Lily Brown appears to take a swipe at Sophadopa for bringing out rival pyjamas. Makeup entrepreneur Hilary Holmes publicly shames a male passenger for his body language… AND the public influencer break up that just keeps getting worse.
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On today's show, Lily Brown appears to take a swipe at sofa Dofer for bringing out rival pajamas. Makeup entrepreneur Hillary Holmes publicly shames a male passenger for his body language and the public influencer breakup that just keeps getting worse. Hello and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop.
Culture news twice a week.
I'm Sophie Torbert and I come with some disturbing news. Apparently Facebook pokes are back. I don't believe it. I haven't received one yet. I'm probably should be offended because it was the way back in the twenty tens to flirt with people. Yeah, it sort of turned into this seed thing where it was guys who didn't have the nerve to speak to you or who didn't know how to strike up a conversation. They would just click a button and it will send you a poke because it sort of nudged you as a reminder maybe to talk to them. Because on MySpace, remember they had something called a nudge and if you pressed, it would shake your whole computer. That was msn That wasn't face. Oh I'm getting cays and that's the thing. The poke started having this really negative connotation. No one wanted to use it because it came across as just sleazy. Yeah, that's why I got phased out. But it is having a resurgence. Apparently young people are bringing it back, but I question that because who's actually on Facebook that is young.
The worst thing is back in the day, there used to be just a button that you would press and it said poke. Now you actually have to search for the poke. And I did some research before getting on the mix today. I searched poke and it came up with some random people I didn't know who poked me in twenty seventeen and twenty sixteen.
And then it.
Gives you this list of people a suggestions to poke, and at the top of the list was my old chief of staff, and I thought that's not going to go down. Well, I'm tempted to send reci poke just to see what he does and if it actually comes up, Yeah, it does it come up as a notification. Let's start sending some pokes out.
Apparently the poke was actually one of the first features of Facebook, so it was there before the like and the comment is this the way of trying to get younger people back on Facebook. I think so, and if I am Facebook, I'm also bringing back the notification in terms of when you add someone, because I remember in the news feed it used to always pop up that after a big weekend, guys would be adding all of these girls.
And you could comment on it.
Oh, Sophy, that used to trigger you so much. Remember you would have mental breakdowns.
Oh, I would be keeping.
A steady eye on my ex boyfriend who his friends were that weekend. But they also used to have something similar on Instagram where you could actually track who was following, who were marking stuff, and that caused.
A lot of problems.
I would sit there scrolling through every single thing just for his name to pop up.
It was so sad.
You used to also track your ex boyfriend's snapchat count, so it used to show you how many snapchats that person had sent. And sometimes you're like, I know he's talking to a girl and we'd be like how, And you'd have it in your notes written down how many times. It wasn't just me who did that. I had friends who also did that. It was who I'm not going to name names on the podcast, but they were friends who also did it, and it was worse when they had the best friends list and you could keep a track of who they were messaging.
Anyway, I think.
Once it gets to a point where you're keeping tally on your notes about how many Snapchat, someone said, you've got to delete the app.
Also, my loves, I'm just going to give you a reminder. I know I'm not perfect, and it's very clear, and i know that I've got to learn lessons of just like completely private, like just not sharing any of this stuff on socials.
Over the weekend, makeup entrepreneur Hillary Holmes snapped a photo of her and an unknown male passenger on public transport. The body positive activist said the photo highlighted how men's body language can make plus size women feel unsafe and insecure, and slammed it as something immature men do. The response wasn't one she expected, with many saying this is simply the way considerate people sit on public transport. Now, before we dive in, so who is Hillary Holmes? Well, she is a Melbourne makeup artist and she has her own makeup brand called home Beauty, which she has grown into a multi million dollar business, and she provides a lot of master classes and also has her own range of specialized makeup products. I swear I've seen her on Victoria Devine's Instagram account. I think Victoria may have been an ambassador for one of her products.
Ch well.
She seems to move in a lot of those Melbourne circles because Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald also follow her on Instagram. And her whole brand is centered on inclusivity because she really developed a love for makeup in her teenage years because she was overweight as a teenager and she found that makeup was the only thing that didn't discriminate on size. So that's really the messaging behind her brand now. On her Instagram, a couple of years ago, she opened up about how she had bariatric surgery, which helped her lose fifty kilograms, but she also said to open the door to some new issues. So she wrote, I saw myself go from undesired and unappreciated in society to very swiftly. I was able to fit into a standard size range and people treated me very very differently. Now that we are up to speed, I think we should dive into what happens so over the weekend, Hillary posted a photo to her Instagram story of her traveling on public transport. Now, I actually don't know how she took this photo because it's from the point of view of someone sitting opposite her.
I wondered if a friend had taken this photo or she used one of the sticky things on the back of your phone to actually take this photo herself.
It was a very odd shot.
Yeah. But to the exchange, they like, excuse me, can you just film this for a second, because man's about to be quite rude.
His body language is off. Can you play a film?
For those who haven't seen the photo. In the picture, Hillary is sitting on the window side while a young man is sitting next to her and she is looking at the window while the man has his body slightly turned away from her and he's looking at his phone. I do want to point out that the man's face is in full view and has not been blurred. Hillary captured the story, curveys. Is this the body language you get from younger guys all the time? I get it all the time, especially when I was one hundred kilograms plus. Mostly boys were immature guys. But it's something I've always been super conscious of I speak with Ben all the time about how men's body language is super important to women, how it can intrude, make you feel unsafe, insecure, etc. We talk about how safe men can encourage women to feel with their presence. I use these experiences and knowledge to create conversations with Ben and mindful how I raise Obie to be aware of Adelaide and girls he is around now for context, Ben is Hillary's husband and Obie and Adelaide are her kids. Now. This post did elicit a very strong response in our Facebook community. Many listeners were confused as to why Hillary was actually offended in the first place. So one listener wrote, I'm so confused. Is she saying she's offended because he is turning away from her and is saying it's because she's kirby If he was facing her and too close, that would be an issue and that would make her uncomfortable. Whilst another listener said that man's body language is doing the opposite of intrude. Poor bloke sitting there minding his own business and trying to create some space between him and the person next to him. Another listener weighed in, saying, honestly, as a fat woman sometimes I feel like people are shifting away from me because I'm fat. I think it speaks to her self esteem, which is kind of sad. Fortunately, I now give zero fux what other people think about my weight. She continued, saying, also, I try to see how the guy is too, so I'm not in anyone's way, and if he sat closer, he'd be judged for.
Invading her space.
Probably should have blurred out his face now. Hilary responded to the criticism, saying the mistake she made was posting a story that didn't give enough context.
Let's write a more of what she said.
I guess I raised it to bring up a conversation that I think impacts a lot of people because I talk about it with people and that is how they feel safe with body language and whatever. So I raised that conversation, but also remembering amongst that it's me maybe potentially having a trauma response and feeling that and me not handling it correctly. But sometimes empathy being caught on something is far stronger than an opinion being shared and a private in a private group. Could you think that that makes you feel like a better person to judge that person in that moment? Empathy, always for the win, but I'm always here to have conversation if you're up for it in my DM, privately or on the phone or in person wherever. I'd rather have it to my face than behind my back. Always, always, always.
Being straight sized women, we don't have the lived experience of what it's actually like being in a bigger body and feeling that judgment on public transport or just in general day to day life. And I think that it is a really important and interesting conversation to have. And I think that that was her intention. She was trying to ignite a broader discussion regarding body language and also being aware of how it's potentially making others feel in saying that. I just think that she who went about it in the completely wrong way. In my opinion, it just looks like this guy is sitting the way that most of us would sit next to anyone on public transport. I know, whenever I'm on a bus or a tram, I generally turn my body away because I want to give the person next to me a lot of space. And I'd be more likely to also turn away if it was someone of the opposite sex as well. I think men are getting a bit scared to go out in public these days because everyone seems to be filming them for some sort of TikTok, Like it's either at the gym people are filming to try and get men's reaction in the background.
And also maybe that's why he looks so uncomfortable.
Yes, it's not sure how the photo was actually taken, but as you said, it was a rather strange angle that looks like someone either was taking it opposite him. So, I mean, people think they're being really sneaky when they're taking photos, but nine out of ten times you do know someone is taking a secret photo of you, or that she's stuck her phone up and is filming her journey home.
And that's the thing.
We're only seeing a snapshot of this man's behavior on public transport. I mean, who know, he could have done some other things which made Hillary feel uncomfortable, but in this photo it literally looked like he was doing nothing wrong. And the fact that she didn't go and blur out his face but then labeled him as immature and not a safe man. I mean, to this huge community of people, can you imagine if you saw your partner popping up on one of these pages innocently sitting on a train or his boss sees him and it's like, hang on, what have you been doing? This photo of you has gone viral and literally just sitting next to someone on a public transport. Again, I agree, that's literally how I would sit next to someone. I am so conscious of not trying to get into people's personal space, and likewise, I don't like it when people are in my personal.
Space, and that's a thing.
Body language can be so subjective, So I mean, someone could be just having a bad day and maybe they're upset and it's nothing about how they feel about you. But I think in this situation, she was really projecting her own feelings onto this guy and maybe some experiences that she had in the past.
A really excited well really excited data.
But I'm going to have a good day to day another week.
Another relationship update from UK YouTuber Saffron Baker. Just over two weeks ago, Saffron sparked break up rumors when she unfollowed her NFL hopeful boyfriend Lewis Reesambert. At the time, she also liked comments on her posts that referred.
Lewis had cheated.
Now the following week, Saffron did a complete backflip and hit back at claims that she'd broken up with the former Welsh rugby player. She responded to a TikTok comment saying it was all a big misunderstanding and that her and Lewis were together and quote so happy. A source even released a statement saying Saffron and Lewis are very much together and have not split.
They are happy in.
Their relationship and continue to focus on their careers. Lewis has remained faithful to Saffron throughout their relationship and they remain a strong couple navigating a long distance relationship. A week appears to be a long time in the influencer world, because on Friday, Saffron confirmed she is no longer in a relationship with Lewis. She shared a statement to her Instagram story saying she wanted to address the rumors but wouldn't be going into any detail. She then went on to thank her followers for their support and messages. I don't think this came as a surprise to many of her followers, though, because a lot of super sluths had pieced it together again that they had unfollowed each other. They'd remove photos of one another, and also Saffron was putting up a lot of clues on her Instagram that she was single and having fun without him. What about on her TikTok because she was using that platform a bit like how people would use MSN back in the day, putting up these passive, aggressive song lyrics. She put up her miming to Ariana Grande song Bye Boy and she added the caption to the video when boyby Never felt So Good. The best thing about that is that she was alluding to the fact that she's going to spill all of the goss on her podcast because she had her podcast headphones on and had just sat down to record. Yeah. She also mind to that part of Rihanna's song Same Old Love when it says take away your things and go.
Can't take back what you said? Oh no, I've heard.
It all before at least a million times. What about her mum's comment on that TikTok though she commented, Yes, that's my girl. Don't let that lying, manipulative piece of shit bring you down. The best bit is Wendy was on Safari in Kenya at the time, and she took time out of her holiday to back it up on her own personal Instagram story, so she ended up sharing Saffron's TikTok to her two hundred and sixty six thousand followers and wrote, haven't had proper WiFi for days, but that's more like my strong independent girl. Don't ever let that disgusting, manipulative piece of shit ever stomp on your parade, and she ended up deleting the story. I'm guessing that Saffron made a message her and said take it down, but she did then put up a quote that said I hope Karma slapped him in the face before I do, and then she added and then let's move on with a smiling emoji. I bet she regrets setting up that Valentine's Day h thing for him.
If it could.
I don't get any more embarrassing for poor Saffron. Her twelve year old cousin even appears to have gotten in on the action of trolling Lewis. So Saffron has been babysitting her younger cousins this week, and she ended up tagging her cousin Archie in her Instagram story at one point, and someone has spotted that the same account has been writing troll comments on videos of Lewis, which include this guy is a cheetah. Cheetah was spelt wrong, and another comment said you can see his mini pecker. He is done stupid guy who doesn't know how.
To treat people.
Correct Now, I have to point out that this comment was in reference to a photo dump that Lewis recently put up, and he was wearing some very revealing they were bike shorts and you could see everything, and a lot of people in the comment section were saying, oh my god, I think it looked at me because there was such a distinctive outline, but it wasn't the most flattering of photos. I actually really like that Saffron's family have come out in her defense because it's clear this guy has been a complete asshole to her and she's probably dying to say something. Yeah, that's the thing everyone's saying. Oh, it's embarrassing for her. She'd be embarrassing for him because he's clearly the one that's done her wrong in this situation. Yeah, but it'd be hard if your family are just going rogue on stuff, like you would want some control over how you're dealing with it publicly, like she probably would prefer to come across as more mature than having her mother say stuff. But maybe she thinks it looks better coming from other people than from her year old would come and saying he's got a small dick. Yeah, I don't think that was really that good. Everyone is hoping that she speaks about this on her podcast, where we do have to wait for a couple of days before that's released.
However, she did release a.
YouTube video on Sunday night entitled huge Life Update Trying to Stay Positive and Future Plans. My finger clicked so quickly on this YouTube video. Now, she vlogged her week and I was like, gee, she seems really upbeat. But by the second day that was when the shit must have hit the fan, because she apologized to her audience for not vlogging her evening because apparently something big happened.
Let's row to what she's said.
I didn't really end up vlogging much yesterday, and I do apologize.
I ended up having one of the worst.
Evenings I want to say my life so far it was.
It was.
To be honest, we've just like literally hell for me, it's not there, it's been up, it's been down. It's people's Yeah, I get into Yeah, exactly, I might, we're going to get into it. But someone really close to me has really really hurt my trust, and I tried to forgive them when they clearly don't deserve any sort of forgiveness.
So, yeah, that's up.
I can't help but feel really sorry for her.
This would be so difficult to navigate in the public eye when you're in your early twenties. I know that she has made this relationship very public, and she did do so very early on, but it still wouldn't make any of this hurt any less. Yeah, it seems like making the relationship really public has kind of helped her in the end, though, because she did make a comment on the vlog saying if it wasn't for some girls girls, that she wouldn't know a lot of things. So it seems like she has got an influx of messages from girls at Lewis has been messaging, I assume, and I got the vibe that he had made some cock and ball story up while she was away in Dubai. Yes, he obviously made some excuses up as to you know, oh, I'm such a good guy, take me back. That was a misunderstanding, and then she's caught this onslaught of people saying, no, he's a fucking dickhead. He's talking to this girl. Yeah, well, I mean early on he did have a reputation as being a fuck boy, and I saw a lot of commentary around the fact that he would message university students really crude things about bananas and what they would do allegedly allegedly, and he always seemed to be following and then unfollowing Jemma Owen from Love Island, and it was quite clear his ideal woman was a brunette, which seems to be a parent now because he's adding all of these famous brunettes. O. Saffron isn't a brunette for those who don't actually follow her, she is blonde. The awkward thing is he's gone and re followed Jemma Owens from Love Island again and then followed her because she clearly wasn't having any of it and didn't follow her that. I also followed Caddie from Love Island. I can't think of her last name.
Yeah, she is a lot older than him, and apparently she's headed to the US. So everyone has been keeping an eye on their interactions with one another. The awkward thing about Jenna Owen is she used to date Saffron's ex. Do you know what gets even more complicated with that is that the rumor is that Saffron was in Dubai and allegedly cheated on her boyfriend Tyler with Luca Bish and Saffron's only just got back from Dubai and that was where their shit initially hit the fan. So Dubai does not seem to be a very good place for her. Getting back to this vlog, it was quite awkward because she also mentioned that she's getting a three year visa for the US, which means she'll be able to work on her acting, and originally she was talking about moving over there to be.
With him, so that would be another slap in the face.
There is this really awkward grab going viral of her on TikTok where she said that she would move to the US for Lewis if he got accepted by the NFL, and I just feel so sorry for that. She's clearly trying to save face because she was probably telling friends and family, Oh, I'm going to go over for Lewis, but it's more so for my actor. Yeah. Well, her and Imagen, which is Saffron Barker's brother's girlfriend. They are actually going to LA this week and they were very excited about it, and she said she's doing some acting classes over there and Imagen's doing some dancing classes. She really was trying to push that she's very happy and that she's focused on this career, but you can tell behind the scenes she'd be absolutely devastating. Well, she's only just found out that her boyfriend's cheating on her. Yeah, it's interesting to look at how Lewis is dealing with this breakup because it's the complete opposite. He is acting like nothing has happened. He's been sharing videos of himself at the NFL camp as normal, and a sports website has been reporting that the twenty three year old is in a three way tug of war between American NFL sides offering him around nine hundred thousand dollars a year to sign up for their summer training squads. Now, Lewis has been quoted as saying that he he was disappointed with his performance time in a forty yard sprint in front of NFL scouts. Now, I do wonder if he's been distracted by all this relationship drama going down. It's so mean but funny at the same time, because a video of his sprint has gone on to TikTok and people have been commenting saying that he was sprinting away from Saffron when she showed him images of their Ai babies that she created. I couldn't first out laughing when I saw this. There are a lot of people who are taking pleasure in this, and I think most of those people are teenage girls who had a crush on Lewis, And a lot of people seem to be taking this really seriously and probably too far, because people have been tracking the tweets that Saffron has been liking, and one said, I have a new level of respect for Saffron Baker. Get it all out, girl. We want to know everything our scirls find out. Remember that now Saffron clearly wears a heart on her sleeve, and we do need to remember she's only twenty three and she is living in a world where she feels that she needs to share all of these personal moments. So I am sure she is heavily regretting all of the things that she shared recently on social media, because when he left the US. She shared a video about him being her soul mate and we have spoken about on the show that elaborate Valentine's Day set up.
There was also this love.
Letter thing, so she filmed herself reading a love letter that Lewis had sent her, and it had the caption point of view, You've got the man you've dreamed of your entire life, long distance, but he writes you love letters. I would be taking all of that shit down. It's still up on it, Tair.
You know what, this is a lesson for all young girls.
If someone is too good to be true, generally they are. But everyone's acting like, oh, Saffron's been a psycho in this situation. He still sent her the love note saying what about. In her vlog how she basically dropped that she was having to return something to Louis Verton and he had got her Louis Viton's shoes for Valentine's Day. So everyone's gone, She's got it. She's returning the shoes.
See. I wondered differently.
I thought maybe because she has got this trip planned to the US. I thought she potentially has bought him something and it's hard to return her I just really hope that she actually goes into on her podcast. I know she said that she won't be dropping any more details, but I think that that's a big, fat lie, particularly with the way her family and friends are being carrying on. I think that she wants everyone to know just how badly he has hurt her. And also I think it's almost a warning to other girls to stay away from him.
Well, on her podcast, where there's obviously shit was hitting the fan and we weren't sure what was going on. She sounded so flat like she barely even said anything on the most recent episode, so I think it's going to be fairly obvious what the goal is and how she's feeling. I think it will be hard for her not to say anything.
I don't care if it sounds ungrateful, but like, babe.
Please, Sky Wheatley and Lily Brown have taken a trip down memory lane, exploring what really went on behind the scenes of Australia's infamous influencer Click. During the hour long podcast, Lily also appeared to take a swipe at Sofa Do for bringing out rival pajamas to kick things off. So how did Sky and Lily become friends in the first place. Well, in this episode, they explained that they met through Shannee Grimmin and Michael Finch and basically they would hang out for Sunday sessions at a bar called The Fox, and there was a lot of binge drinking going on, and this is how they formed their friendship. So at the time, Shanni and Michael were at the top of.
Their influencing careers.
To put it into perspective, they were selling merch lines with Beginning Boutique, which had their own slogans across them, and they were also packing out males for meat and greet So it was quite opportunistic of Sky and Lily to become.
Friends with them.
In saying that, though Sky has famed from Big Brothers, so I think Michael Finch actually watched her and Big brother and there was a sort of mutual fangirling going on, whereas with Lily, I found her so opportunistic. Yeah, from the start, Like I remember I used to watch all of their vlogs and I was like, who's this girl trying to get in on her?
Do you blame her?
I mean she was so young at the time, like everyone wanted to be their friend. There would have been so many people coming out of the woodwork trying to be friends with them. This friendship group also consisted of Rannie Brandsby, and I think that the fact that they had this group is why they were so popular, because they were sort of these side characters that really complimented the main characters, and they were a lot stronger together because viewers loved their dynamic, and they also enjoyed speculating who was fighting with who behind the scenes. And this was happening a lot because it all blew up on this infamous US trip. So we actually have done a deep dive on this trip before, but you could just tell by watching each person's vlog that there was so much tension between all of the people on the trip. I think the root of the tension though, was Sky Wheatley. Yeah, you could tell everyone was just so over her. Yeah, well it was confirmed in the podcast. Here's what they said.
When we went to that restaurant. Last time we went to this restaurant. Who had a fight was you? Me and Michael.
I don't even remember what I was in New York and the last night and oh.
That's right, I had a drink and Michael was like, ah, here comes guys alter.
Ego, and I'm like, fair, to be fair, we'd seen some shit with you and that goddamn alter ego.
Man memory, I left you in the street one.
I felt like I was a really drunk, messy one that would always just be left behind.
Well no, okay, okay, not putting me, but people were like, fuck off. Well, everyone was just trying to manage you, and you weren't listening.
One can manage me.
It was just it was driving everybody mad.
And there was just one night where we got we actually got an uber back to I think we were staying at Michael's Plaze, and we got an uber back to Michaels Blaze.
And she was just so out of control, out of control.
We left her.
We literally left her in the road out in the front of Michael's apartment. She knew where she was.
We were just like, okay, you're not coming right, that's it, We're done.
We're gone, bye bye. You know where you're going.
I couldn't imagine.
It sounds like she was very difficult to be around.
I mean, I got that vibe in the vlogs and I wasn't even on the trip because she was so loud. She would always be singing her name. I mean, it's probably very entertaining on a reality TV show like Big Brother, and now she's on I'm a celeb, Get me out of here, and people are loving it.
But God, you wouldn't want to be living with.
That on a holiday.
I to add to it, apparently she would always say to Michael, we're so famous. And I do wonder if this got a lot of the other people on the trip's noses out of joint because at the time, there were paparazzi following Sky around on this trip, and it's quite funny because obviously Shanie and Michael were probably the big deals back in Australia. Yeah, there was definitely jostling for who was more important on this trip. I have to take my hat off to Lily, though. She did ask a lot of questions that I wanted to know. So she asked Sky whether her partner Lockie was going to propose anytime soon, and she did touch on this in a recent Q and A that she had actually told him not to propose. We found out that this was actually a part of her thirtieth birthday celebrations from a couple of weeks ago, so Sky discovered ahead of time that her friend Live had asked Locke if he needed some help planning her birthday, and apparently he responded saying that he had something very special planned and had it all under control. Now. Being best friends, Live around to Sky and gave her heads up on what was going on. Let's throw to the grab.
I said to Lockie, don't you dare propose to me on my thirtieth birthday? Babe, split the dates up. Come on, We're not doing a two in one.
I don't care if it sounds ungrateful, but like, babe, please please don't do it the thirtieth birthday.
That's like a big deal.
But then okay, so would your marger so your anniversary would also be on your birthday exactly.
I see where Sky's coming from. I personally wouldn't want to be proposed to on my birthday either, because it sort of takes shine away from the day on a separate day when someone proposes to you, so you can have a separate anniversary. To be fair to Lockey, though, I think that Sky would have a lot of prerequisites around this engagement, so she would want to look very nice particularly if it's being filmed or photographed. So I can see why guys piggyback off certain events because they know, hey, all their friends are there, They're gonna enjoy sharing the moment with them, They're gonna look nice.
I can see why he was gonna do it.
Then, my sister in law actually got proposed to on her birthday, and she had just run a half marathon, And when I got told, I thought, holy fuck. I hope that he wasn't stupid enough to do it when she crossed the finishing line.
Now, no one wants that.
Yeah, no one wants that.
Thankfully, he was smart enough let her have a shower, put some makeup on, and then had a surprise ready for her in the laundrym I just think you're probably just so grateful to actually get proposed to that you're like, wouldn't I mean, I probably wouldn't have cared if it was on our birthday, only my only thought would be that it would piss you guys off sharing our birthday. To be fair, we got and I got proposed to on the same day, on Christmas Eve, And I suppose you could say that Christmas Eve is a day where you can't really go out and celebrate an anniversary as well.
It's not the same. He's bothered by that.
Pretty keen about that.
But do you have a proposal anniversary because normally the wedding is, you know, a year or so after, So I feel like your wedding anniversary, trump's any sort of proposal anniversary.
I'm struggling to know.
I know it was in early May, but my black friend remember what day was? Protest? People like doing throwback photos that on Instagram, and I can imagine that's something Sky Wheatley would so.
Sadly that you're that you're concerned.
About not able to do that on Christmas, even do it on Christmas Eve. Anyway, Anyways, I thought it was pretty interesting in this interview when they started talking about the renovations on Sky's Haunted Mansion, as she calls it, because Sky actually revealed how much they've put into the renovations so far. So she confirmed that they purchased the abandoned mansion for nine hundred and seventy thousand dollars back in twenty nineteen, and they've all also taken out a loan for six hundred and fifty thousand dollars for renovations. Now, these are major renovations. I think they've been renovating the house ever since they moved in, so it's nearly been five years. She did say that they recently had the house valued and it came back as being worth between one point two million and one point five, which surprised me because this is a massive mansion. They put so much time and effort into this house. It has been a really long process because Lockie has been doing the majority of the renovations himself if but they haven't actually finished the renolds yet. I am sure they are going to probably double what they spent on this house. I mean, I'm shocked that it's still being valued, as you said in the one point two to one point five, because I would have thought alone, without them doing anything to this house, that it would have gone up way more. Yeah, because you see some absolute shitholes that sell for one point two and they're like a two bedroom house closer to the city. It might be because this house, well she described it as being in the stick, so it seems to be a far way away from the city. I did find it interesting because Lily mentioned that her and Jet are currently house hunting, but they've been put off with how expensive it is and the interest rates, just like everyone else. But she kept making quite a few comments about the fact that she hasn't got as much money as people think she has. So, like she spoke about how she wanted to go to this meditation person and she actually had to cancel her appointments because she didn't have enough money to fund it. And I was like, wow, that's a really interesting insight because you just assume that these influencers have so much money to spend. Yeah, but she said in the past, isn't that because of her pajama line, Like she puts so much of her money back into the business. Yeah. Well, she was very candid about her business as well. Both of the women were so Sky runs Good People Apparel with her friend Tory, and that she actually admitted that three years into the business, they're not where they thought they would be.
Let's throw to a little.
Bit of what she said, pull up the chill Bank account now, let's see Torri will kill me.
She's like, if anyone asks how GPA is going, just say good.
And I'm like, yeah, yeah, really good? Were really really good?
Did that drop?
Can you imagine being Tory listening to this podcast, I'm like, for fox sake, the one thing I told you not to mention. It was interesting though, because Lily also opened up about her pajama line Chill, and she seemed pretty dirty on other influencers who have recently released pajamas.
Here's what she said.
I think it's interesting what you just said though about like having competitors and stuff, because obviously, like I've noticed the last i would say twelve maybe the last six months specifically, like there's been a few other influences that have started pajama Broh.
My god, I even want to do pajamas. I've been saying it to Tory for so many years. I'm like, pj's, pj's, pj's like you live as a mom.
I go to the kindy drop off in my PJ.
Yeah, absolutely, babe.
And if it's like yours nice enough to wear.
Out, don't rip me off, babe. Company. I'm like, I'm kidding, but I'm not.
Yeah, I know it is hard when there's up and coming competitors.
Definitely, and it's like it's like when there's yeah, like this is my like this like chill is my whole life.
Like I've literally put every every single life, your business.
Every single thing into that, and so yeah, like i'd be lying if I was going to say it's not like a little bit frustrating.
As soon as I heard this, I thought she's talking about Sofa Dofer because the timings match up, and Sofa Dofa is absolutely dominating at the moment with her pajamas. They're selling out in record times. And this was sort of a theme running throughout this interview is that Lily and Sky they feel like they're out of their prime.
They said that we're done.
We've been doing this for so long, and I think that this is how a lot of OG influencers are feeling at the moment. A couple of weeks ago, we spoke about how Kati Milan feels irrelevant, and I think that they're starting to feel irrelevant. I think they're a little bit dirty. That they didn't start their businesses in their prime either. So back in the day when they were in their heyday, they were just really on brand deals and sponsorships, and obviously those things don't actually build up your wealth, particularly if they're going and spending it on designer products. Whereas if they had set up a business, say like Shaney Grimman with Silk Swim, she seems to be very successful and it doesn't seem to now rely on who she is anymore, and she can kind of pull back from the influencing space, whereas I think these two may have left it a little bit too late.
Well that's all we've got today.
Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Outspoken. If you did enjoy the podcast, we would love if you could leave us a five star review because it really does help the podcast out and for those who want to hear more content from us, Every Thursday we drop a subscriber only episode. If you do want to sign up, All the details are in the show notes. This podcast was recorded on the traditional land of the Ghana people of the Adelaide Planes. We pay respect to elders past and present.
You don't anything