
GMFB Monday Hour 2: 49ers in NFC West, Vernon Davis, Peter in the booth!

Published Aug 26, 2024, 5:21 PM

Hour Two of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with the last games of the NFL preseason.  Hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt, Akbar Gbajabiamila, and Manti Te'o discuss the 49ers chances in the NFC West.  Super Bowl Champion Vernon Davis stops in to discuss being eligible for the HOF, the Niners, and his upcoming book! Plus, how did Peter perform in the booth for the Jets game? 

The Good Morning Football Podcast is part of the NFL Podcast Network 

Good Morning Football is the production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio.

Good Morning Football.

Hey, everybody, this is Good Morning Football. As always, we are live here in Los Angeles. I'm Jimmie ear at all. This is off Bar and Boja Biamilla. That is man t Kyle Brant holding it down to New York City. Though, Kyle, I do have to ask your professional opinion about some of the proclamations that have been made on the show so far.

This morning. We got anything from Brown's.

Move on from their quarterback, Brown's quarterbacks supposed to be comeback player of the Year. We got Steelers quarterback proclamations.

Are we good with all the things that.

We are cementing here, I'm going to make people stand by their takes.


And we haven't even gotten to the biggest one yet that after his weekend, Peter Schrager has signed a deal with Amazon or he's gone.

He's going to be Amazon for the next twenty years. They sign him. They locked him up for one billion dollars.

If you saw Peter new Jet's Giants, he was fantastic in the booth and it's incredible. You don't absolutely have to be an ex player to.

Call a game.

It's nutskys Ian and Peter. They did Jets Giants over the weekend. It was like Peter's life work culminating in a brilliant broadcast in which he was witty and pithy and analytical and anecdotal.

And that's it.

Peter will be insufferable from here on out. Guys after that night, So Peter, we love your great job.

And he had his Schrager giggle no less than fifty times, and you just know he is geeking out over everything that's happening in preseason. Wait to go, Shreg's We'll see you upon the regular season. Let's get to some weekend highlights. Is Brandon Auk trying to angry run his way out of San Francisco or is he angry running his way into the boardroom to sign a contract We still don't know. This is Brock Perdy trying to do all things Perty finding Deebo Samuel for a toad, tapping twenty seven yard snack, Samuel and Shanahan having a little conversation about that later in the game. All right, Perdy again, that's George Kittle over the middle. Oh my goodness, George Kittle. If there was six black jerseys around one George Kittle.

Oh, that looks good.

That should make forty nine Ers fans feel comfortable this game. If you didn't see the last play, go take five minutes of your life because that's how long a fella get took and watch. It is very entertaining. It ends in a tie. Tom Pellisero, our insider assigned to us this morning, Good morning to you friend, Tom, Brandon Ayuk, Trent Williams. These are big names that have been holding out from the forty nine ers this summer. So where do things stand with their contract situation today?

Well, Jamie Brandon Ayuk's situation remains unresolved after months and months of on and off discussions. You just saw him on the sideline at the preseason game. He did make that trip. Multiple people within the lead point out to me he was not wearing team gear, which you're supposed to be wearing on the sideline, So read into that what you will. It had sounded for a couple of weeks after the forty nine Ers re engaged as if they were at the one yard line on a Brandon Ayuke deal. To this point, though, they've not yet pushed that across the goal line, and until something is done here, there are other possibilities on the table, namely a trade to the Pittsburgh Steelers. The framework of that trade, as well as a contract for Ayuk in Pittsburgh, remain in place, but the forty nine Ers have not shown a willingness to move on from Brandon Ayuk unless they're able to also acquire a receiver, which would require a second deal. As for Trent Williams, Kyle Shanahan expressed optimism last week that they were going to be able to work something out. There's really no sense that Trent Williams intends to retire here. San Francisco open to giving him a raise in twenty twenty four. They've still got time, but you are starting to get short in terms of being able to prepare for the start of the season. Meanwhile, running back Christian McCaffrey last sing on the field three weeks ago before he suffered a calf strain, but has been on the field working out on the side by all accounts, looking really good. No real concern since from the forty nine Ers well McCaffrey status going into the season. The season opener just two weeks away tonight against the New York Jets.


Thank you, Tom.

We'll see you here on the show later in the week. We look forward to that as we focus on the NFC West and the forty nine ers at hand. You've seen him play in the Super Bowl. You see their star players in headlines. The front office constantly wants to tell you, we're not concerned about that, We're not stressed about this. We want to remain favorites in our own division. Manti, do you keep San Francisco atop the NFC West?

You know, I think it's so fitting with Ukbar's performance, with the fight, that little fight, poetic performance that he had. One of my favorite fighters of Mike Tyson. And while I when I played one of my favorite clips of Mike Tyson was when he described his journey to the ring and how he was worried and he was scared and there's fear, and the closer he got to the ring, the more confident he got. And he said this, once I got into the ring, I was a god. Nobody could beat me. And how he walked around that ring, there was a look that you see when somebody truly believes they're better than you, and I think for the past five to ten years, we've got so accustomed to the San Francisco forty nine ers walking around not only the NFC West, but the NFL in general as these big bullies. You watch Trent Williams and Deebo Samuel come out of the locker room with that bump box, and you watch them getting to that scuff over in the pregame, and you watch their dominant defense and the run game.

We got so accustomed to that.

While I flipped on the TV and watched their past two preseason games when their starters played, and I just see an emotionally drained team. They've been to the NFC Championship four in the past five years, They've been to the Super Bowl twice, and they lost that Super Bowl to the same team. It reminds me of when I was with the Saints in twenty seventeen.

We had the Minneapolis Miracle. We had to suffer that. That is just emotionally draining.

Then the very next year we play the Rams in the NFC Championship and we have the no call PI we go through that. I can only imagine for the San Francisco forty Niners.

What that feels like. And then I put on we.

Just saw the the Seattle Seahawks preseason game, and you see that party that's in there the first the first drive, Gino Smith goes down there, hits Jackson Jackson Smith, and Jigbo hits dk Metcalf And that's without Kenneth Walker, that's without Tyler Lockett and they're out there having a blast. Mike Robs on there, Michael Bennet's on on the broadcast.

It's a party.

It's not the same you know when I watched the San Francisco fort Niners. So they're not the favorite for.

Me, you know, Yeah, this is the forty nine ers. I mean, this is one that has been kind of a little problematic for me because I believe in the forty nine ers. I love, you know what they kind of have like the team fans. It's a really good team. It's the reason why they keep going far every single season for the last couple of seasons here that we've been looking at them. But I was talking to a researcher Lakwan. Lakwan, you had this interesting numbers on Brandon Ayuk. What was that on Brandon Ayuk in brock Purty, like in brock Party's production.

Yeah, last season, I believe Brandon Ayuk was a huge part of brock Purty's success. So if you look at the pass attempts per yard, I mean you're looking at thirteen point two passing yards per attempt and versus all other pass catchers on the forty nine ers last season they were at nine point six. So that's what Brandon and Ayuk brings to the forty nine ers offense is stretching the field, being able to go down the field and drive. And without Brandon Nyuk in the preseason, we saw him at five point nine passing yards per attempt on twenty one dropbacks from brock Purty.

So let me translate, they need Brandon Aiyuk. Brandon Ayuk is very important. Why the heck are we still in a contract dispute with Brandon Aiyuk. That's your guy, that's your receiver. If you guys are sitting here and trying to take advantage of this window, you've got to capitalize on that. Furthermore, Trent Williams is still in a contract dispute. What are we doing? What are we doing? Like the season, what does the season.

Start on many days?

Are looking days?

Thirteen days?

For now?

What are we doing? Some could say that, yeah, it's still time. Theah, there's still time, but let's get this thing going, like this is the NFC West, The NFC is gonna be very competitive this year. You guys gotta get going. So and then you put the big question mark with Christian McCaffery. I know they say he should be cool, should be ready to go, but that cap injury sounds shady to me anyways. So I'm just saying I'm worried for the forty nine ers. This isn't feeling like I'm not getting that good energy for the forty nine ers right now. For all the excitement that I have with what they have developed around them, I think it's valid.

The holdouts and that type of stuff is never great. You don't like to see it.

They've won fifty four games in the last five years, like they are the standard in that division.

I think should they be the favorite? Sure?

What does favorite mean? We just think they're gonna win. But the Rams are gonna matter.

The Seahawks will see they have a new coach.

And I've told you many times I think the Cardinals are gonna be really good this year.

It just seems that it's very difficult to keep it up for that long. So to speak.

I just think to win that many games year after year after year, and listen, if Niners have dealt with things with injuries, with the quarterback going down.

I just have one thing to say to the Niners. What was going on with brock Party in this preseason?

My god, I feel like he was like a Rodeo clown out there. I've never seen a de facto starter for a team being longer taking more hits, especially a guy who has a very high profile injury and an organization that's had some very high profile quarterback injuries. I want to give Shanahan like a blow gun or something to shoot him in the neck the next time he's.

Running around this. I hated watching this.

I hated watching him standing his legs, his knees and everything. Thank god it is over with because I was so worried about him being out there that long. I still do think that they are the favorite because they got the band back together for the most part. We'll see defensively, they got still have so many studs, and I don't know if the other teams are up to their standards.

Yet I just have to I just have to add lib something.

In middle of the segment, you guys are there in that glistening palace there in Los Angeles with all these beautiful colors and all these screens and gadgets and tables, and yet despite all that, the most beautiful shot we have in the entire show is when we go to the damn Researcher and we see the morning sunrise coming up in Los Angeles with the palm trees behind them.

It's like, that's the best shot we got.

Look at the morning sun with him in his headsets like Vince from sham Wow with his J Cruise shirt with the undershirt underneath it, and that's the best shot we got. We can take away the whole set. That's the shot submitted to the Emmys.

You don't even to talk. It's amazing. Can you believe that?

Fueled behind Lakwan LaQuan, You're bringing it with every your substance, the style and the visual affect of your SHOT's great, Lakwan, Very well done, Kyle. I really thought you were going to go with Manti's biceps again on that I was convinced that we were going to talk about the T shirt, but we did.

Not so good.

You understand during commercial break, I'm standing up and I'm like I'm getting a pump in, like I'm trying.

To like work up Mantil.

I knew whatever I can do, Mantire Listen. I don't know if you know this, but like normally, like I'm the guy with the tight T shirt on this show, Like you just dunked on me so hard. I got nothing on you, not to mention that cool ass tattoo.

You look great, inspired, Isaiah. Isaiah Stanback comes in with some tight clothes. You know, Isaiah, It's true.

Kyle's supposed to be Kyle's supposed to be in studio today.

He's actually just in a hall room down the hall. You just didn't want to sit at the table with Mantai, Like.

You know, Diamond push up. I saved your seat, Kyle.

We are gonna get a guest coming up on the show that we probably should tee this forty nine ers topic up too since Vernon Davis played you know a handful of years in San Francisco.

Uh, he's a guest is coming in studio. I think we're gonna talk.

Football and some heavy hitters in the league.


What have we found to sit at our breakfast.

Tablena Davis is here, former NFL tight end you know from a handful of your favorite teams.

Bernie, you look great. Welcome in.

Good to be here.

I appreciate you.

Appreciate this is we always appreciate anybody that comes to the table. This is always a touchy thing because we love in August the Hall of Fame game. We love watching the features on the knocks on the door. As someone who is now eligible for the Hall of Fame in your first year, is this something that you think about? You watch cars drive up your driveway? Is it happening? Is it now?

Is this on your mind? Or do you push it back?

No? I don't. I kind of push it back. I mean, I'm just I'm just grateful for just people just to respect and the love and just knowing that people really admire what my work that I put out. So it's an honor if I get it or not, I'm still grateful.


You're gonna be crying like crazy they come knocking on that dome.

You're right, I am, No, I know I'm gonna be crying.

But I'm just saying, I just it doesn't happen. It's just like one of those things.

I'm just it's an honor to be associated with that. Yeah, well, I mean, look, you did it, dude, you balled out. You're being humble and all that stuff. Man, But with just watching you play so exciting. You look at the forty nine ers and every time I see George Kittle, like, I can't see George Kittle without thinking of the first eighty five who balled out in that number for the forty nine ers. When you look at George Kittle, what is it that you see in his game that makes him so elite? What are the similarities that you guys have. Yeah, George Kittle, he's a I think of him as a magician.

I watch him.

One thing that he does really well is he gets from A to B and meaning A to B from the time you catch that ball, you put your foot down, you get up field, get the first down, and score touchdown. And that's one thing they teaches and that's very important to the game, especially when you plan our offense, and he does that really really well. He's tough, he's relentless, he uses his hands, he just does everything in the right way. He's that tight end that you want. And if I'm going to get a tight end in the draft, I'm looking at someone who's just like George Kittle, who we do it all. And you said the similarities are every tweens who The similarities I will say is maybe being able to run after the catch. Yeah, he has a unique ability to be able to do that, probably better than me. Yeah.

Well, you know you talked about the love and the respect that you got. I was one of those guys Vernon and everybody knows what we grew up big forty nine Er fans, Mike, I was a forty nine Er fan all the way up till I got drafted by the Chargers. But I remember when the Niners drafted you, you had a head coach and there was Mike Nolan. Mike Nolan was my linebacker coach for four years out of my eight year career, so I have a very special relationship with Mike.

Talk a little bit about how.

Those relationships with your coaches impacted you on and off the field and how it you know it led to your play.

Yeah, I think it's so Mike when I was when I got drafted in two thousand and six. Mike Nolan was there obviously, and he was He's one of those coaches that doesn't really say a lot. He'll he'll get on you when he needs to. And I don't feel like I made a great connection with him. There was nothing really there. We didn't have that experience. You know, you have to go through experiences to really know to really figure out someone and know if you to feel that synergy, you know what I mean. But Coach Singletary, I mean we had that. Everyone knows about the dispute we had when he sent me to the locker room on national television. That was crazy. I remember going home. I was with my girlfriend. I'm looking at TV. I'm like, a right, I'm telling her it's not damn. But then I knew I had to get up that next morning to go face Mike Singletary. But that that moment really allowed me to be able to look myself in the mirror and say, hey, I need to change, I need to do better in order for me to be a leader, I have to listen to what this man is telling me. And from there I knew he was on my side and I felt the love. I felt like he's my dad. I felt like he's my brother, my mentor. And since then we've just been nothing but great friends.

Yes, I love that.

I love that.

Yeah, Yeah, that's cool.

And Vernon, it's great to see you. Man.

We've always thought you were one of the most interesting guys top to bottom in all of football. I think another person who fits that description is going to be walking the sidelines on the stadium right next to you right now, one of your other former head coaches, Jim Harbaugh. Here's the deal, vern everybody has a Jim Harbosch. Let's just say he has a unique personality. Get into it. Think about it for a second if you need to. What is your best Jim Harbaughs story?

My best Jim Harbaugh story? I have to say, man, there's been so many things. I just when I think of Jim Harball, I think about that inkstand he has on his kakis, that he always got that inkstand in his pocket.

My best stories.

When he suited up, I was walking out the practice. He suited up, I mean from from head to toe he had all the gear on. Now, look, I'm like, who's this new guy? He turned around it's like as Jim Harball, He's out there going with the second the second team, and he's throwing, he's competing. I'm like, Wow, this is a heck of a coach. I've never seen anything like. And maybe that story is not that interesting, but to me, it was interesting. It was amazing to see that. I've never seen that in the head coach.

But did it make you look at him differently to appreciate him, respect him? Like what did that experience of watching him operate that way do for you?


I thought it was like I was like, man, this guy's he's great. I mean, his personality, that's what you want. You want to coach this with you that you feel like you can really connect with. And I connected with him. I think the entire team connected. They can attest to this. But he was just he just had this this charisma about him that made you want to win for him. And I think that's why. I think that's his formula. I mean, we watched him. He can go from college, he can go to the pros, he can go anywhere and be able to turn the team around. He just has that unique ability to be able to do that getting those guys to rally behind him.

The connection.

If anybody doesn't know, Vernon is a movie star. And I don't mean like he's this NFL guy who makes a cameo and has one like. Vernon's been after this thing for years. He has a long resume of projects he's done in the past, Price is doing.

In the future.

And Vernon, I think it's really really cool. But you've you've worked with some legends. I want to we want to pick your brain on a couple. You did a movie called The Ritual Killer with Morgan Freeman. You also worked with Jean Claude Van dam It's like one of the all time goats, like tell Us Morgan Freeman and tell Us Van Damn stories.

Please just whatever you got what the.

Band Claude, John claud Fandamn move didn't go through. I didn't make the cut for that one. I guess it wasn't good enough. It's okay. But I did work with mister Morgan Freeman. He was very impressive. I remember there was a scene we had when I'm staring out the window. He comes in. He didn't know I did this, but you know, as athletes, we go above and beyond right. He learned the actual language, South African. Yeah, I learned the language. So he turns around and I look at him. He look at me and I said, so see something. He said no, no, he said say it like this, Say it like this, say it like a threat. I was like, what do you mean.

He was like, I want you.

To whisper it. At the end he's like and I did it. And I was like, wow, this man is amazing. But he was very He came to me, he was like, good job, son, good job. So I'm like, missister Morgan Freeman gave me some good advice.

Oh my goodness. I was shaking when he was telling that's the I remember that's on your I g and I was just like, yo, man. I just had a moment where I was just like, man, you're doing it, like that's your next to Morgan Freeman, Like that's Morgan Freeman.

Man. Yeah, that was dope, man. I mean I wouldn't take that. And just watching him on set was pretty amazing. Like that dude, he was the first one on set, the last one to leave at eighty something years old. I watched that. I said what I said, I got a long way to go because this man is approaching this thing like he just walked in it.


I see why he's so successful.

It is my mistake. You have already made it in life.

Since Morgan Freeman said good job son too, I mean, does.

That not it like that is the pinnacle.

It feels like you put that on your IMDb.

Yeah that's the pinnacle. I mean, thank you for saying I made it in life. I don't feel like I did anything like I'm just.

I don't know. Morgan Freeman, Yeah, I got that boy right.

Yeah, pat me on my head, Miss Morgan more nervous your rookie, your rookie year, your first game, your rookie season, or being right next to Morgan Freeman and having to like shoot out your lines in front of Morgan Freeman.

That's tough because I was lined in front of once sat my first game I played.

Man, I don't know, I love you, I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know. I got to go back and think about that one.

Well, you've been doing somethinking recently, and you've been putting words to paper.

You're coming out with the book or you came out of the book called Playing Ball. What made you want to do this?

Well, I just feel like there's there's never, there's always at any given moment. I feel like, if there's something you want to do, then you should go ahead and do it right. Life is so short and I can't Well, there's no expiration date on life, so I don't know how if I'm gonna make it this seventy eighty years old. So why not start now? The best time to start is right now? And I feel like based on my journey, I've done a lot of stuff right. I always feel like I'm just getting started. But I can go out and I can inspire a lot of people. I can empower people based on my experiences in life, things I've been through. Because people think that we're superhumans because we played this, played this game of all but we're just like everybody else. We have depression, we go through panic disorder, we feel like our backup is up against the wall. We're about about we want to give up. You know, There's been moments in my life where I wanted to quit. When I was leaving Denver and going to the Washington Commanders, that was the only team that I felt like they wanted me. No other team called me in right, and I was sitting there. I had a moment with myself. I said, I'm about to take a pay cut. I'm about to make I was making five dollars. Now I'm about to make a dollar, right, I'm playing behind Jordan reading now was Paul. These guys don't see anything in me. They don't believe in me. And I'm used to being the man like I was the man. Right, So I'm like, Okay, damn, I want I don't want to play this game no more. I'm about to give up. I'm in my hometown. I can't do this no more. I can't do this. So I'm about to quit. But I say, you know what, that's not me. I'm gonna keep going. I'm gonna keep pressing forward. So I went out there, did my thing. Six probably like mid season. They came to me say, hey, Ernie, we want to give you another contract for three more years. And I made my five dollars back. Now I'm making my five dollars.

I can go give me a back of potato tip. I'll give you a back of potato chip.

Get it that in the whole factory too.

All those lessons and so much more in your memoir. Congratulations, on everything, Vernon, But can we convince you to stay for a few more.

Minutes of TV?

What you got for me were the break.

We're gonna throw something at you oky.


Might not pay you the extra five dollars.

That's Washington did, but we like to make you stay and do a little extract. There's Vernon Davis's memoir Playing Ball that came out.

Go check it out. Vernon Davis.

Everybody South Africa, Oh, good football, this is great.

I asked Vernon Davis to stay around the show to do an extra segment of TV, and now I'm telling you how to do the job that I sit here to do. So Vernon Dave's gonna train you up to toss to Sherry to do the news and you can fill in.

For me and Good Morning Football.

Okay, So Cherry Burr.

She does the news, and there's your camera.

Go Sherry, I'm now tossing to you. You take it over.

Hey, good David.

Well, there was an interesting happenings that happened over the weekend for the Chargers in Dallas. Friday night before the team's preseason finale, several players and two women in their traveling party got stuck in an elevator for hours.

Dallas Fire and Rescue helped.

The stranded party they had to get out through the failing panels.

After the Chargers win, head coach Jim Harbaugh.

Praised the players for winning the test of Wills let alone the game. Then wide receiver Johan Dotson said he got goosebumps Saturday during the first game with his new team after being traded last week.

To the Eagles.

He was saying, seeing the fans go crazy literally after a third preseason game, it was exciting.

It got me a little excited to be here.

And Dotson went to high school in Pennsylvania, also played college ball at Penn State and Broncos head coach Sean Payton told reporters after their preseason victory over the Cardinals this weekend, Zach Wilson will be one of the three quarterbacks on the fifty three man roster.

Wilson is trying to.

Resurrect his career in Denver after a turbulent three years with the Jets, and Commander's owner Josh Harris said he's hopeful a new stadium can open in time for the twenty thirty season. The team has contractual obligations at Commander's Field until twenty twenty seven, but Harris and his ownership.

Group are hopeful a new.

Stadium can be built at the current site, a long time franchise home RFK Stadium.

Vernon being a.

DC guy, maybe you totally support that.

I'd love to catch up on it.

But when we come back here on GMFB, you're checking on Peter and see how his weekend went in the booth with the Jets.

Welcome back to Good Morning Football.

If you've been watching us all the way since twenty sixteen, you know that's a very powerful image because every time around this year or every year around this time, Peter always gets very excited about the Jets Giants preseason game aka the Snoopy Bowl. Well, after eight years of hyping in, Peter got to call it. That is, he and Iron Eagle in a two person booth, no X player, no X Jet, no X Giant, two guys who didn't play the game, and did an incredible job calling it. It blows the mind and the odds that Peter did not come in this morning to do a victory lap about how good he was. But he does not show up today because he earned it. And he has been up there on the mic with Iron in the booth so incredibly well, not only having little anecdotal stuff and specific things about every single player fifty deep in the depth chart, but when the moment called for it, giving that patented Schrager charm that we've come to know and.

Love, Devedo gets away, but not from the second defender.

It is Takma Kintley.

Tactics did a breakdancing ray Gun, the Australian breakdancer.

That was fantastic. You were into it? Oh, yes, there was a lot of backlash.

No, I'm sorry. I don't know if there was political charge. I don't want to get involved, but look at.

This ray Gun.

Perfect reaction.

Peter, make sure I don't get involved in the politics. Sidestep to get in on the fund. He also went on it. He probably I could go on a twenty minute monologue about Tac McKinley's career from the time he was drafted, because he's been there for all of it. But uh, Peter, one of our founding fathers and our brother, very very very proud of you.

That was awesome.

Leave it to Peter to have a three week old pop culture reference in the middle of a Jets Giants preseason game.

I was talking to our producer.

Bill Henschel about this today, Like that is a producer's dream, is somebody like Peter Schrager in the booth, who when you go deep on somebody who's playing in the third presonsing game in the fourth quarter, he still got takes on that guy. He went to this school, he's been on this many teams, and Peter crush it.

We're super proud of him.

Yeah, let me just say, like that is so hard to do, like the preparation that goes into preparing for a game, especially when you got to go two and three deep and have stories and layers. So it's just a shout out to Peter and just the commitment that he puts into his craft and anything that he does. That's why the dude is so smart and he's a genius.


Job man, Pete. That was that was outstanding and it was entertaining as well.

Yeah, great job, Peter. When it comes to preseason, the usually just watch when the starters play and right when they get off the field, I turn it off or flip over. But because Peter was on the broadcast, was like just watch it a little longer, all right.

That's enough.

Ons, okay, that's enough. Get it back to work, all right. Look at the bird and the shregs.

We love them.