FIRST WITH YESTERDAY'S NEWS (highlights from Thursday on Newstalk ZB) Saw it Coming/Who'd Be a Bus Driver?/The Problem with Fortnite
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Hello, my beautiful beanies, and welcome to the bean for Friday. First of yesterday's news, I am Glen Hart, and we are looking back at Thursday and bus safety is now.
Back in the headlines.
After the death of a bus driver, So we're going to get really get into that. Marcus updates us on what video games his kids are playing at the moment. But before any of that, the US election is only a week in a bit of way. What is Heather think about Kamala Harris Harris hue Choling.
I said this to you last week. He is too close behind her in the swing states. He will overperform like he usually does in those states on the night and then he's going to take them and that gives them the numbers he needs to win. But you don't have to take my word for it, because what do I know. What about Nate Silva, a US selection wizard today saying his gut says Trump wins. What about the economist saying Trump wins with a fifty four percent likelihood compared to Karmala's likelihood at forty five percent. What about Wall Street Journal poll out today giving Trump a narrow lead with voters here they have a more positive view of him and a more negative view of Karmela. And then you've got reports that the Democrats are panicking over the fact that they think he's going to win. Now, this was actually, if you cast your mind back, predictable, because when there was all that talk of Biden's stepping down, loads of people said, whatever you do, Democrats, don't p Krmela. She won't win. She hasn't got what it takes, public don't like her, doesn't know how to campaign. And there was that flurry she got picked anyway, and then there was that flurry of excitement and she got all this momentum. But if you took a step back at the time, which we did, which we did do at the time, and we did say that excitement was about the thought of her, the thought that she was going to be the first black woman to become the president, and that was really exciting, But the actual her remained the same boring, uncharismatic, annoying voice word Salad's couldn't campaign, and that excitement was always going to fade when people actually got to know her, and people have got to know her, and the excitement has predictably faded. As I say, totally predictable. If he wins in a couple of weeks, which it looks like he's going to, then we can say Carmela was a mistake.
I'm not sure who else they had. I've been hearing.
In some of my radical left wing podcasts that I'd like to listen to them talking about how she's not a big fan of like preparing.
In advance for events.
And I think that sort of showed with this town hall yesterday, you know, friendly audience, friendly moderator, and Anderson Cooper. And yet when he asked her if she thought that Trump was a dictator, which was obviously the question of the day, it was like she hadn't even occurred to her that she was going to get as that questions.
It was so strange.
Anyway, news talk has it been, all right, let's get into the bust safety thing. Is it time to push the Pennant butt in here or with the random one off event.
But when it comes to safety, that whole busting of the gangs, the common Charies and the Mummies excellent. That made me feel good, That made me feel positive, That made me feel like things were happening. We were starting to see a change. This yesterday afternoon unsettling. We need to hear more details, of course, but how are you feeling? Are you seeing more police around? I'm seeing fewer gang patures where I'm living, and there used to be quite a lot in my hood. Fewer gang patures. That makes me feel better because I don't like the posture and I don't like the swagger. I'm seeing more police. I'm hearing from you less about crime. Does that mean it's not occurring?
So this there's been a lot of boy racer action in my neighborhood.
It could just be the.
Way the sound carries I said, I live on the side of a bit of a dip, and you seem to be able to hear stupid noisy cars from a long way away. But given that it is Mark Mitchell's electric in which I live, I would have really knocked out on the head.
Qus talk.
Ryan Bridge wouldn't want to be a bus driver for love nor money.
By the sounds of thing.
The problem of driver's safety seems to only be getting worse. I was walking past the bus just a few weeks back. There was a guy. He looked wild in the eyes. You know the ones that just look crazy, You know the ones that I'm talking about, swearing and yelling and walking up to buses and kicking their doors. So every time a bus would come along, the guy would just kick their door, and he did it to several of them. I didn't say anything. I was with other people. They didn't say anything because you're just worried he's going to go nuts at you. But we could carry on walking down the road. When you work on public transport, you cannot escape the public, and when the public is increasingly hostile, there are more and more bad eggs on the bus.
Where do you go to?
Nowhere? You can't go anywhere. And the long promised safety screens are finally being installed, but as we heard on the show a couple of months back, it'll take another two years to even get to eighty percent coverage. There are plenty of safe bus journeys out there, plenty of drivers who love what they do, no doubt about that. But the more you hear about these awful acts of violence on or around our drivers you've got to ask yourself is it worth the risk?
Why isn't Elon mask working a little bit harder on driverless buses instead of you know, drivers car driverless taxis and hyperloops and space ships.
Obviously driverless buses are what we need, right.
Actually, speaking of technology, is more CCTV? Is that the answer?
He said, the cop see or we can't charge you. I think haven't had anyone.
Let's go mate.
The intention was, but you missed by so far that that the haymakers were so bad that you couldn't be charged for its.
So of the story is if you ever get into a scrap, just don't lean a bunch.
But but on the same token, they can see everything.
And I mean is that a good thing. I mean, we're talking about the difference between private and public CCTV footage, So people filming on their own properties or from their properties out onto the street is one thing. But I think we all, I mean most of us think it's okay that the police will will have access to what's happening out on public public property.
Yeah, well on dairy farming and yeah it's been hit outline. You know, we can't have it in the animals when they get shot and taken away. But on the same taken game to the cow shed, pinching motorbikes. Everyone's got cct down there. And then you even go to the stage where a teall truck guy doing deliveries to him as he said, yeah, he's just the cameras in the truck. Everything I do, you scratch your ear, you do anything, you stop and they ring and even your own crowd ring you up saying I say you mate, because if he's running late and he bullshits, they know where he is.
Yeah, I've got a lot of I've got quite a few cameras in my house. It doesn't annoy anything about them.
Is that doesn't necessarily stop people.
Doing things like I've had people caught on camera nicking stuff off my front porch. That's happened to me a couple of times. One time he caught the guy. One time the police never got back to me. It was a great helpful even though I had very clear footage of the guy and then managed to identify me through social media. But yeah, it doesn't actually stop them doing it in the first place. We have CCTV that it shoots lasers.
At offenders when they're actually doing it. I'll get a bit of a dangerous area to get into, wouldn't it?
News talk?
Has it been okay?
And now we're gonna keep shooting things at people?
Here? Are they people in Fortnite? Is it where they are? Anyway? This is Marcus looking. He's been watching his kids play video games.
They do seem to enjoy playing Fortnite, and it's a fairly recent thing for them.
I've watched that.
Yeah, And I guess the question I'm asking you about that is I've watched.
I thought, well, I'm not necessarily sure that I could play it.
It looks a bit complicated for me, with the hand eye movement and the rapidity of it. Do we of you out there, Do we ney of you out there that are adults play those games? I'm not saying I want to play them with the kids, but I just looked at that. I thought, I mean, the kids seem pretty compelled by them. How interesting how they're to play as adults. I'm not entirely sure how Fortnite works. You're all on a bus, it's in the sky, then you'll jump out and conquer an island. Doesn't seem to get boring. It looks to be a lot more exciting than Minecraft, which always strikes me and looks a bit blocky. Don't like the aesthetics of Minecraft. But he's watching Fortnite. I'm thinking, well, actually I was tempted. So if anyone out there plays adult video or anyone out there is now plays video games, not those ones that are endless. I know, lot you're obsessed with those shooting every well that one's probably a shooting one as well. Anyway, you're hearing what I say.
Oh yeah, a lot of people play video games. Don't worry about that. My problem with Fortnite is it spelt wrong.
I really feel like there should be a UK English version. Annoys me that you often get the choice of English or UK English, which needs to be working under the assumption that American English is the main English.
Of course, is.
Pasonally not true.
Anyway, Night is not spelt in ite, and something needs to be done. I am grown pi Old glen Hart that has been used zed been for the week.
Have a good long weekend.
We'll see you back here again with a long weekend edition of z Bean.
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