. You know, maybe guys get hurt and Kansas City is healthy. And I might think differently, but right now I think both of those teams are better than Kansas.

And listen, whoever, whoever wins, I want it to be out of the NFC. I don't want an AFC team winning.

Okay, look, I almost always root for the AFC team because I'm an AFC guy like that. I used to get frustrated because in my childhood mic there was a long stretch where the AFC lost every year.

Dallas, San Francisco. Oh, the culture we just built from Jeffrey in Canada. Can you feel it? The huge infusion of culture and winning habits. It's off the charts right now. What can stop this franchise now? Bullet point number one coaches with no experience or demonstrated ability. Bullet point number two, three top level players on the roster. Bullet point number three, eight years of bad drafting history to build on. Bullet point number four, owners that were spoiled by having Belichick do everything. I'm one hundred percent wanting Thunder to clean house. I don't believe winning preseason games does anything for next year. This franchise is a laughing stock of the league. I'm really questioning if they're worth the investment of my time and money anymore. And angry Jeff from Canada, it's too bad. I thought they actually gave you as a fan something to I mean, actually get behind you.

Think about the irony of it all though, if the Patriots had lost this game, all these fans that are livid right now would be celebrating because we are officially the worst team in LA Thank you, Paul, I mean thank you for now. We just seem like it right now. We are anyway, we haven't made it officially.

Yet, Finlay and Dundee Scotland.


So, here's the other side of the coin. Dropping to the four pick isn't the end of the world. I'm not sure who would have traded up to number one and given you a anyway. Now you can do your due diligence on the top players in the draft and see how the board develops.

Do you see the.

Titans, Giants, Browns taking a quarterback where they now sit in the draft out of necessity rather than them actually being worth the pick? That is the question.

Now, The question is will they take a quarterback? What they're saying out of necessity?

They need a quarterback.

Yea, they all. I mean all three of those teams need a quarterback. I don't think that they'll take them.

Will they take a quarterback because they think the quarterback's worth taking.

I think maybe one of them will take in. I don't think all three of them.

Who would the third guy be?

I mean anybody.

It's somebody who hasn't declared yet.

Is a Penn State kid gonna come out? Pall a Penn State correspondent?

He could? I mean he says no, but a lot of people think that he could change his mind.

Start working on skits some of that information.


I don't think he's very good, So I disagree with the the experts that think he'd be a top ten pick if he came out. I don't see it. I don't see that kind of ability.

Nelson in Los Angeles, You're next in the Patriots postgame show presented by Draft Kings.

Good evening, Nelson, Happy New Year's same to.

You, hey man.

Everybody's compaigning about we lost. We win all this ship. We're gonna get the first pig like man, stop crying about that stuff. Bro, We're gonna be good. We got a good quarterback. That's gonna be on our side all right.

Day on the anguage they were the first one day on the anglage, Gay were the first one.

But I did record your your mindset right now it's five to four.

I was just gonna are you keeping score? Yeah? I like that. That's great initiative.

It's not my first time.

That's great initiative.

Five four want me to give you the results of the Drake may Pole from last year?

No, I want to know. We'll tell you which way is five? Four going?

Five that this was a bad thing, and four that it's not not the end of it.

I think if we take everybody into consideration, it'll be overwhelmingly Yeah.

But I'm just going off of what we get telling you. I mean, there's more calls coming in MAT's.

We got a lot of emails. Come to the emails. It's a million emails, right.

So that's this is Kyle who says it's a gut wrenching win in a game nobody wanted to win. I was talking to the lads and degenerates in my living room and in my football pool, and I'm hearing a lot of them say they just don't care right now for me, apathy is worse than frustration. Where the Jets now bring on sucking? That's Kyle? Where did that sounds like.

A vote for they didn't like the wint right? Okay? Six or four?

Well, if the Jets lose today, the Jets might still be the Jets. You know, we might actually get third places.

That's another bad thing.

Your schedule gets correct, Those.

Are the only three t Those are the only three games that change. Right is where you finish in the division?



Zach and Charleston South Carolina, Hey, guys, thank you for what everyone does in the commitment you make to us every season. I really appreciate your commitment even in these trying times. My question, if you have to make one decision on player edition subtractions to this off.

Season, what do you do? Let us know.

That's Zach from Charleston. It's actually not a bad little exercise. You have one decision to make. General manager, Paul Pirillo, what is that decision?

I don't really understand, Like, how can you boil it? Like improve your talent? Like he's a one player?

Yeah, Like let's say one position. How about that? If we interpret Zach's question correctly, Wide receiver.

Okay, deuce one position, one position, Yeah, wide receiver, bosh man, one position.

I like, everybody's just going to repeat the question.

Well it is, you all learned it from me, I would say, left tackle. I'm with Fred left tackle. Yeah.

I mean the answer is everything. But if you're asking me for one thing, I've never seen a team that has the answer at left tackle and nothing else that's any good. I have seen wide receivers with quarterbacks make a team relevant.

No, that's true. I figure I got it start somewhere.

So it's unfair to you know what I mean. It's unfair because it doesn't work that way I work. It doesn't work in a vacuum. You can only get one.

Other than this team, which doesn't seem to have an easy time doing it. I think it's harder to find that left tackle than another receiver. I think. I think there's everybody else is getting these receivers. Eventually we'll get one. I agree, you know, I agree. Uh.

This is David Mayne who's coming over to our side of the street here, Paul who says he's happy to win. I for what, I'm glad we won. That's with an exclamation point. I was dreading the off season Travis Hunter or trade down talk? Why trade down for extra picks.

That Wolf is going to waste anyway? Now we can take a tackle a thing.

Milton looked great and it'd be nice to have a quarterback too, with similar characteristics as Drake, Dave and Mayne.

I like the email, Dave.

Can I nice push back, just very slightly. This whole like should be happy about the win thing that nothing happened.

I'm not happy.

No, nothing happened today has any relevance to anything. Happy Like it's not a culture building.

Although we do have the same amount of wins that we had last year.

No, but like I don't care about that either.

I'm only kidding.

It's just I hear you there, Fred, I don't really understand the whole like I'm happy we won because we want like it doesn't.

Nothing in register for anything.

It means nothing a game when the other team didn't care and you really didn't care, someone had to win.

We picture, You're right, I'm happy they won. Hey, here's an old palan, But.

That's you know what, Like you're not attaching like this magical significance to it like some people and some people have been like, you know, well, just you have to win, Like, okay, all right, I get it.

Good to hear from you today, Claire, Hi everyone, and she includes marine. And that one is that there's that devil part of me that likes beating the bills. I mean, it's the bills. But I get the first pick being valuable. I see why fans out there aren't happy. One point is what if no one wants to train and give the pads value for the first pick and they end up forcibly overdrafting. I mean, boo right, love you guys, happy twenty twenty five. Good to hear from you, Claire, I concur.

One good thing about to win is a lot of writers the opportunity to spell Peerrick correctly.

You think they're all writing it.

I've already Eric Victory is piric p y r r I p h y h y r r I p h p y r r I C.

I think there's an a y h r I c h spelling lesson. I like, I like over we set out to make fun of people for not knowing how to spell out.

None of us I was using, and I look it up for us.

We get that on the dictionary on the screen.

There fellas eight five five Pats five hundred the number. Hunter from North Carolina is next. You're next on the Patriots post game Show presented by DraftKings High Hunter.

Hey, all right, yes, sir, awesome. First of all, thank you guys for echoing my frustrations all year. It's been a tough year, but you guys have been great and I appreciate it. First thing I want to talk about. I know all the Pats fans are super mad, and I get it, but is it the worst thing to have the fourth overall pick? Because let's say you think Travis Hunter the cornerback slash receiver. I mean, we're gonna get to pick our choice of the best receiver, edge or attack what we want instead of trading possibly way back and getting in the middle of the first round and then, you know, maybe in two years we get a couple of good picks. But I mean, as of right now, it's kind of forcing our hand to take the best player available at the three spots we really need.

I kind of agree that you're for to look at it, but why would be trading way back?

Why was the trade automatically going to be way back?

Well, I could to four, not automatic, But what if somebody was, you know, in the teams that that that was the trade that presented the most value that the team took, you know, but what if the trade.

Was to four, then you could be picking exactly where you are now and have extra picks.

That's what the people who are upset upset. There's no downside about having the first round pick from from a leverage standpoint, No, you know, there's no downside, Like it's hard to say it's better to have the fourth pick than the first pick. No, that's not true. That's not true. I'm not arguing that what I what I am saying is don't jump off the cliff yet, because it's not as bad as you think, you know.

I mean, the only thing matter is picking the right guys.

I mean, that's the only where they're picking or what you have to pick the right guys instead of one. Really that much of a difference anyway.

P y R R H I C. It's not paric, it's piric peric. You have a pronunciation on.

That too, yes, did you use it in a sentence?


The Battle of Bunker Hill was a periodic victory.

Uh Tanaka has an interesting question, does this count anything else?

Disrespecting the Battle of Bunker Hill, by the way, it was actually fought on Breed's Hill, a little known f that was a period victory to one. Uh. Does this count as May's second win as a starter? Asks? Yes, it does.

It actually counts as his third win as a starter, two of which he had nothing to do with.

That's a great point.

That's funny, great point. That's funny.

I made that comment before the game. As soon as he came out. I said to Evan, I go, it'd be funny if he improves to three and nine as the starter, two of which he had nothing to do with.

Good point. Uh.

This is Michael and Carrie North Carolina, who asked, now that the season is officially over, what are your thoughts on what we should do on the defensive side of the team?

Do we keep? Who do we keep? Who do we let go?

What free agents are out there that we can go get in the off season. I know we talk a lot about how we can upgrade the offensive side of the team, but this person feels like they need a lot of help on the defensive side as well.

You see this, can I do red zone?


That was an amazing Cats and unfortunately no one can see it. That's watching us all watching red zone the red Zone song, which you Matt All is watching it at the red zone. He's checking out. Looks like we're on around. He's watching the plays from some modern game. We have a development. According to Ian Rappaport, the Patriots are moving on from coach Gerard Mayo as the handpicked successor to Bill Belichick goes one and done. Per him, Mike Garifolo and Tom Pellasero, the crafts anointed, blah blah blah. So uh, there will be a statement coming momentarily. But according to Schefter and.

Chef on that as well, Diana people, the Patriots have moved on from Grod Mayo. Wow, I'm surprised, Daniels wild turn of events.

Have you been watching? I guess you're judging from September. I guess right.

So, uh, let's go around the horn here. I don't think anybody is surprised about it. But let me ask you this. Are you surprised at five nineteen at the timing of it?

Yes? Yeah, yeah, they were swift, swift. I think that's a sign decisive. Yeah, they want to they want to show the fan base that we're not screwing around, right, And I wanted to use the F word, but I didn't. I just didn't. Fred, I need you.

Let's recap that so we could just bring everybody after Speed who might be just tuning in, please recap the news.

So the Patriots are moving on from Girod Mayo, according to Adam Schefter and Ian Rappaport, and there will be a statement coming from the team very soon. Yeah, didn't have that one in the postgame show.

I didn't think it would happen today. I got to tell you. The more that time went by over the last i'd say post by the Arizona game, to me, I thought was the turning point, and I thought we were kind of trending this way. I still kind of thought maybe he'd stay. But as each week went by, it seems more and more possible that they were going to move on.

So Adam Schefter on the Worldwide Leader this morning, went through the coaching carousel and Gerrod Mayo was first on the list for the coaching carousel, and the way he reported it I found interesting where he said the crafts have all their intentions were always to bring girod Mayo back that that's what they wanted to do, but that he said there's been a noticeable shift inside the building over the last thirty days, is what Schefter reported.

Well, that is that's that was defamation. Every year ESPN does a segment you know, in out, leaning in, leaning out. Yes, and it's a segment that they've been doing since Chris Mortenson. Correct And from what I was told from someone who you know, used to work at ESPN on those segments, that this is not a segment they took lightly. No, they're talking about people's futures and lives and careers here, and so when they say someone is in out leaning out, it's they have very very good information and when so when Schefter said this morning that Mayo was leaning out, I was like, uh, oh, it's done.

Did you see Schefter when he said exactly what you're saying, he looked physically uncomfortable. He talked about the fact that he and Mortenson had been doing it for years, and he goes, I do not take this series. I do not take this as just whimsically putting this out there. This is on families. We're talking about people's livelihood. I take this very seriously and I don't like doing it. And you could see how uncomfortable he was. It's the first time I saw the segment, and but it struck me as he's not dicking around here on just throwing stuff up against the wall to see if he can get.

And I know there's a lot of Patriots fans that are like, thank God, but we do have to remember this is a human being. And you know, I feel bad for Girard Mayo. He's put in a really, really bad situation. And I think beyond Gerrod Mao, I think the person who might feel second worst here should be Robert Kraft. I bet he does. He must feel terrible, right, you know. Yeah.

The statement is now on Patriots dot Com from from Robert Kraft.

Would you like to read it please, Mike.

It's pretty lengthy.

Yeah, let's read it's it's worth three absolutely think it is. This is the Patriot's postgame Show presented by Draft Kings, where the news is just developed where Girard Mayo is out as a Patriots head coach. Statement forthcoming from Mike Dussau from Bob Kraft via Mike Dusou in Patriots dot Com.

Yeah, here we go.

After the game today, I informed Drob Mayo that he will not be returning as the head coach of the New England Patriots in twenty twenty five. For me personally, this was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I have known Jerrod for seventeen years here in my respect and admiration as a rookie in two thousand and eight and throughout his career for his plays on the field, his leadership in the locker room, and the way he conducted himself in our community. When he joined our coaching staff, his leadership was even more evident as I saw how players responded to him. When other teams started requesting to interview him, I feared I would lose him and committed to making him our next head coach. Winning our season opener on the road in Cincinnati only strengthened my convictions. Unfortunately, the trajectory of our team's performance throughout the season did not ascend as I had hoped. Since buying the team. I have always considered myself of my family as custodians of a public asset. We have tremendous fans who expect and deserve a better product than we have delivered in recent years. I apologize for that. I have given much thought and consideration as to what actual I can take to expedite our return to championship contention and determine this move was the best option at this time. I am grateful for Gerard's many contributions to the New England Patriots throughout his career and will always be rooting for his success. I appreciate all his hard work and hope the experiences he gained will help him in the future, as I still believe he will be a successful head coach.

In this league. I wish Gerard and his family nothing but success in the future.

Nice job, Mike, thank you, Nice job, and Chris and Josh, thank you very much for putting that statement on the screen. Good job there, well, Patriot fans.

There you have it. We might be morphing from the Patriots post game show presented by DraftKings to an emergency podcast. Yeah. I think this kind of supersedes the debate of whether or not they should have won.

The Although I thought Milton looked good today, he looked not good enough, not good enough.

Well, so again, I it's it's it's bittersweet, it's you know, like I think they had to do what they did, there's no doubt, But I just I feel awful. I do. I feel bad for Gerard and his family and now all these coaches that have to worry about like what's next? You know, where am I going? Many fans don't think about about that. How far that permeates and you can say, oh, they'll have a job. How do you know? You don't know that, And it's a huge disruption in It's just it's just not a good situation. I but it is what it is. Now we move on.

So I asked you out of the shoot, Fred and you and everybody here, I said, are you surprised at the speed? Five nineteen is when we found out about it. Everybody said, yes, what do they do now? Is it not a speed game? We know there's a guy out there that you don't have to ask for permission for or anything else.

It's clearly the people's choice. Well, you have to you have to you have to act fast, but take it slow. Does that make any sense? I think so? Does that make any sense? Yeah? You have to do a thorough search. You can't anoint any one person and just sit down and wait for maybe a team to finish their playoff run or you know, satisfy the Rooney rule. You have to be intentional and actually talk to the major candidates. Now, there might be some that, like I said, are still involved in the playoffs. Well, you know, I I will say this though, if there is a person out there that you already know you want, then when it comes time, you gotta get them. You gotta do whatever the hell it takes. No Calvin Ridley's stuff or Brandon I, you gotta if he wants to name all his all his coaches, you give him that latitude. Whatever he wants, wants his own personnel director, within wants his own personnel director. It's on the table, Matt, It's on the table. Because that's that's certainly. I'm not saying that this guy wants to do that.

But you know, there's been a lot of I want to give credit, which is really rare for me to do for this position, but I think there's some really good reporters out there have been working tirelessly in the coaching carousel, and this is a big deal around the National Football League, and it is unfortunate that it's happening in this franchise for the second straight year. But there's a lot of people talking out there that a guy like Ben Johnson, who is certainly the flavor of the month, that maybe he comes into this and I don't have to leave Detroit. I got a good, good gig here and a really good team. You guys want me, what are you gonna pay me? You're gonna let me bring my own staff in, right, I better be able to choose my player personnel director. Those are the kinds of things that a candidate and demand will be able to demand.

From the next to you. The word you use the name Ben Johnson, and you're just throwing out a name there by whoever it is that you've identified. You know a lot of people say, well, why would anyone come to New England. It's not a desired destination anymore. Well, you damn well better make it a desire not for a coach. I haven't heard it not for a coach. I've heard people say that. But you better make it a desired destination. Correct, you know that's your job. Now.

Maybe my red, white and blue glasses are not letting me see the landscape clearly here, But I would push back on that and I would say this, it's an ownership group that is committed to winning because I think, as you have correctly pointed out here, they did.

Not do this.

Willy nilly or let's just do this. This had to hurt to the core to admit this wasn't the right move to do. Oh yeah, we're going to take our lumps. I apologize. I believe is what Mike Duso said in the release. This is not an easy decision. They do not want to see people with bags on their heads in their stadium anymore, and they're going to be committed to doing that. And you've got a quarterback who, well, I don't know if he's the guy. I think he would be the apple in the eye for a lot of coaches that if they say, is there a quarterback.

That I can win with? I think that makes this job attracted.

I think so.

I think so having a high draft pick, having all the cap space. But if I am on the other side and I'm a person looking for that job or being courted, I have a lot of questions. I have a lot of questions to ask. So it's it's gonna be an interesting next few weeks. Uh, you know, we'll sit here and speculate who it might be. I have no idea right now. I know Vrabel's name has been tossed around. He's people's choice. He's a people's choice, people's choice. I don't think there is such a thing as the perfect candidate. But whoever, to me, whoever you bring in, has to come in with a certain amount of gravitas. On day one we talk about culture. This place needs a culture change. I think we need someone to come in and from day one say this is my vision, this is how I'm gonna run my team. I'm not learning on the job. I know I'm gonna be hitting the ground running. I'm not gonna be drinking from a fire hose like admittedly Gerrod Meyo was. And he even said it multiprivately multiple times. You know, this was all new to him. Correct, and you know, for what it's worth, you know, maybe Robert Kraft hope that Bill Pelichick was going to take him under his wing and get him ready, which did not happen. We know that. But draw Mayo is not prepared for this job. No, he was not given the time to prepare for this job or the correct tutor tutelage to be prepared. Whoever we hire now has to be prepared, has to be ready. We can't take someone learning on the job. So that's why like a Ben Johnson, he might be a good head coach, I don't know.

He's a play caller. As far as I don't know, don't. I'm not a student of Ben Johnson or the Detroit Lions, But right now he's a play college to me. I just mentioned his name because he's of the people who are out there. When you see the list of candidates, it's Ben Johnson and Mike Rablett are attached to a number of different teams.

Whether they show up on those teams, who knows. If your priority number one is Drake may Ben Johnson's very attractive because he has a track record of success running offenses. But there's a lot more to being a head coach than.

That, and I think may Gerard Mayo will tell you that for sure. Then as much as anybody said, you know you're gonna want to go in one day, and you've got to plan on what you want Tuesdays to be, and then fifteen things are going to happen on Tuesday morning that you had had no idea that was going to happen that had nothing to do.

With coaching football, and you got to worry about those fifteen things. Yeah.

Yeah, I don't really understand like part of this, like why does the guy need to be certain type?

Why? Like why what do you mean by certain Like.

You said he has to have a gravitaz I think he has. Can't he just be the best coach?

Well, if he is the best coach, he will have that he will.

But I like, I like, in other words, I fully recognize there's a lot of unknown uncertainty with Ben Johnson. And I'm just using him as an example, but there's a million Ben Johnson's that got hired in the last ten years that have been really good.


How do I know he's not that guy?

I don't. We don't know. I don't understand why.

I can't hire him because he doesn't have gravitas.

But I think when you were interviewing Sean McVay, you saw that gravitas. You saw that this guy can be a leader. You know, this is what the process is all about. You know, Like, if he's gonna be a good coach, he's gonna have gravitas. He's gonna he's gonna be a person who people want to follow, who people listen to and believe this guy knows what he's talking about.

But don't you think Mayo had that? No, I think he did. I think they think they thought he did.

I think I think they liked him.

I think they thought he was a leader.

No, they the Crafts did.

The Crash thought he had gravitas. Well, Crash thought he would. He would be the pospable. No, this is my point, Like, you can't just hire a guy because you think he has this, Like you have.

To hire well, you have to think he has it.

No, But my point is I don't have any idea that just because Mike Rabel coached, I don't know that he's a better coach than Ben Johnson. Ben Johnson's never coached.

No, I don't. I don't either. All I'm saying is, whoever you coach throughout through the process, you have to be convinced that he's going to come in here and not be drinking from the fire hose.


But I like, again, I don't know that that's going to be the case or not. Like, I don't know that until the guy gets in here to see what Ron Rivera is one coach of the year or woulds with two different teams. He's, you know, on paper, a much better candidate than Ben Johnson. But I don't know if I would want Ron Rivera to be the coach just because he has experienced.

I just say, no matter what, you're going to hire a guy who's more football experience than football coaching experience coaching experience.


That and that to me is I mean, I get what Fred's getting at I totally. It's like you can't get you can't take a developmental like guy that will you just think he's got some magic we don't know, and he's never really coached the team. Like you're like, that can't happen again. You need to at least have with Ben Johnson or Mike Rabel, you know, both those guys.

Okay, as long as we're acknowledging that it doesn't have to be a guy with experience, because I don't know that Ben Johnson is going to be successful. I'm not trying to. I'm not even telling you why I want Ben Johnson. I'm just saying in general, yeah, I don't want to eliminate guys, because I can't make that mistake.

Who else is but Ben Johnson? Let's just says Ben Johnson. At least he's going to come in here a having been a coordinator and been successful. So he's experience.

You know, he's done something.

That you can show someone and say, no, this guy has done it at a high level. Trust him.

Just add real quick. Albert Brear just saying, as of right now, Patriots have only fired jirob.


Front office including e VP Elliot Wolf remain in place. So I mean that to me is the biggest question is what you know? How quickly does this move?

So this is going to be it's going to be all about the coach.

And if the coach comes in and says I don't feel like I have my own people I want to work with, and and Fred brought it up and I would second it. I think the Craft family in this position are going to be in the position where if this is the person they want, then there can't be uh speed bumps tied to that or the conditions are that they're gonna have to you know, so.

Every just stays in place right now.

I mean I'm guessing again there's still a draft to prepare for defensive. Defensive coaches might you know, start tapping out a little bit, maybe some go to UNC over a couple of days, but but essentially everything kind of stays in place until they realize who they want, unless maybe there's a specific coach that they just say we're done with a VP, or.

Just if you fire the head coach, which is exactly what they did. There's no sense in firing anyone else until you get the next guy. The next guy might say I want a VP.

Fort Elliott wolf Right. You know, I totally agree the personnel side of it. I think you got to move fast on for the reason Matt said, like you got you've got a big draft that you need to prepare for. So I don't like the idea of doing the whole Let's keep this, Let's keep this staff in place until April and then they I don't like that.

They've done teams have done that, done it. I don't like it.

Who's I don't want it? But Paul, Who's done all the work right now? For better or for work the work.

I'm gonna jump in on this.

The people who have put the draft in the last few drafts that haven't been so great, so I don't want to know.

Mean we can tap out and change it out.

I would be for it, And again I need more information, So let's play the game. It's Mike Rabel. Does Mike Rabel have a guy in place? I've heard a lot about that guy that I was talking about this week from the Giants.

Correct is his first name?

Ryan, Yes, o'howen Ryan Cohen, Yes, something like that. Okay, he was with him a little. He was with the guy from the Giants, Joe Shane shown. I don't know how to pronounce his name. He was with him in Carolina, He went to the Giants with him, He spent some time in So Rabel has a relationship with him. Supposedly that's a package deal that.

Would be very easy.

He's like the assistant in New York, so it'll be a promotion to give him the full time GM job here. If that's the guy, he's working on the draft.

Right, he's already working on it.

So the whole like I need these guys because they've been preparing for the draft means nothing to me. I'm with Mike. I need these guys out, these guys that have been touching the draft for the last five years. I don't want them touching this draft. If they're going now, if you believe in them and you want to keep them long term, fine stand behind your thought and you and your decision. But no way am I doing that with the intention of they're just going to state like Bill did with the Greer Remember the Greer group back in two thousand.

Fred, they stayed until the draft and then they went.

I don't want that. I don't I don't want any part of that.

I want them organization correct.

And if I want to keep mac grow and Elliott Wolf and the whole crew together going forward, fine, I disagree with you, but fine, that's your choice. I would get rid of these guys now if the new coach wants his own guy.

In my case, that's what it kind of looks like, doesn't it. Paul, You mentioned the word of the phrase package deal. Well, if it's Rabel, that's what I'm saying. If Mike met Mike yourself, Sorry, Mike, Mike Rabel, looks like it's a package deal.

He's got a personnel guy.

But Mike Rabel also already interviewed with another team, so I don't know You're getting Mike Rabel. I have no idea. I really don't have anything where they're going.

No, neither do I because the only two names anyone can talk about are Vrabel and Ben Johnson. But there's no one else, even like that enters the conversation.

But I mean there's been other names that you know, like Rivera is the guy that's been talked about, and I you know, I know, people snicker like he's did a really good job in two different places.


I'm not telling you I want him, I want something new over him, you know, but.

He's one of Fred's guys.

I mean, he's you know, all right, Paul Rivera is one of my guys.

Well, you got you talk about somebody who knows what he's gonna do.

I'm gonna put you on the spot.

And I asked a question, and this is I'm not trying to be snarky about this. That razzle dazzle from you, bhe Nicks. I'm not trying to be snarky about this. But does would Ron Rivera satisfy the Rooney rule?

I don't know. I don't know.

Yeah, OK, so, like you didn't take that disrespectfully, did you.

I was afraid of that.

So, Paul, I want to put you on the spot here. Mike Rabel is available. He is the people's choice. There's no question about him. Did somebody who I know we joke about.

Great guy. I like him. I love Mike Rabel. You know that.

I want to know who's available, Okay, I want, I I want. I don't want to him. I don't want him sight unseen.

I want to know.

I'm with Fred. I want to thorough search. I don't know who the next Sean McVay is or Kyle Shanahan. You know, these young guys, even Mike McDaniel, even though you know some of the shines off of him. I mean, they have a chance to finish the season ten and two of their last twelve games for a disastrous season that this has been that his quarterback has missed what six or seven games now, So I still think Mike McDaniel knows what he's doing a little bit, He's he flawed. Yeah, I want to know who the next one of those guys is, and if there's if the next one of those guys isn't around, isn't available. Okay, Mike Rabel's fine. I love Mike Grabel the person. You guys know this, but I want to know if I can do better. I don't want to just hire Mike Rabel because he's available.

Right because if you hire Rabel, you're still looking for that OC correct Yep, you know, unless he wants to keep AVP.

And by the way, when Mike Rabel was successful in Tennessee, he had first Lafleur and then Archesser Smith as his offensive coordinators. CULT did very well and when he lost those guys, he didn't replace them with another guy who was really good. Right now, I do love the fact that Mike spent the year trying to learn offense, right.

Right, I forget that, I forget what the gentleman's name is.

And it's one of those rehab pieces that you know, ESPN did on Matt Patricia Brear did on Josh McDaniels. But The Athletic has a very interesting piece. It was just out late this week. Somebody was embedded with Rabel during the year and what it was like to try to, you know, rehabilitate him something.

That's what it is.

It's a rehab piece. You know that Rabel's not tough to work with that he's up to collaborate that he wants to you know, difference of opinion, but your opinion matters just like his opinion matters. Well, I'll tell you he's trying to get that message.

When we when we did Rabel's induction, he came with his content team like so these are the people like the equals of our correct and they all said, he's great. He understands the game, he's he's modern. He you know, doesn't give us everything we want. I'd be crazy, he'd be crazy if he did that. But he says he's very cooperative. He gets what we're trying to do. He gets our role. To me, that's encouraging. Now. Now my experience with Rabel is I with Paul, great guy, he can be. He can be kind of in a whole world champion world.

He makes me look like I'm you know, never never been in an argument or busted Baul.

Oh yeah, he's the smartest guy in the room. Oh yeah. But he's and he's funny yep, and he's biting, sarcastic, but he's really really smart. He's really smart.

I just sorry Paul's point about they need to after how this went down last year with Mayo, they have to.

Very least give the appearance that this.

Is a thorough nationwide sir, even if they are like, we gotta get rabel, I totally agree with what Paul said. You got to get out there and see what's out there. And you know, and I think you said it last year, Paul. I think just by simply interviewing people, you're you're bringing people into the mix. You're learning about other information instead of just Bill and Bill's disciples and that tree, which is what you you know. Granted it was a very successful tree, but at the same time, they've got to expand their horizons a little bit.

It's two hours since the Patriots have won their season finale where they beat the Buffalo Bills twenty three to sixteen. But that is a gross und understatement to say that that's not what people care about are talking about. As just under half an hour ago, the Patriots have decided to part ways with Gerard Mayo and they are looking for a new head coach. We've said here that people are looking to see if there is a search, and that is echoed by some of our fans. It's podcasts at Patriots dot com and Tom and Melbourne, Australia writes, I'm sad for Girard in shock that has happened so quickly, but he couldn't return next year. My preference would be for a Ben Johnson offensive mine, but the Crafts have to do a proper coaching search. There was a level of arrogance to the decision to go with Gerard last year, and they shouldn't just run to Rabel because he's familiar to them. They haven't gone through an actual coaching search since Pete Kwer was appointed. Don't shortcut it. Interview the best candidate and get lots of from perspectives. That's Tom in Melbourne, Australia.

Yeah, well, kind of the good news, even though like a lot of these Rooney rule searches are shams. We know that. But they have to do a search correct that. They have no choice. The reason they didn't have to with meow is because that was a contractual thing that they made Wiley was still with the team and they got lead clearance to do that. They can't do that this time. They have to do a search.

I just add there's a lot of reports Callahan and Chad Graff, I mean saying that Elliot Wolf is expected to return for whatever that means. I mean, they're implying like he's back. No matter what I mean, I would err on the side of, well, let's see what.

I don't think that that can pos.

Don't understand that if Adam Schefter said that, no disrespect. If Adam Schefter said that, I would quizzically raise my eyebrown and go, well if Adams interesting, But I.

Would say the same thing if Adam I don't see.

How la Adam Schefter would know that is if he knew who the coach was coming in correct, So, folks, where this is step one. Step one is finding the coach. Step two will be who stays and who goes? You know. So we're way ahead of ourselves talking about who's staying and who's going.

All right, But was that again, Matt Okay? So so evidently Ben Volan and Mary kay Cabot, who works out of Cleveland, have tweeted that a VP is also out.

Oh well, so much for what I just said.

But with the whole theory of Elliott Wolf, I think you have it exactly right. Like, if someone's going to report that Elliott Wolf is out too, then they have to know who the coaches, and I think this is a slippery slope. Again, if they're going down this road, if people know who the coach is already, then they're already doing it wrong. I'm sorry, they're already doing it wrong because they're not doing what you think that they should do, Fred right, and what I think they should do. Just use this as an opportunity to find out more information.

Yeah, all right, now, very least listen. Yes, the clock is ticking, but we're not the first team to be in this position, no fourth team. Like, you don't need to be first to hire a coache. You don't need to be first, but by god, after this year, you need to be right. You need to be you need to get this right. Yeah, so again, work fast, but take your time. You know we want to hear from you.

Let's go to Speed and from Fresno Speed Year next on the Patriots postgame show presented by Draft Kings High Speed.

I did not have firing Mao on my Bigo card today, but Paul telling me on the no Big deal minority for the game, but also in the opposed minority regarding Mayo getting ousted.

Oh, we haven't had anything on that.

The game.

The game, Yeah, the game is is close seven to six, that it's not that big of a deal.

Okay, okay, I want that.

The poll has been suspended due to breaking news. To breaking news, the poll has been suspended, And Paul, could I this sounds my little bowl, This sounds terrible, But could I say this?

I wonder if you would have repull the people who wrote in and said, by the way this happened, and there would be a coaching change. I wonder if there would be a different answer as far as winning and losing.

Yeah, I don't think the game. Does anybody think the game had anything to do with this decision?

And that's that's the other thing that drives me crazy. Is all A lot will depend on what happens today.

Really his decision, Come on, I think the way he was fired before today, Yes, correct.

He knew.

You think he knew he was game.

And like he's he never really shows a lot of emotion.

He knew what the press.

He looked today on the sideline like he was throwing up in his mouth. Yeah, he really did.

I will say that he's a pro and he's a guy that has the season wore on as he was coming down to the studio every week, cred he looked more weary weekend and week out. Weird tell that he looked that You could tell that wait and the enormity of you know, that it just wasn't clicking, you know, and the results weren't happening, and whatever his message was wasn't getting through, and you could see a person who who just looked tired, maybe because of everything.

That was going.

I watched a little bit of the award winning Patriots All Access presented by Geico.

Is that right? It is presented by and it's one awards. It has one.

Awards, right, especially the roundtables, the round tables. But I watched the Gerard interview with Scott Zolac this week. I happen to catch that on Friday night, and the word weary, I think is one. He looked tired and worn.

Yeah, I just as as I process this a little more though, I mean, this week was tough and it was just looking at them running it back with Jerrod this season. It was hard to imagine a scenario where we weren't right back here one year from right now in the same kind of spot, you know, And.

Don't you think the Craft said the exact same thing, but I also I just would say I feel for Gerard, of course, and incredibly hard.

You talked about threading the needle. Matt was out your key, I think.

It was, and I stole it from Paul.

What a what a hard job it was for a thread that.

No win today, no win.

I just kind of thrown into a somewhat impossible situation. I'm not sure exactly what we could have expected if it all went completely right, how good it could have been.

Now Trey McBride catches.

It, and you know, Paul Fred comes in and says that you know that the person who has to come in has to have be some sort of help me with the words that you said for it, did you say rabbit task?


I think it's interesting. The person who was going whoever was going to replace Bill Belichick had a real uphill climb. Oh God, those are the biggest shoes that anybody could fill. So it's almost an impossible task to do. There's no question that Girard, his staff, the people around him, probably the crafts. Let's get a breath of fresh air in the building. Let's let's see a culture change that goes on and for whatever reason, or maybe for a multitude of reason, it's for a first time guy who hadn't done the job before. I think trying to get that building and get everybody involved in the culture change was probably a little bit too.

Tall a task.

He was our Cam Newton, right, yeah, Cam Newton followed Brady one year, followed Bill one year.


And so it's hard to be the guy who replaces the guy.

No, no, yeah, And I would I would expect, whether it's Mike Rabel or somebody who has similar kind of candidates, I would see that the pendulum might be going back to a little bit more authoritative kind of a person, a little bit more no nonsense, a little bit more of a disciplinarian things like that. I'm not saying that Jarrod didn't do those things, but I think we all saw that things were a little loose at times. You know, whether that's something as silly as who's going to start a running back or who's not going to start it running back? Or I said it, you didn't. Well, things that are nothing burgers in many other markets but became a bigger deal in these kind of markets. I think you'll see a little bit more buttoned up approach moving forward.

I'm glad you brought up the whole media conference thing that's been hampering him all season, because when it comes to like being tough, like a lot of people said that training camp was just as tough, if not tough, for this, and you brought that up consistently. You know, but he did not exude confidence with the public and with the media, and unfortunately that does mean a lot. It means a lot to the fan base, it means a lot to the players, like that's our coach out there and he's screwing up right.

And I would just say, like some of the missteps, like in press conferences, they they I don't think there would be nothing burgers. I don't think they happen elsewhere. I don't think that there's a lot of head coaches around the league that would say you said that, I didn't yeah to an answer like, I don't think that that would happen.

Listen, if Dan Campbell didn't have the success that he had and they stuck with him, they'd be laughing at him. So for those early.

Press conference, yes, that's a perfect example. Yeahs might have a nothing NFL market and has never really had any success, right, yep. His press conferences were national news right every week because he said, you know, kind of same things.

Is it possible, Paul in Fred that he's an outlier, No, I think that they're crazy. Doesn't necessarily play, but it works for him well.

But Daniel is another example, but he was a little bit weird.

He was a different, perfect example. Yeah, now that I think they also see the school board and they know what's going on. It's twenty four to Denver for those of you that don't, it's also under forty degrees. But they're also playing with Tyler Huntley who's won like three games Patriots. Yes, that's one of them. But the whole, like the whole idea of you know, these different press conferences meaning different things, Like I think that's going to mean something when when you consistently have to say the exact opposite of what you say on Sunday to Monday, that's going to be a big deal everywhere, even in small NFL outposts, Like you can do damage in those press conferences, and you know it also don't handle them.

Right absolutely, And you know what also like always struck me kind of odd. I use these press conferences to talk to my players like I talk to my players through these like even though he also said I say the same things to them behind seats. But that's a weird thing to say. I've never heard a coach say that. Why not just talk to your team right then? You know they heard it right. Don't hope that they heard it when you were in your press Scot. I never understood that mindset, and it's something he said more than once.

This is the Patriots post game Show presented by DraftKings, where the Patriots beat the Buffalo Bills today twenty three to sixteen to end the season at four and thirteen. But the big news, if you've missed it, is that the Patriots have let go of head coach Gerrodmeo. Gerrod Mayo is out, won and done. The Patriots are looking for a new head coach. We want to hear from you eight five to five, Pats five hundred, or email the show at podcast at Patriots dot com. Tony Andcannon writes, thank god the Crafts made this move. It wasn't easy for them to do this, but it had to be done. Rabel is my choice, and I think the job is his if he wants it. I doubt that Tony's got the sources on that, but who knows coaches options from Devon in Belleville, and he says, if Elliot Wolf is a guy making the decisions, should we be expecting someone from the Mike McCarthy tree, like a Kellen Moore? What about Mike McCarthy? By the way, that's me adding that what about Mike McCarthy might be available on January fourteenth, which could leave AVP and his role who happens to be the only guy that I thought was doing a good job this year. Thanks Devin and Belleville.

Devin, I don't know.

If you heard earlier reports are in that Alex van Pelt has also out that's what we're caring for some reporting that's been going on up there.

Is that correct?

That's yeah, that's what the guy said. With from Mary Kay and Volin. I mean, I just I'm not going to get ahead of myself with that stuff. I think you need to wait to see. Like we talked about who the head coach is going to be. I don't think el Elliot Wolf's marching in like I got some great candidates for you, Like I think he's you know, I don't think he's on firm ground at the moment either.

They need to see what happens at that thing.

And I would disagree with the email or when they send it's Elliot Wolfe's decision.

I believe that this.

Is Robert and Jonathan Craft's decision.

That's what you're making this.

Call, and he'll definitely be part of the process, but probably more for that new head coach to decide if he wants to stick around.

Alexander from Canada, You're next on the Patriots postgame show presented by Draft Kings. Hi, Alexander, Hey.

How's it going good?

How are you good?

One thing I just saw Bard tweeted out saying no coordinators have been fired yet?

Who said that? Brear?

Yeah, I think there's been some talk both ways on that. But my guess is whoever the new coaches will be picking his staff.

Yeah, I would agree with it, That was.

My thought, But I wanted to call in. I'll ask you in the grand schema, like the NFL, how attractive do you think the Patriots job is versus like the Colts or a sorry not that the Bears, or i've heard like Chicago or the Vegas might be at on their head coach, so I just wanted to hear your opinion on it.

I think it's a very attractive job thanks to the call, I think I agree with Paul. I think it's it's I think the Bears is also very attractive. But I think the Patriots have a lot of cap space. Both teams do. They have a lot of cap space. They have a high draft pick, and they have a young quarterback that has shown promise. I think both teams, I think, you know I have a lot going for them.

We'll see.

I think the Patriots job might be the most attractive of the ones that we know is going to be available.

I'd agree.

And there's one thing I just wanted to add to Alexander, who, at the beginning of the phone call, like most intelligent and polite callers, say hey, Hi, you guys doing, and I answered great.

I want to amend that. And it's not about me. This stinks, quite honestly.

It's a really lousy part of the business, which we talked about earlier. There's a lot of people, most of the people that none of the fans know anything about, hard working individuals who are working eighty ninety one hundred hours a week through now without a job, and we're sitting here having to talk about it. And I don't take that lightly or loosely, and I feel for him. Gerard Mayo was a really decent man.

And I say this in all walks of life. I don't think it's ever something to be celebrated when somebody loses his job, Yes, unless it's for something criminal. Yeah, criminal, something that's truly bad. You know, we had a local writer here in Boston who didn't have his contract renewed this past week. He covers the Red Sox and not a lot, but there were some like really nasty comments and people like celebrating that.

Albert J.

Salvo comments that he I've never really understood that. It's crazy, you know why people think that that's a really good thing. But I would would agree with with uh with Matt.

So the Sideline reported today for CBS D. He just tweeted ten minutes ago was told that Mike Rabel's dalliance with the Jets was to put pressure on the Patriots to make a move with a young, incredibly promising QB who improved every every week despite very talent around him, work cap space than anyone and stable ownership. Of course, the New England job ranks high. Yeah, so I don't know.

Yeah, I think that. I think the paper.

Someone told her that. I don't know who it was.

Yeah, I think, But there was hi, no question, there was a lot of I don't think that there was any really solid reporters that were doing this.


But prior to the Rabel interview on Friday today Sunday, right and Vrabel interviewed on Friday, there were people on the interweb that we're talking about this is a leverage play by Rabel. He's going to New York to jack up his price. And there's a bird in my hand over here from Woody Johnson that he doesn't really want. He'd want something else and maybe that that New York is a leverage play.

Yeah, that's fair enough.

I would just any other job, not just in New England, and I would.

Echo what you know Paul said.

I love Mike Rabel. I think he'd be excited to add him as a coach. I think they need to do due diligence. Just the one thing that can happen is you can't pass on Mike Rabel. He goes to the Jets and then kicks your ass for you know, twice a year for the next five years.

That can't.

But what if he goes to the Jets and he's really good with the Jets, but you get somebody else who's really good eating.

With him and they're not, then that's great, that's great. That's why I just said.

Yeah, like I think you know, and I'm really with Fred, you know from the way he talked about it right when the news broke. Just just make sure that you do all the work, like, don't take your time and do it fast, right, And I don't mean to be disrespectful. Listen, these guys have been more successful in their walk of life than I would ever dream of being. But don't try to be cute, don't try to bend a rule to you know, to skirt around a rule and be smarter than everybody else. Do it the way everybody else does. But just do it better, right, And if you have confidence that you can do it better, great, Like I said, If this isn't a great destination, make it one. Absolutely, make it one whatever it takes to that. But you never know who might make sense if you don't talk to people. And I think one of the big problems. One of the things that really hurt your odd Mayo's you know, ill fated one year run here was that they just didn't know enough people to put together a staff to help you Rod. Yep, like they just and it's not all Gerrod's fault. No, right, Like do we look do we talk to anybody like in this leader, Like if you interviewed five or six head coach candidates, maybe you're learning about some different guys that might make sense as offensive.

Maybe their answers are making you say, well, Mayo's answers weren't as good, you know, you know, like you have to have that background.

I don't even reference I don't like the whole way it came about. Let's put it that way. Like this thing, you know, they decided five years ago that this was going to be the handpicked successor. I think you closed a lot of doors unnecessarily.

Danny and Daytona and Near You're next on the Patriots postgame show sponsored by Draft Kings.

Hi, Danny, Hey, how's it going, guys?


Yes, yeah, so I got to say this is the greatest news. I'm sorry, guys, I know you guys don't appreciate people get a fire. But as you know, Paul, I've been calling in all throughout the season, and I've been telling you this that they needed to let go Gerrawd.

Yeah, and Elliott Yeah.

A lot of people have been absolutely.

Yes, and I've been And I told you the reason why it is because it's not because I don't have anything personal against Draws. I loved him as a player, watching him in twenty fourteen and so on and so on and years on. But uh, the Craft was in the wrong spot. The Craft knows that they messed up. And I didn't care for this game. Honestly, every game throughout the season, I was just hoping they would just get through the season.

Get it over with so we could just.

Move on to twenty twenty five. Because this has been, like an every Patriots fan I can probably agree with me, it's been the most depressing season to watch. So I'm just looking to see what what Elliott Wolf can do because now he's on the hot seat, so I want to know what he does. He can't be pointing the fingers and the scouting and personal department that now you know the hot seat is on is on the scouting and personnel side.

Now, Yeah, Well, we'll see eventually. If it is Elliott said to be determined, thank you for the phone call. Whoever it is. If it's Rabel, If he's the guy and he says, no, I need my own personal person, that can't be as Matt said, a speed bump.

Just real quick something to consider. It is just Ben Volan reporting that Van Pelt is out. Mary Kay Cabot just simply retweeted him, So I haven't seen If it.

Was her, I would believe it the Cleveland Time, no question.

He just kind of voluntweeted Adam on at first. But source confirms the Globe that Jarab Mayo h has been fired, and then he adds, O see, Alex van Pelt is out as well, So.

It's just coming from him now. I mean, I assume that's accurate, but just you know.

Have a deep asterisk and caveat with that.

Patty and agaam good evening. Patty, you're next to the Patriot's postgame show.

Hey guys, Hey, hi, Patty, your connection is really bad. Okay, let's go to the next college. Yeah, Patty, Yeah, call back, let's go to Yeah you want me to move on?

Call back, Patty, Let's go to Emory and Virginia. Emory your next The Patriot's Postgame Show presented by DraftKings.

Good even good even gentlemen, even a great show Man's just unfortunately what happened to Andrew Rod. I know a lot of bad things happening. It's gonna be a lot of bad things happen in a four win season. Hey, but I just feel feel some type of way because, uh, you know, I was in Detroit when Dan Campbell only won one game, went to high school with Michael Irvin, down in Florida when Cowboy has only won one game with the great Jimmy Johnson. I just you know, the craft can they can fire the Hey they got, but couldn't this wait till Monday? If I mean, if you're going to fight the guy, I just I just think they it's just sad. But thank you for letting me in vent that.

Yeah, it is sad. Yeah, thanks, I agree with you. And I thought, Matt, I thought you articulated that really well, it's not a good thing when people lose jobs. No, people put a lot into this and it's not always time to celebrate.

Yeah, and I'd like to I'd like to Mike, you did a really good job reading the release and the statement by Robert Craft. I don't think Robert and Jonathan Craft are celebrating today or anything like that. I think this is a real tough admission for them, like they made a mistake, Like they're looking to rectify the mistake and try to get on the right path because winning is important to them. They're not about four and thirteen. They don't like to see fans with bags over their heads at the stadium that they built. Okay, and to Emory's point, why did it have to be so fast because they want to get back on track.

No, but I hear what Emory's saying, you know when you look at it from Gerard's standpoint, and I said it before. Other than jer and his family, the person who probably is and should feel the worst about this is Robert Kraft because this was his We talk about, you know, watching him struggle every week talking to the media. Robert Kraft, I would imagine watching that and saying, I put him in this spot. I'm the guy who put this guy where he is, and it couldn't have been very pleasant to watch this weekend and week out for Robert Kraft.

I would say, I give I give the Crafts a lot of credit because I had, honestly, I thought we were running it back. I know how much went into the decision for them. I mean, you know, Fred, I remember talking this week around. You're saying, it's a lot of work to have to fire and rehire everybody, and you know it's a daunting task to think about. But I do think that you know the statement, it tells me as a fan that this wasn't good enough, and this wasn't acceptable in that.

Bottom line business.

We're We're not We're gonna let Yes, we put a lot of work into this guy, and we had a lot of belief in this guy.


He chose the hard way, but we're going the hard.

Easy thing would have been. You know what, but he'll be better in your two Well, we'll get we'll be fine.

We'll be choved around the margins to help him out, and to do.

This was the hard thing to do. I give them a lot of credit, but doesn't mean we have to celebrate it, But I do give them credit for it. At the risks of host not listening, I just Phil Perry a short while ago about the personnel department. Did you read that Phil Perry tight, I see, yeah, did you already read it?

I didn't read it on there?

Yeah, just I you know, as of now, I'm told there have been no changes to the Patriots' front office. It is my understanding that that doesn't mean that Elliott Wolfe's role or anyone else's is necessarily guaranteed for twenty twenty five. Obviously, fluid situation is the team determines the next steps. So I didn't you know, sometimes I'm reading other stuff and I don't know if you had just read that. I think that is what we're articulating over the last half hour. I think they're going to find out who the next coach is going to be, and that's how they're going to determine the futures of anybody who's.

Can you work with this group? No? I can't.

I need this group, Okay. I mean that's going to be a contingent on that person taking the ya.

You know. So I believe we're in the Patriots are in a position now and that I think the leverage is on the sought after coach, whoever that might be right, the leverage that person has the leverage, no question, And so.

There's right now today today, as we speak, it's six o'clock on the East coast here on January fifth, if there are four open jobs in the National Football League, Chicago, New Orleans and the Jets have been opened for a while. The Jets we know of, interviewed Mike Rabel. There were reports to suggest that New Orleans in Chicago would be getting Rabel interviews this week. The Patriots are now the fourth team on the list. Presumably there are the other jobs that are going to open up tomorrow. I'd be surprised if Jacksonville didn't open up. Everybody's waiting to see what happens with the other New York team with the Giants. Mike McCarthy's contract is up on January fourteenth.

Did they win or lose today? Paul? The Cowboys? Cowboys lost?

Okay, and am I missing another team? Good game though, I mean give I mean al serious. I give the Cowboys credit. They lost their quarterback and they really played competitively and virtually every game. They got blown out by the Eagles a couple of weeks ago. It might have been last week.

Schefter had Peterson is out? Yes, so yep? If he was right with leaning out with Mayo. I'm sure he knows that Peterson's out right. Mike Rabel's former team, the Tennessee is a job.

I think that would be on par Yeah, I think a good coach would say I.

Can win with Trevor Lawrence.

Yeah, and you know that might you know, I think that Drake May's ceiling might be higher than Trevor lawrences might might be higher than Trevor Lawrence's. But you have a situation where the guy's already got the requisite experience. If you if you have ability in yourself and your ability to go in there and win, and it's not a bad job.

And the god cons has shown that he's got deep pockets. He's willing to do whatever it takes to win.

Bad market.

But yeah, right, it is a bad market. Don't have to worry about the media. I got a pool. Yeah, I have to worry about the media. All right, let's go and worry about the media here.

They'll they'll be like play around, yes, Zach and Mayne, You're next in the Patriots post game Show presented by Draft Kings.

Hi, Zach, Hey, how's.

It going, guys?

How are you?

He's just really unfortunate. It's so sad for Drod, like Paul is mentioning, it's really sad and prayers to everyone that just is being affected by this. But Glazer was staying earlier on the pregame show. If you guys saw those Kevin O'Connell's, yeah, and O'Connell's. Kevin O'Connell's contracts up in his final year next year, and he has no extension talks, and multiple teams have like him on like their trade boards right now to like trade a draft pick or something to get him. Would you guys like O'Connell, I know he's a former Patriot.

Yeah, I don't think Minnesota.

I'd be surprised if Minnesota would let him go.

I mean, I respect Jay Glazier's you know, sort of insider knowledge, but I don't unless he for some reason doesn't like the ownership in Minnesota. I don't know why he would be going.

So is his contract thanks back next year? Yes, So you'd have to buy him out the truck, yeah, big time. There's another overall pick. You probably have to give up that first round pick if you wanted him.

Fred, there's another coach in the Minnesota staff that if you hired this coach. It would be a promotion for him. You wouldn't have to trade for him.

I don't think. I don't know what his contract status is. And that's Brian Flores. Yeah, that's a head coach. Yeah, as a head coach, head coach. Yeah yeah, I think that would be interesting. Again, like Rabel comes from the defensive side of the ball, but a lot of success, then maybe he would also be the defensive coordinator, and then all you're bringing in is an offensive coordinator. I wouldn't rule that out at all.

I don't want him working with a young quarterback no Tua. Yeah, okay, I think he did his best to ruin Tua. Okay, that's why he's not the Miami Dolphins coach anymore. I know everybody thinks he won four Super Bowls when he was the Dolphins coach. He was a five hundred coach at best, and he almost destroyed a young quarterback by telling him, amone, she sucked every day.

Well, maybe you learn from your first time, right, you know, maybe he made a mistakes that he.

Learned follow out of that. I would take him as my defensive coordinator in a blank.

I think he can coach, and so do you think he's just just a coordinator.

No, no, I think he'll get another opportunity maybe when his lawsuits settled and whatnot.

That's the other thing. You're getting a lot of bag.

I think Brian Flores has a lot going for him. He was nearly as successful as a coach in Miami as people have sort of made him out to be a martyr now, Like he did much better and it was a like a like unbelievably dumb firing.

But he did stand up to an owner. But there were a lot of.

He says, there were a lot of reasons why he was fired. Yeah, like let's not make this up. Like listen to what Tuas said that you can call too a stiff all you want. I know everybody in New England thinks he can't play, even though you can't beat him.

And that's why him.

No, no, no, I think he's I think he's okay. He would be well down in the echelon, not in the top ten. Let's put it that way. Even though his numbers say he's top ten. I wouldn't put him up there with those guys. So you can call him a baby because he's not quote unquote that good I don't really see any reason why he would have lied. And some of the things that Flora said to him to me are unacceptable for a head coach to say to his quarterback. Fair enough, that's why you lose jobs.

Yeah, yeah, that's why. I mean, you can't treat people like that. Now, to your point, did he call Johnny Johnny from Foxborough?

Way worse, way worse than Johnny from Foxborough? To your point, I'll allow for the ability to grow as a person and as a coach and learn from this thing.

Probably a lot of soul searching.

We talked about these sort of rehab image pieces, right. Dan Pompei wrote an extensive story on Josh McDaniels when he was still here, correct with New England, telling me all the things that Josh McDaniels had learned it was going to do differently the next time around. So didn't do any of those things differently the second time around.

Your boy bridged it.

He alienated the entire organization from year one and everybody hated them again, just like that did in Denver. So sometimes you don't grow. You never you never know. By the way, how about Mike Rabel and Josh McDaniels combo package, don't. I don't care for that either. I'll answer my own questioner.

I'm just worried, Like I love Josh and all that, But can we start getting people whose success wasn't tied to tie to Tom Brady, you know, so that we can say he did it without Tom Brady. You don't want Vrabel either, Well, Rabel's coaching sceays had nothing to do with Tom Brady.

Oh, I thought you were just talking about their success. And no, I mean he wouldn't be a coach if he went to Ohio State, but he wouldn't be a coach if it wasn't for Tom Brady.

Well you say that, but Mike Rabil is a really smart guy.

Oh, I agree, But when people know that, I.

Think there's a lot of coaches didn't have the success.

You know, I love. Don't make me say bad things. No, I know, he's my guy.

But I think that I think that I love. I think the cream rises to the top, and I like he wouldn't have Super Bowls without Tom Brady, but I think he would have a coaching future without Tom Brady.

Josh, And say, how did Josh you in year one with Mac. How did Josh do with Matt Castle?

Eight? Just okay, I think better than okay, I don't okay.

I think that he was given the sixteen and oh team with Matt Castle and they lost five games. They were okay, it was fine. No, I don't think there was anything special. But how do you do in Saint Louis worst offense?

Maybe they didn't have the right the right structure in Saint Louis. I mean so.

Exactly, they don't have the structure.

Now Steve Spagnola is the head coach. How's he doing? You know? Now, he's probably just a career assistant coach. Correct?

Would you hire Steve Spagnola?

I don't know. I wouldn't.

Spags Uh Nate in Texas. You are next on the Patriots post game show presented by DraftKings.

Hi Nate, Hey, guys, honey, Hey, what's going on? Guys?

So I just wanted to even what Fred just said, you know, I was That's honestly what my question was.

You know, I was like, do we do we really want to want to hire another person that's been in his organization?

You know, like I just wanted to have your guys.

Thoughts, like for Trake may specifically, should we hire a office of minded coach too, you know, so we're not constantly going through them if we have success, or would you guys prefer you know, or like a micro Babel type, you know, someone that's defensive minded, that you know, that has that kind of pedigree that it's been here before, you know that the fans know, or like, I don't know.

That's pretty much all.

I had to ask. No, No, it's it's a fair question.

You've heard that a lot, But I think that they're the next question higher, the offensive minded head coach, so that you're not worrying about your quarterback going through different coordinators and so on.

Minnesota probably feels like you.

Bring in a defensive coach a good offensive coordinator. The moment he is success, he's going to get a head coaching job and you've lost it. Yeah.

No, it's a great it's a great point. I'm a little bit interested in the thing that you brought up. Just would it be better to just get nobody with you?

Listen, I've talked to a lot of people, you know before this happened, like what if? What if? And they a lot of them said, these are people, but been in the league. You've got to blow it up. You've got to You've got to just blow it up and start over with you know, guys who know what they're doing, but with no ties to the past.

Is that a football zar Fred does a footballsar coming in Is that your first hire?

No, not necessarily, but whatever you do, you blow it up.

Is that ridiculous though?

I mean, look, I get what they're trying to say, but like the other side of the coin is that you had the model franchise for twenty years that everyone else said this is how it should be done, and you know, and now just to say we got to get rid of all that, we have to find a completely different way to do it. I'm not saying that I'm on the other side of the street, but I just there's an element of that just sounds ridiculous to me that now is the Patriots were like, we have to get away from being the Patriots now. And I understand that, like some of that is really saying we have to get away from Bill Belichick because this is how Bill Belichick did it. It was all under him, you know, it was his operation, and there's no way to replicate what it was. But I also just can't stand like being like we have to get every away from everything that was made that this.

I'm with you, Ducee.

The reason I feel like that is because the more and more time goes by, the more and more apparent it is to me that it was about a singular person's greatness.

That Bill was a unicorn.

No, Tom Brady was the unicorn. And the whole system and all the stuff that can happen can happen because the human spackle is going to make it happen. When you miss on a draft pick, it doesn't matter, because he's going to make that guy better than he was until he finally got into like his forties and he couldn't do that anymore.

I didn't want to do it anymore.

Yeah, And I just feel like you can talk about your system all you want and think that that's the reason why you won. I don't think it's the reason why you won. I think Bill Belichick is an excellent coach, and Tom Brady is a different guy. He's different, and he made you win even though you know, even though you let your the entirety of your passing game go in two thousand and six, he still has you without drive of winning the AOC Championship game because he's that good with Riche Caldwell, Bart Gap.

Tom's the reason. But going back to Belichick, recently, Matt Light was on with Edelman and Matt Light was talking about how how much Bill did and like players that they couldn't believe, like how does he do all this stuff like himself? To me, that was a unicorn. He was able to do so much. He was able to do so much himself. Now, don't underestimate the help he had with people like Ernie Adams behind the scenes and a guy like Dante Scarneki, who not only was he the offensive line coach, he was also the assistant head coach. He did other things too. These guys knew what the hell they were doing. But you can't replicate that, No, Mike, Mike Vrabel doesn't have an Ernie Adams correct, you.

Know, but that part of it is is accurate.

Like that Bill.

There was a piece I think this week, or I think I might have heard Albert Breer talking about it on the radio where he said, you know, he was talking to a guy who was here at some point in the past. You know, he was trying to figure out how every team is structured, the whole footballs are thing right, you know, and what's the what's the hierarchy, the you know, the chain of command.

Brist he did a whole reporter.

Right, and in one of the one of the guys he was talking to who was here in the past, was like, I really don't know exactly how it was all structured in New England when I was there, because Bill did everything right.

He was like twelve guys.

He did the job of like twelve different people. So Matt's pointing to your point, he is a unicorn too, you know. And I think if you want to try to set it up that way, you can't.

You can't. That's why.

But I also would say that because they had one guy doing everything, they missed stuff and it didn't matter because Brady made up for.

It fair enough.

And like the latest example that I've been using is this clip on McAfee this week where he's talking about time manager clock management. At the end of the games, Tom basically changed their whole philosophy by telling them no, no, no, no, don't do it that way, do it this way. I made time for us right right, like Tom, Like do you remember the Super Bowl, He's like, what are we doing over? Like, I think Tom made up for so much, And I'm not I'm saying it was all It wasn't one hundred percent Tom and zero percent Bill. That's not what I'm saying. I used to think it was more Bill than Tom. Right, The five years that have happened since Tom left have made me think it was more Tom than Bill.

Could it not zero one hundred?

But I think if it was forty sixty the other way, it's now sixty forty.

Yeah, maybe have sat a couple of those things in twenty nineteen. No, Yeah, to keep Tom.

Yeah no, but listen, they didn't want to pay him either, so's yeah, there's plenty of blame to go around there.

The damage had been done already, plenty of.

Blame to go around that.

I just want to fall up on one thing that Mike said, and Mike, if I'm listening to you, right, I feel the same way. It's been well documented, you know. Josh McDaniels, Matt Patricia, a lot of others have gone on to places they've tried to replicate and be Bill Belichick without Bill Belichick's resume, and they didn't farewell as a head coach Mike Rabel. He did not win a Super Bowl in Tennessee. He took the team to the AFC Championship Game. He had a couple of twelve win seasons. He's the outlier, and he's not really a part of Bill. He's not part of Bills. He played for Bill, he never coached with Bill. So this idea of let's keep away from all the Belichick guys, I don't know that I necessarily put Mike Rabel in that category.

I think Mike would agree with that. If there's one thing I will say about with that's guys would agree? Would guy? Did he learn from Bill? Absolutely smart but from him? But I think there's a lot to learn from Bill.

The question is who's coming with him though, you know, and it's and a lot of the guys that Rabel knows that while be it, he has been around the league a little bit, and a lot of the names we're talking about, Josh Uh you know, have been around the system. So that's I just I'm curious how they're going to break it all up. But you know, it's just it's just strange times. I mean, I'm not saying that I'm on the I understand why people are saying that blow it up thing, but it's just it's bizarre to look back at, you know, I mean, look at how the forty nine ers are kind of held up on a pedestal from the eighties, and you know, the book that Bill Walsh wrote is like a bible of you know, how to how to run a football team, and you know, you know, it's just weird to get to this point here we are five years later, being like, we got to get away from anything that.

That GM type that I've been talking about that worked for you know, I think he works under Joe Shane with the Giants. Is Ryan Cowden. He's Jo's executive advisor to the general manager for the Giants.

Was he the one that pushed back against trading Saquon? I think there's a clip out there.

I didn't want to hard Knocks. I want watch Hard Knock.

Since retrol, it's gone back, they've gone back with it.

But there was one of.

That's that's a D'Angelo sub on the table. No, I mean I haven't been I.

Haven't been entertained by hard Knocks since since the Rex.

Ryan, you're missing out you're missing out on the North.

I see the clips that are about the place. I don't find them all that interesting.

No, it's a lot of repeats.

No from Sacramento's next on the Patriots post game show, Hi.

Mal, Hey, Hey, hi guy.

How are you guys? Good good, good good good to hear. I'm just a little dismayed at the fact that no put on words that they let Mail go after one year. I think it's it's an indictment on the Craft if you think about it, because, no doubt I think another another call I had alluded to, you know, other coaches having bad seasons, such as Detroit coach one in fifteen, and this guy was hand picked by by Craft, and I just think it's I think it's unfair to Mayo. I think it's that he was not really given any tools to work with. If anything, is more of an issue with Elliott Wolf than it is with Mayo. I mean, none of none of Wolf's picks worked out other than you know, the quarterback and and uh and Drake may So why not give this guy another chance and give him more to work with. The Patriots have a long history of being criticized for not spending money so that's sort of an indictment on the craft too. So as a long term Patriots fans over I've been a fan since eighty six. I mean, I'm really this is probably the most discipline I've ever been with him, And you guys have covered a lot on it and made some really poignant statements, but I just think for me, it just sort of made me lose a little bit of desire to watch them, whether they're successful or not. I just think it's because it's unfair to him. I think had he failed that, if he if had they brought the back the truck up and brought in some some some talent and he's unsuccessful, Yeah, understand it. And had he did he make mistakes in his first year? Absolutely, I mean he's a rookie head coach with a whole rookie staff, So that's I just wanted to make more of a statement than have like a question, because you guys world have addressed it. But I enjoy listening to you guys. I think you guys guys.

Hey melt impassioned defense and very articulate, and I like it. I like the fact that you know, I think there's been a fan ground swell and thank you for the call.


I think there's been a groundswell of opinion from the fans that there needed to be a change at the head coach. I think it's interesting to hear somebody from Meltic the opposite reaction and do showing not a.

Bomb basket question. Nothing he said that was wrong? No, yeah, I don't think.

I would just argue that most guys that are in that situation, like you have one of the worst offenses of football, one of the worst defenses in football, one of the worst records in football, they lose their jobs. Yeah, that's the way it works when people talk about the you know, I hear a lot about the you know, the holy trinity of Tom, Tom Landry and Chuck Noll and Bill Walsh.

Those are outliars, and they're also fifty years ago.

Like, you can't do it that way.

Any other time.

The other thing that the gentleman said, he said he didn't think it was fair to Mayo. And I hate to say this, but it's true. Sometimes life's not fair.

No, and I think.

It's terough fair like I do. I don't think that Robert Kraft did Durra Mayo dirty I don't think he did either.

I think it's decision.

You get hired and fired on your merit, and like I said, I think it's quick. I absolutely understand where Mel's coming from. But when you're at the bottom of the league, you're gonna be in trouble. They could have held on for another year. I think that Robert probably felt like, I don't have the guy. He's not the guy, he's not ready. I was wrong, Yep, I was wrong, and I have to move on.

You know. There's two things that all season have kind of bothered me, you know, and things that fans said that I couldn't argue with, but I want to overlook because he was a first year coach. The first one was early on, what does Mayo bring? What is his superpower? You know, he was never a coordinator, you know, what is his superpower? And it never had an answer for that, you know. And then the second thing was just again the the lack of showing of confidence publicly in leadership. I didn't see that. I didn't see the leader of men. I saw someone who was floundering and never improved. There wasn't anything. And this is the second thing that fans said toward the end of the season, What can you point to that improved with this team?

Well, that's the one that I think everybody, to a man and woman, would say, There wasn't other than May And I think we could debate, well, I don't think he improved other than that was unanimous. Was there any improvement elsewhere? And that was unequivocally non.

So, you know, early on on what did he bring? I really didn't have another answer except while Robert Kraft picked him. And then what improved at the end? And there was no answer to that. And like Paul said, this is not a fair business, but it's a results oriented business, and very few people survive less than what we saw this year.

Correct, Correct David in Texas, You're next in the Patriots postgame show.

Now, that was what you're saying, that this phone call was excellent memory earlier, Like, I understand, people look at this one year, give him, give him a chance.

I get that. That's that's totally irrational, totally rational, and I'm not gonna lie. If they had decided to give him another year, I'd probably be sitting here saying, yeah, just another year. I just understand what they did today and We've.

Talked about it a lot. By it, you know, my expectation and I think our expectation going to the season wasn't results based. It wasn't it was it was just you can see it pros, you know, but we didn't see that.

This is why the Detroit thing doesn't hold up. Detroit was a train wreck at the start, but eventually got to the point where they were competitive and getting better. They were tangible things you could point to that were improving. Now, this Patriots team actually won more games than that Detroit team did, but down the stretch they went three three and one and were a pain to play against. They were beating good teams and playing better than they had earlier in the season.

And this team's team didn't do that good. By the way, by Arizona and Los Angeles, and by the way, Bill Belichick five and eleven is first season starts out zero and two. The second season, there were people already calling for him.

And Bill isn't Bill famous for talking about being at the nine to eleven game with the jetson standing on the field with herm Edwards and going, I'm going to get them out. So it happens to everybody yep, thanks for being patient. David in Texas. You're next on the Patriots postgame show. Hello, David, We'll go to Jake in Australia. Let me just do this first. Good Hey, Jake, let's go to Jake in Australia. You probably need some extra dimes to get that call in Hijake, are your next in the picture's post kids?


It was a good morning but also wild right afterwards to have lovely to wake up and see a Milton back with that.

That was beautiful.

But yeah, there was a double edged blade.

We win.

This happened we last, we get the first pick, but we may still be with Mayo and certain stuff.

But you could pretty much guarantee that second part won't the possibility.

Yeah, that was very interesting to see how that happened so quickly after not much.

Happening all year.

So it'll be, yeah.

Interesting to see what comes about.

But onwards and upwards, and.

I've got a little theory behind what's been going on. Everyone seems to be Disney Elliott, will Is Elliott, will the guy.

I guess we're gonna have to We're gonna have to wait and see hear the new coach and think I'm with Fred. I think the new coach will tell you if Elliot Wolf is the guy.

Yeah, right, Uh, well, I think we've been on for about two and a half hours here, mates.

Did Mayo do it? He did a post post press and I mean there's no sense to no, I don't think we should.

I don't think to me, is you know this is like our you know, our immediate thoughts.

On I will say, I know we're gonna get people asking is there're gonna be emergency podcast tomorrow? We'll see. I do know there's nothing official yet, but they're most likely will be a press conference tomorrow with Robert Kraft. I'm not saying anything got it, but there most likely will be something tomorrow and we will cover it live and then perhaps we'll do something off the end of that.

Yeah, I would say, Fred, can we sort of build this and promote this as the Droid Mayo Reaction emergency podcast? As Matt said, you know we've gone over to and it happened.

Often that we get this type of breaking news during one of our products.

Yeah, and I think we all agree that none of us was expecting it in the immediate aftermath.

Of the game, right, no.

And you know what, Freda, here's one thing I was also going to say about that. I know we all said we were surprised by the swiftness. I know that people talk, and there's been a lot of whispers. I've had so many people caught.

What are you hearing? What are you hearing? Anything going on?

There wasn't anything out there. No, there wasn't anything out there. And I think that shows me kudos to somebody or somebody's for keeping that close to the vest and not letting that get out there.

Schefter leaned in.

That's funny. I felt like I was the only one that didn't know. I felt like everybody else knew.

I was the only one. Oh, I don't. I don't think so.

And I think because I think if you pulled the quote unquote experts, I think if you ask people what do you think is going to happen, they say he's gonna come back, but they're going to make changes around the margins, and that's the likely scenario.

What's going to happen That didn't happen. This win changed, I do I like everybody thought this week he was gone except for me. I was going that I was wrong again.

I think I think if I can just picnick on that a little bit, I think it changed this week to where people thought there was a chance. I think very few people thought he was going to be gone prior to the San Diego game, the Chargers game. After the Chargers game, I think an Arizona here.

The Arizona game is when it changed. Yeah, I think Schefter he could go, Yeah, he could go. After that game. Coming out of the bye, I think people were like, there's no discern to your your point, Fred, there's no discernible improvement. They came into a bye and that was the best they could come out with against a really average team, an average team that some people, I don't know how they convinced themselves this is a game they can win, This is a team that they can compete with.

I don't know why this Jets Miami score fifteen to six.

Yeah, wish I was there. Yeah, the Tyler Huntley experience is not going very well for Miami.

Mcgenius is doing it again, though he's got him playing hard well.

I don't know.

I mean nine and two, when you last eleven without your quarterback, I think that's pretty good. That's just me.

Yeah, you can you can have him? You can have him, all right. Matt doesn't like Hi because he's weird.

I like it. I like the nobody we have instead.


So to recap, the Patriots beat the Bills in the regular season finale twenty three to sixteen, therefore ensuring they will not pick number one. They will pick number four. But the big news is girod Mayo is no longer the Patriots coach. The news came in during the middle of the show. He's out and there'll be a new person on the sideline for the Patriots in the twenty twenty five season. For Cast of Thousands, Chris Judge, Josh Davis, Nick Poppolo, Dave Sarnovitz, Matt Morel, Matt Lapian for Paul Pirillo, the Boss Man, Fred Kersh, and Mike Dushau. It's been a pleasure to go through this season with you. Stay tuned because, as always, Patriots Unfiltered will have the latest and best coverage of the Patriots as a coaching hunt begins. We'll see you next year down the line. Thanks everybody, and have a good night.

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