Kurt Tilse's Bizarre Photoshoot, The Oil Rigging Brand Trip & Em Davies' Gender Reveal

Published Mar 14, 2024, 1:35 PM

Kurt Tiles is accused of glamorising smoking. The high paying oil rigging brand trip prank. Saffron Barker’s relationship backflip AND Em Davies’ gender reveal party.  

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Coming up on today's show, Kurt Tills is accused of glamorizing smoking, the high paying oil rigging brand, Trip Prank, Saffron Barker's relationship Backflip, and m Davies's gender Real Party. Hello and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop culture news twice a week.

I'm Kate Torbert.

We always seem to have a scary fashion update for millennials, and this one may shock some people. Apparently after the Oscars peplam tops are back. We have Emma Stone to blame for this. Yes, so she wore a mint green gown that the top of it was a peplam shape and it was from Louisverton. So I think the fact that this is a designer gown shows that this is going to make a resurgence, and a lot of millennials are scared because I remember wearing peplam tops. Everyone wore them to nightclubs with big, chunky necklaces. It was almost as though you were trying to look very business y, and they had those big top buns as well. I saw a TikTok recently and it said everyone in the twenty tens, was just dressing up to nightclubs like they're a secretary, and there were all these paparazzi shots of all the celebrities at the time, and I thought, fuck, we all looked so stupid because I actually remember probably like every weekend I'd wear a blazer or something. Well, the Peplin top. I actually don't mind it for a business look, because I like the fact that there's a bit of structure, but I definitely don't think that it is an evening look. See. I was excited that it was coming back because there's nothing better than wearing a flowy top. I mean, all everyone's been complaining about these crop tops and you're having to sit there and be, you know, suck your stomach in. I'm welcoming the Peplin top, particularly now that I'm pregnant. I think that I could be rocking that right now. This makes me more confident that skinny jeans are coming back as well, because a Peplin top would look absolutely shitthouse with big baggy jeans, because if it does have that nice lock out like Emma Stone's dress, you've got to wear skinny jeans with it. Do you guys remember those really tight cookhai tops. Yes there the bra Yeah, you'd wear them under a blazer. And I used to wear them a lot when I worked as a journalist, and.

All day they would just sit so tight on your stomach.

You almost felt sick by the time you got to the car because you'd also be crammed into these skinny jeans.

It was unbearable.

I had one peplum top that I used to wear to work all the time, and I actually bought it accidentally a size too small, but it was quite expensive, and I had this big zip at the back, and one day I actually felt like I was going to faint in this top, like it was I was tucked in that tightly. See. I actually have two peplum tops hanging in my wardrobe that I haven't thrown out. They're probably six or seven years old. Maybe they were out of date when I actually bought them.

I just threw mine out recently.

That always happens, just as the trend comes back and you've thrown it out, I've got to call you out. Sofi, we were talking about business attire. I have noticed recently, every time Sophie and I go to a meeting or a shoot, you've got really nice clothes on, but they're always covered in bakeup.

I don't know if it's really like grub life vibes.

So I thought I looked quite professional, but sometimes when I'm late to a meeting in the car, old powder my face.

So why yeah, so why it gets.

Over my hands and if I touch my pants it goes all over them. Sofia's got makeup handprints for auto car. I love how you're casting your nose down at Sophie's business attire, but you're sitting here in an.

Udi that has popcorns.

It lucky that we're not recording. We do want to start actually filming episodes again, but I'm not dressed like this. I am sitting in an udi because Kate has deminded that the air condition to be put on, and it's like twenty two degrees in here. It's yes, but it's thirty two degrees here. Amy. I don't know. There's something about you, maybe you're a lizard or something, but you don't feel the heat at all. I'm in here literally sweltering. I said I'm gonna faint in the sec. I think I'm the normal one here because you are heating up because you're pregnant. But then Amy is as you say in this fucking Udie, it is cold in here, but it's not that cold, well said Sophie. You're saying you're the normal, You're the barhmeter of the weather. But every time we have a Zoom meeting, it's hilarious. We jump onto this like professional meeting. And so I always rocks up in a singlet. Well that's what I wear around. I think this just demonstrates how confused millennials are about what to wear. I have no idea anymore, but I mean, you look like a complete twat if you rock up on Zoom and you're wearing a suit jacket. No one wears a suit jacket around home, don't you.

And I've noticed that.

You do that all the time. I do that sometimes, like I'll have track pants on the bottom and then on top, like most people do.

They'll dress up on top.

But if you're talking to someone important, and especially like an older man, something about a singlet just looks unprofessional. Don't you hate it when you miss the mark with what you meant to wear on a Zoom. So you are the person that's dressed up, You've got a beauty light on. You've got all your hair and makeup done, and then the person rocks up in their tracky dacks. You're like, damn it, I didn't know that this.

Was the vibe.

I think it's a power play though, to be the one that is dressed up. Yeah.

Yeah, everyone else is definitely feeling like a dag.

You put your mind to it, and you stop focusing on the money aspect of trying to make a career out of something and start doing it for the love of it and creating these passion projects. It evolves into something that's tangible that will become a career for you.

Kurt Tillis has been accused of glamorizing smoking. In a recent Instagram post, the husband of self proclaimed holistic health Princess Sarah's Day shocked his followers when he shared an artsy photo of himself with his face concealed by a black vela claver lighting a cigarette in his mouth. He captured the photo the real thieves wear suits Now. The backlash was swift, with many people calling Kurt out for glamorizing smoking. One person wrote, I'm hoping the cigarette is just a prop laugh out loud dope for pictures, yuck for real life. Now, Kurt replied, confirming that the cigarette was just a prop. Another person commented, I'm confused about how a cigarette can be positive marketing. Again, he replied saying, not marketing anything read caption, it's more of a statement and then he added a winking emoji.

What the hell does that mean?

What statement are you trying to make? And also edgy and can take cool photo. But it's also clearly been lost on people because most of the comments were like what is going on with that cigarette? The person actually responded to Kurt saying, sorry, I still don't understand there's a direct relationship between pop culture that shows slash normalizes, slash glamorizes smoking and rates of smoking going up. For example, there was a huge amount of women that took up smoking after seeing Carrie Bradshaw on Sex in the City.


Kurt did not reply to that person's comment. Someone else wrote the gangster side of Kurt, to which he responded, hahaha, not a depiction of me, rather a concept I have been thinking about for a while.

I hate all of.

This art zy crap, like you're not deep enough to understand this, but I get it.

I actually loved the comment.

Someone wrote Kurt that better be a gluten free organic paleo SIGGI yes. A lot of the comments were focused on what Sarah must think, so Sarah actually ended up chiming in in the comments and wrote, I thought we talked about this date number one, which I actually think was pretty funny. It got over three hundred likes. I was so confused and taken aback when I saw this photo because both Kurt and Sarah have built a million dollar empire off promoting a fit and healthy lifestyle. I know on their original podcast, The Health Code, they spoke a lot about how they don't drink, they don't smoke, they don't do drugs, and this just seems in complete contrast with that messaging in saying that Kurt seems to be very different to the original version of himself that he put out. He doesn't seem to go to the gym anymore. He's very invested in his business, he's got a beer. I actually think from a videography perspective, he just wanted to use the cool looking cigarette lighter because the likes of Peter McKinnon, who he's a big photography influencer, He's always doing stuff with lighters, and I think he's gone, I want to incorporate this.

What can I do?

That's but then why does he have to be the model in the shoot? Because Kerr is the founder and creative director of creative production agency called House of Groms, which he owns with Sarah, and you would think that he would understand branding and marketing a little bit better to know that this is very off brand for him, and most of the commentary is going to be what the hell is going on? So I think if he wanted to explore this concept and messaging, like you said, just get someone else to model it. I find it strange that he's claiming that it's not for a brand. I mean, I guess it's for his personal brand that he's putting that up. And that's why it just seems so stupid to be putting up a photo that is in complete contrast to your actual healthy fitness brand that you're known for.


I feel like they have done a little bit of a backflip recently, because Sarah now talks about how, since having her children, her relationship with food is very different. It appears that she's no longer gluten free or dairy free.

She talks about.

Drinking wine when she's out. As you touched on, Kurt has been promoting alcohol brands recently. So maybe this is all just a bit of a pr move for them, and they're trying to get away from that holistic health princess persona that they used to put on. Yeah, but there's a difference between saying that you're allowing yourself to actually eat an abundance of food and not be restrictive, then actually promoting something like smoking, which is so terrible for you and actually has consequences for your audience. But what was it promoting then? Because himself like, is it just an edgy photo shoot?

He's done?

Well, he was trying to make a message, a clear statement about something, it's like, but he couldn't even explain what the statement was.

Wait, so what was the cat something about thieve?

The real thieves wear suits.

Is he making a comment about consumerism?

Well it seems quite hypocritical if so, because their whole brand is based on consumerism and selling things and marketing. So I think there's a lot of confusion around his message. So much though that he couldn't actually explain the message when someone asked.

I have to go on a brand troop.

Really, she won't come on it with me, and I wanted to see if you would, But it's not till the end of the year.

Influencers are getting behind a new trend which sees them pranking their loved ones by announcing they've landed a high paying brand trip on an offshore oil rig Sophie, how did this all start? Well, this was all started by a US influencer called Olivia Masucci. Now she has over one million TikTok followers, and she posted a video where she rang her dad and told him that she'd been approached to go on a brand trip with an energy company and on the trip they would have to do underwater welding, but they would be paid a six figure fee. Now this trend is gaining momentum in Australia with m Davies jumping on it. So she posted a video to TikTok facetiming her fiance asking if he'd come on a brand trip with her to promote oil rigging. Now, she claimed to her fiance that Lily Brown couldn't come with her on the trip, so would he like to attend This is absolutely classic.

Let's throw to what he said.

All right, so you don't don't you don't want to come up on this PHP oil rigging brand trip with me? No, no, nal, not really into the oil me. They're paying me really well? Oh yeah, fifty k for the three days. Yeah? What type content do you have to do? Ol rigging? Oh? Yeah.

First, I'm a little bit disturbed that he didn't even flinch when she mentioned the fifty thousand dollar feet. Yeah, imagine how much she must be getting offered all the time. Also the fact that he didn't actually say anything about that it might not be a good idea for her to align herself with an oil rigging company. He seemed more interested in putting his sausage dog puppy on the FaceTime instead of actually being involved in the brand trip conversation.

More interested in putting his sausage on face.


Sammy Robinson has also partaken in this trend. This time she has pranked her dad. Let's throw to what was.

Said weirdly BP. Next month, I'm bringing a bunch of influencers to do an oil rigging.

Course, an oil review call no.

Oil rigging like under Underwater welding. Yeah, and I just have to do like a couple of days of like scuba diving. So I was thinking I could just get Annaboule.

To teach me. Oh, Jesus Chicken, that's freaking weird. What just explain what this thing is.

We're just going to like learn how to do underwater welding for like an oil rigging company.

I don't really why.

Why for what? Points?

Well, I'm not sure that's why I'm calling you, because I just thought it was a weird one, Like is that a cool experience? Like can I go swimming? Is it like cool swimming?

Well, it's not. I'll mean, underwater welding is quite a dangerous thing. I mean that's a POxy. Well, the g underwater means you've got to get like a waterproof plame. You know, it's underwater, and it's quite it's quite an evasive thing, right. Actually, I just have no understanding why they would want to take you to do that.

She finished up by asking her dad if he wanted to come along with her, and he replied saying that he doesn't have a license to dive, and neither does she, and apparently getting a license takes weeks of training. I love that it's just been the dads and the boyfriends that have been targeted by this brak, because surely if they went to a friend, they'd say, wait, one, why would you do this with HP?

And also that is not a true trip.

I was so surprised how her dad was getting into such specifics and details, like you think he would immediately say that's not a good idea, but he was like, well, we can't really do it because we don't have the diving license.


But I thought that he was kind of trying not to tell her what to do, Like I got the vibe he didn't want to interfere in her career and undermine her, so it was at no point that he thought it was a good idea. Does this give insight into how bizarre someme of the requests are for these trips though? If they actually if this sounded normal to people. Apparently just everyday people are also doing this prank on their friends and they're saying it's a new job opportunity that's popped up and it's really high paying. I think it is a reflection on the cost of living crisis and the fact that people will do anything to make some decent money. I wish Sammy Robinson had dropped how much they were willing to pay her too, because I would have loved to get an insight into how much her going rate is. I reckon Katia Milan's manager should try and prank her with this one, because she did. We did speak about how a couple of weeks ago. She's desperate to lock in some brand trips. Maybe that's why her managers not doing it, because the response would probably not be great pr for her. I wonder if the marketing team at BHP are actually looking at this and thinking, how could we twist this and make a bit of a joke out of it that would be good pr for us, Or maybe they saw how Elizabeth Arden fared and are like, nuh, we're not getting in to influence the troops. I'm actually surprised influencers are getting in on this trend because I don't think it makes them look very good, particularly someone like m Davies whose boyfriend didn't even blink an eye lit at the fact and didn't even try and tell her not to do it. And also the mention of the fee, Like I just don't think it looks good on any of them. Okay, let's do my first ever bump date.

We are seventeen weeks guys and a little baby girl with them.

Over the weekend, Perth influencer m Davies and a fiance Joel Gambin revealed to the world they're having a baby girl in a backyard gender reveal party. Now, the couple went all out with backdrop saying he or she what will it be? And a large black gender revealed balloon which had baby gambit printed on it. They really did go all out, but it kind of reminded me of gender reveal parties from back in the day when they were more popular.


Well, I didn't realize that gender reveal parties have been around since two thousand and eight.

And it all started when a us.

BLN shared in her blog post her cutting a cake and revealing pink icing in the middle, and she said that she actually regrets popularizing them because she finds that they're quite problematic now because there's so much emphasis put on what is the gender of the child, and then it creates already all of these stereotypes.

And what you should do for your child.

It was really nice to see how excited EM got when the balloon popped and it was pink confetti. Her partner didn't look as thrilled. Well, that's the.

Other thing that I find really awkward about gender.

Reveals is there's usually a very disappointed person. And it's awkward because there have been a number of gender reveals that have gone viral because both parties look incredibly disappointed. Well, I got slammed because apparently I didn't show enough emotion during my gender Well, that's what's difficult about it, because it is a surprise, like how often do you capture yourself generally in a moment where you're surprised, But also for me because I was happy either way, Like I did have a little bit more of a preference towards a girl, just because I've grown up with sisters, but I was happy to have a boy for me. It wasn't this whole Yahoo moment where I'm screaming with delight because it's like, oh cool I get to know. But I mean I'm quite a reserved person. Yeah, there is a bit of pressure, isn't it, on how to actually react. That's why it seems very performative. Going back to EM's gender revial. She said the whole time through her pregnancy that she's had this gut feeling that it's a girl, and she said that it's an angel sent from her mum in heaven. So it was a really special moment that she did capture. It's funny though, because I've been watching all her TikTok content and on there, she's been really excited about this announcement. However, when she was on Lily Brown's podcast this week, I got a totally different vibe from her at an office just because she was around her friend. But the tone I got was that we do know that it wasn't a planned pregnancy, but it was a real shock and something that she struggled with quite a bit. And for me, I would have preferred her to talk about that on her TikTok rather than the very glamorized pregnancy announcement. Like I mean, I get that you don't want to overly promote the fact that you were shocked about it, but it would have seemed a bit more genuine because the vibe I got was so different on the podcast you can't really put up an announcement and seemed a bit bummed in it.

Like you've got to actually go nah.

I'm excited, but then you could tell the backstory. Yeah, But for m she clearly realizes that pregnancy is big business for something, and that's how I felt. I felt like it was okay, I'm going to use this as a bit of a marketing tactic, whereas I think a lot of women would have actually related more if she had been honest and said, wow, this is a real shock because I'm getting married.

This wasn't something that we had actually planned.

Yeah, but at the end of the day, if you're having a baby, maybe you're thinking about, well, I want to bring in a few extra dollars while I can. And for a lot of pregnancy brands, it's difficult for them to find ambassadors because there's such a small window in pregnancy that you can actually have someone promoting these pregnancy brands. Because when you think about it, if you wait for three months to announce your pregnancy, that's really only five to six months that you can have that person talking about all the pregnancy products that they're using. Well, actually seven months, well oh my is my mouth' to be off. But well, for her, as you said, Kay, her whole content on TikTok is Now about pregnancy cravings. She created two videos asking her followers to help her select her gender revealed dress. She actually ended up going for a Sammy Robinson number. So it's a one mile gold dress. And it's quite funny because when she put up her announcement post, Sammy Robinson wade in saying that she felt so honored that she wore her dress for the occasion. Of course she did because so many people would be like, I need that dress now.

Good morning everyone.

UK. YouTuber Saffron Barker has hit back at claims she's ended her romance with sportsman Lewis Reese zambit Now. As discussed on the podcast last week, the pair sparked breakup rumors when they unfollowed each other on Instagram, and they didn't just unfollow each other. It seemed like Saffron wanted to make it very clear that Lewis had wronged her, so she ended up unpinning photos of them together on her Instagram feed, as well as liking comments that insinuated Lewis had cheated on her. She also decided to delete a photo of the tattoo that she recently got of Lewis's initials. It also appears that maybe she blocked him because all of their tagged photos and comments disappeared from each other's accounts, which is a telltale sign. And there was a lot of people talking about this on TikTok, but it also made the UK press. Yeah, it was in the Daily Mail and the Sun. It was being splashed everywhere. Now a week on and the couple have done a complete backflip. Saffron responded to a TikTok comment asking if she and Lewis were together, writing was all just a big misunderstanding and we are together and so happy now. A source close to the couple has also released a statement to media saying Saffron and Lewis are very much together and have not split. They are happy in their relationship and continue to focus on their careers. Lewis has remained faithful to Saffron throughout their relationship and they remain a strong couple navigating a long distance relationship. So if we're reading between the lines, Saffron has called this a misunderstanding, So what I take from that is that yes, she has thought that Lewis was cheating on there. Someone has sent through some screenshots of him cheating, and he has talked his way out of it. He has turned things around, saying it's all not true. This is just so embarrassing for everyone involved. Now, I do need to mention the pair of them are twenty three, so I get it. I have been through shit relationships in my early twenties, and I probably would have done petty things like this, except I don't have a public platform. You would have thought Saffron would have learned not to air her dirty laundry in public before she knew the full story. I feel a bit sorry for her though, because it's really embarrassing, as you said, and she's got this relationship podcast, and of course a lot of the people who follow her are now waiting to see what she actually says when she's come back. So she's been in Dubai for a holiday. So this week she dropped an episode and it was.

Some boring thing about dreams.


I thought it was weird because normally they talk about relationship topics, so it did seem like they were trying to distract away from it. But then again, I do think perhaps the episode was recorded before she went away.

It definitely was.

It was a filler episode. So now the spotlight is going to be next Tuesday when she drops her episode, because she has been talking a lot about Lewis in it, and she's also been kind of giving a lot of advice to her friend UK influencer Anastasia kings North about how you should be treated in a relation. She keeps saying if he wanted to, he would. I think the thing that is sad is that everyone can see through this media statement and I can just I feel for the manager who's had to put this together because said job. A lot of people have been saying it's Wendy her mother, who's written, well, it would be awkward to have to be like, oh, so, so was he faithful to you? And she has to be like, no, you have to put this out. I don't like though, because everyone's been putting the blame on Saffron. They're like, she's so clingy because if you look back at her tiktoks, she did one about what their baby would look like in AI and everyone's been calling her a stage five clinger, and now I think a lot of her haters are just relishing in the fact that she's come out of this looking foolish.

When can't we just focus on the fact that clearly this guy's a dickhead. It will be.

Really interesting to see if she's got a clear pr strategy in trying to rebuild him, because she made their relationship look perfect online and that illusion has been shuttered now, so it will be really difficult to see him in a vlog again.

Not to think he's a complete work guy, but yeah.

I mean, he's come out of this looking quite bad. I know the focus is on Saffron, which is just gendered and really unfair. I just want to see what's going down in her group chat with Anastagia kings North, because her podcast is meant to be a bit of an insight. They kind of have it like it's a FaceTime conversation, but I want to see what are they really saying because all of her friends and family unfollowed him and now they've had to do the dirty follow back. I would more like to see her friend chat without her in it, because that telltale story of the poor girl who's being lied to and just wants to believe the fantasy of what he's saying. I think it really suits Saffron at the moment. That he is still over in the US. So what I think will happen is she'll go quite quiet on the relationship, but then she'll amp it up when she goes and visits him or they meet up in the maur Diar. Really, I think, if anything, she'll want to make it clear that they're still together and that they're going strong. Now she won't be seeing a lot of him, She won't address it, but will see a lot of their perfect relationships. How do we see a lot of it when he's in the US. And then it'll probably be like, oh, here's another love letter he sent me, here's a package. She knows that people can read between the lines. You don't want to be putting that content out there, particularly on TikTok, because everyone will be ripping into it.

Well, we'll have to wait and see.

Because surely having a relationship podcast, she's going to have to address the rumors at some point. Yeah. Well, even not addressing them speaks volumes as well, because she'll have to at some point say my boyfriend or my ex. Well, I think that's all we've got time for today. Thanks for joining us for another episode. If you do enjoy the podcast, please leave us a five star review. Also, I do love it when people share where they're listening to the podcast from. This podcast was recorded on the traditional land of the Ghana people of the Adelaide Planes.

We pay respect to elders past and present.

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