Wayne Brady zooms in to talk new reality show and more!
You're on with Mario Lopez.
It's up you all.
Mario Lopez driving on on Zoom from Wayne Brady The Family Remix. Wayne Brady himself, what went to the show?
Man? Are you doing mister Mario.
I'm doing well. I'm doing well. Nice to see you, man. Congrats on the show. A fun title right there. Family Remix? You happy with the ways turned out?
Absolutely? Absolutely the whole purpose of the show. You know, we approach this intentionally that we wanted to because I don't talk about my stuff, you know, my family much, but I figured that at some point I wanted to be able to expose people to a family that look like ours, to see all these black and brown places on TV, to see a family that was chosen not necessarily that you're born into, to show what makes me tick, that people see the guy that makes them laugh on screen or whatever. And I could not do any of that if I didn't have a family like this supporting me, letting me live my life so that I can then get on camera and do what I do.
Good for you, that's very brave, and I'm curious if it took time to embrace your ex and or boyfriend, how was that transition.
You know what. It did take time.
But what's funny is Mandy and I have not been together in so many years.
Like my daughter Miley is twenty one, right, we've.
Been divorced since she was maybe war and Mandy and Jason have been dating for fifteen years. But part of that toxic male ego thing, especially growing up where I grew up, and you know you, you are taught these things as a kid, where this is what it means to be a man, No one's gonna take what's yours, no one's gonna disrespect you, blah blah, all of that stuff. So it took me long a while to get over myself. And finally what did it was my daughter realizing that if I was putting her in an environment where she couldn't say, oh, I had a really great day with mommy and mister Jay, that she had to come back home and hey, Miley, so your day's up, didn't it? Because you were Jason put You never put your child in that spot. That is so selfish and harmful. What are you thinking? So I had to get my mind right, and once I did, I realized that I had a dude who loved my ex who loves my daughter, who is a stand up guy. And I've never gotten a phone call like some of these guys that you know, you get a phone call where oh, he's not treating your child right, or he's disrespecting me, or he hurt me. I've never gotten that phone call. That's a great dude.
It is it is man that you're blessed with that you kind of shocked the family with the news of a new son. Where do they stand down with the mother and the rest of your family.
Well, Tina and I we're great, you know that. Like we say in the show, we're still working out this business of co parenting, and co parenting with Tina is going to look different than co parenting with Mandy because we were Mandy and I have grown up together. Tina and I are great friends, and we are learning to navigate that space. And she's a wonderful mom. So I'm trying to navigate this space. What does it mean to I only see him when I can see him? And she comes to town to make sure that I see him, And in fact, this afternoon we're going to go and have a park date and take him out. And I think the way that I've learned to navigate that, and Tina has is it's always about him. You can't make it about your own junk or your past or your relationship. And I would assured have could and whether it's it's about the child. And that's where we stand. And you know, Miley's come around. If anybody's watched up up to this point in the show, Miley's had very specific things to say about Tina. She she's navigating that too because she loves her little brother.
But this is it. Life is like that, right.
It's messy and weird and fun and up and down and we're just navigating the family piece.
That's the family dynamics. Man, they're all different. And speaking of your daughters, And she's a recording artist, what type of what time of music?
Sheann't do?
Wow, she is all over the board. I'd like to think that because of me. You know, she comes from our school. She loves old school hip hop, she loves nineties R and B. A lot of her music reflects her love of nineties. In fact, the new project that she has coming up, it's called Anybody, is the record that you're going to see on the show. The making of her music video, and then we're going to release the record in a couple of weeks. And then she has a record call All the World's Best Ex Girlfriends.
That is the EP.
It's very much a nineties throwback joint. Nice.
Oh, she got good tastes in all right, she has great taste and looking forward to hearing that. Man, and I got to say, you're you're a constant presence at Casta Lopez wul Let's make a Deal. I can't believe you've been doing that now, what like fifteen years?
Right? This is our sixteenth season. Man, hey man, good for you.
That's crazy.
Yeah, but you know, I mean, I look at you, and I think that it takes a certain person and a certain personality and a certain work ethic to eke out a living, much less longevity in this business. And when you're lucky enough and blessed enough to have something that sticks around two seasons, five seasons, ten seasons, sixteen seasons.
Then that is the blessing. But I really believe that.
It Let's make a Deal fell out of the sky and has taught me so much about being a man, and being kind to people, and and and being being of service, even in show business. Your show can actually be of service to people, and that's what we're doing, giving laughs and giving money. And it's made me a better person.
There's nothing better than that. It's a lot of fun. Congratulations on everything, man. I hope I get to see you in person soon. And listen, watch Wayne Brady The Family Remix. It makes me want to scratch remix a Wednesdays on free Form and the next day on Hulu if you miss it, Wayne, thanks for hanging out.
Brother. Thanks Mario. Okay, let's see this dude, and.
I gotta tell tell you something eat even off camp camera, your family.
We just did an interview with your wife. I think it was two weeks ago.
When I watch you guys, because I follow you online, Like, when I watch you guys, you are the perfect example of an upright dude who has made a living in this crazy ass town and you don't mess with anybody and nobody messes with you.
And that is a sterly example to me.
Oh man, I really appreciate it.
Thank you.
I'm gonna tell my wife.
Yeah, hey, brother, God bless thank you, all right, sir.
With Mario Lopez