The role of manual therapy in modern healthcare and an osteopathic approach to lateral elbow pain and frozen shoulder

Published Jul 18, 2022, 11:49 PM

For this episode, we hear from the highly knowledgeable and inspiring Dr Wael Mahmoud. Wael had the privilege of learning under some of the great names in osteopathy and has followed in their footsteps, becoming an educator, mentor and passionate practitioner. He is the director of CPD Health Courses and in 2021 published Two Hands: The Gamechanger Guide for Manual Therapists, a book that celebrates the unique gift osteopaths have as manual therapists and how they can thrive as healthcare professionals.

This episode explores:

  • navigating the role of osteopathy in the current evidence focused world of allied health
  • supporting our new graduates through mentoring and internships
  • the importance of communication and ‘treatment room choreography
  • an osteopathic approach to lateral elbow pain
  • evidence for dry needling therapy for lateral elbow pain
  • icing and bracing
  • natural history and treatment frequency
  • an osteopathic approach to frozen shoulder; and
  • the role of postural strain exercises

The content discussed in each episode is the participants' opinion only and should not be used as medical advice.

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