2022 marks the beginning of the UN International Decade of Indigenous Languages. First Nation's languages are precious and many are on the precipice of loss, so now, more than ever, it's critical to preserve and conserve them. Listen in to the first of two parts of my great conversation with Daryn McKenny who is one of those modest, but hugely inspiring 'can do' people who gets out there and does amazing work with individuals and communities to help preserve, protect and revitalise their languages - here and internationally.
Daryn is a Gamilaraay and Wiradjuri man born on Awabakal country, where he lives and Founded the Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre, an organisation that plays a vital role in language revitalisation and advocacy not only in Australia, but internationally as well. Listen in and hear the story of how things got underway in 2002, first with a focus to revive the Awabakal language and culture in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the Lower Hunter Valley.
Miromaa is an Awabakal word, meaning "Saved, to stop from loss" and that's what Daryn and his team and the technologies they've developed and freely share with First Nation's peoples here and around the world do in practical, creative and inspiring ways.
Daryn is the CEO of Miromaa and a key force behind many of the technologies, tools, resources and training pathways Miromaa shares with First Peoples to empower them to recover, record and use their languages. He and the Miromaa team are also the creators and enablers of the inspirational PULiiMA Indigenous Language and Technology Conference last held in 2019 during the International Year of Indigenous Languages
The UN Decade calls upon the world to take urgent steps at national and international levels to revive and strengthen indigenous languages – recognising that the complex knowledges and cultures they foster are strategic resources for good governance, peace building and sustainable development. The decade aims to draw global attention to the critical situation of many indigenous languages and to mobilise stakeholders and resources for their preservation, revitalization and promotion.
And as Daryn shares, protecting, knowing and using language is not just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - it's also for all of us, wherever we're from, so we can together better hear, see and care for country and this beautiful place we call home.
Bravo Daryn. Love what you do, so enjoyed speaking with you.
Learn more about Miromaa, their partners and supporters, where they work, testimonials and more.... and get involved via their website @ https://www.miromaa.org.au/
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