Episode 25: Veggie Ville (With Brandon Grugle)

Published Apr 29, 2019, 4:58 PM

In today's episode, the Bad Ideas Squad is joined by the great Brandon Grugle, audio producer extraordinaire at Multitude and Marvel. Together with him, Zach and Gabriel are thrown into a wild world of mashed potato intrigue and mystery in which they will find the basis for a wholesome, kid-friendly animated film. But will it stay that way? Or will Gabriel's irrational impulses to turn it into a macabre tale of death and vengeance be successful? Plus, a terrible murder cult, some really ripe avocados, and the crocodile lair of Doctor von Nasty McBadGuy.


Today's Bad Idea™: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mashed-potatoes-jackson-mississippi_n_5cb0e094e4b0ffefe3b042c6

Follow Brandon at @BrandonGrugle and check out more of his work by visiting Multitude.Productions

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