Hour Two of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt, Peter Schrager and Isaiah Stanback discussing the New York Jets following their loss against the Denver Broncos - who is the leader on the Jets? NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell joins the breakfast table and talks about the Washington Commanders exciting start to their season, he explains why the new kickoff rule is incomplete right now, and then he touches on the NFL’s expansion all over the world. Sky Sports NFL Analyst Phoebe Schecter joins the show and describes the energy of NFL football in the UK, and then she explains the biggest hurdles they face translating American Football to the audience in the UK.
Good Morning Football is the production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio Good Football.
It was a perfect night for Jared Goff, and I'm sure Aaron Rodgers would have wanted that at home against the Broncos on Sunday, they did not. We're going to spend the dial forward to Jets Vikings on Sunday morning from London.
This game has meaning the Vikings are undefeated.
It's a very important game as the Jets sit two and two. What's also important is the relationship between head coach and quarterback. After the game on Sunday, after a smattering of false starts for the Jets, Robert Sala said, We've got to figure it out whether or not we are good enough to handle all of the cadence. If you know Aaron Rodgers after twenty years, the.
Man loves his cadence. Okay.
Then Rogers comes out and says we could just hold players accountable too well. Sala then was asked again on Monday, and the coach had a different tune.
We got to figure it out whether or not we're we're good enough to handle all the uh, We're ready to handle all the kidens. Cadence had not been an issue all camp felt like our operation had been operating pretty good. Obviously, Uh, today it took a major step back.
Yesterday I was, I was, I was mentioning operation. We're always going to push the envelope with cadence always, but but with regards to operation, uh, you know, getting in out of the huddle, getting too the line of scrimmage of the communication that's being had, We're uh, those are all things that we can continue to look at and clean up. But from a cadence standpoint, that's part of what makes us who we are, and we're going to continue.
To always push push the envelope on that.
Perhaps it's fair to say Robert Shala doesn't want to say the word chadence anymore, Peter. He wants to now use operational as the interchangeable word. There Where do we sit right now with Rogers and solid in cadence, Kate?
And perhaps he shouldn't use the word cadence. He's a defensive coach, and I think the second he starts talking about the offensive cadence, and I think there's a lot of sensitivities there from a quarterback like Aaron Rodgers, who's a four time MVP and has been doing it for twenty years.
I also think the market matters.
I think in New York, when you have fans who drove two hours in the rain and sat in the rain and watched that offensive performance and saw five fall starts, it's easy fodder for sports media to take after it. I think the Jets is an incredible one, But on Monday morning, you've got boomerisias In coming out saying there's major issues between Sala and Rogers.
You've got Damien Woody on ESPN saying.
It was a horrible coaching performance and the loss.
Is on Sala. This is why New York's different than Jacksonville.
It's why New York is different than Cincinnati. It's why New York is different than Seattle. This is what's going to happen when you start losing, especially with expectations that were built so high. The question is can you rise above it? Can you galvanize around it? Can you be the team and the group that says block out the noise?
So many coaches in the past haven't been able to.
I think it got to Adam Gase when he was the coach of the Jets. I think it got to Joe Judge when he was the coach of the Giants, and once it starts, it could be an avalanche.
The only thing that can really truly stop it is wins.
And you watch on Thursday night from last week, and I was in the building at MetLife. It was as if the Jets had just won the Super Bowl. It was so so positive and everyone was so excited, and Rogers is smiling and Sala's fifth pumping them and it's great, and everyone in the media is.
Like, hey, this team could go to the super Bowl.
It took ten days before we're already back at this point.
It could happen so fast.
I am fascinated by this week because the cadence thing is not even a real issue. I think football heads can probably talk on it better. I don't think it's a cadence thing. I think it's more of a okay, when the chips are against us, when we're when we're in the corner here, we got a fight. Are we together? Are are we going to be the ones pointing fingers? And are we listening to Wfan in the morning? Are we reading the New York Post on Tuesday morning? What are we doing to prepare for the Minnesota Vikings, who by the way, have their former number three overall pick coming against them in London, who looks like he might be an MVP performer. A lot of cool storylines, but the Jets, this is a key week going to London. Can you stay together or can does it all come undone before we even get to Halloween.
Well, first of all, I agree with everything you said, Peter. I would say this too after the game, Like if you listen to and Rogers comments, if you listen to Robert Solace comments.
Who sounded like the coach.
Rogers Rogers Rogers did, Rogers sounded like the mo mature guy. Rogers sounded like the one that was just kind of seeing this thing as a kind of a moment, not necessarily a problem. And it did seem like Robert Salad was reacting to the media ups and downs that happens in New York. To your point, it's a very unique place, and I always wondered when this issue was going to.
Show up New York, because, yeah, this.
Team is gonna meet adversity, the team is gonna go through ups and downs, They're gonna be looking for a leader. Oftentimes that's the head coach, right, But the head coach doesn't even seem like he sounds like the most mature guy in the room. And so I'm not gonna say it's a problem in New York because I do think this is a one time issue with the false starts and things like that. For thirteen penalties, that's a real issue, and that does go to coaching. That does speak the coach, and it does speak to what you're doing at practice. But I don't know, man, it's just interesting. Aaron Rodgers sounded like the coach after the game. I don't know what that means, but Aaron Rodgers sounded like the more mature guy. And as this season goes through more, if it's ups and downs, I'm just gonna be looking at who sounds like the true leader of this franchise because I think they may have an issue there.
Well, listen, this is an advantage we have as a show that a lot of other shows do not. We are a bicoastal show. You guys are in California right now. I'm in New York, and I have to tell you I had a very cool experience yesterday.
I went to the Jets facility.
I was there for a long time, and I sat down with Aaron Rodgers for a long time and we talked and it's something that's going to be airing this weekend, coming up on game day morning, and it was a whole deal, and we talked about everything, guys, and we talked about this stuff too, just to give a little taste of.
It we're at. And I remember this was yesterday. This is Monday.
This is Monday, in the middle of the day, less than twenty four hours after a really miserable loss and miserable conditions in which Rogers didn't play well, and there's a postgame with he and the head coach maybe back and.
Forth, and he still sat down.
So we talked a lot about how the things he's had to deal with, and he said, he's like, you know, I'm also fighting.
Father time right now.
And I said, how's that fight going, And he goes, it's a dead heat right now. We're changing blows in the middle of the ring and it's a dead heat. I'm like, all right, and I said, well, the good news is now you get to a lot of the other side of the world to.
Go to London, and he was like whoo.
So we had a lot of jokes about that, Jamie, which I'm sure you can follow up with Rogers because you'll sit with him. But on the topic of jokes, Monday, after a day that's that miserable for the Jets, and it was a pretty miserable day, you got to have some sort of icebreaker. So I made a lot of jokes about the Cadence. I just I just went right at it, and I said that, you know, I'm hearing reports that you went into Sala's office and cleared off his desk and said, you're not taking my cold from my cold dead hands, Bob, You're not taking my Kiden's And he laughed. He laughed at all of them. There's a lightness to him, and I think we forget this because he can come across as so cerebral and so heavy as he did in that press conference. He's been through everything. He's been through terrible things, he's been through great things. There's not a lot of things that rattle him. And the next day he's sitting around laughing about the Cadence thing. And he had continued to put it off as a thing like the push hugged mishap thing that the media runs with it is not a story.
My intuition sitting there with him is that I do not think think Robert Salah will utter anything whatsoever about offensive.
Operation for the rest of the season. I think it is a whole.
Now, never mind Cadence, We're not going to hear the word huddle, We're not going to hear the word that it's gonna be all taboo. They will not say any of that stuff. I just it's It was an incredible piece, and he's a he's a He's got a heavy load on his shoulders in terms of the football right now. And there's a lot more.
Coming from that.
I can tell you guys more and I will can you tell you more throughout the week. But for the sake of the Cadence thing, Rogers made his comment about maybe you can hold them accountable. That's one option. I think that will be the option that Jets go with moving forward. That was the vibe I got to know.
The general has spoken. Kyle.
Hey, look, man, I'm glad you shared that that interview. I didn't know that you had had an interview with with with Aaron And to hear that quote that him and father time were kind of running he I get it. I totally understand and and and that's why it behooves me, Like why they go all in for these last couple of years, just you see what I'm saying, and focus their offensive team around just Aaron Rodgers man to me, they need to continue to find this run game. They need to get this offensive line fixed, because the crazy part about it is the young and old.
The offensive line is young and old. They make young.
Mistakes and old mistakes. Like I'm just they got to figure some stuff out in this defense.
They don't have much room for error.
Right, I mean, I think about the last time you had almost forty year old quarterback who won a Super Bowl.
That was what Peyton Manning in twenty fifteen. Ready Brady with the Bucks.
Brady with the Bucks.
Yeah you know, but I mean but those guys, I mean they had defense, they had teams around them. So I just this Jets team really want to finish it strong.
They got to get their football right.
The other thing the way that season is gone is that Rogers and everyone with the Jets would talk about we need to get.
Off the roller coaster this season. Get off the roller coaster.
I mean, can you think of a bigger four game roller coaster than that. It's been exactly that. The Niners game is terrible. Then we're way up, way up, and then there's this terrible loss right now at home. And he went on a long, long I would call it a sermon about the mentality of same old Jets, about the Jets fans, about the Jets organization, and the roller coaster. And he's like, you know what's crazy. I hate roller coasters. I don't like riding them at all. I am not that guy, and we needed to get off it, so all conscious he doesn't.
He actually did a kind of customach and all that.
He could control. He could control some of it too. And I know we all have a relationship with Aaron. It's like, you know, the visual of him with the towel on his face in the rain and just looking so forlorn, and that's a meme.
That's that's what you can't say. You can't look at the camera and be like, what do you guys? Why would you know? What's what's wrong here? Everything's great, it's rosy. It doesn't look great.
And I asked him about it directly. I said, you know, the picture of you with the towel. You know, the number one Internet joke this week is and there's the moment Aaron Rodgers officially became a New York Jet and we talked about it, and he had a very passionate risk it.
We'll get to it.
I'm glad that he had answers for you as it pertains to this image and the comments from his head coach after the game, because I spoke with his teammates yesterday ahead of the game Sunday morning against the Vikings, and I don't know if they're just waiting for Rogers who speak because his teammates, the young ones that I spoke to yesterday, I won't even say who it was they are taking a queue from him. They wouldn't answer really any question in terms of the challenges that this team is be saying. They were like, we're gonna wait and watch the tape. We're gonna wait and watch the tape against the Broncos. Could we talk tomorrow then I want some follow up on this. So I'm wondering if they're waiting for him to come out and take a queue from their leader.
To your point, who the leader is?
Welcome back to Good Morning Football.
We are very excited here in our LA studios and we have a very special guest, a gentleman.
The commissioner of the National Football League was Roger Goodell.
Oh, good morning, welcome, thank you.
I'm grilled to be here.
What brings you to Los Angeles?
You guys right this.
I was out in San Francisco on Sunday at some meetings, so here yesterday and stayed to be with you, guys.
Our show is now coast to coast, so we figured we hit a couple of different markets here and hit you with some questions.
If you don't mind us just popping you, is.
This a test?
I would like to start in the Nation's Capital. I think the best story one month into the season is this Washington Commander's franchise and this young rookie quarterback and what he's brought. You have been with the league for many years, you were a historian of the game. To see that market so enthused right now and energized with what Jaden and also the new coaching staff an ownership group has brought. What's it like having the Commanders being on top of the NFC East and really having the Nation's capital is one of the top teams.
Well, I like the way you say historian.
That means I've been here a long time, so I've seen this history.
But the reality is, you.
Know, I also grew up in Marshington, and I know what that franchise means to that community. It really does, and I think to see that excitement start coming back, you can see they're on the right path. Got a great young quarterback, DQ is doing great. I just think that team is on the rise and it's going to be fun for the league because you know, the nation's capital, that's where it's at, and I think it'll be fun for the lead to have him back.
Very cool.
You probably couldn't be more thrilled with how the International series started in Brazil, but also what we have coming into this weekend an undefeated Vikings team and Aaron Rodgers led Jets team, but then the irony that Sam Darnold is quarterbacking the Vikings. Do you follow stories like this and when guys just kind of really hit a lull but then the resurgence within the league.
Yeah, to me, it's part of what makes our game so much fun is to see kids that you know, maybe don't have a good start at one team and they move off. I think he's now on this four team, I believe, and you know, to see him get in the right system. And I really give a lot of credit to Kevin And you know, the GM crazy is just you know, to get the right kind of guy to fit their system. He's getting the most out of them. Got great teammates. It's always great to throw to JJ, but you know, you've got to give them credit to you know, his determination to get back in there and say I can do this. And when you see someone try to overcome that and try to build on the failures he may have had, that's just something you take your hat off to.
You got ratings going crazy, man, you know, you got streaming, you got you know, all the different platforms. Just what excites you about the National Football League right now? Just in general, man, with all the ever changing media platforms.
Well, I think all that is another opportunity for us. I mean, I think we have the greatest content in the world. I mean, everybody wants to see every aspect of the NFL. They want to see our players, I want to see our coaches, I want to see the teams. They want to see Kyle. I see you in the background there, Kyd.
They do yeh.
He's like oz back there honestly, Like sometimes you see his body language.
I'm like, oh God, what's wrong.
Commission come over to this this large or Willian monitor that we have there in that beautiful seven Roger.
I'm in New York City.
I'm in our Good Morning Football's Lower West Side condo, of course, home of the league headquarters where your office is. And you know what we do really well here at the NFL. We're really good at branding, and I like that we branded the new kickoff rule the dynamic kickoff, and it really feels that way.
We're a month into it.
What do you think about the early returns of the dynamic kickoff?
You know, we always said this is going to be a work in progress. I guess if I had degrade it, I'd say it's an incomplete right now, and only in this sense. We wanted to bring back more returns, but we wanted to do it safely, so we have more returns. I think we had an eighty five percent increase in returns. That'll give us more data to find out is it working. Are we seeing the safety level go back?
To the same safety.
Levels we see at line of scrimmage plays. So far, that looks pretty good, but it's really early to tell and there's really not enough data yet. I think it's going to come out where we've brought the safety back into that play, and then I think we'll have to make a few changes on the kickoff that will I think lead to a lot more kickoff returns.
I think the.
Witch back, moving it up a little bit.
Maybe I could do.
The touchback and moving to thirty five, you know, I think that would be a game changer right away.
Yeah, I think that everything.
I've talked to the coaches and as you know, our special teams coaches are looking at this. I've talked to some of them, and I think there will be a change, whether we make it immediately after the season. We're going to have a competition committee in the next week.
So Jamie's headed to London this afternoon. You'll probably be there at some point I imagine for.
The next week, next following week. Yep.
Another big league initiative is the flag football and something that we have seen explode. And you know, we've all got kids and they're all playing flag football.
The sky is the limit.
Obviously, how does the NFL play a role in kind of curating and guiding this thing to this amazing youth sport, and how it can lead to more fans and of course more players at the next level.
Well, our international team and all our clubs have really done a great job, you know. They in Troy Vincent back in New York, and Peter O'Reilly runs international and all our events. The idea here is to give kids an opportunity to play. And I'm what I'm most excited about is young women playing the game.
I see it in them.
I was with Steve Young last year and he brought his entire team up, thirty young women. He coached the flag football and two of his daughters are on the team. Is awesome, and it was just to see their confidence and the empowerment that gave them to say we're playing. And they were wonderful young women and it was just great to see so and Steve, as a coach, said, I fell back in love with the game by coaching these young women. So I think that's the thing we're trying to share with people, the joy of playing this game, all the values of playing this game. You know what it takes to be on a team that you know is trying to accomplish something bigger than themselves. I think young women and young boys are learning those lessons and I think that's great, and it's just another funnel to get them into the game, either as tackle players at some point in time, or to move on and.
Take another role.
We've had fun with the Olympics in twenty twenty eight in Los Angeles, and I don't know if the NFL players are involved, and I don't think we're there yet, but the fact that it's an Olympics sport is a huge milestone as well.
It's a huge milestone, and I think doing that on an international basis, Listen, that's the pinnacle of sports on an international basis. So we're really looking forward to that, whether players are in it from the NFL level or whether we're going to have great athletes out there, and it's going to be a.
Lot of fun.
I was going to ask about something that is very jarring for us to see sometimes during the week, which is the turn of Bill Belichick's personality in the media.
Is very concerning to me. I don't understand it. Were you prepared for this version of Bill Belichick. Knowing him, I just made you very nervous saying the word what I wanted.
You know, if you're if you ever sit around with Bill and you talk football, that's where he is. I'm sure in front of the camera, and we all know it's a little bit different. But when you get him back and you talk to him about the game of football, it really you see the joy he has in this game and the passion and the historical perspective to it. He's he's a he's just such a student of the game. And you know, since I lost John Madden, who was played an incredible role to be brought that perspective. He saw everything on the field, and he looked at tape and he was he was Bill's in a lot of ways filled that role. He's been someone that if you can call and you can studies, well, he's down in an NFL.
Film all day, so I figured I'd get a free call. But he really, he really has a good feel for the game and it's something that can help us.
It's been said that Belichick kept a mattress in his office in New England.
Does he have one at films?
You know, I haven't checked that one, because it will have to charge him a little different so if he's stayed overnight.
Yes's good point, Roger.
We remember when the first London game was played and it felt really like history. It was really really special, and now it's this is what we do. There's multiple countries, multiple continents. Can you give us a taste of the future of where this might go? I know that Peter is part of an investment group that's trying to build a stadium in Bora Bora, but short of that working, is there anywhere we might land as a league, Like, what's the future of this?
We're not going to take Peter's road map.
To amerging market.
They love football there, you know I do, and so my perspective goes back to the nineties and being in both you know, when we went to Japan and we went to Berlin and what you saw was fans that really didn't understand the game. Now you go over to London and it's you know, I have a hard time telling you whether you're in London or whether you're in the Middle Lands or you know, it's just the fans there are sophisticated. They understand the game, They appreciate the game, and for me, that's what I think gives us so much confidence that our game can be a global game.
And when we were down in Brazil a few weeks ago, it was just it was the.
Same thing, you know, just a lot of enthusiasm, excitement over the game, and I believe great potential.
So we'll be back there. I'm sure we're going to continue to grow.
I think we'll end up going to sixteen games at some point in time. The owners have already authorized us to go to eight, but I'm confident, particularly if we can do the restructuring of the season, that we would get to sixteen.
At this point.
I have to imagine you, I've been thinking about that having a full slate in Europe.
Do you have an advance necessarily Europe, We've got a rest big.
In the world, Yes, internationally, sixteen games internationally.
My mistake.
Do you have people that do this, like scouting years in advance of just the logistics to answer questions that teams might have. If you're the forty nine ers and you're being asked to do X, Y and Z, you want to probably have all of the solutions before teams come to you with concern.
Yeah, You're absolutely right, Jamis, And the answer is yes. I mean we're already looking at several markets. We don't have Peters lists a bit, but we do have a lot of markets that are interested in the game. But we have to go do the work because one of the things that we do, particularly with Brazil, it was a key factor for us.
You want the teams to.
Feel like it was not disruptive to the season, but it you know, they went that they loved the trip. I went to Jordan Malatta because that, to me, that was the best one. Right, Yeah, how was the trip? Yeah?
How was a plane?
You know, everything was great and you know, the coaches were good, the players were great. Everybody felt like this was a great trip. It was not just up to that they were able to prepare properly when they got back. I went back and checked afterwards. Everyone recovered really well. So and that's an eleven hour trip for these guys. So when you see that we learned something from every one of the games and say, okay, what can we do next ultimately and how do we continue to expand this?
But I do think we can do this.
I think the scheduling, you know, we may have to make changes to that in some ways, probably roster sizes, do some other things, but I do think it's something we'll do more real.
Quick super Bowls in New Orleans. We've got a few months to get there.
What's one thing you're looking to see between now and that day where we can out?
Well, you know, there's so much. I keep reminding myself. We're just entering week five here at this point, and there's so much and there's so many changes between now and then, but it also goes really fast. And you know, no one loves football more than I do, so I love watching everything I can. I'm looking forward to go over to the international games. I'm really looking forward to that run up to the playoffs. Super Bowl time is just a blasphemy.
So I'm I'm the.
Earliest New Orleans Super Bowl memory. What do you have what sticks out? Madden?
I will tell you what it is.
It earlier than that.
It was nineteen eighty six. I was Pete Roselle's driver.
This is incredible.
So okay, it was the best thing of the Bears Patriots Bears Patriots. Wasn't a great game, no, but but I was up in the booth with Pete and we had an officiating her.
Oh it was not a good day for Pete. He was upset.
But the reality is I spent the entire week with Pete basically living in his in his room. I was his sort of go to to everything, and it was it was the experience of a lifetime to me. I never thought that I would even be that close to much less driving them around town.
And now you're the commissioner, now I'm the committeer.
He had a lot to do with that, I'm sure. And it wasn't for my driving skills.
It's tough streets to talk, I mean, also easy to.
Try it, to go down twice just to figure out my way around.
I mentioned, this was fantastic. Thank you so much for joining us. Have an amazing rest of the season. Hopefully we'll talk to you again and enjoy eure Rope when you go over there as well.
Look forward to it. Thank you, guys, thanks for all you do. We're glad to have you back.
Thank you, thank you.
It was too long while you were going.
It was when we're fresh as a daisy.
And International Games coming up this month in November.
You're gonna drink a beer again in Germany if you're there, let's go that the t's and TV talk.
I don't know if you've heard the NFL is heating to London this week.
The Vikings are undefeated.
I'm supposed to say they try to approve, defy and no, but it just feels better saying the Vikings are undefeated when they take on the Jets at in London nine thirty am Eastern.
Right here on NFL Network.
It's the International Series and it always delivers an incredible atmosphere.
You will not want to miss this.
This game can also be streamed on NFL Plus. If you are already watching our show in the UK, perhaps on Sky Sports NFL.
We have their analyst, Phoebe's schector here this morning. Phoebe, what's happening girl?
How are you?
It's so good to see you and I cannot wait to have you back over here.
Phoebean, I always get to hug it out on the field. When we see each other on the sideline. I love catching up. I love watching everything that you bring to that market because with your history with the NFL and coaching and flag football, I think you're such a unique voice, and the fact that you're a woman doing it's very important and I always appreciate what you're doing. All right, Phoebe, talk to us about the energy and how it's changed for you and your time in London being on TV there, whether it be the build up and the prominence of flag football and the NFL's arrival and the fact that these games keep rolling out.
I mean, it's just incredible. And I think the best example of this is last year when the Bills were over, I was doing my laps with tight Ends coach Rob Boris and he said, well, what is a noise level going to be?
That's that?
You know, it's pretty even the poor thing at the end of the game, and he was like, that was like a Bill's home game. I mean, the fans over here are so passionate and this may be their one opportunity to see a real, live NFL game. So this passion, the energy for this sport. It is happy on all levels, from grassroots through to having you amazing people over during our NFL International series.
What's up, Phoebe, be good to see you. What's going down?
Good, good good good?
All right, So I want to ask you about the more intriguing storyline heading into this Viking Jet Vikings Jets game is and Anon Rodgers and the Jets rebounding after bad loss, or the Vikings they're undefeated with Sam Donald and they're looking like world beaters.
I mean, this is such a tricky one, right because, first off, Aaron Rodgers coming over here is a gift. I remember when he was here with Green Bay and literally you could feel the floor rumbling when he ran onto that field. But right now having an undefeated team, which may be the first time in international history to have a team four and oh coming over here in the Vikings, how do you not get excited to see not just Sam Darnold, but this Vikings defense that is finding ways to win in creative way that I've never even seen happen with all these different athletes. So I think the Vikings, they've had history here before with ending the double doink versus the Saints, they would find a way to leave with with a special something.
I've got to ask, you, know, you've got this great career over there, and yet there's still fans who are still learning the game, and yet we also have crossed the bridge to where it's most to understand the game.
So how do you balance teaching new and then assuming the viewer is familiar with what it is, and at what point do you kind of weigh them together and say, all right, we could talk about this like it's any other or sport that they're familiar with, like soccer, if you will.
It's such a great question because that's really a finite line.
You've got these amazing kind of football nerds from the eighties and nineties from when NFL Europe was around, and then we've got brand new viewers to our show into this sport. I think the biggest hurdles immediately are terminology, right. We love to find different ways in the NFL to say the same thing over and over again. Is it a go, is it a fade, is it a same or you know, looking at the fact that within like you said, soccer football here, you've got eleven people on the field and they play the whole time. Well, one of the surprising things for fans is actually we have eleven people for offense, for defense, and then you have special teams. So understanding that kind of rolling sub mentality has really helped people to kind of grasp why there are so many people on an NFL team.
Well, and your approach and your relatability, Phoebe, I think is what's helpful to the viewers in the UK as well. You know every level I'm talking You played flag football, you played tackle football, and you did a coaching internship with the Buffalo Bills.
This is a very obvious.
Question when we get to head coaches and coordinators who played both levels. Now I want to ask you this, what do you enjoy doing more coaching or playing?
Oh, Jbie, that's such a tough one, but I have to say, you know, I had the pleasure of working with Josh Allen and Sean McDermott at the Bills and when you and I'm sure it's the same for you guys, right when you show up to work every single day and you're there to be better, not just for yourself but for everybody around you, that operation of elite mindset, I mean, it's just there's nothing comparable.
I love playing for my country and to be able to represent Great Britain on the largest stage possible and hopefully in twenty twenty eight Olympics. But when you get to coach and you get to educate and make people better and almost more so help people discover what they didn't know about themselves. I think that's the real beauty within coaching. It's just helping to elevate and empower.
I mean, what an answer.
She hit us with the operation of an elite mindset and also tease the fact that she might be in La for the Olympics in twenty twenty eight. Phoebe checkter, everybody, my goodness. You can see her on sky Sports NFL. We love Phoebe. We have round all the time, and she is welcoming the NFL now onto her turf, her grass in the coming weeks.
Phoebe wonderful to see you say
Well, thank you guys,