Shannon Sharpe and Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson react to Jayson Tatum and the Boston Celtics beating the Indiana Pacers in Game 3 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals, Draymond Green's comments on Shaq's podcast and much more!
03:40 - Show Starts
05:37 - Celtics beat Pacers
17:02 - Mavs beat Wolves
37:34 - Draymond NBA Fines
49:56 - Rich Paul and Lebron
(Timestamps may vary based on advertisements.)
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We got we gotta hey, listen, we gotta we have We're gonna have to like just say Chad Johnson, right, because again in public today, I'm tired of people addressing me, addressing me as you do you know, I mean, like I deserve some type of respect. No, just call me Ocho. They don't need to say Ocho Risotto everywhere I go. Okay, gotcha, Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got we gotta fix that. Thank you guys for selling out Shade by Laportier. We're taking pre orders only. We're gonna fill fulfilled the back orders. So thank you guys for your patients and I greatly appreciate that. Please make sure you go follow my media company page on all platforms, shape Shape Media and my clothing company.
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You lost.
They got their plus thirty three from there three point line their plus, they shot what twelve more free throws? They made six more free throws, So that's thirty nine points that.
They're better than you.
Well when you throw in and you got thirteen off their turnovers, so seven, so that's forty that's forty six points that you gave up paces.
So I think it's gonna be a sweet O Joe.
I think this series is over on Monday, and Boston is gonna have a rest for the stated period of time for an opportunity to get Christophe Frazinger's back healthy.
What'd you take from the game tonight, O Joe, I.
Mean, listen, First off, the Pacers love run up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down the court. Yes, they only had five threes a night normally. You know, I forgot, I forgot. You might know the quote a little better than me. You cut their head off a snake, the rest of the body dies. Yes, So I'm thinking, well, they showed other other than that tonight.
No, no Halliburton to night.
But again, everybody else stepped up and played superior ball. They like, like you said, they led most of the game, and the turnovers is what killed them. The turnover man, god, damn nim hard Man was phenomenal. Miles Turnoup was phenomenal. Siakam was phenomenal. The turnovers hurt, Yep, the turnovers hurt.
But it was a good game. I was hoping. I was hoping they could.
They could have held on in one tonight's game. But oft I think the Celtics were a little bit, a little bit, just a little bit too much.
And I mean they're starting five is is better?
Then the Pagers.
Starting five, and with the Athens Tyler Halliburton, Tyrese Halliburton, it makes it that much more difficult. But they played with some hard to night man and showed that they could almost get it done.
But it's just not enough.
I'm sure Pacer fans believe they should be up to one. They were in a very similar situation in game one, had the Game one and they smashed defeat from the jaws of victory. And the nights game, they're up, They're up eight points late in the fourth, they're up as many as eighteen, they're up by it. They're up by eight in the fourth quarter. And the turnovers and the mistakes and the defensive assignments leaving guys, you leave al Horford for a wide open three, the three ball, Yes, he had the three ball going. You can't continuously make those stakes mistakes. It's the mistakes at the most inopportune times, because you can't say all mistakes are not created equal. When you if I turn the ball over in the first quarter, or if I throw a pick in the first quarter, I could that's not the same as a pick to end the game. That's not the same as a pick late in the ball game. That's not the same, even though if it's still an interception and it goes.
On you, it goes on you against you. But they're not the same.
Turnovers, misdefensive assignments, they don't weigh the same. They weigh more according to where we are in the course of the ballgame. And that's when I look at it and watch this game very very closely. That was the difference in the ballgame. Jason Tatum had it going tonight. A He had thirty six twelve or twenty three, five or ten. He didn't shoot the free throws very well. I know he's very disappointed by that, but he had an outstanding game. He was thirty six, ten and eight with a steal and two blocks.
He must have watched the show.
He must he must have watched the show because we just talked about Jason Tatum not showing up and Jayson Brown being the better player throughout not just this series, but the playoffs in general, and all of a sudden, Jason Tatum said hold my beer, yeah, and came out and showed the hell out to night.
J he's gonna have he's gonna have to play like that.
Consistently, especially once you get to this next once you get to this this damn finals.
Yes, Jaylen Brown had twenty four points. He was ten of eighteen, one to five. Derrick White was three of eleven, two of eight, five or six from the free throw line.
Holliday was four of ten.
He didn't shoot the three ball well, he was perfect from the five line, played outstanding defense when he absolutely needed you. Al Horford was the difference in the ball game because time after time he made timely three after timely three, after timely three, he's seven to twelve from the three.
He had twenty three points. Excuse me, and.
Jason Tatum has thirty six, ten and eight, almost the triple double. But the difference in the ball game. And you look at the Pacers bench. You got twenty three from McConnell.
You got it.
You got a dude from us, So you got twenty three, twenty five, twenty seven, you got thirty one points from your bench. You outscored him from a bench points thirty one to four. And that's how PACER's beat you. They're able to bring guys up the bench. I love TJ. McConnell's game boy. He's he's tough, he can make big time shots. He's gonna play outstanding defense. Yes, he's undersize what he lacks and and what your physical traits. He more than makes up with heart and desire and determination. But I thought the Pacers had this game. I thought they could make this a series. I don't think there's anybody out there, with the exception of Boston fans, that don't think the Pacers should be up to.
One right now.
Boston fans like nah, nah blah, you know, but I believe they should be up to one.
And to think the thing is O joe when you look at it.
People are saying Rick Carlisle should have called a time out when they got that rebound. He should have called a time out, But I understand why he didn't because he didn't want Boston to set up their defense. A lot of times, when you call a time out, you're gonna allow team to set a defense.
To you.
Everybody's helped the skelter that you know all over the place. But give Holliday credit. He's a strong guy, and once he feels you can make contact with his little body, he's gonna reach in with the polk and he got it.
He made an outstanding play, and so give him credit for that. I don't have a problem with car not calling a time out. Maybe nim Hard needed to slow it down, but I understand he's like, well, then helped the skepter.
Just first, say that that clock, that clock, that clock running. You know how many times it nim Hard been in that situation where the clock is going down. Normally the ball in that situation would be in someone else's hands.
You hope, you hope we've been in Halliburton's hand. Yeah, but think about it. Nim Hard knows that the clock, he's under the gun from the clock. Yes, who else knows that holiday holiday? He knows he's got to do something suddenly. So now he gets to play like, oh, you got to make a move here, and once you go behind your back, well, I know you want to go in that direction. That's the reason you put the ball behind your back. You no longer want to go in the direction with your left hand. You put it behind your back and try to get to your shooting hand. When he knows that, he reaches in, he gets the poke out and he made an outstanding play.
Like I said, I don't know if the Pacers.
Can play any better than what they played tonight. I don't see it, O Joe, I don't see it. You got four guys with at least twenty plus points. You shoot almost fifty one percent from the floor. The only thing is the three ball is killing you. You're five to twenty two. They're twenty three percent from the three. The Celtics are thirty five percent, but they're sixteen or forty six. So that's the plus thirty three from the three point line and their plus six as far as makes from the free throw line, plus the twenty points that you get plus your minus seven you were down in the points off turnover. I just don't see how they play any better than what they played the night in Joe.
The only thing they can do is get those four individuals that played very well tonight, the keep on keep that same momentum going to the next game and then and then be able to hit the threes and eliminate the turnovers, and then they'll be fine.
Well, Boston says, what happened when we make our threes, we was only thirty five percent. We take more, make more than anybody in the NBA this year. Yeah, it's tough. It's tough you lose Halle, Who's, you know, the heartbeat of your team. He's the guy that gets it all going. He's supposed to calm you down. But we saw what happened to him in Game one because what we lawed him for during the regular season. He had a couple of gaffs in late in Game one that ended up costing them the game. And in this game here, they had a couple of miscues blown defensive assignment turnovers late that ended up costing them the game as well. But give the Celtics credit to credit. The Celtics go on the road in a very hostile environment and find a way to claude a victory one fourteen to one to eleven, and they're one win away from going to the NBA Finals to face the winner of the Mavericks and the Timberwolve series. So give those guys credit. Give Boston credit. There's a reason why they won as many games as they did. There's a reason why they're the No. One overall seed. They have two guys that make the that made the All Star Game. They have a first team All NBA selection and Jason Tatum. Derrek White is an outstanding because they can switch everything they have out. Derek White is an outstanding defensive guard, so is Holiday big Al can play defense. We know JT and and JB can switch everything. So congratulations with them on a very hard for victory. They go up three to ohver a chance to close this thing out on a Memorial Day. Last night, the MAVs in the Wolves, Luca Luca Magic. I keep telling it. I've been telling people I've been I've been helping the Luca. For a minute, the MAVs will became an eighteen point deficit. Lucas steeled the victory with a game winning step back three pointer over the defensive Player of the Year Rudy Gobert. Luca finished the game with another another triple double, another thirty point triple double, also thirty two points, thirteen sists, ten rebounds, Kyrie Irvin twenty point six and sis four rebounds. Kyrie had what fourteen points in the third quarter. Naz Reid, the sixth Man of the Year, led the timber Woods with a career high twenty three points.
Seven and nine for three.
Nobody's don't remember that because he missed the last way and they looked good where I was sitting for where look where I was sitting, O Joe. It looked good again, Anthony Edwards and called Anthony town struggle. They scored thirty six points on thirty three shots. Towns didn't play much in the fourth quarter. He was subbed out and he didn't come back in during that time. Ant Man checked out of the game seven fifty three. He came back with that the five to fifty one mark. He was in the tunnel receiving oxygen.
Yet, yeah, my dog had to get some oxygen. That that's it. He had to get some oxygen.
Well, he said, he wanted Kyrie.
Yeah, and you know what happened when you got to get Kyrie and you got to and you got to lock up and try to play defense on arguably the best one of, if not the best handlers of the ball that has ever played this game. So it's it's been a tall task. It's been a very tall feat for a man. And because he's had the cover Kyrie and his chosen to take on that task, it's affected him offensively on the office the end of the both the end of the game and he twenty two any time, So what did that tell you would it take the cover.
You can't get tired of twenty two? Hello on.
Coby tired at twenty two? Yeah, with Jordans tired of twenty two?
Yep, they called.
For the most part, there was.
There was no Kyrie Irving back then. And that's no disrespect to anybody else.
If they had guys that could go get buckets. Did they have guys that could go get buckets?
See, you can't always you always had that.
Yeah, So you got to try to neutralize him on one end while still giving But see that's what makes the guy's great. Yes, sir, when lebron was in his prime, he could take Kevin Durant, try to hold him under what he would normally get, and while giving you what I normally give you on the other end, And Michael and Kobe and the big guys. When you saw David Robinson have to go up against Eliju Wan Eliju One have to go up against Shaq, Shaq have to go up against other centers, you still got to try to neutralize them. I gotta try to shut you down, keep you under what you normally do, because if you allow God to get what he normally does, you.
Ain't did nothing.
I mean, oh Joe, if you play a DV and they okay, you going to you average, Let's just say, for the sake of argument, you're averaging five six catches a game for like eighty five ninety yards.
He lets you get those numbers, but what the hell have you done?
Your job is to keep Ocho under that eighty five ninety yards. I don't kid up about to catch it. I want you to keep him those the yard. I want you to keep him out of the end zone. So yeah, it's tough. And if you go back and look the last three games at Manhattan, shot the ball, well, why he had to guard Jamal Murray. Take some look out of your legs. You had to guard Kyrie both games. Takes a lot out of your legs. Yeah, And if i'd them, I put him on somebody else that's not going to because I need him on the other end, O Joe, Yeah you do.
I need him on the other.
End, especially when, especially when Cat's not playing well. Cat Cat wasn't playing well. I mean Rudy gold Berg, Rudy Goberg, how he said it last name the right way. I don't want to say Bear Rudy Go Bear, Yes, go Bear. It's not an offensive threat obviously if he if he's under the rim by the rem movies in the post, he is, you know, Jay McDaniels, Yeah, Young Bull only had two points.
Young Bull only had two points.
Man, that bad deal. A wait, Luca, how about the boys you thought you'll give you?
I mean, come on, come on that you know?
So, I mean it's difficult, and I think they need to make some adjustments, some tactical schematical adjustments going to the neck game against the mav because we need ant man to be ant man, and it's hard for a man to be ant man and give us what we want from the offensive standpoint when he's having to chase Kyrie around.
That's that's that's unfair, even if he did call for it. It's unfair.
Yeah, no, they're not.
But see, normally, what your best player does is he take probably the weakest offensive player on the other end. So therefore he can rest. Uh, therefore he can rest and not exert so much energy. I mean, it's it's look, it's a special type of person.
We've seen.
Kobe does it. Kobe wanted that assignment. But if you go back and look at Jordan's when they played Magic in ninety one, Jordan took Magic, Magic had a triple double, and the Lakers won the game, Game Game, Game two through five. The Bulls won the next four games. Scotty Pippin took Magic.
A so so bingo with they're the proof is in the pudding. Get your best player off of Kyrie.
It was it would mainly because of the size differential. Magic is six nine and a half Jordan's six six. So Magic just goes back in Magic post.
Yeah, so Magic just going back it down and then shoot over the top of you. But they put Scotty Pippen on it. Scotty pick him up ninety four feet, Let's try to wear him down. But you look at Kobe. Kobe always want Kobe. Kobe ain't know any better. Kobe always wanted who is it? If you gotta go, if a guard is your best player, Kobe want that assignment. Yeah, I mean Lebron used to have to take you know, you go back to look at Lebron when they played the Bulls the year that the Derrick Rose won the MVP.
Yeah, Lebron took the Rose.
Well, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa what before post before the injury rolls post. Yeah, that explosion Lebron took him. Go back to look at it, Go back and look at the San Antonio Spurs Tony Parker. They lost the first game.
Lebron took Tony Parker for the basically, especially in the fourth quarter.
He locked him down the rest of the game.
Wait, yeah, I want to know what the results of the Lebron and Derek Rose when he was in his prime.
With that one for one.
Yeah, I think they went for one because the bulls that you had the best, had the best record, right, and still you have to, like I said, when you're the offensive guy, you try to like see like Bird. They was like, Okay, Bird, we're gonna give you the worst defensive guy because we need your offense.
It don't do me no good. You shut that guy down and Bird give you eight points. Bird need to give you them twenty five, ten and ten. That's what he needs to do. Your offensive guys who you're counting on because you going to the game.
I'm looking at.
Okay, I need JT to give me his average. I need Jaylen Brown to give me his average. I need Derek White to give me his average. That Derek White knows that summertime, his offense is gonna suffer because he has to guard Tyree's Halliburton. He has to guard one of the better players on the offensive end, especially when it's a guard. So he understands that that's why you have JT. That's why you have JB that can pick up the slack. But when you have guys, if Cad is not picking up the slack where you get it, you can't count. I ain't count, no Roody go better. Ever give me twenty points in the playoffs. So I'd be foolish to think that. So you're saying, Cat, you're saying and if you take Kyrie and you can somewhat neutralize him, we know that's gonna take some sap out of your legs. A cat, I need you to give me begiving me about thirty. Yeah, that's what and that's what it comes down to. And see, that's what makes them so unique is that you got Luca and you got Kyrie and you see what they did. Oh the last two shots, Kyrie hit a corner three, the made of the two point game. They get a rebound, they call the time out and now Lucas says, may I have this dance?
Mister listen, I'm tripping.
Why would Rudy Gobert even be out there, be out there in a situation like that.
I know, I know, I know.
It's a defensive player of the year now, the defensive player of the year. He's great at being in being when he's down.
Here by the three.
They need somebody with a little bit better lateral movement and quickness.
That should have been Cat.
I'm not saying he wouldn't have done Cat like that, because Luke will probably do ninety eight percent of the NBA players like that. Yes, whoever bringing out there, you know, out there by the three, but just someone that would give him a better chance one Once he created that separation with that step.
Back, yeah, it was it was.
It was a wrap. It was a rap.
They're down two points. Why do you care if Luca gets the way up Now we're tired and we get.
The ball back. Yeah, and then now you got the last shot.
So if anything, I'm overtime exactly, I would apply for a sure.
Don't even worry about the three. Don't even worry about don't even.
Worry about the three pressing pressing, either make him lets you know, in that.
Situation, I'm gonna get the ball out of his hand.
The getting ready to say that. Let somebody else beat you in that situation.
Other than Kyrie, other than Luca, are not shooting that last shot.
If PJ.
Washington want to take that shot, If Derrick Jones want to take that shot, that's anybody. If anybody else wants to take that last shot, I'm gonna live with that. But Kyrie and Luca, I'm gonna blitz Kyrie. Excuse me, I'm gonna blitz Luka. I'm gona trapped. I gotta make him give it up.
So so can we blame the coach on that?
As soon as the pick, as soon as the pick happened, soon as they did the pick and the switch happened, and god damn, Rudy, we ended up on Luca. Somebody else should have trapped right away, right away, so that the coach's fault.
That's why the Wolves lost. That's that's why I'm blaming you. Gotta say je no under no circumstan answers?
Are you? Are you giving up on it? Don't switch it? Oh? Don't no? Hell now don't switch it because.
Because here's the thing though, O yo, once you switch it, not Rudy Goberts on lucer. So you tell him don't switch. No, And then he thinks, say, hey, when they come with that, let's bless him. Let's trap him. You come with the jade, We're gonna trap him. We're gonna make him give the ball up.
Damn man.
And then I'm trying to figure out why the hell Rudy gobars on the court for the last shot?
What the hell he gonna do? You're not gonna throw it to it? It is only three SIPs.
Why was Kat on the bench help me understand?
I asked that, I'm sure he's not.
I think he'd have been he'd have been happy had they won, even though it's difficult because it's like I'm one of their best I'm one of the two best players on the team of that period, and I'm not in the game in the fourth quarter because I think he checked out with eight forty to go in the game, and he didn't check back in even on the last shot.
Whose decision is that is that the coaches that him? Is there an injury that we don't know about?
No, it's not an injury. But I think the thing is is that nas Read that checked in. If I'm not mistaken, I think nas Read checked in for it. And when in the process of that, Nas was playing well, So I can't sub him back out, and you want to keep Rudy on the court for defensive purposes. So now and we're and and it's niptuck ball game, and so I can see, I see both sides of the coin.
I got it, I got it now, I got it.
Stick with the hot hand, stick with hot hell nots ended up with twenty three points. Yeah, he had a great look at that three, I think. I mean, from where I was sitting, I'm like, dangn Derek Jones, what are you thinking? Why are you coming? Why would you come?
Why would you come to double ant ant struggling shooting the ball right? And give them naz Reid, who's stroked it from the three, a wide open look at it. He did everything but put it down because it looked good.
And you see that one.
Yeah when right when right In came back at But.
Yeah, it's uh, it's tough.
It's tough on Rudy because when people look at the defensive player of the year. They're like, well, damn, why everybody don't want to get to switch on you? Why everybody want to pick on you? Because he's a rim protector. He's not a perimeter defender. And he does I mean, bro, how much lateral quickness you think you're gonna have at seven foot seven foot?
Not not much unless you women Yama, yes, and.
So when you look at it, and you look at it and that and that, like, he's not like an athletic achem olaija Wan.
He's not an athletic David Robinson.
Guys that had great lateral movement had tremendous change the record. But I'm not so sure. But when Lucas start dancing like that, you had his mercy, you hope. You're like, Lord, please don't let them let this ball go in, please, because you're gonna get the shot off. Oh yeah, you not stopping it unless you understand, because but you're not thinking in that moment.
Hell, I don't care if he beat me to the basket.
Now we're tied. The only way I can lose this game is if I let Luca hit a three. That's the only way we can lose. We can't lose this game in regulation if Luca lays this ball up and he hits the two point shot, because we two and we got what three seconds left in the ball game, and we got the ball at our end of the court because we called time out.
The only way we lose if I let him get off for three.
So once Luca starts dancing and I got him out of position, now it's just all de pins.
Well, if I got a fish.
The one thing, oh Joe, you don't say you don't like to fish, but the one thing of fishman knows, once we get a bigger one on the line, we can't let him off.
We got to bring him. We got to bring him in.
So once you get the fish, I got to take it to the market or else what how many time you hurt? Somebody say, man, I had one to day, but that joker got back. Lucas said, I can't let you get back, Rudy. So he started dancing on there. I'm going, oh no, I'm forget. Oh you're right there, we're here.
Take this with you.
Hold that hit it too.
That's the thing. Once once you get the big one, o Joe, you gotta keep it. You can't give it.
You can't hold it too tight because you can't give it too much because you'll spin you out.
Hey I got a big one. I got a big one. Holy holy right there, don't let it go.
Man, that's crazy.
Man, I'm I'm I'm mad because listen, I with confidence. Listen, I said, with confidence before this series even started. Oh man, the Wolves got this. I said, the Wolves got this. Say and ain't nowhere in hell and losing this series? You know, I'm thinking ship, I got the Wolves in the fires.
I said it got there, I said, I said, I said that. I said the Wolves in seven and right now we're down.
Oh too?
Oh two?
And wait what the next game?
What the next game at in Dallas? Next to in Dallas? Oh?
Hell no?
And oh Joe.
That concern me most is that those two guards where man, I said, bro, ain't nobody stopping Luca.
Luca led the league in scoring. You don't, You're not just hope Luca missed.
He gonna get whatever shot he wants, whenever he wants, unless you take the ball out of his hands. If you trap him, you'll give it up. You'll make the right play. But if you let him play one on one. He gonna cook your ass. Kyrie is another one. You let Kyrie play one on one. Okay, he too good, He too good. That gods are too good. And now you see Gaffred flying unbelievable. Derrick Lively the second, flying unbelievable. PJ is knocking down timely threes. Broy I watching Dallas. The best move with Niko Harris when he traded for Daniel Gaffert, when he got PJ.
Now that made him a big, formable team. They can play defense. They'll challenge you at the rim. Look, Luca and Kyrie are not really known as defenders, but they're trying their asses off now. And you can tell it's close to the NBA Finals and they can taste it. We're two games away. Those guys are digging in now, they're digging it.
Ain't no you know.
Luca normally, if you get ahead of him, Luca just let you go ahead. Lucasa Area. Yeah, he's never gonna be no great on ball defender, right his his his defense is busting your ass on the other end on the offensive meeting, that's his defense. He tie you out so you won't be able to do anything against him. When his turn to guard you. But Minnesota got that work cut out for because, unlike a Denver that relied so much on Jokic when Murray struggled, they still got Kyrie right. And Kyrie, if any point in time, can go nuclear. He can go get your twenty points in a quarter, he can go get your forty.
And he pick and choose when he wanted to turn it on. That's the crazy thing about it.
Him and Luca took the game over in the fourth quarter. They took it over. They're more than cable of doing that. They got two outstanding ball handlers. Yeah on the court. Uh, if one of them goes out book, so either guy can handle the ball. Kyrie has been amazing. Luca Lucas Luca. I mean, what do you say? He's Luca. Yeah, he's been in the league six years. He's the first Team. He's a five time All NBA selection, So I don't really know what else to say about it. He's gotten five All Star Game, five First Team All the NBA selections, So I don't really know what else you can you want me to say about it.
Yeah, everybody knows what he is.
That's crazy, and he a.
He said I might have something to say about that face of the NBA. Let me get this title.
I don't know about that. He don't have that personality. You don't have that personality or that charisma that or a man got it.
That's why you know what. Matter of fact, I'm doubling it down. Man, Wool's coming back. Wool's coming back.
We're gonna win.
We're gonna win. We're gonna win two in Dallas. Then we're coming back home and we're gonna we're gonna steal. We're gonna steal the show. Okay, we're gonna steal a show.
And I know you're gonna see this. I know you're gonna see this. Let's go, let's go.
All right, Uh, Boston's up three to oh, Dallas up two? Oh, going home. We'll see tomorrow. Can they make it three? Oh? All right?
Oh Joe, It's time for our first segment of the night. It's called a news cap, news.
Cap Ooh hey, hey, hey, Draymond Green, thanks the NBA fine system keeps Flayers from being wealthy after their careers.
Draymond on Jameson Green on The Shack Podcast, The Big Podcast, The Fines to Me, don't make sense when you talk about hard, how hard as we work to accumulate wealth coming from situations most people never make it out of and then you get fined the way we get fined, it's actually not set up for us to be wealthy after we're done playing. If if I do something wrong, I lose one hundred thousand man and it takes my mom four years what I was growing up to make for one hundred thousand. And if I lose that in the night because of what Roughree got mad at me or he didn't like what I said. So if I lose so I lose five thousand. Like that on a tech Draymond's text and fives have run around nine hundred thousand dollars. Suspension have cost them three million dollars, and Draymond has made one hundred and fifty three million in his career, so that's around four percent of his career post tax earnings that have gone to the league.
I like what he's talking about. I like what you talking about. I like the message is just the wrong messager. Yeah, I love the message and just the wrong message. And the fact and the fact of the matter is the fine system and the structure that they have with the fines.
That's not what make it go broke.
It's the lifestyle that the athletes are living outside of the game of basketball. Yeah, the multiple cars, the multiple houses, the jewelry, the clothes obviously, now you know everybody's is a is our fashion e stuff. Yeah, we're not gonna talk about it, and we going talk about the multiple women. You know, and y'all don't deal with just anybody. Y'all deal with the cream of the crop, the cream of the crop. That they're only dealing with you because you got money anyway, and you got to understand that you sit in them twenty thirty thousand, You buy them houses, you buy them cars.
Yeah huh.
Back in the day, you get the nails done, you get the hair, you got no tail, the nose, the big nails in the hair, you get that done.
You were straight not but listen, not not what the.
Basketball players black.
But they are dealing with the finest of the finest, and they they deal with multiple of them at once. And that in this set, that in itself is an excessive bill to deal with your finess. That there are you already notice you ever scroll through Instagram and see all these fine.
Women always drape, always dressed and dressed.
To they got working bags, they got dag wagon and it ain't.
It ain't a dude in sight? Do you think do you think supplying don't get.
Me started a business the street?
Yeah, there's only a certain there's only a select fuel on this planet.
That can maintain that, which one of the reasons why ninety as well when they're done playing, go broke as well. Yeah, And I said with Drake Monne, you're gonna say now what NBA players need to do? You want to learn how to say your money? You want to set yourself up? List is the NBA. They don't need to setting thate up you guys. So you're wealthy after them playing, come on and.
Let your boy. I got I gotta.
I got a five year plan that will gets you right. I got a ten year plan that gets you right. And I'll tell you what to do with your money after football. How about this here, I mean basketball basketball? I'm sorry, how about this here?
How about start stop kicking people in the private how about start to stop choking people? How about how about how about how about stop punching your teammates?
What about about d o forget about that.
I thought that's what we were talking about.
Yeah, I was talking about the fine stuff and and them not the NBA not having stuff set up for the players to have money at the end. Well, listen, getting fine is one thing that is I've said it all the time. NFL has fines, the NBA has fines. To me, finding you, finding you is the whip you get. You get what I'm going with this, Yes, Okay, how do we keep these motherfuckers in line? You take their money, because how you keep them aligned? You take what they think they value most. Well, you got if you know, if you don't value the money you play for the love of the game, you're gonna continue to do what you always do.
And you think.
I think Drakemond is one of those individuals. He's gonna always stay true to himself. And I think if you take away that edge that he has, that dinn't that Dennis Rodman like type. Not for Sanni, He's not that, he's not that extreme with it. But if you take away that edge that he has, I think it changes him as a player.
Does that make sense? You understand what I'm saying.
Oh Joe, you got to have rules and regulations.
There's a reason why we have speed limits.
My grandfast always say, boy, giving a choice to do right or wrong, and there's no one there to hold you accountable for the wrong. More time than not people would do wrong. And I'm not just talking about the malicious and the Mallard things. So if there were no rules in the NBA, how hard would you think somebody would file? What do you think people would do?
You've got to have rules.
Yeah, it's just like the NFL. If the NFL didn't have a dress code. I guarantee you y'all come out there with your shirt cut off.
Pretty soon. Guy will be calling door dashing, ordering food on the sideline.
You know that.
I know that.
That's how we are. And you're gonna come out there like an all tournament team. One guy have on you have on the home jersey. The other he was gonna come out there with the business jersey.
We've got to have rules, right right? Yeah?
So what we're gonna do about Dmon? Draymond going upside Nurkice's head? So what we're gonna do about that? So so Adam spilt Silba was supposed to say, you know what, back in the eighties, they played like that. It's not the eighties, right, I understand. We saw all the big hits. I played in the era where the big hit was applauded. They had they put out at the end of the year, they put out. They used to have what was called VA Chances, and then they had DVD's and which you could buy big hits.
Jack up. You can't play like that anymore.
Yeah, you're right, You're right. So if you don't want all I had to do, if I didn't want them to take my five thousand dollars, all I had to do was chuck my jersey in. All I had to do was pull my socks up. You're right, I can't get mad because I'm and I get it.
It's it. I'm I've said the same thing. What does my socks have to do with anything?
Comission nothing, I said one of my jersey, I said, I'm playing the game, so you won't me.
I get tackled.
So instead of me focused on the game, all right, I gotta make the next play what it was gonna call you.
Won't be reached down, pulled my socks up, took my jersey back.
Come home, And now you see why ain't following them damn rules. Now you see why sometime you know what I was about fashion. I'm not about fashion in the street, but when it came to the football togue, I'm trying to look good. Why do you think I had an orange chin strap? Why I think sometimes I had a black chin strap. All I'm gonna take that fine every time. I'm gonna take it every time. And I kept doing it to let them know. Listen, I play this game like a little kid because I love it. When I played it in high school, when I played in the Little League, I wasn't making no money. The fact that you're paying the means of dollars to play a child's game doesn't mean I'm going to change because you have rules set in place that make no sense when I'm hurting nobody and there's no malice in tent behind it outside of a fashion statement, right celebrating I saw vision. I saw the vision years ago. I understood the entertainment value of it. I was the villain all the celebrating that you were finding me for now It's okay, Now, it's welcome.
Now somebody all of a sudden, oh, now they're in the NFL. League office. Now they get it.
Matter of fact, I need to file agreements for all my damn fine money back every section that I had.
Well, I tell you what, you let me know if you get it back, because I damn you're gonna be right behind you the fire face work and get all my for my head socks and my jersey being out. But I just say this thing on choses like, look, we know this. If you do not set rules and regulations, it's just like just like work. If you don't have a dress code at work, mad Joe come up there with short, short song. Somebody gonna come up there with some teams and the working. That's why, Hey, what's the dress code. We'll establish the dress code and then we work it a quarteringly because if you don't look, I remember now look at the way they go to church. Now you know that that God said anyway, man, come on now depend on what church you go to. But it's the fashion show. Bron Man coming up there with leg is a cup on now because there God they't trying to see that.
But I am.
Come on, wait, come on, come on, But I but I get it. But Draymond, look I understand, Draymond. I mean some sometimes I think Draymond thinks they're picking on him. But Draymon Hunt, look at what you're doing, bro, Yeah, look at what you're doing. You can't keep kicking people, hitting people, and then when they find you're talking about well, they're not setting me up. No, you're not setting in yourself up because if you didn't do it, if you didn't do those things.
Yeah, Draymond is then forcer man like that, like on the hockey team. Yeah, Raymond nforcer.
But but here's the thing though, the NBA don't need to enforce it right now because if you're enforce it, they gonna take three million dollars. The suspensions of costing three million dollars.
Yeah, you know you're gonna make it back up, So I get it.
I'll get it. It's frustrated, brother. You know made one hundred and fifty three million. Say guess what, you know what, I ain't finna get the NBA no more of my money. Mm hm, Hey ride it out. You got probably five another five years, make you another one hundred plus million dollars. Get get get as close as you can to three hundred million. Sell off in the sunset. Go sit at the desk at well, I don't know. I think NBC has it now if Charles gonna keep uh the TNT together, if you go keep that together. But y'all you work great there. I mean, you're unbelievable. I mean he's great at it job. I mean he's great at it. Oh yeah, but you can't. You can't have that kind of behavior. And then when you get fired till about well, they trying to not they don't. They try to let me be wealthy after I'm done. No, after you've done is why you're playing. Yeah, that's why you play it. That's how you set yourself up for while you're done.
So I got I understand, But I, like you said, Dreymond might be the wrong message to deliver this message. Rich Faull says the focus should be on a d not Lebron at this point, and a Friday interview with Chris Haynes, rich said Lebron has not involved himself in the team's ongoing search for a new head coach. He added, in his opinion, the lakership folk should probably most for excuse me, probably more focused on Anthony Davis than Lebron at this point.
Do you agree.
I mean, yeah, most, definitely most.
David Lebron said it last year before the season started out of his own mouth, this is eighties team. Lebron is older now, even though he's still a fish and all that he does offensively and defensively for the Lakers, But it's eighty team. So from this point on, Lakers front office GM, mister Buss, mister Plinka should focus on eighty being the focal point. Right.
That's that's That's pretty much it.
I'm not sure if I'm not sure if Lebron is going to be there, obviously he ain't going nowhere, you don't think so? Hell no, who built one hundred million dollar house? And then lead if you build a twenty million dollar in Miami, where you moving to Oojoe? He building one hundred million dollar house?
I have a question, Sure, I have a question. He's building a one hundred million dollar house right in La Yeah. But when it comes to someone like that with that kind of money, that don't really mean nothing. Honestly, I'm just saying. I mean, we talk we talk about Lebron, We talked about Lebron James. Now if my cheap ass is building one hundred million dollars anything. I'm for the uproot, not chance star. That's exactly where I'm going.
A hundred million nothing. Me and you together can't build a hundred million dollar nothing.
Hey, well you're right by that. But I'm just hypothetically speaking as if we had that, if we had that kind of money.
We do ten percent. We could do ten percent of that on Joe. But we can't do the whole thing.
No, no, no, we can't do the whole thing. Listen show show came.
I don't even know.
For me now, I probably like if I had like good money, I probably spen. I've probably been fifteen twenty if I had a couple of hundred million dollars, yeah, yeah, yeah.
If I got a couple of.
Hundred million dollars, three four hundred million dollars, yeah yeah, I'll bout twenty million dollar house.
But I mean about one hundred million dollar house. You gotta have a billion a billion or something.
Yeah, you got to be making then.
You gotta know you got twenty thirty million coming in every year. Yeah, just definitely.
And that's what I tell people what the upkeep and the taxes is on something like that. It's hold on especially in La of all places.
Yeah, if you notice a lot of people, a lot of people that have a lot of money, yea, they live in Florida, they have Vegas, they have they have they have places that have no or low state tax They spend half of the time where there's not a whole lot of taxes because you figure you're making you know, you make that kind of money. Because I saw somebody they put up with a Jalen Bronson makes and what and what by the time you pay you know, federal and state and bika and muta all the taxes. Man, they take over half, they take fourteen million, it's twenty six God damn, that's what I said. I don't mind paying my fair share, but damn I'm paying somebody else fair share.
That's what I be thinking. I'd be like, oh way, whoa.
Hey, fourteen fourteen fourteen of the time. Well listen, And that's that's another thing. I don't mean to jump the piggyback back back on what what Dreymal was talking about. But you know the numbers that go across that ticke at the bottom. Boy, it's different now that shit go fast.
Now, well, you automatically whatever you see take fifty percent off that, yeah, right away, Okay, fifty percent off that. Okay, your agency that's another that's another five percent, three three orty five. Now if you're in Hollywood, they take ten to twenty percent. So now a twenty million dollars is down to ten. They used to get that cut that's probably one to two. So now you're down to eight eight. Well, if you if youre in Hollywood, you live in a sta you live in a life. Now you ain't living in no one bedroom.
You know, you want to go.
Three thousands of money anyway, anything that forty five ten thousan fifteen twenty thousand dollars a month, you probably spentded.
Some good money. You don't take money long to go. No, it goes don't take money long to go.
It cay go, it goes fast.
Yeah yeah, yeah, And I'm just to the point now, oh Joe, I said, you know what, And I was just I just had a meeting with my financial guy. He's like channing you at the point. Now you probably should enjoy yourself a little more. It's like if you see something, you're like get it. Yeah, he said, you know, I'll you know, keep like I don't think that's a good purchase. But at what point in time do you stop doing for everybody else and do one thing for yourself? Come on, non, My thing is I love like being able to do things for my brother, for my sister, to go get them a car, or to have my sister like, okay, you take care of I just what I need you to do. You're gonna make this amount? Hey, I got to go out of town. I need you to come wash the dog for two weeks. My kids to be able to help, to be able to help them, but they do a great job. I can honestly say my kids, they don't really bother me about money because they already know. Oh yoke, I told them I'm last option, I'm not first choice. They've done a great job.
So I know when they call, Oh it's serious, but I already know. I know how the conversation go. Hey Dad, what's up. Yeah, I'm good. What's going on? No, I just called to see how you was doing. I'm good. And normally when they really want to do something, they FaceTime.
They always did. Normally my kids don't FaceTime. My daughter she's always facetiming. But the other two if they need something. Hey dad, how you do it? I'm good man good. Yeah, yeah, I watched I watched the pod that was that was a good one that I like that. Okay, bro, stop shorting talking to me. Man, what you need? How much you need? I know it's something you need something I go to the same way. So I already know, oh Joe, But but that's my thing. I love working and helping other people because even that helped me. You know, my mom take care of my mom. I'm able to take care of my mom. My brother and sister, like I said, they kind of like raised me because you know, my grandfather and my grandfather. My grandfather was like had gotten up and he wasn't really old but had had a heart attack. It had a stroke, so he wasn't the same. And then once my grandfather died, you know, so my brother and sister kind of raised me. Yeah, and so me, that's that's my thing. And I look at what how God has blessed me.
So I'm just like man. But but I don't really want anything, Oh Joe, I don't well, you know you know what I mean.
I think about my situation. I like, obviously I like working, but I don't even call it work.
But the thing I got.
Listen, I got thirty eight jobs, well, thirty nine and I got thirty nine and none of it feels like work because it's all things that I enjoy doing. It's all things that I enjoy doing. And again, I never buy nothing for myself either. I'm always about blessed, going to restaurants, tipping, making sure rail is good, making sure my kids are good those I have kids from, making sure they're good.
That's it. My mama and my girma gone. Huh. I have I have, No, That's all I have.
I have nothing else to live for outside of obviously my kids, the missus, and making sure those I have kids from a good as well.
Outside of that, what am I doing? What am I? What? Am What? Am I going? Buying high end ship for?
Am I driving a guy damn ferrari me for what?
I'm done, I'm done with.
I'm on cruise control. I want Yeah, Oh I'm I'm on cruise control right now.
So I'm dude.
I just I just I just want to keep I just want to keep having fun. I'm going to keep working doing stuff here and there that I enjoy doing.
Well, I can. I can't sleep because somebody be calling me cool. You're laughing in the background. Ash, but yeah, I have an idea. We were uh and she like, you know what?
I say, No, I don't want to know because you got another idea. You got another idea? Yeah. Uh, but that's that's me, Oh Joe, I do. I mean. I love that.
I love being able to tell my brother and he's like, man, hey, bro, you've been so good to me. I'm good, Bro. No, you're gonna go get this. I've already told her. I've already called the people. Shell is already taken care of it. Go there, drop your truck off, get whatever you want on the lot, and drive it home.
That's what I'm talking about.
Get whatever you want.
But you know what I'm saying this like and my sister, My sister is nothing, you know, because I've always like you know, like I said, my brother doesn't work anymore. So I took over all the responsibility. I say, whatever Bill that comes to that house, don't call him and bother him. He got other stuff to worry about. And so same thing with my sister. My mom a whatever she needs, don't she my mom everybody. They don't really call. Well, my brother called me if he needs something, but most of the time they go through the kids normally called Shelley first. But I soa, I know if they call me, I know they kind of like really need it, because they gonna call her for you know, little stuff twenty five hundred five thousand, they'll call her for that. If they call me, I already know it's gonna hurt. I already know it's gonna hurt. Yeah, it's gonna be like I'm like, whoa, whoa what we need that?
Yeah, I'm like, whoa, damn, y'all might need to stuf come start working with me till about Daddy hired us.
Oh hell now, y'all ain't been to work for me.
Listen, I ain't. I ain't listen. You know, I got I got, I got a I got a camp for of them. I ain't named for that. That ain't no serve twenty five five thousand whole American dollars.
Yeah, already, like I said, already know when they when they really when they call me, yeah, I already know it's gonna hurt a little bit.
Yeah. So but that at this point in time on Joy.
It used to be like at this like like what, I don't really buy anything, And so I said, let you know what, I'm saving all this money, and I do save. I save a lot of my money. Yeah, it's gonna go to them anyway, and they not gonna be They're probably not gonna be as meticulous as I am. I'm trying to set up about three generations. I tell them I got three generations. I got, y'all, I got the grandkids. If I'm fortunate enough to be around my grandson kid. Yeah, after that, y'all got it. Now, y'all go blord if you want to and go back to where you were. But yeah, that's on y'all, because you know, tough times make tough men. Tough men create easy times. Easy time create weak people. Yeah, yeah, my kids.
Won't be what I was because the times were was complete different.
Completely, So private school and indoor plumbing and and everything taking care of.
You know, you have people coming in and cooking for you.
You go into the best restaurants, you know, you ordered you know, thirty and forty dollars stakes and you're ten eleven years old. It's different than when I came up, so I viewed things through a different prism than what they do. But I just hope they appreciate it once I'm gone. I mean, it's hard to appreciate something like when it's here, But I just hope when I'm gone, they appreciate what was what I did and how I tried to set them up so they can pass it on down the line, because I don't want I don't ever want my family that sharp name to ever be what it was was. That's my whole goal is that like set them up, and hopefully they appreciate that, and they set their kids up and the other kids and so forth and so on.
So that's my goal. I like it.
During last night's multicast, he mistakes who said Rich Fauls said, Lebron James with the declinest player option and become a free agent, which is no surprise.
Because he wants to keep the pressure on him.
He wants them to know, uh, he wants them to know that, hey, I got options, so don't don't get don't get carried away. That's why he normally signs two years plus an option because he's always gonna give himself an out. He always wants to keep the organization feet to the fire as far as are you doing everything you possibly can in the win a championship, because you know, if you're not, I'm gonna go somewhere where they are.
Oh that's a good one. That's tough. Listen.
Every everything Lebron and his team have done has always been strategic. There was always a method behind their madness, which which is why they're so successful, not only on the court but off the court.
So exactly what they're doing, I have no idea.
You know, you know they I'm not sure who with the brains behind Well, who's the massive mind behind everything that they've done to this point.
I'm the lakers of Lebron, the Lebron Oh well you know, well Maverick Maverick have those TV and the movie aspect of it.
Randy is the chief of staff.
Anything that moves, yeah, cars, flights, going, hotels, he handles all that.
And then Rich is the the the on field, the on court. So he's out here Lebron is surrounded by a great team. Maverick does what he does, Randy does what he does, Rich does what he does. Savannah does what he does, which allows him to mind his mind, to stay free and just play basketball.
And it's like nobody really knows what's gonna happen because unless Lebron says it, Risk can come out and talk.
Rich can come out and say things.
He can He can say certain things to put pressure on the Lakers to make them think he's going to leave or make them think he's want to do something. Obviously this tactic to put pressure on him and bringing another piece in which is with that, which is what I think they would need.
But yeah, uh right, Uh Man, I was on the plane. I was just on the plane.
Uh Friday, Rich Paul their joking comfort plus man about man Ay, I wear one hundred.
And forty five pounds. I don't need big old comfort seat. Say, man, you'll get.
Your ass out of that little land seat anybody window, I said, Rich, you could need to stop being cheap.
Yeah, there you go.
Donald, I like, I don't like why I need to out.
Yeah, because you want to sleep your head against the window, that layer your head on somebody's shoulder.
You'll get your damn head off each sleep it.
See, that's what happened when you find that somebody probably be sitting sleeping with their head on your shoulder.
Mm hmm, no mind fall over.
No, I told you I always get the same seat every time. I never have any issues.
Is their feet next to you? Yeah?
Yes, yeah, but the person next to me doesn't bother me. Yes, no, they don't sleep on my shoulder. Because if people that fly with me when I do fly spirit I see, I'm always in the same seat. See thirteen A or thirteen E. I talked the whole flight, so I've tweeted multiple times. I get upset when people get in the flight with me and put their fucking headphones on. If you do get on a flight next to me and you sit next to me, do not put your headphones on and be rude. I like to talk, so the flights that I do take, I paid the back and relax and be comfortable. No no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not happening.
If I have sat next to you on a flight, I'm gonna talk your head off though.
Matter of fact, you ain't gonna talk to me.
Hey, when we go to the South of France, I'm flaying with you. You're gonna talk. We're gonna talk the whole six seven hours.
It's longer than six or seven hours. But you ain't gonna be sitting next to me.
Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.
I'm talking to the whole You got real, talk to real. Don't your real love be talking?
No, no, no, no no, because I'm gonna be s I gotta I gotta deal her every day in this house.
I gotta, I gotta busy schedule, so I'm gonna get my sleep on the way over there.
No, we're gonna talk. We're gonna converse about you about what the schedule. We're gonna talk about nightcap. We're gonna we're gonna be gon on what we're gonna talk about.
I'll make sure Ash have you on a tender skipping the doug. You'll can go, you go.
I know I want no, I want to engage. I want I want authentic. I wan't want you to run down the.
Unfortunate able to do that. Okay, thank you. I'm glad you understand the volume.