Hour One of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with CB Sauce Gardner dropping by at Jets Camp. Hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt, Peter Schrager, and Akbar Gbajabiamila discuss Aaron Rodgers and Tyreek Hill restructuring his contract. Peter voices his main concern with the players list before we're joined by Jets' LB Quincy Williams
Stay tuned for Hour Two of the GMFB Podcast!
The Good Morning Football Podcast is part of the NFL Podcast Network
Good Morning Football is the production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio.
Good Football.
Welcome too, Good Morning Football. We are live in Los Angeles. I'm Jamie Ardal.
This is Akbar, a bunch of BA Villa. There's Peter Schrager and Kyle Brandt. There is nothing more New York than what we're looking at right now. We are holding it out in LA obviously, but look at these two gentlemen walk us through.
Peter the T shirt. It seems intentional.
There's got to be something Hampton's about it.
What's going on?
No, nothing Hampton's about it.
This is New York, baby, and we're here with the New York market.
We're here with the Jets.
Kyle's with me, He's got New York and LA.
We're representing.
We love you, guys, and we are so excited because we're at Jets camp today where everyone is a buzz and we're gonna have a bunch of cool interviews with players. We're gonna have Quincy Williams, We're gonna have Solomon Thomas. Then we're hoping that Sauce Gardner joins us in just a bit.
What do you think about the sunglasses you know, are these working for us?
What do you guys think, akbar is? This is a good look.
You kind of look like you're on patrol right now.
Like you know what I mean, patrol.
You're you're about to write somebody a ticket. A little secret service there. I'll see that.
I'm gonna patrol for hot football takes. So I'm gonna be finding him shortly. Sauce's shares right here. I think momentarily he might be sitting down. We're gonna talk Jets, defense, Rogers, a lot of golf, Olympics.
Sauce is going to be a fountain of conversation. I can't wait if you guys can see my shirt here? Can you see my shirt?
This is short up like a little nod to the Olympics, all right, shut up to Noah Love Like so I just figured I come in a little Olympic gear here.
And the shoes too fantastic. There's nothing we love more than a segment that starts the show where we don't know how this is going to transpire. Because the Sauce just shows up. Those two are going to be off and running. So let's get to the topic in hand.
Talking to lead.
Blocks Block They're in Flora Park, New Jersey. Aaron Rodgers continues his second training camp with the Jets, and he's getting glowing reviews from his head coach about how practice has gone and how specifically it went for the weekend.
He looks, he looks like he never missed any time. Today was an example, just so methodical down the field. Like I said, eleven eighteen play drive, eleven play drive, a seven play drive, just long, methodical drives that eat up clock and get the game moving. So he's an impressive dude.
Okay, So it looks as if Aaron Rodgers never miss any time. And here comes Sus Gardner, which is perfect. They're going to get him all set up and we're going to hear from him. And this has been an interesting summer because he goes on these trips that he had pre scheduled and he has the justification for which is fine. He gets fined, and now coach is coming out and just defending him, saying it's all good.
But he looks good. What do you think the vibe is?
We're gonna get it firsthand, but your takes from the West Coast, well, you.
Know, I look at this as Aaron Rodgers is a vet, and I think you know already what you're going to get when you get Aaron Rodgers. Now, of course, some people might say over the last six or seven years he's evolved into this new, more aware quarterback. But I like, I've always been a fan of Aaron Rodgers. I think he brings a lot of excitement to the New York market. And look, Roberts Sol has got obviously a future Hall of Famer, But I like what they've done. They drafted an offensive lineman, they got them Mike Williams. They've got some deep and vertical threats down the field to help him continue.
And the course, we know he's.
Got his buddy in pal that he's always arguing with. Yes, right, so I'm excited for the New York just this season.
That's Garrett Wilson who he's always arguing with. But it's I like to call it his youthful energy, which is what the New York Jets have. And speaking of some of that youthful energy, back out to Peter and Kyle in New York because there was Sauce Garner. Guys, take it away.
Yeah, we're here with one of our favorite players in the league.
One of the biggest stars in the league is right here. It is in our presence, Sauce Garner with sandals that say SG. You can't see him there on the camera, but incredible.
You look great. How you feeling right now?
I feel great.
You know it's training camp, but you know I was telling the cornerbacks, we just got to not make the not make it too much.
You know.
I know it's training camp and the energy is gonna be high, but you gotta treat it like any other workday.
He says. The best you've ever felt in the camp.
Yeah, just being up here. For the ones that don't know, I trained here at the Jets facility. So it's being up here and the coaches knowing everything that I need to work at and everything that I just need to get better at.
It's easier.
You know.
Obviously I live in Jersey, and you know, probably like a couple of weeks after the last game, I was back to it, you know what I'm saying, And like the majority of the league probably take a few weeks, three to four weeks or probably even longer, but you know, I trusted the process.
I trusted what they.
Said by just taking like a couple of weeks, a week or two often getting back to it, and you know, I'm feeling great.
I think that's really interesting because I think most of the league goes of Miami, Arizona. You know, they're down in Texas. You could be anywhere. You're a Detroit native, right, you can be anywhere. You choose to stay in Flora Park, New Jersey during the winter months and train here. What's I tell you about your commitment to this team in this building right here?
Man, I have a huge amount of commitment to this team. And it's not just me. It's the commitment that the coaches have to me as well. You know the fact that they have my best interest vice versa. And you know, like I said, me just trusting the process and them just instilling all the things in me that I need to learn, and me just soaking up all of the knowledge and just getting stronger in the weight room, getting faster and more explosive.
All of that.
I'm interested because it's like you've done so well in your young career.
You're already respected, you're already heralded.
All the conversations about best corner eight you talk about you, so it would be very easy to be like I'm good, Like I'll go to Hawaii for a while, I'll chill. But and yet you're doubling down. What is it you're trying to get to? Like what do you want to be?
Man, It's like I really don't know. Yeah, I want to get to a point that I can't even imagine, you know, in my mind. Like you mentioned, like why my first time going out the country is gonna be when we play the Vikings, So is that right?
I don't really take trips, you know, cause I feel like it's just me personally. I don't have nothing against people who take trips to me personally. I just feel like you too comfortable with your lifestyle or are you trying to escape your lifestyle.
By going out the country.
I always want to be to a point where if I want to, I can go train and I can do certain things instead of me just being out the country and is like, man, I can't wait till I get back so I could train, you know. So that's my reason.
There's so much focus in the media and especially on our network and on ESPN about Aaron and Garrett and Breis Hall.
You guys have a nasty defense.
And when we're talking about Quinn and Quincy and CJ. Mosley and yourself and all the other guys that you have around you, talk about that defense and tell us about what you guys have coming for twenty twenty four.
We got a strong brotherhood.
That's what I'm gonna start with.
You know, it's not all about the football aspect of each individual, It's about the person.
You know.
We got a cool group of people, you know in that defense, not just the defense, the whole team. So you know, it's a defense. Were looking forward to adding oning where we left when we left off last season and just continuing to get better.
It feels like a lot of the hype and hubbub coming out of training camp early.
Is oh my god, Rogers is on fire.
Touchdown here, the ball live hit the grownding through this many red zone touchdowns And that's great because that's your guy.
But like, eventually, are you like I'm gonna grab one? Like enough for this, Like that's time to grab one, man.
I'm gonna be honest, Like, it's so hard to intercept him.
He doesn't throw interceptions.
He don't throw interceptions, Like what is different about him? So he's one of them quarterbacks. He can put the ball exactly where you want to put the ball, So he's gonna throw it to where the receiver can catch it. And you know, I mean like I got long arms, so when I'm in good position, it's like the worst I could do is PBu with But it's even hard to even do that going against him, like he would rather the ball go out of mounts if the receiver don't catch the ball, then put it to where it's a fifty fifty ball across the middle or on the outride or something like that. And you know it just good work as a defense. We call him a liar cause a lot of times where he's looking, it's not where the.
Ball is going.
So just help. He helped the whole defense have better. I disciplined, and you know, he just make us better at each and every day.
Last last offseason when he signed with the Jets or he was traded, and we had this this Aaron Rodgers offseason, you and him went to the nickname sach Court sign went to Carbone, had dinner.
You guys hit it off.
Now it's not like you guys are two years apart, seventeen years apart, what's the relationship between you.
And Aaron Rodgers.
It's like, I'm surprised every time somebody tell me he's forty because he don't really act like it. Like he act very mature, but he don't act like a forty year older.
You know, he got.
Swag, he cool, you know, a great sense of humor. You know, he's a he's a he's a funny cat. So you know, we have a great relationship. You know, I can talk to him about anything. He can talk to me about anything as well. So I'm in the process. I was building a home and he was just telling me the things that I need to get in it, you know, recovery wise, and I'm like, hey, he really cared about being in my recovery and my.
Body and stuff like that.
So I remember when he was with the Packers, there would become a point where some of his really young teammates were like, I don't get his references, like he references the Big Lebowski and like stuff that I don't know. So when he jokes with you, like, does does he mix in the young content or timeless stuff like what is the material?
Nah, he don't really, I don't think he does things like that, you know, with me or any of the other younger guys, because he probably just know that we won't understand it.
He's talking to hacking and doubting.
Yeah, tied the room together. So the things he say I can relate with. You know when when he says it, all.
Right, well, listen, Rogers is forty. You know who's thirty? Tyreek Hill.
Tyreek Hill was just named the number one player in all of the NFL, as voted on by you guys, the players you guard him a couple of times a year, maybe three times a year. What was it like reacting to that news? You're the number one player in the NFL is a Dolphins wide receiver.
Man, It's crazy, cause I been looking through comments of like other other people just to see like are these.
Other players getting hate?
Like I be receiving hate, And I'm just like, hey, there's really a lot of people saying that he don't deserve to be the number one player, and this, like it shocked me a little bit, you know, but me personally, I think it's well deserved. You got defense, You got guys who gotta change their whole defense because of him. You know, he's been around for a minute, and Uh, he's a guy that's hard to guard. You know, he's gonna present a challenge every time. And like I said, I think he deserves it. I see he had change this contract up a little bit. I time to leave that. That's a lot of money. Yeah, that's a lot of money.
Like I was lost the words.
When I've seen that. Really, you're never lost for words, man.
I was like, he's really just changing this contract left.
And right for real. Everyone sees in a lot of money. Yes, keep saying how much money is it?
I think it was like, what was it? Thirty a year for three it's a lot, a lot of money.
But honestly, no sts like I'm not saying this because you're here, like you've played well against him and people out there and the numbers are out there and the fans know it. You do better against Tyreek than most corners do.
Why. I don't know.
I feel like I can't.
I can't say like I'm more locked in when I play against him because I'm always locked in.
I don't know.
Just my preparation throughout the week, you know, going out there on Sundays or whatever days we play, and just trusting my preparation because you know you're gonna fall back my preparation when the lights get the writers.
So you mentioned Rogers. One of Rogers's great passions is the sport of golf.
Let's go.
We're looking at your off season content threat the best and you're picking up the callaways, you're hitting the ball and you have a perfect stroke out of the gates, like your technique is perfect. It's very frustrating for a man like myself who has taken lessons, who goes out to the drifting range.
I'm terrible.
Yeah, yeah, so good.
He's still thinking about Tyreek's money. It's like Tyreek thirty millions so much. I'm trying to get that in a few it was it.
Was understood it was.
The golf.
When did you pick it up?
And how into it were you this off season?
And what have you heard from the golf community, because.
You know, here's what a lot of success.
So what was your experience of the golf world?
So I picked it up at the beginning of the off season, I want to say the beginning of the off season.
You know, I was just so overwhelmed.
You know when I went to play, because I already knew I wasn't gonna gonna do good, you know, you know my first damn gates. No, So I had to go play a course like I shot like one.
Hundred and something. You know. It was hurting, humbling sport.
Yeah, it humble me.
And you know me, I just record my swing or take pictures and just I put it on Twitter because I'm the type of person. I'm not a Hollywood type athlete. I would really like interacting with people and making people's day, you know. But it was just so many people that was just saying, you need to do this.
You need to do that, and mind you.
I'm on the.
Course looking so I'm like, okay, all around, you're reading some guy around.
And I'm like, this does make sense right here.
So I'm putting it to use and I'm like, oh that kind of worked a little bit.
So I go resmind again, thank you for thank you.
For getting me that double POKEE eleven says that should change way sweet, Okay I will.
So I was going I was going through it, and then I found I found a guy named Aaron who he trained guys like Rook, Max Mitchell, Jeremy Rucker, Max Mitchell and those two.
Of the best golfers on the team.
Okay, yeah, he got me right.
Have you have you played with anyone cool? Have you had a chance to get out on the course. I know it's season, we're locked down, but has there been a cool golf experience since you picked up?
Because I even I know my my golfriend's like, he saw Carter's playing golf. Do you think he wants to play like our club.
Like you like?
No, No, no, guys, he doesn't want to play. Josh Son's at there playing with Tiger.
Nah, That's what I'm saying. I'm not one of those type of guys. Like I went to the course up the street, Pittsbrook, Okay, and I got it to the point where every time I went, I was playing with one of the younger guys that worked there, knowing.
The pros or something the golf process.
No, I don't know.
He's proba like an amateur. Yeah, drives the ball, Curt. Those guys say, yeah, so I was playing. I was playing with him.
Cool guy I played golf who was solid. I didn't know Solo was good.
He got big off the tee, right, come on, he's nice.
I wasn't expecting it.
I heard I heard a lot about him, but you know he got a diff wing, Oh my god.
Disciplined, discipline, very disciplined. He's got a good swing, he's got a great corner. You've got a great team, the best, so fun.
You're just so chilled and so relaxed and so good to Garner players and the best dudes in the entire NFL.
He loves Northern New Jersey and we love that in the off seasons, love that golf s for the best. We love you, appreciate you guys in La.
Absolutely Sauce.
We could just spend the next forty five minutes so cool de briefing what Sauce Garter just had to say, which we will on Good Morning Football. I know Sauce to the best. He can't hear us, but like we adore you from l A all right. Attorney Camp Live continues today at New Eastern. You were going to hear from the second from Anthony Richardson.
And then Slater.
We'll be posted up at Eagles practice. Baldy and Steve Weisch are going to keep an eye on how CJ.
Stroud, Stevon Diggs are.
Looking in Houston, and I swear. We're here GMFB LA kitchen, all right here on NFL network.
That's just idc okay.
Now, new head coach in Carolina, Dave Canalis. What does he do for Bryce Young's game. We're going to find out as we check in with our insider, Ean Rapport.
Who's there.
And the NFL's top one hundred was revealed. Tyreek Hill was voted number one by his peers. We care about that, but we also want to get Peter's thoughts on who sits.
At number four football. Hey, we're back on GMFB.
The top ten players who's revealed over the weekend in the NFL.
Now this is voted by their peers in the NFL.
Four guys on defense, six on offense. You got one offensive line in Trent Williams. But your eyes go to a lot of places exactly right, Ocbar that Lamar Jackson is ahead of Patrick Mahomes, that Christian McCaffrey really has secured himself into the top five in the NFL in terms of his offensive production, everything that he can do for the forty nine ers. And then you look at number one and Tyreek Hill, and you wonder how Tyreek feels about being voted the best player in the NFL.
Well, we actually caught his response.
Yeah, I just want to say on behalf of this Feld players, Well, congratulate you on being vote number one.
Hey number one.
Oh whoa, that was cool to see right there.
That'd be a little too you, I know, it was amazing.
Deserves it.
So it came out on Friday night.
Your eyes immediately, like we said, go to cha cheetah in the top spot. Peter will start with you just frankly about that response. But then also where else do your eyes go on that list?
Well, Tyreek is so deserving because of what he does. I've tooken to defensive coordinators over the last few years and it's like he's one of the only players you lose sleepover because there's absolutely no way to stop him. And yet, come on, what are we talking.
About, number one? What are we doing? What are we doing?
I know the NFL network is trying to get some clicks. I know the NFL networks trying to make some ratings.
Here I get the game.
What are we talking about here? Patrick Mahomes is the greatest player in the NFL. He's been the greatest player in the NFL. There's no reason even do this list anymore. Just put Mahomes one. I don't care when it was recorded, when it was done, when it was voted on the killer and this is only gonna give him more motivation.
What's crazy about this? And Jamie you alluded to it.
Not only is Mahomes the fourth ranked player on this thing, they have another quarterback ranked above him.
They have enough. This is the second.
Time Lamar Jackson's been ranked above Patrick Maldons. This is the second time Lamar Jackson has won an MVP over Patrick Mahomes. I'll just say this. I'm watching this over the weekend. I had to do a video on Twitter. I had to post it. I don't know why we do this. They don't need more motivation, they don't need an exit. If there was anything that could get in the Chiefs way this year, the thing they could get in the Chiefs way this year is that they would take it for granted and they would just kick walk into the AMC Championship game and they would do what they would do, and they would win an arrowhead or they'd win on the road, and you know what, They've got the experience you.
Needed more motivation for Patrick Mahomes. This is ludicris. I love Tyreek Hill. I like Lamar Jackson and.
Christian McCaffrey as players as well.
Why do we even do the list as long as he's playing in the league, Patrick Mahomes's number one. I don't need to watch a week of build up and then this crazy spoiler at the end. What are we doing here the sixth sense?
This is unbelievable. What are we talking about?
I got to ask you, how long did it take you to find that gift?
Like how long most one.
Frequently use use gifts? Peter?
I have a response, but like sometimes when something really hits you in the fields like this, sometimes you get through them the rant and you're like, oh, I should have said that. Is there anything else you want to put out about mahomes being number four?
You got it all. I just think they being a second time at the bat.
I just think, you know, next summer, like we could do all this fun like at least just put Mahomes one at the end.
We could build up.
The suspense, but like, do the right thing, don't don't put Tyreek.
My response is that I actually I think four was generous for Mahomes this year. I don't even try here's gonna try it, Okay, go on every year. It is is just a popularity contest. Yep, it's just student council elections.
Last year Mahomes' skit that he put on for the school was not one of his best cetus Okay, And I want you to keep this in mind. It is a year to year thing. Brady did not win it every year. Brady was always the greatest player. Of course, he did not win it every year. It is twenty twenty four, the season all I know he won the Super Bowls, Voter one and novel December.
I don't even think he was the.
Fourth best player in the NFL. I don't I think he's the best player of this era. It was not his best season. I think four was respectful and rebaar this in mind. It's voted on between Thanksgiving and New Year's which means some of them could have voted at the last second after Christmas when they just got.
Destroyed by the Raiders. So everyone's like, yeah, Mahmes is nice, He's best play.
And then say that I'd say it's the top ten players in September and October in Tua and Tyreek that.
Doesn't go wrong most it could be number one.
And you know whatever team starts off hot every year in the West Coaster in Miami a.
Number five.
They're telling me that it's the top ten players from September one to Calumn.
This day, then yes, Tyreek Killintua should be the best year.
What do you guys say?
Well, I would tell you though, I mean, if you look at it by week fourteen, you look at what Tyreek already put up, and Tyrek had what fourteen hundred plus yards already. Look, he missed a game and a half. He was very very close to breaking Calvin Johnson's all time receiving The dude put up almost eighteen hundred yards.
Hecky, Yes, this creation should be number one.
I mean, and you talked about it early, you led with it, Peter, you know this. He is unstoppable. This is a coach's nightmare. This is a cornerback's nightmare. This is a defense nightmare. Like he is a nightmare, Like, how do you stop somebody? He's thirty years old. He doesn't look like he's slowing down anytime soon. Tyreek Hill deserves it. But what I love most about it was his genuine reaction because there's nothing better than getting the respect from your peers, because that's what's important, is the respect from your peers.
Your peers don't respect you like that.
Yeah, Now, I will say on the other side of this, though, I do feel like the players are trying to piss Patrick Mahomes off.
How do we what are we doing here?
Like how's the coach?
Number four?
Okay, I can see too, but.
I can't see anything past too, So I do agree and I share your frustration with Patrick Mahomes being number four.
That was like saying, all right, here we go.
What I know you hate about it, Peter, is we're getting into the woods and we're saying the semantic.
It's not about his career, it's about the season.
This was when it was voted on, and you're like, I don't give a crap, right, you know what I mean?
Like I hate that Michael Jordan didn't always have the best November and December.
He's number one in the league.
We didn't vote you know, Tyrone Muggsy Bogues number one because he had a cool play in September, Like, you.
Know what it is you think that Tyreek is the muggsy Bogues making tweet it out.
You know, here's another fall though, here's too because when do you do get things during the season correction, you know all said when you get this the survey or whatever, the play during the season, players are probably at that point they're a little fed up with all of the patch of Mahomes.
So you're thinking, they're like, we're sick of him. We're not going to rank him number one. They don't realize that. We don't realize what they're doing next off season, which is now the cameras are going to roll the next next off season, we're gonna see Mahomes winning is probably third straight Super Bowl and him just being like, it's because you voted to be number four. So like they don't realize back and back in November, there's something.
Called voter fatigue. We might say November two. It just happened, right, it happens change.
Oh man.
This segment has touched every quarner of television. We're talking about football from coast to coast here on GMFB and joining us now of course, making his maybe twelve different appearance at a training camp so far this summer, it's Ian Rappaport rap sheet.
What's happening?
SEMs right, what's going on? Jamie?
Let me tell you we are We're here from Panthers camp. It is hot, it is steamy. I know this because I tried to put my makeup on in the mirror actually fogged up.
Which is how you look. You have a glow.
You have a glow about you. Okay, it's a training camp glove, you know what.
And that's yeah, And that's that's what I'm looking forward to giving the people.
Yes, please Bryce Young. So you're in Carolina. He's heading into his second season. Didn't go great last year with the Panthers. Panthers jersey on for him. So how does he fix things? Where can Dave Canalis get him in his second season?
You know, with this new coaching staff with Dave Canalis and Brad Ezach his good friend and offensive Cordiat and obviously so much of the focus is make making sure that Bryce Young lives up to the immense promise that he had and the reason, you know, shows everyone the reason that they drafted him, and you know, you can go back and look at the trade and the drafting of Bryce Young.
I think everyone sort of forgets.
It was essentially unanimous around the league that Bryce Young was gonna be the number one quarterback. This is a guy who is really smart, as we know, who is very talented, and they believe can be the number one quarterback, the number one overall pick that he was a couple of the areas of focus for Bryce Young. I would say, first of all, making sure that he is comfortable. You know, he is a pretty relaxed dude. He's pretty cerebral. He's been speaking up in meetings more. He's been i would say, not leading the seven on seven meetings, but you know, right there with his offensive coordinator Brad I isick to tell people like, these are the plays I like, these are the plays I don't like.
This is what works for me.
This is what I'm seeing taking more ownership of the plays and the scheme.
And I think that for sure is important.
The offensive line is gonna be better, run game is gonna be better.
Those things are gonna help him.
But it's also some simple things Jamie like this year, when he gets up to the line in training camp, he knows what he's doing, and the rest of the offense does too. It's not like last year when they go to the line, they'd kind of set up and be like, all right, hold on, get back in.
The huddle, fix this. There's not as much of that.
You know, he's gonna get the ball out of his hands quick, he's gonna make smart reads, all the things we know. It's gonna be under center probably a little more. You are going to see a new and improved Bryce Young to kind of show people what he really should have been last year and what they think will be going forward.
And from the NFC South to the AFC South. I got to ask you, how about the Titans making a big move to bost of their secondary.
Talking to some of the personnel people, some of the coaches yesterday, seem like the defense is pretty set, maybe just kind of had one little hole.
They filled that last night after I landed. Thank you very much.
Quandre Diggs, one of the old dudes, one of the veterans who was still there, really one of the best overall players who was still a free agent, agreed to terms on a one year deal worth five million dollars max.
Basically, it is.
A four million dollar base deal three million base plus another million and easily reachable playtime incentives.
If you're wondering.
Why at this point in camp the Titans need another safety after signing Jamal Adams, the reason is with Dinard Wilson in a scheme, they're basically trying to replicate what Baltimore did last year. That's the scheme they are running, and they had three safeties who were on the field eight ton guys who play a lot, who make a lot of players are short of that nerve center of the defense. DeAndre Diggs is a really cerebral kind of elder statesman. Felt like he was one of the final pieces of what should be a really really feisty defense. Really do you find good talented people at this time in training camp?
But for sure, yesterday the Tennessee Titans.
Did well, especially considering the young quarterbacks that are developing rapidly in that division. The Titans should go out and bolster of their defense as much as possible. Rap Sheet, Thank you very much. We'll talk to you soon on the show. We appreciate always seeing you, Sherry Burris in studio, though with the news everything else that we have to cover.
What's happened to Jerry, Hey, Jamie Hope you guys had a great weekend, I can tell you for sure.
Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Kill did.
First, he was voted by his peers as the number one player in the NFL.
We saw that reaction. Now he's paid as one.
Of the top whiteouts in the game. He'll agreeing to a three year, ninety million dollars deal, and according to NFL network insider Ian Rappaport, the adjusted deal doesn't add any new years to his contract, but this gives him a one hundred and six point five million dollars in guaranteed money. Now heading to Washington, Commander's head coach Dan Quinn announced in rookie quarterback Jaden Daniels will play in Washington's preseason opener against the Jets this Saturday, but Quinn did not say whether Daniels will start.
The game and or how much he might play. Now, Forty nine Ers.
Quarterback Rock Purty says he doesn't know yet if he'll be playing in San Francisco's preseason opener against the Titans.
He has beginning a lot of work though.
In training camp, as opposed to last year, when you remember he was recovering from elbow surgery. But he spoke about finding ways to challenge himself in practice every day.
It's a lot more smooth for me, and I love that, but I still got to find that like that edge every day of all right, I have to find ways to be uncomfortable and still walk in the huddle, command it, break it, and not just think that the game's easy because it's not.
It's never going to.
Be easy, and I got to continue to push myself in that way. But in terms of hearing the play, getting in the huddle, speaking to the guys, saying little things outside of the play, like hey, reminder this that I feel a lot a lot better with that.
There's a lot better having football on TV, and it is back here on NFL Network. We have every NFL preseason game, including twenty one live. It is time for some football the NFL preseason starting August eighth here on NFL Network.
But I thought restrictions apply. Also.
You can find it streaming on NFL Plus. Subscription required for NFL plucks. Now, when we come back, we head back to Jets camp where Kyle and Peter, they are joined by linebacker Quincy Williams.
Do not go anywhere more.
Gmfb's headed your way next.
Good morning.
This is our guy.
Where at Jets camp we wanted to find a number thirty two on the NFL's Top one hundred on All Pro A legend.
Is about to be a girl. Daddy's got it all going on. Quincy Williams from the New York Chests, what's up?
It was good?
Do you want to start over?
Let's go nail this. Life hits hard, but Peter hits harder. Dude, Life is sitting hard right now, but life's coming up great for you. How is life right now? Life is amazing?
Man. The biggest thing gis, like I said, I got a doughter on the way, so it's taking my game onto a new level of far.
As life, studying and prepared for season now.
We were talking about us off the air, but we would be willing to share it. You said, you already have the name picked out for your daughter.
Yeah, Nova, So nickname is not like super Nova, sup.
But Williams, let's go come on. This is good. So is what Kyle alluded to the NFL.
Every year does this top one hundred less people debate it and they say, well, this guy shod hired. This guy the highest rated jet on the list. And number thirty two. When you got that news, what was your reaction?
Oh, I was amazed for just to be on the top one hundred period and then be a part of the top fifty. Man, it was amazing. It was like one of those things that you dream about and then you see it and then you actually get it and you'd be like, all right, it's another level to it.
It's amazing, but not as amazing as your story. Man.
I think people are starting to learn it now because you're getting these accolades and you're getting this.
You're not Quinnon's brother like you were back in the day.
You thirty two in the NFL, but you're also number one in the NFL in terms of swimming ability.
You guys got it a smile on this face. So this is crazy.
We got the Olympics going on right now. We're seeing Katie Lidecki went gold.
All right, there was a moment in time when you sat there and saying, should I pursue swimming and go to the Olympics or pursue the all tried to go to the NFL?
Can you take us back there? Actually it's the origin story. I mean, just just posted an origin store with me yesterday. So it's kind of like a small documentary, so it tells a lot about that that they did a great time like handling that. But basically when I got to high school, it was all you gotta pick a chance to go to college, like you can't do both. My grandma sent me down was like losing weight and gaining weight for football season, but then losing weight for swimming was kind of like.
All right, it's unheard of.
So I did it for a little while, and then I got to my freshman year and I was like, dangn bro, this jounk actually kind of hard, Like I'm.
Gonna have to pick.
So then it was like which one can I go to college for? Then come to find out I can go to college for both of them, so I was like all right, bet. So then I was like which one am I gonna have fun in? And then boom, I'm gonna have fun at both of them. So I was like, which one is my siblings in? So my brother's playing football, my younger brother's playing football. Givunie's playing football also, so I was like, I'm gonna pick football. So both my brothers are on the same team with me and high school, so we played football, so I stuck in football. Were like, you were nice women, Yeah, you're so breadstroke butterfly was my weekend freestyle. Freestyle, love freestyle, backstroke. I like that when to counter flags and having my stroke together.
Have you been watching the Olympics and yeah from France?
Yeah, I've been watching for real, I've been watching. I think he didn't have anyone in the in the picture when he was.
Just him in the home pool. Yeah, that was amazing watching, like, you know, the football's going really well. I still got it.
I feel like, Yeah, so I trained at Doctor Reef in Florida and we had a guy who was training just doing like some swimming, and I raced him. So I wanted doctor you still got that video there for real because we want to see you in.
The pool for Birmingham, Alabama. You're growing up, You're swimming, and you were dominant. You could have gone to the Olympics right for real, the whole thing, like.
Every day having to shave your orange so you can be da. He did that.
This is incredible.
I love it, and we love what this Jets defense is been coming as well. It's collection of stars but also personalities. What's the vibe in the locker room as we had into twenty twenty four, especially on the defensive.
Side of the ball, man, it's amazing.
It's the biggest thing this year is we're focusing on the standard. So last year number one defense coming out, So the biggest thing withholding that standard and building off from next year. So the biggest thing we can build off from next year is really focusing on ourself.
That's the main thing.
And being the best defense we can be every single week, So that's the main thing, and not hurting ourselves.
You know.
One of the things that you've become known for, Like if you type your name into Google, one of the little things that suggests is Quincy Williams's uppercut.
Can you tell us about the uppercut celebration? What's going on here?
So it's kind of like it's.
A street fight or uppercut, But in my head, it's a mortal comeback mindset. Gotting this type mindset so big, mostly all doing white big hits or like minus plays or like tackle for losses, and so you know, people have their head down like they'd be like dang or be like ah, so think about it. It's the uppercuts. So I'm picking.
When you were more on combat, like were you were you some zero? You scorp Johnny Cage, Like who was who was Jenny Cage? Just because he was like he had the hands. Really all the other ones got like weapons and stuff like that. Johnny Cage coming out there, straight hands and Johnny Cage will knock you out and then he'll just be like, yo.
That's always know. SAME's like person.
Speaking of what you got this amazing tat I want to ask you about. Can you put your forearms up? You're talking so if you can see us, says half human, half amazing, take us.
Through this Clinton.
So the half human have amazing actually came from my brother quinnn his favorite rappers Kevin Gates, So he always says half human, half amazing.
So when I actually thought about.
Like the stuff I've been through, everybody'll be like, oh, you're amazing, You're amazing all this kind of stuff, and like on the field, everybody's like the plays you make are amazing, but then off the field, I'm still human. So that's kind of like my mind said it. So it's like half human, half amazing. So it's like having another personality far as like getting off the field. Well, I'm like, there's some as a player till now I'm a girl dad, so that my half is my half human part. Wow, we love we love Quinn. How's Quinn taking being the second best football player.
In the family.
This guy is amazing.
I'm just taking that, man, He's still number one.
I'm be trying to tell people Quinn is a better football player than I am, Like he knows the game or like he teaches me a lot for real. So it's pretty cool though thirty joke. Still I still talk to him about it. Don This year, I got you. This year, I'm better than you.
My last question is about New York City and New York in this market. You guys have all this media spotlight, You've got all these expectations.
How do you like living up here?
As I got from Birmingham, who, of course spent the all season in Florida.
Man, it's totally different.
So when Birmingham, it was a lot of like trees and stuff like that, a lot of grass, and then you get to New York and it's a lot of seamen and a lot of buildings. So it's a different scenery. Number one, the traffic is crazier, you know, getting like a breath of fresh air in Alabama, and all of a sudden you got your windows rolled because you're in the tunnel with cars and stuff like that. So it really just getting used to that. But man, the atmosphere is amazing. It is always something to do in the city. That's the most important thing, whether I mean anything, bro whatever, whatever you want to do is in the city, like it's in some part of the city, like it's all there.
So it was like a one stop shot for real. So much though, right love that we saw.
We saw Patrick Willis go in the Hall of Fame. This weekend, we got Lawrence Taylor the Lake. Dick buckis your favorite player. None of them have anything on the one hundred meter breastroke someone right here and by the way, football's coming to do that type of heights. He is that good. He is in the right spot. I want to say thank you for the Jets for having us.
I hope it wasn't disrespectful.
Really, the legacy of Jamal Adams is you're traded away for a bunch of.
Number one pigs, right, So it worked out. Fine, we love that you're here, but I just saw the door and I just want to play with it.
We all know that, Jamie, And okboy, you'll learn this, Jamie. I'm watching and you see the wheels turning with Kyle, like he sees that door and he's going through like the collection of memes in his brain and.
He's like, I have to.
I have to.
I'm like, do you have to?
He's like, I have to.
We did it, and we did it at gold It's like a rolodex of memes. And Kyle's like, hey, let me just let me just take something real quick, and he walks over. I know exactly how this played out.
I want to cut Kyle.
I want you to actually like knock on the door, like, yo, let me in.
Well, if you must know, Agbar, there was a very professional gentleman who, let's just.
Say, I didn't think it was that funny.
On the other side of the door, and he has one job and is to keep the facility safe from idiots like me. And I don't know if he hasn't seen the gift or maybe he sees everyone try to do that. You're not the first person, so you're terribly thrilled with it.
Yeah you beat Nick.
Yeah, I will tell you guys, that is the worst feeling though, to get to the facility and say, oh, man, yeah, like your coach didn't work and you're like.
Oh, have I been cut?
And when you do get cut, to know that you don't have access to the place that you call work, that right there hurts a little bit instinct.
A little bit.
He probably would have let you in, Kyle and Peter, had they seen the fact that you were conducting all these great interviews of Sauce and Quincy. We're gonna recap all this on GMFB as our morning rolls on NFL Network. But before we let you go, it's time for like it never even happened. That's Kyle Brandt trying to get in the building. No, this is presented by SERF Pro and this is something we saw on.
Social last night.
Obviously, it's Olympics o'clock and Don Staley is over in Paris and she gets to meet what many in the football worldview as the goat. But this is fantastic. She goes, I cannot lie. You don't ever look directly into Tom Brady's eyes. This man is seriously beautiful. I shook his hand and the Super Bowl's hand, the hand is gorgeous. Okay, I'm done with that for real. But everyone was zooming in on the Don Staley face here.
Yeah, it was tremendous.
I mean, Don Staely three four time gold medalists, three as a player.
One as a coach. This is I mean, this is all I think. This made me laugh.
So yeah, that was pretty special. I mean, he is the greatest.
I mean he's handsome, right, I mean he's a handsome guy.
So professional opinion.
She got a lot, she had a lot going on.
She had a lot going on, she had a she had an honest response to meeting Tom Brady for the first time.
Frankly, Yeah, I gotta tell you, I'm watching down Staley out there. When did three on three basketball become an Olympic event?
What was that crap? This weekend?
I'm watching like like these we're the best basket players in the world.
We've got three.
People I don't know playing for USA. Don Staley could could could light them up right now, and one of us the gold medal. So as nice as that moment was, I would rather Don Stalely be playing and and and representing our country than us losing to like Liberia or whoever we lost.
Jet it out. Peter's whole ram right now.
Jimmer for debt is on the men's three on three team, but he's sure he can't play.
Why is Jimmer for dead on that team?
Shimmer for dead on the.
Team can bomb from fifty feet he did it at four steps.
But like, but, like Jamie, it's not even winners ball, like you scored and the other team like three on three basketball.
I love the Big Three.
Congrats to ice Cube.
Absolutely Ayala Clark can't make their regular Olympic team.
Put her on a three on three. I'm just saying, yeah, she's not on there.
Boelers, come on, this.
Is the kind of stuff.
I don't know what.
We're gonna check in on Steelers camp when we return