
Best of Nightcap - Best of WNBA special guests feat. Monica McNutt & Chiney Ogwumike

Published Jul 21, 2024, 12:59 AM

It was a big year for the WNBA with the introduction of Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese, and it was a big year for Shannon Sharpe and Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson’s emerging women’s basketball fandom. Check out Nightcap’s special guest appearances from some of the big names from the WNBA world, including Monica McNutt joining fresh off of a viral First Take debate with Shannon and Stephen A. Smith, WNBA analyst Chiney Ogwumike, and Dallas Wings star Arike Ogunbowale.

00:00 - Introduction
03:37 - Monica McNutt
44:02 - Chiney Ogwumike
1:05:57 - Arike Ogunbowale

(Timestamps may vary based on advertisements.)
#Volume #Club

The volume.

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Before y'all go being at y'all have a better knowledge of the game of basketball, whether it be NBA or w NBA. As someone on the outside looking in that was able to watch y'all this morning, I want to tell you that was peak elite sports journalism as far as conversation is concerned. There's got to be so many different opinions. Where the wrong, where the right? Monica, I didn't know you could cook. I ain't know you was a chef because honey, you was cooking the start and you hear me you was cooking. You had your points, but the passion, the passion and authenticity. Monica that you spoke with today, Well, I'm talking about man, bruh. I was on the edge of my seat. You had, you made your points and then Monica, you and Stephen they going back and forth and I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, like, man, what is going on?

That was Listen.

That was peak elite. I'm talking about elite television. So anytime that's any any type of NBA topics, w NBA topics, if the execs at the ESPO knew what they were doing, they need to make sure they had that same that same trio and all along with Molly because that that was great.

That was fabulous.

I'm just saying, like, I'm not saying it because you on the goddamn show tonight, because you see I'm cursing that ship was That ship was fucking fabulous.

That was That was all TV. What if thing is that?

Oh show that when you just do television and Monica attested this, you never know what you're gonna get because you have so many you have sometimes two, three, maybe even four people and it's an opinion based show. Yeah, Monica had her opinion, I had mine, Steve, and they had had his and so Monica says, a topic like this deserves a more nuanced conversation that we don't have to worry about getting into a break. So if Monica needs to talk fifteen minutes straight, we can allow Monica to do that. Monica, the topic came up basically, it's Caitlin Clark is the NBA? Are some of the players in the w NBA have a person of vendetta? Are the envious? Are they jealous? Are they is their resentment? I think the term resentment show show his head up into the conversation. So I want to turn the floor over to you. What point do you want to reiterate? What point do you didn't get an opportunity to make that you would like to make? Now the floor is yours.

Well, so I'm.

Gonna take y'all. Two things happened to me. I actually went to the game on Friday, and this episode sort of speaks to the growth of the game. My fiance and I we just take the train home because it's easiest for in New York. And there are a couple of white boys. One of them went to Auburn, his brother went to University Missouri. His girlfriend was with them, another young white man. They're playing their late twenties when I might have been in the early twenties. And it was a black woman that clearly just left the Liberty game that sat across from them, and they just spark up, y'all, this spontaneous conversation about women's basketball. And yes, it was about this particular play, and it was a little bit about this guy Angel and it was Kaitlyn, and it was about the Liberty And I'm looking at my fiance like this is crazy, Like we're just on a train, and folks that you might think are watching the WNBA pop into this conversation and they had both engaged and they started talking about Auburn and the Tuskegeeon. I was peak ear hustling for the record, but they was loud. But I say that to say and Shannon, I get that we are at a special place when it comes to women's basketball and the growth of the game and all of the eyeballs. I think what I was frustrated by in our conversation earlier is that we can hold more than one truth, y'all. Like the idea of some players being jealous, yes, step that probably exists, but I think in Caitlyn's debut since or since she has made her debut, there's been a large and loud clamor or push Yes, that is Caitlyn versus the W, and that is unfair to me.

Yeah jealous, sure, I mean, would you bean jalous?

Somebody got tory you know, a shoe.

Dealer, whatever, the dealer before you step foot in the pros.


I just need us all to do a better job of holding room for multiple truth Jordan.

As a rookie, Joe right, unc Lebron as a rookie, like Wemby as a rookie. When you look at guys that have gone on to be great, I'm sure they would not say their rookie years were cakewalks. Now, in the case of Lebron and if we use Wemby this year, they have physically dominant and powerful statures and so maybe that has allowed them to skirt some of her. But Kaylen is the guard coming from college, she got get away up. The W has to continue to allow her to be one of the leaders of this platform, as angel Rees has also been. Because I know that's gonna be a hot topic tomorrow, and so my old thing is it doesn't have to be either or it can be. But the prevailing idea that it's the w versus Kaitlyn and that these women don't understand the power of the eyeballs and the audience that she's helped grow the league to, that's just unfair and that's what bothers me.

Go ahead, O Yoe, listen again. From the outside looking in, I have come to enjoy watching w NBA now as a new fan. I had the opportunity Monica to see the Dream play the Wings. I mean, yeah, yeah, the Right Wings in Atlanta maybe two or three weeks ago. And I have never been in an atmosphere like that, from the game to the enthusiasm with the crowd, the DJ, everything was jumping from first quarter the fourth quarter. The halftime show was phenomenal as well. So the engagement and the experience that I had at that w NBA game when the Dream played the Wings, that's what I'm expecting now. I have a chart with the Missus where we're starting on the East Coast and we're working our way up to the West coast. I'm starting with I'm going to another Dream game, then I'm gonna make my way to Dallas, and from Dallas, I'm going to Chicago to see the sky from the sky that I'm going to La to see the sparks, and then we're going to Phoenix and then we're gonna we're gonna finish off in Vegas.


Now, I'm hoping based on the experience I had in Atlanta and that in that stadium, I'm hoping the rest of the atmospherees are like that too. Obviously, the game of basketball is good. I've come to learn all the players. Now, I have a bunch of jerseys that I that I bought in for my road trip.

I'm hoping.

I'm not sure how that I don't know them personally, I'm hoping they've signed my jersey so I can put up here in a man cave and like I'm locked in now, locked and and watching y'all this morning solidifies everything because obviously I'm a new fan, I'm new eyeballs to it, and I think I think after this year they will almost I'm not saying they're gonna be able to compete with the NBA, they will old from an exciting standpoint, what's going to happen next?

Okay, So let me ask you this, Let me ask you this, because this is where turned the shining for me this morning. That's give you a hypothetical. Come on, come on now, take you back to your playing days.

Right, okay, okay, okay.

Boom this new corner. He bye bye bla he all this big fact con you about the square up with him outr What are you gonna do with a squaring up against across this from somebody who is supposed to be all this and all that for the future of the league.

Oh, he's finna get this work. Bright, So honey, he's gonna get his work. You hear me, He's gonna at this work.

You ain't beat when you stand there, Joe.

Oh yeah.

All of a sudden, some in the media have allowed this idea of roll.

Off the yellow, rolled off the.

Red carpet because this is your cash cow. Why that idea has caught so much steam.

Blows my money because we are still talking about competition, which is a beautiful thing that y'all both have made millions off.

But let me ask your question.

To Monica's point, that hot shot corner, he the top five pick. Let's just say, for the sake of argument, he's standing there, You're gonna roll up in the back of his legs.

Oh, I see see, I see where you're going.

Said, no, no, no, don't see what I'm saying. Just like you fired off with Monica needs you to fire off, would you roll up.

And technique trying to you know, you know, I don't don't. I'm not I don't take no chief shots, you know that.

Okay, Well, so I'm.

Staying with Shannon's example because now you're back to Shannon because you get in my nurse. Uh now, o Joe, you're not gonna do that. And tell me what percent of the league you probably think would probably agree with you.

As far as not doing that.

Yeah, no, no, nothing dirty.

Probably probably about ninety eight percent, because there's a two percent chance that's some that really don't give to you know what, and they'll do it.

Okay, So I hate math. In fact, my parents said last time, he calls me a mathematician all the time. But let's you just grow with me for a second. We got eleven games, Yeah, you got one incident.

I think that's a little less than ten percent of the events so far in which this has happened.

To have a conversation.

So I just I just want us to hear out that competing because you have been deemed the next step is a part of competition, man or woman. Right, we all agree that Kennedy Carter had a bad look. We all agreed that was a bad look for her, and I'm not making an excuse for that.

I think the thing is also Monica, who did the look, given her track record, and who the look happened to?


I used the argument this morning Trent Green got hit in the pocket in his.

Knee, and they didn't train the rules.

Eleven years later, eight years, nine years later, Tom Brady got hit in the knee. What do they do to the rules about hitting the quarterback below the waist? Ojoe Andy changed the rule right away. So I think Monica, to your point, had it not been had it been someone else that doesn't have the track record of Ms Carter, and if it wasn't on the person who she did that to, I agree with you. I don't believe the outcry would have been what it was, but it was because of who it was.

And I'm gonna actually add this, I think the fact that it wasn't called a flagrant on spot is probably what helped elevate this conversation.

We're talking about bad inficiating across the NBA and WBA for how Abloma, you know what I mean. So literally, we get to call this morning that we're gonna leave the show with this, and I'm like, this is the most non story story I think we've ever let a show with because to me, it's just not.

That big of a deal.

Hey, it may agree.

That that's not what Twitter, that's not what we're treated. That is say.

And you know how Monica, You've been in TV long enough. You know what what leads people like man, y'all, y'all do is talk about the cowboys. The cowboys. People want to talk about the cowboys. People want to talk about Caitlyn Clark. All of a sudden, to a large and larger percent want to talk about the w NBA, which is good. What is bad is that they're not talking about the wnbing a positive when you're looking at it in this situation and I get what, I get what you're saying. You're like, yeah, this is a nuanced conversation, and two things can be true. People want to compete. This was an isolated incident. There's not a whole lot of incidents where people are closed lining Clayland Clark, tripping or shoving or and doing petty things of that nature. So let's look at this. This is what it was. This happened, But let me ask you a question. Tell me you and I we talked about it, like, damn, where are teammates? Y'all saw the girl get clocked in the back like that? Oh, you know in football you do something to one. I got this, specially one of our main guys. But we got this. We got to get your back, Monica. But we gotta make it look like it's a part of football.

Okay, right, And I think making it look like a part of the game is a huge thing.

But I'm gonna tell y'all story. In college, we played Louisville and we actually got the rule change in women's college basketball because Louisville used to take a lap around the court, around the whole court.

We were warming up home in y'all home stadium, and.

They did it everywhere. They did it at George, at Georgetown mcdonn Arena. We were on our side warming up. I'm not gonna name any of my teammates because I still love them.


Somebody tripped up somebody from Louisville, and a brawling sued. Right, we made it. We made it the sports center in a little done and us done up, Like now, Monica, it's not a fighter. Do you know what I did in that moment?

You scrap?


I grabbed the basketball and said.

Y'all stop, we gotta yam.

You know what hang to you.

What I'm saying to you is if your DNA is not, I'm a gooon and I'm enforcing I'm finished. Scrap.

That's not a switch that you can just turn over. If I have, if I was on the baseline and we were, I was actually in the tussle that I have had the flight or fight right, but I was shooting a jump shot. I looked down they with scrapping, and I was like, oh no, we can't do this right.

This idea that the personality is on the fever squad, all of it turn into enforce her.

It look better who they are.

They go pick their teammate off the ground, They grab her, they encourage her to calm down, to take a deep breath.

We're not in their practices. I don't think that this is Oh they.

Must not love her like I think we might be reading a little bit too deeply in it.

And y'all, they've won two games out of the eleven they played. They got some real things to worry about in terms of trying to win versus.

Trying to buy.

Yeah, but let me ask you a question.

Could it be a situation if they were had a better winning record. It's like, man, y'all talk about this team, y'all talking about this person and she's shooting forty percent. They only won two games, y'all talking about it like she's STEWI y'all talking about them like they the Connecticut Son or the Aces or somebody. Come on, nine, do you as as as as women, do you, guys? Because I know, look, y'all keep talking about this and they ain't done anything, do y'all do you hear that and get fed up?


Hold on, bro, there are other people out there playing the game too.

Now, come on, now, I know that this is not journalism one on one, oh show, but I'm gonna flip it right.

Back to you.

Up when you were competing at a high level, if somebody was appointed next up and their team was not, if the neighbor wasn't moving in the w column and you felt like you were better then and it had earned more accolades and attention, then, how was you gonna respond?

Yeah, I'm trying me anybody, anybody that had a name, I'm trying to embarrass them because I'm trying to elevate my name.

Yeah, that's the way.

That's the way I. That's the way I. That's the way I went about it, Monica, is that I wasn't gonna do it now. All I needed to know, and I told can attest to this. All I needed to know. Are we playing snap the whistle or snapped the after the whistle?

I just know.

I So I just need to get in the right frame of mind how we gonna do it, because if we're being nasty, I just need to know at the start of the game, Okay, we're gonna be some nasty most folds for quarter I'm down.

Yeah, I mean listen, even even though even though the Fever have only won two games, we have to we have to understand. Uh, the Cowboys they haven't won thirty some years, they still moved the needle. The Lakers they haven't won well, championship. I'm not I'm not sure if we count. There's an asterisk behind that. But again, the Lakers, they moved the needle. The Yankees they haven't won the World Series, I'm not sure and how long, but they moved the needle. Caitlin Clark, she moves the needle. Angel Reese, she moves the needle. I mean that, just that, just the makeup of it, and that's the way we'll always be going to be like that for a long time. I wish people would get comfortable with that. And that's the way it's gonna be. And you created, you created a different demographic, a different set of eyes, and they're going to enjoy the game. And now I'm excited to watch the WNBA because I want to see what's going to happen next, because I have no idea, I have no clue.

So oh tra I love that, And this is where I continue to stay more than one thing can be true. They have absolutely moved the needle. And I think Caitlin Clark and Andrews both are going to be all stars and superstars in this league. They are both rookies, right, and so I quite frankly the idea that she would see less than true competition again, obviously we are excluding non basketball and dirty plays. It's not only disrespectful to the rest of the league.

But it's disrespectful to her.

She we talked to her two years ago in Dallas at the NCAA Championship game, and you guys are probably all seeing the features at this point. Grew up playing with the brothers with the ultimate competitor, and.

So as a competitor, you'll want to body square up across from you and take it lightly. You're trying to go through yourself.

And so for me, the fact that we've lost that at the root of this thing, we are talking about competition and women competing at a high level. That is the part that bothers me the most. And then there's twenty eight years of this league being established, and then the last five the needle has moved, the charter, thing has been in motion. You got to shout out Mark Davis, the Vegas owner, Joe and Clara Ci, the liberty owners, like people that have really helped to put the pressure on these women receiving professional level of treatment. Has Kaylen expedited the process, Yes, but there's also been a groundwork that has been laid and so I just encourage all the new folks like you, O Joe, come on in, come on in and watch.

It before come one, come on Rob, you know, but take some notes. Well you start bumping them gums, That's all I ask.

So let me ask because when I look at Kaylyn Clark and people look at her and they're like, well, oh, what about all that trash talking she was doing in college? What about all the stuff that she was shoving people down in college? They saw that, And so now her talking trash in college might intimidate some folks.

You come to the w these are grown women.

These women got kids, These women twenty five day, twenty eight, they're thirty years of age.

They don't care.

But then like and like I said, Monica, you oh you got the name. If I tear you up on the court, right, they're gonna be talking about me.

You know what, I think, there's a there's a learning curve as a rookie. My rookie year I was talking trash in college. My rookie year in the NFL. Well, I ain't say nothing. I didn't I didn't say nothing. I didn't even talk to the media until I got acclimated to the game. I understood the game, and the game started to slow down, slow down for me. So when your two came and I started talking once I figured it out it was a rap. I'm sure at some point Andeerie already talking since sister she hey, she she letting it fly. As soon as Caitlin Clark gets acclimated to the game and it starts to slow down for she and she picks it up, I guarantee she gonna be back to her talking her talking ways. I'm sure based on what we saw at Iowa.

Mm hm, I think, oh Joe, you spot your spot on right. And but I think part of what has made this such a hot topic is that when a goat like Cheryl Soops, who was a multi time gold medalist, a four time w NBA champ, and umpteen time w NBA all started a woman, I have her first, the first woman to have a signature true for Nike. When she said there was a curve, it was she was hated. When Diana to Rossie said the curve at the Women's Final four, she was hating.

And I think for the new fans, I get it, y'all rolling with y'all, girl, you protected whatever, whatever, but that wasn't hey, that was people that have been here and watched this league. Those were truths, and that is okay, that's part of all of our journeys.

You're gonna hit a curve at some point.

Yeah, especially for a guard.

See people look at I say, bro y'all expecting her to be candas Parker when she comes back as rookie of when Rookie of the Year and Cannis is six ' four, Kaitlyn Clark might be what six foot Monica. So you're asking a guard to do something that is dominant big in college. Hey, Cannis Parking was legit. She could rebound, got your double digit rebounds where she was a nineteen ten, she was a defensive Player of the Year. She was tremendous, And I think everybody you look at Caitlyn. She led the nation in scoring at about thirty two points a game, led the nation of an assist. So automatically people automatically think, but she gonna come in and do a the NBA them women will not let that happen. You play harder against someone, it's just nature because you know they can embarrass you. You're nothing embarrass me, You're nothing to have me on Sports Center especially now, and I know EFP really covering the WNBA. Are you I'm nothing to be your highlight package. It ain't gonna happen, Monica. I'm sorry, it's not I do.

When this conversation come back up and I'm not around, I just want you to keep that same energy because and to me, that is beautiful. That is the point of competition and it should be celebrated.

Yeah, Andrew Reeves had some comments today. Yeah, take a listen to just found what Angel Reeves had to say today.

It all started from the National Championship game. And I've been dealing with this for two years now and understanding like, yeah, negative things have probably been said about me, but honestly, I'll take that because look where women's basketball is. People are talking about women's basketball. You never would think that we talk about women's basketball. People are pulling up to games. We got celebrities coming to games sold at arenas, like just because of one single game, and just looking at that, like, I'll take that role. I'll take the bad guy role, and I'll continue to take that on and be that for my teammates. And if I want to be that, and I know I'll go down to history. I'll look back at twenty years and be like, Yeah, the reason why we're watching women's basketball is not just because of one person.

It's because of me too.

And I want you to realize that a lot of us have done so much for this game. And Kennedy has been here before, obviously, but there are so many great players in this league that have deserved this for a really, really long time, and luckily it's coming down.

Yeah, talk yo, track, what you talk about man watching the game because of me?

And she ain't lad because I'm one of them. Did you talk about thoughts? Thoughts on her comments? Monica? I love it. I love it.

But and this is where we talk about, you're not gonna turn into somebody different overnight. Andres has never shot away from the mic. She's willing to wear that villain label, however unfair it may be, but she gets it in the Macro And what I love about Angel, even when she announced she was going pro and Vogue, she speaks about the Macro and she does that deliberately. That is not just oh, I'm gonna just throw in the women that have come before me, right, And I think that is important in what makes and what is endearing about watching her? But she's absolutely right.

The girl I'm sorry I don't know her name, but the girl.

Streamed a Sky's preseason game on her phone, y'all and had im teen tens of thousands of viewers that.

Were it was.

Wasn't it like an over a million it?

You know what I mean?

So there is a man she absolutely has been a part of creating that that demand. She's a huge part of this rookie class as well.

Well, we can't, we can't let Pat McAfee. I guess he watched us this morning and he was he had some coffee, he probably had an energy drink.

Do we have this sound? We can't play a side? Uh who? Monica? Well, I know you heard. I know you've heard it. I heard it now.

I think Pat got a little bit too amp. He forgot like, man, this live this. You know, normally we have a conversation like this, Monica, you and I, you and your girls off air. But we got a microphone and we got a camera with a red dot going. So what did you what what did you think when you heard p mac start going?

So I didn't actually watch it, but I read the transcript in all articles.

That came down.

Honestly, y'all, my first thought was, Okay, here we go with this not being about race from a person who is late, right, And again, this is where I say, and I'm speaking honestly, clearly, concisely, this is where I say, multiple things can be true, right. I wonder what this would look like if Kaylyn Clark was black. She's proud of who she is. That's fantastic, right. But this is where all the layers of this conversation come in. The UNBA is a predominantly black women's league, but it's also largely a queer league, right, and the gender sexuality race. It's hard to parse this out of that conversation, at least for me as a woman, because I can't walk away from any part of who I am, right, and so his point about the other white chickens in the league that I've been bucket sure Stewing's the MVP.

He he is one MOP.

Championship with the Las veig Dt. Obviously we had a conversation about her as a go, right, But to act as if there is no space to sit back and just wonder again, all.

I'm asking for, folks, that have just joined is to open your mind. Ultimately, you may disagree, and that's fine, but you should be.

Able to be able to hold space to evaluate all the pieces that seem to be at play. Now, if you decide to pick up three instead of six, that's on you. But you got to be able to sit back and acknowledge all the pieces at play, just out of out of respect for humanity at large.

I would say, Monica, you said something very interesting and you would know better than I.

But I was thinking this, but I never said it. But since you brought it up, let's go here.

How much do you think predominantly black queer helps or hurt the WNBA.

That's a loaded question, Shannon. I think the w in the last few years has done a great job of leaning into who they are.

They are not hiding who these women are, and these women are hiding who they are.

One thing about this rookie class has been their willingness to share their lives. But I had a chance to catch a great documentary this summer, a courtesy of the WNBAPA and I'm blanking on the name of the documentary, and I apologize, but it highlighted John Cuael Jones, Brianna Stewart and Unka a Guomaka right, and as veterans in this league, JJ's been an MVPNKA, Goomke has won a title and been an mvpubs been a multi time MVP and one championships. As veterans, they talked very honestly about opening up their lives right, because that was a big choice for them. And one of the commentators, Lindsay Gibbs and that at piece talked about being able to enjoy this league and celebrate these women even more when you get to know them, right, And I think that star power of this rookie class growing up with social media Kaitlin has two million, Angel has three million, Right, They've already been used to sharing their lives and so I think the w has leaneded on who they are. But as new audiences are getting to know these women, hopefully they find a way to strike a chord with them beyond just being basketball players. And so candidly, I'm not one hundred percent sure what happens in marketing meetings when you begin to look at who you want to partner with with the w MBA, because like we started this conversation, gender race and sexuality are parts of conversations that you just cannot escape.

The documentary you're talking about is called Shattered Glass. There is NBA story.

Thank you.

I'm glad you have this conversation because at the end of the day, you're like people like, well, go market, go market, but at certain times, you know, certain certain demographics you're trying to market too, because like when we go out, okay, we have to pitch.

Okay, who are you trying to who are you trying to reach?

We we Club Shay Shape, Nightcap, We might not be able to reach wo an advertise or a sponsor try to reach. So it doesn't make sense for them to give us money if the people that they're trying to reach are not watching Nightcap, not watching Club Sha Shape, Right, And so what you're saying, Monica's like, okay, we got to appeal to the people that you're trying to reach. But to say that gay and queer people don't buy help and don't buy auto insurance, it's just not true to say.

To say they don't go grocery shopping or buy cars, it's just not true.

So they are people, they might have chosen an alternative life and that's outside of the norm. Whatever norm is. There's a new definition of norm now. But I believe that you can reach people because everybody that watches television, they're a consumer. You buy something, whether it's food, whether it's auto insurance with this, whatever the clothing, whatever the case may be, and they'll purchase something.

And when it comes to marketing and branding and WNBA and those that are queer are part of that community in general, that community to always sticks, always sticks together and support each other, so that marketing on that end should be easy anyway, it's common sense, especially when it comes to the higher ups in the execs that are sitting in positions of power. That's a no brainer as far as going to come to marketing and branding and doing it that way. Now, if they if they want some ideas, you know, from the true number one marketing and brander himself, I can I can guide them in which way.

To go and on how to do it. Listen, that's what I did.

You might need to get some boardroom tables on shrub Monica.

Let me ask you this because you know a lot of times black we used to have like who is in that room? Why are you talking trying to monitor, you know, market the blacks, and there's no blacks in the commercial. Would it help if there were queer gay in the rooms that can say, hey, guys, they have purchasing power. I don't know, I'm in California, man, they shut down. We hope gay pride is a big thing. That so somebody drinking beers, buy cocktail and buy a clothes mark.

I just say it, somebody doing.

That, yeah, and listen. The marketing has improved, right, But if we wanted to get into the weeds and gosh, oh man, I should have pulled up all my research because there was a wonderful article done I want to say about two seasons ago that looked at what demographic still in terms of representing the WNBA still got the line's share of marketing opportunities, and it was largely straight white women. Now in two years, I do believe that there have been improvements made in that area. Right, And like I said, the WBAS leaned into who they are. These women are leaning int who they are. There's a number of queer athletes out of w that I could think of that have had commercials and are currently in commercials that are still airing and it's beautiful to see. And so I do think that things are changing. But just like in society, y'all, as painful as it is. Right when we start having conversations about this societal totem pole, people especially women that sit at identities shout out to doctor Alfie, my girl that have intersectional identities often don't have privilege, and so they're minimalized a little bit or not a little bit if they become minimalized. And so that again, that's a whole nother loaded conversation. And I'm not trying to tell anybody that they can't be a fan of this player or that player. But as you join this WNBA fanfare, welcome. It's room for everybody. There have been twenty eight years of groundworking and there have been numbers of opportunities of research, right, and then when you look at the demographics of this league, like just keep your mind open to what is the reality of someone else's experience that may not look like That's the part that's frustrated to me in this conversation y'all, Like one to hear ex athletes say, oh, just let her do whatever, and two folks that aren't taking the time to just do a little bit of digging about what the WNBA has been, how powerful these women have used their voices, what they stand for.

Because it's beautiful it is, and thank you for opening up and sharing that with us. I mean, you know, you being around the game, you play in the game, you being a woman, yourself, You're better to speak to this in OHO than I because you're in that situation. There's no better person to speak to about a woman than a woman. And so sometimes you know, as men, we try to sit back and try to I don't know what it's like to have a baby, never had one, YadA, I don't want them kind of problem. So I like women when women talk about women and su Yeah, I can have an opinion, but I'm just speaking at it from a man's point of view. And sometimes we only see things through the prism in which we are. You know, if I'm looking from a mountaintop, I don't know what it's like in the valley because I'm on top of the mountain looking out. You being a woman playing basketball, playing in the w NBA. Who better to speak to issues like this than a person like yourself? But how often do how often when things like this. Do the W NBA, the PA, do they have you speak to the women that's coming into it. How many times do you go out and speak the women's group. Being who you are, being the platform that you do have, are you giving those opportunities to speak speak up for women?

So I was gonna let you rock with this, but I gotta check you one thing on my resume. I decided that I was done after college and wasn't all the dabbling I did not play in the W But also.

I'm gonna have to get with the chad otro Sico agency to get me some more speaking engagements.

Whatever you need, listen, listen. I have a marketing firm, a brand in firm. So anything you need, just just holler at me. I can I can get the ball rolling. I got you.

Yeah, all jokes aside. I have had the opportunity to speak not just to women's teams, but like last year, I had a chance to talk to rap with the Los Angeles Rams right and just offering a different perspectives. As a member of the media, I do know that our friends and colleagues of China Robertson and that Gounke led a great media preparation session for the rookies coming in this season. And so the w and the PA are about giving their players resources, as are the NBA. Right, and so the league is just continuing to grow. And when you talk about this male counterpart, it has a fifty year head.

Start, right, mad God, the thing there is a lot of times and people it's like, well, I think the thing what really got it trending at the end is that with Steve you said, Steven A, you had this platform and you're doing it now, but you probably should have done this a lot sooner. Me I'm address that, but I have club Shayshape and people like, well, why do you have more women. I've reached out to women that played or played in the WNBA, and I get no returns. I've had one lady, she's not a professional basketball player. Two days before she's like, I'm gonna have to reschedule, and now my team can't get a hold of her. So I've tried to give women because hey, I got a nice sized platform. So I want to give you an opportunity to share tell whatever story that you want to tell. You want to talk about your upbringing, you want to talk about your life as a professional athlete, you as an entertainer or a celeft have at it. But it's not as easy as you think, Monica, because a lot of times women say no, I'm.

About to stop you right now.

I believe you, but I'm gonna also say this because I had to think twice before I say yes, because I don't seen some night cap clips okay, and you you have to ask yourself is this a safe space? Right?

And so I believe when you say you want to have that conversation, right, But I think because of the opportunities to brand for women are a little bit hold on, let me get my words right. The opportunities for women to build their brands are so heavily scrutinized, right that you probably think more dutifully before you say yes to an opportunity, depending on how it fits and it you feel that the space is safe. So I don't know why people are saying yes or no to you. But honestly, like if we had this thing this morning, like I would not have thought of myself as a nightcap guest, just based on the clips that I've seen and I met. I've met utr one person I obviously met you one person. I think y'all are great guys, but like, ah, I'm not going to tell y'all what go goes down in my bedroom, like right, And so you do just wonder if spaces are safe, and so as you continue to grow your platform, I would encourage you maybe to offer the topics in the bands. And you may have done this already, right.

I always ask any guests, is there anything that you're uncomfortable with? I ask a question you can You can also say with Shannon, you know that question that you asked earlier I talked about can you not air that booth?

We take it out?

Yeah, because I want you to be most of the time when people come, they're speaking their truth. Now, if I ask you a question and you tell me what we're down in your bedroom?

How that? How am I being messy? You could have said, Shanny, Now you know i'nna answer that.

Now I am savvy, but I don't know if you might feel a little pressure to keep up with Jonas on night people.

Now y'all get a little follow.

Here, yo, Yeah we get. But see that's the thing they come for the sports, they stay for the story. So you know, you know it's kind of like Monica a game. Let's just say, for the sake of argument, I'll let you to a the arena for free? What I charge you to get out?


Listen all jokes aside, I do want to address the end of that clip. I genuinely was surprised by the reaction, and I did not intend to make it personal. But when I look at steven A, in my relationship with steven A, he not your ESPN as far as I'm concerned. And I've been in this Simon's basketball space for so long and have been privy to many a conversation pushing and pitching and asking for space. So as from where I sit, if Essay says let's talk about it, It's going to be discussed.


He and I've had a conversation tonight. Okay? Cool.

There are things that played that maybe I did not consider when I made that statement, But what I do stand by is that the way that the WNBA is being covered in the last this season just started in May, this particular season is at a different.

Fervor and tenor than it was three years ago. Now, whatever whatever factors go into that, be as it may. But three years ago we were not having these conversations about the w NBA as we are now, and that is just a fact.

Yeah, well we wouldn't have having this conversation three months ago, fair enough, But you said, Monica, it is.

Never too late to do the right thing.

Absolutely, And I think that people be like, oh, nobody was about like you. I heard you at the end of that show. You Lucky Motley had to go to break. You're talking about something, Monica.

You've proven his point because nobody was talking about Kayla Clark after three years. I heard your own southern stass back there.

Now, this is where this is where we have to really argue and tussle with this idea of cart before the horse, or or or horse before the cart, right. And I know we done TV work shanting just like you said, Ojo, we talk about the cowboys, you can talk about the Lakers like there are these things that hit. And so I understand the idea that the WNBA may not have been drawing the same numbers that it is now three years ago. But again, two things can be true. That doesn't necessarily mean that those women prior to the arrival of this rookie class, we're still not worthy of coverage right go follow.

Right now, Shane h I n e y. That's our social media. Is that Twitter and IG that's both on the right. That's everything, very very very simple. Janay, we had we were trending again. It seems like every time we have you a monaca, y'all start treading.

I don't know what it is.

So we were having a very nuanced conversation and you you shed some light as being a number one overall draft pick coming up in the system, the under eighteen, the under twenty, you were in the rotation plan overseas go and winning gold medals for America, your sister number one overall pick, an MVP, a champion never being selected. So you provided a lot of insight that a lot of people are not able to provide. So Stephen and and I took the approach that, look, we thank Caitlin Clark best players. She goes, she stays, we believe the America the women will win the gold medal. You like, yeah, I understand, Stevin A. Shanna, I understand the marketing aspect, we understand the eyeball that she would join. But you had a very different approach of why you don't believe that she was selected and you didn't have a I don't think you had a problem with her not being selected. So I want to oah you and I want to open the floor up to you and let you go into great detail, because you know, when you're on television, you got to get.

To the top of the hole. You got to get it to the break.

You got four or five people, and even though we have three people, we're gonna open the floor up to you toenay tell us what's going on in this situation.

Sure, I think the hardest thing is that oftentimes when we're in a debate format, people are more concerned with entertainment than the truth. And the truth is that I have a lot of lived experience into why she probably was not selected. And I said Coore, it's largely based off of experience. I don't know if people realize that. Earlier this year, team USA almost lost to Belgium. It took a buzzer beater by Breonna Stewart to win. The rest of the world is coming. I don't know. If you followed the US women's national team, you saw what happened with the men. I know we didn't send our best squad over there. But over the last summer saw the international competition. If you look at the NBA right now, who was dominating the league in some regards the last year your players. The game has changed and I really do give a lot of credit as it pertains to basketball to the foreside of the NBA. The NBA has wanted to make this a global game. I'm Nigerian. The only other professional basketball league outside of the NBA in the WNBA is the Basketball Africa League, who just had competition and championships. They're really putting their work into growing the global game. But at the end of the day, that helps everyone rise, and I think people haven't realized the level of competition is so fierce that you don't want to take a chance of at this iteration potentially maybe having a player that has no familiarity with the roster, no experience at that high level. I think the youngest player on the roster is probably Sabrina Yanescu, who's a first time Olympian, but we've seen what she's done in the league. They're the previous Olympians. They've all had nine at least nine players have had Olympic experience. So like if you look at what they constructed. They know that the world is coming. And then I think, at the end of the day, like we're people that are all fans, right, Like, the reason why we have the jobs we have is because we love sports. We love it at the highest level. We appreciate the moment that the women's game is at. We want that moment to carry over, but it can't come at the expense of what the Olympic mission is and it's too metal And I think that's the one thing people are sort of missing in all of this. The goals of Team USA, by criteria is to assemble the best team, a team where your players are set up for success. And I think based off of the popularity of Caitlin Clark, people think that that shouldn't matter. But that is the central mission. And I don't know if this is like this certain circumstance is setting Caitlin up for success, her not playing with the team, her not having experience out there as much as the other women. There's a lot of factors that go into these types of decisions that are the reality and not like our dream for what we want the women's game to be. The women's game has always been the most competitive league in the world, and then you whittle that down and now this is the most competitive team in the world. That's what it's consistently been. That's the reason why they've won seven Olympic gold medals straight. They don't want to deviate from that just because of what people deem is popular or what people deem is Oh, this is a move for business. The business that they want to handle is winning on the floor. That's always been Team USA's priority. And I think because of the expectation that surrounds Caitlyn Clark, people think it should shift TEAMSA said, no, it's not going to because that's not what we've always done.

But I think and I agree with what she said.

I think Caitlin Clark will have her time knowing the player, knowing the player that she has been based on what I've been able to see when she was at Iowa, based on what I've seen so far and their short standing in WNBA. She likes the fact that she wasn't picked. It gives us some to strive for. Like she said, they created a monster. This is something going to strive for and being able to represent your country at some point if it's not right now later on down the road, obviously, again, the resume of the ladies that are part of Team USA are those that have chemistry together. They played well together, and they have an extensive resume of work, a body of work that they put in, which is why they've all they've all been a symbol like the Avengers to represent our country.

You do you believe that the twelve best women are on this team?

I do. Now, there are some areas that I am concerned about. And let's get personal for a second. Okay, guys, because you know what's hilarious whatever. You woke up so big mad that Caitlyn Clark did not make the team because everyone's look bored to her having the spotlight and the biggest moments.

This is how I felt personally when.

I didn't make a team a couple of years.

This show how my.

Sister felt as the only MVP that never made an Olympic roster. It was heartbreaking, it was devastating. And y'all will have blood in a game. I got blood in the game.

Now I understand.

I understand that Caitlyn has the eyeballs that no player who has picked up a ball has ever had before, so I'm not saying that my circumstance or my sister's circumstance should have been anything different, But I just think it's funny because I'm like, y'all really care for the right reasons, because you want to see the game grow. But I do think there's a difference between women and men in you know, in the WNBA and women's basketball, our approach to the game is to honor the game, to respect the game, to play the game the right way. For so many years, people have been critical. Our league has been joked about for a long time. So many people come in with preconceived notions about what women's basketball is. And yes, Caitlyn is a part of changing that narrative, but that doesn't mean we change our entire sport. That doesn't mean that we change the integrity to which we assemble rosters to go win Olympic goal. That doesn't mean we change how we compete on the floor. And I know you were talking to me about competing, like to know that hard felt was a competition. You know what Kaitlyn said, Kaylen says the next day, this happens in the heat of competition, people lose that cool. But we keep it pushing, you know what I'm saying, So like, as women we have let me tell you something up and oho, we have not played for the Patriots. We are playing for the legacy. We are playing for our reputation. We are playing because we are upholding the standard to which women's basketball has dominated, even though so many people have been critical of us. And so when we keep that same energy when it comes to picking the Olympic roster, people are like, oh, you don't know what's good for you. Y'all didn't care beforehand. But we are consistent in how we approach the game. I'm talking you like, I don't know how many times I have to say it, like for people to understand it. It's hard because like today I sit on air and I'm like, I've been in those rooms when I'm about to get cut. You know what I'm saying, I've been in those rooms watching people make their dreams come true. It is a process that is sanctified. It is a process that is honorable. It is a process that Caitlyn has accepted herself. You know what I'm saying.

I don't think she has much choice.

She doesn't have a choice, but you're right, But she did have a choice to react to so many different things, but look at how she reacted to that one.


I think the thing is she was always gonna take the high road. They hard filer. Oh that's in the heat of the competition, or there are a lot of great you know. The thing is that she has an imaged uphold and a lot of times saying the right things when you could easily say the wrong thing. I think that's a part of it. Like you, you could have been like, hold on, I've come up through the ranks playing sixteen, seventeen, under eighteen, I was under twenty and hold on, So you're talking about experience, I've got international experience. Now it's a problem your sisters, I'm a champion.

Oh now, what's the excuse?


Nah, you know what's.

Crazy because the conversation was about marketing, and this is how you need to know about marketing. I'm like, bro, we've been suffering from other people trying to market our league and not accepting the authentic nature of the competitors, the athletes that we are. Right now, you think we don't know about marketing. We've been shaking down the roof to try to get marketed the way that we want to. We want people to see the trash talk. We want people to see the competitive fire. We want people to challenge each other. We want people to see us as the badass female athletes that we are. But now it's like, oh, you guys don't know. We've been fighting to be ourselves for so long and finally society has the eyes to be like, oh, this is women's basketball, Oh this is hoops. The problem is is that some people have come in just through the lens of one player, not understanding how the entire ecosystem works.

You know what I'm saying, Yes, I do.

That's the frustrating part. But we accept it because we understand that growth is necessary, even including all of these growing.

Big The funny thing when I think about it, obviously being a new fan to the w NBA and just learning about it, obviously going to a dream dream game me a month ago and seeing a few players playing. Now becoming a little bit more knowledgical about the game in itself, I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying the transham.

How are the vibes in Atlanta? Tell me how many vibes in atlant.

I've never been to the club. I haven't been to the club since like nineteen ninety nine.

But if I had to give you an if I had to give an example or an analogy on what it's like, that's what the Dream Game was like. But on top of that, the Dallas Wings, the Dallas Wings and dream Game was excited on the court. Forget what was going on off the court, because off the court made what was going on on the court that much that much even better.

So I was really excited.

And I'm hoping UNC when we're going a little tour we can you know, every season we go to there's a WNA w NBA team, So I'm hoping we can attend a game.

So he can he can get that same experience.

Wait, this is nightcap right, Yes, So.

A lot of people see me on air and they understand facts and figures. People don't really know me. I don't share myself too much, Like this is the right format for me to share. You said you haven't been to the club. I'll tell you a story about the club in Atlanta. So you thought you guys know me. I'm like a wholesome lady. Yes, okay, a wholesome lady I don't do too much. Y'all don't see me outside too much. But you know I did secure something, so.

You know, so yeah, you went, I got it, you would I got okay, okay, okay, okay.

So this is one of the things. I went to Atlanta and my teammates they be moving around, they'd be outside, and one of our games at that time was like nine pm, so we didn't finish until maybe eleven, and I was looking on my phone. I was like, y'all, game's over. We got the dub. I was like, man, I'm hungry. I need something to eat, but everything's closed. One of my teammates from like, oh, you know, I'm from out here. I know where we can go. It's always open. I was like, okay, cool. I just trusted her. I just trusted her. Was it was it Cheetah? Is it called Cheetah?

Is that Magic City?

Was it? It wasn't Magic City?

You got the Cheetah right down the street on Spring Street. Thank you.

That's where I want. She said, Look, it's all open. I was eating my post game meal we and then looked up in side cheeks.

Like that.

Was my post game meal. So yeah, when you say you don't go to the clubs. I don't go to the club either, but I still end up there because it'd be like that.

That experience is. I've been trying to explain it to people, but words, words don't work. Words don't work. It's like trying to explain soccer to people.

You'll never understand until you're actually in the stands and you're able to experience it yourself.

So those are the best ways I had.

By the way, That's what I try to tell people.

People think i'd be live when I say because they be having five stars chefs, they'd be having chefs that worked at find restaurants and casinos and things of that nature.

No, they really be putting it down in that I like it.

I learned it. I learned it post game. That was my post game meal.

But here what I've tried to tell him, everybody vibe ain't like Atlanta. Atlanta is a different vibe. You go to the Hawks game, you go to the Dream game, you go to the soccer game, you go to the stadium, Mercedes being it's a different Bible, Yo, So everybody don't vibe like the eight. So you expected, like every reader that you go to it's gonna be like a club said it. Nah, they got barber's chairs, they got everything going on in the stadium, canay you said, feeding the ecosystem. I remember like when they came out with the team in two thousand and four. They put Mellow, they put d Wade, they put Lebron. I'm not so sure at that time that we can make a case that all three of those guys were one of the best twelve, but they understood that Lebron and his oppularity probably needed to be on that team as well as some of the other guys, and so growing the game, Like you said, once the Dream Team, the original Dream Team happened in ninety two, the world started like oh okay, and so that grew it. I can't recall but one foreign born a female player, Lauren Jackson, and I'm sure you know who that is that I can consistently say that she was a top five, top ten player in the WNBA.

Has the world really caught up? Do they have?

Maybe they don't send them over here to the WNBA and they just play on their club team. But has the world really caught up to us that quickly?


Absolutely, I think so. I mean, if you look, this is the first generation of players that have the benefit of learning from YouTube. When we grew up watching sports, how do we learn from the backyard going from our coaches. I'd go to AA to listen to a coach that was just the parent of a daughter that was there. Now people can watch the games globally, people can watch the skills and go practice it instantly. There's more infrastructure to support sports. And then on top of it, we have people on the women's game that are not showing up for the WNBA, taking seasons off just to practice with their national team because they understand that being on your national team is where you can really build your own marketing too, Like this is a place where you can be a star, whereas in the w maybe you are a role player, so you have teams. There's a woman named Emma Mesaman who plays for Belgium, I believe, who is one of the coldest people in WBA.


She's like Luca in a way, like she doesn't play faster than she needs to, She's gonna get her shot off and she's just effiicient. Now she's not like a guard, she's more of a forward. But my point is that she's cold. She's been playing with her team for two years straight. That's why it took a buzzer beater for USA earlier this year to beat them, because these women are competing year round, similar to us, but they also have the chemistry. They've been playing together since there were babies. Now, that's one of the things that we have the benefit of having so much talent that sometimes talent overwhelms. But nowadays, with the different international rules, with the increased skills set, just with the overall chemistry that these teams have been playing with forever, it's a little bit more challenging than we ever expected. That's why, like no one really says that USA winning or even whether it's the men winning, which we saw last summer, is just a walk in the park and assumption you have to go out there and earn it. And I'll lastly say this, I think that women's sports, you know, you know, that's saying you have to work twice as hard to get half as far right for people to really get the viewership, to get the respective feels like we always have to be perfect, we always have to be on. That's how women operate, not just in sports as a broadcaster, I always have to lead with the facts and the figures. I have to keep my feelings to the side, because the moment I show my feelings, people are like, oh, what does she know? Why does she feel like she can speak on X.

Y and Z.

That's just the nature that we're in. I'll say this and oho. People see you before they hear you. They judge you before they know you. So you have to go out there and be perfect. Why should we play loose and fast at times with the rules of who should be on the squad, which could compromise the integrity of the game when we know that we're being criticized regardless, we just have to be consistent in our pursuit of perfection. That, to me, is what it's like to be a woman, or to be a female athlete. That is the challenge that we're always up against. My sister always said, why are we catering to a group that only came just for this certain moment and not came to see the beauty of the entire landscape, the beauty of the entire ecosystem. We will accept, we will welcome, but we will not conform to something that has not made us better individually. What made us the best is that we go up against the best each and every night. You know what I'm saying, right, So there's things that make the way women approach sports because we are constantly dealing with criticism different than men. And I think it's okay. I think it's perfectly okay.

Dude, what do you say to the people that says okay, yeah, they might have not been here before, but they're here now.

It's kind of like, you know, we have this.

Okay, you're thirty, you're thirty thirty one years of age, and well you got married at thirty thirty one, and so what somebody saying that dangshnee? They probably will say, what's taking you so long? It doesn't matter when it happened. Is that the fact that it did happen. And we understand that Kaitlin Clark came with a different with a different lens than anybody in the history of the game because of the Nil situation, because of the marketing brand that was behind her. And we know why, we know how to get into the nuances. We know why because it was a perfect storm. But how about we take this perfect storm and why it's spinning we let it sweep up everybody that's in its path, which is the WNBA.

Well, I think the difference here is because she has gotten everything that she has needed in some regards with this is the first time that she perse has been denied something that people are surprised by. She got number one. She is the face of a new franchise. She's honestly, unfortunately considered by many that how are new to this? The face of the WNBA and one of the most popular faces now in American sports. Right, I'll say this talk about like Asian Wilson has a choke hold on the league, but the way that we talk about Caitlin, I wish we could switch the dynamics. But what it is, what it is right now, she has gotten a lot, and no one's saying that she won't get it. They're just saying that right now while all the eyeballs are there. Yes, you feel like there's a great expectation, but I don't think you.

Want to like.

There's a reason why she chose going to the WNBA instead of taking that Big three content contract is because she wanted to honor and respect the integrity of the sport and the competition in which she plays. You know what I'm saying, not everything is like what is delayed is not denied. She will be an Olympian if she continues on this trajectory. Has she been set up for success? Is this team being set up for success? Or is being more popular more important? This is the one group that does not really move based off of popularity. And I think that's what people don't really understand.

Clearly, clearly, thank you for just stopping by.

We know you only had a brief moment, and but thank you for joining Ojo and I on nightcap Ladies and gentlemen. Janey who McKay, my colleague at ESPN, first take, thank you for joining us. Good night and see you soon.

Always I'll come back your I feel like I can be young aunt here here.

You know you're welcome back in the time.

But we can kick it next time.

We can kick it again. And thank you today O Joe, we got a special guest joining us. She was the fifth pick in the twenty nineteen in w NBA draft.

Out of know today she ranked second in the w NBA scoring behind Asia Wilson at twenty six point four. We're excited to have tonight I've been practicing there and I hope I get it right. Ari qu Or Goomba Wiley.

Hey, that's how you do it doing. I see you out the Atlanta Gay huh.

Hey say hey, man, listen, listen. Nothing but love, nothing but praise for your game. Obviously, it was it was my it was my first time going.

It was my time going.

So then I think we had nightcap that night, right or maybe the following night, and all I can think about and being at I watched the NBA a little bit. The first thing that came to my mind for a comparison to you, based on what I saw with my own two wives. Because can't nobody tell me ship, I say, I say listen. She was like, Kyrie, Irvan, that's it, that's only that's hey, so you know what I'm talking about.


I meane you so you know you know I'm going with it, man, listen.

It was it was a joy.

It was a joy watching play. I'm coming to see y'all play again, uh in Dallas. We have we have our tour coming up in Dallas, and I think the day before in August or the day after, but either way, I'm coming to watch you again because I need to autograph, I need a picture.

I'm trying that.

I'm trying not the fanboy right now, so I'm trying to play.

I appreciate that.

Let's go. So so let me ask you a question. What do your friends call you? Did they call you Urec or they.

Call you Ao Orrique? Don't like call me?

But that's cool, all right. Look, there's been a lot of discussion.

Everybody was talking about Caitlyn Clark being snubbed or not being selected for the US team women's team to go play the Olympics in Paris. I think one of the biggest snubs were yourself leading the league in scoring. Everybody knows what you bring to the table. Can pat the rocks, as Kyrie said, you can score. When the list came out and your name wasn't on it, what was the first thoughts that go through your mind?

Well, the thing is, I pretty much had an idea that I wouldn't be on it. So there's trials and stuff that go on throughout the years and previous and you do it and you see the vibes, and I mean, me being me being me, I just felt the vibes, Like, honestly, when it comes to that stuff.

It really doesn't have much to do with your game.

It's really about who they feel like fits with the team, which okay, I mean that's on the inside too. You know, you could have said Kyrie could have made it and stuff like that, Like they the committee say they look for people who you know. I don't know, honestly, but I could already tell like that wasn't the type of vibe they're going. So I actually took my name out the pool like months ago. So when the list came out, I know everybody and who probably like I reage that should have been.

I knew I wouldn't be on it.

Now that's not saying I didn't think maybe last year I would be on the team, and I was good enough to make the team. But when the list came out, I knew I would not be on that one at the time because I took my name out the pool, and with the pools, it's a big commitment. Like if I know that they're not picking me, I'm not gonna, you know, keep getting texted and keep That's what I'm saying, Keep having people pull up, keep going to these trials when I know the vibes so me being me.

I'm like, I'm not about to give you all my time if I know the vibes.

So I knew, I knew for sure when the list came out it wasn't But like I said previously, I didn't think I was good enough. But hey, you know, it's subjective who they think should be on the team. Everybody's great in the WNBA, so who they choose is who they choose. I can't really control that one.

And you know, you know what, And I have a question. I'm sure the people that make are the people in positions of power that make these decisions on who they're going to assemble on the US basketball team. I'm sure they are basketball heads. But when it comes to this decision making and decision process, do you think it's politics that comes into.

Play into this.

I mean, one of the key words I heard you say is the vibe and understanding the vibe about a vibe or anything. It's about assembling the best team to represent our country. So I know, I don't I don't want to get you in any trouble, but can you really talk about, you know, the politics side of it when it comes to the decision making process for them.

Yeah, I mean I can't really speak speak to USA basketball in general, but just when I think of women's basketball and just however many years I've been playing college and pro politics is always surrounding it.

Now, Okay, whether.

That's whether that's USA Basketball, whether that's All Star teams, whether that's first team and stuff like that. There's politics even with the men's Like, there's politics in everything.

So I'm gonna just leave it at that, right, What are your.

Thoughts about the discourse arounding the w n b A. We hear a lot of talk because it's the league, and a lot of there's a lot of comparison between Caitlin Clark and Angel Rees being the Bird in Magic coming into the w n b A, and we know what they did to the NBA because all of a sudden they took the finals game off the tape delay.

There there was this new and it.

Was a perfect storm because you got Magic and Lakers, you got Bird in Boston, the most heated ribals, the most fiercest rivals, and they go there so to speak, speak to what's what's going on with the w n b A, And it seems like these rooks are getting a lot get a lot of credit for what's what's happening in the dub.

Yeah, I mean they they bringing a lot of attention.

I think they should be getting credit to the point where they brought a lot of attention to the w n b A and the narrative that we don't, you know, appreciate that.

It's crazy because I love it.

I've been hooping, so more people watching the better, Like I've been doing what I'm doing. Now people kind of finally catching up, and you know, you got to give credit to a. You got to get credit to Caitlin because they brought a lot of fans from college. I watched the final four and I was at Dallas because I live in Dallas, so I went the year before that, and just how many people is there?

It's crazy, Like it was insane.

And I played in the final four, I won a national championship, and I thought a lot of people were there. So this one, I'm like, they just bringing fans, fans fans, so we appreciate everything that they're bringing. Now it's not saying they're the best women's so I think that's where Yeah, that's what I'm saying, Like y'all now seeing Stewie, y'all seeing Asia, y'all seeing just players like that, it was like they've been dominating for six, seven, eight years and these new players will do.

That at a certain point.

But right now, I think just the WNBA, we like, we appreciate everything that y'all bring it, but it's not gonna be easy, like people like people are supposed to sit down and you know, put out a red carpet like it's it's gonna be harder and will be harder because of who you are. But that's just what comes with it. Like that's like saying bron like people shouldn't check him cause hee the grade is like no, they're gonna try even harder, and.

That's just what happens. That's just you know, competition.

Are the fans getting popular confused with best? Because two things can be true. Somebody can be popular and not really good. If somebody can be really good and not popular, So are the fans? Are the fans getting those two things confused?



I feel bad for the girls because they're not the ones saying it. It's the fans, Like I'm not understanding where the delusion is coming from. Like Caitlyn and angel have not said nothing like they the best players to come in the league. They just say that they just want to come. They know it's the WNBA, they know how hard it is, so they probably like, can y'all be quite a little because y'all making it harder for me on the court, like y'all looking target on my back. So nobody blames them, like it's just the fans and what they bringing. But I think they learning now that this league is hard, Like they seeing every night people that they've never even heard of, killing or garden and doing stuff like that. So they I think they're gonna catch up more like because now it's new, it's something to talk about.

They want a storyline.

But at the end of the day, like the league is gonna keep going and the thing's gonna keep being the same, so they just gonna waste their breath every day or they just gonna enjoy basketball.

Oh yeah, I heard you shutting down that the critics like physicality because a lot of people are like, well, physicality in the dub is not good for basketball.

You Yeah, hey, listens, a male and female sport, it's a contact sport. In order to play it the right way, there it has to be some type of physicality involved.

Yeah, and people are being selective with what they're calling physical.

Like if we're gonna talk about now we're talking about the rookie, so we're gonna talk about a hip check, that's not basketball. But if we talk about somebody hold and being stripping the ball and they might boss around, that's basketball. There's a difference. Nobody's saying the hip check is being physical because that's obviously a flager and Moountain that's wrong, Like, but it happens, Like because I watched the whole play, so I seen you know, Tayler.

And talk to her after that.

So it's like if you won't talk to somebody, you gotta be ready for something, no matter what it is. Like not saying the person's response is right, but what they respond is what their respond is how they feel that you're coming at them.

So that's different.

But like I said, I'm not a type of player to do that to a player, Like, if you're gonna talk to me, I'm gonna sure with my game. But like people got to get confused dirty and physical because it's gonna be physical and there will be some dirty, but that on me we're all dirty. It's just some players might be dirty. Some players not just like men. It's like Draymond might choke somebody out. Draymond, you might get into something. So it just depends. Really, it's like individual to the player for real. It's not the whole league. I like it.

I like it, you listen. I'm just excited for for the w n b A. I'm excited for the path is going. I'm excited that it's dominating the headlines the way it's the way. Uh, it hasn't in the past because if it did in the past, and I would actually know about it. And as I continue to learn the game, as the game confuse.

It grows and just it's really is really dope to see.

And a lot of people, a lot of people, uh, they try to tell me, oh, man, way to go to these games.

It's really boring.

It's not the same as watching the NBA. And it's a funny thing now that I've I've been able to experience it and I've been to a game or two. Now I can sit here and argue with people on Twitter. All goddamnity, y'all you see y'all lid to me nothing. You told me was nothing like so and so. Now that I've done my homework and had the chance experience what it's like in person, now I can go to bat and then the goddamn product on the court. It evens up with everything else the pundits and the journalists have been talking about. There's a reason why y'all making a noise, y'all making note right, we got some hoopers.

I mean you can see it. You see the highlights, you see everything like, we got some hoopers. It's every night.

It's something, honestly, and I mean I play against it, obviously I'm a part of it, but we got some hoopers in the league.

For sure.

I think you guys are reaped is that you probably have to be a little better with the basketball for the simple fact you can't jump over somebody from the free pro.

Life, so you gotta fight.

You got all the back the basket without being seven foot tall, without having without having a forty two inch vertical. So your game, your skill set, the way you shoot the basketball, the way you get from point A to point B, it has to be pinpoint because you got obviously the strength and the athleticism that a man possessed women just don't have that.

And then the the m NBA, honestly we hold the It's like the NBA whole defense probably the last three minutes, last two minutes scored the last three minutes of the court like other than that, they scoring forty fifty, sixty seventy because they just switching everything. I'm like, if we were switching everything in W I probably every forty.

But we trapping.

You get trapped a half for it. You gotta do a lot like you gotta do a lot NBA.

I can be watching them like y'all got it so sweet, although they do got to play a lot of minutes, so I probably wouldn't be holding defense season, but still, you.

Know what, oh Jo and I wanted to say, congratulations. We heard that you just got engaged. Oh grad, congratulations on the engagement. They ask you this, were you nervous?

I was?

And I had a game that day too, like game they were setting up. I had thirty five. I went crazy. I went crazy. We lost them, but I mean good, I got.

A bucket, I got you. I know, right, Yeah, we're in a composition right now. We missing two All stars. That's not an excuse, but uh, we're going through some growing paints. I'll just say that, but we'll be all right.

But yeah, it was dope.

It was, it was, it was amazing. I definitely was nervous, but once it happened like it was everything I ever wanted.

So it was definitely dope.

That's dope. Listen, congratulations on on engagement. I am also a wedding planner amongst other things that they also do. I am also performing. I performed at the Two Weddings Two Weddings last year, so if you need someonebody to perform, I can also DJ.

I got.

I got, I got everything wrapped all run.

To the dance floor.

Pretty soon. He will tell you, you know, he minister, Why was that?

Why was that just getting ready to tell you I'm a junior. I'm a junior ordained minister too.

Yeah yeah, ju junior, check this out. I heard you have you a sneakerhead that your hue game is crazy.


I got a lot of shoes, and thankfully I'm a Nike athlete, so you can, like, once you get that, you really can get any thing you really want.

Like, but I got a lot of shoes, for sure.

Give me, give me, give me your top five shoes that you have in your collection?

Dang, I mean I got the U n C Off whites. Okay, yeah, top five, I don't know.

You got you got anything? Do you have any of the yeasies? Remember when when Kanye was with Nike? Do you have any of the easies?

I got the runners.

I don't have any of like the red boots, and so I know I got the black ones, like some tan ones, but I can't wear them like they just because I'm Nike.

Okay, okay, yeah, okay, you got boots, yeah.

But I don't wear them honestly.

But the thing is I being slides, Like if it's something tough, I wear, but most of the hobbying slides or Nike running shoes.

So hey, I also heard you wanted you wanted the top five best dress. I would say that, Hey, no, no, no, we're nothing to do that.

I agree, I agree.

Yeah you bet you be putting that ship on.

You be putting that ship on no.

T yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. So So if you if you top five and you say you're not two, three or four, four or five? So who who are your other who you other four?

The other four in the league, right, now I'll give Tasha Cloud Okay, yeah, Cloud, I give Skylar.

I like her style, Okay, okay.

Klea Copper, she got a smooth style, kolea copper, Skyler Marik who fIF I'll get dominant ships.

Okay, okay, Okay, that's what's up. So you like do you like? Do you like sneakers with all your outfits?


I mean I used to be like super sneakerd up like Nike Nike, but now I just do like some loafers or some like shoes that ain't got really no label, but they just that most of my shoes been covered out of there. You know, I'm on the flair pants right now, so you might not even see the shoes.

You tell about bail bottles. So let me ask you a question. How long does it take you to put together outfit? Do you know your next game? Do you have your outfit already picked out? Or is it like last minute?

Like yeah, usually the night before, Like I already picked out what I'm about to work for the game tomorrow.

So I'm not stressed because you know, the game days, it'd be.

A lot going on.

I don't got time to be looking and to take a long time to pick out it, like unless I, you know, have somebody help me with outfit. If I'm picking my own, like it takes me a long time, So I got to do it the night before for sure.

So can we tell the difference between an outfit a rek picked out as opposed to someone helping.

Can we tell the difference?

No, because I got style. So whether it's a stylist or whether it's myself, it's all. It's all in one.

I say when I use the stylist, this collaboration because I'm not just worring that you give me. Like if I think a shoe go better with that, I'm gonna wear that, or a pan go better with this top. Like it's usually like by pieces we talk about it. But if it's full fits and I like really really like it, I'm a way the whole fit.

But we usually talk about it.

I'm never gonna wear some like like them NBA players, they got two thousand dollars on. They look a hot mess from top to bottom.

That's that's never gonna be me. That's never come.

So let me ask you a question when you go with so, so, what what do you what are you trying to accomplish when you go to the game, obviously you want to be stylish and you know for the because now every like everybody to fit entry into the game. If damn as important is what happens in the game, It just.

Depends, Like it really depends on the time I had the night before, Like if I'm really about to tap in. It depends on city too, Like I like New York Arena, like I like Phoenix, so I might want to get more dressed up, like or if I'm in La or something. So it depends on the bibe of the game too. But if I just felt like getting dressed, if I'm at home, I'm gonna do that. So it's it's never really like a rhyme rhythm. It's just whatever, to be honest.

Do you always get dressed up? Do you?

If it ever, like when you go out somewhere that you might be seen or for tolls might grab you, that you're not always to.

The ninth Nah, No, I'm no, I'll be in sweats like majority of the time. Like the most time I'm dressed up is the tunnel, Like okay, that's what I like. If I got somewhere to go, Yes, But I also don't go a lot of places like I'll be at home.

I'm a homebody.

I like to be at the house, right right, So what so what can we expect? You mentioned that you guys going through a little rough patch. You're gonna get some of your key players back. Are you doing your thing? What can we expect from the Wings moving forward?


In reach fun basketball? I'm in exciting basketball.

Like I'm I'm a flashy player type, so I like to entertain, you know, I like to get a mucket. I like to I like to keep the fans and gags. But I also like to win and compete and play with my team. So definitely, hopefully a lot more wins. But anytime you go to a game, you're gonna get some exciting So definitely fans need to look forward to that.

Who we like competing against who we like?

When you like you gonna schedule like, okay, yeah, I know everybody gonna be watching that game, whether it's whether it's the whether it's the Ass and Kelsey Plumb and Chelsea Gray and Asia Wilson, or at the Liberty it's an that's cool, It's Joan cull Jones, is Stuart excuse me, whether you go not normally it's Seattle because they got them guard, they got Skylar.

Yeah that's when we play tomorrow. Actually yeah, okay, yes, so that's a shameless for y'all.

Got no Me and me and ju we were having last time we played each other last year, we had like both games like thirty and thirty. One time we had forty one and forty like we be going crazy and we both went to Notre dance.

So it'd be competitive, but it's all fun, even Skylight, Like I.

Love playing against great guards, like because one you you cold, I'm cold. We about to see who the cold is tonight, like we about to see what's going on. And I love when we guard each other too, so it's really like we're gonna check each other's gonna score on each other. So I probably guard you doing them all. She probably guarded me, so it'll be fun, you know, playing against her. So I love playing against her and other players like who get up, Like yeah, I'm about to lock you up, Like I love that.

Like I love when.

People come at me competitive because I know what I have. I'm never you know, scared them back down from anybody. We're just about to see who's gonna be the best tonight, Like maybe so you.

So you so? Are you a so?

Are you a transh? Would you be in your bag? Like that's like, yeah, that's that's one. That's a bucket there, baby.


But I don't talk to people like if somebody talks, I don't really talk to people, Like I'd be more worried about the rest of anything. I was like, that's a file, Like I'm yelling at the rest. I'm not really yelling player, But I don't really I don't really trash talks. Like if I hit a good bucket, I might say at person, you know what you were.

On Dancing with the Stars, what was that experience?

Like it was crazy.

I was more nervous for that than anything, Like you think it's not you think it's not bad until you get to that little stage and you gotta do something you're not used to in front of all these people, like just like it was.

And then the.

Practice it's like we have to practice like three four hours a day. I'm like, I gained a lot of respect for dancers. After dancers, I'm like, y'all really like that's a lot. It's a lot, But it was fun.

I met a lot of.

Cool people, but it was a lot.

Yeah, Dancing with the Star was awesome, obviously I did. I did season ten Dance with the Stars with Sheryl Burke, and I always say it was a great experience. People always ask me about it. I say, it's very humbling fact her being a professional dancer and then critiquing and judging you as a professional, not someone that's coming in learning we form, you know. So I mean it was very enjoyable. The funny thing about it is I like it about the show. The whole point of the show. To me, it would be taking people with no background experience in dancing and watching them get better week the week. But my season, I had to go against Nicole Scherzinger, who was the lead lead singer for the Pussycat Dolls, and what she does for a living is entertaining performing from the people. So I'm like, well, why do y'all have me going against some of that already dances for a living when it comes to their respect the craft. So it made no sense. But I know I did fairly well that season, so I really wasn't tripping.

Well. At least she did good that's all that matter.

Everyone, Please go follow a Rique on our social media's. That's a riqu underscore on I g at a Rik underscore o capitol O on Twitter.

Thank you for joining us the rest of the season.

And I got to see both of y'all at a game.

Yeah, I told you be what if they're the game when we're in town at the on the tour wis Winton.

All right, man, I'm gonna hold y'all to it, all right, one.

I appreciate you, thank you, thanks for coming on with us tonight.

The volume