Tony Club one at two point seven, it's Kiss FM in the morning Ryan Seacrest here.
So let's see what's a lighthearted story.
What's a story that has gone viral that I hear there's a restaurant that's gone viral for how they serve their dessert. A restaurant in Sydney, Australia. Let's go a land all away, let's go way.
Down under the land of Bluey.
They've come up with the smartest way to make sure you always have room for dessert.
You need a little story like that. You can order dessert by the spoonful. I love that idea whole dessert you order a spoon.
Because you always just want to bite.
Just a little sugar kick.
Right, that's a great and the table doesn't really want to share that whole piece of whatever because then everyone's dipping their spoons back in because we can all get.
Our own little plates.
But it's kind of it's ice cream.
It crossed out.
When it's ice cream, who shares ice cream?
Well, that's what I'm saying.
If it's a dessert and has like a glove of ice grim on the side, and then like the cake or brownieor whatever, it is, and everyone's going in with their spoon and we share whatever with whoever.
But how about that just they offer the whole menu of desserts with a spoonful of just that one brilliant.
But if you want two spoonfuls, can you order two spoonful I'll just get the whole thing if you want to.
Give you two.
Spoonfuls to do that, that's true.
I only always say, well, that's an elevant bite bite, so spoonful.
We need good stories like this right now.
That's so cute. It probably comes in really cute.
It's you. I spell cute with the y. I go kiut oh you do? I go see you you.
U y a. I'm a c a cute.
All right this morning, if you follow your horoscopes, how is your Friday gonna go?
Hopefully these are all good?
Okay, well, these are your weekend plans according to your zodiac signs. So things that you should do this weekend aries. Time to let your hair down for a little karaoke.
Taurus this weekend, finish that project that's been hanging over your head.
Gemini this weekend, make a date or two.
Cancer, take time this weekend to finish some sentimental projects.
Leo, start a big project this weekend.
Virgo, try to enjoy some time with sports.
Libra, try making a love connection, Scorpio.
This weekend is.
Time to stand up for yourself, Sagittarius. Dive into some music this weekend.
Capricorn, this will be a weekend filled with work for you.
Aquarius. Aquarius, make sure to spend time in community this weekend.
Do something to let out your emotions.
Hey, thanks Tony.
When you wrote that, did you think, Oh that's not a good one. I don't even replace it.
Can't you change? Did they come from the stores?
From the stores, We'll find another star?
Uh? The speaking stars in the middle of the night preached to her and then she jumps smiled down.
Is the workhorse of the zodiac. Yeah, he should have a weekend off.
I'd like to watch the game on Sunday.
I think we are all right.
Tate McCrae is playing the Kia four in September. It's sold out. I got your tickets coming up next Good morning, We're on Kiss