NFL Network Insiders Tom Pelissero, Ian Rapoport, and Mike Garafolo talk the big news of CeeDee Lamb and the Cowboys agreeing to terms on a 4-year, $136 million contract extension. Jane Slater joins the show to talk the impact of Lamb’s contract on the Cowboys offense. They also talk Lamb’s contract’s impact on other receivers seeking new deals including Brandon Aiyuk and Ja’Marr Chase. Bridget Condon reports on the Steelers QB competition between Russell Wilson and Justin Fields. Steve Wyche joins to discuss expectations for DeShaun Watson and Aaron Rodgers who did not take part in the preseason. And, Michael F. Florio’s fantasy draft advice with “Hot Takes,” fringe first round players and first rookies off the board.
The wait is over for Cede Lamb to get his money in Dallas. The week continues for that bag in Cincinnati and San Francisco. We'll tell you what the CD signing means for those other wide receivers.
Is it Russell Wilson or Justin Fields? Is QB one?
In Pittsburgh we will explain Mike Tomlin isn'tsane just yet. Meanwhile, preseason is over, So what do we make of which quarterbacks did and did not see the field in the preseason.
I'll tell you this much. We always come to play right here.
Welcome inside with the insiders alongside Ian Rappaport at Mike Garrifolo, I am Tom Pelvisero. James Slater is going to be joined us Shorley Bridge at Condoll be here, Steve Whitch, Michael f Florio has some scalding hot fantasy takes. As you get in your final drafts here over the coming days, you better hurry as you know what fellas. We got ten days, just ten days until regular season football.
That's Right's the kickoff game.
The Ravens, the Chiefs Lamar Mahomes cannot wait for that time.
Ass are running short stif he got.
Oh, I don't know, a superstar holding out the Cowboys.
Well they got that in the nick of time.
Ceedee Lamb and the Cowboys Today, after months of on and off negotiations, after plenty of questions, after about six hundred and fifty three Jerry Jones formal and impromptu.
Press conference, has got it done.
Four years, one hundred thirty six million, with one hundred million guaranteed for Ceedee Lamb.
Howx heender are you? Mike McCarthy.
The reaction obviously was was great. Everybody in office was fired up. You know, he can play outside, he can play inside. He has the speed play outside and also has the you know, agility in the in the quickness, and you know he has the whole packets, you know. And one thing about TV is he CD he's as tough as they come. So yeah, he's definitely a complete, complete player.
I know, if I got a thirty eight million dollars signing bonus, you know what my first purchase would be money gun, you know, to get some of those dollar bills up in the air, because what are you really gonna do with a thirty eight million dollar bonus? Then a wild guess Ian's probably at least thought through this over the course of time. But he I was talking about how I did a.
Darry Jones money guns thing one time, and you both laughed at me.
See, money guns they're a thing, right, But we well, you don't want to get fined though, because if you do the money guns in the wrong spot, they'll actually take some of that money.
Oh wait, anyway, he's got millions of dollars.
Now you gonna talk about how this got done, Ian, because really, for the last ten or eleven days, the conversation, the negotiation kind of picked up.
It felt like it was coming to a head.
As we got under two weeks before the regular season opener for the Cowboys against the Browns, they finalize it.
To tell me more, First of all, the number really is where it should be.
Thirty four million dollars per year, four years, one hundred and thirty six million, one hundred dollars million dollars guaranteed a record for a wide receiver, thirty eight million dollars signing momus.
It all makes sense. And we all spoke for months.
About whether or not CD Lamb was going to try to be the highest paid receiver.
In the NFL.
It didn't sound like that conversation really got off the ground. It was pretty clear that he was going to get just under Justin Jefferson with really strong guarantees.
That's exactly what he got.
I get a million dollars per year less than Jefferson, but gets paid really what he deserves. And just to hear Mike McCarthy gush over the type of player, person, receiver, teammate, all the things that Ced Lamb could do.
These are the guys you want to pay.
And obviously there's been so much conversation Mike about the Cowboys not paying free agents. Part of the reason is these are the guys they want to pay.
So you're right.
It really ramped up, I would say, over the last ten days or so, this was always the target so he could get to the practice field by tomorrow for their first practice.
Did it need to take all this time? I don't know.
But what would we have talked about had we not had the CD lend thing hanging over us?
Mike got it.
We're not upset at all.
Yeah, I could have taken five minutes right after Justin Jefferson did his deal to come in right behind that, but they spent a couple of months saying, you know, you're you're a cowboy, right, you could take a little less. There was also the length of the deal that was being discussed, and they finally got him down to that four year extension. There there was cash flow, there was other considerations. There was also a you know, and the teams in the non state tax states, and that was non income tax states, that's Texas where they were saying, well, justin Jefferson, yeah, he's at thirty five, but you could come in a lot less than him and make the same as him. And CD He's like, no, no, no, let's get up there, because now if you factor in a non state tax state, he's actually over Justin Jefferson. And I know Jane Slater, resident of Texas, is going to join us shortly, and she's listening. She said, yeah, but the property taxes went up in Texas recently. Well there's no picnic in Minnesota either, So look, long story short, it was the pressure of the start of the regular season and getting in enough practice time.
That was part of the conversation. Seriously, per my reporting, that's what we do here, we report.
But yeah, enough time to get him into football shape because there is no shape like football shape, nothing like playing football to get in football shape.
That's what I'm trying to say.
I said it several times on the ERA over the past several days here, knowing that CD Lamb was not trying to outshoot the Justin Jefferson number. This wasn't a super complicated deal to get done. It was going to come in right under Jefferson. Flip side of that, Ian, you have Dak Prescott, who I think that everybody looking at this situation on his face, has so much leverage there would be a surprise if he does not reset the quarterback market.
That spot right now is fifty five million dollars per year.
Dak's already been franchise tag twice because they had to burn that second tag to get the paperwork through a few years ago when they did an extension. There has been conversation, there has been negotiation about a new deal to keep Dak off the market next March. I would certainly anticipate that is the next thing that Jerry Jones and company try to ramp up here in the coming days.
Well, you mentioned a second franchise tag for Dak Prescott. That was not a given that was one of the I would say better negotiating moves from his agent, Todd Frents to get the Cowboys to tag him a second time, basically making it impossible to tag for the rest of his career. That's one reason why Dak Prescott has all the leverage he has right now, and make the mistake, he has literally all the leverage. The Cowboys would clearly like to get a long term deal done. If it gets done, he is no doubt going to be the new highest paided quarterback in the NFL. And here are really the options. It is either taking deal that resets the quarterback market. That's something that Dak Prescott is proud of, that his agent is proud of, that the union, that the whole world knows this is a great deal, or just go be the biggest free agent in NFL history. Those are really the options for Dak Prescott. That's the situation he's in. And I would say the Cowboys have a week or so maybe to get this done, but the stakes are redibly high.
We spent so much time this offseason, almost a much as Cowboys fans talking about the Cowboys. Why aren't they getting these deals done? Why aren't they signed anybody. Well, in recent days, they've made trades. They have signed some veteran defensive players. They might not be done just yet. It's a tweally short time ago. Four time Pro Bowl running back Dalvin Cook is getting on a plane tonight to go to Dallas and potentially join Ezekiel Elliott in that backfield. We know that things didn't work out last season for Dalvin. Aaron Rodgers goes down after four snaps. They never really established the mix in the backfield they'd intended with the Jets what the vault were actually had a long run in one of those playoff games here. But this time around, he's not coming off a shoulder injury anymore. He's been spending time within the gym. As you see right there, a very interesting potential addition for the Dallas Cowboys.
For now we know this.
It's one hundred and thirty six million dollars for CD Lamb right there. You can split these numbers in different ways, but certainly CD getting a very good deal as he comes off of a career season. As welcome in our Jane Slater, who is of course there in Dallas. Jane as Ian mentioned here Cowboys knew that they were kind of running short on the clock to get CD ready for Week one against the Browns.
So what is the plan moving forward? What does this mean to.
This Cowboys team that's got high aspirations to finally know officially they got CD back in the full.
Deadlines mcdill's Stephen Jones says it all of the time, and this is one of those triggering weeks when you consider they've got to make cuts to the roster, and when you look at what they had out at training camp, it was always inevitable that they were going to get this thing done. So he's been away from the team for three months now. He's been training a lot in Houston with his uncle. He's been down in South Florida working out with doctor Sharif Taba otherwise known as Doctor Reef. They've been working on things like film sessions on field work, explosiveness, stability, dealing with release, dynamic timing, reads and coverages. All that to say, he's been putting in the work this offseason. I talked to a couple of people in the building. I said, what's the next plan as.
You ramp them up?
Well, there's been some minor adjustments to the terminology as it relates to the offense. No one's worried about whether he's going to get up to speed or not. One person telling me he's about as smart as they come when it comes to knowing this playbook. Mike McCarthy, Aside from the clip that you shared earlier, guys, you know the words he used was relief and exciting to get him back in the building. The biggest thing with him is, obviously you've just given this huge deal. You want to make sure that you don't have any soft tissue injuries. It's very different than when you're trading by yourself or you're working out in the sand. This is sort of that real game temp But we talked about this on Friday, very similar to what they did with Ezekiel Elliott, who by the way, had an even shorter amount of time. When he signed it was September fourth, and then he played in a game on September night. Scored in that game, was fine. He was in a bit of a pitch count. Mike McCarthy says. The big thing is you just want to make sure that CD's not doing too much. He loves to run, loves to go hard. His focus on is making sure he doesn't do too much, but I don't anticipate that we're really going to see too many limitations based on some of the work that he's done this offseason.
Thirteen days away, it's the Cowboys, it's the Browns, it's Tom Brady on the call and wild guests. Jane Slater might be in Cleveland as well. Jane, thank you very much. As always, we will look forward to talking with you again soon. Okay, we mentioned some of those other wide receivers still waiting for deals.
Jamar Chase is on that list.
One key difference with Chase is that he's got two years remaining on his rookie contract.
The math is a little bit different.
Another key difference, Jamark Chase has been there throughout the course of training camp. He's been a hold in, not a holdout, and that appears to be ending with him getting back on the practice field starting on Sunday, when for the first time since training camp began, he was a full participant. So ian the question still remains here, when potentially could we see a Jamar Chase contract and what impact, if any, is of CD's deal getting done with Dallas.
We'll start with the first part.
The Bengals and Jamar Chase's agent, Rocky Arsenal are still negotiating, still trying to work out.
A long term deal.
As Mike Brown has said, it is a challenge, a big time challenge, mostly because it's early and the expenditure for the Bengals would be massive, But it is still possible. They're working and the landscape of the receiver deals got much more cleanly defined, clearly defined with this Cede Lamb deal. You can't argue that Justin Jefferson's thirty five million dollars per year was an anomaly. Cede Lamb, who's also awesome, came in right below it. Jamar Chase, of course, is going to want to come in at or one cent above his good friend Justin Jefferson. So the landscape is there to do a deal. They do have some time to make it happen, though, And look, the fact that he has been practicing, I think is at least a good sign. It does give an indication that he'll probably be on the field when this season starts. But the two sides are simply trying to get there, and we just don't know whether or not that's going to happen.
When I say that, the math is different too.
When you get two years left, it's really a matter of these extensions are on top of what you got left on your rookie deal, right, What's hard to move enough cash up in the deal that the numbers actually look right on paper here. In other words, a thirty five million dollars year extension for Jamar Chase really add up differently than a thirty five million dollar year extension for Justin Jefferson. Could be next year, but the Bengals have been open to a deal. We'll see if they're able to push that thing forward. Brandon Ayuk, of course you might have heard a little bit about this, and though I don't know, the past six months, still looking for a new contract as well. He was at the forty nine ers preseason game against the Raiders. He was not, as multiple league executives point out to me, wearing team gear on the sideline, which is something that you're supposed to do. There have been a lot of twists and turns in this, Mike, tell me where we stand right now with Ayuk, the forty nine Ers, and god knows who else.
Yeah, the traveling to the game, the other night felt like some kind of show of good faith on Brandon Ayuck's part. And I've been saying that the sides have been relatively close on the forty nine ers last offer and just nobody moving as they're really that close to getting something done and we're still kind of there. The offer hasn't changed since I believe it's two and a half weeks or so since the forty nine Ers made that offer, But this past weekend sort of felt like somewhat of a reset. And I don't know how many resets this is. I mean, I haven't seen this many resets since it involved blowing into a Nintendo cartridge. But we're getting closer to the start of the season, and thank you, I think that was a compliment. We're getting close to the start of the season here. So at some point, is it going to be staying in San Francisco? Is it going to be a trade to the Steelers? Is it going to be a trade to another team? Remember there were other teams involved way back. Can they circle back and try that route again? And all this stuff has been discussed by understanding, according to the sources in that forty nine Ers building.
So it's getting close to.
Nut cutting time, and one option on the table is for Brandon I used to play out the last year of his contract. That doesn't seem to work for anything. I just don't feel like that's a good solution for anybody. So if we get to that point, this saga is going to continue into the regular season. Auks do about fourteen million dollars. Obviously the forty nine ers at any point could say, hey, you're coming back and playing on that. You could also have the right to say I'm willing to give up close to a million dollars a week at least up until the middle of the season, where he'd have to prevent his contract being from being told.
One guy, we do know where he's headed.
Juju Smith Schuster quickly finding a new team, which also happens to be his own team back with the Kansas City Chiefs, who was actually already out there on the practice field earlier today.
Some interesting decisions for the Chiefs to make.
With that wide receiver room, but with Juju they got somebody they know already has the chemistry with their quarterback Patrick Mahomes.
The NFL is back with four days a foot ball.
When the twenty twenty four season begins put the Baltimore Ravens against.
The aforementioned Kansas City Chiefs.
Watch live September fifth, seven thirty pm Eastern Time on NBC. It's NFL Kickoff, presented by U two Team V.
We don't want to see Mahomes. We don't see Lamar Jackson in week one.
Well we see Russell Wilson or potentially will we see justin Field.
Mike Tomlin has still not said for certain.
We'll get into why and what might play out here in the coming days right after this, as The Insiders rolls on. Every time we think we know what direction the Patriots are going to go with their starting quarterback, there's some type of little twist there. Night it was Jacoby Brissett banging up his shoulder and Drot Mayo said he was actually fine. The plan was to hold him out after only one series, which seems like what you do with the starter, not a guy who's competing with Drake may Here's a little bit more of what may has had to say over the past couple of days.
Would Drake may play if Jacobi's not available?
Uh, I would like to see here and say one hundred percent he's our second best quarterback on our Russer right now?
Is that yes? Or next question?
I'm not sure. I'm not sure until until I West of Fame. You know, he's climbing the ranks and to Kobe having a better overall command of the operation. But who knows. They may change. And you know, we said it all along, we had one A and one B. It's a competition. That's definitely a huge conversation here over the next couple of days of how we want to approach it. I would say, you know, we came into the preseason with the plan for Drake. You know, he's a you know, number three overall picks, so you know, uh, the expectations and things like that are high, and the pressure from the outside, from the fans and from the media will be to put Drake in. But you know, after speaking with a VP and Eliott, we feel we still feel confident about the plan we have for Drake.
Welcome back to the Insiders, Tom Pella, Sero Rapport, Mike Garafollo. We don't have as much of a track record on Drod Mayo quotes Ian in terms of I think we all had kind of a Belichick.
Translator through the years.
You can bring it into the various grunts and non answers and things like that. When you hear girod Mayo after the game say break's our second best quarterback, then today say Drake is outplayed Jacoby Brissette. I still get the impression that basically they're saying, hey, even though one guy looked really good, we can't put him out there right now with this team.
Let's put Jacoby out there.
What do you make of what you've heard and seen about New England's decision?
First of all, listening to Drodmeo, it's clear there is no firm decision yet, which is okay, there doesn't have to be obviously this week you would think one would come, but no firm decision yet. And it really is a multifaceted decision. It's simply not okay, who throws the ball? Well, who played better in the last game? You know, then you'd say, okay, we'll cool, Drake may get on out there, go play. It is also having a veteran who could come in and withstand all the different things that come in an NFL game. Is the offensive line good enough to block for someone who mightn't take a split second, more in making decisions with Obviously Drake may is a good athlete. You want to put a rookie quarterback who you're really really high hopes for, You want to put him out in a position to have some success. Is this Patriots team right now in a position to have success? The answer is, I have no idea, But I don't know that anyone else does either. Because it's the preseason, there's so many questions. I think that's why you get these sort of non answers or half answers from Jid Mayel, because a lot of this really is up in the air now. I would also say that when we talked to Jacoby versaid, and he's said this publicly several times, he believes he is the starter. He was brought here to be the starter. There's nothing wrong with having the first round quarterback. Just take a deep breath and wait. And I would finally add this mic everything we have seen from Drake May the last couple weeks. The Patriots have been excited about him all camp. I know there was some sort of narrative like they've been excited about him all camp. It's just a matter of when he actually gets out there.
Well, he in the control room. Please leave him up for this.
It's getting close to nut cutting time, which according to wictionary dot org, which is not the best source, but trust me, this is true. Means quote the optimal time to gather nuts before they are seized by other animals or buried in the snow. No, the last block in this block. Understand that that's what nuts about. But I would say this to Girodmeo. Fine, you know, in relation to what you said with regard to the offensive line and everything around him and all that stuff, there was a fumbled bubbled snap there that he picked up and was able to kind of still make.
A play there.
There was a third and fourteen where he scrambled for seventeen yards when nobody was open.
There was a play where he lost his shoe last night.
The shoe came off, still completed a pass. Like Drake May, who is a cool customer if you've been with him through the draft process, like I'd been with him a couple of times and talked to him, and yeah, I got him. But as your quarterback, as a head coach and you see all this going on, you know, maybe he's got more resilience than the average rookie.
That's all I would say, is anything good ever come from somebody's shoe coming off?
All I can think back was, you know herschel Walker lost the shoe one of his first games with the Vikings that obviously ended poorly here. I don't know if that's a harbinger of bad things to come.
I would say it was. It was a hall of fame.
I think we're not a hall of fame career because I think he was in the Black Sox again. But Joe Jackson, right, and then a movie came of it, a really good movie, Feel the Dreams.
Yeah, didn't it great for Joe Jackson? But he met out. Anyway, we're way off topic here, all right. How about this? We had another team that does not yet have a starting quarterback named You might have heard about this one too.
It's in Pittsburgh, Russell Wilson justin fields. They have proceeded in terms of the reps as if Russell Wilson is the guy. He only played one series through three passes the other night. And yet here we stand allot a firm answer from Mike Common, who's says that he is going to wait untiled the end of this week as we welcome in our friend Bridget Condon to the conversation. Bridgie, you were at that game the other day against the Lions. It was a very brief and actually pretty effective in terms of the offense outing for Russell Wilson Justin Fields. We saw some of the dynamic movement skills he has. We also saw I yet another botch exchange. What do you make of where we stand right now in terms of how Pitchburg's looking at that QB position?
Well, Tom, you mentioned it.
Mike Tomlin said after that game, We're going to wait until the end of this work week, so they're going to have three days this week of Steelers on Steelers. He said, why not do that and then we'll make a decision. But all eyes really are pointing towards Russell Wilson being the starter Week one against the Falcons. But let's have some fun, right Why not compare the two quarterbacks to this preseason. Justin Fields had eleven drives whereas Russell Wilson had just six drives. They have a very similar passer rating this preseason, Russell Wilson with a ninety two passer rating, Justin Fields with a ninety one point four. But again, this is the difference, right. You kind of mentioned it coming to me off that toss. Russell Wilson was in the game, led the team to a touchdown in his first drive, then was pulled out of there.
Justin Fields did the same thing. He led the team to a.
Touchdown on the first drive of that game against the Lions. The difference he stayed in for another two drives. It looks like Russell Wilson is their quarterback one, right, That's what you do in the preseason. You get your quarterback in there, let him score a touchdown, get a little rhythm, and then pull him out of there. But it's going to be interesting to see what they do come the end of this week. All eyes again pointing towards Russell Wilson. Some of the conversations I had at that game on Saturday, that's the sense I got to. It felt like, yeah, there was a little bit of concern with a calf injury, but once he got back out there and was able to do everything, there was no limits in terms of scheme for him in the game. It felt like because of his experience. Again, look, he's entering his thirteenth season in the league. Justin Fields, just his fourth season, it felt like he always had the edge over fields. But that's not to say at some point this season that we won't see Justin Fields in there as QB one for the Steelers.
I think that's also evident, Bridget is that this is a team that's gonna have to play defense, and I think the defense is gonna be pretty nasty. They're gonna have to run the ball to We know they have Naji Harris Jalen Warren dealing with the hamstring injury the last several weeks. It sounds like there's some optimism there that he gets back week one. That's what he's told reporters today. We'll see, but that at least is a good sign that that is what he believes. So being full go offensive line and run games certainly something that will help. And Bridget, That's not the only good running back news we got today. I'm talking specifically about the Lions budting star Jamier Gibbs.
What do we know there, Yeah, he was back on the practice field just to walk through today. But the Lions got a lot of guys back. As we inch closer to Week one against the Rams. Sam Laporta, their tight end, was also back and a big boost on defense. Dj Reader was taking off the pup list. In terms of if he'll play week one, that's not been ruled out. Dan Campbell says they're getting week two against the Bucks for his return, but they're going to see how he does over the next couple weeks before making a decision on when he'll be back. But Dan Campbell is saying today this is going to be a tough couple hours for them until cut down day tomorrow when they try to get to that fifty three one position. That's really interesting that you guys, I'm sure have been talking about keep your eyes on, is that wide receiver number three position behind Amen Ross, Saint Brown and Jamison Williams.
Josh Reynolds.
Remember how big he was for this team, both in terms of size at six to three, but also you know what he did on the field. He was their best deep threat. They have a couple players that are in contention for that. Donathan people Jones is one of them, and also de Reese Fountain, both big guys at six ' to two, but also this undrafted rookie. Have you guys heard of him? Isaiah Williams, He's making a name for himself this preseason for the Lions. He's just five ' ten though, and Dan Campbell says they'd love to have that size, you know, for the wide receiver room. But it feels like Isaiah Williams has done a ton this preseason and might just have made a spot for himself on this roster.
I don't know if we know.
If we know Brad Holmes, he also know he's going to be on the phone potentially adding to that room among other places as we go through these next several days. Bridget, thank you very much. Talk to you again soon here back in the top story coming up after this, Ceedee, Lamb got a big old bag of money. So what's next for the Cowboys? Yes, it turns out there actually are other people on the team. Jane Slater will be back to break it all down.
Coming up right.
After this on The Insiders, Back to Thriller lets him from the safety spot, and Pruscott of states that lunch to his life, throws on the.
Run the middle of.
The Atlantica fifty. You want to get anywhere near him, Lamb crawl if we wanted to CD Lamb, Lady who yours well, get guest out for the Dallas touchdown.
Pay the man already pay?
Oh they did, They did pay the man.
Case you missed it earlier, Ceedee Lamb and the Cowboys agreeing to a four year, one hundred and thirty six million dollar extension with one hundred million dollars guaranteed.
So he is back in plenty of time to.
Practice and get ridy fur week one as a member of the Dallas Cowboys. Jane Slater, get back in here. We talked CD earlier. That's the good news. Let's talk a little bad news because we you know, we tackled the good and the bad here on the Insiders, And let's talk about Deron Bland. The Cowboys losing one of their big defensive playmakers.
Yeah, that was a tough one. You know. Earlier in camp they lost Sam Williams, and granted they were able to go out and get some help there at defensive end. And they also have their rookie Marshawn neland they are going to once again be calling on a rookie to help out here. Mike Dearn Bland.
For the fans that.
May not have been familiar with them, very saft spoken, but he let us play do all the work. Nine interceptions, five of those returned for touchdowns. Last year, he really stepped up when remember Trey Vaughn Diggs went down last year with an ACL injury in early September. So Mike Zimmer was sitting here thinking he had an.
Embarrassment of riches. And now you need a rookie to step up here.
Kaylin Carson, the rookie that they're going to be turning to.
Who is he?
He has a fifth round pick out of wake Forest. Now I asked around one of your thoughts on him. Super competitive, quick learner, tough, he will tackle, he won't back down from a challenge. But you know, in order to impact the run game and provide pressure, you need two good corners. And so the question here is do they have that I've been reaching out to see if you know, you've got a couple of free agents out there, guys like Patrick Peterson, You've got Eli Apple. It doesn't look like they've got those guys in coming in just yet, but they've been known to surprise us. The Dalvin Cook thing happening today him coming to Dallas, got that confirmed along with Tom Pilisaro that he will be doing a workout. So looks like Jerry Jones is flexing out there, as he did in a profanity laced interview with our boy Clarence Hill, telling us what a good GM is. So he is scanning the rosters in the waiver wires, see what's out there. We'll see if they do something at corner. But looks like they're right now going to be looking to the rookie about.
Six to eight weeks from now.
Even on the back end of that, you're looking at mid October, so they would have bland back potentially before Halloween. So the Cowboys may be thinking we've got enough in house to get us to that point.
We shall see what tack they take.
Thank you, Jane Tom.
A lot of moves out being around the NFL. Not all cuts good news, bad news for the Browns. No surprise, Nick Chubb going to remain on the physically unable to perform lists.
Coming back from that e injury.
The Browns always knew was not going to be there in September, but there is hope that as we get into October and November, we'll see Chubb back on the field. Little good news Jack Coughlin Jedrick Wilson are starting tackles, both past their physicals off the pup list today. Be while for the Rams they got Pooking the core back in the mix, so at least going out there and doing some individual drills. He had been sidelined because he went down awkwardly, even with a knee issue. Sean mcfado had said that it was only going to be a couple of weeks at that time. Full expectation, I in the Puka is ready to roll a couple week one.
Not a similar sitching for Uchenna Nuoshu, the Seahawks standout ed really not a household name, but he is a baller.
Nasally been having a great, great training. Kip sources that he is going to miss.
Multiple weeks with a knee injury that he suffered on Saturday night.
Could actually begin the season on.
IR That is one of the reasons they traded earlier today for Trevis Gibson from the Jaguars, and.
Then we had a quarterback tree.
Malik Willis, the former backup quarterback for the Tennessee dun was probably exlated to be certainly was slated to be their third rounder with Mason Rupe coming in and playing really well.
He is headed to the Green Bay Packers, likely to be their backup.
That is a fresh start. Leak willis a really good situation. The fact that he gets a backup his good friend Jordan Loves surely something that will help kickstart his career. You want to talk about quarterbacks, let's talk about quarterbacks. Aaron Rodgers and Deshaun Watson. Both awesome quarterbacks, both highly productive. Both didn't do you know anything in the pre season. Is that going to matter in the regular season? If only Steve Weisch was available to ask, where is Steve Weisch?
It's coming up.
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Cover NFL Fantasy Live weekdays at six pm Eastern Time only on NFL Network. Or if sometimes you don't have time to watch the show, you get this text Michael lef Florio directly, which is what I was doing right before a draft I had last weekend. Welcome back to the Insiders. It's Tom Beelisero Revort, Mike Garafollo. Let's bring up here.
I sent this to you if I had text Michael left. But there were a lot of names.
I'm right in the middle there.
I'm listening is Tommy, Uh, what do you think of this draft? Because in the middle rounds you gave me all stuff that you said on the show last week I should do.
So it's hard for me to make out the exact names, but I remember on it was like Friday or Saturday, you had texted.
It to me.
I remember going over it and being like, I really like this team and ranted.
A lot of it is because there's players I like.
But I remember you got you.
Got Josh Allen with a couple of bills back there.
I look, I thought you came.
Away from a great team with a great team.
I don't think, like I said, about either of Mike's teams. I've yet to see anything that they have drafted. But Tom, you did a good job this weekend.
Yeah, so take that to the AI thing that grated my draft as a D plus.
We'll see about that as we think out later in the season.
All right, Florio, you're here, for a more important reason than that. I think a fantasy hot take from me. There's still a lot of drafts going on around the country. Give me something that you think that nobody else is thinking as they get ready to draft.
I got through freeing Tom the first.
I think Trey McBride is going to be you tight end run in.
Fantasy football this year. No tight end is going to score four points than Trey McBride.
I know it sounds like a hot take.
Last year with Kyler Murray, he was the tight end one in fantasy points per game and in target share, and of all the top tight ends from last season, he had the fewest percentage of his fantasy.
Points come from touchdowns.
I think this offense is going to be better with a healthy Kyler Murray, which should just lead to more scoring opportunities for McBride.
I don't worry about Marvin Harrison or anything like that.
And then I think Isaiah Pacheco is going to finish as a top four fantasy running back this year.
People might even hurt me, say this a right.
This is gonna be the take of mine this summer that I think gets most remembered for. So check out already dominates groundwork in Kansas City, especially near the goal line, but he's got a really thin RB room there.
I think he's going to be a three.
Down back and I think the Chiefs might be three best offense in football.
So at three down back on.
The best offensive football with Andy Reid. Yeah, it seems like a hot take now come January. I don't think it will.
That was like six hot takes.
But it's our pretty flamming I appreciate you putting yourself out there. Why don't you tell us as I continue to get ready for my fantasy draft on Monday, once you give us a couple fringe first rounders that you like.
Ruka Nakua is a player that last season I pounded the table for all summer and we all know really went on to.
Post rookie records and catches and yards.
He won a bunch of people their fantasy championship that I will say. I'm a little bit nervous this year having to pay full price.
It's like when I was younger, I always.
Went to this bar and I had fifty cent win and then I wrote there on a regular night and they wanted like twenty bucks for ten wings and I.
Was like, I don't want to pay that price.
That's kind of how I feel right now.
With Puka, but he's fallen to around two in a couple of my drafts and I love getting him there.
And then Jonathan Taylor.
I'd have been a Jonathan Taylor fan since his Wisconsin days, and I'm not stopping now. I get the concerns Anthony Richardson maybe could vulture a couple of touchdowns away.
Maybe he's not going to throw the ball to Taylor as much, but those two running the option should be a ton.
Of fun, should lead to a lot of big plays for Taylor.
And he has been in RB one in points per game in all but one.
Of his NFL season, so I think with a running quarterback we could potentially see even more upside.
Out of him.
All right, backing out Florida, there's a reason you haven't seen my fantasy team.
I haven't had my draft yet.
It is Tuesday, this coming Tuesday, not tomorrow the next Tuesday.
Nice and my.
Seven pm Eastern, which is when this program now. A lesser man, a lesser man would probably take off.
I'm not.
I'm gonna work my way. I'm going to draft live daed roll back. We don't have the graphic. We are gonna draft live on Tuesday. Would you like to join and help me and be a phone a friend and be a ringer here? Yes, you would, Florio ignat with us on Tuesday. You're gonna help me draft my team. You got to tune in for that. See if I can focus on anything other than my draft during the show. Speaking of focus, time for me to focus on the question, I have to ask you, which is a rookie that you believe will be the first off the board?
First, good luck to you because doing a show and drafting is not easy, and you're not even doing a fantasy show.
So good luck Mike. But warmn Harrison Junior, first wide receiver off the board.
You've heard his name for years.
He is finally here. He is a great field stretcher.
I think he's going to be the Cardinals number one red zone.
Option from day one.
And those two things are huge because long catches and touchdowns is how wide receivers score points.
In chunks.
We have seen Kyler Murray already support a wide receiver one in his career. I have Harrison ranked as a wide receiver one, but you get him in round two, and then the second rookie off the board is Malik Neighbors. He continues to climb up and up and up draft boards, but you could still get him in the fourth round.
In a lot of drafts.
He was my wide receiver one actually throughout the NFL draft process because.
He can do everything.
He could stretch the fields, he could win after the catch, he could win in the red zone.
He is a future star in this league.
And I know people have concerns about his quarterback, but he is going to be the focal point.
Of this offense.
Nine to ten targets a week is in play, and with his talent, that is someone that you want on your rosters.
Michael, thank you very much for being here.
And I think it's actually illegal if you join Mike on during rout next week, Lee's league may not be overly thrilled. Weekday six, Fan Eastern Time Fantasy Live. He's not being there, Mikey, thank you very much. We'll look forward to talking with you again next week. A lot more to come tomorrow be here, We'll see it