Episode 19: Netflix For Journalism (with Amanda McLoughlin)

Published Mar 11, 2019, 5:13 PM

This week we take a trip back to a faraway time when news could be faked and editorial controls were suspect at best. We, of course, are talking about the 19th century and are delighted to be joined this episode by Amanda McLoughlin, co-founder of Multitude, co-host of the shows Spirits and Join the Party, and all around badass podcaster. From the darkest corner of Reddit to the cobbles of Fleet Street, we take Zach’s trollface idea all kinds of places. Plus, monetization strategies, sticking it to the man, obligatory Walt Whitman tangent, knowing that the French Revolution happened… and that’s it.


Today’s Bad Idea™: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/aykgcn/til_that_the_trollface_meme_creator_registered/

Follow Amanda over at https://twitter.com/shessomickey, check out her shows Spirits (https://www.spiritspodcast.com/) and Join The Party (https://www.jointhepartypod.com/), and learn about Multitude’s other fine podcasts over at https://www.multitude.productions/

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