FIRST WITH YESTERDAY'S NEWS (highlights from Monday on Newstalk ZB) Everything's Changed/Who Lied the Least?/A Country Divided
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Hello, my beautiful beanies, and welcome to the bean for Tuesday. First of yesterday's news, I am Glen Hart. We are looking back at Monday, and yeah, we're still trying to come to terms with the ebsolute car crash that was the US presidential debate over the weekend. Marcus is trying to come to terms with the fact that we can't get a boat to go across Crooks straight. There's a problem in your country's cut in half. There's no way get from one bit to the other. But first up July one, yesterday first is July, So a whole lot of changes coming in group bad. Otherwise, let's find.
Out so plenty to talk about it. If you are a new parent taking parental leave, I really do think this is a good investment in families having the parental leave. They get precious little. You know, by the time you've paid off student loans and you're trained to save for your deposit on your house and what have you. We need new babies otherwise we have to import them from overseas, so we either grow our own or import them. And we need more because the numbers of older people are growing and growing and growing, and there aren't going to be the young workers the tax base to support all of these people who are now out of work and who will need care and who will need health care. So I'm all for the parental payments, right line test. Does that seem reasonable? Let get you back into the market. The prescription chargers, I mean, that was such such a nonsense, the who are over that? Really? And truly you would have to you would really have to work quite hard to find a chemist where you had to pay.
All the chimists I went to apart from Chimis Warehouse made me pay so maybe curious surrounded by Chimis warehouses. So I don't know. I haven't had to go and get a prescriptions this sweet yet, So it'll be interesting to see if my pharmacy has gone back to the fire backs. I hope not, because I prefer them to the chemist warehouse. Nothing against Chimis Warehouse, I just find Yeah, I get a little bit more friendly personal service.
To my local news talk has it been anyway? The picture that was the big one wasn't it.
But here's the thing. We've made bad decisions for a long period of time and we've created cities where you don't have any choices. We don't have any options, and we created a city that depends on the car. And then the cities have all grown and you say, get people out of Auckland. Well, yeah, you do that, and then you end up with the same problems in Taiwanga, you end up with the same problems in Queenstown. You end out the same problems everywhere. So we're in this awkward bit where we have to go from from one way of doing things to another. And I guess every other city in the world has done that, but for some reason we don't like to. Don't you agree or don't you think?
Yeah, but we don't have the populations or people do what they do in London transport or whether it's an apsidym or we went out of the country in the world, we don't have the population. See, our government's going to get out of that way of thinking until we get our transport up on Auckland, up to a system where it's reliable that it is going to show up today when I go out to the or whatever. So we just saying, yes, don't have them structure, you can't compear us to those cities and those other countries. We just can't.
Well why not? Why why not?
And I've said this a number of times on talkback. When Sydney had a population of one million people and they were all spread out all over the place and that everyone was driving cars, and this was in nineteen thirty and it was during the depression. That's when they built a ten lane Harbor Bridge and they started building an underground railway. And I'm pretty sure at the time everyone said, we don't have the population to support this, embarkers, we're not London. But they did it and now look they're paying, they're getting the benefit from it. So if we always say we're not big enough to do that, we'll never be big enough to have.
Any Yeah, we aren't big enough to do some things that we think we are they're enough to do.
I think that is true.
But I also think that because we think we are, sometimes we end up doing some of these things even though we probably shouldn't. Is that good or bad? I've took myself to a cold a.
Sec quos talks, right, So.
Everybody's been talking about the US pegued enter debate.
I think we've all generally agree we loved it, haven't we.
I can also mount an argument that no one in their right mind can vote for Trump either. He lied his way through most of the debate. Everything was perfect until he left, and now it's the worst it's ever been. Water, the air war, the border, the economy. It was perfect like no one had ever seen it, and now it's the worst we've ever had in the history of the world. That's all he said. Pecatopic, same answer. They were both shocking. It's an indictment on the American political system that those two are what you get to choose from. The debate was also the loser. If you watched it, Questions weren't answered, It was lockdown to a stop watch. Questions were ignored, Matters weren't followed up. Nothing flowed, It lacked energy. I mean, yes, if they'd let it free wheel, it wouldn't have been Maybe it would have been floaded, maybe it wouldn't have known. So I don't know what they're supposed to do about the next one. But what you were left with is an empty feeling that the most powerful nation on Earth is run by or about to be run by some exceedingly limited people. Are the low point? Surely the exchange of a golf handicaps. Biden was a sixth until he decided he was an eight and Trump and Trump wins tournaments and not even seen you once. I mean, are you serious? Trump is dangerous because he's mad. Biden is dangerous because he's in the most obvious cognitive decline. A crook versus a geriatric. What a choice? And that choice, for ninety minutes was on display in the most depressing show of credentials I think I have ever seen.
Yeah, so.
That's a man. It's only four years when they had at through one. Trump's president. We'll probably get for a second one. I guess. Oh, isn't it a great attitude to have about it all? I mean here they watched it as well. I've surely loved it. That's as much as by Hosking.
And there is still no wind within the top ranks of his party that they're going to make him stand down. And if you read what's going on behind the scenes, like about the Saturday phone call between the top members of the Democratic Party and the committee members across the States, it sounds like they don't even realize how bad it is. I mean, the message out of that call from the people who were on it and were shocked was that the top guys are not taking seriously what happened. They do not realize that the world thinks that the guy that they're running for president is going senile. They didn't think that that's what we could all see. And it's not that we met it. I mean, we don't get to vote. They don't think that's what the American voter saw. So while my gut says politically he's got to go, everything I'm reading out of the States, from the top commentators right through to the credible publications say, chances are he staying in the race? How nuts is that? And I tell you what, I am happy to make one prediction, which is that if he does run, and the chances are that he does run, he loses to Trump because it's really hard to see America electing a guy who's only going to become more and more senile over the next four years. If they do manage to get rid of him and repat him, it's still not a great situation for the Democrats because Trump will make a feast of the fact that he's running against their second choice now, but surely I would think that that's better for their party because at least the Democrats themselves can retain some credibility. I mean, if they run a guy who's going gaga while pretending he's not going gaga, when everybody can see that he's going gaga, they are going to look ridiculous.
I do because I'm I'm in the fifties now and I often feel like I'm not as sharp as way he used to be.
I mean, I don't think I'm Joe Biden level, but.
I think it can be quite stressful trying to convince everybody that you've still got it.
And if you just didn't.
Worry about it quite so much, you have a bit more freedom. Anyway, there's my campaign advice. Goo, do that what you will.
News talk ze been finally, Ah, the theory has been canceled again.
Families are getting ready to go on a holiday in their car on drives and what's happening. The inter islander has tapped out because of bad weather because the boats aren't big enough the ships. So yeah, once again, the country's infrastructure is not as reliable as people require what everyone's jetting off to them Coke Desiour. Some people just want to drive across islands to see family, but very hard when you're not You're gonna be stuck with kids for three days waiting for the fairies to resume shipping. It's not good enough, and the waves don't seem that bad and cook straight.
Four to five swells.
And I don't know why they're doing it, but I would have mad if the ships were bigger, they would be better with stormy conditions, which we seem to get very often. So yeah, I feel for you people wanting to plan to head off over heading off between the islands, not God, it's what they are saying that, so once again you know they also it's all very well to have a solution to fairies in some time, but in a situation where people going through their school holidays can't get where they want.
To go.
And are anxious because the fairies have canceled.
I caught a fairy the other day and Bali went from snour to Linbongen.
It seemed to work.
And is this one of those situations where we're not big enough to have everything? Just feel like a BALLEI can make that. I mean, it wasn't I had a choice for boats. I could have on lots of different ones. Anyway, I'm Glen hat that has been used.
To zip bean.
And it'll get to you even in the South Islands. This this, this episode and tomorrows.
I'll see you then, News.
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