Hour Two of the Good Morning Football Podcast begins with hosts Jamie Erdahl, Kyle Brandt, and Akbar Gbajabiamila sharing what storyline they’re most excited about this weekend during the NFL preseason. Then Manti T’eo joins the show and talks about the 2013 National Championship game vs. Alabama, he shares when he knew Alvin Kamara would be great, and then he goes head to head with Kyle in Notre Dame trivia.
Good Morning Football is the production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio.
Good Morning Football.
Welcome to Good Morning Football.
Turn your chair around dock bar.
The second hour of the show, we are presented by Harper Fred.
Oh my goodness, we're knocking our caffeine over. We are live in Los Angeles. I'm Jamie at all.
This is akbar Busby and Milla Kyle Brandt holding it down to New York without Peachray Kyle, you're doing okay, that's.
Right, I'm doing great. I love Peter, but I've never felt better on a Friday. Fun stuff to talk about football last night, Football, tonight, football all weekend? And did John Madden movie being cast? Like, I'm just thrilled to be here talking football. Do you guys, you need a hug man?
You need a huggle.
He's good, he's good.
He likes the solo act sometimes. Yeah, I can give you a hug man great the screen.
I don't need it. I'll take a kiss. I never let me. I'll take what.
I'll give you a hug man.
You need a hug man. I'm gonna give you a hug over here. K there we go, be careful.
Thank you.
There we go.
There we go off part Save a hug for Manti Teo too. He's doing on the show for the rest of the hour. Kyle, are you prepared? Manti is coming back. He was with us tomorrow. He joined the team. If you will and you yourself as a Notre Dame fan, we'll get into this, but we're gonna do Notre Dame trivia later between Manti Teo and if I anybody else would be intimidated, but not Kyle Brand because he thinks he can go.
Toe to toe.
Oh yeah, yesterday we were really nice to Manta, and today we're gonna bring him in. I'm gonna kick his ass. Let's go. Come on.
Here, Kyle, he's fired up. Let's get through the lead block so we can get to that game.
We're gonna go to New England.
Kyle go, I don't mind if I do. What in the hell are we doing, Jacoby Brissett starting the season, Let's light this can on the rookie oil. Let's not that's the practical solution. Eagles win if you care, which you don't. But Drake May after the game assessed this performance and his celebration.
Jacobe just is saying and the mccaughdy twins that you got to get a better celebration when you go into the end zone touchdown. Yeah, he really plan on a Russian when I was probably should have thought of one. Usually I'm thinking collegit to the finger roll. But I was just happy to get in the end zone, happy to score points. I think, uh, yeah, it's funny get out there, and I'm glad the weather hold held off.
And uh and that thought.
The guy's a good job. I thought it before. They fought hard.
Just little things, you know, give me getting a snap. I think we had a false start, just kind of little things that were preaching over and over operationally that we had to clean up and hopefully costs us part of the game.
First things first, I kind of liked that he didn't have the celebration plan because then it's like he's focused on the first time that he gets in there. Right his pre season This is what we like to call preseason Slate. We have some games on NFL Network this weekend, and so the assignment was Kyle, the top of this hour is to pick the storyline, the game, the player, what have you that you are watching for this weekend. In the games that you're gonna see in NFL Network.
Well, first, Jamie, it is a great take on Drake May. Like we're criticizing the celebration in a preseason game. You think he's going to go in there and like do the safe for something like that. I mean, what are them Cordy's talking about. It's a preseason game. When he finally gets on the field for the Patriots, which probably should be Week one, then we can celebrate. Now preseason storyland to watch this weekend. There's a big one. There's a legitimate, major quarterback competition for a team that always matters. Saturday Night, Pittsburgh Steelers versus Buffalo Bills. Russell Wilson is starting. Mike Thomlins says, as long as there's not a setback, he's going to be out there. He's going to be with the starters. I was reading they said they might play four series, not just your perfunct three series and a half where he goes two for three passing with two checkdowns. He needs to be out there, he needs to play. This is the first time this is ever gonna happen. And you might remember Tomlin said that a few weeks back that Russell Wilson was in the quote pole position to be the starter for the Steelers. Well, then he's been in the pits for a long time. Then he hasn't been playing because he's had this calf issue. With Justin Fields is out there. I think this is actually a really really big night for Russell Wilson, not just you know, because it's the preseason game. He's trying to get this start, Like what if he doesn't go well or if he actually reinjures himself and misses the week one start that it's Justin Fields and I don't know where we're going for Russell Wilson. Then for the rest of his career. This is the last stop here. So this is a big night to come out. It's in front of the home fans, so like they're gonna be very sensitive about everything they see for him, and I think ready to be excited. It's also against the Bills. Now, the Bills have been playing their starters too. They just got this horrible news about Matt Malone, so he definitely will not be out there against Russell Wilson. But I don't know, guys, as far as like August sixteenth, it is right now, in the games tomorrow night. This is kind of as big as it gets where we have a potential future Hall of Fame quarter fighting for a job in the preseason on his third team, and I think he needs to have a big night. So I just someone to watch for man.
It's a good game. It's a good game to watch. You know, I'm gonna be watching. I'm pro Russell Wilson. I love Russ you know. I will say for me though, the game that I'm watching Sunday game is the Broncos versus the Packers. This one is an interesting and I know you're gonna like this one, Kyle, because I'm gonna be talking about a rookie and watching a rookie in bow Knicks. Bow Knicks very intriguing. I think, you know, there's a lot of conversation as to why you know the Broncos drafted him as high as they did, like ooh, bo Nicks. I'm like, yeah, I want to go see him play in Oregon. My son went to the same school, went to Oregon. So I've seen enough bow Knicks and I'm confident that bow Knicks is going to do pretty well as the starter. Yes, I'm saying the starter. I think he should be the starter. But this is the game we're gonna see. We saw what he did against the twos defense against the Colts. Now we get a chance to see what he's going to look like against potentially the Packers number one defense. That is going to say a lot about what this young kid has. We know on the other side, we know about Jordan Love and he's gotten all the hype and that's gonna be exciting and all that stuff. But bow Nix is the one I want to see. They have only drafted the Broncos. You look at what they've done in there in the since the modern era, they've only drafted five quarterbacks in the first round.
And so bow.
Knicks being the guy, I think he could be the biggest named quarterback that they you know, that they've drafted. So I'm interested to see this one and see how this breaks down.
I am not taking the low hanging fruits. I'm not going quarterback the situation. I don't I won't do it. We've fought enough this morning already, Kyle about quarterbacks.
So my husband likes to cook.
He's a really good cook, and I'm I'm a sooux chef.
And the kids.
I like him chop and I can it is and I stir and I get this assignment specifically when he makes this cheese sauce.
Sit here, you watch it. It's gonna simmer.
But if you don't watch it, it's gonna boil over. And it's gonna ruin the stove and the cheese sauce is gonna be bad.
It's just bad. So I sit and I said there.
Five minutes goes by, and it's fine.
The cheese houn's fine.
I don't have to watch this, So I walk away. Man, I come back. It's flames, it's bruined. It's the sauces everywhere.
And he's like, I told you, this is how I feel about the Raiders right now.
So Antonio Pierce gets asked the other day about you know, Davante Adams said that he doesn't really want to play in Freezer. I'm gonna listen to the sound, but I want you to hear his answer, and this is how I feel it.
I feel like there's a situation.
It's simmering and if we look away, it might boil over.
You said starters will play this week.
Davante last night said he choose not to.
If it was up to him, will there be a conversation or do you think that it's kind of his point in his career, would be up to him.
No, if you're healthy, you'll play.
His whole body language site he goes. He said, what, Well, here's how this is gonna go. If you're healthy, you'll play. We talked about this at nauseum yesterday, and I just find it so fascinating that DeVante Adams, He's got the Netflix money, he's got the Packers' money, he's got everything historically that would imply that you don't need to play in the preseason. And now you have a newly hired head coach who is making a name for himself in this capacity for the first time ever within this organization. Clearly Antonio Pierce is running the team a certain way, and then he is asked if DeVante Adams is going.
To play it.
If you're healthy, you'll play. I can't not look at this. It's Saturday night on NFL Network, and it's like.
My cheese sauce.
I'm watching, I'm watching, and I'm I will not take my eyes off of this because I want to see how this boils over.
You think Davante's don't play.
I do. I do only because I'm stressed for.
Antonio, Jamie. I kind of have to jump in defensively here. Could it be just a theory that maybe the reason you forgot to stir that cheese sauce is because you just gave birth and you have three young daughters running around. I'm sorry, I can't stir the cheese sauce properly. Come on, you gotta do the cheese sauce too. Events.
This is a holiday assignment, and it's usually because I've been standing near and I got my glass of red wine and I'm talking to people and I'm watching my cheese sauce that i just kind of trail away. Okay, so it's not it's not a recent thing. I did just get birth. I do have three kids under the age of five. So does he, though, so we all have responsibility.
Why throw him under the bus, man, I'm trying to thill it for I thought this happened like last night, Jamie, or like you know, and you're like with the baby in your hands, stirring the sauce and the kids are holding on your lam makeing may maybe you stir the sauce. He does have three kids, he didn't birth all three of them.
He's doing all the other things for the dinner, Kyle.
That's the point of being the sousha because I have one job.
And then it's to eat the food, obviously.
But the cheese sauce was burned. We're back. We're back with Nantiteya. He's back on Good Morning Football.
Good Morning man, Tai morning guys, Good morning man, Yo.
What up about?
What's up?
The whole Friday, everybody, I told you, yes, I'm going to come in with my ware.
Yeah, yellowhole Friday to my Good Morning Football you.
It looks good too, man. The green color looks good on you. You know. Okay.
My wife she was I had a tan one. She said it blends too much with your skin.
She's like dark. Was like, I'm with it.
What's her name? Job, job, taste and bring your stuff out. She says, no, I can do you one better.
She tends you back in and then she gets you right.
Yes, you know, they say, happy wife, happy life. I was like, yes, ma'am, I went changed, came back out.
She's like better, all right, we're.
Gonna you don't have to tell us when you pick your own.
Outfit you when he graduates.
Yeah, well when you see just the playing black tea on with some shorts, that's okay.
That's that's easy.
So, Manti, we were on yesterday for just a baby segment, a baby part of Team Man Now your for three hours. So, Manta, you played eight seasons in the NFL.
But here's the thing.
What I remember you as is you know her name time? What a lot of you remember you as? You played in a national championship against Alabama?
Yeah, what happened that day?
Oh, thank you Jamie.
For thank you that experience.
Thank you for bringing up a very dark moment in Oh in my history, I do remember this. We're playing at the hard Rock Cafe Stadium, Miami Dolphins Stateium. For people that don't know anything about that stadium, there's only one tunnel, so both teams come out of the tunnel. We were the number one ranked team in the country that year, so we're the home team. We came out of our locker room first. Alabama hadn't come out of their locker room yet, so everybody stopped us at the tunnel and said, hey.
You have to wait. You have to wait until Alma Alabama comes out.
So I'm one of the captains. I'm in front of all my guys. Alabama hasn't come out yet. My guys are hype, they're getting there, loud, they're doing their thing right. And I have a when I'm in game day mode, I see things, but I don't.
I'm kind of just in my own little zone.
Alabama's locker room door opens and they start running out right, and they're going out. And I do remember this very vividly. My soon to be teammate DJ Flucker and Chance Warmack come running out of the the locker room with their jerseys tucked underneath.
No, it's up.
The big bellies are out and they have their fours up. And I remember DJ going by and saying whoa. And I remember vividly remembering the silence behind me, and I kind of glanced back at my teammates and the eyes on them were so large. I knew at that time, I was like, all right, this is going to be a long day. Oh No, to my guys credit, they never flinched. But let me tell you, guys, when when we played the Alabama team in twenty thirteen, there was a difference. There was a difference with those Bama boys, I will say that. And obviously the game didn't end the way we wanted it to.
We got we got hammered, we got hammeredred.
And I try to erase it from my mind, but thanks Jamie.
No Ice A replays, I wanted to rip the band aid off.
I guess I don't know.
I feel terribly because it's because we all have what we We're so lucky that we get people like this at the table and it's like football vomit on them, like tell me about this please, because I'm so.
Curious about it.
And but for you to take it all the way back to before the game even started is remarkable.
For you to have that sense.
That's the beauty about football.
Though, I strongly believe that on the defensive side of the football there is a fear factor and that's where some of these rules that were kind of implementing now it kind of takes that away from the defensive player. For somebody like me, who I'm not not that fast, but the only way that I can make a four to three player run slower is if on his mind when he's running that drag route He's like, I better watch out for that Mike liinbacker that's waiting for me. You know, you talk about Tom Brady. Tom Brady has said this many times when he's played Ray Lewis and the Ravens, he had to account for fifty two in the middle. He knew that a lot of their plays across the middle were out of the playbook. And so those type of feelings, those type of interactions, that's what I miss about the game of football. And when we ran out there in twenty thirteen, there was deathly a pregame intimidation factor that was I wasn't used to being on that end of that factor. I was used to being the one when our team came out, we was the intimidators.
But that day it was like, okay, this is a little different.
Yeah, well, if anyone doesn't remember the game really well, it's very possibly to turn it off in the second half. Sorry, man, Ti, this is this is one of these Nick saban Aj mccerrn teams. But they got Amari Cooper's on this team. CJ. Mosley is on this team, and they got the guys that you know. But here's what I think is interesting, Man size We just showed this amazing video of you walking out. You guys were no baby in the woods like you had been in a bunch of big game. It's a very high profile Notre Dame teams on national television every single week. They have a Heisman finalist at linebacker. What was the difference, because you've been against big teams, big opponents, big stadiums, Why was the Alabama so different from anybody else that you'd played and beaten that year?
Well, I think it's there.
There's a difference between Nick Saban team during the season and a Nick Saban team.
That has three weeks to prepare for you.
I remember going into that game and hearing mccaren check. It was almost like when I played Peyton Manning. He was checking every single play based.
On our front.
I kind of figured it out by the end of the third quarter, but by then the game was already over.
What they were.
Doing based on our front. It was either going to be an outside zone or an inside zone. It was that simple. We ran a three four defense. We had the zero technique where the nose guard was right in front of the center, and we had two four techniques where I had Sefon Tua and Kaprin Lewis Moore that were head up on the tackles.
This is where it's different.
Alabama had a first round pick named Chance warn Mack who went to Tennessee. Who was their guard behind him was Eddie Lacy went to the Green Bay Packers.
Yalden was the one who would come in and spare him. So it was literally awkward. You would appreciate this on Oklahoma drill for sixty minutes.
For me and Carla, it was not fun with that.
So it was one of those things for me that game that was definitely a difference. Again for my guys, I'm proud of them because they didn't flinch. We went out there and we played our We played our best, but we definitely knew that there was a difference.
I'm going to come in and save you.
That's what my last name actually means, big man, come save me. So I'm going to come in and save you because I mean they come in in hard. About your college, I want to flip it to the NFL.
I mean you had to.
I mean you went up against guys like Alvin Kamara in practice.
You got to have some good NFL stories. I mean talk about that.
Let me just say I knew Alvin Kamorrow was going to be special from the first day of mini camp, and I might have to get up and demonstrate this because it's got to be one.
Let's do it.
Let's do it. What you got.
It's my first let me preface be out. It was my first day. It was my first year with the Saints. It was my first year. We just happened to draft this running back out of the University of Tennessee named Alvin Kamara. Okay, it's my first year. So I'm trying to make a good impression. We go out, we have our one on one pass coverage drill. Where's the linebackers versus running backs. A. J. Klein goes first against mark Ingram. I'm trying to make an impression, so I jump up. Next, I jump up and the coaches bring out Alvin Kamara and I'm like, I try to be confident, right, I'm like, you're gonna.
Give me a rookie, Yeah, the little dude. And when I said that, the offensive coaches looked.
At me and they gave me this little this little grin. I was like, yeah, let's go.
The number one thing. You want to do.
At least what.
We're taught is to close distance. Distance isn't your friend. For Mike linebacker on a running back. You got to close that distance as fast as you can. So come on, okay, we need a ball. You don't need a ball. It didn't happen with the ball on your hand.
Okay, Okay.
So he ran for an angle route. Okay. So when I was.
Approaching the line of scrimmage this way, I'll then crossed my space so smooth and so fast he hit me.
He just went this way.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, football is a I aim a split second decision. Okay, at this moment, I'm facing this way. What I should have done was rotate towards Alvin this way. What I did instead was I rotated this way. Unbeknownst to me for obvious reasons. Alvin actually cut back out, and by the time I was facing the quarterback, Alvin was catching the ball in the flat. I played it off like a gdo. I went over to Alvin. I was like, hey, rook, that was a good route. Bro, bro, I'm gonna keep working with you. That was that was when I knew that before there was ever all of those Ak highlights his rookie year and throw out his career. I knew that this kid was going to be somebody special, and he continues to be that, and he's somebody that I hope. I hope that the New Orleans Saints don't use him to block like how they were using him last year. That's the worst thing you do with him. That's not what he's gonna make the Hall of Fame for. He's gonna make the Hall of fame.
He's very quiet. Let me tell you when.
Ak's way of trash talking is when he has that grill in his mouth and he just smiles at you. Yeah, while he's scoring a touchdown. That's that's Ak one of the most prolific, one of the most dynamic running backs in the NFL. I compare him and Christian McCaffrey. I played against both of them. Them in the backfield, it is impossible to guard the Wow wow you.
What about a psychological warfare though, Mantel, You gave us a little taste of you playing Mike linebacker and looking at Peyton Manning under center. What's that experience like takings?
So we had a segment on here a few days ago. We did obleep right, you watch.
You study man, you.
Watch Let me tell you, Jamie, this was my old bleep moment in the NFL.
It was twenty twenty fifteen.
The Denver Broncos were already the AFC West champs and it was the last game.
Of that season.
Were already eliminated from the playoffs. But Peyton Manning got hurt that year. Brock Offswader took over, and he was doing a really good.
Job that year.
But there were they're rumors because I think they're still trying to get home field advantage in the playoff. There rumors that Peyton might play. We come into the game, brock Offswaller starting. We had figured this guy out. We knew all of his checks. Melvin Ingram had studied the right tackle. He knew by his foot placement what the play was going to be, where there's going to be a pass, where the runs were. We had these guys figure it out. We go into halftime at that game at six to seven, they're up by one. We shouldn't even have been in that situation. We come out for the third the third quarter, I get a strip of fumble. We recover it on their side of the field.
Now we're up.
It's thirteen to seven.
During that TV timeout, we're waiting for a kickoff, we see number eighteen Omber there, he's just warming up. Oh no, the crowd starts getting hype. We start getting hypeer with like, okay, now it's going to be a game. Let's go, like the man is coming, let's go. We get ladies and gentlemen. It took six plays for.
Them to score a touchdown.
Now on this play, Peyton, as you can see, he's checking plays.
I check.
Peyton checks, and the rule on defense is you can only check once. Okay, you can't check again. There's too many moving parts. So Peyton checks. I checked.
He looked at me.
He said can can, and in football terms, that means screw the play.
We're gonna check again. And he said sally, which we knew.
Matt stretched to the left, and I remember, if you watch Denzel Perriman, he'll point to his right, because we knew that's.
What it was.
But I had already checked you ready, Kyle.
So I had an acronym call.
JBD, which stood for just ball doll R. I checked Denzel Pairman and Jalila die yesterday. I said, do you remember anything about this play? And they both said, I remember it was dead quiet. I remember he checked, you checked, he checked again, and all I heard.
Was JBD and I knew we were screwed. So that was my old bleak moment.
I ran to the sideline and it was like that clip from You Got Served where the other team starts mimicking their moves. They're like, how do you know my moves? Johnnod was like, what did you do? And I told him because I brought that's a Hall of Famer.
Oh god, man, that's a hard one.
That's a hard one.
Well, we have a phw pure hard work that has been brought into this.
I like just I like just balldog better.
I like that we relate to this man has a program a lot of times like we just say screw it and like we're just just JBD, just talk about anything. We're doing it right now. Actually, but I think Peyton created a lot of jbd's from a lot of dudes. That was awesome.
That was so good.
Oh my god, antitayo. You don't get to leave. You're saying, now you've you've you've earned your way into.
The circles dog.
DMFB still to come.
Anti is going to go toe to toe in Notre Dame knowledge with Kyle Brandt. Now, Kyle didn't go to Notre Dame. But there is a reason why. He'll tell you. He thinks that he can just bulldog with Antiiteo when it comes to Notre Dame trivia.
Oh sadly night that.
There has never been a more intense preparation for a segment on Good Morning Football. I gotta tell you, Mantieo was intimidating me and I don't even have to play him in trivia right now, Kyle Brandt, tell us why Manti looks so fired.
Up right now?
I'm not intimidated at all. I like that Manti is wearing the green though, and Notre Dame has a big game, they'll go to the green jerseys or the green numbers like Manti. That is absolutely perfect.
We do. I know it doesn't resually work out.
I wasn't gonna mention that, but Manti, you know, is mister Notre Dame. I grew up in Chicago, very close to Notre Dame. My dad went to Notre Dame. He was in the Irish Guard My heroes as a kid were Rocking His Mail and Chris Soris and Tony Rice. My dream was to play football at Notre Dame. I took one unofficial visit went to one bank and be like, that's not happening. Let's try the Ivy League. But I love Notre Dame football. I'm kind of a super fan, so I want to take on mantimelimidating. Hey, okay's intimidating me.
I would like to.
Ask Manti his trivia questions off bar, you've got Kyle. We have a tie breaker in the hopper in case we need a gentleman. Are you ready as Yeah, I'm ready, on Jamie Manti.
This is so intense.
Which team does Notre Dame have the most wins against.
In its history? The question is in the screen behind you.
If you need to reference it, your options are a USC, B, Navy C BB or d Pitt B final answer.
They said on SAT if you don't know B, that's B.
Well the SAT served you right there, because it is B. Navy had eighty two wins over the Naval Academy, eighty two wins all time.
That is the it's history.
Okay, cal are you ready for this? All right, deep preps. Here we go.
I'm ready, let's go.
Come on, all right.
There are three Notre Dame players that have made a school high nine Pro Bowls each.
Which one of these names is not on the list.
Is it A Zach Martin, B Tim Brown, c Alan Page or d Joe Montana.
I like to think like a producer. It's shocking if the answer is D. So I'm going to say it's d Joe Montana didn't make nine.
Kyle, you are correct? One psychology one.
Okay, there we go.
Good job.
Antick, which Notre Dame alum is the only player to score thirty plus points in multiple NFL games.
This includes the playoffs.
This includes player Is it Jerome Bettis is it Ricky Waters?
Paul Horn or John Carney.
In the playoffs? I'm gonna go a arc, I'm gonna go.
See you're gonna go, Paul Warning, look at me, Look at me, Jammie see seek.
You're right all right, Kyle, you had it.
Oh my gosh.
I gotta keep paying one player to score thirty plus two to one, two to one.
All right, Kyle, here we go. All right.
Three and eighteen players have been drafted out of Notre Dame in the common draft era that's nineteen sixty seven. Which team has drafted the most golden domers? Is it A the forty nine Ers, B the Bears, C, the.
Charges or D the Rams.
I feel pressure here because I think Mantai is gonna have a perfect game and I miss one. I think I'm gonna lose. But I already mentioned at least one of them, one of my childhood heroes, Chris Zorich. I think it's the nearby Chicago Bears B five. Final answer, Wow, you are so close. You're so close, and you're so good because it.
Would have got you targes.
You know how many Charger guys we've Notre Dame guys let Charges have drafted in the past.
Well, unfortunately that's not your next So.
Now this, knowing Kyle as well as I do, this would have been a perfect Kyle Brandt question.
So I'm I'm scared for you here at Bantai.
Which of these is the name of the first ever first round pick in Notre Dame history? Is it A George Shakespeare, Roger Roger Rabbit see Walt Whitman, or D. James Bond see Anti. You told that story about turning your back on Alvin Kamara. You're doing it to the camera like so much.
Man, I like it.
Massive back the shaved, focus on the.
Game, okay, and like by process of elimination.
You know what I'm saying.
I think, Yeah, you're gonna go see see.
Come I take me. Jamie, you are wrong. Okay, what is it, Jamie steal?
Let me steal, Let me steal? Do I steal? Oh? It's Bill Shakespeare's Okay, damn Bill Shakespeare. That's the true.
Bill Shakespeare's an All American.
Running back in nineteen thirty six, and he was drafted third overall guys.
Okay, yeah, he's a distant relative of Romeo Dobbs.
All right, here we go.
What's the score right now?
Sure it's it's tied right now.
Okay, it's tired. We have a tie breaker then, yeah, but I can take the lead.
Let's take the lead.
If okay, all right, here we go.
Okay, wait, but okay, production, production, production. If if Kyle gets it incorrect, don't put the answer up. Let Manti steal it for the win.
Okay, all right, okay, all right, okay, I gotta go for the win here.
All right, here we go. This is for This is for the both of you, guys.
Manti Tayo, you had the third most career tackles in Notre Dame history and the most by any player in the last forty years. Exactly how many roles were you credited with in your college career?
Kyle, You're gonna answer first, and let's go closest.
To the pin?
All right?
Man, Ti, you might know this number. I don't. I just know it's a lot, and I'm gonna say three hundred and twenty three.
I don't know, Okay.
I have not googled myself since twentieth or three for obvious reason.
This is a shot in the dark.
Guy, that's great.
Four h seven.
Are we doing? Closer to the pin closes?
Okay, closer to the pin. Manti. That's a heck of a number. Kyle, we're taking a shot like that. That was outstanding. Manti Tale you are the wearer.
Seven tackles.
Wake up. The end goes her name send jo. I love it.
I don't know that you kick down the thunder from this guy. That's a great job, Mantime.
Oh my job you yeah there, it is incredible.
Competition, Manti.
Your feelings on Kyle really really.
Took it out of the end.
You know, it's.
It's so nice to go against Kyle.
I've watched Kyle for many years, and you know, knowing his his the the amount of knowledge that he has. I just found out this morning that he was a Notre Dame fan, which immediately intimidated me. I said, oh, where is my white fig at let's get that ready. But what a great competition with a great game. Congratulations Kyle on a great game. I know I want, but I think.
It was it was.
It was a little bit in my favor, bro, it was a little bit in my favor.
But I love you.
I spent a lot of saturdays watching you in South Bend, Indiana. You are a true legend. And I got to tell you. I just googled you and the first thing that comes up is former linebacker Mantitaio wakes up with GMFB.
So here we go ride right, Hell yeah, we.
Are resetting the search history on.
We're just gonna keep going.
I'm still not touching up, so yeah, hold on.
I wanted to give you an opportunity to call to get back in here. I'm gonna say, I'm making this up. You're gonna tie this. Can you sing the fight song? And you're gonna make sure that he gets the words. All right, go here we go and go.
Cheer chier four Notre Dame.
Wake up the echoes, call in her name, Send up all each year on high, shake down the thunder from the sky. With the odds bey great are small, although they day we'll win overall as her loyal sons are marching. I'm weren't too big, don't read. Yeah, let's go Irish at the time, were really here?
That was great? That was great.
That was great.
We need to go to a game to get a call. I know, I wish I could have been you, Manti. I wanted to be you when I was a kid. I really did