
GMFB Friday Hour 1: Tua Concussion, Mad Minute, and Bears in Prime time

Published Sep 13, 2024, 6:44 PM

Hour One of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with the Bills win over the Dolphins. Hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt, Akbar Gbajabiamila, and Manti Te'o discuss Tua Tagovailoa's concussion and future in the NFL.  Mad Minute delivers picks for Week 2 before the table previews the matchup between the Bears and Texans on Sunday night!

Stay tuned for Hour 2 of the GMFB Podcast!

The Good Morning Football Podcast is part of the NFL Podcast Network 

Good Morning Football is the production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio.

Good Morning Football.

That's right, everybody, This is Good Morning Football presented by Old Trapper Beef Jerky. We're live here in Los Angeles. I'm Jamie her at All. This is Akbar Bull, That's Kyle Brandt, and this is Manti to.

I was kind of come up with something here at the top. It likes that Ky like that Kyle shirt. That's what I say. What what what movie is that? From Anti us there? It is.

When Kyle put it on his Instagram.

I was one of the commenters.

Yes, the town, listen, the town has an undefeated team.

The Patriots want to know trying to go touno this weekend.

We're going to talk to and teams. We're going to talk potential.

Oh and two teams, but two teams played last night that we have to take a look at.

Sherry Burresty and Rapaport.

They'll be in our segment in just a little bit, but for now, Kyle, it is the lead block and it is Thursday Night Football.

It is We're.

Looking forward to this one on Amazon Prime. Bills versus Dolphins. Let's go right to the action. Josh Allen always has a big game against the Miami Dolphins.

Let's get right to it, to only one in six in his career versus the Bills.

We talked about that yesterday and Buffalo rolling early. But then Miami gets a touchdown backed about hen has won.

And so it's seven to seven. It's no big deal.

But Tua look downfield again, now aggressive picked off.

That was Robbie chosen who is in there? And he and Tua just not on the same page.

It was preseason stuff. This is week two now. Week two is not a liar. It tells the truth and there's a lot of sad truths here for Dolphins fans too. And now with two interceptions in the first quarter, fifty five career games, never done it before. This is really not a great competitive football game. As Josh Allen's doing the sideways three that is a hat trick for James Cook in the first half. Not a good looking football game, twenty four to ten. And then it takes all kinds of different turns. This is obviously just bad. Two of throws, his third pick of the game, and it is a walk in pick six. He was trying to throw it away this had no chance intercepted JaMarcus Ingram thirty one yards and it's a complete route.

Bad football.

Bad We get to start to finish.

The Dolphins have all kinds of questions to answer about how they show up like this against the Bills as Tyree tries to rally them on the sideline, but.

Then it took a different turn. Fourth and fourth. Two is gonna go for it. He's gonna step up in the pocket.

He gets the first down, shakes contact and stays down. You see the teammates immediately taking a knee, taking off their helmets.

He collides with.

Damar Hamlin of all people, and goes down down for a bit, gups up under his own power, Mike McDaniel kissing him on the side of the head. A lot of emotional stuff going on, and to it walked off the cleared out, would not return. There were Skylar Thompson the rest of the game, and the Bills won thirty one to ten.

They gave was one of these things.

Where the score immediately became secondary, even off the board, compared to the image of we saw the Dolphins quarterback going down and then walking off the field. We have a lot of information coming shortly from our insiders and he is standing by.

But after the game, head coach in.

Miami Dolphins, Mike McDaniel gave an update on Toua.

Yeah, I talked to him in the locker room. Obviously. I talked to him on the field and then talked to him in the locker room before before he headed he was headed home. You know, he was in good spirits. The furthest thing from my mind is, you know what what is the timeline? You know, I want to know. We just need to evaluate, and you know, I just worry about my you know, my teammate and like the rest of the guys are. But we'll take We'll get more information tomorrow and then take it day by day from there.

A lot of eyeballs were this one coming into this game in terms of divisional implications and playoff implications, but a lot of that was washed away in the third quarter when Tu Tongue of Ailoa took that hit. It's been well documented the relationship between that head coach and that quarterback, as well as Tua's injury history.

And now we bring in Ian Rapaport for more on this.

As like Mike McDaniel said, Ian it is just a watch weight and see and evaluate as.

Time goes on how Tu is doing this morning right.

It's impossible to tell watching a player have a concussion what it's going to be like, how serious.

Every concussion is different.

Every player and the way they respond to concussions are different to what the Dophins are going to do. Is what every team does, which is take it day by day, evaluate how to his feeling, how he responds. He has in the past. You mentioned the injury history, the concussion history he has sought, the opinions of concussion experts in the past. Wouldn't be surprised if he did the same thing out of an abundance of caution and some of the reason why we are talking about this and why it is so serious.

It's not just that it is a concussion. It's not just that Tua Tagovailoa immediately.

Took the fencing posture which signifies a concussion on the field.

It's also that he had a history. In twenty twenty.

Two, he suffered a tough hit to the head than four days later a national TV had a concussion. Was eventually carted off under the NFL and the NFLPA altered the concussion policy in the wake of Tui's situation to try to make it safer. We also know that to openly discussed retirement that offseason, then trained himself to hopefully prevent concussions like this, doing jiu jitsu in other ways to try to limit this. Last year, played as well as he possibly could, got that huge two hundred twelve plus million dollar contracts extension, and now this year another concussion. We will see how he's doing. Obviously, more information on that going forward. No way to tell right now when Tua will play. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a multi game absence just because of his history, but all that information to come obviously today. Our thoughts are with Tua right now.

Absolutely, And and you mentioned it that training that Tua went through. I know there was a lot of you know, like heeartedness to the fact that Tua went through jiu jitsu training in the summer before twenty twenty three, but resulted into a playing and starting all seventeen games last season, So clearly something worked.

This was really hard to watch last night.

If you're a fan of football, the game two of the Dolphins, it doesn't matter MANSI specifically for you, if you could just remind the viewers how well you know to and what this was like watching last night for you.

Yeah, it was hard for me to watch, and you know, Jamie, you and I were texting back and forth about the situation. When I saw Tool go down, it definitely as a big brother to him. Tua and I from the same state, were from the same island. I remember when I was in college and got into the NFL, I heard about this young boy named Toultungo by Law who was doing six am workouts with his dad on the beach, and I was able to meet Tua later on in my career and just to see him flourish and see.

Him become the man that he is today.

I've always been somebody that has has vouched for Toua, but to see him go down, I think the thing that scared me the most was it was a hit that, in my opinion, shouldn't have resulted in a concussion. It wasn't a type of violent hit that that we're used to seeing where.

Somebody goes down that way, and.

So when Tua is suffering these kind of concussions from those types of hits, it kind of makes me question the type of condition that he's in. You know, you heard coach talk about he was in good spirits, and I salute coach McDaniel on on that. My question is he in good shape? Like what is his condition? Because that just isn't a type of hit from DeMont Hamlin. It wasn't a violent one, but yet he still suffered a concussion. And I texted him last night, I text uncle Nalu this morning, just you know, telling him to give him a hug from all of us at JIMFB and that we're all thinking of him and praying for him. But let's just say after he went down and I turned that game off and I was like, okay, let's get ready for Friday. It was one of those games for me.

Yeah, I did the same thing. It was really really tough to watch, and you're right, it seemed like it was a routine tackle and the irony is not lost that it was the more Hamlin. And of course we all remember what happened with Jamar Hamlin, but seeing that it made me start to think about, you know, his overall health. I'm now you know a little bit more removed. I've now got a son that is close to Tua's age, and I see that as a father, as a former NFL guy, and I go, wow, I'm more concerned about his health. Forget the money, forget the accolades. How do we evaluate moving forward? Immediately I picked up the phone and I called my old doctor for the San Diego then San Diego charges doctor David Child, and we're just talking about concussion protocol, brain health, all of this stuff. And obviously it's so different from player to player. I walked away going, I don't know that Tua should play again. And this is because he's a father, he's a husband, and you start thinking about, you know what this means for his long term health. This is your brain. This is not just fix you just it's just one that's it. There is no fixing, you know, the concussion stuff. So I just that was just tough to watch. I mean, he was just you could see that he's just continuously getting better. The one thing that was in in thing to me is just that, you know, coming into this year, he had lost weight. You remember, he had put on weight so he could take on a lot of the punishment that he was getting this year. Coming into this year, he lost some weight to be a little bit more agile and nimble, and so just a lot of science that's going to go into protecting our players.

Yeah, listen, this went from just a really bad game to just a really really bad night.

You see that from any player.

It's disturbing, especially a quarterback because there's such so much the focus of the broadcast, But just this player, if you follow, if you're plugged in, we know the history, we know the deal, and the second he didn't immediately get up, we knew the sick feeling in our stomachs. There is a whole video reel that's cut together of Tua's injuries over the years and what's happened to him and how he's gone down, and I don't even want to see it anymore. I find it sickening, I find it gratuitous. I don't want to look at that at all. It's of course, it is a very loaded moment that DeMar Hamlin was the guy involved in the play by no fault of his own.

But I just think of what the Dolphins, those.

Players have seen, some of his teammates over the last few years, how many times they'd gone through this, and almost formulaically the second to a one down, they took helmet off, knee down.

They knew immediately.

And I think of the Bills players who have gone through what they have gone through and what they've seen, what they've seen in prime time under the lights with one of their own teammates, and it's.

I feel for them. I feel really bad for them.

And I think, you know, I think there's so many takes.

Everyone has to have a take.

And I thought immediately there's this reaction of well tours should.

Have slid, and I'm like, come on, yeah, first of all, is the fourth down.

He's competing, he's trying to get past the line, he doesn't know where they're going to market in all that stuff, I just think it's very easy for us to say, and then it just immediately concluding that he should walk away and walk away, let's just take a hot breath for a second and just let him recover and then he can decide before we decide for all of him.

I'm a little emotional about it. I'm a little chippy about this. I think all of us are.

I think the best situation, the best thing we can possibly do in this situation is a lot of players on to his side had things to say about this afterwards, including someone on the other side, Josh Allen. It has always been very forthread about how much he loves too and how close they are personally off the field, and I think it's best and we hear from some of them, so watch this.

Obviously, it was.

A scary moment for a lot of folks seeing what happened to Tua.

What were your emotions as you saw him there on the ground?

Well, I mean understanding what's happened in the past and just knowing that I'm praying for him and his family. He's a great football player, but I've been around him outside of the football field and an even amazing human and even more amazing human. So again, prayers are going out to him and his family and hopefully everything's all right.

I'll tell you what makes me sick.

I think anyone for the human eye, you know, like sucks in my position. You never want to have your opportunity to come with something like that. You know and have a lot of love for Tua built through a great relationship with him, and yeah, you know, you care about the person more than a player, and I you know, everybody in an organization would say the same thing.

I wish him the best.

Like I said, it's just a game.

You don't love him owning off the football field, and I wish him a speedy recovery.

Hopefully it's not even serious.

You just don't see somebody, you know, continue to, you know, go through adversity like that and go through injuries. It's definitely tough, and I'm praying for him. Man, that's my that's my guy. And so seeing that happen again.

It was tough to watch. And I just hope that he's gonna be all right.

Anytime you get up and walk off off to fill your own power us, I said, that's a good start, you know. That's that makes you feel good about it, you know. I mean, always scary, you know, and definitely not you know, anything you ever want to say, you know, but I definitely feel good about the way you got up and walked up the filla's own power. You know. It's just he's a tough guy.

That's a good spin for Kalais Campbell to say, to see and walk off under his own power is always a good sign. And kalayis playing as long as he has had He's probably seen some things go differently when it comes to concussion. But one thought I did have about Kyle mentioning, you know, Tua, he should have slid. We can't believe he put himself into that scenario. You also have to consider that this young man had a dislocated hip injury in college and that happened in the middle of a tackle. There are things that split second decisions that Tua and quarterbacks have to make and plays like that, whether or not you're trying to gain a first down. He gets past that marker, does he slide, does he go ahead first? It doesn't matter in that moment, but he is from head to toe has so much to consider.

They all do, but specifically with this.

Young man and the fact that DeMar hamlin I was at the other end of that tackle is so really really.

Hard to watch.

Every part of your body is vulnerable when playing a violent sport like football. I think that's you know that people can expect that, but one of the things just going around and them doing the loop, of all the players kind of just chiming in.

It really just.

Warms my heart to see the brotherhood in the NFL, and you know, here are two teams or you know, divisional rivals and everyone you know chiming in, you know, even to see the tweet by DeMar Hamlin praying for you know, for Tua. So it's just cool to see that brotherhood and the support and so Tua should feel that love from everyone else. And there's that tweet right there from DeMar Hamlin. That's just to me, it's a beautiful sentiment. These guys are playing on opposite side, but everybody pouring in love towards towards Tua.

Yeah, listen, I can't even get inside to Mar's mind right now what he is going through, having been through his experience and now being on the other end of this, I feel for him as well. But Mat, I have to look to you, and the three of us are watching the game, and we have our own relationship as spectators with Tua, but as someone who personally knows him, as a connection with him, first of all, I'm really sorry that you have to go through this has got to be difficult for you. But as a friend and as a family connection to Tua, how are you feeling this morning?

In terms of man, I just I want him to just walk away. I want him to stay through this, Like where are you with that?

Because none of us really know where to go, but none of us have your connection to him.

Yeah, I'll say this, Kyle, after he suffered the one against the Bengals, I wanted him to walk when I saw him have to be carted off the field.

Yeah, I wanted him to walk like that was Yep, that was hard, bro.

Like what people have to understand is this is just a game, you know, and then there's life. Man, when you watch, when you watch a young man you've known since she was a little boy, I'll go out there, you.

Know, Yeah, is hard? Is it hard for me? Yeah?

But I can't imagine how it is for Uncle Nahlu and Anti Diana to watch their son.

Again go down.

And you know Khalais mentioned it was so good to watch him stand up for somebody that's been in that situation. Who I've had a concussion. I don't even know if Too is there as he's walking off the field, Like there's been clips of me after concussions getting off the ground and walking off the stadium, walking into the locker room. I don't remember those walks. It's like I wake up. I remember when it was a playoff game against the Broncos. I got knocked out the second quarter of that game.

I got up.

They showed the camera foot that shows me walking into the locker room Kyle. I didn't wake up. I didn't come to into the fourth quarter. It was two minutes left in the fourth quarter and I was sitting in the locker room trying to figure out why am I in the Denver and so to see my brother Tool go down like that, it really just makes me. I want the best for Tool, the man, the father he's a father to now. I want him to be able, not today, but ten, fifteen, twenty years down the line, to be able to raise his children, to be able to walk his daughter down the aisle. That's what I want for too. That's true Joy, And I know the competitor and too. Everybody like how Jamie talked about Slide to a like, I was saying the same thing, Bro, just slide, but knowing the compet competitor in him, he wants to win. He has a whole new helmet just to protect him. He lost weight just to protect himself. And to see him go down like that. I don't mean to get emotional on the show, but it was big for a family member to watch him go through that again, and I'm just so grateful that the NFL community has rallied around to a I just hope for my little brother that he sees and he understands, knowing that his makeup, he understands what's important in life, and I just hope that he makes the right decision like Kyle, like, I'm not going to make that decision for you. I'm not saying to step away from the game as a brother. I just want the best for you and whatever that looks like for Tua in the Tounguovai law family, that's what I want for him.

You didn't have to say that about him. You didn't have to share that. We really appreciate it.

And to Kyle's point, I know as viewers we feel certain things, but you knowing him and his family and his parents, those are the people that you continue to reference, Uncle Nahlu and Auntie Diane. The fact that you spoke to it is really appreciated and helpful. As to a tongue of Iloa, exactly, thank you. Mantai has suffered a concussion in the game on Thursday Night Football. He's got a history of this and we will continue to talk about it and cover it here on Good Morning Football.

Football All right, time for mad minutes. Here's the name of the game.

I give gentlemen here at the table and in New York City a matchup, and you have a minute on the clock to discuss.

That is not a minute for each of you.

No, no, it is twenty seconds ish each unless you want to just take the ball and take it yourself to the hoop. We have another great slate of games this Sunday, so we kick things off in Detroit.

Baker Mayfield in the Bucks.

They're one to er when they take on Dan Campbell and Allions tough to go to Detroit and win. Baker and coach Campbell are two of Kyle's favorites.

So Kyle, that is why we start with you.

I'd love to start first of all. Mike Evans, you better have a game.

I've spent the entire week saying you're the greatest thing I ever put on this planet.

You better go out there. Don't don't have three drops and one cat for nine yards.


I love you.

Do you guys know how good Jared Goff has been in his career against Tampa Bay. This is one of those things that comes.

Up in research. You might not know Jared Goff.

Goes for three hundred and eighty three yards a game in his career against Tampa Bay. It's like the highest all time of one quarterback ever, smaller sample size, but they've had some long days against Jared Goff in those two games.

What do you guys got, Well, you know, I've got this secondary, this new secondary for the Detroit Lions going up against Godwin and Evans. And remember Carlton Davis who came over from Tampa Bay. He got traded over, so we're going to get to see that matchup as well. Bucks traded Carlton Davis to Detroit, so we get to see how he gets to go up against his old teammates in this one.

Yeah, I got the Lions and their run game to see if they can continue to build off of that run game that they had in overtime and establish that physical presence there in Detroit.

So I'm not I'm excited to see this game.

Two kind of cool personalities in the NFL going up against each other in Baker and Jared Goff, and a rematch of course in the playoffs last season. All Right, the New Orleans Saints and to Jerry's World to take on the Cowboys. Both of these teams were clicking on all cylinders in Week one, Manti former team and the New Orleans Saints they had to Dallas.

Yeah, I'm really excited to see if New Orleans can keep Derek Carr Scott free, keep him away from Michael Parsons. If they can keep Derek Carr on his feet, I think They're going to find a lot of success on this week and I'm looking forward to seeing that defense and how they adapt in that chess match between Dak Prescott and the Mario Davis.

All Right, and then Prescott has won fourteen straight home games, fourteen straight. He is fourteen and one at home since twenty twenty two. The Cowboys are not a perfect organization. They are flawed in certain ways. Winning regular season home games is really what they do. It would be really exciting if the Saints started two to zero, because, as we said in the preseason, they were thirty second out of thirty two teams in terms of buzz win in Jerry World. Get them a home lost with the Cowboys, you get.

The buzz Okay, all right, now, Ceedee Lamb, Ceedee Lamb has got to go up against a dable and of course a lot of more. So that's going to be interesting to see Cede Lamb, who, of course he held out for as long as he could got that money. Now it's time to put up against some pretty good defensive becks.

Pending what we all hate is a tie. One of those teams is going to be two and oh at the end of this weekend, and that's really fun for the Saints.

For the Cowboys.

The Ravens are just hoping to break five hundred this weekend after they lost a heartbreaker to kick off the twenty twenty fourth season, they play host to the Las Vegas Raiders making the cross country trip. We start with our former Raider at the table atbar who saw the Raiders in person last weekend. Okwar, how do you see this one plan out?

Well, we know that the Ravens they did have a lot going on, you know, offensively, but now they get a chance to go up against this Raiders defense, who did really look good. If you look at the first half of that Chargers game, the Raiders look pretty solid. Now they get to put that to the test against a very good Ravens offense. I'm going to be excited to see what Max Crosby does and if you can get a couple of sacks on Lamar Lamar Jackson, Man, I.

Don't want to be the Raiders for this game.

I definitely don't want to be the Raiders, you know, going against the Baltimore Ravens after that game against the Chiefs. I know that Rokwn Smith is going to have that defense ready. I know Lamar and Derek Henry in company they're going to be ready to go. So I don't want to be the Raiders in this week. I'm really excited to see how the Ravens respond after last week's performance.

Yeah, I think Lamar was furious and Isaiah likely was furious. Lamar has not lost consecutive starts in three years. John Harbaugh has not started owing two in nine years, and now they're home against a team that's not terribly promising after week one traveling across the country wrap up, this one could get out of hand.

Listen, I'm just here to see Davante Adams be in awe of the best ball carrier ever, regardless of position. That is what he referred to as Lamar Jackson. I mean, I just needed DeVante Adams cam at this point, just to be awestruck. Next game, Colts had to Lambeau to face Malik Willis. Not that I have beef with Milik Willis, It's just it would have been really fun to see Jordan Love and the Packers go up against Anthony Richardson and the Colts. Love, of course, the stained his knee injury in Brazil last weekend.

Kyle, where does your eye go for this one?

First of all, Jamie, I'm with you. After that DeVante Adams take. He needs Lamar to have a game against his own team, Like you can't come on and say it's the greatest ball carrier ever and then Lamar does nothing. Davonte's going be on the side and be like, see, I told you he was amazing.

And against my own guys. I'm interested to.

See Malik Willis just because he's such a mystery and the Packers are so important.

Can you really carry?

Are we gonna be talking after this game about get somebody on the phone, get a new quarterback in here. He gets sacked a lot in the very small amount that Malik Willison's played in the NFL. He gets sacked at an alarmingly high rates, so hopefully he.

Gets the hell out of there. What do you think, Matt hackfire you going next?

Well, I say the Packers they're going to run the risk of going zero to two in this one. This is going to be very, very difficult. But they're going to have to help Malik out. They're going to have to establish that run game of course with Josh Jacobs, and then defensively they've got to step up big time. Malik can't do this by himself.

Yeah, I no, speaking of Josh Jacobs.

Unfortunately for the Packers, Josh Jacobs is used to a stack box because he played for a Raiders team last year. Yeah, that they couldn't get the ball to Dvante Adams, so he knows what it feels like in those situations to have a stack box and he has success there, so I think they'll be fine.

All right, Packers looking for a bounce back after.

An injury to their quarterback.

Brown's and the Jags are both looking to bounce back and week two after both suffering losses in Week one, Man Tai, where do you take us here?

Browns Jags.

Now my eyes are on the quarterback. I want to see how DeShawn Watson responds. I know that hit, another thing came up on outside of the field. How's he doing mentally housy? How is that going to affect his performance on the field. So I'm excited to see what happens. I know they have a lot of injuries. Their defense was a little rocky in the first week, So I want to see just how this team responds and if they can get their season back on the right track.


I mean, I don't know if anybody in the entire NFL needs a big game more than Deshaun Watson does.

Maybe Daniel Jones, but we'll get into that.

I look at Browns jagged, two separate players who were actually built in a laboratory, Miles Garrett versus Trevor Lawrence. Last time they went at it, Trevor Lawrence took the most hits he has ever taken in his career, including four sacks. Watching those two perfect specimens run away from each other and over each other, That's why I'm tuning in.

Yeah, last week, we saw, of course, Michael Parsons kind of pick his poison on that against the Cleveland Browns offensive line. You know, they've got some young guys on the offensive side. They had some injuries. Now they have an opportunity. They're going to be going up against Trabron Walker, against Josh heinz Allen. These guys are going to get after Can they stop him? Can they stop this mean pass rush?

San Francisco forty nine Ers travel to Minnesota as well. That was our first version of Mad Minute. We make sure to cover.

All the games. So we're on a Friday.

I know, get up, Harry, let's tell the traver.

The forty nine ers though traveling to Minnesota to take on the Vikings on Sunday, and there will be a quarterback reunion, so to speak. Sam Darnold now the starter for the Vikings after backing up Rock Purty with San Francisco last season. Darnald, the seven year vet, helped mentor Purty during their one year together, and Party says he's happy for Darnald to be starting again.

Sam's a man like I've told everybody that I absolutely love Sam and who he is as a person, what he's done for this team in the quarterback room last year, for Brandon and I you know, he came in and helped me prepare and gave me everything that he had with his role as a backup to help me be successful on Sundays.

And so I'll always be grateful for that.

Love Sam and so and dude, he's very talented. He's in a great situation, great offense, great players around him. And Sam is so talented with his arm strength, his legs like Sam can move, and so you know, to be able to go out and compete against him, man, it's gonna be fun.


Colt's quarterback Anthony Richardson had just nineteen passing attempts in the Week one loss to the Texans in his first game back after injury. It would cut his rookie season short. His teammate DeForrest Buckner joining Kim Jordan on his Off the Edge podcast talking about what it's like going against Richardson in practice.

You over there and running the gun and tell me about it.

Oh no, yeah, man, ar Bro. I mean he's I mean, obviously know everybody knows he's physically gifted. Bro, you know what I'm saying, And he's got what it takes. He's got a canon for an arm. So you know, he was able to air it out a couple of times on Sunday.

And everybody was able to see it on full display.

So it's been pretty cool to see man because he can hurt you with his feet man, you know what I mean. He's like, you know, some of these multi talented quarterbacks. So it's it's been challenging in practice for sure, keeping him in the pocket.

But it's good. It's good for us, you know.

What I'm saying. It gets us ready for all those you know know, mobile quarterbacks that we got in the league.

I have a tough test there.

But hey, if you're the NFL Fan of the Year, you need to sign up for this contest.

Presented by Captain Morgan.

It returns to honor the extraordinary fans who spice up football with their fandom as an NFL dot Com slash Fan of the Year to nominate someone today.


Earlier this year, the Cleveland Browns were granted international marketing rights in Nigeria as part of the NFL Global Markets Program. In June, David and Joku traveled to Lagos a part of the NFL Africa Camp, including an NFL Flag Tournament. Nigerian American Football Association workouts, combines talent scouting and more.

Listen, my family is from Nigeria.

Growing up, we go back and forth just about every year, so Nigeria as a big place in my heart.

The camps were beautiful, the kids, the men, they were all striving for greatest.

Say compete com three one two three three.

I'll take you good.

The fact that we are expanding me all over the world and this is just the beginning.

We have so much more that we can do that we will do. Ben.

She is so exciting just to you know, and bring awareness and bring everybody together with one sport.

And this past weekend at their home opener, the Browns, Nigerian Ambassador Ozu Chuku served as the honorary coin Toss captain and an advocate for the growth of the sport.

Akbar and I talk about this all the time. We want to go to Nigeria.

We might need to sign up for this, my friend, I don't know, but it is great to see games being played all around the world. Say here with us, MORGMFB, this headed your way.

Good mon football all right, here's how we operate on GMFB.

Former player comes on show.

Said player references a defensive play against a Hall of Fame quarterback, we recall the play, and thus a segment is born.

A quick reminder how this works.

Peyton, as you can see, he's checking plays.

I check.

Peyton checks, and the rule on defense is you can only check once. He looked at me, he said can can, and in football terms, that means screw the play.

We're gonna check again.

I had already checked the ready Kyle, so I had an acronym clown JBD, which stood for just ball doll. I chexed Denzel Perrman and Jali Lade yesterday. I said, do you remember anything about this play? And they both said, I remember it was dead quiet. I remember he checked, you checked, he checked again, and all I heard was JBD, and I knew we were screwed.

Peyton Manning does that to you, and here we are just ball dog. That's nantha. I had to go up against Peyton Millt in his career. But we're gonna take it to this season.

Quarterbacks and linebackers playing a very specific chess snatch at times.

Yes, First, well, I want everybody to understand in the NFL game, the difference is ninety nine percent of the game is played at pre snap.

It's that chess match that we're going to go over.

So the first clip that we have is Week one, Dallas versus Cleveland. I want you to watch this linebacker right here. He's going to audible for whatever reason, he's going to audible, and as he audibles, Dak Prescott is going to see what these dbs are doing.

So he audibles. You see him clapping his hand. He audibles.

And what are we.

Seeing when we see DB's lined up back here?

Paus So this is called picket fence and defensive terminology. When I see all the DB's at all on the same level as a quarterback, I already know.

That they're in cover zero.

So what cover zero means is everybody's listening except for these guys. One guy is unblocked. But watch Dak Prescott. Watch him call in his running back and he's going to tell his running back Dawdle, stay right here and block this guy. But he still knows that Cleveland still has one unblocked player.

And we want to see all this.

What is the defense trying to bait him into doing run the ball?

They're trying to bait the quarterback into getting the ball out of his hands fast because they know that they have one more rusher.

Dak Prescott has to get the ball out fast.

But what they don't know is that thatk got a plan. And watch his plan. Watch his plan happen.

Go ahead, all right, So Dawdell comes in, so he's going to take on an extra blocker.

He was going to come in. Watch that.

He's going to say, stay right here, block now. This safety is expecting this ball to come out now because of this defender right here. This defender is supposed to tackle Dak.

But Dak knows this.

He's smart, he's the general. So he buys some time, fades away, and delivers a perfect pass to Brandon Cooks for the end zone for the touchdown.

JBD just balldog.

Defense got cooked there because Brandon Cooks was available to Dak Prescott.

Moving on to Brazil.

Two plays as the Packers were playing in South Paolo, you got Jordan Love here and a pretty good eagle secondary.

Now people at home maybe wondering why do offenses do all of this motion before the before the snaps, right, It's all.

To identify coverage.

So Jordan Love is going to motion his receiver to decide, and what he's gonna do is he's going to watch how the defenders react to this. So on this play, go ahead, we're gonna see the receiver motion over.

You're gonna watch C. D.

Johnson. He's gonna just come right here. But the safety is going to replace him. Pause right then, he knows they're in cover one. Now he knows in cover one defenders are outside leverage players. All of these dbs are outside leverage players. Why because they're expecting this defender inside here to give them some help. So he says alert, alert, which is audible. Can whatever the terminology is that the Green Bay Packers have. This is what Jordan Love is conveying to his receivers. And watch his receivers.

They see, all right, here's my quarterback. Does they have to make an adjustment? Now as we roll the clip and we see a lot of activity.

Now if they say the same.

Thing, communication, we see the same thing. Let's run this play now. Jordan Love holds CD lamb with that run play action and hits his receiver right across the middle for a touchdown. JBD, check, checkmate, whatever you want to call it.

It's a touchdown.


The poor defenses.

In these clips, the quarterbacks are just taking it, same country, same team. Jalen hurts here trying to figure out what Jai Ye Alexander's doing.

I know, I'm defense, so I got to save the best for last time.

Okay, okay, a.

Defensive version of where we got him.

It doesn't happen a lot, but we got them.


So down in the red zone, defenses like to like to run bracket coverage. What Beckett bracket coverage is is where we include the safety to take around take away certain threats. Now we have aj Brown here, that's definitely a threat.

We want to say it away.

So in this bracket coverage, the two inside players and the safety are taking these two players away. Alexander knows when that happens. He has this guy, man on man. If he runs to the bathroom, run with him, if he goes to the concession stand, go with him wherever he does.

That's what he's going to He has this guy.

But j Alexander is excellent in his position. He's got eyes on the outside here. But as the play unfold, Jay has to make a change.

Jai has to make a big change.

This is his man. Remember well, guess what Alexander says. I see AJ Brown wide open?

Just ball dog. Let's go move here. Just just pick this.

Ball up, because common sense would tell you the wide open guy is AJ Brown. He's the best receiver on the Eagles.

They're gonna throw him the ball. He gets to pick, turnover.

Touch on, He's gonna run this thing out, JBD, Just ball dog.

Jalen Hurts, probably so mad.

He says, I can't believe my guys that wide open, and he goes, I have to remind myself that Jaye Alexander was in that backfield.

Just ball dog.

But one quick one defense to look forward to that you want.

To just chout out.

I really like the Chiefs defense going against Joe Burrow. Joe Burrow has had a lot of success against the Chiefs. However, the Chiefs are going to run man coverage all day long.

They're going to run man cover, one man, cover two man.

When they step off the bus, they're running man. It doesn't matter. I want to see how they execute, how they use their fundamentals. I love McDuffie in there, so it's going to be a great game.

Let's get it.

Hey, you should get used to seeing these two teams with the primetime treatment, especially if it goes well this weekend on Sunday Night Football, Considering they have two young electric quarterbacks now. One has proven himself in his first year in c J. Stroud Caleb Williams. A lot of eyeballs on him for the Bears.

C J. Stroud gave his two cents about the rookie.

Definitely a playmaker, somebody who can spend plays and you know, make all the cool throws, a tough player say hits and really just really talented. So you know, I definitely do think that he has great things coming in his career, and I definitely do think like he'll get his rhythm going, and you know, it takes time. It's not something doesn't happen overnight.

I feel like it kind of happened overnight. C J. Stroud though when he played with the Texans, I don't know.

Time for the rise and wake up call, Kyle. How much pressure does this put on Kayleb Williams this weekend, knowing right across the foot from him is a c J.

Stroud that's been there.

Done that well.

As we learned, Jamie Caleb told us he does not feel nervous before games ever, except for his first game when he was thirteen.

Or something like that.

I'm really interested in the beginning of this game because I don't think Caleb was nervous for a week win against the Titans, but I think he was tight over June. I don't know what it was, just too much electricity. If you watch the game, and I mean really watch it, not just red zone. There was plays to be made. He just overthrew guys like he overthrew Keenan once. He overthrew dj Ones. Guys who had steps down the line, he just threw it five yards past them. That to me, it was a really young player being over excited in front of the home crowd early on. If he starts doing that again, I'm telling you you can't just rely on the Bears defensive special team to score four touchdowns. The Texans are too good. I want early Caleb. Calm down, Calm down. You don't have to be c J. Stroud, you don't have to be Joe Montana.

Just be Caleb.

Williams are the most talented dude the Bears have had, maybe ever complete some throws and settle in.

Yeah, you know, Kyle, it really is going to take some time for him to get to that place where he can kind of just let it sizzle a little bit, let it marinate, get comfortable with the offense, get comfortable with the pressure. Primetime television, of course, you see the expectation of what CJ. Stroud did on the other side, but he did on the other side. But you think about it, He's going up against a defense that really didn't allow more than nine receptions with Anthony Richardson last week, and he's got a lot to look for. I mean, that defense is going to get after Caleb Williams in this matchup. He threw for ninety three yards I see for me, and improvement is doing for one hundred and fifty yards in this game and a couple of touchdowns and you know, trying to get his team to victory.

Yeah, I think for me, for Caleb in this game, the main thing I would say to Caleb is take what they give you.

I think he.

Got into a lot of trouble on Sunday where he tried to spin out of the pocket and he got sacked a lot because he was trying to do too much. So for me, it's Caleb player game stay stay within the yard markets. I think they're trying to throw the ball downfield a lot. But when they throw those little five yard slants, those little comebacks to Keenan Allen, and when they handed the ball.

Off to Swift, they had a lot of success.

Because when they try to push the ball down the field too much that they came up with those incompletions. Now it's second and ten. Now you have to go deep just to get in there. So I really just want just to stay in his place, stay in his little his little world. I know it's going to get a little bit more challenging with CJ.

Stroud because CJ is going to go do his thing.

That offense going to put up points, and and the Texans is a really underrated defense, and so just just stay there.

Are a couple of those deep shots though, that were wide open, and he just flat out mess so just like desire.

Just I think he was really really excited. I think there was there was some angst there that really pushed that ball like that, that ball to Keenan down the sideline on that wheel route. I think it just just calm down, it's still football.

Just do your thing. You'll be alright, one eighty, that's how you said