Hour Two of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with reactions to Playoff Predictions fom Tuesday. Hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt, Peter Schrager, and Akbar Gbajabiamila reveal their candidates for Defensive Player of the Year. RB Aaron Jones drops by to discuss changing teams within the division and now playing for the Vikings. Plus, Akbar and Kyle make their picks for MVP.
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Good Morning Football.
Hey, everybody, welcome inside our show. It's Good Morning Football presented by Old Trapper Beef Jerky. We're live here in Los Angeles. I'm Jamie art All. That's Akwar, Budgebia Millan, That's Peter Schrager, That's Kyle Brent. Peter Schreeger just named his MVP of the twenty twenty four season as.
Aaron Rodgers, forty one years old, behind an offensive line that gave up a lot of sacks and have been rebuilt. But I'm out there on a limb and I said, let's go all in Rogers for the fifth time. I think will be MVP. I think it'll be the story of the year. Jamie, you were wearing a Tua jersey. Was that your selection?
This is my selection. It's a two a tongue of Iloa Miami Dolphins t shirt. I tried to trick everybody at the table, thinking could it be Tyreek?
Could it be two up?
Frankly, Tyreek probably could build a pretty good campaign together. But I go to for the story and the impact and his growth over the years, and I think the Dolphins, soh I have winning the division.
I think it'll be because of that.
Dan Marino forty years ago won MVP as quarterback of the Dolphins. New York Jets MVP never that would be the first one and maybe a lot of firsts for the Jets this year.
Peter, you're out there.
Very good.
I was it on that lift.
Some folks in Western New York are probably giggling right now.
Yeah, yeah, it's different.
Speaking of we had our playoff teams predicted yesterday, So time for What's Your Beef?
Presented by allper Beef Turkey.
Yesterday when our playoff teams emerge, X had something to say about it as we first take a look at Peter's picks and the public response to Peter's picks.
Peter welkester what you got?
All right?
So we'd come out there, we give our picks, you know, we say what do we think? Because put it out there into the earth. This is the NFC Cowboys fans had a field day with me. Disrespectful was the word he is. There was an article written by like a reputable site being like Peter Sharker disrespects the Cowboys.
Was the blog and the Boys.
I love them, my.
Guy Brian Brotens.
I know, it was like like they disrespect, not disrespect. There's a lot of weird stuff with this Cowboys team. And when it came down to it, there was only so many seats at the inn, and I don't want the Cowboys And so that was the biggest thing there AFC.
Where do you want to start?
You want to start about a Wolfhins fan base that you know is absolutely furious that for the second straight year, I didn't put him in. Evenough last year they did go to the playoffs and they were the one seed for much of the season. Possibly I no, I'm not biased against Miami. I actually think they're going to be very good again. Only so many seats. Broncos was the big one though, for what a rookie quarterback, the sixth quarterback take it?
And I say this, and I.
Know Justin Simmons is no longer there, and I know Tim Patrick's no longer there, and I know there's all these different things. I trust the coach. I trust the coach, and in the NFL, coach matters. So three teams in the AFC West, and I think all three of those coaches Andy Reid, Jim Harbaugh, and Sean Payton are going to the playoffs.
Here, here's some tweets and let's uh, people have some constructive Elon Musk.
And his friends got for me. Okay, wow, they tagged about forty. I already know Perter is a Dolphins sator without saying it.
So he's got a tech mark.
I can't really know. Like, all right, Jets number wants everything you need to know about Peter. Yep, I'm I'm foolish. Yep, the last one. Peter, love you, but charge there. Yes, over the Raiders, I told you that.
Come on, come on, is this thing on? Do you understand what I?
Quiet? Be quiet?
It's nothing to be like, how do you leave the Dolphins out like the Raiders? If I say that the Broncos, the Raiders and the Chiefs are gonna be by the Raders, it's not crazy.
Does a rod even have the Raiders?
Like? Come on, that's it.
Did any of us have the Raiders? To be honest, I don't think any of us did, So maybe they go and we all.
I actually had the Raiders in my heart.
Okay, that's what that counts for. Something.
One team I didn't have in the AFC that I actually didn't hear a lot of ground swell of responses.
I didn't have the Houston Texans.
I had the Jaguars over the Texans. And that's the one I lost the most sleepover. And the reason is I feel really strongly about the Jaguars. I also think the Texans have a really difficult schedule. Now is the first place team. And I mentioned this yesterday on the show. And it's not to say that CJ. Stroup can't get it done.
He absolutely will.
He's a superstar and he might be the MVP this season. They only played games in the one o'clock window last year, seventeen regular season games all at one o'clock. They played a primetime game in the in the playoffs beat the Browns, and then had played a primetime game and lost the Ravens. It's not like they can't perform in primetime. I'm not saying that, But what I am saying is this isn't the same. Just Hey, we're the Hunters and no one's looking at us and we're under the radar, Like they are a team that everyone is watching and they have a loaded schedule, and I'd like to see how they handle that adversity this season because they didn't have to do that last year.
Good job, Bud.
When you don't collect the team, you look for some kind of foothold.
Why you're hanging on.
I gotta have one, Yeah, I gotta have one cockbar all right, well bring up hawk bar.
As the resident rookie yere, this one was very very challenging for me. I always it took me some time. But here go AFC East. You know, started that bad boy with the Bills, and you know the Dolphins, you know fans, they they definitely they were at me.
Oh yeah, they also.
But the one that I had the hardest time with was really genuinely the AFC North. That one I just felt like it could go either way, I mean, top to bottom, you know, maybe minus the Steelers. The Steelers are kind of like maybe the dark horse in there, but the Cleveland Browns. I really really struggled with that one as well.
And then we talked.
About the Texans of course, the Chiefs, the Chargers. I'm really really excited about the Chargers and what they're going to do in the AFC West. Now let's get over on the other side to the NFC. I actually this surprised me because where there's a lot of hate, you also can get a lot of love. Can you figure out which of these teams gave me a lot of love on social media? This was really really challenging. Any guesses. Falcons, no, another bird. The Eagles showed some love for me, which was you know, I was like, all right, cool, I appreciated Chicago Bears. I told you guys, I'm all on the hype. I fell in love with watching Hard Knocks. But here's some of the tweets here comment here we go more.
Raise the game?
All right for the Eagles, They're they're calling for a raise. I'm like, no, we need to stay on that one. That's impressive.
I like that one.
This one probably best predictions out of the group, and you know, and it has the Bears in the postseason had a boy, Hey, thank you Hard Knots for for kind of getting me there. And this last one here was like received noted. But here's what you can't see because it wasn't cleared. It was a little scary. It was a Dolphin fan who had a camera, like one of those disposable cameras like this I'm watching you, and I'm like, wait, So when I stepped out of the house this morning, I'm like, just making sure nobody's coming out.
That's what you did.
It's Steve BUSHMI and Billy Madison with the list like you don't want that.
I didn't.
I didn't get any tweets from the producers that were like positive, way to go Sreger markets for pump up speed.
Okay, interesting choices, guys.
You think it's personal.
So I was walking around backstage and Jamie picked to it of your m VP and I saw these backstage that she used. So I'm just gonna put these on because they I just I just want to feel about you. Look, I just feel like, immediately anesthetized you seems very cool if it's cool to not feel your legs and I'm cool, sure, Okay, let's find out my picks.
Let's just get into them.
Let's go AFC kind of stock on the left, guy.
A lot of returning champs on the right.
I don't care if you don't like the Steelers to your question of how they get into ten wins, they'll.
Figure it out. They're the Steelers, the Dolphins.
I had them in you guys. A couple of guys didn't. And then the charges. I said the day they hired Jim Harbo, the charges would get in and they will NFC National Football Conference.
I have the Cowboys in. Why do you always hate the Cowboys? I promise you I don't. I think they're gonna win the division. Falcons.
Yes, God, there's so much love on the Falcons. I was watching the show they were doing last night here in primetime that Rich was hosting with all the guys. So much love the Falcons. Almost everybody picks them to take the NFC South. And then let's go to the social media. Let's go the comment box. Let's go, let's do this.
No Eagles, Jets or Packers. Kyla's cooked.
You just hate the color green.
And then maybe this person that follow up tweet it made me laugh out loud after that, and then he goes also including the Steelers result in prison time to the prison prison, guys, it's the Steelers. I didn't put the Panthers and the Steelers always in the playoffs. Bengals dissolved as an organization or something at IH.
Why is it always so extreme?
There's only seven?
Why can't it just be like, oh not the Bengals.
All right, Well I see it differently. I think they will.
Make it dissolve the organizations center of the mighty Bengals as well. I'm sorry, guys, it's so many spots.
It's not it really isn't personal.
Actually in some cases it is, but not against the Bengals.
Again, what do you got her at all?
Glass look great on you.
I AFC first, I got a lot of love from Music City, the Tennessee Titans, fans Worth, Yeah, I put them in there.
Like I said yesterday, I follow Brian Callahan. Sorry Bengals.
That is why I just went with my gut with the head coach and his moved to Nashville kind of chalk on the left side of the screen as I take you to the NFC And like Kyle said, the table a lot of love for the Falcon So I had the Buccaneers winning the NFC South. That was my big That was the one I lost the most sleepover. I just could not, out of good faith, leave Bigger Mayfield out of the playoffs. I don't think the story is done, and I put the Bucks in So give give the heat now, unless if you're going to Peter's theory, it's going to be all glowing in sunshine, social media respect.
Oh, here we go.
The Bengals are like Rodney no response exactly. Wow, everybody's sleeping on the Vikings. Yeah I am, because this a terrible thing happened to your rookie.
Did this individual tag every person?
Every person in the world?
Okay, yeah, characters?
Right, So I like it.
I like when they get into the Weeds solid run game and like, I actually respect that.
Actually not a Vikings issue.
It's the fact that the NFC North is great and the other teams I think will be better. So from the Titans yea, yeah, the titles, Yeah, we'll see.
We'll see who else jumps on that.
Like to your point, last year, nobody picked the Chargers or the Rams into the playoffs, and maybe the only media member who picks the Titans, but whatever, Right then, you guys.
Both I mean the Cardinals, no one else I've seen, no one else I've seen do the Titans.
You're a big one.
Was the big swing was the Bears, I thought, but also for me it was the Broncos. I don't think anyone else is picking the Broncos. So we all have these little pet teams that hey, you're not just going to do this stock, You've got to take a big swing.
But there's also teams that have been left out.
They ran the stat last night and in the primetime show. I wish I could remember, but it spoke to how much turnover there are and playoff teams every year, and it's way more than you think it's. It was something like six new teams every single year that weren't in last year. So when we see all those division winners and we're just doing the you know, the Chiefs and the Texans and the Ravens, it doesn't usually work on not.
A soul pick the Rams, not a soul pick of Texans. Last year, they were two of the best stories in football. Yes, so what you think at home might not be right, And maybe.
We are in a shout out to producer Gina who probably had to put on a hazmat suit through those twitters. Yeah, and she picked some nice ones, like I'm sure there was some very vile.
You got one for Peter. We didn't get one for Peter.
We got speaking about positive energy is what Amanda needed?
This one?
Okay, what's up? Goodawitz?
I see you.
I mean, look, I'm out on the limb on the Jets, and I also have the Bills in the playoffs, the Dolphins of the team that I have disrespect it.
If you missed it, Peter stood on the shoulders of a young boy's mental health and his speech about Aaron Rodgers, and it was very very moving.
It's emotional.
That's emotion.
Picked kids didn't want to work jerseys for you. Max.
I hope you're doing all.
Right out there, Buddy.
Ian Rappaport, Good morning to you.
That is the clothes to our what's your Beef segment, because we have no beef with rap sheet?
Rap sheet? What are you telling us about this morning?
I'm telling you about the big news for the San Francisco forty nine ers. Yes, you're actually a couple pieces of big news. First of all, Trend Williams, they're all pro left tackle, got his deal, got his new contract, adjusted contract for.
The twenty twenty four season.
Member he was a holdout, so we got all those fines, all this discussion about would he show up, would he be there for the season. Not only was he there, not only did he get his deal twenty seven point six million dollars in salary this year minus two million dollars worth of fines that the forty nine ers cannot forgive, So that basically gives him a five million dollar raise that is what the holdout was for. Plus he gets this year and next year fully guaranteed. Really nice outcome for Trend Williams with his future next year secured. And the San Francisco forty nine Ers had Christian McCaffrey back at practice. He'd been dealing with a calf injury for seems like basically all of training camp, kind of out of sight, out of mind, boom game week shows up yesterday, is absolutely fine, going to be good to go for this season. Meanwhile, the Cincinnati Bengals are still in wait and see mode on their star receiver Jamar Chase. Has not practiced over the last couple of days as his agent and the team has been broad in contract negotiations. My understanding is, as of this very second, the two sides are not close.
There's nothing imminent.
These things can obviously turn.
On a dime, but there is nothing right now imminent on Jamar Chase, really raising the question will he practice today a Wednesday on a very important practice of a game. Week time will tell, but certainly no deal yet.
For Jamar Chase.
Tough tough Ian, it's felt like every headliner on the team.
We go Cowboys forty nine ers.
These things are getting resolved, and then the Bengals loom just a few days away where we kick off to the season rap sheet. Thanks Kyle, we will excuse you momentarily to go prepare for your MVP prediction. Peter had Rogers, Oots Bar and Kyle you are waiting in the wings.
So we got Aaron Rodgers has been chows an MVP to a tongue of Iloa. If we're just gonna do all AFC's quarterbacks, that'll be really easy.
But first we go to the NFC North an old friend and all host of the show, Aaron Jones. I'm viking. That's incredible. Aaron, are you listening right now? We've got questions for you, dud.
We'd like to write a Hasso Texas.
How about that?
Well, let's go, let us go.
Good morning, Welcome back to Good Morning Football.
We've been previewing all the Week one games and we are so excited that we're less than four twenty something hours old. Six thirty six hours away from Kickling. It's unbelievable. We're right there, so homes.
It's unbelievable. We've done two MVP picks on the show.
We're gonna get to Kyle's and akbars, but we thought we'd also want to give out another award, Defensive Player.
Of the Year.
Defensive Player of the Year last year was won by Miles Garrett and a heated race that included everyone from Nick Bosa to Michael Parsons and TJ.
I will go first, and I'm gonna go with someone who's way off the board.
And another big swing. I think he is an absolute physical beast. He is finally healthy, and I think Rashaan.
Gary he to be easy NFL.
I like the defensive player of the Year this year.
I think the Packers are going to have a fantastic season and I think their defense, their defense might lead the way.
Gary there, he is coming off.
The edge number fifty two, a University of Michigan man, a Jersey guy, has all the tools, and he's got all the physical gifts, an absolute freak of nature and now he is coming into his own I think this is going to be a shocker.
Of a pick.
I don't see him in any of the top tens and any of the sports pos you're looking at, And yet I've got Rashwan.
Gary as my defensive player of the Year.
I think he puts up double digit sacks and I think the Packers' defense wins a bunch of these games that Jordan love and the offense puts him in a great position. So a bit of a shock to start it off, but I like.
It off the board.
Not one of the household names necessarily.
Rashawn Gary is.
My defensive player of the Year. Next up go to Jamie here.
I really like that one. I do.
We have enjoyed this player all off season with his interviews and his quotes and his takes on food. Not a lot of guys, though, have won Defensive Rookie of the Year and then gone on a few years later to win Defensive Player of the Year. So I would like to add Sauce Gardner no Jets the.
Corner for the Jets. The cool thing about.
Sauce is that he had those that high high praise and the crazy accolades to start his career with the Jets. He looked unstoppable. He was so cool coming out of the combine. His personality is off the charts.
Last season, people had some heat on.
Sauce Gardner, and it was mostly because he wasn't even being thrown to on.
His side of the field. He's that good.
But people are getting on his case about why are your interceptions not higher? Why aren't your past breakups better? It's like, well, because no one's thrown to me. Well, this division is great the quarterbacks. I'm wearing an MVP of one of the quarterbacks in the division at this point, and I'm contradicting myself and going Defensive Player of the Year in Sauce Gardner. But I think he's a great personality, great story. The Jets defense is going to be excellent.
Great choice. That's fun.
Thank you.
I like that, all right.
I want you guys to stick with me on this one. Tom Brady played until he was forty five years old and still at the highest level. Nobody ever had seen that before forty five years old. That's old, but now we expect things from players at ages we've never seen before. Brady, obviously Aaron Rodgers, expected to recover from an achilles tear at the age of forty Kirk Cousins two at the age of thirty six. Why can't we have this expectation for players at all positions like Trent Williams. Trent Williams is the best left tackle in the game today and he's thirty six years old, And the best all around defensive player of the past decade is thirty three years old, and he's coming off of a career best season. Now, why shouldn't we expect the same or even more from him this year? He's thirty three years old. Remember that, Now, that's young in today's NFL. If you ask me now, nine out of the ten last excuse me, defensive Player of the year were pass rushers. And in twenty twenty three, this player had a career high in secks. And there's no reason to believe that he can't improve on that number now just because he's quote unquote old. He's on a team that is going to win a lot more games than they did last year. I present to you none other than mister Khalil Mack.
I was where is he going? I don't know.
This is a guy who had seventeen and a half sacks last year, and I think people kind of forgot about him. There are some injuries in between where people were starting to question whether or not he still hadn't. This is a dude that brings extreme pressure, that understands the pocket, understands the line, knows how to squeeze those quarterbacks out. I look at that and go, you know what, he did this before. Khalil Mack last won the Defensive Player of the Year in twenty sixteen. The last player to have a gap of eight years or more between Defensive Player of the Year award was none other than Reggie White. That's Reggie White.
Now I'm not.
Saying he's Reggie White, but he's Reggie White.
Ish. I understand that was a long in the same.
Yes, yes, so I'm giving it to my guy, Khalil Mack. I think he's Defensive Player of the Year.
Well, that's a really cool thick. He was unbelievable last year, completely unstoppable. The team didn't have a lot of heat, and I still feel like he's looked at like the second most well known pass rusher on his own team, next to Posta on the other side. But I mean he's been places man. That would be an amazing journey.
We've gone off the board.
I mean, Gary Sauce and Mac how are you going to finish this thing up?
I'm going on the board, Okay, I'm squarely in the middle of the board. You have different motivations for picking this award, and you know, you think, oh, a bunch of sacks or a bunch of interceptions or something. But what's the Michael Caineline, some men just won't watch the world Ben, I want to watch the world burn. I think the Defensive Player the Year is gonna be Michah Parsons on the Dallas Cowboy. And can you just imagine, guys, if Micah Parson was a Defensive Player of the Year and we're going into next year's Cowboys and he needs a contract, Dak needs a contract, and Dak throws for forty eight hundred yards this year and they didn't extend him. And Micah has nineteen sacks and won the Defensive Player of the Year and he's still on his first contract and see he's paid.
I just want to all of that.
I want next summer and next OTA season and next August and all of it should just be all about Micah and Dak. That's my version of the world burning plus Michael Parsons and Jamie mentioned this. People who win the Defensive Rookie the Year and the defensive play of the Year. Michael Parson's rookie season could have won the Defensive Player of the Year. As a rookie, he was that dominant. I think he is really really hungry to get back to that. It's probably really hungry for good old the fashioned American money as well. And if he puts up a monster season this year, which I think I think that the Cowboys defense is going to need it from him, wants to say that. I think it's going to be glorious in terms of NFL media, Cowboys extravaganza money, big money and holdouts and pass rushers and Michael Parsons, that's my pick. I think he sneezed. He sniffs towards twenty different twenty sacks. I'm gonna put him eighteen and a half sacks, and I think he was Defensive Player of the Year.
After a couple weeks ago in New York, you guys were saying, let's stop talking about guys money and how much they get paid. Now you all you want to talk next summer is the Cowboys and how their players may or may not have got just.
Love the mess, the discomfort, the gumbo of money and contracts and hold out. But remember everybody, as everybody tells me, I hate the Cowboys.
I hate it.
So I'll bet a division win Division's Player of the Year.
And I ain't done yet.
If you dare go within a division and jump teams, you better be a player that can take the heat. Unless you're one of the most likable players on this program, then we say, Aaron Jones, we don't care if it's Packers or Vikings. We welcome program. Good to see you this morning.
Aaron, good to see all.
Thank you all for having me always great.
You have logged a lot of hours here on GMFB with us. You are a co host of ours, not just a guest, a co host entering your eighth season. But you are with a new team. You are in Minneapolis Saint Paul. Now, though, do you have the purple sombrero that the Vikings gifted you upon signing with the team, because this was quite the signature move by your new organization. How much did that warm your heart?
When you receive that.
It really warm my heart.
I'm like they understand me, they get me, they know our from and it just made it. It just made it feel like, hey, this is the right right place, and reassure me.
It just looks right. And yet listen, and I'm going to keep it real with you. It's still strange to see the purple and to see the Viking logo, and I just want to get into this. So because you've been with us at the table and we've talked Packers for years, facts are, you were one of the greatest Packers running back to ever play for that organization. The facts are your final five games as a Packer you went over one hundred yards rushing, including two playoff games. And yet now you're on a different team in the division. I'm happy for you. I'm excited for you. I feel like Packer for Life could have been a thing.
Why was it not?
I feel like it could have been as well.
Just as a player, just kind of knowing your worth and when two sides don't come to agreement, you know, it's a business, and that's that's when it's kind of time to move on. And that's kind of a little bit of what happened. And just knowing my worth and I was able to get that elsewhere Aaron.
Week four at Lambeau Field, are you looking forward to that and.
What do you think that's going to be?
Definitely, I'm looking forward to it. You know.
I feel like it's gonna be like a little homecoming.
Don't really know how I'm gonna be received by the fans, but I'm just there to play.
Ball anyway, So I feel like it'll be a be a good one.
I'm definitely excited to go back there.
I feel like it'll be I feel like a lot like when I go back to Dallas.
How's that home field? Because I'm from Texas.
Yeah, New historically absolutely tear up the Cowboys like that.
So let's see what you could do in Lambeau in Week four.
Hey, look, new team, but you're in that same division.
I know you have to say you're gonna take it one game at a time, but you guys have that Giants matchup week one. I gotta think, you know, with all the hype around the Bears and all the hype around the Lions, and all the hype around your old team, the Packers, it's been kind of quiet nationwide about the Vikings. How do you feel about your team's chances maybe to shock some folks in the in the NFC North despite the fact that you're joining this team for the first year, super excited about.
We have all the weapons we need in the in this locker room, we're right where we want to be with.
Nobody talking about us, because at.
The end of the day, we hold the really we're the ones who really hold the pen and have the final say of who's who they're talking about. So we're just gonna make sure when we step on the field that we make sure you guys have good things to say about us, and that carries on all throughout the season and eventually they will be talking about us.
But that's it's a lot of how how it was last.
Year for me.
So I like, I like our team being in that position.
All right, man, I got to say this, man, you know, I'm up in age now and I keep seeing the headlines that you're energized, rejuvenated, you're entering your prime. Now you've said you feel like you can play eight more years, like what you're feeling so good? Uh and ready for a monster season, and you got to definitely explain.
That eight Just taking care of my body, I went out there during camping, I'm like, man, if I feel like this, I feel like I could play another eight years. I'm not gonna well, you know, it's all about staying healthy and availability. But as long as I'm feeling like this, I feel like I can keep going. I feel like I don't have as much ward tear as some of the other backs when it comes to the amount of Carri's, I feel like I'm significantly under the career totals of some of those guys, even if.
You include that the collars. So I feel like I'm in a good good position to do that.
But I know I have to continue to produce on the field if I want.
To be able to play that long.
And my quick math, I go twenty nine plus eight, that's thirty seven years old. Do you want to play till your thirty seven years old?
I want to play till on like forty. If I can, they kick me out?
Okay, okay, all right, Well, we know you're multi talented, and you can receive, and you can block, and you can run.
We also got to find out if you can pitch. Guys, we got first pitch.
Oh, I love first pitch videos.
The Minnesota Twins welcome you in, and they said, come on and do this thing.
Let's roll the video and aerin. I want you to take us through it.
If you can see it. Roll the video, go ahead, erin. What do you see here?
So this is I've got there, I got my jersey.
Uh, they introduced me. I'm walking out.
It was a beautiful stadium, so it was cool to see, you know, throw a strike right down the center plate was not it was no heat on the ball. Just wanted to make sure I got it to the plate so I didn't end up on any bloopers or the worst worst.
First pictures of all time. So it was a strike.
But if somebody's up there to hit, it definitely would have went out the part.
There's no hitter though. It's all about you just don't want to n FL like fifty cents and one of those people completely embarrasses themselves.
You look great.
That was a strike, one hundred percent. Uh.
We had two rookies do it. You gotta go watch theirs, That's all. I was just like, let me get it to the plate.
Okay, he's such a gentleman. He won't name the rookies.
Dallasner must have had a horrible throw.
I have to see this.
We appreciate Aaron always mostly respect the dedication to the purple sombrero.
A native of El Paso, Texas, it is a signature.
But the purple looks good on your head, man, and we can't wait to see you coming the backfield for the Minnesota Vikings.
Thank you guys, so much. Good to see you guys.
Absolutely, stay healthy. Thanks tips, Yeah, exactly, thanks.
Aaron, yours city.
All right, wrap sheet, you're back.
News coming out of Denver this morning with one of their young stars that they want to walk up.
Some massive breaking news for the Denver Broncos locking up one of their best players, really one of the best draft picks they've had in many, many years. Sources say the Broncos and Patrick Shirtin I've agreed to terms on a four year, ninety six million dollar contract extension seventy seven point five million dollars guaranteed for Shirtan, of course, the former ninth overall pick in twenty twenty one. This dramatically resets the cornerback market. The highest paid corner in the NFL was twenty one million dollars per year. That was Jaii Alexander. This is twenty four million for Patrick Shirtan and of course this deal negotiated by Tory Dandy of CIA. And if you are the Denver Broncos, consider what you have right now. You have bo Nix, who you believe is going to be a franchise quarterback. You have a big time playmaker on defense locked in for years to come.
A lot of positive vibes, I would.
Say for a growing and building Denver Broncos team, and no better player to build around on defense than certain all.
Right, I've seen great for the Broncos, Great for their up and coming team, and the fact that now they know that he will be there for years to come for him, very very great for him, very important. MVP predictions. Kyle has evacuated the studio off bars in the corner, punching the air. They're preparing for their twenty twenty four naming.
The MVP. GMFP Prediction Week rolls.
On Good Morning Football.
Hey everybody, we're back on GMF ME. We have named two MVP predictions so far in so Aaron Rodgers and Tua tunga Iiloa. Peter has taken Aaron I took Tua Akbar Baja Biamilla.
You are next.
And if anyone's going to go outside the quarterback concept, I don't know, Akbar, Maybe I'll to you maybe maybe.
Well, we do know that the NFL MVP often lands in the hands of the quarterback on the team with the best record, now about fifty percent of the time. Yeah, sure there are exceptions, maybe a running back rushes for two thousand yards. But typically, if you're the quarterback leading the top team with impressive stats, you're on the fast track to MVP. Now, that's the formula that worked for Matt Ryan, cam Newton, and even Rich Gennon, my old teammate back in the day. It's how Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady have claimed the award time and time and again. It's the best record, standout stats. Now, let's turn our attention to a quarterback who's coming off one of the best seasons of his career, heading into the season with a structural advantage no other quarterback enjoys Now, Kyle Peter, I want you guys to take a look at this.
This is a schedule. I just want you to think about.
This ah home home, which is Dome Dome, Dome, Dome, Dome, keep going, go on, dome doom.
I don't even know what week were in Doom, Doom doom. Here we go again, here, don't don't, don't don't Dome. There's about three games here I'm missing somewhere in here. There are three games that they have where they're playing outdoors. This quarterback is in a dome situation. Can you guys guess who that might be?
Who you got?
Okay, all right, well I thought, but yeah, keep going.
I'm gonna get hear big old dome.
I like that.
Okay, all right, Well can you I mean, can you imagine that you couple that with an offensive line that's virtually impenetrable, receivers who are like legit threats on every single down, running backs who are amazing, and quarterback who thrives in the controlled environment of indoor stadiums. This quarterback is poised to lead an offense that could redefine the greatest show on turf. And I'm not talking about the old school turf. I'm talking about the new school turf. You got an unmatched potential. There's only one name that fits the bill. For MVP, Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you none other than Jarrett Terry Golf, Jared Golf, Oh my god, Jared Golf. I just love everything about it. I don't think anybody's expecting Jared Golf. They go, oh, okay, cool. You know a lot of people hate it on him. They talk about some of his upcenter is downs. I don't think a lot of people believe, but I really believe everything around him. I believe in the quarterback forty five hundred yards, thirty touchdowns. This dude is poised for an MVP season. Why because he's going to have the numbers, and he's going to have the victory.
And he's playing side all the time.
I said, victory victory is incredible.
And it's a great schedule anomaly that they just play almost every single game inside and.
She's thinking about a team, team and it's like, oh wait, two of those teams are in a dome, and we play the Bears one sudden, we go play Packers and play one more team.
That's amazing.
And get this, no other quarterback will play that many dome games, fourteen indoor games and only three and one of them happened to be in California. And you know California always has great weather.
Yeah, and the Superos also in a dumb it's the story is unbelievable, dumped by Sean McVay and Los Angeles and not represents kick to the Curb and Maroon to Football Siberia and now to MVP.
I mean, it would be an incredible story. And that is usually when it comes MVP prediction time. My focus the story.
Yeah, I love a story.
I listened to my co hosts tell their picks, and they're each attached with a story, A story, a story, a story. What does a man need to an MVP? Well, pretty simple. You need wins, of course, that's never a problem for my guy. You need stats, never a problem for my guy. You need primetime games, that's big. How about my guy with four of his first six games at night? But again, children, what you really.
Need is a story. You need a saga. How about a.
Story about a player whose life story is about being ignored, whose career story is about having things taken from them, seeing things slip through his fingers, his crowning moments, his life's work, and now.
His teammates and his reputation.
This is the story of an MVP who is cornered, surrounded, out gunned, and still wins. They take away his right arm, they take away his left arm, he will take their head.
Not enough weapons to quote Fano. Fine, I'll do it myself.
Let's go.
Let's go in the red and yes, you drink this in. You drink in the red, Josh Allen Jersey. And you know the Red Infinity Stone is the reality stone, and the new reality is that the NFL's most overrated player is the NFL's most valuable player. Josh Allen is your MVP, perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Let's go back to the table. Let's do it all. It's just the way he likes it. That's the reason he won't win the MVP. No, it's the reason he will. Digs Gabe gone, Let's go to work a.
Guy, Red Infinity Stone.
The NFL network does a top one hundred list and he wasn't even in the top.
He's terrible.
He's terrible, overrated player, never done anything he's done now the whole reason he was good with Steffan Diggs. Did you know that he was terrible before Digs. He'll be terrible after Digs. I think he will win the MVP of this year. You will have his best year. That's gon take it, Kyle.
You know him, You know Josh Allen really well.
You've said he has a lateness about him this offseason.
What are you seeing differently?
A whole new world, a whole new player.
He got a different vibe to him, He's got a different haircut. Ever, understand he's doing swimmingly in his personal life, and that's great, that's his I think that a couple of those exits, and by a couple, I mean one of those exits lightens the burden on his shoulders and makes them happier, able to work every day, makes them happier to go to the stadium on Sundays four of the first six Bills games. Around national television, we see these MVP races that get one in the first half.
Of the season.
The Lamar Jackson thing last year, we talked about for a second, was just weird. He did not have a great story. He had already won MVP, he was already made guy. Stats were not incredible at all.
He was just this.
Best player on the best team and kind of ran away with this thing. And Jim Nantz is openly referring to him as the MVP in the last month of the season, before it's even over. You get out ahead of this thing and you start to ride this thing. You can run away with it.
You know what I was going to say, You know what I love about this? Yeah, the Bills have never had an MVP quarterback before, of course, only O. J. Simpson and Thomas quarterback.
The story is so cool and you said it.
With the losing of the writer love.
Like Gabe, Davis and Diggs were very big.
That means that you're expecting huge things from Kincaid, from Khalil Shakir, from Kean Coleman, Curtis.
These guys all have to step up as well.
You want to hear my comp I got a comp okay MVP comp twenty fifteen Panthers Cam Newton quarterback, prolific talent. Really nobody in the wide receiver room who's doing any damage at all. Great tight end play like the Bills have, great running game, The defense shows up a Sean McDermott defense, and Cam Newton was just so ridiculously incredible and sensations they're throwing in highlights. He carried them and they dabbed all the way. They won't do dabb anymore. But that's mad VP com We.
Have four quarterbacks that we selected, three of them in the same division, right, yes, make sick.
Let's take a look at Let's take a look.
I feel like a chicken wing.
All right.
So Peter went for and he chose Aaron Rodgers to win his fifth MVP award, Jamie Tua and then of course we have Akbar with Jared Goff and me with Josh Allen.
Does anybody want to you want to change.
To Kobe percent, We'll just do the Holy fast.
That AFC East the favorite. I just I went all the way on the other side.
That's cool.
I like it though. Jared Goff's a cool pick too. There in, guys, we're done.
We're committed our MVP predictions. Now let's play football. It's happening tomorrow nights. Right when we thought we couldn't love Dan Campbell anymore, he goes and does a production for a commercial in the offseason.
It's gold Watch It.
Welcome to Applebee's. Can I interest you in America's favorite boneless wings for just fifty cents each?
I'll have the fifty cent bone.
Cover your mouth. I think it's steal your order.
Thank you.
I'll have the fifty boneless wings.
I'll have the same perfect They'll never see it coming.
It's good.
He's really good. It's a talented, talented do.
Makes me want wings?
But you got to ask for him like that?
Thinkes you want to go to Applebee's.
Oh, I love that.
I mean when he when he approaches the table, he gets in that power squad mount here and immediately covers. And the second you hear his voice, you like it. The second you hear his voice, you want wings. It has that magical power. I also like I like the commercial because I feel like it feels authentic to me. I feel like Dan Campbell would stop on the way home from the stadium and go to Applebee's and get wings. There's one of the coaches who coaches in so Far over there who did a commercial a couple of years ago. I don't think he truly, Peter. I'm not sure if that's the product. But I'm not sure Sean McVay that or not.
Campbell does happy it's a commercial that it's not Kevin hardor Patrick Mahomes.
It's nice to see that they must be in the background.
These advertising firms can do something else other than it's Kevin Hart for every ad.
I was waiting for Len Powell to walk in. It was right old brand protein right. He just screams protein. Definitely, that's good.
I was actually on the edge of my seat with that one. I was like, how was he going to end it?
Perfect enough? See you coming?
It's like, get in, get out, just a couple of lines. The physicality carries that role for him. It's the voice, it's the shoulders, it's got the headset on. That's an excellent commercial.
I think the other actor was really good with the eyes.
It's great, fantastic.
I like, whoever that kid is that is.
The head coach of the MVP that you selected for this season, Let's rerack it one more.
Time, one last stander on our.
NFL network GMFB MVP Predictions. Today's a big day for us putting our names. I stuck with Tua tongue of Iloa. I think coming into a third year with Mike McDaniel's office to love.
The NFL passing last year. He's under contract, he's in his prime. Nobody has better wide receivers like it's it's that could very well be. I don't know what the odds are I'm not actually really sure, but the Rogers one I picked him last year, they got her the odds.
Or here's Kevin Hart to tell us.
The ah, here's the bow presented by my wallet.
And then you went Jared.
Goff, who's right behind to in passing yards with forty five hundred plus yards, So yeah, I really like Jared Golf.
I went with a forty one year old quarterback behind a porous offensive line who's coming off an achilles injury.
Hey guess he's not.
Forty one until December, so he's like forty and three quarters p You'll be fine.
I've heard a lot of crap.
What do you mean if people are like.
Rogers really did too, I'm like, oh god, you're hearing crap.
Yeah, he's won four times.
That's what I'm saying.
They don't know anything.
What are you listening to those people for?
I could Josh Allen. I don't care what you say about it.
I think he's gonna win because this receivers are gone. It's like, wow, are you still amazing? Yes, Exambia speaking.
Of winning Super Bowl predictions tomorrow right here on Gium.
I'll see then I got it. You've got it. Put that jersey back on