9:05 – 9:22 (15mins) Weekly: Karen Kataline @KarenKataline
More info on Karen: www.karenkataline.com
9:25 – 9:37 (12mins) Tim Jones @SpeakerTimJones
“The Tim Jones and Chris Arps Show” weekdays 4p-6p on NewstalkSTL
9:41 – 9:56 (15mins) David Jaworski will be in-studio.
I addressed the Francis Howell School Board on Dec.12th as background for Thursday's show.
I wish to cover the following.
1. Event that triggered my stepping up to do something.
2. Safety concerns inside the school.
3. General message the student body is receiving from current Status Quo bathroom policy.
4. My thinking on bringing resolution to resolving the bathroom policy issue.