12/14/24 HR 1 A Libertarian And A Communist Talk Healthcare With Jamison Godwin And Todd Cruz
12/14/24 HR 2 Big Ideas With Steven Erickson, Nate Atkins And Todd Cruz
12/07/24 Hour 1: Bill Glahn of the Center of the American Experiment and Kip Christianson and
https://www.americanexperiment.org/about/staff/bill-glahn-2 https://kipchristianson.com/ https://x.com/kip_mn?lang=en
12/07/24 Hour 2: MN GOP Vice Chair Donna Bergstrom
11/30/24 Jack Tomczak Northern Alliance Radio Hour 2
11/30/24 Jack Tomczak Northern Alliance Radio Hour 1
11/23/24 HR 1 Guest Host NASCAR Kelly
11/23/24 HR 2 Guest Host NASCAR Kelly
11/16/24 HR 1 11/16/24 HR 2 NASCAR Kelly John Spry AK Kamara
11/16/24 HR 2 NASCAR Kelly John Spry AK Kamara