
GMFB Wednesday Hour 2: Flores on Tua, Drew Bledsoe, Cousins Responds, and Jim Nagy

Published Aug 21, 2024, 5:53 PM

Hour Two of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with Brian Flores responding to Tua's criticism.  Hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt Peter Schrager and Akbar Gbajabiamila discuss how coaching players has changed for those who are old school.  Drew Bledsoe drops by to talk Brady roast and his thoughts on Tua's comments.   Kirk Cousins answers Kyle's breakdown of his playlist!  Plus, Jim Nagy reveals some of the Senior Bowl Watch List!

The Good Morning Football Podcast is part of the NFL Podcast Network 

Good Morning Football is the production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio.

Good Morning Football.

Hey, everybody, this is our show. It's called Good Morning Football. We are presented by bez Buy. We're so happy you're here. I'm Jamie Erdal, this is Akbar Bazavia Mela Good Morning. And there's Peter Schragger. There's Kyle Brandt there in New York City. We like pride ourselves here on GMFFE being coast to coast. Gentlemen, we take the lead block out to you first, because Peter, you've been enjoying the past couple days away from us. We need your takes on the following topics because there's a lot to unpack. We begin with Brian Flores's response to a tongue of Iloa. If you missed it first, We're going to start with Tua. We'll set the table there. Two days ago, Tua was on jan Lebtard Show and he was asked about the inherent differences between Brian Flores as a head coach of the Miami Dolphins into his first few years in Miami compared to what Mike McDaniel has done for Tua in the last few years. Tua was very specific about the changes.

If you woke up every morning and I told you you suck at what you did, that you don't belong doing what you do, that you shouldn't be here, that this guy should be here, that you haven't earned this right, and then you have somebody else come in and tell you, dude, you are the best fit for this, like you are accurate, you are the best whatever you are this you are that, Like how would it make you feel listening to one or the other? You see what I'm saying, and then you hear it. You hear it regardless of what it is, the good or the bad, and you hear it more and more you start to actually believe that, I don't care who you are, you can be the president of the United States. You have a terrible person that's telling you things that you don't want to hear or that you probably shouldn't be hearing.

You're going to start to believe that about yourself. And so that's sort of like what ended up happening.

And it was basically been what two years of training that out of not just me, but you know a couple of the guys as well that have been here since my rookie year.


Yesterday, Brian Flores was scheduled to meet with the media. Flores now is the defensive coordinator with the Minnesota Vikings, and he appeared at the podium flanked by a few players that play for the Vikings currently. Many thought that as support of Flores as he addressed to his comments.

Look, I'm human, so that hit me in a way that you know wasn't I wouldn't say it was positive for me. But at the same time, you know, I've got to use that and say, hey, how can I how can I grow from that? How can I be better? And that's really that's really where I'm at from from that standpoint. Do I feel like, you know that's me?


But how can I grow from that situation and create a create a world where that's not the case that anyone says that about about Brian Flores.

In the spirit of two sides to every story, Peter, we at the table, Kyle was here with us, got to kind of unpack to his comments first, and now we're all going to respond to Brian Flores. But since we didn't get to chat yesterday, Peter, I want to hear what you have to think about Tua and then take us to Brian Flores.

Well, I think the entirety of this is actually a really good public conversation about coaching, about playing, about mental health. I think it's really good to have this out in the open. And Flores comes from the old school, Belichick, you just packed it. Nothing leaves this building. We don't talk publicly, we don't air it out. But when Tua is going to name his name and really be as vulnerable and as candid as he was, Flores has to respond. And I think it's comfortable for Flores to probably go up there to be like, look, I'm a Vikings coach that was years ago. Like I'm focusing on what Harrison Smith does on defense. No, I'll talk about it. Here's what I know about Brian Flores. I know Brian Flores grew up in Brownsville, New York, in a rough area of Brooklyn, if I'm being candid, went to Poly Prep where he was a star player, goes to BC.

And he said in that press conference.

Yesterday that we didn't call like look, look like coaches are my are my idols growing up? Like my Pop Warner coach like took me out of a bad situation for a lot of other people and made my life like gave me a light my high school coach at poly Prep like really like was my you know, my guiding light in that situation to b c to that he loved it so much that he wanted to become a coach himself. I think that Brian probably saw that and I didn't speak to him, and I haven't spoken to Flora's on the Tua situation in quite a while, but like, I think he had to see that and say, Okay, it's finally my time to address this. And he didn't say yeah, but Tua stunk or Tua shouted aplay, or I wanted I wanted justin Herbert or Ryan Fitzpatrick was there, why would we start Tua? And said he was, like, I heard that, it hurt, and we're moving on, and you know, it wasn't easy for him to listen to that. The fact that we're having this public conversation about being discouraging and talking down to players and talking about that wasn't happening in the Parcels era. That wasn't happening necessarily in the Belichick era. So we look at coaches now where do players always want to play. They want to go to LA to play for Sean McVay because it looks like it's a blast. They want to go play for Andy Reid because he makes the best version of yourself. Like the era of I'm coach, your player, I talked down to you, and I'm a red you know what, and you're gonna get out of it.

I don't know if that exists anymore.

Even Sean Payton, who's an old school coach, has seemingly softened a little bit in this era as opposed to his early days with the Saints. I love that we're having the public conversation, and I love that Flora's addressed them publicly and did so in such a way where he didn't disrespect to it, and he also didn't deny anything. Is that here's where we're at. We're moving on, and it's unfortunate that he talked about it that way and that was his experience.

Yeah, And the part that I loved was the fact that, you know, in the beginning of that press conference, he says that he was going to learn from this, and I think that's really all that you can do is really learn from that situation. And I'm sure even in it hurting him, Brian Flora saying that there's an area for growth and that recognition, not going taking the high road and not kind of going back at Tua. I thought, that's what volume of the type of man and the coach is. But and I said this again yesterday, that it doesn't have to be that tool was wrong, that coach Flores is wrong. I think there's something to learn here. I do know this though, you know, just from the player's psyche, from the player's mindset, and just in general you talk about it being a general public conversation about what an athlete might go through, is that it takes ten positives to erase one negative. And so I found it interesting that Tuas said it took them about two years to kind of overcome that. And it is a really when we talk about mental health and you talk about the struggles of trying to overcome self doubt and all.

The other stuff.

It is a high performance sport. I mean it is it can be taxing on you as a person. And so in their situation, you had two people who came into a situation where it wasn't by choice, you know what I mean, flor and came into Tua came into the situation, and you know, it happens. Sometimes the chemistry of two a coach and player doesn't work out, and it's okay. So I don't think we need to demonize anything, but we need to learn, Like Coach Floor said, you learn from this situation. I will say lastly on that part is that you know, there was a reporter who asked if he had reached out, and I hope, I really hope that at some point they can have a conversation so they can kind of wrap that up and so they can kind of grow from it and continue, because you know, forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different. It happened, It is what it is. Now you got to move forward.

I was surprised at the restraints and the poise. Can you imagine right now, Brian Flores, he's trying to run the Vikings defense, He's trying to get together, he's trying to get ready for the opener, and someone comes and taps him on the shoulder and it's like, coach, you know, there's a news story right now where Tua went on a local show that he talks to all the time with a pretty big platform and pretty much just teed off on you about things that happened three years ago, and is telling everyone that you bullied him and said he was a loser and whatnot. He's like, oh my god, it's tough for him at this point. It's August, it's football season time. Not only to have to deal with that and step aside from his duties as the Vikings d corner has nothing to do with the Dolphins, but to not say, oh really, because I got my story to tell too. Tua was afraid of his own shadow. I benched him because Fitzpatrick was better and Jacoby was better. If we're gonna do like he could have, I'm sure there's a lot of things he could have said about Tua and maybe perceived weaknesses that he had, and he didn't do any of that. And I think it's especially strong because listen, this is a classically trained Bill Belichick coach.

Not only are you nothing with.

The media, Belichick spent twenty years teeing off on Tom Brady at every chance he got. Brady, Tom Brady, not Tua tongue Iiloa. Tom Brady was sitting there with five Super Bowl rings at one point, and Brady and Balchick's telling him how terrible this throw was, how awful you are in this drive in front of the team. So to Flores, that's what you do and that's how you toughen guys up. But I think there's also there's a lot of context here is very well established. Brian Fluores wanted Justin Herbert to be the Dolphins quarterback. He did not get him because allegedly ownership wanted to so immediately when he's saying things like you're not supposed to be here, which is one of the alleged quotes, it's right on the nose, like I didn't want you. But I also think like this idea of this is how I coach, and I don't break it. I think is ignorant. I think it's prideful. I think it's lazy. And I would look at parenting the same way. I don't think you coach every player the same. I don't think you parent every kid the same, whether that's in your living room or your little league baseball coach different kids, different needs, and the real artful successful coaches say, here are my core values as a coach. But I'm going to go above and beyond to figure out what makes this player tick. I got fifty three of them, and it's really difficult. But if someone as important as the quarterback we just draft in the first round, if this kid is not responding to what I'm putting in, do I just stay it.

I'm like, I don't care. Then fit with me. No, Like you.

Gotta swallow your ego and say, all right, well he's not taking the tough love. Maybe he and I go out and get a beer together or play.

Corn hoole or something.

It sounds like Flora's, the first time head coach at the time, was not willing to bend, and it sounds like he pretty much broke to it. I think that Brian Flores will be a head coach again someday. The players like him. He's a really talented guy, and I think he'll be different. And whoever that quarterback is, he's gonna be great because Flora's is gonna be like, whatever you want, let's do it. Surprised that he has showed that much restraint, but impressed.

I don't know, because it's the quarterback and Floraes is a classically trained defense to the coach how this went. But if you wanted to get a line of former Patriots defensive players who would talk about Brian Flores in a positive way, it would be a line around this block in Manhattan. It starts first and foremost with our old colleague Jason Gordhordy, and it goes to Dante High Tower, and it goes to Patrick Chung, and it could go through the list. And it's like, but like you said, this is a quarterback. This is a rookie quarterback. And he had a veteran in Ryan Fitzpatrick in the room who he thought he had better chance to win with very unique situation. And I think you're right, though it's never been confirmed on either side. I don't think Flores would have picked to over Herbert if that was a decision, if we were go back and ask him in twenty twenty in that draft.

Well, and I'm glad for Brian Flora is that he has players from his past defensive coaching that would stand up for him from his current role with the Minnesota Vikings defensively that would defend him. But I take an issue with the Brian Flores head coaching version. Apparently now that we're hearing about and if Brian Flores, I always I believe this is someone's saying something about you and it is not true. I believe that you will come out and say this is not true. He would have looked in the camera. But the fact that he said that hurt me. I understand where I have room for growth. I think he now acknowledges that some of that was not the right way to go about things, and that the way Tua interpreted it is exactly how it went down. What I take great issue with is the fact that tuatunga Iloa again I spoke on this yesterday, came from the greatest college football program at the time. You have Chuo arrives in Miami as your rookie quarterback and says, if you want to know anything about me and how to set me up for success, why don't you reach out to my college coach, who mind you is also a defensive minded coach who mind you is also from the Bill Belichick coaching family. They're not from He's not under Nick Saban the tree. He's part of the family. So if Nick Saban can change the way that he approached to a tongue of Ioloa to put him in his greatest lights when he was in college. How come Brian Flores can't reach out because you guarantee you too wor to put him on the phone and said, if you want to know anything about me and how to put me in a great spot, talk to Nick Saban. And the fact that Brian Flores didn't at the time have the space or the capacity to do that, I put that on him. And if and when he does get another head coaching opportunity, I certainly hope he approaches to Kyle's point, parenting and coaching differently for each individual player, because putting them in the best spot, both on the field and off the field is the most imperative part of success.

You know, Jamie, I love what you're saying, But you know, and I also know this, that there's no real blueprint right when you're dealing with different personalities. And I think the expectation if I had to kind of pick at kind of how to handle this, I think to me, to have the expectations that Brian Flores would have known how it was impacting him, it's a little misleading, I think to be as a grown man to be able to say Hey, you know what, this is how I'm feeling about this. Even if you had to internalize this, you know, a year later or whatever. Now of course you know you got paid, you're feeling good, whatever, even now that you're comfortable. He's a way to be able to go up and pick up the phone and say, hey, coach, I need to talk to you about this. This is how this impacted me. I think to go to the media because to me, real resolution comes in being able to confront the person who did it to you, rather than go to the media. The media makes it big. Then he's doing a response from the outside, like just like I'm a grown man because I know if one of my coaches ever disrespect him like that and I felt some type of way afterwards, I'm calling that person.

So just to bring a full circle, the initial question of Tuo was not specifically like hey, let's just rail on Brian Flowers right now, was about how are you different, and so that's kind of where it came from. But it wasn't about like two, It wasn't like, hey, let me come in and just like beat down on Brian Flores. It was about how Tua has changed over the last couple of years, and we're happy to see two of the where he's at right now, the final week of the preseason. We're happy that this is here. Kicks off on Thursday night when the Chiefs play host to the Bears. You can see it right here on NFL Network. It'll be at eight twenty pm Eastern and you can stream it NFL Plus, which I beg of you just to try out, because if you don't have Plus, you're not ready for the regular season. And plates be ready for the regular season. Yesterday Kyle went searching for Easter eggs in Kirk cousins seventeen song Birthday playlist. Then Kyle may have gotten the greatest gift of all back from Kirk Cousins.

Yeah, because everybody talked about this how great early two thousands pop rock I broke it down. Cousins watched and he reached out to us with a plot twist will blow your mind.

Speaking of plot to us, we got Drew.

Bledsoe on the show. We love this guy.

First pick in.

The nineteen ninety three draft. He was at that roast of Brady's got a million thoughts about football and wine, and we just love these Drew Bledsoe highlight of the best.

Arms to ever throw a football.

Ever, the sports ever, and maybe you talks and Ben coach you never know LEDs.

Right after this we listen to Brisbee.

Who do we got there?

Eighty eight?

I love that.

Good morn football, great, great memories of watching this guy play. It's just a rocket arm, a great career, and he's gone on to do incredible things after football.

You know him, you love him.

He's a gentleman.

He is Drew Bled. So what's up, Drew?

What's going on?

We're about to get back to the good time of the sports here. You know, we had this night, a nice little interlude, you know, with the Olympics, this sum which gave us something that we really like to watch for a little while. But now, you know, you know, pre season football is just not that interesting.

But we're about to get back.

I can't wait, believe us, we hear you. We can't wait for the opener. And there's so many places to go. You got this beautiful stone fireplace and you're sipping your mug and he's just living to Drew bled zone life. But I wanted to throw you right into what we were just talking about. So It's a big story this week where two A talk about load. The Dolphins quarterback really fired some shots at his former head coach Brian Flores about his treatment of him and I he was too hard on him. I look at you. You played for the oldest of the old school, Parcels, Belichick.

You're the number one overall pick.

What are your memories of how they treated you when you came in and how has it changed over the last twenty five thirty years to what we have now?

You know, Parcels, you know, and playing quarterback for Parcels, man, you better have thick skin and you better be able to just like sometimes you just need to wear ear muffs.

Man, he was right in your ear all the time, just badgering you. Yeah.

I had Pete Carroll, who was different. Pete was actually quite a pleasure to play for. And then Belichick's Belichick, you know, and he's, uh, he's not gonna pull any punches. But I do think that it's that it has changed. And I think the case and point for how it's changed is the fact that Bill Belichick is not on an NFL sideline this year. You know, I think everybody's going younger. They want they want. You know, there's more of a positive approach to UH to coaching, and that's definitely changed. I can see that from a player perspective. If you're going to be parcels, you've got to be parcels. You got to be funny, right, you know, you can't just be mean. And you know, from a fan perspective, so yeah, I can see where it's changed, and I don't I don't think it's great optics. For two, it's not not I don't think it's ever cool to take shots at somebody after they're gone. But at the same time, you know, it is indicative of where where the game's gone.

Wow, totally.

You know, we saw you at the at the roast of Brady this summer. We also saw at the Jersey thing, and then of course Brady is at the Fanatics Fest talking with Steven A doing stuff like Brady's been out there, but Brady's really going to be out there this fall when he's the number one answer for Fox. You were in the obviously the locker room with him, but you saw.

Like Tom Brady the broadcaster.

What's your initial thoughts to someone who knows him pretty well?

You know, I'm sure. I'm sure he'll do a great job at it.

And you know the thing that people look at when that they miss when they talk about broadcasts and whether they succeed or fail, it's the guys that do the work that are great at And it's really that simple. You know. You look at Akerman, you look at Romo. You know there's guys that broke in and you know, like everybody looks at Romo like he's you know, he's predicting the future. Oh how do you predict that play?


And well, he went to practice, he saw what they ran from that formation, and that's activist and that's what they did, right. So I know that Tommy will work it to death. I will get kind of tired of his squeaky ass voice, but but but I know, I know he'll do a great job calling the game.

All Right, I'll let the guys pick your brain about roasting Tom Brady in just a second. Since you went there and now you've invited us in with that squeaky voice comment, but I have to pick your brain about the rookie quarterback conversation that everyone seems to be having. Seems very heavy this year since they were half a dozen picked in the first round, your first overall back in nineteen ninety three, you start right away. Brady has this talk about lack of development for these quarterbacks. Where do you stand on this in terms of teams that are in need young quarterbacks and being thrown into the fire right away.

You know, it's such an individual decision for each quarterback. Right some quarterbacks, I felt like I was ready to play right, I felt like I was ready to get.

In there and go.

But then you've seen other quarterbacks that sit for a year or two and it's very beneficial for him. And so I think the coaches as they're looking at these guys, they have to determine, Okay, is it the right time for this guy? Is he ready to go now? Because you also have to take into account, you know, is your team ready for them to play? Because you put a guy in there early and your team's not at that level yet. Now you can mess with that guy's confidence and mess with the rest of his career by throwing it out there when your team's not ready to support it.

So there are a lot of things that go into it. You know, I don't like the idea.

That sometimes there's pressure to put these guys on the field just because of whether they were drafted. That's the wrong way to approach it. You got to look at the look at the guy and look at whether he's actually ready to go on the field and whether your team is ready for him to be on the field.

Jerreal, Man, I got to say, you're one of the coolest dudes I know. Man, I watched that roast. I was at that roast, and you had me in stitches. I was a little nervous because I'm like, well, this is Drew Bledsoe, Like, you know, does he have comedic chops? But you did a tremendous job. But you are a quote unquote speech. I mean you went to work and you were so calm, popping the collar. Like, how much preparation did you put into that? Like, you got to let me know because if there was no prepping, you just rolled off out of bed out that bro, you need to stop the wine business and you need to get straight into comedy.

Yeah, I appreciate it. Now there was some prep time. I'm not gonna lie about that.

You know, I wasn't too nervous about it because you know, I mean, I've been speaking in public for years and years, and that was probably the most prepared I've been for something I was going to say publicly, just because I'd had to run through it with my wife and my kids because they were so nervous.

My kids, my kids.

Each individually called me like, all right, Dad, what are you going to say? They were so nervous because like all I hear from me are bad dad jokes and you know, super you know, inappropriate stuff and inappropriate times, and uh so they're like, you can't.

Go do comedy. So that it made me run through the whole routine with them.

My wife did veto I think, I think that's out there, and my wife did veto one joke which I've never told publicly and I still won't because she's like, no, that's over the line. That's over the line. So then she had to chime in and help me with one of them.

So and then you know, and then the uh we went.

We did go back and forth with the writers and they're they're great at what they do, so they helped take, you know, some of the ideas that I had and put them in sequence so that things things rolled.

So yeah, there was.

There was some prep time for sure, The problem for me was that a week later I started looking back at it, and I came up with an entirely different routine and entirely different script that I think would have actually so so that that's the other part.

So now I hope there's another roast, and I hope I get.

A Yeah, Drew, you know that, like these comedians, they do a special, they premiered on Netflix, then a year later they do another special.

I'm with you.

I feel like we need round two and you can use your next best stuff and you've been workshopping.

Yeah, I just want to know who's going to be next, you know, I mean who can follow that one?


I mean you could do like you could do Peyton and Eli at the same time.

That would be kind of funny.

Kelsey for Belichick, mat Me Kelsey Belichick Kelsey. Let's let's tall, Let's see Taylor get a little bit.

Of the Yeah, never mind, that'd be pretty fun.

Quarterback here obviously a legendary one, and we always talk about depth charts, but you're also in the wine game. And if you don't know, everyone look up Drew Bloodsoe and wine and what he does up there and.

Webs family winery.

It's incredible and it's been It's it's not just overnight success. This has been the test of time. So Kyle and I had this idea, why don't you give us your depth chart, your top four grapes?

Great, what's the grape depth?

Give it to us a depth chart, and give it to us stack it up.

All right, Okay, Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna put Cabernet as as as number one. Uh you know, always has been, you know, for I mean thousands, well maybe at least at least hundreds of years, So I'm always gonna put that out number one.

It's still my favorite. Number two for me though, And this would.

Be a personal favorite, like Desert Island wine would be Nebolo. I love the ones from northern Italy, Burlo Barbarasco. We've actually planted a little bit of that just to see if we can replicate what happens in Italy. Pima No War would be be third on that depth chart. And just to uh just to round out, maybe add a little diversity of the quarterback room, I'm gonna throw out a white wine.

We're gonna have We're gonna have some some chardenay in there. Just just what.

About Margitina Merlowe?

You got to put Merlot in there?

All that there's a I mean, this is this is this is another whole show that we can do a deep dive.

But yeah, I MA all back. I love me low I love Sarah. I mean we didn't even talk about I mean we can. I can. I can peek out tough with you for hours.

All right, listen, you only got so many spots the ma all back. They got to turn in their playbook there, we don't. They only have so many spots in the great room, Drew, you have so many things going on FanDuel Sunday Ticket YouTube. But we remiss not asking this. Twenty six years ago, the number one movie in the United States of America was a movie called There's Something About Mary. Brett Favre has a memorable, if not exactly perfect performance in the movie. The rumor is he was the third choice, second choice with Steve Young, who did not agree with the content, and the first choice was Drew Bledsoe, who was not able to appear in the movie, according to the Internet, because he got injured moshing at a concert. Can you please settle the truth about the legend of you and there's something about Mary.

Okay, so there's truth to this. But I was not first choice. I was second choice. Cameron Diaz had a crush on Steve Young, and so Steve Young was first, but he wouldn't do it because good Mormon boyman, and.

It didn't didn't fit with his beliefs.

I was the second place because the Fairly Brothers are from the New England area, and so they reached out and it was soon after I did a little mosh pit, you know, nightclub incident in Boston, the big news. But I was also out here at our cabin in Montana, and I just didn't I just didn't feel like movement. I just didn't like going anywhere and doing it. So they put they so they handed it down too far. Who uh, his acting chops are terrible. I would so, you know, I do feel bad that that the movie didn't come off as great as it would have had I played the department.

Oh no, I have an idea, Drew. I don't think we need a subject that gets roasted by multiple people. I think you just get to roast multiple peace, like you get to stand up there and just have the list. Because man you are just ready to fire on anybody that we bring up. It's fantastic.

As long as there, as long as they're my generation, I can get after him.

I know, Drew. We love you man, Thank you for joining us. Salud salu to the entire bled Cell family are the best. Bit.

I want to tour the wall of walla belly.

Here we go, Drew, So everybody, welcome back to GMFB.

Aaron Rodgers has yet to play in the preseason. We still don't know if we'll see him suit up against the Giants on Saturday. But as for training camp work, Rogers says it's the hardest camp he's had in the last seven or eight years, and that's a good thing.

I give Robert a lot of credit because he from the start of the off season said this is going to be a tough training camp, and I think it's been a lot of reps for the ones. He told me the other day we were somewhere in the neighborhood of three hundred more reps I think at this point of camp and then last year.

And it feels like it.

But it's good.

I think it's going to allow us to maybe be a little more ready and We've been fortunate with injuries. You know, we haven't had a ton of injuries so far, so I like it.

It's been great.

He talked to the older guys, had a lot of complaints for many of those guys. Young guys don't know any better, so it's been good.

Meanwhile, Bill's quarterback Josh Allen, the middle of a six year deal, putting him thirteenth among quarterbacks and average per year salary according to over the Cap. But despite the recent run on mega quarterback contract, Alan says he's just fine with his take home check.

Listen, everyone's going to have their day, and I'm happy that everyone's getting what they're worth, right And I think that as the game progresses and guys keep getting paid again, the market is the market. And I've got no problem with where I'm at right now. And you know, I had my day a couple of years ago, and I'm sure someday I'll have it again, you know. But I think the main thing is the main thing, and that's playing football to the best of my ability, and everything else will take care of itself.

Alan just turning twenty eight this pass spring, so he will be in line for another massive Payday down the road, but for now, as you heard in the focus on the Ultimate Prize bringing the first Lombardi Trophy to Buffalo.

Kirk Cousins gave us a gift, and it's right here.

Seventeen weeks in a season, seventeen tracks, Week one, Track one. I think he is saying to his team it just takes some time. Week seven, I'm coming out of my cage and I'm doing just fine. Now he's starting to play better.

They're playing the Panthers.

They're playing in Charlotte.

Good Charlotte.

We're gonna play really well. We got this and guess what.

They played the Panthers twice. Churs got Good Charlotte on the playlist twice.

You think that's a coincidence.

Now we're flexing on food fighters.

Best of you at Las Vegas?

What is someone who comes back from a trip from Las.

Vegas a good Christian boy?

Let Kirk Cousins say, I got another confession to make, and I'm gonna need the best, the best, the best of you to beat these.

Las Vegas Raiders.

I mean, come on, this is Gardner Grohle. They meet somewhere in the middle, all right, Kirk sees all of this for what it is. Back to Washington, pretty personal.

Game for him.

Room five is a direct reference to the quarterback he will be facing.

It, guys more five.

It All the answers are out there laugh at Cousins, fine, but do not be laughing when he ends up probably in the middle of the playoff.

Raise all right, that was yesterday.

That's me hooton and holler and on set in La talking about Peter kirk Cousins customized playlist for the Falcons.

It was his birthday.

They gave him the auks. I said, he burned the CD of just his favorite songs. We do the whole list, the break down. I think there's all these hidden messages in it. And shortly after I do the segment, I get a text from and it was from kirk Cousins, a birthday boy, and he says the tech says, I was watching the show and he sent me a voice recording, a voice recording that I have right here in reaction to that segment, not only reacting to it, but also a big plot Twitt. So what I'm gonna do right now, I'm gonna break some news here. The internet fell in love with that playlist. I don't know if it's exactly what you think it is, so I'm just gonna put it up to my microphone. And this is Cousin's voice text memo to me yesterday after watching the show, here you go.

You killed it.

On Good Morning Football this morning, as always, but with Chucklin, because yesterday at practice, I'm used to always hearing you know, trap music, gangster wrap the whole practice, and I'm always like, can we have a little bit of diversity, like maybe one every ten songs, we could.

Get some some other genre, and usually.

It falls on deaf hears, but yesterday it was like one song after night there was another was like Foo Fighters, Good Charlotte, all American rejects.

I was like, man, I like this song.

I like this song.

Like this song.

So after practice, onto the our, you know, coach's assistant, who's the DJ, and I said Madison.

Like, I got to give you an at a boy that.

Was an awesome practice playlist, and she said, well.

That was because it was your birthday.

That was all for you.

So she just basically guessed that I would like and she guessed correctly, but unfortunately the list was actually my literal practice playlist, which I.

Would have loved to put one together. Maybe I can have future birthdays in the league and do that.

But that was literally the coaches assistant just guessing.

What I would like.

But she basically has me pegged.

So that was the story.

But yeah, it was. It was a huge birthday gift.

When you're used to listening to gangster rap over and over and over.

To get a little food fighters in there was at the end of the world for me. So I hope you're doing well. What a voice note. That's it.

Thank you Kirk for watching and listen, this is I said plot to us. Peter, your thoughts about hearing how it actually went down.

Shout out to Madison. Shout out to Madison.

And by the way, Cousin says, you're the genius behind them.

She guessed perfectly, And shout out to Cousins for an awesome voice note. And I gotta say, I'm curious to see the rest of the team's performance. When you have ever clear in the All American Rejects playing in the background as opposed to a little Dirk and little Baby, what.

Do you think?

Well, listen, I know that right now, and Jamie and La are probably shell shocked. Just to clarify this for the Internet. It turns out Kirk did not make this playlist. It was made for him and Madison just guessed the songs that he would like and was just nailing them all.

What do you guys think?

In La do you feel cheated that you did the whole da Vinci code and it was nothing to do with his personal like his personal selection, I.

Think I'm further validated. It even seats a deeper da Vinci code, Jamie, what do you think?

I first of all, again shout out to her cousins for going on a deep dive on a Good Morning Football segment in mid August. The guy loves ball, he loves a talkball, he loves Kyle Brandt. The fact that you sent you the voice message gave you the clearance to play it, And then shout out to Madison, who gotten at a boy after practice.


We love you, we appreciate you, And like I said yesterday, Kirk and I the exact same age and that was exactly ninth grade for us.

I need a little I need a little more time because you wouldn't believe there's another plot twist. Okay, other person who watches our show is named Brian Bell. Brian Bell is the lead guitarist for Weezer. He's a big Rams fan, and he watches the show every day and he messages kind of often about it. I saw what you did today, Brian Bell after the segment yesterday, says, honestly, I was kind of disappointed Weezer didn't make the list, Like, how are we not there at least like Island in the last pipe? Yeah, And so I then go to Kirk and I say, you know, Weezer was kind of disappointed that they did make your list. The whole group rivers, quoting Kirk, says, all right, I'm going to make an actual birthday playlist next year. So tell Weezer they have three hundred and sixty four days to impress me and make the list. So next year, next August thirty, seventh birthday. Who knows happen with the Falcons this year? Shout out to Weezer. Everyone's like, what hell's creed? You guys got three hundred and sixty some days, and then Kirk will put you on. I appreciate no creed, by the way, I know, I thought it was cool, like yeah, yeah, I agree, that's Madison.

Remember that the triangle of GMFB offense would be Kirk, Cousins, Weezer and Kyle always looks amazing. That's the birthday boy.

Oh oh that's me. Oh yeah, that's me.

Good mon, football, Welcome back to the show. We are now days away from the start of the college football season, which means we're already thinking twenty twenty five NFL Draft, and my brain goes immediately to who's going to be at the twenty twenty five Senior Bowl the Senior Bowls. Watchless actually drops today, So let's welcome the executive director of the Senior Bowl or friend of the show.

Yeah, Jim nag let's go. What's going on, my friend.

Good to be on, guys, good to be back on.

It's great to be having you here, especially today.

You've been waiting for this.

You tweeted about it a few weeks ago. Eyeballs the whole thing.

What do we got going today?

And what should face.

Of the NFL Draft be looking at to come from your offices down there in Mobile, Alabama later this afternoon.

Yeah, eight and fifty nine players.

This is a big list this year, guys, And again it's because this is the last year of the extra COVID year, so it's a huge senior class.

This is the first year we put on a watch list where the juniors.

Were eligible, right, the NFL kind of made that ruling last November that juniors could be added to All Star Games. So there's eighty one juniors on this year's list, so that adds to it.

And then we put specialists on.

We didn't have pickers and snappers and punters on in the past, so that's why the number is so big.

But a big day, a big day.

For our sponsor reesis all these schools are cranking out graphics with flying Reese's cups and flying Reese's pieces and shout up to fam U stepped up their game. They had their two guys that made the watch list, probably somewhere over there in Tallahassee to a grocery store buying Reese's cups in the store in a little video. So just a fun day here around the office watching all these schools create content around around our game.

Jaggy said. Two players from Florida A and M University buying Reeses in the grocery store with two on the list. This is the biggest list yet, Jim, that we've seen. Tell us how it was compiled and in terms of bragging rights, fam you's got two which schools both the most players.

Yeah, it is the biggest list by far. Usually there's things, you know, four to five hundred players, so this is a big list. In terms of the most players, it's all miss They've got twenty one. The SEC dominated this year. They've got the five most schools. I think we've got eleven schools that there were fifteen players, and seven of those come from the SEC, so.

They've got about seventy more players in the Big Ten.

The Big Ten came in second, and then I think it's ACC and Big twelve. So as you would imagine, the Power four came in with the most players in the list. But yeah, it's a great starting point for us. We watched tape since going back to really last January. Our staff was upstairs watching these guys even before we.

Played the twenty twenty four version of the Resa's Senior Bowl. So a lot of hard work.

We've watched tape on all these players and it's just a starting point, you know. I really like to emphasize for all the guys that didn't make the list. We had seven players last year that played in the Senior Bowl here in Mobile that weren't on the watch list last year, and they all got drafted. And two of those guys, Marshaun Lloyd running back from USC and Elijah Jones at cornerback from Boston College. Those guys win in the third round. They were top hundred picks and they weren't on the watch list. So if you're not on the list and you're a player out there and you're watching, we will still be watching you this fall, and you've got just as good a chance to make the game as the guys that made the watch list.

Jim, last year, you were so big on bow nick h of course, look what happened. He makes it. We're going to wrap here because the show is coming to a conclusion, but I wanted you to give an opportunity to tell the viewers where they can find the list and where they can follow these guys all year long on your Senior Bowl content.

Yeah, Senior Bowl dot com. We'll have the full watch list up there. You can sort it by player, you can sort it by school to find your favorite guys. And then I would say on find us on X I've got an account there Senior Bowl. At Senior Bowl, I'll be posting that stuff all day. So I appreciate you guys having me on to promote this thing and look forward to an all fall and talking about these college players.

A Jim Real quest, I appreciate. I appreciate the San Diego State sticker right there.

I see it.

I see you, baby, I see you.

Representing for you, Akbar, go buy Reese's Peanut Butter Stop. So we appreciate you. Jim Nagy, we'll talk to you this fall. Go check out the list.

Good Morn Football