Ep 90 of OMG H! Manifesting with Jade Catta-Preta and Isa Medina

Published Dec 19, 2022, 8:00 AM

On this weeks OMG HI, George and Gil are joined by return guests Jade Catta-Preta (Hotties on Hulu) and Isa Medina (of Sounds Like A Cult) to talk about vandalism, crowd work, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, being children of immigrants, modern dating, they pitch 100 TV shows, and more!

Follow Jade @jadecattapreta on IG https://jadecattapreta.com 

Follow Isa @isaamedinaa on IG https://www.isabelamedinamate.com/ 

OMG Hi! with George Lopez

OMG, Hi! is a weekly podcast with George Lopez, featuring surprise celebrity guests, listener call-i 
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