Sarah’s Day’s Insensitive Clap-back, Kyree Harvey Soft Launches New Puppy & Sammy Robinson's New Man

Published May 9, 2024, 2:32 PM

Sarah’s Day’s insensitive clap-back at women struggling with fertility. Kyree Harvey soft launches new puppy weeks after revealing she rehomed her dog. Sammy Robinson's mystery man AND Olivia Mather’s desperate plea to find her stolen cat.

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Hello, and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop culture news twice a week. I'm Sophie Torbah and coming up on today's show, Sarah's Days, insensitive clapback.

At women struggling with fertility.

Kyrie Harvey's soft launches a new puppy just weeks after revealing she rehomed her dog, and Olivia Math's desperate.

Plea to find her stolen cat.

But first, Sammy Robinson has soft launched her new man during a Mexican muckbunk. Now, this mukbunk took place in her new Guys car, but Sammy cleverly angled the camera so it was only her in the shot. We did get to see his arm and also a very fleeting shot off the top of his head. We also did briefly get to hear his voice and see them interact as a couple, and it is clear that they're pretty comfortable with each other because they were dressed in matching gray tracksuit tops and Sammy was literally holing into a large burrito at one stage she had sore stripping from her mouth, and they also shared the burrito back and forth. So this seems like it's been in the works for quite some time. There is a level of comfort that you have when it's a boyfriend and not just someone you're seeing.

That's pretty intimate to share a burrito. As much as I love my husband, I don't think i'd share one with him.

I think it shows how early on they are in this relationship, because once you've been going out with someone for a few years, you're definitely having set for burritos and you're not sharing. Yeah, you're like, those are my chips, don't touch them. There's that sort of thing going on. Well. This video has attracted over eighty one thousand views, with her fans wanting to know more about the mystery man. One follower wrote who is this man? Sis, whilst another said don't hide the man girly, we want to know, and another said she's a relationship girly, which I have to agree with. I mean, if you're Sammy Robinson, I'm sure it's not hard to get into a relationship.

She's absolutely stunning.

I'm sure there is a line of guys waiting outside her door wanting to ask her on a date. Soft launches are really changing since TikTok because preview it was really a soft launch, it was maybe a guy's arm on a table in a photo of you at a cafe. However, this guy is fully in the video.

He's talking. Yes, you can't actually see his face, but this is a clear message from Sammy, I am in a relationship because you're not putting this type of content out with just anyone. I do love that when someone soft launches a relationship, how quickly you can turn into an FBI agent and analyze someone's content to just try and find anything out about who this person is. I've probably watched this video a little too closely because I have ascertained that this guy's name potentially starts with a W. So in the video, his hands are shown on the wheel of the car as he goes through the drive through, and he is wearing a friendship bracelet with the letters S and W on it. So I am assuming that this is a very cute couple bracelet, and the S is for Sammy and potentially the W is for his name. She clearly likes cute couple of things like that, because last time she hard launched her relationship, she shared that they had a special personalized key ring made and it was a photo of them kissing on it. Yeah, that's clearly been burned by now.

I mean, I think she'll probably drop a few more clues like that on her Instagram story. I did go and search Sammy Robinson's friend list for any guy's name starting with a W, and I have spired one guy called Will. I won't be saying his last name because it could be incorrect, but I have an inkling. I think the top of his head looks the same as what we saw.

In the TikTok and A were assuming that Sammy made the bracelet for him. Oh, I reckon that would be very cute.

Acknowledging that nine to nine point nine percent of you, I'm not these crazy people, these crazy obsessed people that actually make me feel uncomfortable. I'm like, well, we'll get a hobby.

Sarah's Day has issued an insensitive clap back at her followers struggling with fertility. After announcing her third pregnancy last week, Sarah says she was inundated with messages accusing her of baiting a fertility battle. In a four minute ran on her Instagram story, she labeled these women as obsessed and fixated on her even telling them to get a hobby that didn't revolve around her. Kate, can you tell us more well?

Sarah took to her Instagram story on Monday to address the backlash around her pregnancy announcement, and she said that she needed to shut it down quickly because it was annoying and made her feel uncomfortable. She then said this.

For the past few days, I've received so many DMS emails, comments like there's two separate people, there's like frustrated people, and then people who I don't know where this they're getting this.

Narrative from anyway.

I just replied to a bunch of dms and I'm like, I'm just gonna nip this in the bud now because people are like, I'm so triggered that you created content and vlogs saying you're not pregnant when you were.

The content Sarah is referring to is a vlog that she uploaded on the eighth of February entitled Live catch Up, Being Vulnerable Again and Updating You on life Now. It was the last video in a short YouTube series she shared about her can journey, and in the vlog, she explained that she was in her fourth month of trying to conceive. This is what she said.

As you know, we have been really casual in trying to conceive. However, it's our fourth month now trying, which for some people is nothing like I know people have tried for years.

Again, I talk about that and reference that in my previous blog, so just stay with me. But for us, because we conceived Malkai on the first try, from going from like first try baby to the fourth month, it's something we've never experienced before.

Feels nice to like bring you along on this journey and just feel really open and vulnerable about what we're going through at the moment.

So it's fine and like I'm not stressed about it, but I don't know, like when you decide you want to have another baby, it's like.

Hard for not to consume your thoughts, you know.

Sarah then went on to say that she knew it was a sensitive topic and she tried to tread carefully so she didn't upset anyone or was insensitive. Now. Later on in the vlog, she discussed how she and her friends are in their seat of trying to fall pregnant and are consumed with it. She then said, this.

Don't want this to be a stressful experience for us, because I have no reason to think like that at the moment. You know, like, who knows how long it took us to conceive Fox because he was a love baby, but Malicha, we got him on the first try. So I'm like, I don't want to overthink it, like it's all in God's plan.

I truly believe that.

I've really been praying that God has his hand on this pregnancy. Anyway, I'm just rambling now and just chatting to you like I would my sister. Just want to be more vulnerable with you guys, I guess, and like really take you along on what I'm going through week by week.

So back to Sarah's clapback, she addressed this vlog specifically and explained that she actually did fall pregnant that cycle. She said when she filmed the vlog, though, that she was in the weight period and got her ovulation wrong, so thought she wouldn't fall pregnant. She then went on to say, this.

So we actually end up I got a positive pregnancy test at like the end of feb or something like in feb. So this was actually filmed in January. This flog is filmed at the end of Jan and it goes up on the eighth of Feb.

Now, the timing has confused many followers, particularly because she uploaded the vlog as a life update, but then has come out and said that the content was pre recorded. Now back to Sarah's Instagram stories. She also addressed allegations that she claimed she was struggling to get pregnant, saying this.

Lastly, while we're on this topic, i got this random DM yesterday saying, I'm really disheartened that you claim to struggle to get pregnant this time. We've never claimed to. We didn't struggle to get pregnant. We got pregnant on the fourth try, which we feel so grateful about. The only time I've ever used the word struggle is in relation to some close family members and close friends of mine who are struggling and have struggled to get pregnant. So I mentioned that in a vlog that I want to be as open. Well, I wanted to be as open as I could during our trying to conceive journey, but while being respectful because now that I am really close for people who are on that journey, I'm just so much more sensitive that we are in such a greatful we're in such a blessed position to be able to for pregnant naturally.

But yeah, we've never struggled to for pregnant with this baby, like it took us four times. But yeah, the only time I've used the word struggle is in relationship one of my friends and family who has struggled. Anyway, just some nipping that in the butt now, because it's like making me angry. Guys, relax, everybody, just flax now.

I was pretty taken aback by that because Sarah's YouTube channel back in twenty sixteen and seventeen revolved around her bid to balance her hormones, her PCOS diagnosis, and trying to get her period back. So, for those who aren't familiar with PCOS, it stands for polycystic ovary syndrome and it's a complex hormonial condition that affects about one in ten women. And there are a range of symptoms associated with PCOS, including irregular menstrual cycles, acne, and reduced fertility.

And I think what is most interesting about that is that Sarah really attracted a large audience by being vulnerable and sharing about her journey with PCOS, which included giving a ton of holistic tips to resolve symptoms. And so she still has that loyal audience of women who were also struggling with their fertility and have gone on this journey with her. So that is why there are so many people up in arms over there.

And at that time, she shared with her audience that it would be hard for her to conceive and when the time came to have children, it was likely she would have to go down the IVF path. So it's likely a lot of her followers from that time struggled with the same issues as her. Yeah, I do find it wild she would make such a claim when her YouTube channel literally holds all of the receipts. So just five months ago, during a vlog about her latest conception journey, she said this, if you've.

Been here since like twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen, you may know that Fox was a love baby. First of all, I got told by a gynocologist and multiple doctors that I would probably never fall pregnant naturally, and even IVF for me wouldn't be a sure thing because I had polcistic ovarian syndrome. I was pretty affected by that, obviously, thinking that I would never conceive naturally, maybe never have kids, like I had no idea.

And then when Sarah announced her second pregnancy in twenty twenty one, she said this.

Although I had been pregnant three years earlier, our sun Fox was a complete surprise, as I had been told by our doctors that due to my hormonal imbalances and PCOS that falling pregnant naturally was highly unlikely.

So with this being the last.

Fertility related news I had been given, I tried not to get my hopes up too much and just be prepared that it may take us a while to conceive again.

And even when she announced her most recent pregnancy, she tried to set this tone that the journey wasn't easy for her. Let's throw to what she said. I don't think there's a line, but the fact that I'm filming.

Means that, like every other month.

I have subconscious hope hoped it down that maybe maybe this is our month.

That I get a positive pregnancy test.

If things couldn't get worse. Sarah then took aim at the women who were triggered by her content. She labeled the women as obsessive. Let's throw to what she said.

Also acknowledging that nine to nine point nine percent of you are not these crazy people, these crazy obsessed people that actually make me feel uncomfortable. I'm like, well, get a hobby, get a hobby. Make your hobby, not me. And anyway, yeah, obviously I know this is not majority of you. It's like the smallest group of people.

But we know the smallest voices in the room make the loudest noise. If my children had anything.

To go by, the smallest voices in the room make the loudest noise.

So for some context, this outburst was off the back of a comment Sarah received on a recent Instagram reil So. The follower was upset that Sarah said she was struggling to conceive after three months and said it was tone deaf to women like her who were actually struggling with fertility. The woman wrote, and the audacity to put struggling while already being pregnant. When posting that, the woman went on to say she was a longtime fan who wo had watched Sarah's videos from day dot now. Sarah hit back, saying she never once said they were struggling to conceive and confirmed they got pregnant. The fourth month of trying. She went on to explain that she had mixed up her ovulation day in the vlog, but confirmed she did end up conceiving that month. Sarah finished up by writing, please do not spread false information. Not once have I said we have struggled to conceive this baby. It is clear the timeline of Sarah's posting has confused a lot of people. As the follower responded, the videos say they were posted two months ago, which would be March, and touched on struggling with TTC, whether that has been emotionally or physically, and the comment section is full of women with infertility. So I felt uncomfortable that we all felt we related to and felt sorry for something that was actually fine behind the scenes. Perhaps YouTube is displaying the posting time frame wrong. Happy to send a screenshot of it if you need it, genuinely not trying to spread misinformation. Just found it upsetting the way it unfolded with no trigger warnings, etc. For such a huge topic. Now, Sarah responded, respectfully, Hannah, if you're clearly as fixated and obsessed with this as you appear to be, check the date of the vlog and maybe get a hobby that allows you not to have the mental time for fixations and false narratives like this. Not once did I say we struggled. We got pregnant on our fourth month of trying and are so grateful. I was open about feeling hopeful certain months after having pregnancy symptoms, but my tests were negative. It's okay for me to be disappointed with negative tests. However, not once did I say we were struggling to conceive because we didn't. I cannot believe that Sarah would label a woman who has struggled with fertility as fixated and obsessed. The lack of empathy is truly disturbing, particularly when Sarah shared so openly how consuming her own own pregnancy journey was. You think that she would relate to this woman in a sense.

I really felt for this woman because she outlined to Sarah that she's been a longtime fan of her, She's been following her journey for about ten years, and she was pretty considered in what she wrote to Sarah. I think she was trying to explain to her why her community of followers is hurting so much by her announcement. I'd hate to see what she'd actually write to someone who is considered a troll.

Well, I saw a lot of people alleging that Sarah has been sending out a lot of very rude dms and that the tone is even worse than this one that she publicly left to this woman. Well, this comment did end up getting deleted. But what really blows my mind about this whole thing is that instead of taking the feedback on board from her followers and women who were struggling with their fertility, she's instead decided to attack them publicly. Like, I don't understand. Why didn't she acknowledge these women's feelings and just apologize. It just shows all her disclaimers that she added in about not wanting to upset anyone and being sensitive just virtue signaling, because it's quite clear by her reaction that she doesn't care who she upsets.

I just don't understand, because if she had jumped on her Instagram stories and just said I am so sorry if I offended anyone, that was not my intention at all. I feel so much for women out there who were struggling. I have been there in a situation where I thought I may have difficulty conceiving.

But I've been so lucky.

I think a lot of people would have been like fair enough well, particularly because she opened up about the fact that her sister and also friends were struggling with fertility.

I wonder how they feel after seeing that outburst on Instagram. She's kind of acting like a stroppy teenager. Like it's as if she doesn't realize she has a huge following and a massive brand, and the followers are actually the people who were giving her this amazing life. Like obviously she's worked hard to put this content out there, but her.

Followers, who have paid for her courses and have paid for her clothes, they are allowing her to have this amazing life, and all she's.

Doing is constantly attacking them and saying, you're obsessed with me. You put out a vlog every week, you're on your stories every week. You want people to buy into your life.

But she's also not understanding the parasocial relationship that people have developed with her over ten years. So for a follower who, as you said, Amy, feels like they've supported her and brought into her life, for them to receive a rude DM or a rude public message would.

Actually be very crushing because they feel like Sarah is their friend and they're just bringing up with their friend.

Hey, I don't think you've handled this, and.

She wasn't even rude. That follower was not rude at all the whole friend thing. Sarah has built this brand on calling her followers her sissies, and in one of her vlogs where she spoke about her conception journey recently, she said, Oh, you know, I just love opening up on my vlog because I feel like I'm talking to my sisters. So you can't then hit back at followers when they feel like they are your sister and complain when they feel like their sister hasn't treated them properly. And this whole commentary around get a better hobby rather than obsessing over me really rubbed me up the wrong way. It's like, do you realize that people watching your content as their hobby is paying for your bills. It does seem to be Sarah's new thing to label people as obsessed, because we recently discussed how problematic it was for her to return to the trend of sharing what she eats in a day, and we posted a TikTok video about it, and she hid out at us in the comment, saying, your obsession with commenting and scrutinizing my life is honestly getting uncomfortable girls. Now, I think this comment proves she doesn't have a comeback for her behavior. Why doesn't she ever acknowledge what the video is about? I was like, you're obsessed with me? Yeah? We did follow up writing, Hi, Sarah, You're one of many influencers who we discuss on our pop culture podcast. As one of Australia's biggest YouTubers, the content you put out to your millions of followers sparks conversations around the world. Sometimes we agree with you and sometimes we don't. In this instance, you discussed how your previous What I Eat in a Day videos reflected a time in your life when you were practicing disordered eating. What concerns us is those videos are still up online for vulnerable people to see and are monetized. While you might not be in that mindset anymore, your old content is still being served up to vulnerable women who will copy what you used to eat in the hope of obtaining your body. Just wondering if you've thought about taking those videos down now. Sarah, of course did not respond to that question.

Her comment had very mean girl vibes, and I would have respected it more if she came back to us explaining why she feels a day on the plate still has a place in society, not just said that we're obsessed with her and how dare we talk about her life when she literally puts it out to millions of people. It would be nice for her to take accountability for once, And it does concern me that she was clearly filming this what I Eat in a Day video while she was pregnant, so no doubt it's going to be what I Eat in the day as a pregnant woman, which I think is even more unhelpful. And I think what added to the grossness of this whole thing is the fact that she literally timed the promotion of her pregnancy workout guide with her pregnancy announcement. Think Sarah really needs to reflect on the fact that she has millions of followers on Instagram and YouTube, and she should be using her platform to be empathetic and considerate of women, particularly those who are struggling with their fertility.

Put a thing you down. If someone stole your cat, you found out who it was and confronted them. They denied everything. Have so many inconsistencies in their story and it's all still ongoing.

Gold COO's influencer Olivia Mathers has issued a desperate plea to anyone with information about her beloved Bengal cat Hawky, who was reportedly stolen over a week ago. This story is so sad, Sophy, can you tell us how it's all unfolded? This story does have quite a few twists and turns, and it all started when Olivia received information from a neighbor that her cat, Hawky, had been dropped at the pound. So the neighbour's dad had allegedly found Hawky wandering and decided to drop the pedigree cat at the pound. Now here's what Olivia said about the exchange with her neighbor.

The chick said, I made sure my dad went there. I watched his location, I watched his location leave this their house and followed his location to the pound. Because like, why would you say that? That's so dodgy?

All right, I reckon they're trying to sell.

This is getting sass as fuck. So the lady who said that her dad's dropped Hawky to the pound said that she was dropped off on Saturday at lunchtime, the lady that works here at the pound said that no one dropped off a cat on Saturday. These people who have taken Hawky three days ago, four days ago are lying.

As you can hear from that grab. Olivia and her mum raced down to the pound to be told by staff that no Bengal cat had been dropped there.

This led Olivia to confront her neighbor via text. She explained to her neighbor that the pound had no information on a Bengal cat, and to confirm what day Hawkey was dropped there, and also to confirm that she was at the right pound now. The neighbor replied confirming the details, but when Olivia asked for her to send through her dad's contact details, her story suddenly changed. The neighbor wrote, Hi, I've talked to my father and.

He didn't tell me.

But as he went to take the cat out the car, it escaped and he freaked out and didn't tell me. Now, this message came through four days after Hawky had allegedly been dropped at the pound.

It's very suss that the dad would have only just mentioned this news. Now what what the fuck?

This pisses me off so much, it's clear something more is going on. I feel so heartbroken for poor Olivia. Hawky is such a beautiful cat, and she keeps posting these really sad videos of her and the cat together. Yeah, he has been by her side since she moved out of her family home and into her new place. And he is a very striking cat. As people know Bengal cats, they have that sort of tiger print and pure bread. Bengal cats are in very high demand, so they can fetch upwards of two thousand dollars. So that is what makes this disappearance so fishy. I do like that Olivia is using her very large following to her advantage. So she has over seven hundred and sixty thousand followers and a lot of influencer friends, so she's essentially been sharing this lost cat post that it's gone everywhere. It's been popping up on all of these influences I follows Instagram stories. Well it's not just a lost cat post. She says that this cat has been stolen. So in the post, it says, my cat has been stolen and we believe the thieves are.

Trying to sell her.

She also urged her followers to keep an eye out on marketplace or just in general. If anyone is trying to sell this cat online, surely one of.

The big news stations is going to pick up on this. This is such a good.

Story if the Daily Mail has so far, and also the Gold Coast Bulletin, so hopefully it will lead to some information.

It did lead to a number of.

Blue ticks reaching out in the comments set so fitness influencer Ashy Bindes shared that she had gone through something similar. She wrote, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Will continue to share my heart breaks for you. Someone stole my cat years ago and I never got him back, so I know the feeling and it's gut wrenching.

Sending you strength. When I saw this unfolding online, I was wondering if this was targeted, because Olivia does share about her cat openly online and as you've touched on, it is an expensive cat. However, Olivia has actually pointed the blame at her neighbors, saying this.

All right, I'm going to show with you guys as much as I can about this whole situation without getting myself in trouble. But I just know it is completely eft up. There's no doubt in my mind that my neighbors have stolen my cat, and I washolding information of her current whereabouts. The two interactions that I had with them, their stories were so inconsistent. They also kept making mention of how much she was worth. They're deflecting hard, being defensive. Apparently the last time they saw her was on the driveway, yet they don't want to prove this with the camera that faces their driveway.

Well, as she outlined, the most frustrating thing is that these neighbors actually have CCTV outside the front of their house, so they could clearly try and prove their so called story about discovering this cat and taking him to the pound.

But obviously they have something to hide. It's so frustrating because what are you supposed to do in this situation. I mean, I'd be wanting to call the police, but there's not really that much they can do.

This has set me off, like the thought of someone stealing your pet. It's one of the most distressing things I can think of.

I'd go around and kick the door open. I'll be like, look, I'm here for Hawky. Well. The sad thing is she's such a young girl.

She probably doesn't, you know, feel comfortable getting herself into a situation like that. I think there's three to four people living in this house and it's just her living on her own.

And the thing is the cat might not be there anymore. They may have already sold her. It's just disgusting.

She is currently offering a cash reward for anyone with verified information about Hawky's disp appearance or for his return. She's been putting up all of these posters in her area with the heading stolen, and on the poster she did actually list her email address and phone number, and some followers were concerned, thinking, oh my god, so many people are going to be hitting up Olivia just trying to talk to her. It is not her real number, someone else's number putting it out there. But I mean, even I hope from us talking about it, maybe someone has information about this cat, because.

I really hope that they get reunited, and hopefully someone just drops it off in a box on her doorstep, no questions asked, because the last thing you want is someone to panic and to do any sort of harm towards this cat. They just need to return it.

You gotta pet.

You got a responsibility.

If your dog is lost, you don't look for an hour then call it quits.

You get your ass out there and you'll find that dog.

Kyrie Harvey has soft launched her new puppy less than two weeks after confirming the news that she rehomed her assie doodle Socks. The latest update in the saga upset a lot of people.

Kate, Yeah, people are not happy, especially considering the murkiness of the timeline. So it is unclear when Kyrie rehomed her original dog, Socks and when this new puppy arrived. What we do know is Kyrie confirmed the news of the rehoming on the twenty fourth of April after being bombarded with messages from her followers after the dog suddenly disappeared from her account. Now, so can you refresh people's memories on the reason why Kyrie rehomed the dog well.

In the statement, she cited the dog's size as one of the main reasons that she decided to rehome him. She also said that the dog's safety was a concern and cided that they couldn't stop him from climbing over their fence and getting onto the road. And she finished upriting, we planned to adopt a much smaller breed that will fit into our family's lifestyle. I hope that you respect that as a family, we did what's right for us and also ensured Socks was safe and love too.

Now, last week we did discuss how there were conspiracy theories floating away that the family had already adopted a cocker Spaniel. At the time, super Sleuth had spotted that Kyrie had started following cocker Spaniel breeders pages, and it appears those theories were one hundred percent correct because on Tuesday, Kyrie uploaded an Instagram story promoting eye patches with a new Cocker Spaniel puppy in the frame. She was self launching that dog, a little bit like how Sammy Robinson was soft launching a human she minus the Mexican both adorable. It sounds like, yeah, it is interesting that she hasn't hard launched the dog. Do you guys think that she will? Well, probably not after what she's copped for doing the soft leantun.

I kind of feel for her because she did outline that they still had the intention of getting another dog. She does have three kids who are most likely heartbroken that their other dog has had to be rehome. The kids didn't make the decision that it was too difficult for him. The kids wouldn't been doing anything.

Yeah, but a lot of people have been saying, why is this cocker spaniel any different? Well, as someone who has a cocker Spaniel, they are very difficult as puppies. Like the first six weeks with my dog Archie, he was a complete handful. So I wonder if they're like, oh my god, I didn't realize that it would be like this. This is why people are upset because the inference is that this woman has such a perfect life on Instagram. She shares all about her.

Perfect table settings and her perfect children and a perfect home, and this Aussie doodle obviously didn't seem to fit into her life. So there is the concern that, well, when this puppy starts acting up and starts chewing the couch, you know.

Is she going to get rid of that. I think where she's got herself in hot water is this wording around adopting a new dog. Because when I saw that, I was like, oh, okay, so she's going to make good. She's going to go down to the pound and give a dog that needs a new home, a new lease on life. It's going to be a very positive story. However, she's gone out and purchased a new pedigree dog, and it also plays into this narrative online that she just cares about image.

Yeah, but in her defense, I feel like I'm the only one defending her that I obviously think that people should be adopting from pounds where that they can or animal welfare leagues. However, she has literally said that they've had to rehome this dog due to the fact that it was too big and potentially could get out of their yard. So if you're adopting a dog where you don't necessarily know what the breed is, you don't know what the characteristics are. Maybe a dog that has been abandoned for you know, behavior for getting too no, but but for behavioral issues, and you've got young kids, sometimes it can be difficult. Sometimes you want to go a pure bred dog that you know what the characteristics of that dog are going to be.

And a cocker Spaniel is a real family dog. Yeah, but a cocker Spaniel is not a small little lap dog. It is still a medium sized dog. And she hasn't addressed whether she has fixed any of the issues that she flagged as reasons to rehome Socks. So she said that a big reason was the dog safety because it could get out. Because it did they didn't have adequate fencing, So why is it not suddenly a problem for this dog? And she also spoke about behavioral issues. But anyone who has had a puppy will know that you need to put a lot of time and effort into training that dog. So has she changed up her schedule to allow for that time. I have to disagree with you, kay, I think that a cocker spaniel is a lap dog if they are the sort of dog that follows you around the house. They're very chill and calm. Yeah, but that might be your dog, but that doesn't mean every cocker spaniel is the same. And I just think she needed to leave a bit of time in between announcing that she rehomed one dog to getting another dog. It seems quite likely that she had this cocker Spaniel when she put the announcement out, So I just think it is not a good look for her, and I'm really interested to see how she navigates this moving forward. Is she going to hard launch the dog and If she does, I would like her to address, you know, what she's changed in her lifestyle to have a new dog. I love the we're talking about hard launching a dog, but I think that is.

Where we are going to leave things today. Thank you so much for joining us for today's episode. We all hope you have an amazing weekend. This podcast was recorded on the traditional land of the Ghana people of the Adelaide Planes.

We pay respect to elders past and present, and if you do want to hear more content from us, we did drop a subscriber episode yesterday where we discussed a whole bunch of influencer stories that we just didn't have time to discuss on our regular shows. So if you aren't an Outspoken Plus subscriber, all the details to subscribe are in our show notes.

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