Indy Clinton has joined the saturated market of influencer hosted podcasts. Skye Wheatley spreads cheating rumours about her own partner and Sarah’s Day’s wacky activewear campaign.
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Coming up on today's show, Indy Clinton has joined the saturated market of influencer hosted podcast Sky Wheatley spreads cheating rumors about her own partner and Sarah's Day's wacky active wear campaign. Hello, and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop culture news twice a week. I'm Kate Torbaugh and we're joined by the new Missus Hancock. Now I'm only going to legally be known as that. My name for my work is still going to be Sophie Torbert as that as if it's like the words forever. No, I'm not saying it is. But it's really hard to give up your last name. Are we going to see a change on social media? I might put it in the bio section on Instagram and maybe I'll change it on Facebook, but that's probably all I'm going to do. Yeah, this is the hard thing because with our last name Torba, it's a bitch to spell and pronounce. But at least no one else has the handle on social media. Whereas I tried to change my name to Kate Turner and I was like, there was literally no combination I could have including that. Yeah, and also everything is already set up with your last name, so even when you go to the shops and they want to put something under your account, they already have all of those old details. Now a lot of people have been asking how did you survive the heat because it was forty degrees on Saturday. Look, I didn't take it well as in in the lead up. I was really worried about it. And we got married at Golden Winery and they did have a hot weather policy in place, so they had a drink station set up for all of our guests. They had some big fans outside because our venue actually didn't have air conditioning.
Oh we couldn't tell.
Because it was even hotter because they had these lights like it looked beautiful but right behind the bridle tables, well yeah, these spotlights that were just it was so much heat coming out. That is because so for the guests though, they were seated under these huge fans. So the venue area was this old barn with stone walls, so it does stay quite cool in there. And when we booked the venue, they said, oh, because we booked it two years in advance, and they said, by the time you guys get married, we will probably have air conditioning, so thankfully a lot of our guests stayed cool from the fans, but because the bridle table was at the front, we sweltered.
Can I set the scene of how hot it was.
Three of the guests had their shoes melt and this is the glue in their shoes that the physical shoes didn't melt, but the soles of their shoes came off because the glue melted. Well, I mean for us, we spent most of the day in air conditioning and our accommodation getting ready, so it was really fun in the morning. But we did have a first look. So the first look was at two pm, which was the hottest.
Part of the day. It was three No, it was well, we had it.
Sorry, Yeah, our first look was three pm and our bridesmaid photos was two pm. And my poor bride'sman, Cameron, he got back inside after these photos and his white shirt was literally saturated. I've never seen someone sweat that much, but that was an ongoing theme because at the ceremony, all of the groomsmen, including Brandon, was sweating so much their shirts were translucent, and at one stage a bead of sweat from Brandon's forehead dropped in my mouth during the ceremony. Well, but you did have a lovely day, and we will go into it in more detail in our subscriber episode. I do want to clear something up though on this episode. So If and I have been getting comments on our bridesmaids dresses. People are saying, Hey, did Sophie borrow your bridesmaid's dresses for her ceremony? Yeah, I be selfish of your sofia to escape move and a good budget move. But no, they are two different dresses, but they just seemed to look very similar because of the effects that both our photographers put on the photos. We're going to share a photo of how different the colors actually are, yeh, because mine was a much i'm gonna say brighter pink, but it was a really coral color were yours? Yours was a slightly darker tone. And the dresses themselves. Mine were from Beckenbridge and yours were from pil Pilgrim. Yeah, so they are two different dresses. They're not even from the same designer. But I would take it as a big compliment because I loved both dresses, and you know, immitate is the greatest form of flattery, So thanks Sophie for copying my bridesmaidstry.
Even though it was so.
Hot, it was still one of the most special days. And my son Archie, my coccospaniel. He was an absolute star. I was shocked how well behaved he was because when I walked down the aisle, I had been envisaging this moment and he was perfectly sat down next to brand and he was so calm.
He didn't bark, he didn't really get noisy.
And he had this the cutest little suit on. And we had a few more touches of him throughout the day. So we had a little cake top of made of him. You guys got me this beautiful little charm to put on my bouquet of his face and was there anything else arching in that?
Oh? Well, he was in all of the photos.
He ended up walking back down the aisle with us, and he loved all of the confetti.
Before you get nasty, we need to have a little chat.
Okay, in three hours, you're either gonna love me, I'm gonna be your best friend, or you're gonna hate me, which is very uncalled for.
There's something different about Sarah's Day's recently released seventh activewear collection with White Fox Boutique, it is yet to sell out. Now, the House of Balance collection went on sale last week and only seven of the thirty three pieces.
Are sold out.
Now, that might sound like a pretty successful launch, but it really isn't for Sarah's day because by one collection where they over ordered stock, all collections sold out very quickly and have had to be restocked. So more recently, her Fitness Club collection sold out within three minutes of its launch and had to be restocked at the time. Sarah said this on her TikTok account.
Now, contrary to popular belief, I understand where this rumor comes from.
Like it makes sense right.
People say, oh, they purposely do low stock so that they sell out.
No, it is missed opportunity.
If people are on the site ready to buy your active wear and there's no stock in the first hour, that's stupid. Now, look, and I have been on both sides of the coin here, Like there's been one collection that we ordered too.
Much, and there's been every single other.
Collection that we order too little. And we have so many meetings discussing like everything to do with the collection. I don't have very much to do with how many units we're gonna sell, Like obviously I give White Fox all my data, like my followers, my engagement, and that we kind of use that to base off how many people we think.
Are gonna grab it. But yeah, I don't really get the final say, which like I don't want the final say.
I don't know those.
That's not my area of expertise, you know. Yeah, it's a fine line.
You don't want to have so much stock that you have it for like months on end and then you have.
To put it on sale and like no one's getting it.
But then you do not want to sell out within like minutes, let alone even the first few days.
Like you want people to have.
A few weeks to get their hands on things and not feel stressed and like have a good buying experience.
I'm wondering if this means that Sarah and White Fox Boutique actually learned from the last active wear drop and ordered more, or if it's just because the campaign wasn't very successful. Because she said that she took inspiration from a doctor Zeus book called Wacky Wednesday, And we spoke a lot a couple of weeks ago about this campaign because she spent two days at a luxury mansion, shooting only four TikTok reels. So when I looked at the reels, the first one one for fifty seconds and the other three only went for twenty seconds.
It was really weird. The campaign.
It's reminds me of when she and Kurt used to do put on those accents that weren't funny. It was a lot of that humor that maybe she and Kurt personally do it home, but I didn't find it funny or clove. It didn't really make sense because the whole collection is called House of Balance, and I assume she was drawing on inspiration because recently she has shut down her app that was causing her not to have any balance in her life. So I would have thought that the campaign would portray someone who's got balance between work, family, and also the gym. However, the campaign, apparently someone said it was meant to be a bit of a parody of the Princess Diaries. I don't have to dan how they get such a large budget from White Fox to put these campaigns together, because when you look at it, they hired out this house for multiple days because of the weather, and think how much they'd be paying Kurt's production company to film it. I don't think people understand this probably costs about thirty thousand dollars. She recently put out a behind the scenes video of the photo shoot, and it was quite embarrassing because she had previously complained about what a grueling day it was, but it looked like a pretty chill day.
She went to the hairdresser, had a bit of fun on set.
Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing because it looked like a pretty chilled out day on set. That was probably quite fun. Now was it just me or did the campaign not really make much sense? Because I think they almost got carried away with this creative idea. The firstly didn't align with the name of the collection, and then the concept of trying to spot all these wacky things in a real is actually distracting you away from even noticing the active word. And I'm wondering why that is why it hasn't sold out. Thirty year olds don't have time to be spotting little clues. I think a lot of her followers are probably mums who were run off their feet and are busy.
They just want to see if the active weear looks good.
Well, the thing is. The campaign actually did get a lot of commentary and views, but it's also because she launched a daily competition. So in the lead up to the Active Where launch, she announced that for the four days leading into it, she would release a new video each day and people would have to spot how many wacky things were in the video, and then they could go into the draw to win a two hundred and fifty dollars voucher. They also needed to tag two of their best friends and then follow Sarah and White Fox boutique. Now this meant heaps people were commenting all of the wacky things and it created great engagement. However, people have been commenting that none of the prize winners have been drawn. So the competition ended at nine am the following day of each video going live.
It's now a week later and they.
Haven't made any official announcement of who has won, and people have been commenting. So someone wrote, have we missed something? I totally get that people get busy have holidays and kids, etc. But come on now, don't say it if you can't deliver. It looks bad on her. Now, she did the same thing with a Christmas giveaway. Thing that's such a bad look. It also sounds like they've almost seen some TikTok online that's like, in order to get engagement you need to do X, Y and Z when that sort of content. Because she's got such a large audience, she doesn't really need to do that shit. She just needs to release some good imagery of her in the clothes. It just all is a bit odd. There were a couple of questions around sizing as well, So someone on TikTok asked, Sarah, do you have some mid sized models on the website for reference?
Would be lovely, and she responded.
Saying, I'm honestly not too sure who their e comm models are this month, but I'll try and find out. Someone also responded, rather than finding out, perhaps out something as the creative that you could put forward as being important to the campaign. And I couldn't agree more. I find it really odd when she's ever asked a question that's I mean, this question wasn't even critical, but a question that's asking for more information instead of answering the person straight away, why.
Don't you find out the answer.
But she's clearly viewed it as a critical question because she's copped it before and she wipes her hands. Yeah, but then she uploads that YouTube video saying, Oh, I'm the creative director and every year I've got to come up with this creative campaign. It's like, well, I would have thought a really important part of the creative campaign was to ensure that all bodies that your active wear is fitting are actually reflected in that campaign, because she was the only model again to feature in it. But then she also complained about having to try on all the active where so many times and how exhausting it was. It's like, why didn't you get other models on the campaign that reflect your audience a bit better? I think she I know, we have been discussing this all year, but I really think that her popularity is dwindling and she isn't becoming as relevant as she once was. Yeah, and I think that's why it's so interesting that this active where campaign hasn't sold out. I mean, also, let's be honest, the active weear looks very similar to the campaign that she did the previous year, and it's all very plain active where that you could get from Lulu Lemon or any other active were design. There's nothing really special about it. Also, never see people our age wearing White Fox Boutique. Like, when I see people rocking the White Fox Boutique hoodies, they're all early twenties. And is that the demo that's following Sarah now? Because I think she might have alienated that audience because she has grown up obviously and she's got kids. I don't know if people are watching her that now shop at White Fox Boutique. Also, I wonder if the bad pr around White Fox Boutique not getting orders out around Christmas time has anything to do with it.
Gus, this has happened to me before, right like this chick. It was when I was fucking happily pregnant and I was in Melbourne.
Sky Wheatley has outed her baby daddy Lockie.
War revealing cheating rumors in a damning Q and a Kate what is going on?
It all started when Sky invited her followers to send in anonymous questions for her to answer on her Instagram story. It's always dangerous when people put these enng L links out, isn't it. Not Surprisingly, most of the questions centered around her relationship with baby daddy Lockie wore Now. Sky has never shied away from sharing the ups and downs of their relationship, so much so that last year she actually shared that she'd moved out of their family home for a week before they reconciled. Now, to kick things off, Sky responded to a question asking if she thought Lockie had ever cheated on her while she'd been on.
A brand trip.
Now, she quickly shut down the conversation, writing, Nah, he would need the energy for that, and he's had the kids.
Ha ha ha.
Pretty hard for someone when you have kids who need your attention now. She also was asked how often her and Locke had sex and when he was going to propose, so people were really going there for any listeners out there who are curious. She did confirm that they have sex once a week, but it's not as often as Lockie would like. She also responded about the proposals, saying that she's not thinking about marriage at this point, and there was a time when she thought that Lockee was going to propose, but she told him not to. It's a bit of a backflip on the engagement thing because there was a time when she kept posting engagement rings that she wanted and all these clues to Lockie and a lot of people like when is he going to propose? Maybe she thinks that if she takes a different approach and says that she doesn't want to be engaged, that he might pop the question. I think there's a difference in wanting a nice ring and perhaps wanting everything that comes with marriage.
I think she likes the idea of the ring more.
Stupid because she literally has two kids with him, lives with him. The only thing they don't have is the bloody title of it. Yeah, but maybe she didn't want all of the legalities around the marriage because things the fact does lifting. I think that it's Yeah, but if it still becomes more complicated if you actually get married and sign all the paperwork, not really, I think that it's just reverse psychology At the moment. Well, things did get juicy when Sky shared a question that said, I'm too scared to message you, but Lockie has DMD me on Insta and insinuated to catch up in brackets despite being with you or having kids. I really wish I could tell you, but I don't want to mess things up. However, I've just written this as anonymous.
Quit now.
Sky responded saying, send the proof then we can talk, and added the laughing and handshake emojis, and this then triggered another person to send in a second cheating allegation. This time the person wrote, I just read what the other girl said about Lockie messaging her. My sister told me LOCKI has been catching up with her last year when you were both having a bit of trouble. I never ever had told anyone and felt so bad for you. Now, Sky wrote back, who's your sister?
Is she a babe? This is kind of hot with a bunch of.
Laughing emojis after it, she continued, I really want to know more, and if you felt bad for me, you would have messaged me earlier with proof, So cut the crap.
Can we also make this more believable also, like I've never told anyone? Ha ha ha Okay kept this juicy info in for a year now, coming straight to a source as anonymous, I cannot now. This did prompt a lot of followers to be like, what is going on? Is anyone actually sent you in any proof? And Sky said there's nothing in my DM's boring. My heart rate went up for a little For a min there, the kettle was just starting to boil. Now Sky revealed it's actually not the first time a follower has messaged her claiming that Lockie is cheating on her. She said the first time it happened was when she was heavily pregnant and doing a photo shoot in Melbourne. So at the time, Lockie denied the allegations, which led Sky to actually stalk the girl out. So apparently the girl in question used a model for Princess Polly and she was told the girl's name. So Ski ended up messaging the brand and asked about the girl, and they said that they didn't actually ever work with her. Let's write a more of what she said.
My friend end up ended up dming her because I was messaging her trying to get proof. Yeah, and she just wouldn't give me any information. And I'm like okay, because obviously I was like, okay, it's either happened or she's a troll. So that was that she wasn't giving me much information. She actually stopped replying to me so she wouldn't open my message. So my friend messaged Shirt and she's like, I've got your fucking number. If you don't start talking and tell us more information, we're gonna leak your number. I had nothing to do with that. It was my friend. But I'm so glad that she did do that because his troll ended up being like, I'm sorry, I was just saying that I made it all up. I just wanted her attention. I wanted her to reply. Blah blah blah blah. Still to this day, we don't know. We don't know what's the truth and what's not. So anyway, it's happened to me before, so yeah, yeah, whatever at all.
I love that she actually said, oh yeah, the girl admitted that she's just a troll and that she was doing it for attention, but then goes, oh, well, we don't know what the truth is.
Like, I feel like there must have been a massive.
Argument with between her and Lockey that night. But it must be so hard to know who to actually believe because you kind of take people on face value. Like if someone messages saying, oh, your partner's been cheating, there would be an element where.
You're going, well are they like why would someone just you?
Do you want to do the investigation? It's pretty funny because someone asked, what does Lockie think about you sharing all of these things, and apparently she said, he told me I was silly to post it, haha. You'll know me though, always unhinged. I feel so sorry for Lockie. Can you imagine how many arguments are being incited by this and it's afamatory towards him Because these are just anonymous sources putting forth this information. They probably don't think that Sky is actually going to post about it. I mean, you'd like to trust your partner, like you'd like to think that she could trust Lockey and go, no, he's not cheating, but if she's been bombarded by messages, you would start to wonder.
Yeah, And it's.
Funny that she chose to put it out because I feel like if you were really confident in your relationship, there's no way you would give that airtime. But it was almost like she was hoping that by sharing it, the person would come out and tell her more because obviously it's been sent in anonymously, and she did take the allegation quite seriously last time by following it up and doing all this investigating, which I completely understand because you would want to get to the bottom of it because if you're an influencer, you would hate to think that these things are going on behind your back and people were laughing about you. I mean, I think one of the reasons that she is sharing about it is because she is desperate for engagement. She has spoken before about her engagement levels dropping off and people unfollowing her, and she knows that this sort of relationship drama just causes just brings eyeballs over to it.
At least she's giving people what.
They are Yeah, great, it's very entertaining. It's confusing, though, because more recently it seems like things have been quite good between her and Lockie. They went on a holiday to Fiji and seemed pretty loved up, and I think people were really enjoying the fact that they were getting along. I wonder if this is going to spark another massive argument and potentially a bit of a break between the two of them again.
Jason Shack, I get you still asleep. We're going to do a quick workout, very very busy day.
Let's get do it. Indy Clinton has joined the saturated market of influencer hosted podcasts. The twenty twenty three TikTok Creator of the Year dropped her first episode on Tuesday, which, at the time of recording, is ranked number two in Apple's top shows and okay, what is this podcast about. Well, it's called the Sleep Deprived Podcast, which seems like a perfect name because Indy Clinton does have a ten week old plus two children under three, and it's basically the place where fans of her can go to hear more in depth conversations from Indy when she's not being interrupted by her kids. So India is promising real conversations and legit advice from professionals that she interviews. Now, originally, when she teased this secret project that she was working on, people assumed it was going to be a skincare or beauty product because she teased that she's working with chemist Warehouse. However, Chemist's Warehouse are just sponsoring the podcast and they appear to be the ones putting the studio together and filming at all. So last week India actually traveled to Melbourne with her husband Ben and ten week old Soul to bulk record a bunch of these interviews, and so she showed vision of her in the studio changing outfits. And to me, there's something I don't like when people bolk record episodes because it just doesn't really seem to be true to their life as it's going like, I like a live element to a podcast where you know it's been recorded the day before. It's kind of like when Sarah's Day was doing those daily podcasts for Spotify, and you could tell because they talk about stuff that had happened months before, and you're like, oh, okay, we've just caught up now. I did find the podcast fairly interesting because it was an introductory episode about who she is and what she's been doing. And I always like that because you know, you stumble across these influencers at different times. But I didn't realize that she really is an OG influencer. She's been on Instagram since she was fifteen, posting about her being a surfer chick basically, so I've only really come across her knowing her as this chaotic mummy blogger, but really she went off organically ten years ago. And she said that she used to post pictures of handfuls of shells and different stuff at the beach and she just gets so many likes on the content. Who would never get now, who was better hers or Ruby Tuesday Matthews? Oh, definitely Indies because you could tell that they had that production quality there. It was filmed in a proper studio they filmed the episode. There was something also good about Ruby Tuesday Matthews, knowing that it wasn't overproduced as well. But I do think that Indy Clinton's probably has more of a longevity because she has got the help of a production team.
Olivia Atwood, who's a UK influencer that was on Love Island. She's also dropped a new podcast this week and in the UK it went to number one. I listened to it because I love Olivia Outwood and it's good.
I just I feel like there is a.
Place for some of these podcasts if you take them for what they are. Most of them only last sort of a season or two. I think it's a little different with Olivia Attwood because she has already started changing career path. She's been doing doco, so it makes more sense for her to have a podcast. But I just think that there are just too many influencer podcasts at the moment, and it does feel like every influencer and their dog thinks that they can just sit behind a microphone and produce quality content. We have had a lot of discussions in our Facebook group about Olivia Rodgers' podcast and how people are saying it just misses the mark that they love her social media content, but their podcast just is an it. I think that influencers can't just assume that their followers are going to then translate to listeners because it is such an oversaturated market that you have to be doing something quite creative, because you can't just get on there and talk about yourselves. Or the one that annoays to be the most is them interviewing people. And I was quite disappointed when I heard the indie would be interviewing people. It's like, I don't want to hear you interview people. And while a lot of her fans were excited, there were a lot of naysayers in her comments. So one person and wrote, who doesn't have a podcast now? There are way too many, to which Indy replied, have a winge. And another person also commented the amount of influencers turning to podcasts now is crazy, and Indy said back, because we have a lot to say now. There are definitely a lot of influencer podcasts, particularly heaps, that are popping up at the moment. But I think that in order to be successful, you either have to pick a niche or you have to be quick to the market. So if you think about Lucy Jackson and Nicky Westcott their podcast Happy Hour, I'd say it's probably one of the most successful influencer led podcasts, and that that's because they launched back in twenty nineteen when the market wasn't from us, so there's two of them, whereas if you notice a lot of the new podcasts, it's just one person. Some of them need to start teaming up, Like imagine Ruby Tuesday Matthews with Indy Clinton, for example, that would be a good combination.
That would be chaotic.
Maybe they would probably need someone that wasn't so chaotok that led it a little bit more. I think you need to have that mixture of personalities. It is interesting because I wasn't surprised to see Indy Clinton's podcast top the charts, but I do wonder how long it is actually going to stay in the charts. The one I enjoy it the most is when there's an influence I won't name who it is, but I think we probably know who it is where they launch their podcast and it actually doesn't make the charts, and it's just a barometer of the fact that they don't have a genuine follower, but yeah, I know who you're talking about. There is a difference though, in wanting to tune into a few minutes of someone's life, perhaps in a TikTok you know, real or whatever, they're actually wanting to sit and hear them speak for an hour on a podcast. So that being said, I just wish the influencers would bring out a podcast and then literally just talk like they wouldn't have vlogged, because if you're driving in the car sometimes I just love listening to absolute rubbish. I don't like listening to them, as you said, Kate, where they reinterview each other shit that we've already heard. I just want like general conversation. And that's where I think it is good when an influencer is working with a team of producers because they are able to then say, this is what people want you to talk about. Can you talk about these three topics. We've seen it with the Kick podcast how it has completely changed, and I think that they have enjoyed more success recently since listener have been involved, because you can tell that they have someone that is a professional in the radio space tell them these are the topics for me to talk about. Aka talk about your sex life. Producers just talk about sex, talk about not washing your sex toys. I mean, even Olivia Rodgers has clearly cotten on that no one really wants to hear her interview people, so she started doing q and as and revealing juicy things about her personal life. She's recently got her mum on, Well that looks good, Like that is a good move. Whoever suggested that. Yeah, But the thing with Olivia Rodgers podcast is she's actually got a team working with her. But maybe they are too much of Yes, people have gone too much on what she wanted to do. You know what it is. I think they've gone and it's going to sound harsh, but I think they've gone for sort of sob stories that they think that people. You know, this is so much deeper to talk about. That's not the audience. People want to hear about Morgan. We want to hear about the marriage split, but we want to hear super visual stuff. So Ricky and Lucy do it really well where they actually put their personality and their life out there in a way that you feel like you're listening to friends. But not everyone has a personality for a podcast. So just because you have a following, like, let's be real, Olivia Rodgers is an absolutely stunning girl. So a lot of her followers are because of her appearance and that they want to emulate her beauty tips and her fashion, whereas maybe they're not as interested, unfortunately about what she has to say, and that's why her podcast.
Isn't doing well.
I'm just talk about the beauties, but talk about the beauty stuff. Yeah, but I kind of feel weird how people are bringing out a lot of beauty or fashion podcast because to me, there's such visual elements like I can't I don't know about you, but my brain doesn't work in the way of being able to visualize a beauty technique or to visualize all these different but other people's are And I think that it would be great to hear what Olivia like. Get Olivia Rodgers and Paulo Sacchy. This is a great podcasts idea. Get them on a podcast together and you have to talk about no but have them actually talk about fashion. Yeah. They Actually I found that one quite interesting because he opened up about coming out in his thirties.
That was actually quite a good Yeah.
But I'm saying as a niche podcast, actually target it towards your audience. So my audience followed me because they like the outfits that wear. So go on and talk about how you dress Olivia for a wedding and what she feels comfortable in and the backlash that she received ever wearing the certain dress.
I want to know, how does she do her hair?
Yeah, she shares that on Instagram, but put it in a podcast for everyone wants to.
See the visual.
But look at Saffron Barker and Anastasia kings North. There's is probably one of the best podcasts that influencers do that I listen to, and it's because they're sharing information about their love life. They know their niche. I mean, I do enjoy it, But that being said, sometimes I feel like I'm getting dumber listening to it. When they start handing out dating advice.
I will not. Yeah, but you're not fucking twenty that their mind.
You're not a target. Okay, you've hit the on the head. The key to a good influencer podcast is when they actually share personal details. Will somebody shout out Michelle's personal details.
For the other can't just say sorry? Amy?
In regards to that podcast, it was so funny and I've been meaning to have this as a segment because we did have a segment a while ago where it's like dumb shit that you've heard people say on social media. And it was so funny because they did a Q and A, like a sex Q and A, and they was a Saffron and Anastasia and they were sort of reading out what are sex myths? And there was a myth about like when you lose your virginity, not everyone bleeds or loses their heimen.
There was a question about that. Anyway.
You could tell that Saffron didn't understand the question because she started talking about getting.
Her first period.
Yeah, And I just thought it was so funny these poor teenage girls who were going to these twenty three year olds for advice and the difference between hymen and that period so obvious that they've just been sent these lists of questions from the producers. They've any creative control over it because they're like, oh, this is a bit stupid.
What's it anyway?
Yeah, Well, one influencer podcast I'm actually quite excited for that is apparently in the pipeline is Sky Wheatley's. So I'm excited not because I think it will be good. I'm excited because I think it will be an absolute train wreck. And I don't understand why someone like Sky Wheatley would literally give her a self a space that she could get herself even more in trouble.
Well, how quickly do you think they'll be calls for her to be canceled after the podcast?
I mean, she's always getting calls to be canceled.
That's what I mean.
Like the first episode, are we're going to hear, you know, an incident like the.
Cat swinging incident.
It makes our jobs a little easier because it gives us some content to talk about. Yeah, we love the content. Well, I think that's where we're going to leave things today. This podcast was recorded on the traditional land of the Ghana people of the Adelaide Planes. We pay respect to elders past and present and if you do love the podcast, please make sure you are subscribed to the show and leave us a five star out review.