Emmylou MacCarthy has had enough of the persistent trolling on Tattle Life. The controversial influencer has lifted the lid on the extent users have gone to find out information about her life. Ashy Bines has sparked debate about the state of hospital food saying smoothies, fresh fruit and bone broth should be readily available to patients. The OG fitness influencer spent two nights in hospital after she lost her vision. AND Anna McEvoy’s warning to brides, as she undergoes a procedure which could put her wedding smile at risk.
Trigger warning: Part of this episode touches on suicide. If you are struggling please call Life Line on 13 11 14.
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On today's show, Emmy Lou McCarthy calls out taddle life trolls as she binds sparks, debate about hospital food, and Anna McAvoy's wedding mishaps. Hello and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop culture news twice a week. I'm Kate Torbert and I'm so excited that it's good Friday. I think the Easter long weekend is very underrated. I've been looking forward to it ever since Christmas ended. It seems to have popped up so quickly because we don't usually have Easter in March, so it's really taking me off guard. Usually I like to decorate with my Easter decorations. I haven't even got them out this year. I've hardly had a hot Cross bun either. I am planning to make some this weekend. Don't worry, they'll be out for the rest of the year if you ever feel like one, just without the cross of it. I know, I'm so hanging for this weekend because it's been such a busy week Like, I'm so over I just want to chill out and eat Easter eggs. And of course we've got our annual adult Easter egg hunt coming up as well. Yeah, we do. I feel very smug because on our birthday Amy, we were at the supermarket and we saw that there were some eggs on forty percent off, and I'm like, stock up now because they always run out, and not to be rude, but you're always left with the shit brands. Well it's the mini eggs. The mini eggs have run out. Nobody can get them. And I think because all over TikTok people are making you know, cakes, and they're decorating them with the mini eggs. Well, these are the mini speckled eggs you're talking about, So they're the colorful eggs that are all over TikTok. At the moment, I have saved some recipes that I thought I might cook for this Sunday, but it sounds like I'm not going to be able to get my hands off. I've got some, so I smugly I can beat uk. I bought them probably six weeks ago. I saw them two yeah, and they because they always run out, they do. I thought it would be fun, maybe even a bit controversial, to do an Easter egg hierarchy this year. It did cause a bit of trouble two years Ageah. Let's hope Bruno from the Carlin JACKIEO Show is not listening to this segment. Now, let's kick it off with our favorite. What is our top tier Easter egg? Maltese eggs, Malteser eggs, crunchy eggs. I think any Now I'm not talking about the mini eggs that have sold out, but any small egg that you use for an any hunt egg, I'll use that word hunt. I think any of those are god to I think the solid Cadbury chocolate ones definitely need to be in the godea. What about this is a controversial one. I think the Turkish Delight mini eggs are also god toes. And today I actually bought Strawberry Cabri eggs. I actually think they're rivaling the Turkish Delight. You know, it was the worst. I have actually started a chocolate ban, and this is to do with my skin because I've been having a lot of pimples popping up and I forgot that it was so I am day six of my chocolate ban. But I think what I'm going to do is I'm gonna have a week off chocolate and then that will put me in good Stead for Sunday when I can enjoy all of the chocolate. Well, I can trump you because on Tuesday after Easter Monday, I have the glucose tests, so that's one of the pregnancy tests where they check if you've got stational diabetes. And I'm like, I'm not really setting myself up very well. Back to the tears, though, I have to. I don't know if this is controversial, but I think cream eggs they belong in Hell. So I just hated a cream agg same with the Humpty Dumpty egg. It tastes like shit with the cream eggs. Apparently in the UK they were running a competition that if you found a cream egg I think it was with just a pure white center, so without the yolk, Yeah, that you got I think ten thousand dollars. And apparently Saffron Barker, who we've been talking about all week because of their breakup, apparently her brother bit into one saw and thought oh that's cool and then ate the rest of it. He was not aware of the competition. Well, I actually had a cream egg a couple of days ago, and I do not like the small hunt egg versions of cream eggs. Their ship House the biggest versions, because you talked about the mini speckled eggs, but the bigger versions are better. But they are so sickly that yeah, I think I would probably put them in the met Tia. Now remember that add back in the day with the cream egg there was the dentist and he was like dissected in the middle of the egg. That used to make me actually want them. It was great advertising. But as you said, they've got so much sugar. They're just too sweet. I want to add the lint Bunny to the god Tier. Really, yes, I I kind of went off them a couple of years ago, and then last year I had one, and then I also ate races. That's how good it was. I think Farra roch hair, even though that's not traditionally an Easter chocolate has to be in good they have the Ferrara rachair eggs or the bigger version of them for Easter. I also know they have actual eggs. God I forgot about them because someone please get me some this year we weren't going to be giving. I think any Haig's chocolate needs to be in god Ti. Add another to the med tier. It is the life Saver's Easter Bunny. Why is anyone like I mean, I love marvelous chocolate, so I am not opposed to mixing lollies with late but there's something about a fruit tingle and chocolate it just does not go. I also hate Daryl Lee chocolate. They're always the bunnies that are left, and again I feel bad if anyone listening to this gives me it. But the Rocky Road one I'm not. I hate Coconuts thinner chocolate. Well it's sorry, it's actually a thick piece of chocolate, but it almost tastes watered down. Do you know what it is? And you hit the nail on the head cake. The people who are giving the fruit Tingle bunnies and also the Daryl Lee Rocky Road ones, it's only because they're the last items left and they've done their shopping late and they've just gone fuck. I need to give something to somebody. If we need to do a video of what your Easter egg says about you. Do you know another one that I do not like that I think is overrated, and I get why people buy it because it looks cute, But any of the Kinder Surprise range I don't like the chocolate in that Brandon loves it because he likes white chocolate. I agree, Kinder eggs are great. I hate the Kinder bars, you know, those like tiny little bars. I don't know. Oh, there's something about the chocolate that doesn't taste is Kate? You said before that you're making hot cross buns. Did you guys see Sophie Jane Miller's biscoff homemade hot cross buns? Will they fail? Because I kind of tuned out? No, she loved them about her partner rated them ten out of time to day made my mouth water so much I could have reached into the screen and grabbed one, and they looked that girl. Well, we'll have to post this official hierarchy in our Facebook group and you can let us know what you think.
I do stand by what I say. Fuck off.
Emmy Lou McCarthy has had enough of the persistent trolling on snark site tattle Life. The controversial influencer has lifted the lid on the extent users have gone to to find out information about her life. Now, Kate, before we get into all of the drama, can you tell us more about Emmylou's Tattle Life thread. Well. Users started posting about Emmy Lou on Tattle Life back in October twenty twenty one, and at the time of recording, one hundred and twenty five threads exist about her on the hate forum. Now, each of those threads can coins a thousand posts each, so that's one hundred and twenty five thousand posts about Emmy Lou.
There is no way for an influencer to moderate that forum or to have comments taken down, and there's also no right of reply because members on the forum can only provide access to other people to join. So people are hardly going to be sending her a token to join into the forum, are they. It kind of sounds like raya, where you have to get invited in and it's really difficult. It's such a strange concept. I wonder when that whole invitation process started taking place. I am not sure, but I know a lot of people in our Facebook community are always desperate to get an invite into tattle Now. All the drama kicked off when Emmy Lou posted an update to social media about her word of the Year. So she shared a photo of herself in active where doing the peace sign and captioned it persistence twelve weeks into the year and I finally found my word for twenty twenty four. Now. It didn't take long for negative comments to flood in. One person wrote, dress your age, put it away. Yeah, you say that she was wearing active worsts. So she was wearing a crop top and leggings just for context. Yeah, so you could see her stomach and she was looking very fit, and I think that's why she said that persistence was her word of the year now. Emmy Lou ended up sharing the comment to her Instagram story and wrote, fuck off is also a great word for twenty twenty four now. Unfortunately, it seems by Emmy actually acknowledging that negative comment that it enticed more people to write negative things. So troll accounts began commenting how the photo looked photoshopped and slammed her for not promoting body positivity. How old is Emmy Lou. She's in her mid forties and she is a single mum. I really didn't like the fact that people were commenting on what she was wearing and policing it. I mean, I understand more the photoshop comments because there was a piece of grass in the background that looked a bit strange. Now. The commentary led to Emmy announcing on her Instagram stories that she had turned comments off on the later post, and she reiterated it wasn't because she was ashamed of anything, but because she didn't have the bandwidth for comments and feedback. Today now, Emmy appeared on an Instagram story in her underwear as a way to prove that she wasn't photoshopping her body. Let's throw to some of what she said.
People have been telling me to put this shit away at any stage of my body, so it doesn't really matter. What really annoyed me was the age of agism of it, the you know, address your age. We're allowed to dress however we want, at any age we want.
Emmy, then let loose on the online trolls. Let's throw to more of what she said.
You would like to take a screenshot of me right now if you would like to. I don't know think that the background is a fucking doesn't match this. If I'm airbrushed, if I have bowtops, I don't fucking know. Please go for it. Let me tell you something. My arms are super wobbly. Look at that when I put them up like this look as wobbly anymore. Okay, if you want to say that I air brush, I'm on medication, I have my kids, I don't have my kids, you can say whatever you like. It doesn't matter, all right, because I know the truth because I'm standing here on this side of the phone. So unless you're standing here next to me on this side of the phone metaphorically literally whatever with me in my inner circle, you don't know jackshit.
As research for this story, I have been looking into Emmy Lou's most recent tatle life threads, and it is very clear that these comments are directed at the trolls on that site, because she acknowledged a lot of the negative commentary that's been hurled her way. In particular, trolls were picking on the appearance of her arm at a recent charity event over the weekend. We will dive into it later, but it does come at odds with what she was previously saying on her most recent rant, saying that she has a cybersecurity expert and she doesn't read any of the threads on Tattle Life. Yeah, it's quite clear that she does keep an eye on her Tattle thread and unfortunately this acknowledgment of that only ignited further hate on the forum. So trolls were making extremely vile comments about her body, including comments about her volver. And it is clear this recent feedback really got to Emmy because she went on to share photos and videos from her career achievements with the caption let's take a moment to celebrate all the things my body has never held me back from doing. She then returned as you said So to her Instagram story to explain the toll persistent trolling is taking on her. Let's throw to what she said.
I've had this discussion with a lot of people in the last few months. It's the unhealthy entitlement, it's the unhealthy intrusion in my life I've had. I've had someone out the front, to be honest with you, taking a photo of my home and it's to put on, you know, a hate site, like a gossip site, to encourage in some cases violence, encourage hate.
Emmy then went on to say that it's gotten to a point where trolls are seeking her out in public to adally spy on her. So she claimed that a member of tattle Life took photos of her and listened into a private conversation. She had it a self service checkout at Wolworths All to report back to Tattle Life. She also said that she's been forced to enlist the help of a cyber security team to monitor the online behavior to ensure that it doesn't escalate to become a safety issue, and she also admitted that the trolling has left her questioning her influencer career. Here's what she said.
The behavior, I'm not going to say psychotic, that there must be another word. The toxic behavior of some of the online commentary and some of the stuff is just absolutely mind blowing and out of control, and it's kind of left me going, what do I do here? Do I continue with this? Like? Is this what I want in my life? I just wanted to be a TV presenter.
Do you guys think she actually has her own security team? No. I think that Emmy Lou is her own cybersecurity team. She knows far too many details about what's going down on that forum. She was naming people by user name and then doxing them online. I think that she keeps a very close eye on this threat herself. I think that she might have a friend who knows bits and pieces about computers, and she's calling this friend a cyber security expert. I think that it would take such a toll on your mental health to be checking that forum every day. But that's what I think she's cracked, because she clearly has been. But I think initially she probably was checking it, but now she's probably taking a step back, and she's getting friends or family members to take a look for her, because, as she says, it's becoming a safety concern for her that people are rocking up to her house taking photos. I think this could spur people on more to harass her, because she's even said, oh, it's made me think about stepping away from influencing, and a lot of people on tattle don't want her to be in the influence of space. But the disturbing thing is that these people almost love trolling her. It seems to be a favorite pastime. It's a bit of a hobby for them, like a sport. Yeah, they enjoy making up these memes. They've all got their little pictures of her. What are they called avatars? I don't know even when I had a look. There's a wiki section on her on tattle and it lists all the nicknames and different phrases that they've come up with. So you know, when I was reading through it, I'm like, what does that mean? What does that mean? But there is reference to work it all out. I think people are very passionate because they think that she has done the wrong thing. This is all what this hate forum is stemming from. Now, we do have a complex relationship with tatle life. We've experienced what it's like to be trolled on that platform before, definitely not to the extent of Emilu. We are also people who have enjoyed looking through threads. We do need to put our hand up to that, and we do use it for research on influencer deep dives and stories. So in saying that, though, I do think that emilu thread has gone way too far. So late last year, members of tatle life expose that Emilu was going through financial hardship by purchasing her business documents from ACIK. So these documents are on the public record and can legally be obtained by paying ASIK around twenty dollars. So Emmy addresses allegations head on on an Instagram story. Let's throw to some of what she said.
Now, I have made a huge amount of mistakes in my career and in my personal life.
What could I say?
I'm freaking human and I will continue to make them. But do I need other people kind of telling me what mistakes they think I've made, or you know, and their conspiracy theories and their intrusion in my life? Just an example, massive tax debt. I had a massive tax set at the end of twenty twenty three. It's huge, and you know, Jesus, I'm not an accountant. I got set up by my previous accountant, just not in the correct way. I didn't realize I was paying my bass, I was paying my staff, I was paying my superpaid all my invoices, but then ended up with this huge tax det and it freaking almost like I've known two people in my lifetime that have actually taken their lives over a tax stet. And it was hugely distressing, and I put my business through a restructure. Now if that wasn't stressful enough, I've got this online. These absolute you know, I don't know what you'd call them, paying assi like they're that obsessed And that's the only word I can think of. And even my accountant and you know, I've had to go to therapy because I'm like, what is with this? They're that obsessed that they actually pay asset money, like you can just pay nineteen ninety five and get my company details. Totally fine, It's totally legal if that's what you want to do. And they harassed me and all of my clients, all of my brand partners, everyone. She has a massive tax det she has a massive tax det she's gone into administration. I'm like, well, okay, first thing, it's a restructure.
Do you guys think it's in the public interest to know about Emmylou's tax debt. I think it's in the public interest to know if she's done something illegal, But I don't think it's the public's right to go and police it and go and try and find these documents and expose her. That is the job of a journalist or someone in law enforcement. It's not the job of a fan or an anti fan to go and find out this information. Yeah, this entitlement that the trolls in Emmy Lu's title Life Threat are showcasing is perfectly explained in the recent findings from the Cardiff University study into Andy Fans that we spoke about last week. The reality is the majority of the people that are partaking in this trolling of Emmy Lou used to actually be fans of her at some point, and it's likely that they have somehow felt exploited or neglected by Emmy Lou at some stage, and perhaps they felt like she was using them to gain brand deals or they felt excluded from her life. And in this case, it's likely that the trolls feel like Emmilu has been lying to them about her financial position. So while they don't have any business knowing about her financial position, they think that they're entitled to know what's going on because they've formed this one sided parasocial relationship with her and the Cardiff University. As we touched on, last week's study found, the ends will speculate about what goes on behind the closed doors of influencers lives and they'll feel in what they call narrative gaps. But in this case, Emmy Lou's anti fans have taken it one step further and they've actually done a full investigation on her, including paying for these ACIIC documents. So, as you said, sobe, it's as if these anti fans have taken it upon themselves to ensure justice is they are playing judge and jury without all the facts, and they seem like they generally believe that they know better than the ATO. They've even added the acid information to her Tatle wiki and they've plastered around how much they think that she owes. It seems to me that the members of Tatle Life don't think that Emmy Lou was appropriately punished by the ATO, so they've decided to perform their own retribution and they've been reaching out to brands that she works with to let them know of this tax debt. Now I don't understand this. This woman is clearly financially struggling, and these people just want to cut off more of her income stream. I think that there are instances where it's appropriate for people to reach out to brands when an influencer has done the wrong thing. For instance, if Emmy was found to be doing something illegal with her tax and she was working with a financial brand, I think it would be quite kind of people in the NOD to tell that brand because it looks bad on the brand. However, yeah, because that alignment just seems wrong. However, if she's working with a fake tan business. It's not really relevant information. But how far do these people want to push her? I mean it kind of sounds like they want to ruin her business, They want to ruin her life. If she was to take her own life, would people then sit back and feel terrible about the way they've treated her. Did speak about how two of her friends had taken their own life, and that was to do with large tax steps that they had, So I think that she was trying to humanize herself to this community of people who have almost turned her into a cartoon character.
I would have thought that people would have more sympathy for small business owners during this cost of living crisis, particularly one who is a single mum. Now, Emmy did go on to explain the process of a business restructure and described it as a very brutal experience. She then said this, I did not.
Borrow one cent from anybody. I did not disturb anybody. I took care of business myself all while these awful trolls were harassing me every day. Every day they were on me, and I look at those hate pages. I own touch those things. They're completely psychotic if.
You ask me now.
They were coming over to me because they couldn't handle that, you know, like I don't know what they couldn't handle, but they had to come and harass me. Anybody else would have fucking broke. And I'll tell you what it was. It was hard going, and you know there was that entitlement. You need to be honest with your followers, nor I fucking don't. What I need to do is take care of business. What I need to do is take care of my family. What I need to do is make sure that I'm okay because I'm the I'm the person providing for my family here. You know, you can say whatever you want so I can. Don't let the handbags behind me. For you, I'm a fucking single mom. I'm like on a single parents wage, trying to do the best that I can while still negotiate business and do all those kind of things as well.
Emmy then went on to say that she has nothing to lose and will no longer tolerate the harassment. She then said this, but just no, nothing is worth.
You know, everything is worth being here for That is just a taxt it. You will get through it, okay. It is so important because, like I said, I've known two people in my lifetime to have taken their lives over at taxed it. And I understand, I understand the loneliness and how confronting it is. But we are worth being here for we are not born accountants. We don't know how that fucking shit works. And it's okay because you will learn pretty quickly, and you take that business learning and you move on and you move on to your next your next lot of goals.
Emmy Lou then issued a final warning patrols.
As for all of those trolls on there, and you keep going. You know, I've got a cybersecurity a guy taking care of all of that. For me, I don't look at it. However, everybody's watching you, and just remember this when you're taking my photo, when you're man, not when you're taking my photo down in TALKI, when you're taking out a public event, there are other people with phones taking my photo as well, taking photos of the crowd, taking photos of a whole lot of stuff. So please don't think that you'll be invisible forever, because you won't be. And the difference between you and me is that I have the guts to stand here and own it. It's my face here, it's my name here, come at me.
That comment has rattled a lot of people on tuttle The site is obviously a non and I think a lot of these people are now concerned about the mask, like being unveiled as a troll, and they really don't like it. They don't like the fact that Emmy Lou has turned it onto them, like she's talking about them now and they're saying, oh, I don't like that. You know, some people have been named from that threat. How dare they? Will you talk about her all day and all night. I think it was so powerful for her to name the troll accounts. I really like that she did that. And I think that people don't want to be held accountable for the things that they've said online, because I mean, there's a lot of backtracking going on in that Tattle life thread, and it's I think that they because they have actually been called out. I think that they're thinking, oh, fuck, this does actually sound that I'm trying to put it in black and white. We're trying to make a lot of excuses now, like they're coming out of the woodwork on our Instagram page being like, well look into this and look into that. I do find it funny because, as you said, Amy, these people are panicking that they are going to be unmasked, and they're really clutching at straws because they're saying, oh, this dot is unfair. But tattle users need to realize that they are not anonymous and the arrogance of these people to demand accountability from influencers, but they think that they can do anything they like under this veil of anonymity. But I really like the way that she said the difference is I put my face to this. I'm putting my name to it, and you guys are sitting behind a computer scrap Well, remember Salty's Day, Because it turned out that Salty's Day, which was a hate page on Sarah's Day, it was a teacher behind it. So I think a lot of the people in this hate forum, a lot of them are like doctors and nurses and terrors, and if they were found to be on this forum commenting the way that they are, it would be damaging for their career. And as we've said before, I don't feel completely guilt free in this situation because I have been someone that has read tattle life forums for years. We use it for research. I've never actually posted on there before, and I do think that there is a big difference between holding influences to account and mercilessly trolling and bulling them to the point that they feel unsafe, and some members of the tattle Life forum have crossed the line when it comes to the treatment of Emilou. I think that there's definitely a scale of tattle Life uses. I don't think that everyone on the site is a bully by any means. I think it's a few toxic individuals who are the rotten apple in the pack, and they lead the conversations. And I think that there are genuinely people in there who like influences and they enjoy getting a bit of the gossip, because I don't think that there's anything wrong with having a fun gossip. But this has just definitely crossed the line. When you are talking about people's appearance in a negative way, you're being derogatory, you're being ages, you're being sexist. There's so many things that have crossed the line from some users, and in that form, it's bordering on obsession and potentially stalking. Like what do we consider stalking. I think when people are out at the shops listening into phone conversations and taking photos to go post back on Tattle Life that has crossed a bit, But also, like someone brought up in our community, this is verging on hate speech. A lot of these comments are so defamatory and derogatory, and I just think that people need to take a step back and realize that there is a real woman on the other side. I just don't understand from a legal perspective, how this website still exists. Well, it's definitely crying out for some form of moderation, because I will stand by I do think that the website has got positives to it in the sense that it is a good place to hold influencers to account based on their behavior, but it has turned into a cesspool of harassment and bulling and something needs to change.
I'm a very balanced person. I always have been. I live and breathe health, fitness, wellness.
As she binds a spark debate about the state of hospital food, saying smoothies, fresh fruit and bone broth should be readily available to patients, the og Fitness influencers spent two nights in hospital after she'd lost her vision. Now, before we get into it, Sophie Ashally had some pretty scary news over the week which led to her hospital stay. Yeah, so on Sunday, she did check herself into hospital after she'd lost vision in her eyes for the third time that week, and she underwent a number of eye tests and also did a c T scan, which sadly revealed she has a small brain aneurism. Now, doctors were unsure if her vision loss was linked to the aneurism, so she spent the past few days in hospital being monitored and waiting on an MRI scan. Now as she shared the news with her followers, writing feeling scared and worried as this is what my grandma passed away from, and Steve also had a gigantic one when he was younger. We are so lucky he's still here, but mine is only small and they also don't think it's related to my symptoms this past week, so I am grateful that they found it so they can keep an eye on it and monitor it if it grows or not. Now, she also went on to reveal that her two uncles have been diagnosed with brain aneurysms, with one sadly passing away from it. This would be particularly tough when you have seen your loved ones pass away from this condition, and luckily her MRI came back all clear, so they are just going to be monitoring this brain aneurysm now. During her two nights stay in hospital, she has spark debate about whether hospital food is nutritious enough for its patients. So during a TikTok video, as she explained that she was in the process of ordering her breakfast for the next morning, and I thought it was quite impressive because there was an online menu system that she could pick from. Seems like that's a bit of a trap because I think of that online menu system like McDonald's and the food's delicious, But I don't think hospital food would be delicious. A lot of people said that they just thought you sort of get given what you get given in hospital, and there's not much choice. It's not clear if this was a public or private hospital.
I thought that you just got like a piece of paper and to tick what you got. Yeah, Well, she wasn't happy with the options available. Let's throw to what she said, what should they eat?
I really feel like hospitals should not be serving like basic cereals. They should be serving a breakfast full of nutrients, offering fee fresh smoothies, loads of fresh fruit, bone broths, you know. So we've got that. We've got a hot wreki, which is just scrambled eggs, are sausage, probably tin baked beans and grilled tomato. We've got bakery, white roll, bread, whole meal bread, white margarine, butter jam I'm guessing peanut butter.
I' vegie mighte.
We've got convents, salt and pepper, tomato, sauce, breakfast fruit, banana or tinned fruit. So that's literally all of water at the moment is banana. We've got drinks, juices, teas, coffee, add sugar, and then we've got a high energy which is just plain yogurt. So no one really liking my options here. I think I'll stick with the banana and then get steeved to bring with something else. But I feel like I'll be starving.
The reason people are getting so up in arms about Ashy's comments is because she does have a very checkered background in health and nutrition. So in twenty fourteen, the diet plan that she brought out was actually labeled as the three worst diets on the market, so it was allegedly so nutritionally unsound that are only ranked behind the liquid only weight Loss plan and the lemon detox diet and skinny meat tea diets. Now, the reason it ranked so badly was because of this cookie cutter approach it took to weight loss. So the diet encouraged women to eat fresh, whole foods and libert carbohydrates, sugar, and saturated fats. It also advised the elimination of dairy products and not to eat more than one piece of fruit a day. The hospital system might like this diet planet might be a lot cheaper than what they're currently serving. I think that as she actually had some pretty valid points about the lack of nutritious food in hospitals, because malnutrition is a real problem with long term patients, But it was the optics of it and the way that she turned her nose up at some pretty ordinary breakfast items like I don't understand what is wrong with wholemealed toast and eggs and grilled tomatoes. Those are actually quite healthy options available. This has been a hot topic on a lot of health podcasts recently that I've listened to, and there is the view that the hospital is using a very outdated system, which is the food pyramid to work out what food they are feeding their patients. And if you do look at a lot of the menus, a lot of these breakfast items are full of sugar or a lot of fat as well, and so there is the view that some of these foods are making some of the patients actually sicker. So I agree with what as she's saying, but I just think it makes her come across as a bit of a dick because she is an influence and it's like, oh, I need my smoothie and I need this, But what she's saying is actually correct. And also the fact that people are holding her accountable to a diet program that she bought out more than ten years ago. The health and wellness space has changed so much in that space of time. We have seen things marketed completely differently than they are now. What people had a problem with is that the state of the hospital system is so complex. There are a lot of other issues that we need to fix before we fix the men I mean, a lot of hospitals are underfunded, understaffed, and I think that a lot of nurses who were weighing into this conversation in our Facebook community were saying that when are they going to find the time to be getting a nutribullet out and whizzing up these smoothies and bringing in bone. People aren't expecting the doctors and nurses to do that. I'm assuming that there is a third party company that looks after the food, but we are talking about a system that is already broken in this country. All of that, but it is still so important. If you've got someone who's just had a heart attack and you're feeding them these high fat foods or high sugar foods that aren't going to help with their recovery, it is a big issue. And that's the thing. There's so many vulnerable people in nursing homes and also hospitals who were being served up the most appalling meals. And our nana lived at a nursing home for over seven years, and when her food arrived, I just couldn't even imagine eating it, like it made me feel sick to my stomach and so sad, because it's not like when you're a young person in hospital, most of the time you can order uber eats or get someone to bring food in for you. But a lot of the older people are in a situation where maybe then don't get many visitors. It is really sad because I think food is one small joy that people have in their lives, and for people living in nursing homes who often don't get to see a lot of people each day, that one small pleasure is being taken away from them, and they probably look forward to getting their meal all day, and then it's just met with complete disappointment. As someone who is going to have a hospital stay soon when I give birth, I'm already getting nervous about the food. I saw some people in our Facebook group sharing some of the stuff that they got on the maternity to ward at different hospitals. I nearly vomited. Like I am someone who I'm very visual with my food, like it has to look nice and say, look, I rushings of hot school driver. I'm one of those people that I actually, as you said, Sophie, like if I was in a nursing home and I was offered something to eat, I couldn't stomach it. And I'm a bit the same in hospital. Some worried about how I'm going to go. Yeah, the whole thing like being around medical stuff and already there's gross like the toilet's right, then the food has a smell to it, like I saw one of the pictures someone shared was this piece of like white bassa fish, and I feed that to our dog Shadow and it looked like that with like literal slop next to it. So I'm hoping that someone takes pity on me and brings me into food.
It's something really dumb, really really dumb. Two months before my wedding.
The countdown to podcaster Anna Macavoy's Destination wedding is on. The former Love Island contestant is set to marry her fiance Michael Staples in Greece in two months time. However, it hasn't been smooth sailing for Anna. Last week, she shared that she feared she would be unable to smile on her wedding day due to a dental procedure she had done. Now, a dentist suggested that she get massatar botox to stop her grinding her teeth due to stress over her wedding. Apparently, her her teeth had become very chipped over time. Here's a snippet of what she said.
If they hit the wrong area, you can have a lopsided smile like you can't smile, and it takes like four days to a week to kick in. And it's been about three days and I feel like my smile has gone lopsided. I don't know if it has, but even just looking at my mouth, I've never looked at my mouth so much, but I feel like this side is not as high. I'm like, really not trying to freak myself out, but I literally am getting married in two months and I need to smile on my wedding day.
I'm confused though, because I have the same issue as Anna. I grind my teeth at night, and my dentist prescribed me a mouthguard to stop it. And that stops you chipping your teeth. Why did they not just give her that? Well, that's the thing.
I think.
I only stops you from actually causing damage to your teeth, but I still think it might cause stress headaches from actually clenching your teeth together. I think she must go to one of those really fancy dentists, you know, the ones that are really esthetic, and the second you walk in the door, you know that you're going to be charged an arm and a leg. And they now offer a lot of skin treatments and bowtox. So I think that this dentist has probably thought, oh, this is a treatment that she could keep having to come back for. I do want to say it was a false alarm and thankfully this botox did not affect Anna's smile, So she's all right for the wedding. Thank god, because wouldn't it be awkward if you couldn't smile on your wedding folks. Well, the thing now is that she's struggling to find a hairdresser. So she put out a PSA on a TikTok saying are there any hairdressers who are going to be in Greece? And she shared that she had this disaster hair trial and basically it looks like she's opting for an updo. How do you get a hair trial in grease when you're in Australia. Well, I think it was someone in Australia that she was hoping might travel with her, and god, it did not look good. She said, if you think you can do better than this, please hit me up. And she said that she's incredibly desperate. And I'm surprised because she did confirm that she's tying the knot on the twenty first of May. I thought that maybe she wouldn't want to let that information out there, but particularly when her co host Matt Zukowski is keeping all of his wedding details under He's going to go stalk it in Greece. But I'm saying she still has a profile, she's still a form of Love Island contestant, and Tammy Hembro will probably be at that way, but perhaps aren't going to go across to Greece. Not to be rude to Anna, but she's not Tammy Hembro. Yeah, but Tammy Hembrow is going to be at her wedding. So well, everyone is so interested in Tammy and Matt's love life. I'm sure that there will be some you know, speculation. They're not flying Percy, they're not flying to grease for it. Yeah, but people want the snap of Tammy walking down the aisle because there's been so much discussion about her love life, the fact that she's been engaged two totally different weddings. Well, that is where we are going to leave things today. If you do enjoy the podcast, we would love it if you could make sure you are subscribed and leave us a review. Also, if you want to hear more content from us. Don't forget to subscribe to Outspoken Plus. We drop a new episode for subscribers every Thursday. This episode was recorded on the traditional land of the Ghana people of the Adelaide Plains. We pay respect to elders past and present.