Hour Two of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt, Peter Schrager and Manti T’eo examining the twitter beef between Trevon Diggs and Malik Nabers and then answering which football movie is the best. Peter quizzes everybody on NFL Trivia and then they remember their survival picks game after three weeks.
Good Morning Football is the production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio.
Good Morning Football.
That's right, this is Good Morning Football.
This is our show that we know and we love, and we love that you're here to watch us in Los Angeles. This is where our table is. It's Thursday, so turn twenty six. This is Manti Teo in New York City. Is Peter Schrager and Kyle Grant. I'm Jamie Rdall. It is a Thursday ahead of a Thursday night game, week four.
Already, that's flying by end of the first quarter.
End of the first quarter, I know, right, well, really we should go like this in a forre en during the second quarter.
All Right.
Things got feisty this summer.
Let's go right into the lead block and throw down Thursday, all right. Social media was ablaze this summer between Giants rookie Maleek Neighbors and Cowboys corner Treyvon Dates. On Wednesday, Neighbors wanted to shut all of this down ahead of the game.
There's been a lot of back and forth between you and Diggs.
You're looking forward to this matchup once and for all.
I mean, yeah, I mean it is what it is, but I don't want to talk about it.
I mean, it's game time.
Now, you really know, do you know?
Diggs? No?
Even I mean it is like I said, I don't want to talk about.
It, doesn't want to talk about it. It is what it is. It's game time now, it's throw down Thursday time. Now, all right, let's focus on this even though he doesn't want to talk about it, Malik Neighbors, We're going to all right, throw down Cowboys, Trevon Diggs against rookie star wide out Malik Neighbors Peter in a classic matchup battle between the White Robot and the Red Robot. Who do you have for Von Diggs or Malik Neighbors?
Is there some context? I'm asking the producers. Do we have these tweets? I'm watching this, I'm like, wow, what was said? I would love to know because you're a rookie, you're twenty one years old, and you're going back and forth with one of the eight men at corners. I'm asking, genuinely, I would love to know what was going on through neighbors His head to take those shots, because let's see some of these tweets here. This ister Tributor Giant's been getting the belt for some years.
Now and then does that mean they're gonna be hit? Yes? Yes too? Which now that to which Neighbors responds, what is neighbors got to say?
What do you say, as you're a rookie to that?
Do we have any responses?
What was his response, Peter paraphrae.
You vote coming back, you know, to try to do your best here and you work on it and the neighbors. I guess my fly wasn't wasn't g rated for this show.
Okay, we got there.
Neighbors twenty one years old comes back and says, I'm not talking about it, but you better believe that's real and that stuff is engaging, and that stuff is what we as fans have a history for now.
If you're a purist, you say, yeah, that's football.
If you're in twenty twenty four and you're a social psychologist and we go, they say, well, guys, he's up. Everyone's friends, we trade jerseys. We're all buddies here. I kind of like a little fire from the Giant and the Cowboys.
Because it's been years.
Dak absolutely owns the Giants and in MetLife Stadium, he doesn't lose it.
To me, I'm looking at this matchup.
Neighbors given one of them double moves, yet Digs, they jump on it and go deep and get one of those touchdowns. Because it has been nearly two decades since the Giants have had success against this Cowboys team in a real way, especially with Dak Prescott under center.
I love that they have some of this.
And I'm going to say Neighbors is going to get the best of Digson I even if it takes twenty targets to.
Get him going.
Yeah, I'm with you, Peter. I like this.
It kind of reminds me of the Deon Sanders, Jerry Rice Connor, Riberry and go back. You know, Neighbors being an LSU guy, Digs being an Alabama guy. There's a rivalry there, and so I really like this whole rivalry going into this game. It adds to more drama, But I like Neighbors, you know. I think when he's in the interview, he says, I'm done talking about it. In other words, it's it's time. I'm about that action, boffs. It's time to show up and I'm done talking about it. I'm done tweeting about it. I believe when I looked into this. Neighbors just simply said if there's a corner that he would like to go up against as Trevon Diggs, and that's.
All I read.
There were some delete in tweets.
There was some maybe Milik Neighbors, we don't do that with the Giants building or something like that.
So I just harder to find now.
Yeah, So so I really like Neighbors.
I mean, Trevon Diggs is one of the better corners in this league, and he's been that way for some time now. But the way that Milik Neighbors goes about his business, he's all about the business. He's all about that action, and you know, I think it's somebody that you really like having on your football team.
So I like Neighbors.
I mean, like, I think we all like this, and I think it's interesting the matchup is that Neighbors has looked at he's got next, and then Diggs was the guy who was the superstar, you know, a couple of years ago, and then he got hurt, so he's trying to claw back into this thing. I do think in the Neighbors case, if he does project some sort of Odellian type figure in New york O'Dell was about more than just football. The football was fantastic, but then there was other stuff that made him like this cl the figure, it was the hair, and it was the fashion, and it was his attitude and it was Listen going to war with Josh Norman in a very very ugly game.
Josh Norman keeps coming up on the show today, but.
That was an ugly game in which he and Odeb basically fought on the field, physically fought. So if the league Neighbors has that kind of it, it's almost like this.
Is the next level of more than football.
Now you're openly beefing with somebody and then the endorsements will come, but you have to deliver in those games. If Neighbors has a quiet night tonight and it's three catches for seventeen yards Diggs, we'll celebrate that.
If they win.
This is the birth of it's not just Giants Cowboys.
We watched that forever.
This could be a new little rivalry.
I like this.
I don't I'm not gonna have a dog in the fight. I don't care who wins.
I want one person to win dramatically, though, and I want them to say something about it after the game to the other guy, then we're cooking.
Well, just to further clarify yet simplify the context to Peter's point is, while the tweets or the messages have since been deleted, let's just say there was kind of like an emoji conversation happening. Leak neighbors put a coffin that was involved in then, and then that was deleted, and then Treyvon Diggs put a ninja so like it, and then there were some other things.
That happened there.
But I'm just just trying to translate via emojis purely, if you know what I'm saying.
Okay, personal, let's move on. It's been thirty.
Years, personal, that's good.
It's been thirty years since the movie The Program came out. It's got James conn omar reps, halle Berry. This is a cult classic amongst football fans.
So let's do it. Let's do one movie.
Against the field, better football movie? Is it The Program or name any other football movie, and that's the one you take, Peter.
I have a hot take.
I know everyone loves the Program.
I saw The Program in the theaters before they took out the scene where the guy was lying on the road.
Like I saw it there before it was edited. I go old Squad.
Love the Program hineteen ninety three, amazing film.
The movie that I like.
The most out of all these football movies has no real football involved at all, and it's a very controversial movie amongst football fans.
I love Draft Day. Come on, I love Draft Day.
People hate Draft Day. People say it's not.
Realistic, it's absurd, it's so dumb, it's dramatic. There is no better sitting on a plane flipping through the options and getting lost for two and a half hours than the movie Draft Day with Kevin Costner and Dennis Leary inexplicably late Chadwick Boseman.
Just a fantastic film.
And there's so many of our NFL network and NFL media colleagues making Costner's great in this thing. It's him and Gardner that's like unlikely love duo.
Over there won't they will there?
Won't they?
While they're trying to go up for the first pick in the draft, he basically trades the moon to get a linebacker and pick some first Like it doesn't even make sense, But I like it and I think it's great, and I can't turn away. And I know there is a small but passionate Draft Day mafia that's with me on Twitter. This movie gets panned everything. I love Draft Day.
Can I share a theory with you? Man?
Say you're you're the linebacker, so you can weigh in as well. There's an internet theory that the Chadwick Boseman character, whose name is Vonte Mack, is the son of Alvin Mack. Alvin Mack, the linebacker from the program like that that in this expanded Program universe, like this is actually.
His son, and that's really really cool.
You got the thing for his mom in the house.
Door knocker everything, and then he had a son named Vonte who that becomes number one over our picking the draft.
So it comes to.
Peter, Peter, you loving Draft Day is like an open heart surgeon watching a movie called Transplant, Like, I don't serious.
Draft Day my wheelhouse. I love it. I love it. Okay, I'm a button.
Wait till they come out with Combine Day.
Yeah, they should, they should, they will, they will.
I hadn't seen the.
Program before, so I did my homework and I watched it on the planet.
Yes, I watched it.
Yeah, I watched it, you know, and then so I would say, first and foremost answer the question, I'm my favorite movie football movie is Remember the Titans.
They will always be that forever.
However, when I watched this movie, there are so many storylines in that movie that I that it related to a lot of my favorite shows today, football and non football.
So I'm gonna go down the list. Joe Kine.
He reminded me of Keanu Reads from the Replacements, that the star quarterback, the guy who has all the all the spotlight on him. Next the Latimer Cat. He reminded me of all the prison guards from the Longest Yard, like the steroid guys that's banging their head against the walls, and I'm like, Okay, that's kind of like the Longest Yard guy. Then Darnald Jeffer said, Now Darnold gets kind of complicated because when he first came on the scene, I'm like, oh, he's Booby Miles.
That's Friday Night Lights.
But then as the story the story started to go, it's like, now, you like p D. Bro from Remember the Titans, dog hold onto the football, they take it to class.
Go make sure he doesn't.
You know, he's kind of that the guy who walks that straight line. But my ultimate favorite guy was Alvin, Like Alvin was that dude where I was like, bro, you like Luther from any given Sunday when he is like talking that trash to the QB and say you did this to my sister.
I was like, bro, Like that's like old school, like.
Crazy maniac Mike Linebacker, Like, I love this guy. So my favorite movie is Remember the Titans. But let me tell you, when I watched that movie yesterday, there was a lot of the storylines where I was like, man, it's this lot similars like uh oh, stump the yard where the main character asked the girl to be his tutor, and then drum line where he goes over time, I'm in here real quick.
What's up? Pete hooking?
NFL network is great for our x's and o's and our all twenty two breakdowns in our and our other shows. A program where Mantiteo sits in a film room and watches old football movies and breaks them down with Kyle Brant is a no brainer on this network.
Now, look, I can't.
Give these away for free for eight straight years.
And not get anything out of it.
So I will produce and I will be the executive on this. But Manti, I love listening to you break down the program for the first time.
I would watch this in real time. Kyle, are you in man?
You in check? Checked it to one more one more.
So so you know when goes over to halle Berry after the game and then halle Berry is with her dad and she kind of like stiff arms them, like, oh, you know, Derrek Henry stiff arms people. That's like the drum line, Like when he went after to meet his girlfriend's dad and the girlfriend was like, Oh, I don't know who this cat is. That that's how that. I was like, oh, a lot of the movies today they took the star line from the program a little bit.
I saw a little comparison there.
So I think my robbing from the program. Yeah, okay, I got it. Kyle him my single there yet, give him a single, folks, I don't know.
It's the battle. It's going to war with the other guys, hanging together, staying in hotels the night before the game, sitting ourselves apart, being different from everybody else, having a chance to be somebody, to do something that people look up to you for your strength, your courage. Not everybody can be football players. We're the lucky.
Ones and scene yeah.
Great Andrew Brenarski in the role of Steve Latimer and not only my favorite football movie, my favorite sports movie. When I saw that in nineteen ninety three in high school, the hippies had Jerry Garcia, the Goths had Trent Reznor, and the weight room jocks had Steve Latimer as our pantera blasting god. Now Steve Latimer highly problematic character, highly even worse than higher learning.
I mean you said it.
I'm not gonna go that far.
But highly problematic character, which I don't attempt to him buy nor anyone should.
However, he represented something in the nineties.
About lifting and jamming and headbanging and hitting and everything that has not aged well. But man died at Cook in nineteen ninety three. That is my favorite sports movie. David s Ward, who also directed Major League, my favorite baseball movie. It's an all time classic. I love the program. I'll take the program, Jamie.
What about you? What's your football movie?
I take you to Odessa, Texas. I love Friday Night Lights, the film, the film Billy. I know it's high school whatever, but like then I go in on the series and then I circle back, and I just love that Connie Britton is in all of it. It's the whole experience for Friday Night Lights to me is epic. I haven't seen the program though, that's my issue.
Okay, that's all right, okay.
I was actually bracing for a worse reaction than that.
So I'm glad that. Man, tis.
Very very few college football movies. It just doesn't exist very much. Michigan, their program is in it. Iowa's in at Mississippi Stity Tech. Right, I just that's Rudy Tech. But yeah, coming soon, Manti and I starring for the NFL Media Group in watching film in which we actually watch football films, and we're ready.
I'm mante I, I'm there.
If you are not on the number NFL plus premium, Shrag said, you can't just keep offering these things up. It's great, very well done, everybody.
All right, Time for a segment week called Schrigger's NFL Trivia.
We got a cool graphic.
It's fun and we go through the history books. Now Manti Tayo is joining us here. Now Jamie and Kyle know the rules. Here's how it's going to go. I'm going to ask every one of you guys a question, and the viewers at home can listen as.
Well and make their guesses.
Now, these questions, you're not supposed to know the answers, but you take your best shot and then we go from there.
So let's start with Manti Ty. Alright, Manti, let's bring you up in the box here.
Dak Prescott is twelve to oer versus the New York since twenty seventeen. The quarterback with the most wins over any other team in the two thousands is who a Ben Roethlisberger over the Browns, b Aaron Rodgers over the Bears? See Tom Brady against the Bills or d Drew Brees.
Against the Buccaneers.
Which quarterback has the most wins over another franchise in this century?
No, we talked about last week how Josh Allen and the Bills have run that division, and prior to that, it was the Patriots.
Running that division.
So I will guess Peter that it will be see Tom Brady.
Against the Buffalo Bills.
Me and T tell you played in the league for many years. The correct answer is ce Tom Brady.
Against the Buffalo Bills. Tom Brady has thirty three wins against the Bills since the year two thousand. His last loss to Buffalo came in the final week of the twenty fourteen season, ten years ago today. He was absolutely dominant over Buffalo as.
A New England Patriot.
Brady only played the first half of that game that they lost and Jimmy Garppolo took over because it was the last week of the season. But look at this, most quarterback wins versus a single opponent since two thousand, Brady, that not only has the most against anyone, you also got the most against another team. That's the Jets, Roethlisberger, the Browns, and then Rogers.
We have that Jets logo.
But when Rodgers are a packer, of course it was the Bears. Brady, though owning his division with thirty three, thirty and twenty four wins this century against his division opponent, you you're dominance. And yet Roethlisberger sneaks.
In there twice against the Bengals.
Two Pretty good quarterback. That's awesome, pretty good quarterback.
All right, you gonna go.
First bout Ben? Oh yeah, Ben's first ballot. Two super bowls. I like it. I'm in that's minute, Jamie. Yeah, are you ready.
As I whoever will be here?
The question I have for you is around your home team, Minnesota Vikings.
The questions about the Packers, though, Peter, so you're already making me mad?
Yes, the product we have to slow down. Let me set these up. Guys, we're gonna work on. We're gonna rehearse after the show. We're gonna get this down so we can get the timing. Not for Jamie to look at this question. We want to build it up. The Packers Sunday are in Green Bay playing the Vikings. All right, Aaron Jones is coming back to Green Bay. Aaron Jones, this is the Crazy Stack, is the third all time leading rusher in Packer's history, one of the most historic franchises.
Aaron Jones is.
Third all time, which begs the question, the Packers all time leading rusher is who Jim Taylor, Tony Kennadeo, I'm on green or Dorsey Levin's what is Bee's name?
Say again, Peter, though, so Brooklyn of.
You, Tony can.
Packer is the Okay?
I respect Tony Canadio. I don't, I don't.
I'm not familiar with your game, which to me implies that Peter's trying to bait me with somebody from like the fifties the sixties. I'm not going Tony Canadeo. I'm having memories of Dorsey Levins, but not enough to put him at the all time number one for the Packers. So the one that I am most familiar with in my heyday era of watching Vikings Packers is see a'm on Green only because it's you're right.
I'm on Green is the right answer, Jamie, you're on the board. Yes, a'm on.
Green has the most rushing yards in Packers history. He ran for more than eighty three hundred yards and went to four Pro Bowls with the Packers.
The former Nebraska legend.
He also scored fifty four rushing touchdowns.
Oh oh my god.
And this guy was an absolute beast in the early two thousands for the Green Bay Packers and those Brett Fartin's and then also was on the Aaron Rodgers squads when they went over there. So a'm on Green is one. Jim Taylor Pro Football Hall of Famer is too, Aaron Jones is three.
Iya that is awesome company.
Brockington and of course Pro Football Hall of Famer.
You're right from the forties and fifties.
To give you a fun nugge about cand Day, I just looked it up.
Ninth round pick in nineteen forty one out.
Of Gonzaga Saga spoke Can Washington.
How cool is that?
I love it?
All right, Tony Cannaday always see it, Kyle.
Two for two, Kyle, that's what you would say.
I'm ready.
I bet Addam Morrison was a huge Tony kind of Day. I mean, that was part of the reason he loved that. Yeah, I'm ready, Peter.
Do you want to go on a deep dup and go down all the Gonzaga legends if you'd like.
But let's fine, let's not.
Dick Dick col like you see Cavalry cal all right, Kyle.
The Jets and the Broncos square off on Sunday, right, and in nineteen ninety nine they played in the AFC Championship Game.
The Jets actually let in this game ten nothing at the half.
It was a bizarre game where Testa already came out on fire, but Steve Atwater and Bill Romanowski put the game away after that defense.
To come there on displayed guys.
Testa Verny throws a pass to Alex van Dijk, a second round pick out of Utah, and there Steve Atwater just drills them and Romanowski recovers.
The Broncos were up. They would go on.
Darren Gordon would have two more picks in this game, and the Broncos would go on to a second Super Bowl.
In a row, and Mike Shanahan would win yet another with John Elway.
The famous last game for Lway coming against the Falcons in the Super Bowl. But Testa Verni, Atwater, Romanowski legendary names in our childhood, right past the number one movie in America, Darien Gordon, the Commissioner, Awesome Player, a number one movie in America. The night of that game, it was a Sunday in late January ninety nine.
January of ninety nine.
Patch Adams ants with a Z, the aforementioned Varsity Blues shout out to Billy Ball and d fight Club.
Ninety nine is considered the greatest year in the history of modern movies. It's you have the Matrix, you have fight Club, you have the sixth sense, you have American beauty.
Like just massive year for movies.
I remember it came out like roughly the same time as A Bug's Life. It was say it was weird things where it's like Wyatt up.
And Tombstone armaged and deep impact.
Yes, yes, all right, Patch Adams I know was a hit, but I don't.
I don't really like that movie.
Aside Philip sem More Hawkins, I don't want to pick it. Fight Club?
Did Fight Club come out in January of ninety nine? I feel like that was a fall release. So I'm gonna go. He's with Billy Bob, who the actor who played Billy Bob's no longer with us? The Rest in Peace same as Paul Walker, Rest in Peace, Curse or Varsity Blues.
I'm gonna go see Varsity Blues. I like some Beak vander Beek.
Glet me see.
Unfortunately, it's Robin Williams with a red, fuzzy nose.
We got Patch adds winner.
He's trying to help those six people ch Adams.
Working in the hospital.
This, I mean, wasn't Rest in Peace. Jesus.
Robin Williams, the Late Great was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Musical or Comedy Score from this Patch Adams film.
So Patch Adams was number one of the bomb.
It was just Robin just mugging for two hours and it's just if that's for you, that's fine.
That wasn't my cup of tea. But I know people really liked that movie at hour.
It was the movie right after Goodwill Hunting. It was like they won.
These let them go, wind them up and let them go.
Great dramatic actor.
Flubber Flubber Lubber.
Was the movie.
There they were a van or V with Cheryl Hines.
Cheryl Hines, Oh boy, focus on a headline.
All right, let's go here. Last one.
It's a video clue and it goes between two historic franchises who are squared off today.
Raiders and Browns.
They're gonna be playing Sunday in another one of these showdowns to legendary French.
I go back to the nineteen ninety two season.
It's Week three and the Browns led fourteen to three in the third quarter. There are so many famous players in this game. See how I had to ask this question? Okay, fourteen thirteen, Brown's lead awesome uniforms out there on the field.
What happens on this play that you're watching? Right here?
Here are your choices a touchdown. Tommy Vardell run sixty nine yards for a score. B Howie Long has a sack, a fumble return and rumbles for a touchdown.
See Ronnie Lott has a pick six. All these guys were in this game.
And d Eric Metcalf has a sixty nine yard touchdown reception from tech Bobowl legend Todd Philcox. Let's go around the horn. We will start with my dear dear friend Jamie Erdall.
Jamie, take a guess. You're not supposed to know this one.
I don't, and last week I didn't know it because I was on the sideline of the game. I was not on the sideline of this game since I was five years old.
But I kind of want I.
Always just go what I want to see, which is I want to see you Ronnie lap pick six.
Man Ti, Yeah, go ahead.
I'm going to go with sack, fumble, recover for a touchdown.
That's that's that's from Howie Long. That's what I'm going down one.
I'm mad that Big Chester McLaughlin wasn't damn one of the answers.
I wish he was in.
But the one that I want to see is I want to see Eric Metcalf from Phil Cox.
Let's go right see, let's go to the broadcast of the game from nineteen ninety two, a Todd marinitch versus Todd Phil Cox battle out there in Los Angeles.
Cue the tape, Ronnie, you'll.
Comes, three step drop, looking right, throwing right on the slant of BEDI gone, Eric Metcalf's gone for act Cleveland Brown's touchdown all the way from the thirty one yard line.
How about that.
The hat trick for Eric Metcalf today, number three yea.
Eric Metcalf had three touchdowns that day, including a sixty two yarder, a sixty nine yarder. Eric Metcalf, a running back, slash kick returner, slash great receiver, would go on to have one hundred catches for the Falcons ward number twenty one and of course one of the great NFL legends from the Cleveland Browns.
He watches the show. You know we've gotten tweets from Eric.
You know why he watches it.
There was when Dk Metcalf came out of the draft. Everyone was convinced that they were related, and there was a story about it everywhere, and we debated it and then Eric Metcalf DMed me. He's like, actually, we're not related. It's not he put it to bed, so they're not.
But he does watch the show. Eric Metcalf, You're amazing.
We love you, and Trivia, we love you. It's gonna be Raiders brown and Raiders Browns this weekend. A lot of good ones.
Let's go.
Great job, Peter, very great job, Peter.
All right, survival did not survive.
We'd set off the season doing a survivor pool, eliminator pool, whatever you want to call it, just for fun, of course, and where you have to pick one winner every single week, and if your team doesn't win, your outs and then the last person standing wins the whole thing. Now, last year I did win it, but I think it took me maybe to week eight, week nine. We're all the way towards Thanksgiving. Well, let's take a look back. We'll always have the memories of the Good Morning Football twenty twenty four survival segment.
This is survival.
Do you think I'm crying about it?
No, having to deal with that crap the rest of the season.
I'm great.
Peter is really good at picking the Super Bowl winner, but he is awful at this for.
Years, all fours.
That's all I'm saying.
You talk that smack Kyle craps the bet and he picks the Rivens, who also crap the bet.
Oh, I am going to go with a team that is zero to two. I'm gonna go with the Cincinnati Bengals.
No, an incredible performance by Jaden Daniels will carry the Washington Commanders to an upset victory in Cincinnati.
I don't want to beat you in week three, but now I have to. Okay, I'm gonna go, Baker Mayfield. I'm going the bucket.
This is the big Denver with a twenty six or seven when over the previously unbeaten Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Burgles over be true. Are you all Baltimore at home against the.
We're gonna go. I'm gonna go big for me Field.
We are cracking up.
We should be crying because bam, guys, it is still September.
Peter gone, Kyle gone, Jamie and ackbar holding hands gone. No one survives survival. It is over. Achbar is watching the show. He just texted me, he said, Jade and Daniels screwed me. Jane Daniels was great.
Beat your thoughts.
That was the best thing our editors have done as a show. I was crying laughing over here. I thought we'd at least laugh last the Halloween. We don't even make it to the holidays. We're out, We're out.
I actually think it was the Bengel defense that did us dirty to to the Bengals took.
Two of you out.
Yeah, we knock bar out. You're right.
I think the survival, Jamie, you made the right pick. What's your question, Manta, No.
I gotta play. I want to play. Let's let's figure out something. Guys, I want to jump in the game. You know what I mean, a new.
Game with a new segment.
Because the survivor turned into like castaway, like that's the thing from Castle Later.
It's all done, man, Touch.
Is a casual observer, Cyonara.
I promise, well do the same tomorrow Thursday night.