From Hollywood to your.
Air on Air with a Ryan Seacrest, How.
Are you guys? Have a nice weekend?
Oh yeah, I did.
I got a big celebration. Sava's birthday was over the weekend I did.
It was no Sava Cella like her first birthday that I do that every year?
Yeah, no, no, no.
This is a nice, quaint backyard barbecue with a We didn't have a taco guy.
And my family and Michael said, the family all came over.
It was really fun.
Tacos sounds so good every day, Tania, how was your weekend?
Have you booked your wedding date yet?
I'm getting very close. I've sent some dates on over your way.
You have, Yeah, it's my wifif.
Yeah, I'm going We're getting close. And I actually tried on dresses on Friday.
Did you bring a bunch of people to weigh in or did you avoid that We've been talking about this.
Don't bring a bunch of opinions.
No, what, I realize what I'm going to do because I am going to go to a couple places and I just can't. I just don't want to have that many people going to that many appointments. So I'm just having at least like one of my bridesmaids with me at each appointment, and then once I find the one, then I'll have everybody come and kind of like show them at once.
All right, I'm gonna check my email for the three potential possibilities of geography where it might occur. Yes, well, we got to Monday, August nineteenth, full moon tonight.
It is a super moon.
Oh, I love a supermoon.
Like I said, it appears bigger than usual at least at some point, bigger and brighter as well. First day of school. Shout out to AZUSA Unified. Good morning, shout out to Bonita Unified. Bonita Anita's back, got it. Kind of lucky you got an extra week. On LAUSD Sintanella Valley. You're back, Covina Valley, You're back. Good morning on Monty at Laurentio Unified. I don't know how many people bail on us for summer. Yeah right, Inglewood, Pasadenas Gabriel All congratulations, you made it. You had a good summer. I'm sure vacation's over. Now it's time to prepare for an earthquake.
Well, I mean that on Mondays lately.
I know I know, prepare for earthquake season. You never know, right, because we're back to school the first day of school. I had to be evacuated last week.
I know.
I mean it was a big jolt.
Yeah, it was lengthy.
So this morning on the show, we got sunshine in the sky eighties, nineties, same drill. Today is National Soft ice Cream Day. It's also Hot and Spicy Food Day. Those two things probably go together. And we have your horoscopes. How was your morning?
Your day? Good? Look, let's start all right.
Aries, a couple of smart changes. We'll get you back on track.
Taurus, go through and delete any old contacts.
Gem and I be ready to strike a compromise that's acceptable to both parties.
Cancer, transcend peer pressure and spend some time with you.
Leo, you may be rethinking a decision that you made instinctively.
You need to get better at promoting yourself.
Today you will help others grow.
Scorpio. Speak up in your meetings today. Your perspective needs to be heard.
Sagittarius, focus on listening to your body today and taking notes.
Capricorn, minimize the drama and focus on what makes you smile.
Aquarius, take time today for your personal passion and pisces.
Healthy boundaries are your new bff.
How's that going to play into your day? How are you going to change it?
Now that you heard that Ryan's roses this morning seven forty, it's the case of two necklaces, as in he bought two, but his wife only got one. Let's me at seven forty this morning, Sidney, what was you miss overnight?
Chaos broke out at an intersection in Westmont when fire hydrants were open for a dangerous street takeover. Car spun out of the wet pavement until firefighters closed the hydrants. Crunshaw High School in Hyde Park may not have enough players to play a football season this year.
Only twelve to fifteen students signed up.
Their first game is scheduled for Friday against Fairfax and Alien. Romulus opened in first place at the North American box office this weekend with forty one million.
And that's what happened overnight.
Oh Kats, how are you doing this morning?
Oh great?
How are you?
Super good? Thank you for listening to us. What are you up to?
Not much?
Hung everything with you?
Are you.
So excited about Wheel of Fortune?
I am so excited about Wheel of Fortune. You know, I cannot believe it's real that I will be hosting that. The show starts September ninth. Of course you can see that right here on eighty C seven every single night, Tony, are you prepared that I will be on every single night?
Ready, I cannot wait for this.
Like Wheel of Fortune is always on in my house, so yes, you're going to be in my living room every single night.
Cat, do you watch?
I'm very excited. Absolutely, it's my favorite.
I'm so excited for.
This every night.
I'm so excited to just be there with Danna and actually meet meet Have you thought about being contestant? Like meeting the contestants is the most fun you ever thought about being one?
I would love to.
I can't do it. I don't.
I actually don't even know how you do. You have to sign up an audition for probably go to the website, but.
Yeah, I won't. It's just such a I don't know. It's just a feel good show.
And the best part is every single night someone walks away with a bunch of cash.
Oh yeah, I wonder if we're gonna dream about you more.
Because you're like Cat, this is where the show goes sometimes.
Like the last thing we see before we go to bed. Yeah, it's like how you dream about Dan Buttner.
Yeah, like we're gonna have the Blue Zone guy.
You can watch something that we did Somebody's in at night.
I'm going to be I'm going to leave. I'm going to try and hone in on that and see if it does uptick when Wheel of Fortune starts.
That's fascinating. I can't wait to study that there.
I can actually tell you that you do dream about your I'm trying to say it's the last thing you see, not even the last thing you see. So when I used to do the later show for the ten am to three pm show, I would wake up to listening to you and Ellen, and I'm a snoozer, so I would snooze for probably like an hour, and in that hour, you and Ellen would start incorporating into my dreams of that morning based on whatever you guys were talking about on the radio.
Yeah, it was crazy. It happened all the time.
Cat are you snoozing? You're still there.
Well, thank you very much for watching before and I can't wait to see you starting September ninth on ABC for Wheel of fortune.
We can't wait, Okay, see soon or talk. I mean I won't see you.
I can't see it, Like, yeah, right through the screen, I'll see you.
Soon, all right, So sweet okay guys, kiss FM. And next to tip for meeting new people. If you find it difficult, you're like you're uncomfortable in a room of new people.
It's interesting in.
A random circumstance, I'm pretty comfortable with it. Like I love to talk to an uber driver. I love to talk to a server. I love to talk to you know, if I'm waiting in line somewhere, I.
Talk to somebody i'm waiting in line with.
But in a small room of people that we might know, I'm not as comfortable. To weird, I'm more comfortable talking to a stranger than people that could know.
Somehow, I'm kind of the same way. I have a little bit of anxiety sometimes in a room like that. Yeah, if I go to a party, I'm not comfortable.
Look, I wouldn't know who to go up to. If I imaged to party, I don't know anybody.
Like we're going to a wedding this weekend and I only know like the bride.
And I run out of stuff but with a stranger, I don't know. I'm much more comfortable. It's very strange. But if you get nervous, do you even remember their names? Are you bad with the small talk? There's a tip that I want to share. They say makes you more relaxed. You try to notice their eye color. Hum try to notice their eye color. They say eye contact puts people at ease and makes them feel a connection with you. I find it totally uncomfortable to look at somebody in the eye. Just started talking to them.
I don't know interesting.
I don't look in the eye for a long time. I look around when I think, I look around when I talk. I'm not saying it's good. I'm just saying it comforts me a little more. But I'm doing it wrong. Look really eye and try and notice their eye color. Today's quote that we're focused on. Sometimes people pretend you're a bad person so they don't feel guilty about the things they did to you.
Wow, it's so true.
This FM headlines.
Well La City Council members unanicusly voted to increase the total cost of the automated people mover projects at LAX, approving an additional four hundred million the US Federal Tree Commission finalized a ban on companies knowingly buying or selling fake online reviews, giving the agency the power to find companies that do so. Members of the LA Tenants Union rallied yesterday at TDI Properties to protest unmet demands over severe habitability violations and deteriorating living conditions. And Eugene Levy and Dan Levy will make history as the first father and son co hosts of the Emmys. The seventy six Emmys are set for September fifteenth, on air with Ryan Seacrest.
And if you pack your kids lunches, I was reading almost half of parents say today's school lunches that they pack are healthier than the ones that our moms packed for us.
I bet, oh, yeah.
For sure, right like my mom and I loved it because I wanted it. She would have packed healthier, but I wanted peanut butter and honey sandwiches and little Debbie Swiss roles.
Right, we had that, we had bags of chips.
I was so jealous of that. My mom would send me with like Musaka from the night, Like all of these.
Services done to me sounds so much more interesting than a sandwich, Lauren and Crito's good morning, how are you?
Good morning, Well.
Thanks for reaching out, thank you for listening to us, and I'm glad you got in.
So you want to.
Tell us something about a coworker and traveling.
Yeah, it's uh, I mean you really like, you know, they definitely found that out recently the hard way with my coworker.
What happened?
So we are you know, we hang out, you know, every day at work. We're like good work buddies, you know, occasionally at drink here or there after work, and on just a total whim, we decided to go to Miami, just like we're we were born in office and found like really cheap bears, and you know.
We booked it and it was supposed to be like a girl trip, you know, like go to the beach, you know, go to dinner, but it didn't really happen that way.
What happened.
She was like on dating apps basically like the whole.
Time, and then dat meet people that were there on the trip like local like yeah, like to.
Me trip, Yeah, like that like the opposite of a girl's trip. And then she also ditched me to like hang out with other friends that she knew in the area, which I didn't know she was going to do.
So now we learn who she is.
I mean, you've worked with her for a minute and now you realize like what she's like.
She sounds pretty selfish to me.
Yeah, it was kind of like yeah, like bigger better deal.
Not me, not Sysney, not Tanya, but somebody around here has been like that in the past.
Uh, is why we don't travel with our coworkers.
Single man in Brazil, like he wasn't like gonna hang around night.
Why wouldn't you want to hang around with us every night?
Because that's not the name of the game.
I mean, honestly, did anybody else go out with other people that were from there?
No? No, I was married and I was working.
I wasn't there.
Well, Lauren, I think this is good news now you know, never to travel with her again, and you know, really she is. She's a bit selfish, to be honest with you.
Yeah, I mean, like honestly, like if especially with like the friend thing, if could have been like, oh, I really want to see my friend who lives here, and she like invited me, Like that's fine if she wants to go on like one date or whatever, like while we're there and like wants to ditch me like once, fine, but like why not do like a double date or just like don't leave me alone.
In a bar?
Blow her off next time? She's not on the list. Yeah, and uh yeah, thank you.
Yeah, we have like another trips that we're supposed to do and I'm trying.
Vacation time is so valuable and limited. Don't waste it with people that bring you down and don't add to the trip.
Thanks crushes time, Ryan, Like, you.
Learned your lesson and you got it clear, not again. Don't dip back into that's not gonna get better, all right? Ryan Rose is coming up Two necklaces, The story of those two necklaces?
What happened he bought two? What upened to the other one? She got one?
Where's the other one gone? Another big day for back to school? He got Azusa, Inglewood, Pico, then Dimas Pasadena, then Gabriel all going back today and all the supplies are expensive, tough to fund back to school, especially we've got a few kids. Randy bell Tran of East LA has reached out to us at kiss FM dot com slash school Randy, how are you my friend?
I'm good on you doing well. Thank you.
So you went to fail high school? Yeah, and you're eighteen years old now.
Yes, you graduated, of course. Congratulations. How does that feel to be a graduate?
Yeah? Where are you going?
Because so af?
You cool, so fun, You're gonna have the best time.
Tony went there?
Well, I didn't go there. I went to U of A. But like the same thing.
I'm sorry you confuse me when you said have the best time?
Yeah, because I partied a lot there, so I know.
Was that on the top of your list?
No, that you know that side per Usually the Arizona schools are not on people's top of the list.
Excuse me.
It was one of my top choices. Nice, No, I only applied to.
Three so.
Oh yeah, it was one of my like, one of my top choices, to be honest.
Good safety.
Let's get to the business here.
You're calling because you need some cash to buy some stuff for your first year in.
College, right, yes?
What do you want to be?
What are you focused on?
Criminal justice? So eventually I would like to become a lawyer.
So have you seen Presumed Innocent with Jake Joenhome?
Might want to Yeah, it might be in your wheelhouse, just saying, but.
Yeah, that's what I'm trying to major in right now. They started cool and yeah, I would like to get some money to help me out for some but through essentials I need.
Randy Beltrand, that's all you had to say.
Now I'm going to give you twenty five to buy the stuff you need to be a fresh at ASU.
Congratulations, Randy, laptop.
Good luck with law school and putting away to bad people. Yeah, thank you, You're very welcome.
Appreciate you coming on with us.
Randy, Okay, no problem, thank you, Ryan.
Thank you Randy, Randy Bell trand future prosecutor. Right, what was your top.
School, Tony?
You Sela didn't get in.
You know, I didn't get into that. I mean, it all works out right, all works out there. We are.
It's time for Ryan's roses right now on Kiss FM. Dear Ryan assistant a Tania. My friend works in a jewelry store not far from where we live. She says, my husband came in and about two necklaces. I got one for my birthday?
Who got the other one?
Why would he go to the friend? I guess to get a deal. Jasmine curious, so thanks for coming on. How long you been married?
Thanks? I've been on married for five years and they have a three year old son.
Okay, so he went to your friend, which is interesting to me. If he's trying to cover something up, why would he go to your friend who's the jeweler And what do you think about that?
Well, you know, she recognized him as soon as he came in, but he wouldn't know her, so she didn't say anything to him, like she just knows im from Instagram, and so it would be weird if she had said something. But yeah, he bought two identical necklaces, like identical, like if he changed something on one of them, he made sure the jeweler nude also changed on the other one. And she called me and told me this, and I mean, I thought it was weird, but my birthday was coming up, so I decided just to let it play out. And yeah, my birthday was last weekend and I got a necklace, but just one necklace, and I got an emotional and I you know, he thought it was because I love the necklace so much, but it was really because my friend was right, and I just I really need to know who got the other necklace because I'd really like to save my family if I can, you know, like we have a little boy.
Just to look at all angles of this. Is there any chance that he thinks you might lose it and so he's got a backup.
I mean it's possible. I just I would find that. Really, I can't imagine him doing that, But I mean, I guess anything possible, but I don't think so. On air on Air with Ryan Seacrets.
On Air with Ryan Seacres.
It's the middle of Ryan's roses. We've not made the call yet. On Kiss FM, we we just met. Jasmine and Echo Park married five years, got a three year old, said that her friend is a jeweler, recognized her husband came into the store about two identical necklaces. She got one for a birthday, the other one she thinks went to another woman. Now I've gone in before. See the identical thing is yeah, I've gone in before, and about two pieces to spread out.
For right, That's what I was thinking.
Negotiate the deal right, two once, then you.
Can negotiate the deal with the jeweler.
We are going to call your husband and find out who he's thinking about. I mean, maybe your top of mind. Maybe it's somebody else, Like, can we figure out who got this other necklace that he bought identical to yours? Which is not great? I need you to say, Ryan, you have my permission to call, and then his name.
Go ahead, Ryan, you have my permission to call.
Okay, we will do that right now. Be very quiet. Let's see what we can find out here we go.
Good luck.
Hi is this Samuel?
It is hi Samuel. My name is Danielle. I'm calling from bloom In, LA. How are you doing this morning?
Pretty good?
You know we wear flower Shop delivers all over LA, even in Echo Park and for local residents. We're offering a free promotion today. It's a three dozen red roses that you can send anymity that you'd like.
They're free.
I don't need cash, I don't need anything like that from you. We're just trying to promote our business.
Like you don't need a credit card or anything like that.
Yeah, I don't need credit card anything like that.
Okay, all right, how are you going to do that?
Why don't we start with Why don't we start with the name of the person you want to send them to?
And then we can write a.
Note send them to my wife Jasmine.
Jasmine, Okay, we would you like to put the card?
Hold on?
Mm hmmm.
Do you want to?
I was What do you want to put on the card? Are you thinking of something?
Like I love you?
Yeah, but like I'm I'm so bad, like even like the card, like the Hallmark store, like I'm just you.
Don't have to overthink it.
Just anything that comes to mind about he's a dealersh have beautifies or smile? You love the way she, you know, makes you feel every day?
All right, I got it? Okay, okay, what put two jazz men? These last few weeks have been magical, great.
These last few weeks, Samuel, your voice is being broadcast on the radio. What your voice is being broadcast on the radio?
Well, I mean that's what we're getting on. My name is Ryan. It's nice to meet you, and thank you for being so sweet to your wife. Jasmine. She's on the phone right now.
What's going on?
Well, we're gonna get to it, Samuel.
She's I'm sure thrilled that Jasmin. You heard that nice sweet note from your husband and the roses?
Yeah, what's been going on this last few weeks.
I don't know who this is. I gotta go. This is a bad time, Samuel.
Hold on for a second. Hold on, don't get all feisty here. It's very easy conversation. You did a beautiful job. You sent your wife these roses, and she's grateful. But she also knows you bought two necklaces from the jeweler of the exact same kind.
Who did the second necklace go to? Samuel?
Yeah, I gotta go.
Right, who did it go to?
You're quick.
Well he turned up. But what a one ady that was?
Yeah, from sweet lovable husband to Jasmine to angry and hang her up her her right?
Weird, right, I mean, I'm really perplexed by this, Like I really, I have no idea.
We're perplexed. He's hiding something. We spelled out exactly why we were calling, and then he hung up on us. So he's clearly given the necklace or got it for somebody else. You need to find out who he's not going to talk to us.
Yeah, seriously, I mean, thanks for helping, but yeah, I just oh my god, Yeah, this is it's just a mess. I can't believe this.
Well, good luck to you. Thank you very much for listening to us. Thank you, guys, appreciate you reaching out.
Good luck.
While that guy turned so, Jasmine and Samuel On married five years.
They have a three year old. The guy couldn't have been sweeter.
We get him on the phone.
Systnety offers him chance to send roses to somebody, says, my lovely wife. Jasmine writes a sweet note on the car we're going.
It did take him a while to write something sweet about his wife.
Bit awkward, right that stuff?
Yeah, okay, you're right, I go, Tanya, Yeah overrull, Tanya, thank you.
You don't have to pick sides just we do.
I feel like i'm, you know, sometimes in this quarts of roses, you're not. I am for the roses. So then I say, hey, you're on the air. He goes, why am on there? I said, it's fine. You just did a great job. You sent your wife these beautiful roses with a nice card. I said, but the reason we're calling is she knows you about two necklaces. One she got and the identical other one. She knows about it from the jeweler. She didn't get who'd you give it to? And then what do you do?
He hung up. He hung up.
He knew we were called about two necklie and he hung up when we said, where the second identical necklace you gave to your wife? Where did it go? Did you give it to? He had no explanation. So therefore he's caught. He's guilty. He's giving it to somebody. Is he having an affair?
We don't know. We don't know.
He's caught and he's guilty.
Why else would you hang up on the air with your wife on the pressing you about why you bought two necklaces that are exactly the same doesn't add up?
What if your theory was correct and we got misinformation that they are the exact same necklace and maybe it was an accompanying necklace that he's gonna give her for something.
That would have spoken up.
No, he's probably mad that we like, did this whole thing?
Suse you heard this all go down in San Demis. What do you think?
Well, I mean, well, Bryan, your whole backup identical necklace theory is adorable, but I don't I don't know anyone who buys an identical backup necklace. I mean, that's just so expensive and so unnecessary. I think he's definitely cheating for sure.
I don't think it was a backup.
Now after talking to him, I think he's got another person he's giving the necklace to.
I really do. I think he's been caught.
He didn't need to rush off the phone that fast.
If you're innocent, you don't act like that.
But I totally agrees. So is that Thank you for listening? Sandemus.
You know we do Ryan's Roses calls every Monday and every Thursday at seven forty and they end.
Just like this.
They do everybody all with their food upside down in their stomachs.
I'm trying to understand AI. What does it all mean? I don't know.
I mean, there's some benefits to it, there's some scary things about it. But in the world of dating, if you AI date, does that mean you become an AI and you not even knowing what you're doing, go date and other people get to be with you? Or do you date fake people? It's as a human Actually.
It's a mixture of both kind of but mostly the AI portion at the beginning, and it's because they're they're trying to say, like, oh, you waste so much time on dating apps. In the initial first conversations, the initial first message.
What you send out AI versions of yourself and see if it goes well.
So it's this app called volar So it's a fairly new app here and it's from it was actually built by Snapchat's former AI team, And everybody on this app has their own AI, and so it's not like an AI is going to go talk to a real person.
The ais are talking to the other ais.
So you, however, ais get built, your AI gets built, theirs gets built.
They mingle and you see if they work. Yeah.
You train your AI essentially to know your personality, your taste, your likes, your preferences, and they chat with the other people, the other ais on your behalf. Once you feel like that conversation is going great, then you interject and then you talk in real life.
The point is the point to save.
Time is the point to the point to save time.
And you have multiple AI chats happening at once, so you're almost like multida.
You're hyper speed dating. But it's your ais that are dating.
I know.
But the problem is you're going to tell your AI your list. Remember we all make these lists. But then sometimes the person that you meet, there's chemistry there and they don't meet your list.
I'm with you on that, Like for me, I don't know. I actually really appreciate and subscribe to the efficiency of it where you can send one hundred AIS out at once and come back with feedback. But I also think that I'm not so sure my AI, even though supposed to, would be thinking all the same things that I'd be thinking, for sure. And really, when you go back, what if you meet the person, your story's going to be my AI approved you not like I so weird? You would be interesting or I find that trust so weird.
But if you're both on this app, then you're obviously there for the AI reasons. But they're saying it's like it's going to be just hyper efficient. It's going to save people a lot of time. It's going to save people a lot of money from going on those first dates that suck.
I think if I could maybe Okay, so let's just assume in another world we were on this we aied it out, and then instead of you actually meeting the person, I would become me again and then just date the AI person because the regular person probably get tired of me after a while, but the AI may not right.
When humans start dating ais, I think that's where we have a problem.
All right, well there, if you want dating efficiency, what's it called, is called the lar All right, let me get to Lauren here.
Good morning, How are you?
Good morning? How are you guys?
We're good. So you're calling needing some wedding guidance?
Yeah, so perfect.
Yeah, I'm getting I'm getting married next month, which is really exciting, thank you. And I'm getting married near Lake Arrowhead, so I'm from la So we have hotel options for our guests, of course, but I'm having an issue with one of my friends, so she doesn't want to stay over, which is understandable. Obviously we knew not everyone was going to and we knew not everyone would come with it being you know, like an hour and a half hours away, which was okay with us. But she's saying that she's been to a wedding in this area before, she knows it's hard to get an uber or a lift home, and she thinks that I should be responsible for setting up a our service for her and those that aren't staying to get home after the wedding.
Oh my, I don't.
Think that I should be responsible for doing this. I'm actually really like shocked by like this ask and like how she's behaving. But I wanted to see what you guys thought of this or if I'm owing.
A proportion completely not responsible for providing a car service out of the wedding. And now the question is, how are you going to go back to this friend of yours and tell them no deal?
Who is this friend? How close of a friend is this.
She's a pretty close friend from work actually, who I've never really seen the side of her before. So I'm actually really shocked, Like it's been really eye opening seeing.
I think.
I really would love for you to be there. I'm so sorry I can't provide that. You know, we've got so many other things that were organizing and expenses to pay. I hope you can make it if it's inconvenient, I understand. I mean I think that's what I would say.
What are you providing?
Like you are you saying that there is a hotel nearby your venue and you are providing shuttle service from that or no?
Yeah, so we're we are providing like shuttles to and from the hotel. We have you know, tons of rooms blocked off for that plenty.
I mean, the friend is choosing not to stay at the wedding, so she needs to figure.
Out her own right.
So the question is, how are you going to tell her that you're more you want her to be there and but you appreciate the fact. If it's into inconvenient, then you understand I think this and move on to not let this linger. It's about your day getting married. There's so many other important things to focus on, not this friend. They should not steal the focus heart.
Of it exactly. That's exactly what part.
Of friends, kind of friends who try to make your wedding about them.
I agree, how to start her own car service if she really wants to do that, that's a friend friends or not.
Don't drink or don't go don't go invenient? Do you want us to call this person?
Do it for me? Please?
Happy to.
I'm glad that you guys agree, because I was feeling the same way, but I wanted to make sure that I wasn't the one that was wrong.
You have enough on your plate already with what you're doing, and you're already providing the shuttle service for the resort or whatever the hotel and so that's enough.
You know what to do. Lauren. Congratulations, happy wedding.
Yeah, it's so fun.
Thank you guys so much.
Thank you, you're.
A blessed by.
I think the lesson here is when your friend tries to become the focus for your event or your wedding, it's not so friendly.
That's not a friend.
No, how are you, Malorie Fullerton? You have a dog custody issue?
I hear, yes, I do.
Okay, what happened? What's going on?
I broke up with my boyfriend last month after being together for two years, so pretty pretty long relationship. And the kicker is we shared a dog together and he thinks that he's the one who should be able to take the dog.
Well, I have to tell you that I have been through things similar to this.
And he's wrong.
Okay, in my case, that's a factor too.
Oh, you have kids.
He has two kids, so he thinks he.
Has two kids. Okay, all right, Well you're shedding a little more light. Yeah, so he's saying it was a joint dog. But I have kids and my kids are really attached to the dog. Is that what he's saying?
Yeah, the kids are attached to the dog, and then basically because I broke up with him, he wanted to be a queen.
Well, now you're giving me some facts.
Yeah, getalery.
I was on your side until why did you dump him?
I mean, it just wasn't like it wasn't progressing. I don't think we were going to get married, and I you know, it was time to move on. But I didn't think he was going to I didn't think he is going to hold the dog over me.
Well can Okay, so first of all, I think, like he's not so wrong here, And second of all, after saying that, is there a way that you can share joint visitation with the dog?
That's what I want, and he's just like, you know, yeah, he's like, I want you for dating people. It's going to be weird. I could care less at this point. She was also way more of my dog. I'm the ones who named her, I'm the one who took care of her.
I'm I'm on his side.
Did you guys get the dog together?
Yeah? I was totally together.
I mean, but like you kind of rained on his parade of life.
And so it doesn't matter who broke up who just because he's but hurt like you. I think if she is more of the dog owner, she should have the dog.
I mean, this is why I did not get a dog for a long time, because I had more breakups than and.
Just but just because she doesn't love the guy anymore, And it doesn't mean that she can't have the dog.
I know, but the kids, it's the kids, and I'm on his side. I don't know the guy, but I like him a lot, and I'm on his side.
But I don't.
I want to share the dog. I think that's what's fair.
Let him, let him get past the breakup for a minute and then revisit and good luck.
But this is the thing.
I was always worried about pets for two reasons, one a breakup and two death. Wow, we right, Like, you can outlive him, and I didn't like to think about.
That you could outlive a human.
Well, I hope to outlive a lot of humans. But I'm saying with the dog, it's wow. No, who knows. I don't know what tomorrow brings exactly, you know what I'm saying, Like those two things really freaks me out.
You know, I meant to say this earlier, but I recognize.
My new glasses frames, yes, yeah, And I was waiting for someone to say something.
Because they're like black and then they're clear and they match your top, so you're doing like a I really like the whole situation.
That's nice on.
You match my friends, but they're clear glasses frames that I'm wearing this morning versus my bold dark tortoise frames, right, yeah, that I wear sometimes.
Thanks. I was waiting for someone to notice something the whole show.
That's okay.
I got that. There were you guys that.
Would have gotten at six oh one, FYI tomorrow the show, we have more Knotsberry Farm tickets, more two day passes to the Palm Tree Music Festival, and data point.
We're gonna do a second date update tomorrow as well.
This is like, if you're dating or not dating, it's worth listening to because he says he went for an incredible first date and then blocked.
What happened obviously something.
If you missed anything on the show, it's up On our audio Triyan Secrets podcast, we had one of the stranger ever Ryan's roses.
Check it out.
On the podcast, we debated the etiquette of telling someone you never want to travel with them again.
Check that out.
It's a coworker from one of our listeners. Anyways, all up, anytime at your convenience. On Airthryan Seacrest Podcast. Thanks everybody, have a great Monday. Sisney will take us UNTI eleven o'clock.
I will Thanks for listening to On Air with Ryan Seacrest.
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