Mummy blogger Sarah Kearns has asked the question every influencer isn’t supposed to ask… can you engage with my content?
Lily Brown has been slammed for shaming an Only Fans creator for wearing her brand. The lounge wear owner ended up deleting her comments but the damage was already done.
Sammy Robinson has hit out at claims she’s a serial dater. The fashion label founder said she’s had three boyfriends in her life, with two relationships just so happening to quickly follow suit.
AND Chloe Szep has announced she’s launching a new venture under her activewear brand, Szep’s, umbrella.
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Hello and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop culture news twice a week.
Coming up.
On today's show, Sarah Kerns begs followers to engage with her paid promotion. Lily Brown is slammed for shaming a sex worker for wearing her brand, and Sammy Robinson hits back it claims she's.
A serial data But first, Chloe Zep.
Has announced she's launching a new venture under her active web.
Brand, Zep's Umbrella.
It is called Self Care Culture and it's been touted as an educational video platform that's designed to inspire movement and mindfulness practices within.
The SEP community.
At first, I was like, ugh, it's just another influencer bringing out workout videos, and I also thought it sounded very similar to her previous venture Well Web that absolutely bombed.
However, there is a big difference.
So this platform is free, so to access it you just go onto the ZEP Activewear website and currently there are two video available to watch, so one is a ten minute guided mobility session and the other is a twenty minute guided pilates session. I do think where they've missed the mark though, is that Chloe isn't actually taking the session. I do think though, it's a good idea to give something back for free, because this is a way that her community are going to buy in. They're going to start enjoying these free videos, and then ultimately I'm guessing that she will bring out a paid form of this. Yeah, I think it's very clear at the moment that Chloe is being guided by a clever marketing team, and building a community is absolutely crucial, as you said, for influencers with brands these days, and there is no better way to do that than with free content. I do wonder if she's taken inspiration from Steph Klesmith and Laura Henshaw's business Kick, because she recently opened up in a Q and A how she reached out to someone who she called industry leaders when she was struggling with her business. She is friends with Steph. Yeah, there was a lot of speculation at the time as to who this industry professional was. Many people thought it might have been Matilda Maray from Starks, but I think you're right, Kate, it probably was Steph clais Smith.
Now on the.
Topic of Chloe, her mum Shari got married over the weekend and it was a chance for Chloe and Mitch to quash breakup rumors, so they shared some very cute photos of them looking loved up together at the wedding, as well as a video on the dance floor. Now, Chloe and her sister Amy were bridesmaids, which I thought was really cute. However, their third sister, Kate, was a notable absent tee. So Kate Zepp hasn't posted on her Instagram account since June twenty twenty three, and the latest information I could find about her was from a Daily Mail article written in January twenty twenty four. So in the article, it said that Kate and her boyfriend Jordan Roman Brennan were suing the State of Queensland after a police officer allegedly stole three luxury watches from their townhouse during a raid. Now, that raid was a part of an investigation into allegations Jordan assaulted a woman who trod on Kate's foot at a music festival.
Do you remember that drama?
I do. That seems like it was so long ago. Well that was actually three years ago now, and the police officer in question is facing criminal charges over the alleged theft of the watchers valued at a whopping four hundred and ten thousand dollars. Now, despite three years passing, the case against a police officer is yet to be resolved, so Kate's boyfriend has sued the State of Queensland to get the watches returned or be compensated for their value plus legal costs, and the lawyer has now sought to add Kate as a co claimant with Brennan in that action. We haven't heard anything since then, so I don't know if it has been thrown out. So maybe Kate's got a bit too much going on to rock up for a mum's wedding. Well, there's something going on. She's gone completely Mia. You would think you'd be there at your mum's wedding though definitely it does signal that there must be some sort of relationship breakdown, which is very sad.
You're one throwing all the Hey, I don't think you've said a nicest thing about me ever.
Ever, Lily Brown has been slammed for shaming a OnlyFans creator for wearing her brand. The loungewear owner ended up deleting her comments, but the damage was already done, so can you tell us more?
The OnlyFans creator in question is Tasha Page, who has over one hundred and twenty nine thousand followers on Instagram and late last week, Tasha uploaded a video of her and her friends wearing white T shirts and pouring jugs of water over themselves to expose their breasts. And the T shirts just so happened to be from Lily's brand Chill, and the name Chill was clearly visible across the girl's chests in the video. Now, rather than being happy for the free brand exposure, Lily hit out at Tasha, writing on the reel this ain't it chicks. She also reposted a screenshot of Tasha and her friend to her Instagram's story and wrote what the fuck is going on here? With three skeletons emojis? She continued, please report this. This is not a Chill campaign. Now. The backlash was swift. Women came out in full force to support Tasha in the comments, causing Lily to delete her original comment and Instagram story. Someone wrote, Lily Babes, it's twenty twenty four and being insecure and projecting that onto someone else is not it, chick, now. That comment got one hundred and eighty four likes. Another person wrote, Haha, Lily Brown being served has made my day. She's always giving mean girl energy.
Love this goals.
That post got one hundred and ninety seven likes, and another comment read low Lily Brown forgetting she was on her main and not Berner for bullying women. That comment got two hundred and nineteen likes. I am just at a loss to understand why Lily would have brought attention to this video if she thought it was so off brand. All she's done is brought attention to the fact that her comments came across as very slut shaming. I really thought that she would have been pleased that someone will one hundred and twenty five thousand followers or whatever it was, was promoting her brand in this way. It seemed like quite a fun video that got a lot of traction. Yeah, it's super strange. I do wonder if there's any merit to the comments that she thought she was originally in her burner account. We do know that she has one because we have been allegedly messaged from.
It before Robert.
Why would she write that in a burner account anyway? I think she knew that she was in her name. I think that she must have been receiving a lot of direct messages about this video and felt alarmed that people were thinking this was genuinely a Chill campaign and she felt like this video didn't reflect her brand properly.
It's done the complete opposite.
A lot of the commentary was not to support Chill because they don't appreciate the slut shaming from Lily Brown. It is bizarre time in considering that she has just been announced as a contestant on the celebrity edition of The Amazing Race. A lot of people would have been going over to her page and engaging with her off the back of that news. So she will be appearing alongside her boyfriend Jack Kenny, and the news does put into perspective some of what she's been saying recently on her podcast, because she has been very open about struggling with money, but then referencing this six week trip to Europe, so it's quite clear that this six week trip is for The Amazing Race. In a recent episode, Lily did open up that she's had moments during the past couple of years where she just wished that she's stuck at influencing instead of starting a business because it's just so difficult and the amount of money that you got from influencing was far greater and far easier work. Yeah, and she almost alluded to the fact that she's kind of seeing how it goes with Chill. She said, she's not going to shut it down, but I think this amazing race thing will be very telling. So if she takes off like Sky Wheatley did on I'm a Celeb and becomes really popular, maybe she might move back into the influencing or again use it as elite pad for her own brand. Well. Jack Kenny is very likable, and I think that Lily would have some really great funny moments for TV, maybe facial expressions.
She is a walking meme.
I think that she's perfect for these types of TV shows. I do worry about trolling though, or maybe her being turned into a villain.
Well, In other Lily Brown news, her best friend and fellow influencer m Davies shared that they're actually on the hunt for a Perth videographer. So the videographer must have experience in podcast style filming and long form video and editing work for a project that they're working on together. In July, however, em has confirmed that it's not a podcast, so I wonder what it is. Well, it's weird to outline that you want podcast style filming and then say it's not a podcast. I'm wondering if it's for an online course. M Davies is bringing out a social media course, so perhaps it's potentially for that.
As a busy mum of three, I love making our meal times quick and easy, but ensuring that my growin boys are being supported with nutritious meals.
Mummy blogger Sarah Kerns has asked the question every influencer isn't supposed to ask, can you engage with my content? The influencer created a video as part of a paid promotion with Big w for Mother's Day and shared it across her Instagram and Facebook. Now it appears the real wasn't performing the way she hoped, because she shared a message essentially begging her followers to engage with the real. She wrote, Dear Facebook friends, I posted a reel for a brilliant Mother's Day gift and I would be so grateful if you would all blow it up with.
Likes and comments.
I was so excited to work with this brand and I'd love it to do well for them, and I know you all friends will love the product. I'm going to send a little Mother's Day gift out to a random person who comments as a thank you.
The Real ended up getting six hundred and ninety four likes, fifty six comments, seventy six send ons, and fifty eight point six thousand views. It's clear this promise of a little gift as persuaded a lot of her followers to jump in and comment and engage with this post. And I do find it quite interesting that she says that she wants this post to succeed for the brand. I'm sorry, but it's clear that she wants this post to succeed for herself because she wants to come back with that brand. She wants to tell them how good the engagement is so that they want to pay her and work with her again. I can see why The Real didn't organically perform well.
I feel like we're in a time where influencers just can't rest on.
Their laurels because it's a very saturated market and content creators are getting very good at their jobs, and the idea of Sarah's reel was that she was on this mission to receive the greatest Mother's Day gift ever, and she filmed herself in store at bigw reacting very over the top about quite basic gifts. So it was a friend's branded loungewear. She then dropped hints to her family that she wanted the clothing as a gift for Mother's Day, and in the end, she purchased the gift herself, wrapped it up, and planted it amongst the array of other gifts her children had.
Apparently bought her.
Now, if this content popped up in my feet, I would have immediately scrolled past it. It wasn't shot very well, it was boring, and it was blatantly and add the video didn't hit the mark for me. Maybe I'm not its intended audience, but I think that a better strategy perhaps could have been to initially offer a giveaway to her fellow mums that are you know, followers that are watching. I mean, she said that she'll give a gift to one person, but maybe she could have tried to get more engagement by offering a giveaway to begin with. Yeah, I think this just demonstrates the divide between genuine content creators and influencers who made it big when social media first started. So Sarah does list herself as a content creator in her bio, but for them to beg for engagement is quite embarrassing, because you should be good enough at your job that you create something that resonates with people and that they want to actually engage with it. I understand it is getting more difficult on Instagram to get organic engagement, but I think a lot of influencers are just using that as an excuse at the moment because they got spoiled back in the day they could literally upload anything and get a bunch of likes on it. There is now a lot of competition out there and the industry is oversaturated, so you've got to be on top of your game in order for your real to actually resonate with people and get engagement on it. The whole thing just came across as really choogy. I do hate to use that word as a millennial, but even the music she put over the real it reminded me of the music that you put over a YouTube video ten years ago, and I just wonder how big W would feel seeing her Instagram story begging for engagement, because if I'm that PR manager or marketing manager, I'm instantly thinking they're only engaging for the present.
They actually don't.
They're not buying into the message that we're putting out there about Mother's Day. Yeah. Well, the thing is, she didn't actually put it on her Instagram story. She put it on her Facebook page. I think she was trying to conceal it a little bit from the brand.
It's so deceptive here.
It's just a terrible look, not only to her audience, but as you said, to the brand. And I do think it is pretty deceptive because it's not like the brand would have benefited from those people putting fake comments, just that they would get a gift, and it's clearly just to bolster her own numbers to report back to the brand. I also noticed that on the post, she used the word friends twice and she even capitalized it, and it seemed like another desperate tactic to guilt her followers into engaging with her content. She also think it's because she was trying to promote Big W's range of friends clothing.
No, potentially that as well.
I did notice that Sarah disclosed the partnership, but rather than tagging Big W, she actually tagged a PR company called Stirling Comms. Again, it seemed a bit deceptive because while they may have set up the deal with her, the company that's being promoted is big W.
So this is what I just like.
I just service talking about dating.
I don't know what it is. I love talking about dating. I love talking about it as well, but not with Mike. But I don't usual.
Sammy Robinson has hit out a claim she's a serial data the fashion label found and said she's had three boyfriends in her life, with two relationships just so happening.
To quickly follow suit.
Sammy opened up about her past relationships on Lily Brown's podcast, as rumors swell of a new romance with a mystery man. So what did you think about the interview? OG listeners will know that I am a huge fan of Sammy Robinson. I love her content. I think that she is a quality person and that became clear in this interview. She's very intelligent, she's very business savvy. But I just couldn't stand how much Lillly Brown interrupted her. During this interview, Sammy would start to open up about some interesting health struggles that she was facing stuff that we've never heard before, and Lily would flat out just yell as she was speaking, and then not follow up what she was talking about. In another instance, Lily was asking Sammy about her relationship with Jordan Simmy, and Lily interrupted the conversation to say that it looked like she had a dick in her pants. I was just like, what is going on. I get that this whole thing's being filed, maybe you don't want your pants to be bunching up while she's filming this, and you think that this is going to be great on your socials, but it was so jarring to listen to. Yeah, I think there was a big focus on how it was going to become across being filmed, because I think the first ten minutes could have easily been edited out because it was Lily pouring Sammy bears and shots and it really didn't translate very well on an audio platform. I was really surprised to hear that Sammy and Lily are friends. I didn't realize they couldn't actually remember where they met, but they seem to catch up every time that Lily is in Sydney. Because Lily is based in Queensland. I think the friendship was helpful in some regards and then unhelpful in others, because as you touched on Sophie, Lily did interrupt Sammy a lot, and I think it was because she already knew the information. They discussed stuff off Mike, so she didn't really have that first to follow things up. However, I think when it came down to Sammy talking about her past relationships, it did help because they've obviously spoken about it before, and she felt comfortable to share the juicy details about her past relationships. I loved hearing about Jordan Simmy. OJI listeners will remember that Jordan made his professional boxing debut in a bid to win Sammy back. Let's write of some of what Sammy said about Jordan.
I'm gonna hit you with question. I'm ready Jordan.
Shut no, Okay, he's gonna be I know you're watching this and you're gonna.
Yeah, I have Yeah, I feel like you always have love for him, but yeah, I have love for.
Him, and honestly, like everything that everything that goes in on in all of my relationships, I do keep private because I'm just I don't air dirty laundry. I never would and I never will, but he he's a funny, great, go go, lovely guy.
But we just weren't.
We just didn't mash it, and we're both very hot, hot headed, confident.
You could really tell that Lily was biting her tongue and wanted to say more about Jordan Simmy. But Sammy had prefaced early on that she wasn't there to wade into the weeds and expose what went down, and she never wants to talk badly about any of her relationships. While Sammy was a complete class act on this podcast regarding her relationships, she did preface that a lot had already come out publicly, So I suppose her saying that almost confirms that some of the stuff that came out was true. Yeah, And this was in reference to the French Toast incident that listeners will remember. So Jordan caused controversy in late twenty twenty two when he shared a photo of him getting very cozy in the back of a car with a stunning French model, who he referred to in that post as French Toast. They were on their way to a Halloween party, all dressed up, and at the time he was still public dating Sammy Robinson. And it made me so sad to hear Sammy admit during this interview that she never has genuinely felt safe and secure in a relationship with any of the guys that she's been with, even Nick, who she was with for a very long time, because Nick was a regular fixture on her YouTube channel. Here's what she said.
But I also think that you put up with a lot I do you have as well in the past, Like, especially with two of your relationships that I'm thinking of, I think that you've you've definitely put up with.
A fucking last ship.
And again, like I both publicly and not yeah and yeah exactly, and a lot of it has come out publicly as well, so it's not even again not airing any dirty laundry and not talking on specifics, but I think that I probably haven't felt if I'm going to put it down to like a feeling. Yeah, And this is what I you know, when you just get stuck in TikTok and you're constantly scrolling through like what does real love mean? And it's so heavy, it's that I don't think I've ever felt like genuinely safe with someone. Again, not going into specifics, it's like a. It's like I wouldn't have been able to wholeheartedly marry any of them based on like the way that things were going.
I was surprised to hear her say this because originally she said that she had nothing but lovely things to say about Nick. However, it does appear like this was about him and also Jordan. She did speak very highly about her most recent boyfriend. It sounds like they just broke up because he was a bit too.
Young for Yeah.
It's unclear when this interview was recorded because Sammy mentioned during it that she was single, and just last week she did soft launch a new man on TikTok, So either things have changed quickly or this was prerecorded from a while ago. Yeah. Well, she did admit that an offer only takes her one day to fall for a guy and dive into a relationship.
So who knows. This is clearly moving quite quickly.
I bet the Bachelor producers are absolutely kicking themselves because during this interview, she did say that if the show hadn't been canceled, she would be open to being the Bachelorette if approach and I feel like this is what they needed to keep.
The Bachelor alive. Oh, that would have been so good.
The talent scouting on The Bachelor is the reason, well part of the reason for its demise, I feel. Now on the topic of Sammy's new man, rumors are circulating that it could be American influencer turned singer Sammy Wilg. How funny if they're both called Sammy, that would be very confusing.
He did make it big.
On Vine in twenty thirteen and currently has one point seven million followers on Instagram, and Sammy is one of those followers. I did not know who he was, so I did a stalk and I was like, oh, my gosh, it must be him because he wears a lot of friendship bracelets, like the one that was spotted in the Mukbug, the Mexican one. And at the time, so for you remark that he had an S and a W and you thought the S stood for Sammy and the W you stood for like William or something. However, it could stand for Sammy wilk. The only issue is he is in the US at the moment on a tour. So Sammy uploaded that TikTok about a week ago, and I mean it could have been pretty recorded, but I'm thinking it's kind of unlikely. Well, especially because they do have Taco Bell all over America, so if he's American, it's not really your first impression of Taco Bell either. Well, I mean that might be a bit pedantic. Sammy was giving her first impression of it. Maybe he likes it, but I think that it's a little bit far fetched. Away from her love life. I was quite surprised to hear in this interview just how sick Sammy has been for the last year. She said it was down to extreme stress from one mile and that her hair even began falling out.
Here's what she said.
My adrenal fatigue and my high quartersole last year got so bad. I had all these blood tests and everything was shutting down. Like yep, I'm you know, most like Will haven't ordered me to see something with glandular fever. Yeah, we're still figuring it all out, but yeah, my kidneys were going down. I had the kidneys of a seventy five year old.
It just shows how much goes on behind the scenes of these influencers lives that we never know anything about.
Because her life looks so.
Glamorous on Instagram and TikTok and to think that this has all been going on in the background. Yeah. She did reveal that she was on eight different types of antibiotics which caused her to get a leaky gut, So she is now trialing a gluten free diet. Well that quickly got ruined during this interview because Lily porter a beer and then halfway through the interview, Sammy's like, ah, this has got gluten in it. Well. Sammy also said that she's been suffering with crippling insomnia and has been prescribed sleeping medication. So it sounds like she has had a tough twelve months. Yeah, well it's not ideal, but it is clear that the hard work is paying off for her brand one Mile, because she shared that the brand has gone global into the US and the UK. And I found it interesting because she said they're not paying for any promotion, they are gifting products. But I noticed last week that she shared that Kendall Jenna was spotted wearing one Mile. That was pretty impressive that she has gifted her that item and she's actually worn it. It's quite clear that this has grown into more than just an influencer side business. One Mile is huge. Sama revealed that she is opening her first flagship store in Bondi and she has signed a five year long term lease. We thought we would test out a new segment on the show called Highs and Lows of the Week. It seems to suit a Friday, so I will kick off with mine. My low of the week has been the logistics of legally changing my name. So I thought I was all done with that. Last year I went through the process to update my passport, my bank account, and my driver's license with my married name. However, now that I'm applying for maternity leave, I realized that there were so many places that I haven't changed my name and I need to do it asap. So you would think it would be really easy to update your name on my GOV considering all the services are connected on there, I thought, okay, I'll just do it on one and it will translate across to.
All the others.
However, each service you need to go through a different method, so I had to ring up to update my Medicare cards separately. I then have to go down to Services SA to do it in person, and then for the ATO you could simply do it online.
It makes no sense.
Yeah, it is ironic that it's women having to run around changing their names. I think that this process perhaps would have been streamlined if men had to be changing their last names or chose to change their last names, whatever the case may be. Oh, the mental load of it. I was having a rant to Reac and he's like, I can come to services essay with you now. My high of the week is baking. I've been joking that I'm baking rather than nesting. I just feel this urge to always be making something nice to eat, probably because I'm so hungry. So over the week.
I have made for carture.
I've also made bread and I've been so proud of it because you know on TikTok when you see it and I'm like, it's never going to turn out. But I have found this absolutely incredible recipe and I will put it in the show notes because it makes you look really impressive. But it's so easy that we keep joking that Kate is slowly transforming into this traad wife. My low of the week has to be my skin. This has given me a moment to have a winge, and I think a lot of people can relate that. When you feel like you've got bad skin, you just don't feel as confident, You don't want to look people in the eyes. For the past two months, I've been suffering with terrible acne. It is slowly starting to get a little bit better. But that is my grizzle for the week.
I think it's getting better.
I mean, it's always annoying when you don't ever want to jinx it because you're like, oh, my skin's getting better, but I can't say it. Yeah. I think it has a lot to do with my stress levels. My stress levels have been through the roof. And when you reflect on the year that we've had, I've moved house, I've got married, We've had hundreds of events. We've gone through some awful So I am blaming my stress levels and I need to de stress. And that is my high for the week because what is helping me destress is my combustion heater. I have moved into a house in the hills and my partner and my new favorite activity is putting a fire on every night, and we have been watching Maybe this is contentious, but we have been watching Jeremy Clarkson's Farm. What is that show? Because I heard Dad talking about that like two years ago. No it's just relaxing. It's literally Jeremy Clarkson, who is a controversial journal he has bought a farm to get away from everything, and he doesn't know how to do anything on this farm. He has this farmer, this twenty year old farmer guy who basically is showing him the ropes and gets so frustrated and angry at him. Is one of those shows you can unwind to if you're feeling stressed. I think it's good to put on one of those mindless shows. Is it good to watch with a partner, because yes, that is the trickiest thing to find a Netflix show that everyone is going to enjoy it. Yeah, definitely, I would recommend watching with your partner. I'm also watching Something to Bond with my dad about because my dad loves Jeremy Clarkson. Well, I think that's where we'll leave things today. If you do want to hear more content from us, we did drop a subscriber episode yesterday where we touched on a bunch of influencer topics, including Mitch Orville saying that he was proud to be an anti vaxer, Jade Twinci's brutally honest relationship story, and Olivia Rodgers becoming a repeat wedding guest dress offender. This podcast was recorded on the traditional land of the Ghana people of the Adelaide Plains. We pay respect to elders past and present.