Mike Ferguson in the Morning 11-11-24
(7:05am) Missouri Sen. Nick Schroer talks about the Wentzville School Board's Vice President, Julie Scott D.N.P., organizing a boycott of local businesses in her community that supported Trump in the election.
Here's the list of Wentzville School Board members, including Julie Scott, and contact info: https://www.wentzville.k12.mo.us/page/598
(https://www.nickschroer.com/) (@NickBSchroer)
(7:20am) Another look at Trump appointments for the new administration.
(7:35am) Aaron Dorr from the American Firearms Association talks about Illinois Judge Stephen McGlynn, a federal judge in East St. Louis, striking down Illinois' assault weapons ban on Friday on the grounds that it violates the 2nd and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. He issued an order barring the state from enforcing it. Gov. Pritzker issued a statement saying he expected the attorney general would file "an immediate appeal."
(7:50am) We discuss a new study which looks at how much time we spend, on average, "consuming content" online.
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