Shannon Sharpe and Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson react to reports that multiple CFB schools are interested in hiring ex-NFL QB Michael Vick as HC. Later, Unc and Ocho discuss Travis Hunter and his fiancee clapping back after internet trolls criticize their relationship, reports of a phallic laser pointer sparking a heated dispute at Jamie Foxx’s birthday dinner with the Jackass production crew and much more!
03:13 - Vick new coaching gigs
07:10 - Hunter + girlfriend
24:25 - Nightcap Trophy
26:30 - Summer Walker + Sexy Red
31:21 - Jamie Foxx cut by glass on birthday
37:30 - Uno confirms Rule
41:30 - Q&Ayyyy
(Timestamps may vary based on advertisements.)
#Volume #Club
The volume.
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Michael Pig seemed to be the next NFL player former NFL player ready to make the jump into coaching. He's in discussion with both North of Steak and Sacramento State to take over the head football coach. The biggest potential issue with Vick is that he has no head coaching experience or coaching experience at all at any level, no college, no pro, no high school coaching. Of the two jobs, Norfolk would give Vic the most time to find his seat legs, but like but likely lacks the resources to build a true perennial contender. Sacramento State, on the other hand, has improven history of success and the resources to surround VIC with experienced coaches who can help him learn the ropes faster, but also have significant more to lose if things go poorly.
Mm hmm. I like listen.
I like the opportunity that's presented itself, especially the Norfolk job, despite not having the resources.
You know, that is where big is from.
I think from a recruiting standpoint, players young players wanted to go play play for a VIC despite him not having the experience. I'm sure he would have you know, a staff people around him that would be able to guide him into to finding the right ways to go about doing his job even though he had no experience in it. There was one point on you and I. I didn't have experience in dating. So how did I how did I learn? I had to get my feet wet. I had to go out there and date. You know, how do you learn to coach? You go out there and you do just that, you know, and you get better at the craft and studying and and and aheding to it and finding ways and studying others and understanding talking conversations. Listen, you played in the NFL for years. You can make phone calls. You have the resources, you know, coaches, the head coaches you played for that you can confide and that can help you in that journey if you decide to embark upon just that.
I think both opportunities are awesome for Vic. If it's something that he loves to do.
In order to coach, Uh, you got to have a passion for that ship.
Yeah, for sure, you.
Got to really have a passion and love for that.
For one, uprooting your family, you know, Vic out there with me at Miami, you know, and having to commute to the West Coast, you know, to.
Be on Fox all the time.
You know, maybe now he can find some love and some and some consistency and being in one place, you know, instead of having to travel back and forth. And if that love and that passion for coaching is there, I'm all for it and I love it. I love the opportunity for him because Michael Vick loves some goddamn football.
He loves it.
And the knowledge that he has to pass on to the younger generation that can still relate to him because he's not that far removed from the game.
Dope, It's really, it's really dope.
Yeah, I don't love it that much. I love watching football, Damn sure, gonna love coaching football.
I ain't got no patience, mister, me and you're on the same page. It ain't about me having the patience is the fact that my body is still willing and able. And if you put me in any environment when it comes time to competing or challenging each other and anything.
In the way, your mind is able. Your body ain't able.
Oh yeah, listen, even if my body ain't able, who you think is going to have on some goddamn pleasing the helmet shoulder pads out there trying to show him how.
To do it? Hey, this is what you do.
Hey, Hey, I'll be all in the way.
You can you can't. This is why I can't coach at any level. I just can't because I'm gonna be in the way. Because the problem is is I think I can still do it. My mind is telling me what to do. My mind knows what to do. Now I'm not sure if my body is going to register what my mind is telling me to do. What I used to do back at five and six and o seven, Hey, I feel like I can, and as far as I'm concerned, I can still do it and I still look the same.
Hell, I think I can still play the Dame.
You do Madden and you got beat at that yesterday.
Oh Joe.
Travis Hunter fights backs, tells people to mind their own business. His fiance released an eight minute long video addressing everything.
Fight back back, Oh Joe, Can I say something for you to go?
And I say something.
We're in the era of social media, when the era of the Internet, and what happens is if you don't put anything online when it comes to relationship or the person you're dealing with, then you.
Don't have to worry about anything.
But the minute it touches online, then everyone is welcome and it's allowed to have an opinion on, say a topic, whatever that may be. And that includes Travis Hunter, his fiance, everything he has going on, some of the things that we see online.
You know.
I mean, I don't really care to chime anybody, but everyone else does because now you've put us in your business.
Small example myself.
You know, I'm one who doesn't care and always been in that media, you know, So I'm one that overshares when things are going good.
So I'm also one when things are going bad.
I'm going to continue to overshare because I don't want you to think like, oh, I'm only going to show you the good when things are going on fucking beautiful, and all of a sudden things are bad, I go into hide. No, if I live publicly when things are good, I'm gonna live publicly when things are bad.
So that's something I'm used to.
But as far as Travis concerned, and it's fiance, you're young and the best way to go about things.
If you don't like.
The people in your in your in your in your personal business, then you just got to You got to be off line. You got to keep your relationship off line, you know, if that makes sense.
I don't like, Oh Joe, you know I've been supported, but you can never trend in front of Travis.
Why you trended?
We know we know her because of Travis. She's not We knew Jiselle before Tom because she was josel Okay. She's not a stand alone. She's a stand besides Beyonce a stand alone. We knew Beyonce before we Ever, before her and Jay Ever got together.
They can I you can hold on before you keep going?
Hey, can I use that? And in my next argument. Can I use that? Yeah, yeah, I don't give that.
You have to understand and these women there.
Are Adidas, do you understand how this works?
And I'm you know because like I said, I I don't know the one and I'm I'm on her sign and I wanted to win at the end of the day. And and if if if Travis happy some things. Guys, how many of y'all listen to what the internet said? None of you, But y'all expect this man to listen. Do y'all expect this man to take y'all advice? Oh, here's a relationship. When who advice?
Do you take? Who advice? Have you ever taken?
That? Being said, young lady, like Adidas, when these people come around, there's gonna be times you're gonna have to sign for He's gonna have to sign footballs, he's gonna have to sign here, he's gonna have to sign jerseys.
He's gonna have to do me. He's gonna have to take pictures.
You know how I know because when I go to sponsors, I have to sign footballs, I have to sign helmets, I have to sign photos, I have to sign jerseys. That's a part of it. He understands that you're about to come into a situation you're gonna have more money at your disposable than you even dreamed of. And why is that? That's a part of it. And for you to say when he's taken, when he's taking those talking about how long do I have to stay here all day? You should graciously and willingly stay there a month if that's.
What it requires.
And for you to talk about, well, the reason why I left him on rate and for my inbox, well, you know he's younger than me, and he cheated. You see, now you threw that man on the bus. We didn't need to know that. We did not need to know that. Why you put that man business in the street?
Are you? That's look?
I don't I don't like the part of over sharing in a relationship because it was unnecessary. Why you and Travis got together? Did you have to say he wasn't my type? That was for nobody to know.
You don't have.
To share everything people you don't and now you it makes me it's none of my business, but it makes you, It makes you, It pains you in a bad life. Oh he wasn't your type, but now he is my type. Well, it seems like your type might be George Washington, Ben Franklin. You listen there, as Grant. It might be some of those type. You know what I'm saying. Oh Joe, yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, young lady, you don't have to share. That's you and Travis' relationship. Guys, I don't know what y'all want OO and I to do. OO has met Travis once? I've met him once.
He has the best mentor that he could possibly have, and that's why prime be best. He has the best. Guys, we're just like you. We're on the internet. He's not gonna listen to us. Sometimes you have to something has to happen to you. You have to see it for yourself. Somebody can't tell you about it. O Joe. If somebody you didn't know offered you advice on finances, everybody on the chat, who y'all y'all listening to him? If somebody that y'all didn't know tell y'all what y'all should do with y'all.
Money, Say hey, give me your money. Listen, No you're not so.
He looks at you, guys, and y'all, I'm sure, he appreciates your support, but he's not gonna take your advice when it comes to his dating or who he's gonna be with. I just have a problem with her sharing. I have a problem with her understanding and o Jo, she's young, she doesn't understand what comes along with it. But I'm trying to enlighten her as somebody that's been in that space, as somebody that understands it. When you're dealing with sponsors and you're dealing with advertisers, you go into a room and they're footballs and their helmets, and there's jerseys, and.
There's pictures, and you're taking pictures.
You understand, right for the kind of money that they're gonna be paying him, I don't really think that's an awful lot to ask.
I don't now. I could.
I could be wrong, Ojo, and some people might think, well, you know, hey, but I just don't think. I just don't think, ma'am, you need to have this because you were trendy traveling the Heisman. You didn't win no, you didn't win no war. We shouldn't have having this conversation about you. Y'all chose to be together. You're young. Travis is young. Everybody knows that first level man, that first went tough man, that urs that first that first went tough and.
The best one, the best, the best, the best thing about it. And when it comes to that first one, you try to make it last as long as possible. Yeah, you think that's the one, you know, and I'm hoping it is. And I love it. I love what they're doing. I love that for Travis. I love that for hers, well, yes, I love I love love in general. I love it, you know.
I just say the issue is if you can understanding, if you if you have a relationship online, it allows everybody in your personal business and everybody to have an opinion.
If you can't take that and you have to, you know, come out and say, well this is that, then you have to you have to take it offline.
You know.
If you look here.
I'm just saying, when you date publicly, that breakup is going to be publicly, and.
Just like oh that Google, I love this bad.
I love it when you do all that publicly, Guess what happens when it goes sideways?
You see it when they date publicly.
Now they're saying this and I didn't do that, and you didn't pick the kids up, and you were sleeping with this person that you were.
You see all that play into it.
You see what I what I just told you before I started to when things were good. You know, hey, I'm you. You finna get exactly what it is when things are bad. Oh you finna get that too. You're finna get the good, get nothing.
I like your speculating man. He like this.
Oh he liked that? Oh yeah, oh he he don't date nothing but this. Oh he don't date nothing but that. Oh he do this and nobody and nobody to see me nowhere with nobody. So I don't know how y'all know what I like?
Oh you totally. I know what. You know what I like?
You said two ten all in, No, I like who hard to talk?
Feet at the bottle. That's what I like.
You don't talk, That's what I'm looking for. Yeah, but uh look, no, bro, ain't no bad feeling. I'm just saying I don't agree with what she's saying. I agree with them to have a right to be together. That's their decision.
She ain't got no gun to his head.
So I'm glad everybody ain't nobody else, only you and I, Oh, your better been in a situation where someone didn't approve of our relationship and we and and we we we just walked away. He's not wired like that because if he, if I had listened to let people just I wouldn't have became what I became because pleepan didn't believe I I was gonna play in the NFL. They didn't believe I could go to college and get a degree. Oh, Joe, you'd have never left Liberty City. If you listen to other people when you're a professional athlete, you're wired differently.
Because there's gonna be a lot of times that people don't believe in you.
They say they believe in you, but you know that they don't because everybody don't see your vision. It wasn't revealed to them. And that's okay. The problem that I have is that she's revealing too much information, Travis is revealing too much information.
You don't.
You didn't need to tell that she got drunk and cried herself to sleep. That was unnecessary. We didn't need to know that that's between.
You and her.
And that was romantic. I ain't here.
Romantic, Ojo, it was Hey, listen, think about his own. Listen to the words got drunk and cried ourself to seek.
Now, think about Lenny Williams. What did Lenny Williams do?
He said, he cried? So what?
What's a recurrent theme? You see how.
He cried and watched TV till TV went off?
Oh Joe, you see how she has to cope. Do you see how she has to cope with things?
And alcohol? Drugs? You see? Is that a good thing? No, it's not. It's not.
Drugs and alcohol is not a couping mechanism. It leads you down. It leads you down a path that you don't want to go on. Oh no, I know about it. I know I ain't never been down that path.
But I can agree with you when you're right because I've heard the stories for those that cope in that manner. Now, my coping, can I tell you? I can tell you about my days when I cried. Yes, my my coping and how cope. I cope with cigars, I cope with caffeine. You know, when things aren't going well for me, you know, when I was in the fetal position. During my time, you know, I go to Starbucks, I go to the Cuban spot. You know, during my time my coping mechanism, I game, I played, I played feet for I played mad Yeah, I play called duty. But my type of coping is a little bit different as opposed to those who consume alcohol, you know, and and and you know and peels and whatever it may be.
You know, my coping is just different.
I just it's just think, just think about the pain. Huh, yeah, just take it off that that that fetal position pain. Yeah, every man has been through it and and and some and sometimes it changes men for the worst, for those who have been through that fetal position, because they never see women the same. No, they never see women the same after that kind of hurting, that kind of pain. And I wish you don't know, man, I wish it on no man. And everybody out here, you know, they walking around thinking they tough and I'm so and so and yeah, okay, but you will find the one that day will have you in that fetal position. Boy, and when you do, or may God be with you.
Yes, but oh yes, sir. Everybody.
People make it seem like, oh she so what about the people that you thought was gonna be together for ten fifteen years and they don't make it. Then what do you say, y'all make it seem like it's a guarantee that if everything is perfect today, it'll be that way tomorrow, it'll be that way five years from tomorrow or ten years from tomorrow.
Then what look?
How you do? With how you do? I'm a very private person. I don't reveal as much as as as I don't reveal a whole lot. If you know, I used to reveal my dogs and show different things. I said, let me shut this down, let me shut this down. Yeah, and it's okay. I never I never revealed a partner. They speculate, but then, I mean only one time. I think that was in twenty twelve. We went to the first Honors was in Indy and I got to pick. But I'm okay with I'm okay with y'all not being in my business. I don't want nobody. I don't want nobody talking about kids. I just riscently started posting my kids. I'm like, hey, y'all, you okay with it? For the longest I've never posted them, right then we're grown.
We good.
My son, I've never I've never posted my grandson. That's not my job. That's the that's experience job. If they want to post him, they can post it. I don't do that. My other daughter, Ay, yeah you can post and you good. I just I just I just like it. I don't like people in my business. I don't like people speculating because they see one thing and even if they see one thing, they believe something else.
Yeah. So I just like to keep people out of my business.
And Travis, if I can give you any advice, not that you have to take it, because like I said.
I believe you have. One of the great mentors of mentorship is that bro. Keep it offline.
Yeah, keep your keep your dating, keep your dating life offline. Now if you want to poll you working out or stuff like that, I have had it. But man them relationships because there everybody's doctor Ruth, everybody's doctor Phil, everybody's doctor a Larst Lessenger, and it's just not gonna end well. And then and what makes it worse O Joe, is that he's listening to the comments. Mhm, he's reading the comments. She's reading the comments, she's listening to what's said.
Hey, uh, yes, you just not you got to have that. I don't give a fuck you got to I've had that. I don't give a fuck very very long time. I don't what y'all say. I'm gonna do what the fuck I want to do. Anyway, when things go good, I'm happy. When things go bad, I'm happy. It's gonna be in the public. I don't give a fuck what you say. I'm gonna still do what the hell I want to do. Blah blah blah. Nothing's gonna change. I've always been in sway.
On to the next. Do you just keep on.
Because most of the time, you you know, they're waiting to say I told you, I knew it. Wasn't man, what.
I tell you? Did that?
Hey, hey, hey ah, remember I told you? Hey Joe, remember I told you. I told you I knew it.
I knew it. For fake. They do it too much. Every time they turn around, they make a sea. Everybody just wait to say, I told you.
Yeah, that's that's how we are, Oh Joe. The pop Targe Bowl Trophy is a fully functioning toaster. What would the Nightcap Bowl Trophy be?
Oh, that's a good one, the Nightcap Bowl Trophy. It would be Hey, it would.
Be you know, it would be like you know, I have weddings, how they have the chocolate fountain, the trophy would be something with Nightcap in it and have like have like like, oh, that's that's a good one. It got nothing to do with chocolate, and say, just revolving money and money just continues to circulate and just just go in and out of some type of I don't know, I'm not I'm not good in creative in the creative world like that.
Well, I was gonna say, maybe we could have somebody have our true head. But not the guy that did d Wade. Not the guy that did d Wade of sculture.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, that that's that's that's bad.
Whoever, whoever, whoever does the bus for the goddamn Hall of Fame.
Yeah, yeahe whoever that is?
Uh, you know what I'm saying.
It'll probably be you know, it might be a hard spond, it might be some rolls, it might be some condus.
You know what I'm saying, Oh, Joe, it might be a couple of things, you know, some hair products.
Right right right right right?
Uh a beanie, uh yeah.
Cheeseburger, yeah, cigars, cigars yeah, yeah, Hey, So don't forget you yet.
Ye damn yeah, yeah, yeah, we have a bunch of trophies.
We just got a basket. It's gonna have a gift basket for.
The for the trophies that that that resonate with us.
Yes, yes, so you know you got La Poortier, you got cigars, you got roseparks up in there.
Now you got all kind of stuff. Mm hmm.
I know they gonna wanna I know they gonna wanna win. Uh when uh win that trophy? Summer Walker and Sexy Red Tailor caller to go back to her boyfriend after he cheated on her twice and nine years together.
People show huh.
Damn So I mean Summer Walker and Summer Walker and Sexy Red Tailor Caller to go back to her boyfriend after he cheated on her twice and nine years together. People shouldn't be accepting that, but you are right, Uh like lively two times is nothing, but friend, we can't sound sound like this. We have to work on ourselves and accept and accept better. They all like that, but uh, there are some people that genuinely feel like there are some men that don't cheat, and they'll argue with you up and down that there. They'll make it be like are you women just be with them? Ends that be cheating? So that's why I don't say nothing, But no, baby, they're all cheating. So go back to like, what the earth.
What do you do? What do you do?
Women like a certain type, Women want a man with a certain type of revenue and income normally the type of men that you want and like that are wealthy, that are rich.
What does that come with? Uncle?
I'm just curious for the people in the back real quick, just what does that come with? Men that have the resources and have access to multiple women and are rich, what does that come with?
Yeah, because if he has resources to more, if he has resources to cars, homes, he also have resources to women.
Well, I just thought, I don't I don't understand, Like it ain't. It's fucking math. Two plus two egles, fucking two two plus two egles fucking two. It's come with the territory since the beginning of fucking time. Someone with riches, fame, celab. It's what it is, and it's always been that way. Why do we continue to have this fucking discourse and conversation about men that have money and what they fucking do. It's the same shit every fucking time.
Yeah. Look, I don't know it.
Listen, I don't really know the circumstances in which, like I said, I don't hear the call. Oh yo, we got about another what we got to know out another twenty five days before we get we've been good, O Joe. We've been good. We got fourteen days, O Joe, and we'll be our probation. Yeah, because they were trying to we were about to lose your job, you were about to lose your channel.
You were about to lose your channel, and we not go do that. So with that being said, oh Joe, I don't know the situation. I don't know.
I mean, uh, it looks like from the calling they said, uh twice and nine years. I mean some listen, some they can forgive, some that's unforgivable.
I'm not Yoe.
I don't.
I don't tell nobody how they should be in the relationship, how they should be, what you should forgive, what is unforgivable?
I don't really know, because that's what hold on.
I got one for you. How about you don't how about you don't forgive? Right, yes, and you go to the next person. You know what's gonna happen? What same shit.
You don't forgive again, you go to the next person that meets all the qualifications that you want, the same ship. You know, in the cycle gonna keep mother fucking continuing to repeat itself until you fucking get it through your goddamn head.
You know.
Hello, I'm just saying.
How long how long you've been around who may Yeah, how long you've been.
Listen in this specific field and this specific craft or around specific type types of individuals and understanding the landscape of how things work, Like what.
Are we doing? Well, that's what I mean.
Young that young lady is gonna have to uh like okay, talk to her, you know, boyfriend, significant other, whatever the case was, and then they'll have to come to a conclusion on that.
Uh uh. Everybody doesn't cheat.
All women don't cheat, All men don't cheat. But at the end of the day, I think you and I we're we're we're realistic in our expectations.
Yeah, yeah, they all don't.
Okay, Oh, Joe, very very interesting story. According to reports, a phallic a phallic laser corner sparked a heated dispute at Jamie Fox's birthday dinner. According to TMZ, during the celebration at mister Childs in Beverly Hills. Someone from the VIP rented area by Jackass production company Penis House Productions what projecting a penis shaped laser at Jamie's table, upsetting him, especially since his kids were present. Jamie went upstairs to confront the group, leading to an altercation. Sources say Jackass Forever stunt man Jasper Dolphin allegedly threw a glass at Jamie, cutting him near his mouth. Jamie Jamie bleeding exclaimed, it's my birthday? What's wrong with you? Before leaving against stitches? People played too much? They played entirely too much. Why why but you see o Joe?
Somebody had to say, because how didn't know Jamie Foxx was having a birthday party there? Who's coming there with a production? Then they went there with that? So for to do that?
Hm? So is is he okay? This wasn't this? I'm assuming this wasn't a stunt or nothing like that.
He threw a glass, He hit him in his mouth and bust didn't cut him. It be easy, okay, m man?
I mean right, normally that normally that starts a world rumble. You know, I don't I don't see.
Someone that ain't really trying to squabble like that, but they know who to do that to.
Normally, somebody goes to Mr. Child's.
They ain't trying, They ain't trying to bang. Okay, they ain't trying to bump. Then you want to have a good time. They with their family, they with some loved ones, they're with some friends. They want to celebrating something, they want to get a good meal. People play too much, man, y'all need to stop playing. Everybody ain't bought them pranks. I see people in the mall. You know they going up to escalated one side. If that's your man, that's your and people's thrown y'all stop.
This is not play like y'all play.
Yeah, but it's not a prank. Huh, this is not a prank.
Yeah he he he got he got a phallic shape laser pointing at Jamie.
Okay, oh and okay, okay, okay, I see I should be going.
Jamie got upset and confronted him about doing nothing.
Yes, okay, I got kids at the table right because they probably got it. They probably got some special coming out of something, because you know, they be doing pranks like that, but I'm not the one, right, I'm not.
I'm not. I am not the one. You. I don't.
I don't play like that on Joe, I don't play like that because actually they want they wanted to punk me.
Uh uh, you're.
As kutcher yunk punk was funny.
My daughter Kayla said, no, dadd ain't the one. No, I don't play like that. I don't. I don't play with people I don't know. Don't play with me. You don't know me like that. I don't play with you. I don't play people that know me. I'm very matter of fact. I'm from point A, I'm from point B. Don't all that, Kiki, me and you joking back and forth. That is not the shine and sharp that.
I am him. I am not.
So you donna be joking with me. You're not.
Damn Yeah, That's what I'm saying. And people expect this is how I am out.
With them, with them side of me. Okay, okay, okay, okay, I thought you.
I thought it was just no, no, no, I don't. I don't listen. I'm very respectful. Hey, how you doing?
I always any time I meet somebody, ash always why you do that?
Along? The shark.
I'm not arrogant enough to believe that everybody knows who I am. Who don't play just hey, going about your business. Let me go about my business because one look here, oh we we did. We told mister Child's up. Mister Child's have been closed for renovation.
I promise you you would have been that testing out.
And I guarantee you that's not I'll get you. I bet you that would have made the Netflix special.
If they were shooting some kind of Frank bull dye for a movie, I bet you that wouldn't have made it. Like I say, that's why I stayed to myself. Hey, I sneak in, I sneak out. I go in there my like seven point thirty. I'm trying to get in and get out. I'm out of there. I don't do a whole lot of big crowds and stuff. Now, hey man, we got this noe, Nope, just let me go ahead and let me go ahead.
And my business right right, right, right right, people just play to me. I don't what is this this?
You know what happened on your The internet caused this because everybody, everybody's trying to capture content.
Right and then that's that's the ara win right now.
I just and everybody want to get content.
And you saw that guy, that guy got shot in them all he got putting that twenty two on him, talk about oh you shot me? Yeah, because stop playing with people, y'all. Stop running on people and throwing stuff on people in these stores and stuff and doing all kinds of stuff. Man, y'all too grown for.
That, you know, Yes, sir. Now we're gonna say it's a means of income.
It's a different way of it's a different way of revenue, a different way of income. And it's the times we're in now. You know, people understand that you can make money based on.
These the hell beat out you? How much did that work?
It depends on how much depends on to go viral, But it could be a pretty penny too.
Now now I think about it.
You want to enjoy none of it.
Puto confirms you cannot stack plus cards on top of another. So, in other words, you can and officially put draw two on a draw too. I told y'all, y'all been making up rules. Y'all want to rule, y'all want to read the rules.
Hold on, So if you can't so if you throw down the draw too and I'm supposed to draw two, I can't hit you with a draw too.
Before I draw the two out.
No, okay, I mean I never that way anyway, because if you if you drop down the draw too, I draw my two and move and it's moving and it can continue to the next person whoever's after me. Yeah, I've always played like that.
Or if we play, if we're playing, let just you and I play it, and I put draw two down on you and you draw too.
I can't put another draw too down there. Nah, no, mm hmm. I'm gonna give me. I'm gonna get me some no card. They have a draw fifty.
I'm gonna drop that draw fifty on you.
Hey, you know, you know it's funny.
I mean, of most most of the people in the chat, depending on how long they've been following me. I play uno, you know, with with with with with my people on our tates, you know, when the bill comes, you know, we played, you know, to decide who paid, who pays best, you know, best best game out of three? We play old school rules and the new.
Car, the new one. No cards you buy.
I don't like the fact that it comes with all these new cards and all these new ways to play the game. Yeah, I thout where you can write in, can write in something new, and maybe I throw all that out. I want to play the original games that I was playing when I was growing up.
I'm not playing all that new stuff they be talking about today.
Man, say bad, look at her. Y'all been playing the Hood version, Hudo. Hey, we're gonna we're gonna take it back. We're gonna take it back to the the way the game was intended to be played. Yeah, which is we did that with everything. We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna find a loophole to make it specific to us. Be a shage, be it a monopoly, right, God, you know, Hey, you cool, don't worry about it. You laying on my property? You skate, You can't. It's not supposed to be like that. If somebody labs on your property, you got the charge, you got a tax.
Yeah, it is what it is. Oh Joe. Now it's time for our last segment of the East.
It's time for Q and Hey, uh, if you have a problem with someone, do you expect your friends not to talk to that person too? Or is it okay for them to be cool with that person. It all depends on who their friend is. Now, you know what I used to be like that?
I did. I used to be like that.
I used to be if I listen, if I was dating someone and we met this, we met these people while we were dating and we broke up.
I broke up with them too.
Absolutely, Oh I ain't. I ain't never.
I ain't.
Never got that serious about it.
Man, I bring up with you, but now I don't. I don't. I don't like Look, there are people like Bucket, don't really know, like Bucket and Burns like we kind of like no god like the same people, so we cool, but oh it buck it burns a Bucket say, hey, man, I don't mess with that.
Dude. Well, you might as well just mark me off the list, too, right.
I ain't No, Yeah, I ain't. I ain't never been like that like that. Yeah, I've never been like that. It's it's too much too much for me to be worried about. There's too much ship that I don't really care about. I don't care whether you like me or not. I don't care whether you hear, whether you stay, whether you go.
I just for for me. I just it's just it's just it's just too much.
Yeah, mm hmm. Bring it up there. But we broke we broke up. Yeah.
Yeah, Like I said, I mean, most of most of my the people that Bucket know that we both know. Like no note because like my friends in Denver, I mean, he's still cool, but he see them it's such and such a Burns the same thing. I mean, so we you know, Burns met Bucket through me. Bucket met Burns through me, so they cool. Hey, right, I wouldn't when Burns would come. I'm like, man, I'm going I'm hey, I'm going home, y'all not finna mess up my house? Right, man, Come on, which one y'all will take my homeboy out?
We got it, man, Sharp don't do nothing no cause sharp y'all because when y'all leave, y'all not finna mess up my house. Got me coming in at one two in the morning when she no, I don't ever come into that time. So the first thing he got intent of going off no no, no, no no, And I got to come in the house stepping on lips down. I'm trying to oh, oh no, that ain't happen. Y'all got them.
Mm hmm. You're not finna mess up my home. But yeah, oh absolutely yeah.
If I met like like I said, I hadn't met anybody in a long time. But but back in before, if I'm me and my person that I'm with, we meet somebody together mm hmm, and we break up.
I broke up with them too.
Oh damn you, petty black Yep. Listen, I remained friends in cordial Cousins, O Joe.
Could guess what when's the last time you talked this?
Horrm obdual Ludjuan Atlanta need to just gamble on Michael Penny's because Cousins is not the dude for the Falcons. He reminds me of Scott Bacula from the Moving Necessary Roughness. I think, listen, and I've said this from the very beginning, O Joe. I believe they ride Cousins because they're still there. Just one game back and they beat Tampa head to head. So it might be a situation where they paid to play Tampa later and it comes down they beat Tampa again, they win the division, right, So I believe that's why they stayed with Cousins. But it's hard for me to see a it's hard for me to see a situation where he's back next year now.
Hell no, definitely, definitely not coming back next year after what we after what he just played, you know, the back the back half of this guy. Damn season, Pennix would be the goddamn start of next year. And the way he's playing. If they do happen, the hypothestics speaking, have to play Tampa again. They ain't beating that motherfucking Baker Mayfield team right the way they're playing. They just hung up forty on I forgot who they hung up forty on charge? Oh man, please forty seventeen at that? Yeah, you ain't beating that Baker Mayfield. No, not this, not this go round.
King Goban said, Uncle Ojo. My bears fired the head coach. Oc still terrible. If they can do it all over again, knowing what they know, now, do you think they keep Justin or just draft a different quarterback? It's all about Look, they draft Justin. I don't think they coached him up properly. He had some flaws, but a every quarterback has some flaws. But if you coach him up properly, you can get get that out of it, and basically you brought a very similar quarterback, very similar style of play. Both athletic quarterbacks make plays outside of the pocket, relying on their legs, and you kind of coach them the same way. You look at Jade Daniels, have Cliff Kingsbury, look at how he looks, and it's hard for you to tell me that mcclaurin and those guys that he has his weapons are any better than what they have in Chicago. When you look at Keenan Allen, you look at a DJ Moore, you look at Kile Comet, It's hard for me.
You can't convince me.
Oh, Joe, I like Terry mccluury, I do, Yeah, I like those guys over at the Commander, but you can't convince me that they're better than the skilled position, are any better than those in Chicago. Right, So coaching has a lot to do with it. I think probably they stayed with ebra Flus a little bit too long. They probably should have went to a more offensive minded head coach. Great offensive coordinator, because you can have a defensive minded head coach, but you have to have an innovative mind as an offensive coordinator.
You see d.
Hugh dan Camp or Dan dan Quinn excuse me in Washington, and he.
Brings in somebody that's very.
Very proficient at dealing with this style of quarterback m he had a Patrick Mahons, he had uh, he had Johnny Manziel. He coached Johnny Manziel at Texas A and M. He had Kyler Murray. He had boom bringing let it work, Boom.
Good red Good resume at quarterbacks.
Yes, uh, Green Green Abby.
MVP of the season is Kirk Cousins agent boy, No, what you mean the season for his career. I don't know what he pays agent, but he shouldn't given ten percent just calling.
Yeah, uncle o Joe.
Whill the Eagles catch the lines for number one seed due to the injuries or where the Bills catch the Chiefs? I think both the truth. I think the Eagles. I think the Eagles catch.
The lives because of the entries and the Bill's definitely catching the Chiefs. Yep, definitely they gonna get home.
Feel advantage, big Hunter said.
My egge broke with me two days ago, and she seemed so cold hearted after she told me I was one of the best things that ever happened to her.
And hurt. How should I move on?
Hey, let me tell you something.
If she talked to you like she's part of HR, it's over, black, It's oh yeah, it's over.
And sometimes you are the best thing that happened to her.
At that time, at that time.
Yes, yes, yes, yeah, I know how you feel. I know you've probably been in that fetal position. No that that don't that shit in no joke, ain't it. I've been that, young fella, I've been there. It's gonna be okay, Yeah, one day at a time, one day at a time.
You're absolutely right. It's tough, bro, It's tough because, like you said, I mean, you guys were together. She told you she was the best You were the best thing that happened to her. You believe that. You had no reason not to believe it. I'm sure y'all did a lot of things together. And you know, sometimes people sometimes and it's easier. I still believe it's easier to grow apart than it able to grow together, because growing together it takes effort.
Growing apart doesn't take nothing, no sleep, It'll take nothing.
Quit And so a part I call I call it quitting.
Quittin ain't ween we aen we we ain't quitting on this end, And I know you're probably watching too.
You mean you ain't no quitter? Is your last name?
Campbell? Pat Dum said unk and old Joe time that was his.
Last name, right, Uh?
Who quit?
I mean you don't get you ain't get that Campbell quit on his team?
No oh yeah, Devandra, yes right, yes, okay, that was a good joke. That's yeah, yeah, yeah, you got you got one.
I appreciate that. I appreciate that.
Uncle o'd show time is flying from cat bombshell to Michelle. It all feels like a long time ago. Have y'all had a chance to stop and smell the roses?
I ain't really had the chop to smell the roses, you know, I smelled the rose.
You know.
That as about it?
As about it, man, kind of like well like when you're in it, when you grind as much as we do.
Yeah, no, I have it.
I said, I was gonna take I want to take some time to like just to look back and see how.
Like twenty four, uh, how great?
Twenty four has been appreciate shaped media and everybody that's involved. But I don't get that luxury because Ash and c J already talking about twenty five, so I don't you know CJ is already like what do you think about these names?
What do you think about these names? Like, we're already like the day.
After Christmas, lining up guests to sit down in the interview so we can start.
Putting things out in early January.
It's I think when it's it's hard when you ended ot yo, because when I look back at it, I didn't I don't really I didn't really get an opportunity to smell the roses in my career until it was done.
And then sometimes I look back and like, damn, I did that.
Wow, you're so caught up in it, trying to be better than you were yesterday, trying to be better than you were last year, that sometimes I believe enjoyment robbed your progress, because what happens is you enjoyed the moment and you're not going forward, so you have to stop to enjoy something, and I just I tend to keep moving.
That's just me. Landy Ray.
Hey, guys, if you had to pick one favorite quote from each other of the show, what would it be? Can you give a teaser for a new quote that we could expect on new merch.
Oh, I got to wait till twenty twenty five from a new quotes. Yeah, I'm not using no more my one of my good quotables in twenty twenty four. Now twenty twenty five is gonna be another slate. You know that I'm telling that I've taken from my grandfather some.
Of the old.
Players, some of the old players I met at the Domino House back at eighty three and eighty five, nineteen eighty three, eighty five. You know some of the things they used to say back then that is still stuck with me today. Based on circumstances scenario, y'all gonna be getting them.
I don't know, I mean ash and justin present like quotes like what do you think about this?
What do you think about that?
And then you know, a lot of time you have to like see it, like I know, I like it, like.
Like okay, I think that. I think that'll be good. I think that'll be good. I don't know.
I mean I've said so many it seeks oh show its sixteen months.
I've got up so many.
Yeah, some good I got Yeah, Hey, I got a whole book of stuff now I got all my I got all my stuff written down.
Uh, I don't know. That's a landy. That's a question for ask.
Uh. Fly Ons twenty five said, uncle, know you're a big fan of both of from playing days and been with Nightcap from day one with love. A birthday shout up for my son Jay and for my son Jay and I on today.
See you guys in New Orleans.
Hey, Jay, appreciate that brou you and your son happy birthday. Hopefully you guys are enjoying it. I don't know what you guys did today, but hopefully it was something fun. Got a chance to hang with family, friends and loved ones. But Bro, I look forward to seeing you guys in New Orleans. Also, he probably been a little bit too young to come, but we looked for it. Oh Jo, and I and the Nightcap team really look forward to seeing you, oh Jo doing the prison workouts camp. And Cam said, I met you at the Marriott Bar Wren Centered when Super Bowl was in Detroit.
You are very formal. Uh, it wasn't you that stole my suitcase? Was it?
Oh Joe, you know how to say please check the tags on your bag. Yeah, I had a too may suitcase. It rolled around and heavy red tag heavy on it. I grab it, go to the room. I don't think nothing about it.
It wasn't even yours.
Oh Joe. I opened the suitcase.
Yeah, I see Kurly and I I see her bonnet, I see heels. I was like, hold on, I said, I know somebody playing the Jokobie. Yeah, I said, I said, ain't no way. I said, well, maybe somebody put their stuff on top of him. Bad lady had my suitcase. I had hers.
Hell, how you got it back?
She ended up on my bags. It's Shelley's name. So Shelley called. She called Shelley. Shelley called me. I then called her and had to get you know, had to catch a cab, bring the bag or bring the bag to her.
And get my bag.
And it was very inconvenience because it was cold and snowing in Detroit and anybody that face it was like two thousand and eight.
Who's who played in the Oh? That was this? Was that the Steeler super Bowl?
Super Bowl?
Was that the Steeler Super Bowl? If I'm not mistake, I think it was Seattle in Pittsburgh. Okay, Yeah, King Jenkins says, okay, you shout out my door. Uh miya and aba is it meya? Maya am I wife, Maya maya maya. Uh sure, King, maya Aba your dad want to say, uh, one of the OO and I in the night Cab crew to shout you out. Hopefully you guys are doing really well. Uh king, Thank you guys, Thank you for the support. We really really appreciate that. It always means a lot when people show up and want to shout out and then, uh, this been following us.
That's been down with us from day one.
So maya ava, here's a shout out from uncin Ojo. This concludes this edition of Nightcap. Thank you for joining us as you watch the Vikings take down the Bears thirty to twelve and you watch Atlanta stay one game back of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the NFC South with a fifteen to nine victory over the Las Vegas Raiders. Thank you for joining us for Nightcap. I am your favorite at Shining Shark. He is Liberty City's own being a Ring of Fame Artery, the pro bowler, the All Pro. That's Chad o Cho Senko Johnson. Please hit that subscribe button. Please hit that like button ten family, friends and loved ones to do likewise and go subscribe to the Nightcap podcast feed wherever you get your podcast from, and we thank you for your continued support. Make sure you check out Shave by Laportier. We have it in stock. The holidays are here and what better way to celebrate them with a bottle of Shade by Laportier. Now, if you cannot find it any city or state near you, go to the site order it. December eighteenth is the cutoff. We can ensure if you order it by the eighteenth, we can get it to you by the thirtieth. That's the cut off, December eighteenth. One more thing, please drake responsibly go following my media company page on all of its platforms. That's Shayshe Media at my clothing company eighty four with eighty four being spelled out. Our news release dropped last month. T shirts and sweats. We also have some fun stocking stuffers, beanie coozies and mugs. Quantities are limited, so please make sure you grab yours wild supplies.
Tickets for the Super Bowl Show in New Orleans, our first Bring Tour stop, are on sale now. The link is pinned at the top of the chat. February to sixth in New Orleans. Be there. We've been nominated show for two sports Podcast Awards, Best American Football Podcast and Best Sports Comedy Podcast.
Again two sports podcast awards.
Night Captain has been nominated for Best American Football Podcast and Best Sports Comedy Podcast. Please make sure you go vote the Lincoln penn at the top of the chat and on all our social pages and our social bidos.
The Bears moved to twelve and two with the win over the Excuse Me. The Vicants moved to twelve and two with the win over the Bears, and the Falcons stayed one game behind of the Bucks in the crowded NFC North with a fifteen to nine victory over Las Vegas.
He's old show. Wow.
Thank y'all tomorrow.
Thank you for joining us.