Bad Ideas Classic: Too Many Hats (With Tom Crowley)

Published Apr 3, 2023, 2:43 PM

Writer, performer, and (comedy) sketch artist extraordinaire Tom Crowley joins the Bad Ideas Squad for two tales from beyond the grave!

For our first bad idea, Sarah brings us a witchy obituary like nothing we've ever heard before, and - naturally - the team tries to figure out how to turn it into a story of growth and self-actualization á la Amelie. Then, Gabriel presents the tale of the somewhat ghoulish thing a Belgian town has done with the heart of their mayor, leading the squad to spin up a yarn about a man who couldn't lie in the most improbable way. 

All of that, plus: old-school pyramid schemes, husbands of little-to-no importance, ladder embezzlement, oracular aunts from the beyond the grave, and Bentham Football. 

Today’s Bad Ideas™:

Idea #1

Idea #2

For more of Tom's work, follow him on Twitter, and check out Wooden Overcoats, Victoriocity, and his website, where you'll also find Crowley Time (With Him, Tom Crowley). 

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