Roxy Jacenko has announced she's stepping down from her $10 million house giveaway.
Piers Morgan is under fire for interviewing Baby Reindeer’s real life Martha…
And journalist Antoinette Lattouf breaks her silence over Inspired Unemployed’s prank.
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Hello, and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop culture news twice a week. Coming up on today's show, Roxy Jusenko steps down from her ten million dollar house giveaway. Here's Morgan is under fire for interviewing Baby Reindeer's real life Martha, and journalist Antoinette Latoufe breaks her silence over the inspired Unemployed break. But first, what do you guys think about eating in the shower, because jar Dae Tunci has sparked debate after she uploaded a video of her chowing down on a burger in the shower. Well, I have been known to eat in the shower quite a bit, but I've never gone as far as having a burger. I've only had snacks. Yeah, I have been known to also eat in the shower, which probably won't surprise OG listeners because we have been slammed for using our phone in the shower. That's gross. I don't think I've ever really eaten a meal, let alone a chocolate in the shower. Oh, you've got to try it. It's the best when you have a little snack and you take it in there and you're just so comfortable and warm. I do want to point out that Jade Twincy also is eight months pregnant, so I respect it even more as a fellow pregnant woman. I'm actually thankful that she reminded me of this because I haven't done it for so long. I can see how it would be nice in winter. And maybe this is something that a lot of mums do because it's probably the only time they get on their own. The worst thing is when you get caught out and you've left a wrapper in the shower and you just look like it absolutely pig to your part. I think I like when I have a shower at night time. Usually it's an everything shower where I'm scrubbing off tan or I'm shaving my legs so and I'm usually on my phone as well, so I don't have an extra hand to hold food. I can't let this get too out of hand. I feel like your partner, Amy is someone who could progress to eating in the shower because I don't mean to call you out. Often when I go in your bathroom there are empty soda water bottles and also beer bottles. I think Dale does love a shower beer now and then it is getting a little bit embarrassing, especially when I've left my chocolate wrapper and there's also beer cans in there.
I had CAFC for dinner last night, and I feel good.
I feel good that I've.
Held my head.
Hi, I was backed into a corner. My name is all over.
This money can be made again by me.
Roxy Jasenko has announced she's stepping away from the controversial ten million dollar house giveaway she was the face of. Now before we get into the recent drama, Kay, can you tell us more about this competition? Well, Roxy launched the promotion called Roxy's boot Camps, in a wave of publicity on March eighth. She was absolutely everywhere promoting this competition, which I'm sure she heavily regrets. Now so, she appeared on the Kyle and Jackie Oh Show and told the host that she was giving away a ten million dollar home. She also did an interview with Sunrise where she said, you need to incentivize people to study, and what better way than a ten million dollar house, a rolex or a burken bag. Now amongst the media attention, Domain ran with the headline Roxy Jasenko is giving away a ten million dollar Mediterranean style waterfront pad. This competition was much more complicated than your average home lottery, so to you had to sign up to the course. Prices ranged from twenty nine dollars for one month's access to the course and one entry into the competition to a four hundred and ninety nine dollar subscription which provided you then with five hundred entries. The main prize promoted was a ten million dollar home located in Cronulla, and the other prizes included a Rolex watch and a Burken bag, both valued at twenty thousand dollars. This is such a huge incentive to enter. It's not every day you see a ten million dollar house up for grabs, and that is why over seven thousand people signed up for Roxy's course. A big part of the issue is, though, that media reports didn't clearly state entrance only had a chance of winning the major prize. So the first red flag appeared during a Sunrise interview when Roxy deflected from answering the exact chances of winning the ten million dollar house. So this led publication Criche to dig into the terms and conditions, and it turned out the winning prize wasn't actually the house, but instead entry into another game of chance for the home. So In the secondary competition, in order to win the home, the entrant had to select two winning envelopes out of two hundred and fifty available to win the house. So the odds of going on to pick the right envelope alone was one in sixty two thousand, two hundred and fifty. Now, Kraiki ended up contacting Roxy about the low odds, and she responded saying, there is a chance, and that is how we are communicating the offer and always have been. We are offering someone the chance to play to win the property and guaranteed consolation prizes if it is not one via the method. Now, the prizes that Roxy is referring to is the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars cash and also the Rolex and Burken Bag. So essentially this competition was committed to giving away those three prizes, and then it seems like it was very unlikely to actually go on to win the ten million dollar house. And as for this ten million dollar home, it has been revealed that it didn't even belong to Roxy, but instead it belonged to her business partner Yo of Tills and his associate Kasman Aloui. And according to the Sunday Telegraph. It was actually purchased in twenty twenty for three point four million dollars after it failed to sell at auction, but it was enlisted again late last year for ten million, but also didn't sell. Now The Daily Telegraph is also reporting that local Cronulla real estate agents have expressed doubts that the house would even reach the ten million dollar asking price. Now. On Friday night, Roxy did share an eight minute video announcing she was stepping down as director from Roxy's boot camps. The backstory is very interesting because she revealed that she had agreed to run the competition after being approached by a stranger who direct messaged her with the idea. She said, she went on to form a partnership with two people she said she didn't know. Did this shock anyone else? Well, particularly because Roxy does position herself as being a very savvy business woman and well connected. Yeah, Well, it didn't take long for her to regret her decision, because she claims three days after the emotion commenced that she felt really uncomfortable and she actually suggested to her new business partners that they refund all of the purchases. And she alleged that her request was rejected and that the promotion continued.
The pr message was very clear in this video. I actually laughed watching it because she said the same thing over and over again. So she wanted her audience to know that she has done everything within her power to ensure that the three prizes are given to the winners. Now, she claims, after discovering the company bank accounts didn't have funds to cover the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar prize, that she tried to chip in the remaining twenty k that was missing. Now. She said she would do so if the money was put into a trust to protect it. Now, she said that that request was rejected and then she was told that she had to stand down as a director and she is now just a shareholder in the company. She also confirmed that she no longer has access to that bank account, so she can't guarantee that the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar parries will be paid. She did, however, say that she is holding the burken bag and the role AT's hostage. She also claimed that she's out of pocket three hundred and fifty thousand dollars now. On Saturday, Roxy did a follow up video confirming that she would be personally refunding all seven thousand plus customers who purchased a package from Roxy's boot camp. She said the course would also remain available to everyone who received a refund. Again, in this video, it was so clear that she was really sticking to the PR messaging. So she said so many times that she will be personally fitting the bill that the money is coming from her. I mean, obviously, if you are going to be paying that amount of money, your people to know that's from you. Well, there is a rule when you are communicating with people that you actually do have to reiterate those points over and over again for people to actually buy in and understand it. But it's not surprising that she has because how dirty would you bet your name is attached to this? This isn't a good look for her, oh, and a terrible look, and the fact that, I mean she has come out and said, look, this doesn't look good for me. My face is all over it. I did find her PR strategy around it very interesting because she is known as being a very glamorous PR queen, but she chose to film the video with no makeup on, in her pajamas, with her hair slipped back. That was a very intentional move. She was clearly trying to create sympathy for herself. She said, my hands are tired, I am exhausted, I feel bullied, I feel distressed, and I'm embarrassed. It is a clever move because it is in stark contrast to how she was portrayed in the advertisements for this ten million dollar giveaway. She was obviously very glamed up. It really humanized her as well. I fell and if I'm someone who has purchased one of these tickets and I'm sort of sitting at home thinking what the fuck is going on? I think one, Okay, she's clearly jumped on her social media as soon as she could to let me know the messaging. And also if she's sitting on there with a hair all done, in glamorous clothes, expensive jewelry, I'm thinking, oh, you've clearly run away with the peat. And it also looks like it's been pre planned, whereas this looks like she's just jumped on and she's been very emotive and wanting to just as you said, instantly get on there to update people. Yeah, there was definitely a sense of urgency to this. I also found it interesting that a month's providing the business details, she repeatedly spoke about her weight and how it had been impacted by the stress of the promotion. Let's writ to some of what she said regarding this.
The course of the last two months, which to be really honest with you, feels like two and a half years for me, Um, it's been nothing short of distressing, stressful. I am forty nine kilos today alone. I have fainted twice, things that have never happened to me. And I have had many businesses. I've had many ups and downs, and I've powered through each and every one of them.
In the second video, she followed up by telling her audience not to worry because she had eaten KFC tonight. Before I get what she was trying to do, she was trying to show that obviously, this competition is taken an emotional toll on her and it's causing her a lot of stress. But I just feel so uncomfortable with her constantly putting out there how much she weighs. I think it's quite irrelevant. You can just say I'm very stressed and I've lost weight. You don't have to say how much weight, but also using it as a method to gunner sympathy. When she has explicitly spoken on an Instagram story about how she works out five times a week, she was caught up in controversy because she said she only ate two boiled eggs and a Greek salad for dinner. She's spoken a lot about how she exercises five times a week. Her weight loss seems quite intentional, particularly because she also spoke about how she nearly died from taking a zepic, So it was strange to me that she was then blaming this weight loss on the stress of this competition. I wonder how many people they actually expected to sign up for this course, because it's come out that they've had seven thousand entries. If they all of those seven thousand people actually signed up to the four hundred ninety nine dollars subscription, that adds up to around three point four million dollars, it's obviously not an enough to even pay for the house. Yeah, and it's very unlikely that everyone is going to sign up to the top package.
Roxy's former business partner, Joseph Tills, spoke to The Sunday Telegraph and he confirmed that the competition will still go ahead without Roxy, so Yosef refuted Roxy's claims and said that the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars were safely sitting in the company's bank account, and he said that he only removed Roxy from the account after she shared the Instagram video on Friday night. Joseph claims that Roxy was also set to take fifty percent of the shareholding, while he and his other business partner would take twenty five percent each. He then went on to claim that Roxy resigned from the company in mid April, which resulted in him being locked out of the company accounts and the bank account being frozen. He also said he explored legal proceedings, but they were averted when he was granted access to the accounts on condition that Roxy was permitted to exit the business. Now it just seems like an absolute shit show. So there were attempts made to repair this relationship, and Joseph said that it became irreparable on May first. I think the most interesting part of his claim is that he said he and his business partner were actually the ones that wanted to originally resign from this business, and he claims that Roxy got wind of vis so that is why she then pulled the plug and announced publicly that she was stepping down as director. So it sounds like they're all trying to jump from this sinking ship. If I had purchased one of these tickets, that would not fill me with much confidence that I'm getting money. I question what these guys are saying because they have come to Roxy with this concept they are the brains behind this competition and she is merely the face of it. Well, I wouldn't say merely the face, because she also agreed to go ahead with it. These guys actually claim that they approached Roxy and said that they wanted a celebrity from the Ministry of Talent, which is a talent agency. She managed the position, and she said, no, I've actually got the reach, that is what they allege. I am so interested to see what happens when this competition is actually drawn, because Roxy said that she's refunding everyone. So doesn't that defunct the whole competition? Like, how can it still go ahead?
I've got a photographic memory. I was top of the skill apart from the science. What grade did you get all right? Grads? I mean, not top of the or anything. When you do a degree, you get it. You're asking me what mace I got for thirteen subjects.
I can't remember. Controversial UK broadcaster Piers Morgan is under fire for his face to face interview with the so called real life Marfa, who allegedly inspired the hit Netflix show Baby Reindeer.
Critics are questioning the ethics of paying and interviewing an alleged stalker, who the show's creator, Richard Gadd, claims is mentally ill. Sophie, You, like the rest of the world, has been captivated by this show. Yeah, this show has gripped me in a way that other shows haven't for quite some time. And I think it's down to the fact that it has been promoted as a true story. This isn't just based off a true story or inspired by real life events. Netflix has boldly said that this is a true story and the show is absolutely fascinating. It is written by Richard Gadd, who also plays himself on the show. See when I was watching her, I didn't realize and that adds a whole extra dimension to it because the show is just so confronting and raw. Yeah, it does explore how he became the point of obsession for a serial stalker called Martha whilst he was trying to make it as a comedian, and I think the fact that he plays himself in the show makes it even more powerful. What is pretty remarkable about this show is that it has turned its audience into armchair detectives. So after watching this show, fans have been trying to hunt down the real life Martha and it was actually relatively easy for them to find her because on the show they used real messages and emails that Richard says that the stalker sent him. And the interesting thing about the messages is they were written in such a specific way there were a lot of consistent ramatical and spelling errors. Yeah, and fans were able to cross reference the messages on social media to the ones on the show, and it wasn't long before TikTok users revealed who Martha was and they created all of these videos online which generated a lot of engagement and a lot of attention. Now, the real life Martha was revealed to be a fifty eight year old Scottish woman called Fiona Harvey, and not long after her identity was revealed, online journalist Piers Morgan was promoting that he had a world exclusive TV interview with her, so he wrote on ex world exclusive, the real life Martha from Baby Reindeer breaks cover and gives me the first TV interview about the smash hit Netflix show Fiona Harvey wants to have her say and set the record straight. Is she a psychostalker? I love that he finished with that line, because clearly the interview was already in the can. They would have had to do so much persuading to get her on the show. It's pretty incredible when you think a YouTube show actually beat out these huge networks to get this interview. Well, I think that that speaks more broadly about the entertainment industry though, because TV is dead. I mean Piers Morgan, he has two million followers or two million subscribers on his YouTube channel. In the space of three days, this YouTube has had nine million views. Now, this interview was very lengthy. It went for fifty four minutes, and I was glued to every single second of it, even though at times I felt uncomfortable that I was watching it. I think that's how a lot of people felt online. You almost felt guilty for watching it and buying into the sensationalism of it. All. It was like watching a car crash. You just could not look away. And it is clear that Peers used this lengthy interview style as a way to trip her up. I could just sense how much the producers had tried to say to Fiona how she and Peers were the same, because when he asked her, oh, so, what made you choose my show to appear on, she said that she knew he had all been persecuted like her. There was this connection there. However, I think once the interview went on, it became quite apparent what side Peers was on. Yeah, the amount of smoke they would have blown up her ass to actually get her to agree to do the interview, and then the tables would turned sue quickly. Now, during this interview, Fiona did claim to have only met Richard a few times, and she did deny sending him forty one thousand emails and one hundred letters. Instead, she claimed that she sent him only a handful of emails and that he must have made up the rest himself. It's funny because rather than denying the fact that she contacted him via email, she just kept saying, oh, how would someone possibly send forty one thousand emails in the space.
Of a year.
It's like, yeah, I don't know if that's a good enough defense, And then she also said, oh, I don't think I did, and he's like, well, how do you not know if you've sent that many emails. She also denied that she's been convicted of stalking Richard or being sent to prison, and also claimed to be a lawyer, and she revealed her plans to sue both Richard and Netflix for defamation. She did reiterate that she personally wouldn't be suing them. She also said that her boyfriend was a lawyer and he wouldn't be suing that she would get a other lawyer to do so. Apparently she has been dating this lawyer for five years now. While she said the show was defamatory, she also claimed to have never watched any scene of the show, and in one notable moment during this interview, she also boasted about having a photographic memory, but was then unable to tell peers her law school grades. So there were just so many moments where peers managed to trip her up and make her look silly. This interview did her no favors whatsoever. There were so many inconsistencies, and at some points I felt like Peers was actually trying to help her out, but she just didn't take the bait at all, and some of her remarks about Richard have quickly become viral memes on TikTok. Let's throw to one of them.
Leave me alone, please get a life, get a proper job. I am horrified what you've done.
When I first saw these memes circulating, my first reaction was to send them on and have a bit of a laugh. But when you think about it, it's actually really sad that this mentally ill woman is being taken advantage of by a huge broadcaster and being mocked for all of our entertainment. This is also not going to be good for her legal case, because this will be used as evidence against her. What I found most surprising was following this interview, Fiona came out and admitted that she was paid only two hundred and fifty pounds for this exclusive, and it turned out that she had turned down a number of other morning shows. She said that she felt used by Peers and that the questions were rapid fire to try and trip her up. She also said it was fast paced to catch me off. God, has she not seen any other interviews by Piers Morgan because that is just his interview style. I do wonder if these morning shows didn't offer her any money, because ethically it looks really wrong to pay an accuse stalk her to get their side of events. Like I mean, if this was a male stalker, a male older stalker, I don't think that we would give them any airtime at all, let alone pay them for their time and their side of the story. The UK aren't really known for their media ethics and Piers has faced a lot of backlash from mental health campaigners and survivors of stalking over his decision to interview Fiona. Many people have called it irresponsible and bizarre, and I would agree with them. Yeah, because after Baby Reindeer, Ed Richard did tell the media that the real person who inspired Martha was very mentally unwell, and he also did urge fans not to try and find her. So it was an interesting decision for a broadcaster to then go and spotlight this woman.
While he did give her a platform to share her side of the story, Piers Morgan was always going to interrogate her. He fired questions at her and he did pull apart her story. Yeah, I think plenty of journalism students could learn a lot from watching Peters's interview techniques. While many people people are questioning the ethics over this interview, it is clear that he pulled this interview off pretty flawlessly. He demonstrated that he definitely has talent in interviewing people. He gave her enough room at the start of the interview so that she felt comfortable to share her side of things, but then he was very clever on jumping on all of her inconsistencies in an attempt to trip her up and to get her to admit what she had been accused of. While this may have been a masterclass in interviewing, it was not in ethics, because while Fiona may have agreed to do the interview, it's quite clear that she probably wasn't mentally fit to actually make that decision or fully understood the repercussions of that decision. If the show is anything to go by, she was portrayed as a very lonely person who didn't have a big support group around her, and if that is the case in real life, it means that she wouldn't have had the support of friends of family to actually step in and say this is a bad idea. I mean, she did mention that she hadn't told her mum about the interview. It's clear watching this interview that there's two possibilities at play. The first possibility is that Fiona is telling the truth and that Richard and Netflix have overly exaggerated this story and her character and passed it off as a true story. If this is the case, a woman has been defamed and both parties have left themselves open to legal action. I don't think that that is the case, but that is one scenario. The other scenario that is more feasible, in my opinion, is that Fiona did do all of these things that she's been accused of, and the media are parading around a mentally ill woman for clicks and entertainment. And the worst thing is that we're all lapping it up. Like I personally, as soon as this interview dropped, I couldn't get enough of it. I just could not stop watching it. It was such compelling viewing. So I think we do have to have a look at ourselves as well. I couldn't help but also think that Piers Morgan has opened her up for a counter defamation case because she kept making comments about how Richard gadd is psychotic and mentally ill himself, and also making derogatory comments about Netflix. Yeah, and I think even just mental health. Aside from this, the ethics of giving an alleged stalker the opportunity to give their side of the story and rebut a victim's claims, I think is just very unjustifiable. I think that gender, as I touched on, has really come into play with this decision. If this was a fifty eight year old man who stalked a much younger woman, we wouldn't have opened up the possibility to hear his side of events, and I don't think that he would have been spotlighted in this way in this show. Richard also made the point the police didn't take his matter seriously due to it being a woman who stalks him. And this is despite the fact that in Baby Reindeer, Martha actually sexually assaulted Richard's character on the show, So if any of that is true, and then also an alleged sexual predator has also been platformed, the whole thing is just uncomfortable. I don't understand how it's even gotten to this point, and I think Netflix are really to blame for it because they didn't have to come out and promote this as a true story. They could have easily said based on a true story. They clearly have all of the receipts. I think that it's quite clear that there's a lot of evidence to prove that this did happen to Richard. And I just feel so bad for Richard. You know, he's put it very bravely, put all of his darkest moments into this show out for the world to see it. But ethically, Sophie, if they had said based on a true story and people found this real Martha, then it wouldn't have such massive repercussions for this person. I just have found this interview to be so disrespectful to Richard, and I think what is so scary about this is this is far from the end of the story. People are saying that we are seeing Baby Reindeer two play out in real life, and through taking part of this interview, Fiona has become somewhat of a celebrity. In the interview, she even spoke about getting a potential book deal where she was going to expose her side of the story and as we speak, she probably has a ton of reality show producers or documentary makers who were knocking on her door offering her money to be involved, and I don't think that she should be able to profit on allegedly any of this behavior that has taken place. In saying that, though, do you think Richard could have avoided this by changing a few things up, particularly sharing the exact messages that she shared that were available on Twitter. I think it's a tough one because when the show exploded in popularity, he made a point of saying, I have tried to conceal the real people's identities by making the character slightly different. However, when we did meet the real life Martha, she looked bang on to her the actor on the shows absolutely uncanny. Yeah, resemblance. It was spot on. And also I've seen a lot of memes floating around saying that all of the other characters look very much like the actors as well. It's not just in appearance though, it's the fact that they would easily know that those tweets were available and could be searched. But I also think why does he he necessarily have to protect someone who made his life a living misery and how it protects him from a defamation case. But it's not defamat truf. It's true. There's the truth defense there as well. Yes, I know, but he probably doesn't want his show overshadowed by having to now go to court and relive all of overshadowed. This is probably the best thing for him if he's going to want to bring out a second series, while mentally it might be bad for him. I mean, the thing that is a bit awkward is in the show. In one of the last episodes, he admitted that he sort of became obsessed with her and he couldn't let her go. So a lot of people are saying, is this a way for her to still be in his life. Journalist Antoinette Latoufe has broken her silence, saying she was mortified by the response to her involvement in the inspired unemployeds prank last month.
Alongside Antoinette, high profile feminist you Miss Steins and Clementine Ford featured at the Love Unboxed event in Sydney last month, which was marketed as a thought provoking discussion on love and marriage. Now, the crowd at the time didn't know that the free Q and a style panel was part of The Inspired Unemployed's prank show called Impractical Jokers. So Jack Steele, who is one half of The Inspired Unemployed, appeared on the panel to give the perspective of a young male and some of his contributions to the panel were that he thinks chicks did consent and he really likes girl writers. Now, he was being fed these lines because the show was a prank show, so this was part of a punishment. The backlash was swift, and it seemed like people were more pissed off at the feminists that were on the panel rather than at the Inspired Unemployed. Yeah, they definitely copped it a lot. Now, Antoinette has opened up on her podcast, explaining that she previously had been unable to comment about the incident as she and the other women had signed a non disclosure agreement. That's what a lot of people did guess at the time. She admitted that she and the other panelists had completely misread the situation and was mortified that the audience felt jeeps. So she explained that producers approached her to host the event, and she and the other hosts said that they answered the questions posted them on the panel very seriously, so they felt as though their audience was still getting something from the experiment. She said that they really thought that the joke would be on Jack and that the audience would enjoy being annoyed at him. However, when the joke was revealed, the producers were supposed to come up on stage and back the women and explain what happened, but they didn't come up on stage, and they were then left to deal with the upset and the situation as it unfolded. Well, Antoinette said, the great irony of it was the three women mopping up. We apologized profusely, and apologized repeatedly, and we listened and we heard. Then we realized, damn. We all thought this would land differently. We honestly did think it would land differently. It's clear they misread the situation completely. There is a lot of backtracking going on. Do you think it's fair to blame the producers because I personally don't think it would have made a difference if they came out and back them up. I think it was a bit naive to assume that Jack was simply going to be the butt of the joke, and that there wouldn't be men having a laugh about feminism, because even the fact that this was Jack's punishment to be put on a stage with feminists who were going to pick him to pieces, it's clear that the feminists were the butt of the jokes, not Jack. Maybe it was this allure of working with the inspired unemployed because they are extremely popular. Everything they touch seems to turn to gold, and while they do put out edgy jokes, people don't normally get too offended by them. They vereem lovable, they seem untouchable. The inspired unemployed are like teflon. They have slipped themselves out of this situation and left the women to explain themselves, which seems to be a reflection of what happens a lot of the time in society. I'm looking forward to hearing when Clementine Ford comes out and what she has to say about Well, if the NDA has already passed, surely she would have said something by now. I'm surprised that the NDA finishes before the episode is aired. That's what's confused me. I'm really interested to see this episode I think it air or yeah, well, if it does air, we'll get more of an idea of what's gone down. I think that is all we have time for today. Thank you so much for joining us for this episode. If you have enjoyed it, could you please make sure you are subscribed on Apple Podcasts and also Spotify. And if you are a longtime listener of the show and really enjoy what we put out, we would really appreciate it if you could leave us a five start review. If you do want to hear more content from us, we release a subscriber episode every Thursday with bonus content. If you're not already an Outspoken Plus subscriber. All the details to sign up are in our show notes. This podcast was recorded on the traditional land of the Ghana people of the Adelaid Planes. We pay respect to elders past and present.