
Best of the American Century Championship: Live from Lake Tahoe Rerun

Published Jul 9, 2024, 10:00 AM

As hundreds of athletes, actors, musicians, and more descend upon South Lake Tahoe to compete in the American Century Championship this week, Brian revisits some of his favorite moments at and about the tournament. Along with Marcus Allen, Jerome Bettis, Jimmy Roberts, The Miz, and Vince Carter, they talk strokes, wedges, holes-in-one, and bump-and-runs… oh and golf, too.

I can't cream made that song incredible?

Who knew? You know what it means?

No, I've listened to his uh his podcast with you a bunch of times.

I think he's done three times. Yeah, Bubble and squeak. It's English from England. It's what you make for dinner and then you have leftovers and they throw it in a pan with eggs and mix it back up the next day. There you go, that's what That's what I am. Hi, it's Brian Baumgartner here, and I am a professional golfer. Hello, Hello, my favorite listeners. It is a wonderful time of the week. Time for another episode of All Off the Beat with me your host, Brian Bomgartner. It's also a wonderful time of the year. Can you feel the energy in the air, or at least in my voice. The sun is shining, the scent of pine trees is in the air, the gentle breeze is flowing off the lake, and the Edgewood Tahoe Resort is a buzz. Of course. I'm talking about the American Century Championships held in South Lake Tahoe, where I get to play the most glorious week of golf every summer. The forecast for this week is hot. And I don't just mean that birdies will be made. It is actually going to be one of the hottest weeks ever for the ACC. I believe that gives me an advantage. Why because I decided so. If you know me or if you know this podcast, you've certainly heard me talk about this event. It is a celebrity golf event at the Edgewood Tahoe Resort, one of my favorite courses in all of the land. I look forward to this event every summer. This will, believe it or not, be my seventeenth consecutive year here, which means simply I'm getting old. A couple of years ago I even recorded an episode of the podcast right there on the course. I've talked about it numerous times with many of my other guests as well, golfers, actors, athletes, everyone converges here. And today I wanted to look back on some of those conversations with the amazing folks that I have gotten to know at the American Century Championship, like Marcus Allen, Jerome Bettis, Jimmy Roberts, the Miz, Vince Carter, Aaron Rodgers. The list goes on and on. So come with me on this little journey, this little trip down memory lane, as we revisit some of the highlights from and about the ACC over the years. We're gonna be talking wedges, bumping runs, dog legs, hole in one, and yeah, we might even talk about a little golf two. Here. It is the best of the American Century Championship.

Bubble and squeak. I love it, Bubble and squeak, Bubble and squeak.

I cooking every moleft over from the ninety four.

All right, everybody, I am so happy to be joined by an amazing guy who I met for the first time last night his first year here. Adam Napier joins us. Adam, tell me a little bit about well, why are you here? Why are you here playing in the American Century Championship.

So I'm a part of Team forty three, which is President Bush's group. He does a bike ride and a golf tournament every year for wounded veterans post nine to eleven wounded veterans, And once you become a part of one of those events, become of a part of a team Team forty three, and we go across the country and do different things. So how I ended up here though, was I won his tournament this past Veterans Day at Los Cleenas Country Club in Dallas, and the winner of that gets once in a lifetime opportunity to take part in this event.

It's so incredible, you know, for the last I would say about ten years, there's always a veteran who is here and it means so much to all the guys. I was talking about the players only meeting that happened last night. And it's hard to explain, as you you not being an athlete in a room and you know, you would think about like when you're in school and you're like an assembly or something, except this assembly is some of the greatest athletes that have ever played the game. As a sports fan myself, it's kind of an incredible thing to be just be in the room, right.

It's incredible just to be in the room. And that doesn't even start into how the atmosphere in the room is in you know, being recognized in the room. I mean, it's just an incredible experience, like some I'll remember till the day I die and tell lies about it until I die.

Yeah, you know, it's it really feels like a brotherhood. You were immediately embraced and brought into that as all the veterans are who come in. And the moment Adam is talking about is that he was introduced by John Miller. All the first time players are always introduced by John Miller and they're recognized. And when Adam was was introduced last night, everyone in the room stood. And I find it a really emotional moment just being in the room with you, a person who has done so much for our country and really what this is about. You know, I'm a actor on a television show and Jerry Rice catches footballs for a living, and you know, the idiot pitchers just throw a ball, which seems really easy. But you know, what you, what you have done and what you've endured is truly incredible and is worthy of being recognized in that way. And it's just a really powerful, powerful moment in that room, everybody acknowledging you and your service.

It absolutely gave me chills last night.

I mean it, yeah, I.

Was glad they didn't find a baby picture of me, but uh, just unbelievable. And you know, and I want to take a moment to thank all of you guys and you know, the football players and baseball players, because you can be in the middle of nowhere Afghanistan and Iraq, you know, and you have an hour, a couple of hours where you get to watch a football game, a baseball game, have a movie night, and it doesn't matter where you are. When you get together with the group of guys and gals and have a minute, it's like being home for a little bit, you know, Just little things like that. You know, there's no telling how many times that we would binge watch The Office when we'd have time, you know, the Super Bowl games and just you know, it's anything that's a little bit of a break and makes it seem like you're back home. I mean it it helps you get.

Through, right. So well, that's that's very emotional for me, I tell you. You know, I've said many times the greatest gift that this show, really The Office gave me was knowing that the show brings comfort and a sense of normalcy to people in their most difficult times. Talk about The Office being a show that brings comfort, and when I talked to either active military or veterans or more people going through a difficult medical situation or family issue, that that show, you know, has brought them something is amazing. And to hear from you that in Afghanistan and that's bringing you just a little bit closer to home. It's an awesome, awesomely powerful thing. So thank you. So this is no lie.

I'm not making this up for this, but okay, we have watched episodes of the Office in Afghanistan on our projector that we'd use for meeting right up against a rock, you know, we had a clear flat rock and you know we would get back in and you know we'd see stuff that you needed to laugh. You know, laugh is true. Laughter is the best medicine. And so you know we may not have time to watch a movie and like, hey, you know, let's watch The Office or hey, you know whatever, anything to make us laugh.

You know.

Stepbrothers was another one that we watched a telling how many times in Afghanistan. But uh, it just it helps your soul, you know, it lightens the move, It helps you remember it's not all bad, and you know, gives you something to look forward to getting.

Back to too. That's awesome. All right, Well, first off, are you gonna be nervous this week? You're obviously an excellent golfer.

I'll be I'll be a little nervous since seventeen I don't want to hit anybody. Yeah, I think I'll be okay. Well, I'll give you one one exception. If I if I somehow I played with honest warnstem, that's that's gonna that's gonna get to me a little bit because I followed her since I was a little kid, right, you know, and being a golf fan, you know that would be that would be nervous. Yeah, ten time major winner, Uh, that's different. But but I think I would have been nervous. But you know, you guys have been so accepting to us, and I was lucky Caddy in twenty nineteen for the Warrior yep, and y'all have just opened y'all's arms to us and made it such a relaxing experience and made it feel like, you know, this is once in a lifetime chance that you know, I want to play good, but if I don't, it's not gonna matter, you know, And that mentality helps you play better too. But you know, I'm glad to be here, and you know I want to do my best.

But I've already won for the week. Well that's that's amazing. What what gives you the confidence to go out there and make a run at winning this thuff? So I put a lot of work in get ready for it.

Luckily, the Warrior Open moved a little bit this year because of COVID and stuff, so I've had more time. Normally, it's in you know, the May time frame, so it's a pretty quick turnaround coming here. So we played it in November, so it gave me time to prepare, okay, and that helps. I got out here early, a little bit before it started getting crowded, right, And then I was lucky the first date that I thought I was playing in a program, and I show up and I'm playing with Justin Timberlake and Adam Feeling, and I'm just like, well, you know, if I can play with these guys and not get nerves, I can handle this weekend.

That's awesome. Thank you so much for being here, Thanks for coming and talking to me, but mostly thank you for your service and your dedication and what you've given not just me but all of us listening. So thank you so much. Glad to be here. Thanks all right, cheers, What is up, Jerome man?

How are you?

I'm good? The bus where you're joined here by Jerome Bettis. Thirteen years in the National Football League for the Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl champion, played in Detroit, which is where you're from. That was a special special thing for you. Hall of Famer from No. Tre Dame. I think it's how we say it. It's so good to see you. Always great to see you. We've known each other now I think it's been a long time. Tell me why do you come to this event?

You know what, It's great because as an as an amateur golfer, it gives us an opportunity to actually feel as though we're professionals, right right, we're all.

Terribles offers, by the way, I will say that.

But you have one weekend in which your competitive juices come out. You say to yourself, this is my opportunity, right, yes, And you go out and you have an opportunity to compete, and you compete with guys that you know, Guys that you were fans of, guys that you friends of, and so it's just a great mix of people that you get an opportunity to play with and get a chance to know fellowship with them all. But at the end of the day you're competing, You're looking at that score. You're like, man, I gotta get that. I gotta make a bow again, no double, I just gotta get a point.

I gotta get a point. Are you So you're very competitive with that? Yes?

I think I think we all are.

I don't.

I don't.

I don't think it's competitive in the stance where I'm coming here, Man I gotta win, right, it's competitive saying I want to beat my.

Score from last year.

I want to I want to go out and play a stress free, mistake free round. Uh, you know, I want to be the best version of myself I can be right. And so that's that's kind of the competitive nature that you that you put on yourself. And then when I obviously you get paired up with some guys, you're like, oh, crap, here we go, here we go.

Right, guys, get me the talking crap.

You're all right.

So so you know, it's one of those opportunities that you get very very rare to come out compete with yourself and with with guys that you you know, and like, yeah, it's it's a crazy.

You know, thinking about last night and that meaning that had you know that we had and just the collection of people that are in that room and you know you've got Adam Napier who gets introduced, wounded warrior who's playing in the thing. It's like a powerful, powerful moment. And then you hear the amount of money.

Like that, It's yes, right, it made a difference, made it different, made a significant difference in this community that we're playing in. And it's one of those that's it's commendable. It's to be commended and to know that that you're part of that, right, that you're using your collective celebrity to benefit others, right, So that makes it a win win. Obviously you come out here, get a chance to play golf in a beautiful setting, beautiful course, but also so you're doing a lot of good and that makes it even that much more special to get on a plane to come out here and know it's benefiting a lot more than just you playing golf.

Yeah, do you go into shame spirals of self hatred? For sure?

Yeah, for sure, because what happens, It always happens.

You hit that bad shot, shank or something, you're like, you go right in the tank. You could have been playing well as soon as you Yeah, you're like, oh man, here come.

And everybody's watching.


Yeah, and then don't hit a second one because now you want to quit. You want to throw the clubs and just absolutely walk off the course if you could. The problem is you got the shame walk. You got to walk over there, you got to drop it from the water, you gotta do all the stuff. And then you say to yourself, I don't believe this.

I do have to tell you though, I played in the event in Greenville, South Carolina, BMW, and I'm playing with a professional on the corn Ferry Tour. These guys are really good, really good. And one of them on our second hole that my partner made a nine on a part five. Wow. Now this is a professional, which, as you discussed, we are not. Let's be clear, no, so what happens, it happens. But he had a two hundred and fifty yard walk of shame back to his ball, which I was like, my heart was breaking for him, knowing how it feels. Who's the guy that you're looking at? Because right it's online live streaming. Who's the guy when you're done with the round? Who are you looking at? First? Guy? Who's the first guy besides yourself.

First guy. Look at Larry Fischer.

He talked so much smack to me, okay, and we're really good friends. I've known him since he was back in college at pitt because I was playing with the Steelers and you know, we were right right there. So if there is one guy who who you know, we always are looking at the score, so soon sweet, soon as we see each other.

Uh huh yeah, rough day of day.

You know, he's so he's the first guy I look at every single time.

Okay, who has helped you the most to give you the confidence to be able to do this that's brought you out here?

That's a good question.


You know what, it hasn't.

Really been, you know. I tell you who's really helped me.

I brought in a caddy from Shadow Creek in Las Vegas golf course, amazing course, played many times, and and he was always the young caddy was always a sense of comfort for me right when I was playing there.

He could kind of talk me off the ledge, so to speak.

Right, And so I said to myself, you know what I need to see if I can get him here, because I can get that same calmness, that same conversation that same attitude, I can get him on the bag and it'll really it, and it has. He's come to the last couple of years and I felt much better in terms of my game, how I'm going out there with a strategy and idea. So he's been He's been very beneficial to my confidence because I know I've got a guy. He's a really good player in his own right. So I got a guy who understands and knows kind of what I'm capable of and what I'm not capable of. And that's the one thing you because the majority of the times we want to try to hit the hero shot. No, it is five percent, that's right, And you take up that five percent, you can take it in half because now your body is tense and it's tight, and got these people look at and you're like man, and and now all of a sudden, you got no chance, absolutely no chance.

To hit it.

I'm just gonna hit this cut three wood over the crowds to come back.

And it's water on the left, and I got it. I get it in there and let it drop right in of course.

Not yeah, how how many points? What are you looking at? How many points this week? What's your best. What's your best finish? Here? My best finish I think was T fifteen.

That was a a couple of years ago, the COVID year, because I was tuned up, you know, that was all I was doing was to do much else. So I was in great form. And so that was that was. That was number fifty one.

That was.

That was pretty good. How many points is that? That's probably was in the forty, Yeah, forty, that's probably fifteen a day. Yeah, I was. That's very play.

I played very well. Now, I will say this, I regressed.

Last year.

I think I was.

I only finished with about almost fifty or maybe twenty. I think I was right right in the fifteen to twenty something, right, and it was not very good.

All right, Well, listen, I hope that it goes great for you this week. But more than that, it's great to see you. How fun. We always have fun. Let's let's have fun and score up. Let's put a score up there. Any kick kick Larry's ass, I'm going for all right, let's get out, all right, Thanks Bud, Thanks appreciate, thanks dude, thank you. I am joined here on off the beat by my old friend, good friend like legendary. Is that the right phrase? Come on, legend legendary sportscaster Jimmy Roberts joins us here, how many years have you been coming here?

This is twenty two for me, twenty You know I almost died here one year.

Literally, yes, wait tell me, yes, I remember this.

So this is about ten years ago, ten twelve years ago, just doing the tournament and I didn't feel well. And you know, those of us who travel for a living, you're used to being on the road and not feeling well. You deal with it. Somehow, just felt different. So I ended up taking myself to the hospital. My appendix that exploded. My appendix that exploded, and then they did the surgery, took it out, and I was recovering, and there was a complication and they had to do another surgery. I was in the hospital here for two weeks here. Yeah, And I was lucky because the surgeon. It's a small regional hospital. The surgeon was a guy who had spent his entire professional career as a combat surgeon. He's from in the Air Force, so he'd seen everything. He'd seen every kind of trauma, and he took such good care of me. But I mean it was in my family. When you say like Tahoe, it has the best of connotations and the worst.

So wow, that's that is amazing. What it makes this event special people like you.

I mean, listen, when would I stop, No, seriously, when would I get to meet and hang out and make friends with people like you? When would our paths cross? They wouldn't, you know? I mean they might and I'd be curious to know what you think about this. But the thing that I think makes this event so special is that you guys, people who compete in it, get to cross paths with people that you would.

Never cross paths with. That's right.

And everybody lets their hair down. There's no pretense. Everybody's just you know, not necessarily thinking that they have to worry about very much. Everybody just hangs out together. It's a very casual vibe. I mean, I've always felt that way. It's the most relaxed broadcasting experience I will do all year, and I get to just you know, a lot of it is for many million years. I was out on seventeen, you know, doing the interviews and that was fun. And now I'm going to booth calling golf and it's a totally different narrative. I just get to be up there and talk about golf, you know, you know, like I found out yesterday I was talking to Justin Timberlake. And when do I get to say that? Just yesterday I was talking to Justin Timberlake. Anyway, I was talking to I was talking to Justin, and he was there's a commonality about it, like for all of us, what do we talk about. What's the first thing I said to you? How's your golf?

How's your golf?

K okay, right, yeah, we're all golfers, you know, for better for worse. And so Justin launches into her in there having a sandwich and hey, hey, doing, what's happening? What you been up to as your family?



And he said, and I said, how's your golf? And he says, well, yeah, you know, I'm I got this thing going on with my with my left side. And he starts telling me about how he his shoulder.

I guess it's his left shoulder.

He's double jointed, so it kind of pops in and out. Oh Jesus, and he says, here, check this out. And he puts my hand on his shoulder and it's clicking.

In and out.

Yeah, but anyway, and it's like, so that's I said, Okay, well that'll end up on the air this weekend. But it's just it's listen, this is it's just fun. Yeah, you know, I enjoy coming here because I just get to talk.

Can I curse on? Yeah? Of course I get to talk shit. Yeah, you know, so yeah, you know, I listen. I think you've actually touched on something that I haven't thought about quite in this way. I mean, I would like to think and I do think it is true that there's just an amazing collection of really good guys and gals or together. But that commonality that you just talked about, like there's also we're all working on the same thing, and there's no pretense, there's no there's no I'm better than you. I'm gonna you know, well, because we all suck, that's right.

We're all just doing the best we can outside of Mark Mulder and Marty Fish and that's you know, Jack Wagner, we all suck. Yeah, it's just a degree to which we suck, you know, and that you know, we're all equally is consumed by the game, befuddled by it. But you know, I also think there's a feels like a sense of community here, you know, like you come here and whether you're a broadcaster or a participant, or you're justin Timberlake, or you're somebody that could walk through the crowd and nobody would know, it doesn't matter. We're all here just part of this community and it's fun, and it just it just feels so good.

You know, it really feels good. I could not agree more. I have said already today it's my favorite week of the year. It's also the most difficult week. It's the difficult thing that I do every year. Dude, listen, I don't know how you guys do this.

I I this morning I was doing I'm doing a story for the weekend on the seventh hole. Okay, you know, the seventeenth gets all the attention, but the seventh hole is becoming a little bit of you know, a shit show out there. Yeah, and so we're going to do a story about the seventh hole. And so I'm out there and I go out there with the camera cooon and this is golf, you know, so these people know who It's not like I'm a celebrity or anything, but these.

People know who I am.

It's Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, you got to hit a shot. Now it's eight thirty in the morning. You know, I'm not ready. I haven't loosened up, I haven't done anything. They shamed me into hitting a shot. Fortunately it wasn't awful, But then they shamed me into I'm like subject to such peer pressure. They shame me into shotgunning a a corona. No, it's worse smear novel.

Yeah, you know. Yeah, they tossed me one yesterday. It hit the ground and they just immediately got sprayed by me. That's that's how I that's how I roll.

Can I ask you a question? Sure, let me turn this around because I figured you would. Well, I'm you know, it's what I do for a living. My wife says, I don't have conversations with people I interviewed them.

Do you ever get.

Tired of talking about the office?

You know? Because I could see how you could, I I will answer the question this way. I am so fascinated, and I know you are an author and life fascinates you as well. I truly became fascinated with what happened to our show afterward like that that it became more popular after five six years when we had not filmed anything, and that the show exploded. That is a truly fascinating question with me that I think the even smarter people than me should try to explore why that is. But the journey that I've been on in trying to answer that question of why has truly brought me a joy. I think. I think it's I think it's fascinating and that and that young people a show that wasn't being made for young people, you know, not just survives, but thrives this year later. And you know, we were a big show. You know, we were on NBC. And but you know, for me and for all of us, we weren't friends at the time we went Seinfeld even you know, we were we were we were like NBC's number one show, right, but we weren't that and now became that. Plus that's that's the crazy thing. Yeah, And I've told you.

This before, I you know, many many times. I mean, I have my youngest son is eighteen years old, and at one point he became this probably five years ago, became so fascinated with the show that every day he binge the whole thing three times through. Yeah, and when he found out that I knew you, you know, I know, listen, I've met Muhammad al Lee, Michael Jordan. I mean, I could not have been elevated to a higher status in his life. I've been to the White House for dinner and listen.

None of that matters. Okay.

What matters is that I you know Kevin.

Okay, so wait, can I I'm sorry to turn this around on you, but I have always been fascinated with the acting that you were able to do. When I first met you, I could not get it out of my head that you weren't that character because that character, yes, probably was so challenging to become, right, and it's so different from who you are.

He's different from who I am. But that's what I say. That's the thing that's crazy, is that you know, it's like me trying to be a golfer, like I mean, I did go to school for.

It, you know, I was, you know, professional.

But yes, thank you, thank you for what I will consider it to be a compliment. It is.

I hijacked your podcast long enough five file no.

Please, uh, Jimmy, thank you so much. I'm yeah, I'm excited to spend some time and just do me a favor. That just don't because Dan Hicks, be one, be kind to obviously give me some screen time, Dan Hicks. There a lot of people don't know this the most famous wrestler in the history of the US. Actually I believe name is Bruce Bombgartner. And Bruce he calls me Bruce. Let's go to Bruce Bombgartner five or whatever. Yes, he did, and I've given him hell about that before. So just just just remember my name, Just remember my name, remember my name, member, mine number, my name. Thanks Jimmy, always great to see you.

All right, cheers Steel, Brian, thank you, thanks Blood Sure.

Cream made that song. It's incredible, all right, ladies and gentlemen, A very very special guest. He's promised me to come back for another episode and and really talk about his life and his career. But I am joined here. Bye. Well, you're like Beyonce, Right, it's just one word. I guess it's two the mizz that's right, professional wrestler with the w W E and and personality.

I guess.

Superstar, specifically superstar. I remember the first time I met you, which was a long time I was wondering.

So yesterday, Uh, for those that were there was? I got players meeting at the ACC and I saw Brian. I wasn't sure if you remembered me. Oh, I wanted you to know how much I love your podcast, how much I love Off the Beat. I loved all the office stuff. I think your tremendous interviewer. Your voice and your transitions are absolutely incredible. The dialogue. I love hearing acting and how people do their process. I just didn't really enjoy that. And so what you do and what you dissect, you do such a phenomenal job.

But I didn't. I didn't know if you nowhere?

Where do you? Where is your first recollection of where we met? My recollection, which I think is accurate, is we were playing in a celebrity poker event and you had the wrestling belt over your shoulder and you may really made me laugh and we hung out there. I think it was a couple of days, or it was at least a really long day. Yeah, it was a long day. That was it? Right? Was no? Okay?

Now, I don't know if you'll remember this, Okay, they do. Do you remember a club named Laid Yes? I do remember we met there. I don't remember. It's okay, you don't, okay, because there were so many people and I was a huge office fan and I was like, oh my god, Brian's here. Oh so I came up, introduced myself. It was very quick, okay, And so you wouldn't. It's not something memorable, and I wasn't really I was off the real world. Maybe it challenges and I think I was just starting in w W eight, okay, and so that's probably why.

Well let me tell let me tell you something that this should make you feel better. I was. I was at I think it was a reconstructing it. I was at a bar in Los Angeles to watch Sunday football and occasionally people come up and I take pictures. So years later there's a photo that surfaces of of myself Brian Baumgardner, but Kevin Malone with me and post malone and this this this, this picture starts surfacing around and I see it if you tie out pay any mine. And then my niece sends it to me and says, oh my god, is this real? And I had on a black shirt and I think he had on a white shirt. As my recollection, I'll post the picture again, but there's kind of a line it looks photoshopped, right, so it's like post Malone, Kevin post Malone thing. I thought it was photoshopped, and then it just keeps coming up. And it had been like a long time before, you know, since this picture had allegedly happened. So I finally do the easiest thing in the world and google Kevin Malone, post Malone. The first thing that pops up is post Malone's Twitter page. Now I've not ever met him or talked to him, and he posted the photo, so it clearly was him and I at this place in Los Angeles that took a photo and I didn't remember that that's and his name is post Malone.

Well it's also, by the way, like before iPhones were really popular, camera phones were really popular. So we didn't we never got the picture. We didn't we didn't have a picture to remember it by. But yes we did do uh, we did gambled. I'm not I think you beat me by the way day because you were did you were really good.

I want to see that the World Series of Poker you did. Have you played this week at all Poker? Yeah? Maybe a little blackjack, made a little black jack, maybe a little all right, Okay, okay, maybe just a little. It's legal here way. Do you know what happened to me yesterday? No?

So I was walking out of my elevator, okay, and me I looked, no, no, I did difference.

That did happen? Yes, that happened.

But I walked down on my learn because I was really tired after yesterday, I mean, eighteen holes, uh, doing all the media that is here at ACC And then I get out of the elevator and there's a chip. What do you how much you think that chip was worth? Five thousand dollars? Said it was fair to you, and I thought it was a joke. I looked down and I looked around and I was like, oh my god, there's a five thousand dollars ship here. And I was like, hello, hello, is anyone here? I thought someone was like pranking me. So I pick it up and it's a real five thousand. There's no one in the hall.

What do you do?


So I'm trying to think what do you do?

Like, so if I would call down to the lobby and say, hey, I found a five thousand dollars.

Chip, someone is gonna someone's gonna be like, yeah, that's me.

But I was also thinking, man, if I lost five thousand dollars, I would be so upset. But also I feel like, if you have a five thousand dollar chip, there's probably.

A bunch of other chips to it, and you don't even know how much you really have.

So it's the one or two ways. But I feel so bad and I don't know what to do with it. And today someone was messing with me. I told one of my buddies and then he told someone. I was telling the person the story. He goes, yeah, I lost five thousand OD chip. I was like, I felt a sense of relief. I was like, oh, I have it. I have it, and he's like, I'm joking. I knew that you found one, And I was like, what do you do with that? Here's what I think you should do. I think you should give me the chip.

And I'm gonna I'm gonna go, no seriously, and I'll go I'll take care of it for you, one way or the other. I'll take care You're the guy, I'm the guy. I'm the guy. All I do is fix problems for people. That's all I do. Here at the American Century Chain Bean Chip we're here, this is your first year. Yes, that's why I really wanted to talk to you today about this. This is your first year. Talk to me about the experience thus far. We haven't even teed off on Friday yet, but tell me, tell me about your experience.

It's incredible so far. I mean, everyone has been above and beyond nice.

And usually when you have and this is not saying anything, but when you have a group of celebrities, there's usually one that's kind of like, hey, how you doing it, and they look at you and roll their eyes and walk away or try to find someone that's more important than you to talk to. I have not had that at all, And if anything, more, people are like, hey, Hi, nice to meet you.

Hey, let me introduce you to this person and this person this, And.

I'm like, wow, this is unlike any other celebrity event I've ever been to. And not only that, I get to golf. The weather is beautiful here. I've been begetting lessons from like just some of the top people at Golf Channel and NBC Sports, and it's really, honestly, it's made my game horrible because whenever you get take a lesson, you don't take a lesson that I don't have an opportunity to get these type of these teachers, these these legendary teachers to come and say hey, you know so I'm like, yeah, I'll do a lesson and I'm like, oh my god, my swing's going bad right now. I heard someone tell you yesterday. It's like, we're gonna take your game to the next level. What is the next level for you?

I think I think the next level for me is is would be to be a four. That would be the that would be your handicaps of four. No, that would be it. That would be it. You're good. No, I'm like a seven, eight, seven or an eight, depending on how I'm playing, And you know, whatever I enter my scores, it's not pretty good it is. It turns into a Tahoe twelve dreens Man, very difficult, can read them. I'm it's gonna get more difficult, That's all I can say. It's gonna get faster.


I was talking to Charles, and Charles like, I was like, I think I'm gonna do pretty good here, and he's like, yeah, wait till you hit your first patron and I go, wait what he goes, Yeah, when you hit your first person, it'll ruin your entire game, and you'll you'll have no idea. And I go, wait, you think I can actually hit someone? He goes, do you hit the ball straight? I go not all the time, but he goes exactly, and I go, oh my gosh. And so that's when I first realized how Charles got that swing that is so legendary. To look at where he stops and because you get in your head. Yeah, and I found myself getting in my head yesterday. And the only time I wasn't in my head was when I got the audience to actually cheer for me. You know, I want people chanting bab bab booie you know behind my swing?

You know what? What what?

What gives you the confidence this week to play honestly, you know, just having fun.

I am here to compete.

I have a competitive juices, but in all honesty, it's it's here to just enjoy myself, enjoy the fresh cut grass, the beautiful setting, the audience giving them a show, entertaining and just having fun and just meeting a ton of cool people who I've watched, you know, I've watched the Office, and I listened to every one of your podcasts. Listen to the deep dives and just hearing the stories behind the stories, like I love the insights of different shows and how they started, how they got their process. Like you know, sometimes with my show, Miss and Missus, you know, I feel like every season we're.

Like, man, are we gonna get reupped? Are we gonna reupt?

Even though the ratings are great?

Right, but you never know.

And to hear a legendary show like The Office one of the biggest shows now that you look at and you go, how can this show even be like looked at as not brought up again and again and again for new seasons.

Right, It's crazy. I Well, I'm so happy you're here. It's great to see you again. If you need help dealing with that five thousand dollars chip, let me know. I Like, I might.

See you in the high rollers and be like, hey, hey, you're better than me at this. Let's split this half in half, you know, and we'll see where we go with it.


Miss the miss is here just a such an amazingly gentle kind, positive spirit. Well, thank you, congratulations on your success and good luck this weekend. If there's one guy, last question, one guy or gal that you want to beat.

Pat McAfee on the dude came here in sleeveless shirt on a golf course, like with no muscles, you know. So, I mean, honestly, me and him, Me and him been talking a lot of smack because he's a SmackDown commentator for w w A, and he's just a really good, positive, fun guy to be around. Like, honestly, if you want to have a good time hanging around Pat McAfee. But I want to beat him so badly because we have a bet that we we rip each other a lot. One person has to say three days of just compliments NonStop, on like social on like his radio show, like in w w A, whatever it is. You just have to compliment that person for three straight And that's the hardest thing for either of us to do.

That's so good. What what?


What's your what's your handicap? Again?

I don't keep one because I lose so many balls.

And now in my head, the guy has the ugly he's a cross between Charles Barr being John Ram. I say this because he has an ugly swing. The swing looks terrible, but he hits it three hundred yards and straight. Oh wow, I'm nervous because my game. I thought I was coming in here, I felt pretty confident, and then I started getting in my head and now I'm just I don't know what's gonna happen on Friday.

Wow, are you lefty? Yeah? Okay, because I say he has on a right glove, a glove on his right hand. That was how I that was my investigative journalism right there. That's how I knew. Good luck.

And yes, I'm wearing a golf glove while doing a podcast.

Yes, I guy stole from the race. We're about to tee off. Thanks so much for being here. Thank you. We're going to have you back on the show talk about your your your life and career. Thanks so much, dude, Thank you guys. I'm so happy to be joined here by the legendary running back from the National Football League, the LA Raiders, et cetera, et cetera, Marcus Allen, Hall of Famer, My good friend, Marcus. Thank you so much for joining me briefly. We're here on the lakes. About time you ask me? Yeah and listen, wait, actually, I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna call you and we're gonna sit down and we're gonna really talk about your career, but I wanted to take a couple of minutes today. I know this event means so much to you as it does to me. You and I have known each other now, which is a crazy thing. I'm such a huge fan of yours and for me to be able to play and get to know guys like you, this is what brings me the greatest chance. And I'm a big admirer of you. Thank you well, and you as a person as well. Why do you keep coming back here every year? It's the best, man, this is the best.

I mean you talk about the golf course, Yes, we can begin there that we can talk about the scenery, and then we can talk about the actual you know, the event sponsors American Century and what they've done. It's just and then the guys that are here, I mean, we've all become blank family, you know. Man, we see each other every year. We're looking forward to seeing each other and stuff. And then the competition, right, I mean, and the fans. You can't as all the elements, and this is why it's the best celebrity bent around.

It is you talk about the camaraderie, the event last night exemplified that all of these Hall of Famers and idiots like me and a room together, the brotherhood that's there and the support that we have for each other. It truly, it touches me, and it makes me sort of emotional to even talk about the Wounded Warrior and Jack and Jim McMahon and it was just awesome. Well, yeah, we've listened here.

Guys are great, and we've had some guys that have gone through some challenges and I'm really thankful that they're here so we can support them, right, And that's one of the big things. Jack obviously, and what he's going through. I mean, I'm doing Jack forever man, and he's been a big support of mine and he's just been a solid individual, right, Yeah. And you know Jim obviously, those are the two guys that have you know, thirty three years yeah, playing in the this event. Yeah, right, thirty three years and and Jim has been sort of you know, obviously not able to walk, but he's going somehow.

Yeah, you know what he told me. He told me, he said, I wasn't gonna let Jack be the last one.

That's why you see ye make it. He's one of the kind man and he is pulling for him and hopefully he'll get through with flying colors.

Yeah what what what what do you what's going to give you confidence this week to play?

Well, I'm just letting it Go're gonna let it, just gonna let it go. Yeah, and don't don't worry about anything. Just play all right, and and that's it. I mean, just get out of your head each other a lot and murray thing. Yeah, and most of them is you know, we get we hit one bat shot and it sticks with us down four holes and stuff, and then we.

Go out here.

We practice for an hour and a half afterwards, and then we're worn down, right, we have no more energy for the next day. So hey, I practiced thirty minutes yesterday. Yeah, I did a little short game and that was it. I didn't do anything else. And I'm taking my time. I'm going to go out here and just let it go and have some fun.

Yeah, thank you so much for coming by, Thank you for being here. And uh yeah, we'll see. Oh, who's the guy that you look at when you finish? Who's the guy that you look at beside yourself? The score of who you want to be the most? What is there a score that you look at on the little computer for yeah, set up?

Yeah, well I want I can't mention my name. There's always a couple of running banks here that you know. I can never let beat me.

So you know, you know, you know who I'm coming for this year.


Oh, hey, be careful what you asked for. I'm coming for you. Thanks, Marcus. Here we go. I could not be happier than to be joined briefly here at the American Century Championship by Vince Carter. Now I have to start by saying, you know, like a lot of the guys, you and I have gotten to know each other over the years. I don't know if we've ever had this conversation. You know, my dad went to Duke. No, I didn't. My dad went to do So let's just say there were there were years that I did not root for you. Of course, specifically specifically did not root for you.

Those are good years too. My college years were one and two, always going all fourth.

Back and forth. I know, no, I remember, why why do you keep coming here every year? I mean it's just so.

Now that I've retired, golf is my competition, okay, And like all of us here we want to be good at it, and golf gets the best of us. But it's like coming here and making new friends. But the celebrity types of athletes, the people coming from whatever the profession here for friendly competition, but yet you know it's real competition. There's always somebody here you want to beat, where you want to play well in front of or so so. So the first year was I like probably everyone else was a little nerve wracking, and by the second by the end of the second day, but the third day I felt good. I'm like, man, I hope they bring me back. And now you know, you get that email, Hey, where we would like to invite you. I'm like, yes, every year. Every year I plan everything around here.

Now that's right. This week, What's who's the guy or gal that you look at when you're done to see where they are. Who's the guy you most want to beat and you've got in your sights. Everyone gets a similar smile on their face when I asked this question.

There's a few. I mean obviously the basketball guys. You know, Iggy's here, Kyle and I we play golf a lot, so it's like we root for each other, but we want to do better than each other.

You know how to go.

I leave Venne Delle Nigga alone. You know he won it last year, so that's that's a different strategy. Yeah, you need that guy alone, Marcus, I know who's on here, and Jerome Bettis are here. We all come out of the same golf club, Golf Club of Georgia in Atlanta. Okay, so of course I'll be watching those guys and like there again, we root for each other, but we want to do a little better.

Than what what what brings you? Well, let me say this.

Everybody I'm sure will say just as long as you do better than Barkley as well know Chuck. So of course, and I had to play with in the group last year. I was like, what does that say about my game right now? But yeah, but I trust me.

I have played a number of years in his group, yes, and it's but I tell you what he taught me something, honest, honest to God. When I started coming here, I think I was paired with him. The first year, it was fifteen years ago now, and he and I were playing together, and you know his swing at that point, I hope it's a little better. Last year it was it was it was. It was starting to look look good. Yeah, it look good. You know he can't hit the ball. He's Hank. Hanny is walking with us. One point puts on sunglasses and I'm like, like, right before he swung, I'm like, what is he doing? Why does he keep putting these on? Right before? And I realized they were blacked out. He was blacked out. So was it just close your eyes? It was like black out this and just swing to try to get over this mental this mental thing all. I mean, he's crazy and not very successful to me, but I will tell you walking around here with him, I've said this many times. He knows everybody's name, He asks about their family. Believable. The volunteers that are here have been here in some cases for many, many, many years, and he cares about everybody. He looks everybody in the eye, he says hello and asks about them. It truly, and I honestly, God, I tried to model that behavior now because you know what, it takes just as much energy to be nice as it does to be an asshole. And I promise you that came from from this event, me getting to know him and his generosity of spirit.

It's so incredible, and it's just it's amazing to see because you know, like you said, the effort, but he just it's this second nature to him. And to see how people respond to him, it's like it's a great feeling. You sit back and smile and it's not even you, it's not you know, and this is amazing. And like you said, he's just he's he's just a great person. I mean, you can say what you say about him and he says he speaks his mind. You appreciate that. But when you're around him, you're like, man, he's like I tell people all the time, what you see on TV is that, But when you're around him, he's like the life of the party and one of the friendliest, nicest people.

He really is. It's you know. And I get asked about him, you know, and making fun of his swing or whatever, but like I just I always want to say, you just need to get to know him because this is like you will be rooting so hard for him, and I'm rooting so hard for him to play better. What what gives the confidence for you? Like, what what gives you confidence out here in the face of all the fans.

And get once you get past the first hole, you know, that first shot for I mean, like, I don't care how many years my first year was, Like, it's a few times that I can recall being terrified, and I was pretty close to that first shot. The second day we better got better. But the next year and year after that, you still have the nerves. Yeah, but over the balls is a lot different than that first year. So I'm better and I can say I feel good now, but you know, it's still gonna be some gonna be some nerves. I just like to see the ball go forward and then we can figure it out.

We can figure it out from there. Events. Thank you so much, thanks for coming by, Thank you for being here and being so great. And you know it it We've talked about it a lot with a lot of the guys. This it really has become like a brotherhood, this this event and the people here, and it is it is so truly my pleasure and my privilege to have gotten to you and and the other guys.

Yeah, and I will say this and like you say, it's a brotherhood. And you know, seeing you guys playing other events and catch it on TV and you root for them's like, hey, man, I hope you're playing well, you know, because because of this, and it's funny. It's just it's golf. It's it's the it's the common denominate it, which is golf that brings everybody here, and you have appreciated you get to meet somebody that you see admire but never really get a chance to sit face to face over the game of golf. Golf has been great to a lot of people.

Sure has Fnce. Thank you so much, Thanks dude. Hearing all of that has just gotten me even more excited about this week than I already was. I have a really good feeling about this year. Even though my buddy Alfonso Ribera has won the past two years in a row, I have my sights set on dethroning him this week. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope that all of you get to do something that you love this week. I know that I will. So until next time, have a great one. Oh and get ready because next week we have a new girl on the podcast. See you that Off The Beat is hosted and executive produced by me Brian Baumgartner, alongside our executive producer Lang Lee. Our senior producer is Diego Tapia. Our producers are Emily Carr and seth Olanski, and our talent producer is Ryan Papa Zachary. Our theme song Bubble and Squeak, performed by the one and only Creed Bretton

Off The Beat with Brian Baumgartner

With the success of his hit podcast, An Oral History of The Office, podcast host extraordinaire Bria 
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