Coming up on today’s show… The Australian skincare war playing out among TikTok’s most popular creators. Em Davies sparks debate about ‘bounce back’ culture. The Doritos dating theory. AND Chloe Szep’s business woes.
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Follow Outspoken on Instagram and TikTok, plus join in on the conversation in our Facebook Community. Podcast hosted by Amy Taeuber, Kate Taeuber and Sophie Taeuber.
Coming up on today's show, the Australian skincare War playing out amongst TikTok's most popular creators, M Davies Sparks debate about bounce back culture, the Dorito's dating theory, and Chloe Zepp's business woes. Hello and welcome to Outspoken. It's your dose of the hottest influencer and pop culture news twice a week. I'm so Vie taller and I have to say, Kate, you have absolutely popped this week.
You are entering the six month mark. I really have.
And it makes a lot more sense since talking to my midwife because we did our twenty week scan recently and we got the results and she called up saying, look, there's no issues, but I just wanted to flag that the baby is in the ninety third percent of for size and I was really shocked because we're only five foot four. Reese's family aren't huge, and I'm like, where is it hiding, because really I haven't looked ultra pregnant at all. It's funny because we have got a few comments where people have said that they think that we're really tall.
I don't know why that is. We are very short.
We do have tall relatives, those of our cousins. One of our cousins is six foot six, so I think it's coming from them.
I did end up messaging them and said, can you check with your mom if you were in the ninety percent hole for high and they were actually ninety five and ninety seven percent. So I'm just concerned because my husband is six foot five, So what does that mean? I know.
Well, I was like, well, I'll be booking in a cesarean.
It actually makes me feel better in terms of buying the baby clothes. Maybe we'll just have to go for the big sizes.
While I was looking at Yeah, while I was looking up those sleeping bags for babies and the sizes of newborn small, medium, and large, and I'm like, I don't know what to go for now.
A couple of things that I've learned recently that I want to pass on to you guys and maybe they'll help you in your life.
Chloe Zepp has revealed she's been struggling with her active wear line zeb. However, instead of facing the challenges on her own, she's reached out to an industry leader for some advice.
This is what she said.
I used to never ask for help because I don't know if it was an ego thing or if.
I was just.
Overly self sufficient and felt like I was failing.
If I needed to ask for help or something. I don't know what it was.
But recently I was struggling with my business and you know, running or being the owner of a business.
Comes with.
A lot of responsibility, and you do have a lot of.
Challenges and it's hard.
And instead of you know, suffering through that on my own, I thought, I'm going to reach out to someone in the same industry that's doing really well and get some advice.
So that's a number one.
If you are struggling in a certain field in your life and you see someone succeeding in that.
Area, just put out the.
Feelers and ask for help or advice and see what they can offer and help you with.
You never know if you don't ask, and it could change your life by asking for help.
I thought the timing of this update from Chloe was really interesting because she has recently posted about searching for a personal brand manager, so it is unclear if she's actually hired someone. But this type of vulnerable insight is quite different to the content that we're used to seeing from Chloe. I think there's definitely strategy involved with this, and I have noticed that she's been jumping on her Instagram story a lot more and talking directly to the camera. It's a really great way to connect with people, and I think people also really enjoy seeing the struggle involved in business.
I've seen so many tips.
Lately about Instagram business accounts and how people don't really want to follow your business account. They want to follow the creator and the CEO of that business and see how you've grown it and your struggles along the way. I totally agree, and for a brand like Chloe's, she has had great success with it, but she did face adversity during the pandemic when her own personal brand was under a lot of criticism because she was supporting the anti VAXX movement. Then that trickled down to ZEP so people were on TikTok burning their ZEP active where they were throwing it in the bin. It's also an incredibly oversaturated market. Now. When she first started, she was at the top of her game in being one of those influences in Australia that was very sought after and highly thought of. But as you said, Kate, her reputation has taken quite a battering and it became embarrassing to wear ZEP active war.
Well I never see anyone wearing ZEP anymore. Yeah, there was a time when a lot of people were wearing it. I wondered in terms of this person that she reached out to, do you guys think it could have been Matilda Murray or Don Robertson from Stacks because they jumped to mine immediately because they work with a lot of influencers and they have had huge success recently. Plus, Chloe is friends with Steph klas Smith, who recently did a collaboration with Stax. Yeah, I definitely think you're on the money there. I wonder whether we will be seeing a Stax and ZEP collaboration anytime soon, because it would be a very clever way to get Chloe to connect with a new audience. But Stas haven't been afraid to work with Keeper Cleaner, so as I mentioned, Steph kles Smith has been working with them, but it's actually her company that did a collaboration with Stax. They probably see mehre in working with people that are in a similar industry. You know, Chloe's got her own audience. They have their own audience. They do a lot of influencer collaborations, so I could see it happening. I do love getting this really pervy look into someone else's business because it's so easy from the outside to think, Wow, this must just be going really well and she must just sell out all of her drops. But it's clear that there's more going on in the background. And I really do like the direction that Chloe's content seems to be moving in.
I like that she's being.
Actually direct with her audience and we're getting more of a personal look into what's going on in her life, because generally it's just been a few pretty shots of the beach and a few quotes she's been shared. Well, she's got to be giving her audience something because previously, when she was huge on YouTube, she was actually sharing a lot of insight into her personal life, and she's obviously made the decision that she doesn't want to share as much anymore. It's kind of weird to see her talking to the camera though, because someone like Shiny Grimman, who was her old best friend, she is just a natural addit. But for me, it doesn't seem to come as naturally to Chloe. It almost seems to be she's been forced to be on Yeah, it felt like she was reading a script because she also did give another point of advice, which was to listen to audio books.
This is what's been going on for the past twenty four hours. SNDI Clinton accidentally linked o upcoming product launch and it got so out of control that even the influencer update pages started posting about it.
There's currently a skincare war playing out on TikTok involving Australia's most popular creators.
The main players are Cat Clark, Anna Paul and Indy Clinton. As we discussed on Tuesday's episode, Cat Clark launched her skincare brand Collade, in an unorthodox way last week, sharing a video of herself crying at the news. Anna Paul had pipped her at the post and launched her skincare brand first. Now. Anna Paul was nothing but supportive and it is clear that her brand is absolutely booming At the moment. She appeared at a Sydney pop up stall and it was absolutely packed. She'd only put out a little Instagram story hinting that she might be there that was crazy. I did love how Anna and Adas were both wearing black and glasses and strutting down the mall.
The next player is Indy Clinton.
Now she accidentally leaked tbh's Skincare's unreleased product on Sunday night.
Okay, what happened there?
So, in her usual chaotic style, Indy shared a daily vlog style video of the aftermath of her going to the Taylor Swift concert. So she appeared on camera still wearing her makeup from the night before and explained she'd fallen asleep in it. She then frantically splashed water on her face, and she spoke about her experience at the concert and then said this, asked me how I.
Went to the bathroom at one point? Oh, this is really cool.
TVH Skincare, No scrubs and a Smiths. Later that day, Indy shared a screenshot of a DM she received from TBH Skincare's Instagram account, which read, oh my god, Indy, we hadn't launched this product yet. Obsessed though, hope you had the best night at Taylor and Indy caption the screenshot note to futureself, don't post when you're hungover.
It would have been awful. For Indy. She's clearly exhausted.
Then you get this message popping up basically saying you fucked up this whole brand's launch. I can just imagine the feeling of your stomach dropping when this message hit your DMS. Now, TBH Skincare's marketing team really has to be applauded because they have turned the product leak into their most successful product launch. So they have really utilized the TikTok hype to the fullest. They've posted multiple videos about the leak. I think my favorite had to be when the marketing manager called the TBH found at rachel While to break the news of Indy's leak.
Let's throw it a little bit of that.
Oh my god, No, why calling first timing me on a Sunday.
Have we seen Indy Clinton's post that she just made what?
No, she's Indy Clinton.
Yeah, Indy Clinton, she's got the new product in it?
Wait really yeah, I can't.
Like in the first like ten seconds of the video, I.
Was a bit skeptical when I heard that they'd filmed her reaction and this phone call. But you can really hear in the audio that she is rattled by this.
Her voice was very shaky.
She did seem shaken up, but it really did surprise me that their first reaction was to film this phone call. Obviously, the marketing manager really has her finger on the pulse about what content goes off on TikTok, because there is another brand that I've seen in this space that does similar things. So but again, I always feel like it seems a bit set up because I've worked in marketing and social media before, and I've dealt with a lot of internal dramas, and I can't imagine propping my phone up and recording it because what I would have recorded probably wouldn't have been appropriate to put onto TikTok. Yeah, it was lucky her reaction was quite pc and that there weren't any f words being dropped. If she knew she was being filmed, it was hard to tell in the vision if you could tell that the phone had been propped up to record her reaction. It was quite funny because they also captured the emergency meeting that took place, and there was one male staff member who asked, who is Indy Clinton.
Let's road the clip.
So she won TikToker of the Year. Yeah, Yeah, she's got three kids. She's in Sydney. Yes, this is her at Taylor Swift Run.
In this meeting, they also had Indy on the big screen and they were playing.
The faux pa.
It was just so funny how it was like being analyzed in depth. Can you imagine watching this review t She clearly was embarrassed because she ended up writing on one of tbh's videos, I will never live this down. I feel so bad still, but thank you for being legends about it now.
It is clear that.
This accident was a blessing in disguise, because there are so many comments on tbh's TikTok saying that this is the best thing that could ever have happened to the brand because they wouldn't have known about them otherwise. From a PR perspective, I think that they have handled the situation really well, because some brands might have freaked out and asked Indy to instantly remove the content, which would have then lost them some traction and also perhaps ruined their relationship with Indy going forward. Yeah. Well, TBH made the decision to actually bring their launch forward a week and put the product on sale at five pm on Monday, and interestingly, it was the exact same launch time as Cat Clark's new brand, Collade.
Oh can she copper break here?
But I mean, well, for tbh, this was another stroke of marketing genius because people were commenting, oh, probably not a smart idea to launch when Calade is and the founder Rachel Wilde. She addressed the comment directly on TikTok, saying that they had no that Cat's skincare brand was launching today and it only brought the date forward due to the online demand.
Let's throw to what she.
Said, and I just want to stop all of this chatter right now because I'm such a big believer in the fact that there is room for everyone in this world, and we are not about to start, you know, spreading negativity around another amazing female founder skincare brand. We are okay to be launching at the same time as them. It is possible for someone to jump online to two sites and shop simultaneously, So it's okay, everyone, It's okay. We hope that Calade's launch goes amazingly and that it's everything.
That they dreamed it to be.
And we're still so excited for our Jelly Clint's launch, So it's all good.
Again another fantastic move because this was in complete contrast to Cat Clark's initial announcement. So in that announcement, as we mentioned earlier, she cried because Anna Paul had launched a skincare brand that was in competition with her. I do think the timing was very clever because there has been backlash directed at cat Clark over the way that she decided to launch her new skincare brand, So it was very much in the zeitgeist at the moment.
Montektok, all of the kids were talking about it.
This whole thing just shows the selling power these big Australian TikTokers have, whether the leak was genuine or not, because I know some people think it was this whole orchestrated marketing campaign. The promotion resulted in the most traffic TBH Skincare has received for a launch ever. So in the last twenty four hours post Indies video, TBH Skincares TikTok received one point eight million views and eighty one thousand profile views. As for cat Clark, she revealed that on the launch day her website had over twenty thousand people on it and they sold out of their skincare PACs within four minutes. Her website also says all the products are sold out except for her body moisturizer.
One thing I can stop thinking about is called the deido theory. I learned about this and now I see everything a little bit differently.
The Dorito TikTok theory is currently gaining traction on TikTok TikTok has Celeste Aria spoke about the theory in a video that now has one point five million views.
Let's write to some of what she said.
The idea is that only experiences that aren't truly satisfying are maximally addictive. So imagine eating dorito's. When you eat a dorito and finish your bite, you're not fully satisfied. It's not the same as eating a steak or eating a really seas eating food that's high in protein and that after your bite you really feel sort of that fullness and that warmth of satisfaction. Eating potato chips is addictive because the peak of the experience is kind of when you're tasting it and not after. There's kind of nothing that exists actually once the experience is done, and the experience itself is not satisfying in the end. It's kind of the moment of having is the satisfying.
Part that is so true about derated.
You have such a high when you're eating them. I could go through a.
Whole bag and not feel full at all and be sitting on the couch thinking fuck, I should have left some for my partner.
Yeah, or that you want dinner still.
Lots of people have looked into why they're so addictive, and I think it's the mix of sugar and also salt. Apparently that makes you want to go back for war. There's also never many in the packet, Like you open have a packet of air, and most of it's air, Like you take one hand, and that's why half the packet gone. This is going to cause a bit of debate. Favorite color bag of Doritos it has to be red. Yeah, I think bread because I think yellow, and that's such an unpopular opinion. I don't think I would ever reach for the yellow bag. I think that's sort of like, oh, they're both good. It's one that you'd.
Only get if the others weren't available. The red ones are too much. That too much.
Think if you're having a dorito by itself, you would go with the red, but if you're making nacho's, I think you would go with orange or green.
True or yellow is a good point.
Oh, hang on, isn't the orange ones really spicy? There is an orange one that you see at the shops as much. Anyway, we're getting off track because this whole theory is now being put into the context of relationships, and I think it is so true. So if you think about your past relationships, so when I look back, I'm like, this is so true because I've had these relationships where you get a little bit of a dopamine hit when maybe you get a text back or you go on a date, but it never ends up being a satisfying relationship. It's what of reminds me of back in the day, when.
It'd be the best.
Feeling in the world to finally hear back from a guy and to get that text message, and that would be that little dopa mean hit.
But then you'd file one back.
Immediately and then get nothing. Yeah, it was no longer satisfying. A lot of people are actually applying this theory to their addiction to TikTok, so they're saying that essentially, when you scroll, you get a dopamine hit. However, you never feel satisfied after scrolling on TikTok for hours and hours. You always are like, fuck, I could have been doing something so much better with my time.
Although I did lose weight in my first trimester, which is really random because I was probably eating.
Way more but not drinking.
Alcohol, which I would say would be a big crazy as to why.
I lost weight. Perth influencer m Davies has sparked debate about bounce back culture after admitting she'll do anything she can to return to her pre pregnancy body ahead of her wedding next year now. She made the stark admission in a TikTok video talking about her first trimesters symptoms. Here's a snippet of what she said.
I do really really plan on working out throughout my whole pregnancy, especially weights, because I have I know that I have really good muscle memory. But like, I want to fucking bounce back really fucking quick if I feel okay.
If I don't feel okay, then I'm not going to.
It's a lot to get your head around because it was only recently that she announced her pregnancy and it really did shock people because because she has been so immersed in the world of webtk. So she is getting married, as you said, Sophie, early next year, and this really took people by surprise also because she's struggled with PCOS for a number of years.
She did also point out in a recent vlog that she's really careful when it comes to contraception and confirmed that this pregnancy wasn't planned.
So this would be.
Very difficult for m particularly because she has already locked in her wedding dress. Yeah, she will be six months postpartum on her wedding date, so she's set to give birth in August, and her wedding is planned for February twenty twenty five. And she did touch on this during her recent YouTube video which is entitled I'm Pregnant, and she went into more detail about her fitness goals post birth.
Here's what she said.
I obviously I am still getting married in February, so once I give birth to this baby, the web tread will be officially on dot com. I'm actually really excited for that because I haven't really given myself a fitness goal in such a long time. And yeah, I'm just I'm I'm like, really excited to see what my body's hable of.
It was really jarring to hear the term web tread being you so flippantly like this, also juxtapositioning it with her saying she's really excited to see what her body is capable of in terms of supposedly bouncing back. I would have thought you'd be more interested to see what your body is capable of in terms of actually producing a child, Like that's the actual, real, amazing thing that your body's doing. It was very strange, and as you said, the term web tread, I thought that was a thing of the past. I mean, we've heard Steph Claire Smith recently talk about how she hates it, and so many influencers have been rejecting this notion of web tread. I remember Olivia Rodgers was interviewed about it and she was saying, why do I have to wed tread for my wedding? Yeah, but do you think in reality, when girls get together and they're having a wedding, they do talk about web shred behind the scenes. I mean, it's not something that people are so much wanting to publicize on social media.
I think you're right, Amy, I mean my wedding is in a week, and there is a lot of pressure on looking like your best self. And that's not necessarily your fault. It's society's fault for putting that pressure on women. And I do think that a lot of women talk about it behind closed doors, but I think what's particularly jarring is seeing someone with a public platform putting it out there and outlining.
What she's doing.
It also didn't sit right with me because in this vlog she also went into detail about how she had actually lost weight in her first trimester, which she put down to not being able to drink alcohol. And while that might be interesting on a personal level, I don't think it was helpful for anyone because it almost came across as a bit of a flex that she lost weight whilst being pregnant. It's not really new because there are a lot of women who end up losing weight during their first trimester because they can't eat anything, they can't keep any thing down. Well, she has been suffering with nausea. I don't know if she's been vomiting as such, but she said, if anything, she's been eating more food, so that's why she was quite confused. I just didn't think it was worth mentioning. No, it definitely wasn't worth mentioning. I think when it comes to female bodies, particularly around pregnancy and postpartum, it's a very sensitive topic. And a lot of people on her Instagram when we posted about this, we like, oh, it's her body.
She can decide what.
She does and exactly right. If she wants to work out during a pregnancy and after, that is her own prerogative. But I don't think she should be sharing that messaging on her platform because for someone who is pregnant, it made me feel like shit because I haven't exercised during my pregnancy other than walks. I just don't even know how people can. I mean, I haven't even been feeling ill, and I'm like, how do people manage to stay fit throughout their whole pregnancy. I was really fascinated to hear people's responses in terms of their opinion about working out during pregnancy, because there are a lot of cases where it can be good for women in terms of your health and recovery, and it can actually lead to you having a good birth. But I do think where it's unhelpful is to say that you are planning on working out during your pregnancy so that you can bounce back and appear as though you've never had a child, because it's really dangerous to perpetuate this idea that women must immediately after birth raise any sort of evidence of motherhood. And I just think it's really unhelpful for women who were seeing this online.
Yeah, particularly because it's obvious that m.
Dave's motivation is an aesthetic one, and it does make women who don't, in quotations bounce back feel like they're failing, because, you know, once you've had a baby, I'm sure a lot of women aren't really focused on.
What they aesthetically look like.
There would be so many other things to be focusing on, like looking after your baby, looking after your mental health, recovering from your pregnancy. And I agree with that, but I also do think in reality, women are going to be a little bit focused on what they look like because their body has changed so much and you'd be going through so many emotions, your whole life has.
But she hasn't even had the baby.
She's literally fifteen weeks pregnant, and she has put out there on TikTok that her number one motivation at the moment is bouncing back for her wedding.
She's used the term web tread. Are we back in twenty eleven?
I do think it's quite clear that she's already placing this unnecessary pressure on herself to fit into her wedding dress. And it is quite hard watching her make all these promises while she is in the very early stages of her pregnancy, because as a first time parent, I don't think you would fully understand what is about to hit you. And when most parents give birth, they don't have time to even have a shower, let alone kickstart this.
Huge fitness regime.
Yeah, and it's so dangerous as well, because your body is recovering from birth, so you don't know what your limitations are going to be in terms of the whole wedding dress and trying to fit into it. It did surprise me when it came out that em actually selected her wedding dress knowing that she was pregnant. You would think it might be something that she would hold off on because it seems to be adding extra pressure to the situation. I wonder if she did it as a bit of motivation and a promise to herself that she was going to get back there. I do think Tiffany Hall's stance on this topic is so interesting. So she is a former trainer from the Biggest Loser. She said that we're essentially being told how to fix our bodies instead of celebrating the strength and resilience of our bodies. That is so true, and again it really resonates with me at the moment as I do watch my body change and seeing m Davy's video, it did make me feel a little bit stressed out because I personally have been not trying to think about what my body will look like post birth, Like I'm just in the moment and trying to enjoy what's happening and get excited for my baby. So it does make me feel sad that that is.
Her number one priority.
I understand that she is an influencer, and you know I memorily she's into fashion content, so she probably does feel this huge pressure to quote, bounce back and look a certain way. But I think as she probably gets deeper into her pregnancy and starts seeing her body change and starts embracing that a bit more, potentially her views could evolve.
Yeah, well, I think that is all we have time for today. Thank you so much for joining us for this episode.
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We pay respect to elders past and present.