Our shows are out of control. As expected, our return to NY didn’t disappoint. Demaris got pressed by the lovely Taylor about boiling dildos among other things. There was no way Julian and his shy date could match that energy. Our good friends from the Say Less Podcast opened and Mal questioned Julius Randle about a bunch of things he could never answer. Sticking to NY, SZA is back and revealed her track list while we were recording. Also to Rory’s surprise, Metro Boomin gave Drake/21 some competition with his new album. Good Morning America decides to break-up a happy co-working couple, while Gabrielle Union takes shots at Boosie (incoming Mal’s Boosie impression). The team breaks down their three celebrity crushes and although Demaris and Julian have strikingly similar taste, Julian gets singled out (this convo went on long after the cameras stopped). Quick sports update, Jerry Jones remains silent on his involvement in the racist image but reminds us that LeBron would be a great football player. Nike drops Kyrie, Kanye drags Chris Paul into the mix, and Shannon Sharpe defends Deion Sanders. Listen to the guys discuss all of this + more
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If you were to do multiple buildos at once, would you use the spaghetti strainer in the sink.
Or do you use the great quest?
Do you use the tongs to get it out?
You don't want to fall down the same and do you close the lid? Do you close?
Do you prefer them al dente or do you prefer.
Do you put a wooden spoon in it?
You stir it every every four minutes? You got a stir like a slow stirt. Do you watch the like you're making witches?
Brute? You put it toads.
I nose of you.
I don't want to see you.
Yes, me lie like you, only like myself.
Are we recording ede?
Oh, Welcome to a new episode of New Roy and Maul Podcast. I am all, I'm Rory, and we are back little under the weather here throw it to a little hey, but we are here to talk to the people, address the culture and uh talk about everything that you are talking about in your homes and your living rooms in your group chats. We are here. I'm joined with our lovely, lovely El Salvadorian. Know, I'm sorry Ecuadorian.
No, there you go.
You know what it is you took us to that El Salvadorian Club, and you just blended in so well with the people of El Salvador that Max got what you are. But we are here with the Lovely Assassin. Thank you, Eddin. We are here with the Lovely.
That's right, we are here with Julian and baby d.
I don't even know where to jump in.
I just just gonna let you.
You're a proper lad, a proper lad irishman. Rory Farrell, Uh yeah, so we are back. Listen man, we had a great show Friday. I just wanted to tell that. I don't know if I told you guys, thank you. While we were there, it was a lot going on, and then we had the little after party, so everybody was kind of grew.
You went crazy that afterboarding.
I went crazy. I was there for thirty five minutes. We were all there.
No, you were working the room though. Can we talk about we worked the room?
Can we talk about what Julian was drinking?
What was he drinking? Julian?
This is how much Julian loves Drake. He had an espression Martini.
Oh God, first of all, no, can we not do that. I've been drinking those ways drink.
I didn't say you weren't. I just said you love drinking. You had an especial martini.
Yes, those are, yeah, but they're not mutually.
When did they happened independent of each other? When they become so trendy early last summer they became trendy?
All right, I've been on like.
I found a new word that we can replace the F word, Thank you.
I was looking for it. What is it?
We should bring pansy.
Pansy is a great word.
I love.
Pansy was a great nineties I loved love pansy.
Huh, that's a pansy as cocktails.
Oh my god. And he was holding it like this like how you supposed to stem in between his fingers.
Yes. About the photo that I posted on our.
Oh I didn't see it. You holding express of martini? Oh man at an insert picture here?
Can entern it not to be a Debbie downer? That has to do with what you guys are talking about. The funeral I went to on Saturday. The repass was open bar naturally because it was a you know, Irish funeral, and look at the younger generation was ordering up all those expressing martinis. And not to say the older gentlemen in my family weren't progressive about it. They just didn't use the word pansy when describing all the young men and women ordering those drinks at a repass.
What did they use the word? Did they use it?
Rhymes with Bob Saggott.
Yeah, but they're Irish. Yeah, but they are taking it away with y very limited vocabulary.
Yeah, Irish, Irish, Irish limited food that we can make limited vocabulary.
What does an Irish first of all, you know, condolences to you and the fam on the loss appreciate. What does an Irish family? How does an Irish families repass look like in conjunction or in you know, comparison to a black family's repass.
They're very similar minus food.
There's not much flow to at an Irish repast, but it is very similar to the to the Black family repasses that I have been to. Okay, very much similar with so, y'all don't do food, y'all just drink yes, Okay, straight to the head. The entire day I heard things that I should never hear.
One should never hear.
My mom doesn't really listen to this podcast, like she says she does. Okay, so At one point in the middle of the repast, I was by the bar, and you know, you can like overhear certain conversations that you're not in. I heard my mom's friend bring up someone from their childhood that she had just talked to, and then another woman said, oh, he was such a stud, and then my mom says, not really, he couldn't get it up.
Oh, that sounds like a great conversation.
Just feel like you shouldn't hear those things from your mom.
Yeah, yeah, I know what you ack did.
Did you just like let us slide like you didn't hear I pretended I didn't.
You know, you have to put in like you don't hear that you hear your mom talking about her childhood or her young adulthood when she was a little huzzy out there in the streets, Act like you don't hear anything.
Yeah, but I mean I I do appreciate her honesty. You know, listen, if you couldn't get all these.
Women running around thinking Randy was the man, couldn't even get it.
Up, couldn't even get it up, how do you think with a name like Randy, Like Ma, did you try to get it up? And we're unsuccessful, but we had a great show. We had a great show Friday at the Sony Sony Hall in New York City. Thank you to everybody came out. Yeah, how did you feel about the show? Did you have a good time? I feel like I feel like you had a good time. Baby d did a speed dating.
I don't like their responsible or their faces. I feel like they didn't have a good time.
I just wanted to shout out this first to say last yeah, and uh, you know.
Lo now he asked, he asked you about us though.
Monica, shout out to you.
Julius's shout out to everybody the stage of Friday Night. Shout out to say, let's touch the stage. To the stage.
They spoke to the people.
You spoke to the people.
Back to your speed day.
Yeah, the Marasi bought your stage for a speed day with Taylor. Taylor was in the meet and greet and I was kind of thrown off because obviously she's gay.
No, she was bisexual.
Well she's we didn't know that on introduction, like you would think that she's a straight stud. Yeah, but she walked up and she was like, now, ma, don't play with me because I you know, I like it from the back.
So I was looked at Taylor. I was she meant she wanted to fuck you from the back.
Oh, I didn't even think about it.
That's how I took that out.
But you know, full of sick and she bent over like Royce fullish.
He just know she was showing you how she wanted to show us.
Shout out to Taylor Man. But baby D did a speed date. She was on your ass, baby D.
Let's talk about Taylor in the meet and Greek when she walked up, she was the first person to meet and greet. And just like Houston, someone said they had a breakup.
I just broke up with my girl. She said. I was fucking dudes and fucking chicks. But I was mad loyal to her.
Yeah, we were, like Taylor.
I don't know if that's how that worked.
That doesn't work like that. You can't say that and then allow it up with I was mad faithful. No, you're not mad faithful. But she's letting everybody blame your cakes.
But I think she was blaming the cakeslaming.
I was so at the keyhole at the line of the night that she gave us about lesbians boiling the dildos after they fuck.
Okay, Mara says she does that too.
Let's let's slow down.
I would hand sanitized, it would be better.
How dirty is the pussy? We don't we just take a shower?
Yeah, I mean with hot water?
Okay. I wrenched it off into the sea to put it in a pot in the kitchen.
It's the crazies ship to want you cook Spaghetian like, what the fuck is that dishwasher?
That is sick the marriage? Are you boiling dildos?
Be honest, I have before, yes, Okay, tell us why and where you are in your life.
It's like a mouth guard. Remember when you have to boil mouth guards or baby bottles bottle their vagina.
It kills, it kills bacteria.
Yeah, you boil it next to the baby bottle? Or where do you put this?
I don't have babies again.
I'm going to ask y'all time. Use nobody seen to be listening? How dirty is the pussy you're going in?
Who out? They put kurds on those things?
Like, okay, would you rather boil it or put a condom on it? Because one is financially more responsible.
I could have just it's funny be like, oh, don't use that strap on. That one gets chicks pregnant every time, Like put a condom on that one?
Like what the fuck? Three girls that condom on a strap on?
It's hilarious, baby.
Do you putting conoms on your strap?
I have before?
Yes? Did you do? Because she you thought she was like get pregnant?
No, not even, but like you thought it was like some dirty was it like stink?
Like what was the like this might have something?
Yea stee Okay, So this is something that y'all need to know, and it's just like so many men don't know this, and it scares me.
This is why we know when you strap on.
We know when you're cheating because bacteria travels, right, you can't just wash off bacteria.
Bacteria travels.
So that's why when you fuck around and cheat on your girl, she'll fuck around and her vagina pH will change because you done brought somebody else's pH to mesh with her.
That's that's when you flip it on and be like, nah, you out here fucking why your pH balance off?
But that but that same thing, which is.
Why you take showers and things like that.
But we're talking about boiling now, it's fine if you think it's fine.
If you take it and put it under the hot water in the bathroom and soap and rint and wash it off, that's fine to wash cloth walking into the kitchen and dropping it in the same pot.
But the spaghetti and is absolutely watch sure.
Some people have certain pots that they.
Adult boiling pots, glizzy pots.
Do you do you cook in the same pot you're boiling?
Have you no ship when you eat?
Are you high right now? Do you ever get lonely? Are?
But I'm trying to think of like the real the ones that chef it up, like I prefer to broil my.
Doll though, yeah, you boil.
I like to see the top of it.
You boil it and put it in the oven for about thirty minutes, let it like it, turn it every ten minutes. Like that shit was crazy to me. I couldn't believe that. I understand washing it, I understand that, but boiling was absolutely.
If you were to do multip full dildos at once, would you use the spaghetti strainer in the sinks?
Or do you a great question? You used the tongs to get it out.
You don't want to fall down the sand and then you close the lid.
Do you close Do you prefer them al dente or do you prefer.
Do you put a winding spoon in it?
You stir it every four minutes? You got a stirt, like a slow stirt.
Do you watch the like you're making witches brute? You put a toad's eye.
Yo, I love lesbians.
That was so crazy, Jesus No.
I need to rewind because when I walked into SO, I walked into I missed the meet and greet, had some running around to do. I walked into work right and Rory says, Yo, I just want to let you know we found a perfect person.
For you to speed day with. He's your type.
This is a fact though, that he was so excited.
He was like, Yo, he's your type.
What happened?
Make magic?
This? This and that?
I think what you said? He said and was arrested.
I don't think he made it through the whole show.
You know, Sony Aliso submit a list of people and the NYPD looks through it.
Yeah, we should have brought him on stage. I think.
I was just sitting there waiting like, okay, I'm about to say, you know single, I'm looking for love.
I'm like, all right, yes, I'm single.
Okay, well anyway, yes, what was your type? Big, big dude? Definitely fresh home fresh braids, possibly fresh braid, gang affiliated.
What is your type? Was looking for?
Nobody was?
He was a sweet guy, very soft spoke.
He did come up put me after the show and said why didn't I get on the stage of Baby d Yeah, And I told him I was like, look, man, I was, I was busy. Benner was supposed to. I pointed to him in the crowd. I like, Benner, that's him, and he just didn't go over there together.
And then then Taylor said fuck that.
Yeah, no, you called Taylor out.
Oh well, of course Taylor, she was already talking and she was right there.
In the front in the front because I was discussing that with with Maul's sister, and she was like, you should quit, and I said I should because out of everybody in the crowd, Rory said, nah.
The study because Taylor.
Taylor let it be known when she walked into meet and greed, she like, where's the matage swinging?
And she like she kind of flexed when she said it too here.
And she said, I got to use the bathroom and then we kind of look in at the bathroom. She was using the stall.
I let the see that.
At her ankles.
Taylor, she put the casside belt on.
Yo yo, and she wasn't wearing brief she was wearing metal like the old school boxes.
Baggy Yea said.
That, I swear to God, I'll never forget. We was at the truck stop. Man, I walked to the bathroom with some dude standing at the stall with his fants down.
His man said, your f it's a more comfortable peak.
Noah, nah nah, feel we not doing You got to take that in the in this stall, but you can't stand at the fucking you know like that?
All right, Well, I will say, even though you were not pleased with Taylor, and all the years I've known you, I've never seen anyone have you frazzled like you met your matches.
Because I thought you were gonna smoke.
You've smoked everyone in speed dating and our shows before you besides yourself.
You don't even know what to say.
Because I was so because I was set up for something else. I was literally set up like I had a whole.
At the show. That was your first mistake.
Demarus forgot. We was entertained. She was really looking for her future.
That's not that's not true, but she was. Y'a, don't understand. Shout out to Tailor too, because we appreciate it.
We love Taylor.
Taylor was staring in my eyes and rubbing her knee against my knee under the table.
And Rory is over here giggling.
Eyes that I rubbednees against other chicken knees under the table too. I'm like, I keep saying, excuse me the whole night, excuse me my back. Yeah, she was telling all the beautiful eyes of demarriage. She was on your heels, baby d She was on that red was laying on him shoulders. She was like, yeah, look at you now, still frazzle Taylor. Not here. We ain't gonna bring out the back right now. Don't worry about it. Here's but we had a good night, Julian. Yes, your speed day hopefully will go to her spot that she put us on to when we get to Cali.
I was a little disappointed I didn't see her after party.
Was little disappointed in your speed dating.
Well I expect, I mean, how are we gonna follow that's the whole time while they were doing their thing, we were small talking, massas talking. And the first thing she says to me, she goes, she goes, I'm really shy, and I was like, that sucks.
H She didn't say word.
She didn't. Julian is such an idiot.
Girl tells him I'm shy. That sucks.
Yeah, what I offered her a drink, She didn't drink, so she was just having a water.
And so that goes all your techniques.
Julian, don't got to be more.
We were going to slide out.
It doesn't work in regular water.
We were gonna go to love Loo house, but house.
Julian was like, Julian got so mad that she wanted to take him to a fuck to get what was it? Martini was the drink she was saying at the best.
Uh, she wanted to take me to fucking some place in Santa Barbara?
Was it?
No is a b yes?
Oh, somewhere in kelly Get.
She had a bridge course spot she was talking about. And then she was like, totally was something like that.
Right Burbank for Mimosa And then why did she look over at Bridget for confirmation?
And then and then Julian Bridge with a stray her what was it again, a crossing guard traffic. Yeah, that was crazy for Bridget Kelly.
We had a graduation.
It was a really good crowd to crowd.
I didn't know that was Bridge at the time. In retrospect, I found out.
Well, she just ran the marathon. You have to wear things, you know, hit by cars. A marathon over she ran to the venue with her.
It ends in the city.
Julian, did you have anything in the crowd that was.
Like, No, I brought two of my close friends. Yeah, they were at the after party.
And then you bought Bill Clinton's what was it your friends that.
My friend is yeah, Bill Clinton right hand man.
Bill Clinton right hand man. Yeah, yeah, I didn't forget what they did. The Gadaffi and Haiti.
He wasn't born yet, but yeah, he wasn't born, my friend, he was born.
We were like killed Goadafi.
That was like a couple of years ago.
Yeah, oh you're talking about I thought you meant shit he did in the nineties.
No, I'm talking about what he's still doing. The clips are still killing people. They still committing fucking murders around the world to kill Godafi because he had all that gold and oil.
The prison systems and the best shape it's ever been.
But what do you'll rink?
What do y'all ran? The New York Show?
Top three? Yeah? Top three? Yeah? Yeah, I'm biased.
Though, Uh yeah, I probably say top top five.
Oh well, because like we wrote so many new sketches and segments that we had less than four to eight hours to write, and we never got to like, you don't rehearse these things. Yeah, so it's just like you to go out the show, and the two new things that we did were incredible.
So yeah, I feel like I'm just gonna say none of these other podcasts can do what we do live.
I agree, Oh no, our show is drastically better than everyone's. Yeah, but I didn't think that needs to be said.
No, I mean sometimes you stay said because a lot of people don't come in the show, so they don't know. I get it. So if you get a chance to come to the show, come see us kick ass. Separate ourselves from the rest of these podcasts. They can't do what we do.
What's our last stops?
We have a show coming up this Friday. We're in Seattle at the Neptune Theater. Friday, December ninth, followed by the Regent Theater in La Wednesday, December fourteenth, and then we end this tour for twenty twenty two.
Get your Kakis and Cold.
Boston at the WHEELBA Sunday, December eighteenth. Get your tickets now. Tickets are still available. Some tickets are still available for these shows. There's a whole there's a whole bunch of tickets still left for Seattle. I think we're gonna hand those out, handles out, won't get to Seattle three teams.
No, we're going with a baby strategy all the way to for one.
I'm honestly looking forward to Seattle, though, because I like I like when you are not you don't really sell in the market, and you go there. I think that I like to I.
Don't really like that, but you're saying no, no.
I mean not.
I don't like that. I don't like that it's not sold out yet. But I do like the fact that we're kind of we're new to that market. Yeah, we're not really out there like that. Let's so let's hit the ground running Thursday. Let's let's let's do some street teamwork.
Let's fucking hit the put a couch in the mall and just like hang out at the.
Local about you know what I mean.
Let's play some Nirvana.
Yeah, man, let's hit it. Let's hit the streets in fucking Let's get about one hundred more people in the venue by Friday.
Well, regardless who's gonna whoever will be there, we'll have an amazing time.
It's gonna be.
Absolutely no, We're gonna have fun. And Seattle I'm really looking forward to that.
That's where he sucked up.
We're doing remakes of Juice and Payton Full and Ship. We need to just remake Fraser. Yeah, so we would have sold out in Seattle or.
Sleeper Seattle if we put mall in white face.
Yeah, I think that would work.
That won't work.
But wasn't there a dog too in Fraser that looked like Baisley? You guys are white? My mom watched Fraser.
We still have some merch left, I think if y'all want to get the last few pieces, but it's pretty much going at New roymaal dot com twenty five percent off all remaining pieces. There's literally only maybe a handful of hoodies and T shirts left. In a couple of hats but new drop coming real soon now that we got this merch out of the way. So yeah, man, Julius coming out was cool.
I could tell his His agent got to him and was like, listen, don't say anything about Jerry Jones or the Jews or Chris Paul.
Oh, Chris Paul.
Juice is great because we asked him all the questions he couldn't answer, and he didn't answer them perfectly exactly, just sat there and was like.
Great joby up and started laughing, said look at everybody with their phone out trying to catch you on ESPN. I was like, yeah, no, I.
Thought I was respectable with that situation because I have about ten thousand James Dolean questions.
That I wanted to ask him.
Yeah, we could have definitely got into that a little bit. James was fucking up New York City one year at a time, fucking James Dolan.
We had to compete with Scissa and Kiki Palmer. Well not really they compete, they won, but they did SNL on Saturday.
They did siss A Kiki Palmer uh SNL this weekend Scissors albums coming Friday.
It's about the track list which we can go through after, But did you see any of the sketches or Kiki's.
I saw Kiki's up pregnancy reveal, I saw that congratulations to Kiki and her pregnancy reveal. I saw the big boy monologue that Edin has been raving about.
Yeah, crazy, you can relate.
That's his that's his type as.
Well, and that big boy. I need a big boy. I needed did you DJ that?
Would you at SNL this weekend?
That's definitely going to his rotation though over the week it's going crazy on the DSPs with that body. Sissa announced her album He Needs a she released. She released her track list for s O S available DSPs this week or well this weekend. Uh Don Tolliver and his Don is working his ass of mean Don Tolliver, Phoebe Bridges and uh old ODB, Travis Scott odib features is shocking. Yeah, I'm curious. I wasn't expecting that.
And on a song called Forgiven Giveness featuring old Dirty Bastard.
What a title. That's definitely an interesting, uh interesting track the name of track eleven. Track eleven is smoking on my X pack.
O God, there's gonna be way too many fucking catch is this is this is this? Is this?
Likes this album?
Where she's like, I mean, look at the back to back track two and three fourteen is.
Kill Bill seeking destroy like kill Bill Gone girl? Is she gonna get in their murder back?
All these titles look like Jesus great movie.
Like, like I'm saying, she never takes any accountability. I don't see one song on here that could possibly even say, hey, maybe I'll take some accountability.
Not even shirt.
Well you heard that song number twenty one twenty When she gets right to it, she lets you know how she's feeling about you. I hate you for good record. It's a great record already.
What do you think? F z F is an acronym for fuck.
Yea some dude and it was stuck all I got ze bra free face to face?
Oh okay, there you gotta be.
I've got a lot fucking face to face.
Or friend to foe, I don't know, Oh, friend to foe. Good you're with But do y'all see the number?
The title of.
Friend of Foe twenty twenty two, Track fourteen is nobody Gets Me.
Oh my god, I can't wait to slice my wrists in the bathtub listening to that.
Okay, maybe you should love that.
What's what's so funny about that Sizza is that she makes music saying that she is so unrelatable and doesn't know how she feels, and literally everyone relates to everything that everybody relates.
And I love the fact that this, this, this track list, the background of this is her crawling out of mud with her ass crack out.
Such art.
Art is just you know, she got it out the mud. No, she got it out the mud. I would get her out the mud. I would have helped her, brought her to safer lance.
Le'll say safer lance to me.
No, I'm just saying, look at the picture behind the track list. She's she's getting it out the mud.
Obviously, twenty three records, that's a lot. That's That's not what I was expecting from someone that projects. What if it's a quick twenty three I meane a lot of the leaks and stuff she puts out sometimes are like a minute long.
Yeah, so I could see that.
If it's twenty three tracks and it's only like an hour and three minutes, yeah, that's not bad.
I expected some more features. Yeah, I'm not mad at that.
I'm happy.
I'm not familiar with Phebe Maybe I am Who's Phoebe Bridges? I'm not are you familiar?
Not the Slightest Club, I'm not sure who that.
Is sounds familiar though for some reason it's like, I mean, I'm to say, like white music.
But oh so they about to be on there getting they getting a toxic ship off. She she got something.
She's a guitar.
She plays guitar like, she's like very I don't want to call her white scissor.
I don't want to care for that, but white scizzor white. But like the crossover makes sense.
Oh, she's the wizard, got it?
You know, she's Jojo Pellagrino, the white person in.
Yeah, she's the wizard.
But she does look like one of those white girls that does like covers on YouTube with acoustic guitar.
So I'm sure it'll be a good song.
That means she's gonna smoke that. I bet you that song is one of the best songs on the album. That are we talking about it like that?
I mean, listen, white checks with blond hair do make some pretty.
Good depressed, amazing, amazing depression music.
Yeah, I can see it in her eyes. She's lost.
Yeah, she's lost. She's probably happily. She looks great right there.
She looks like she could be in the Adams family.
Oh, she's married. Her boyfriend is Paul, Uh, what's his name?
Mescal? Paul Mescal. I love his dry mescal.
Oh they're engaged. Well, congrats to those two. I'm looking forward to this project. We've been waiting for the Scissor album for a while and it's finally on this way And she looked great on SNL. I love Sissen Man. When is she doing the show. I need I need a show in New York. I've never seen I've seen her live before. She her career took off and is where it is now. But those I haven't seen her live, and in some years it's been a while.
You sawry s Obs when she was going by Salon sure, whatever her name is.
I don't think it was I don't think it was sob. I don't think it was so lunge.
It was close to Salange. I knew it something. Remember Drake went to see the show and said she was a natural after control.
Yeah, he said he just put up on Scissons.
She's a natural.
The album is platinum like I think everybody. It's a classic.
Scissors of album S OS available this weekend on your DSPs. Download that please.
Oh wait, so our LA show is going to be after right?
Oh yes, we're gonna have to get into some sete in.
The green room for sure. Damn you ready to cry to Julian?
And we've been on a good music in the green room lately, and this is about to bring the whole move down.
We should just do a segment at the LA Show with just bring women on stage to just tell us all their problems via each scissor record.
Yeah, how do you relate to this track? Yes, well, while y'all are playing that, I'll be playing metro Booming's Heroes.
And the Fires.
Still I feel like, and I was telling you in the green room, I felt like a hater after I listened to it.
Did I have metro Booming fucked up?
Yes? I don't know if you had him fucked up, but I just think you didn't. You only recognized him for one type of sound.
I think, Yeah, I never disliked metro Booming, but he just did so much with future.
To me, that sounded exactly the same. I feel I maybe had him fucked up.
Yeah, and then this, I mean, granted it's a similar sound because it's one producer, but he's got getting his shit off.
Production wise on this album. This album is I'm sorry I had Metro woman fucked up.
I didn't have him fucked up. But this album is a lot better than I anticipated it. I know, Metro is obviously talented, and he has a bunch of fucking hits to his name, and the features were, you know, some of the best artists, but just the cohesiveness of the album, the uh, the field of vibe. I mean, Morgan Freeman talking on the intro, was.
That through that that app though?
I feel like I thought Morgan Freeman did so many rap albums that I found out it was like a feature you could use in pro tools.
Yeah, like I swore.
Morgan Freeman narrated the Willet breakup song video and then I was like, oh, you can do that on your computer.
They had more narrate on one of the Savage Mode Savage Mode two. He did something I would imagine they had a somewhat a relationship with him from that.
How much do you think it costs Morgan Freeman to say those five words?
I don't feel like there's a real price. I think he does that for free because you couldn't afford him if you had to actually pay him to do that. Yeah, there's no way.
I think he definitely got paid for it though, if you want to know how you pay Morgan Freeman for that.
But he got paid for that, I.
Mean more, you got something Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman makes me feel like shaw Shank made me want to do prison time looked like such a great experience. Look at this gentleman taking care of everyone.
Yeah, like if I had him, I could do forty years too. Yeah.
I was actually like, wait, why's Andy leaving? He's got a great life there with Morgan.
When we were in uh Philly for the Maiden America Festival and Don Tolliver performed before Bad Bunny curved our interview, but I said, h I said that you know, Don had really I think he gained a whole bunch of new fans because his set that Made in America was so fucking crazy. And then in front of all of those people that obviously were waiting for Bad Bunny. But Don is on a run with these features now, Yeah, like he has some of the best features of the year.
I think he's the standout on the metrobum of Me. Yeah, I think he has the best features and records on there.
Don Tolliver is I'm happy that you know he's he's getting these looks and is kicking ass like this because I think his talent is insane. I think he's one of the most slept on artists. I think his album was it last year he put out his album. I thought that was one of the best albums of the year last year.
He just keeps to himself. He doesn't talk of shit. I think that's where people getting sucked up. Because even at Maid in America, I love Don Tolera, I didn't know that he would be main stage everyone would know every fucking word to every single song.
Type of artists though.
Yeah, yeah, he really kicked ass at Made in America. I was happy that he got that look. But yeah, these features that he's been doing as of late, he's really really kicking ass. Man. I'm happy for Don Tolliver because I think him being first of all signed to Travis and then working with Travis, writing with Travis, I think he kind of gets lost in that because Travis is such a fucking superstar.
You're saying Travis steels all his good shit, that's what you're saying.
I think that's what you just said. No, I think they co they collected collect Ship.
But I'm happy to see Don Tolliver getting these looks and and and carving his own way and making his his presence felt man, because Dontal was super talented again, one of the best projects I think he had last year. And uh, like you said, Rory his his this, uh, his his tracks on this Heroes and Villain's album. He performed like you know what I mean, Like, I'm really happy for Don. He's he's He's one of those artists that I'm looking forward to in twenty twenty three of really really like setting itself apart from everybody else.
You thought Julian was going to relapse in the green room. Uh once the Weekend so.
I thought he was.
That's an example. What else was a great record?
I think we expect every record that The Weekend does is a good.
When that beat comes in, Yeah, I don't know. I mean, well, I was gonna ask, do you think that's probably the only.
Song I may skip on this album?
Really? Yeah, wee song.
I mean, I have that song. I don't need the weekend to sing it.
Hater, Yeah, hater, you're a hater.
Don't need him. I don't want to know. Like Mario's still alive and doing fine.
Twenty one's verse on that's great too though.
Yeah, but I was gonna ask you it's like seven sample.
It's the sample of the sample, and then the beat is a sample of another sample sampled by a sample.
I just I have all fourteen record in that song.
Yeah, but it's metro.
Tell them again, it's.
Modern hip hop.
It's modern hip hop.
Yeah, that's what the whites are saying about. Harlem No no, ha no ha.
North Harlem bro. Somebody first that to me, I was like, excuse me, Yeah, oh you're a noh. So Brom on Linux is Douglas on Linux? What do you say?
Julia was going to ask, do you think Don Tolliver's ascension could be due in part to what happened to Travis? And he kind of had to tuck away and get out the way for a minute so they could just push him more to the forefront.
To push wait, what's your question?
Because of what happened to Travis at Astro World.
Do you think that they had to take a break clear for Don to kind of be the front man for Cactus track.
I think that Don took advantage of that. I think he uh he filled that gap and let people know that he was he was you know, he was still here, and that he had to just just immense talent. Like I really don't understand how more people didn't give his album praise that he put out last year, that that album was fired. But again, I'm just happy that he's getting these looks and and people are starting to pay more attention to Don Toliver because he's he's super fucking dope.
Yeah, I agree, does uh does Metro tour this? And how does he tour?
How does that work?
Take Donald on the road?
I'm sure even if you feel like just major markets and not like a full blown tour, it'd be expensive.
But you I don't know if Metro could move the weekend around like that though.
The weekend is not going to be on I'm just gonna let you know, Yeah, that's.
A critical to happen. But if if I'm Metro appstely you told this album this is this is a great album, man, This is a really, really, really dope project. Again. I always knew that Metro was dope, but this just the sound and you know, the features. Everybody performed really well on this project, aside from the Weekend. According to Rory, he didn't like that that song.
But he's a he performed it great.
So you don't want it get I just don't again, but salutor Metro Booming again. This was a rough year for him, you know, tragically lost his mom, you know, and obviously he was working on this project. So for him to be able to complete this project and get it out after all he's been through this year, got a salute Metro Booming just for that alone. So salute to Metro. Prais continue prayers and strength to you and your family, and thank you for this Heroes and Villains project to end of the year.
This is a super super dope project.
You felt more like a hero or a villain after it.
You know, Rory's different days for different feelings. I think some days I feel like a hero and some days I wake up and I just want to watch it all burn the hell.
Yeah, you know what I mean. So today I feel like a hero today, though I feel like a hero hero.
Thank you edit, thank you.
Rory's not.
I voted for Jamars put me in the exit row and the flight, So yeah, I'm a hero. Yeah, oh ship, you don't feel like a hero ship responsibility.
I feel like everybody should walk past me and like kind of salute me once I'm in the exit.
And you think about soldier, we should put mall in like soldier gear at the exit ro.
Yeah, and so people feel like they need to I have.
I have a really good eye for all of the like and marshals that are on flights. You can't.
That's because you know how to identify an undercover.
I get it.
They have their local team cap on.
And you know the walk someone has when they have a gun on the it's not the chunky belt line.
It just looks unnatural.
Yeah right, just look at them and tell absolutely no bags at all when this guy's going to carry on.
Yeah, I'm like, you're you're the one with the gun on you, sir.
I know.
And I love the way they vet you to sit in the exit row like it's it's a process. That's why I feel so good. They're yo, can you do this? And then you're like yeah, and then they keep walking.
Like they don't test you nothing, they don't do it. Are of course I got it. If we go down, I'm the first one. You sit me in an exit row. You best believe if this ship start going down, I'm the first nigga off at this place. You can believe that.
And I'm taking my bag with me.
I think about that often, like get they really tell you I'm taking my laptop that's not sinking the water.
Yeah, I hold the bag of.
I saw Captain Sully or whatever his name was. You could be on the wing holding it up like.
This laptop like this well has noses right above the water.
All the stems are on here.
If it goes down and Roy can push you out.
And keep basking for the album. It's the only copy of it.
What a perfect excuse to get out of the album.
Hey listen there, you saw me on the wing. Flight went down, I'm still here, Tode. You couldn't save that album.
Fuck it? Good Morning America. Hosts are temporarily pulled. We talked about this in the last episode and I said that as fuck up. That everybody was kind of shitting on them because I said, well, what if they're separated.
I didn't see people shitting on them.
I did see a funny tweet that said, imagine outing your husband as a cheater, and everyone replies with, well, you can't deny their chemistry.
Everyone's pulling that shit up, like, yeah, they look pretty happy.
ABC News has temporarily benched Good Morning America three co anchors.
Well, I think this is.
The third installment of hosts. I think that's what I was about to say.
TJ Holmes and thirty fears back while the network and President Kim Godin figured out what the next step should be. In the wake of a tabloid report revealing a personal relationship between the anchors, Godwin announced the move on ABC's Monday morning editorial call. I want to say that while the relationship is not a violation of company policy, I really have taken the last few days to think about and work through what I think is best for the ABC News organization. Per a source who was on the call, these decisions are not easy. They are not knee jerk, you know, but they are meat jerk. Yeah. And the brand in five priority with you guys know are all of is the people here at ABC.
This is a This is a terrible business move.
Listen, if these two were both separated, kept who cares?
You have two people that have amazing chemistry. Now there's a story behind it. I'm gonna wake up and.
I would have definitely tuned in to watch an America now if these two are still on there, but look at that ABC, the chemistry. If you lost the viewer, I'm not watching this now.
Well you weren't the viewer. They didn't add a viewer.
I would have watched it. I want to say TJ and Amy, like, bring back TJ and Amy, and TJ and Amy. If ABC don't want you, bring back one O six and Park. Let TJ and Amy host one O six and Park. I bet the ratings will be through the roof. You can smack us some sugar right after commercial.
Breaking smack what smack her some sugar means? That's not like some old school player, like, what does that mean?
Better than knee jerking them?
There? He was rolling knee jerk, Demeris you like that one? No?
But knee jerk?
You know it is from this century. I didn't know what the fuck smackers from this century.
K from the medieval times?
Have we ever seen any co anchors, like publicly fucking.
We're getting caught.
No, no, I really have to be great TV. Oh I'm sure it's happened, but I think that's.
A sid no matter what circumstances.
Yeah, listen, Free and AJ were great, but if we found out they were fucking and holding hands, not if you wasn't a fan of Free, AJ wasn't really your your type?
No, I hope, I hope Free wasn't fucking AJ. Why Hey, that would have just ruined.
Like, like, imagine holding hands during Freestyle Friday. It'd be amazing, first.
Of all, holding hands while niggas is battling.
And that's that's not funny.
But that's some bullshit because y'all like couples for like two point five business days and then eventually everybody gets tired of it. Like people are now tired of jay Z and Beyonce.
Like, who's a lot.
So many people complain about them doing songs together and all of that shit songs an, well, they that long, they just released the whole album, like.
Well, they only tour together now, they only they're only going.
To go a long time ago ago, But people were complaining about it, y'all don't remember that.
They were saying they were tired of Beyonce and jay Z.
Fucking like even when she was coming out with her album, they were like, please leave jay Z off of it.
I swear to I definitely saw that.
Yeah, Like people got to people.
They don't want them to make music together. They don't want them to make music together.
They get tired of it.
Too great to make music together.
I'm never complaining ever, but.
I mean it makes sense that they tour together. They both have projects, they're only ever. I think from this point forward, they're only going to tour together. I don't think Beyonce and Jay go on tour without each other. At this point, they get to take the whole family on the road.
Like so live Nation pays for it. Yeah, it's great.
Be prepared for more versus together and more songs together because they're not going anywhere. So Yeah, TJ and Amy listen, man, Uh you know, continue dating, continue being in love. If that's the case, Uh, let love win. Yeah, ABC, what are y'all doing over there? Like why are y'all getting in between love? Like, don't stop the love.
Well, they're saying that he had a relationship with one of another coworker at that same job.
To anybody thought, I.
Was, he's a he's a handsome guy, winner, takes all.
Yes, So what do you want to do. He's walking around the fucking green room. He's getting his coffee in the morning. You know, he runs. He looks like he takes a city bike to work. He's in shape. I mean, well, we.
Know the liberal bastard that ABC is that thinks another ploy for the Democrats to tear a part of households.
The liberal bastards.
They were trying, the liberal bastards couples and they tore it down.
Yeah, they're trying to separate the household.
Yeah, they hate the nuclear family.
Yes, save their children, a nuclear family.
They said, this relationship started.
When they were their families are just as toxic.
When they were both training for the New York City Marathon, they said, that's when the romance started.
How else, come on, you training, You're up late.
You gotta wake up early. Together. You got to push each other, keep each other motivated. Come on, you can do it, you know, one more mile routing on? He fall in love like that, I mean, come on, get out of the way of love, ABC. Perfect excuse Jim Oh TJ Namy. We're rooting for you. We hope that y'all are back on a Good Morning America. If not, we'll watch Gabrielle Union and Boosy Good Morning America. Now there's a co host that we need to happen. We need to see Gabrielle Union in Boosy host Good Morning America. I guarantee you this will be the most ratings in TV.
History and the quickest firing and the quickest the quickest cancelation in TV history.
Gabrielle Union called out Little Boosy Uh for mentioning her step daughter, Uh is it Zadea, Zaiah Zaia excuse me, I'm sorry, Zaiah Wade and little nas x Uh. I understand where Gabrielle Union was coming from because she echoed the sentiments of a lot of people like Boosy. Why does this bother you? Why are you so concerned? If somebody is gay and I think it got I think I think Boosy's thing wasn't so much, and maybe it happens a long ago. I don't know if it was the gay thing or if it was the trans thing. I think that's what I remember Boosy being like, why would you allow a young kid to make a decision like this. I'm not sure if it was so much that the kid was was gay. I think it was more so the trans thing that I remember Boosy being upset about. But uh, Boozy responded either way, he says, the whole world No, I love women, and the whole world know your husband loved Dick. I hope you don't think blacks look at y'all like a power couple. They don't. I have refused to talk about y'all in interviews. And here you go, go bang him with that deal though that baby de balled in the spaghetti pot. And wait on the script, little white girl.
Called Gabrielle Union a little white girl.
He's referring to people, saying that gabriel Union always takes like these super like proper token black girl roles in movies.
I guess I don't know which.
Is such a lie, but whatever.
Yeah, but either way, I want to see these two and good morning America.
What do you remember seeing any white people at East Compton High?
No, him bringing.
On, Yeah, I vote, I vote.
If we don't get TJ and Amy, let's get Boosie in and Gabrielle, where do.
We go with this?
All Right, Boosy has been saying some wild fucking things about their kids, about gay people in general.
Lani's X.
Boosy's been fucking wild. But that's because everyone keeps replying to Boosie. Yeah, like the whole Ilini's X thing became any thing because Ilona's X replied, Boosey's just gonna keep going back and forth and saying less publically correct things about your transgender children if you continue down this route, we always get I'm sure he's filming with Vlad right now with no edits.
Didn't she gets he gets paid from doing Lady, He's glad a lot.
I don't know.
People forget and fail to realize, like Boosy is a murder like I'm just not.
I don't go to him for like my most progressive yews.
Wait wait, wait, stop right there. Garbriyel Union tweeted reminder, I got raped at work at a Paliss shoe store. I had on a long tunic and leg and submissed me with dress modestly shit, this is.
I did not know that Garriel Union got raped. I never knew that.
Yeah, she she, I think it came out when her book came out twenty seventeen, she let people know that. Yeah, that's fucking unfortunately, Jesus Christ.
That's fucking ah.
What do you think Boozy's gay?
No, I don't think Bo's. I think Boosie it.
Talks about Dix a lot, man.
Boosie is just I think that Boosy is just one of those you know, when you grow up in the South and you're not in one of these uh you know, these cities where so many different cultures and ethnicities and you're not privy to Like growing up in New York, we've seen gay relationships our entire life. Go downtown to Soho, the village, you know what thatighborhood is about?
Catch the train with the fellas.
Yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't, It doesn't. It doesn't bother you grow up around it. It's not. But a Boosie is from the South, from the hood. No, their mentality is just Look, it's either straight or it's nothing. You know, that's just what it is, Either heterosexual or nothing. That's just who Boosy is. But again, this is old. I don't really care about or even know why people even still are concerned with gay straight who cares, love who you love. It doesn't affect you, it affects Boosy though it doesn't affect your family. I don't care what nobody else is doing with their dick or vagina. I'm only concerned about my dick.
To make sure you boil it. Just make sure you Yeah, the only time I'm concerned.
Jesus Well, in pre pro Maul was telling me disagreed on the fact he said it was wrong for Gabby to say what she said, and that calling Boosy undercover was wrong.
Well, implying that he was undercover was wrong.
Well do you think he was because he was implying it as an attack, like now you're gay exactly.
I don't.
I don't think she was using it as an attack. I feel and I feel like that's I understand why. I understand she's upset. I understand she's tired of Boosey saying things that he said in the past about her family and things like that. But I still feel like, Gabby, was you using oh, you got dicks, said you have dicks on your mind a lot, or you got mad dicks on your mind? Whatever? She said, I feel like that's kind of she kind of used that as she's weaponizing that. It's like an attack on somebody's sexuality or saying live your truth, or or she could have just said that, like, Boosy, live your truth. Why does anybody else what they're doing matter to you? Why are you so concerned? Just live your truth? Has she said that?
But when you imply that someone has dick on their minds and they may be undercover, they may be download, they may be gay, it's kind of weaponizing it. And that's kind of defeating the purpose of what this whole thing is about, of sexual freedom anyway, that's what this is all about. Her, her her child or step child wants to be who they want to be sexually. Great, be that. So if Boosie does have dick on his mind, if he does, if he is down low on theer cover, what does it matter? Be free, be your sexual be your free self sexually. And I think that's and I'm saying a lot of people are are echoing in those same sentiments of saying like, it feels like Gabby kind of, you know, tried to attack him with the you may be gay yourself type of thing. I just think that I understand that she was upset, and I'm pretty sure now going back listening to that, she's probably damn I shouldn't have said it like that, But I disagree.
I think she should have tripled down on that. If you keep talking about my web daughter, none of your fucking business.
Is there something you want to tell us? What says you will not shut up about that? I think you might be gay, sir, say that, but.
You can't say I think you might be gay. You can't say that. Well, he has a lot to say about what they should do someone sexual.
Weaponized and sexual. She didn't say I think you might be gay as an insult. She's saying that in your mind, I think think you might be gay? Like, why does she ever change it to? Is there something you want to tell us? No, directly, you keep worrying about my daughter's penis that she's trying to get.
She's using that as an attack on him.
But that's because he attacks everything.
I understand.
I understand.
So if she would have said it to you or you, then yes, maybe she's using gay as an attack. But when you're saying somebody who's so anti gay.
Is just she's still using that as an attack. Even if somebody's anti gay, she's still using it as an attack. While I do understand why she did. I get it. She's fed up, she's upset, She's like, Yo, enough is enough, this is my family, stopped talking about my family. I get that part. But she still used those words, and it came across in a weaponizing type of way. And that's my only thing. And again, at the bottom line of the shit is who is stupid?
Like should we correct Boosy first before we know? But we correct.
But we spoke about this years ago when Boosy first spoke about doing Wade's kids. We said, yo, like, why does it matter? Like, let people be who they want to bro It's twenty We're going into twenty twenty three and people are still talking about who's gay, who's trance, who's this, who's the I don't give a fuck. Let people be who they want to be, love who they love, sex, who they want to have sex with. It doesn't matter to me, It doesn't Why does it matter to anybody else? I can't believe that this is still a conversation. It does not matter. Let people be with who they want to be with as long as it's consenting adults.
That's all. Hear that, Palenciaga.
I feel like because Maul says that so much that maybe he does think about how other people fucking does care me? Yeah, bring you see?
Are you going to bring it up?
You're shaking with outrage right now.
No, I actually feel bad that you don't think about how I fuck, I know, left out, Like I wish you would be more concerned.
The last thing I'm thinking about is your red ass up in the air.
So you have thought about it.
I think in my mind a little bit.
You just threw up in your mouth a little bit. Yeah, I did too, what I thought about that?
I mean, you know, sometimes I go to nude beaches and don't put enough SPF on my cheeks.
Have you guys ever been to a new beach?
No, and I hear the overrated there's nothing but old people out of shape.
It depends on where you go, really really, because people that I know that go to nude beaches tell me that same thing. It's like, not a bunch of I G chicks around, It's a bunch of old, wrinkly people.
For the most part, that's the case. But you can go to if you're not on the touristy stuff and you go to like where the people.
That live there kind of hang, okay, it's just normal people.
Like you know how like we'd like not really a bad example, because no one in La goes to the beach, but like say if you and your friends were to do a beach day.
Kind of thing, and like like in the Hudson sure, yeah, you know they're building a beach.
Is that the west side and on the east side of your building is beach in Brooklyn, Brookland and Queens on the East River, they're building beaches.
Yeah, you know the I would never in my fucking life go to a beach in New York City? Are you kidding me? I'll do that. I'm sure don a Orchard beach before that's but that's that's that's the rocks. Yeah, but that's like I'm talking about the water that's like in the middle of like, man.
Like you can still see the towers.
Let's no, man, no, we can't dip in that water. Orchard is a little different. It's a little further out. It's a little you know, going towards Turtle next Bay.
What is that Turtle next Bay.
So it's always a name.
Like that Turtle next Bay. Damaris and Julie. What are you saying you want to say?
We were talking about the beaches, which I love beaches.
He said he went to rock Away for the first time.
That's a good beat.
I'm swimming Rockaway Beach.
I biked there. There's like a bucket list.
Thing, Jones Beach is the best beach.
I look at his Look at his bucket list. He wants to bike to rock Away.
That's all I need to see.
Was like an underachiever.
Pans I want a bike to a Rockaway beach and uh, you know, catch the low tide coming in.
See it's like twenty five miles. It's a great ride. Pause.
I see you on a Tanden bike with edding, the two of you guys, Tandon whatever that ship is called Tamden bike.
What's the one with the new.
A tandem bike?
Yeah? Right, that's some Pansy ship right there. Yeah, two dudes riding a bike.
Together, tandem, the tandem with the bandam nah, dog, you better have your girl on the back or something like that. You can't have me and you. You know that if me and you were on a tandem bike in Central Park and somebody caught a video that they would be like, look at this lovely couple. Boosy would be he would be shaking without raiding, like come on dog, come on man, come on man, y'all could have got two separate bikes. Man, Boosie wants to fucking break all tandem bikes.
That's what's wrong with this country if you think about it.
Boosy definitely wants to break all tandem bikes. Boosie definitely wants people to sit. He don't want like two men sit together on the flight. Come on, come on, man.
Imagine being that bothered by literally walking around the world by existing.
I love Boosie. Man, That nigga need a TV show?
You need he needs?
He needs a hug. Oh you know wow.
Anyways, tell us more about this bucket list of yours.
Yeah, there's nothing. No, that was just him the only thing on there. Yeah, there's no Like, there really is no literal list.
What's on your bus?
If you had toty four hours to live, would you let three or four of dudes that you really liked one train on?
I know, I don't know how. No, if you have what do you mean?
Why not let like Morris chess Nut?
Uh, Michael B.
Jordan's Michael B.
He's not my type, you guys.
Okay, so who's your type?
He's just ad T Grizzly, right, Anthony Anderson.
It's a good Morris Chestnut and T Grizzy. You're showing range.
Get all the fucking men out the way.
I wouldn't be interested in getting a train d on me.
Now, who's your who's your who's your who's your Hollywood like crush, your god.
That you like?
Oh my, oh my man, my ma and my maam. I have a couple of them.
Kofee, who's coy? Who's that?
I'm probably saying that wrong, But who's your crush?
Can't even say his name?
Right, Koffee?
Yeah, but everybody knows coffee the girls no code?
Okay, yeah a yeah.
Yeah, shout out shout outs to Kofee.
Jackson Avery from Gray's Anatomy.
We know jameson you already blew that? So is he off the listen?
That's his actual name?
No, that's his name on Gray's Anatomy. I can't remember his reiral name. Jesse Williams, Jesse Williams.
Yes, so so so Koffee and Jesse. If you had toty fotherers to live, you wouldn't let them Eiffel towel you.
No, mam.
What if it was on the set of grays Anatomy, I think.
I think like he was in the road, I go to hell.
Like on that hospital bed with a deli paper, I think, why do they make us sit on deli paper?
Wrap me up to sandwich to go so waxy?
Yeah? I hate that stuff?
Oh my god, So we have to sit on that one women when we get waxes, like that's what we lay on to get waxed. And like when you're getting waxed, you're like sweating, so you like get up and like the like stuck to your ass.
Like if you asked for oil on your sub.
Great time in your sub, oil on your who's the third? Who's the third? Yeah, who's the third?
Little oil and vinegar on there, salt pepper, the works, the.
Works, trafonte roads.
What would Boosie call you if you if you walked into a deli and said, let me get.
The works, but come on dog, come on may.
But anyway, no, I would not be interested in getting the train ran on me for my last dance.
That is a while request. Think about the time efficiency.
If you have twenty four hours, you're gonna let all three of these guys take turns.
Why not give way?
I think y'all underestimate just how much I do not like men like that.
Now, Taylor, you was outside, I was like, yo, y'all, y'all trying to play me. Y'all brought right.
You just said you don't like men.
Taylor looks more like a man than these niggas do.
Nah, don't And I love tayloris off, Gabby.
Yeah, you got mad at studs on your mind?
What if Taylor showed up like with the whole kit boiled?
Yeah, my last thing on earth. I just want to eat and be with my family, Like.
Cookies, eat which women? What are the three? Which women? You want to eat?
The top three?
Which which women? Three women?
What is y'all?
And we can go Forrny that's not women? Give me one girl the three?
I don't Margot, Robbie, oh, oh oh my god.
I love MARKO Jesus Christ, did you.
See that coming.
We can make this a pod thing.
He is all of us.
Zoe Kravitz got to be on there.
Really you just put that on de Maris.
I'm just I feel like that your answer she swings both ways?
Why are you putting come out now?
Tessa Thompson.
I don't know who that is?
You know, l that's Elon Mus's daughter there you?
Oh yeah, like Tesla. That's the girl from Creed.
Yes, yes, oh yes, she's fire.
I like her? Who else?
Margo? One more?
Oh god, I have a lot of girl crushes, trying to think of somebody in them.
Your last twenty four hours, just like.
You want to show Chloe Bailey a few things. Oh Rory, let me let me teach you something.
Text me at like seven in the morning. It was no, Lie, it was seven in the morning. I was just waking up making a smoothie. Chloe Bailey looks like she has an ugly cumface.
Oh my god, I said, orgasm face.
Orgasm that's what we be thinking about.
Han o'clock in the morning.
I swear to god, has.
A pretty orgasm face.
There's women that have.
You know who's fired?
Oh, I know, but you you I've seen a chick like sometimes they have wild orgasm faces that like you can't help but laugh when it's happening in your head. And I feel like the way Chloe Bailey sings her covers on Instagram, and like the way she makes facial expressions when she hits certain notes.
I just think her orgasm face is probably hilarious.
God, I love this girl. This looks this looks like Julian.
That is Julian's she is.
How do we okay?
So Julie, Yeah, Julian.
Really wants just looking there.
You can't, Julian.
Give us your give us your three Hollywood crushes. If you had twenty four hours to live with three women, would you let just climb on top of you and have their way give you the works?
My third is t Hecker. Let me just say that te Hecker couple Jones.
Put them in a group. Check, Yeah, yeah, put them in a group.
Cha laschante.
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta hit, I gotta reach out to I haven't spoken to in a few years. Anna de Armist.
Yeah, she's she's pretty, she's great. This is one.
Oh she this is in my three I don't know where. Just to keep the segment moving, sure, yeah, she's wonder. Let's go to just because we.
Just dropped her name. I'm on born with Margot Robbie.
Oh she's fire the baby.
No, that is not Margaret. Who is that old?
That was Margot Frank I don't know who.
No, we're talking about Robbie. Is Margot Robbie?
So far Julian's he's with the whites, isn't boy, She's not.
She's pale than Rory.
She's not even big us in the face.
She just looks Cuban in Spanish.
Yeah, so white Spanish and white.
Cuban's literally c the reason they both three fucking languages.
She grew up in Havana.
Yeah, how how much more do you need to convince you that she's not white?
She's definitely her face white woman.
All give give give us an undeniable sister, though, is what we're saying.
He says.
Zoe Kravitz, I would knock down Zinda. Okay, Yeah, that's not an under novel.
I wouldn't one to say it.
I'm being out of.
This conversation, but I wouldn't gonna be Yo, that's.
Not an under noble sister. Michelle Obama.
Wow, see, just say you don't like black girls. Say you don't like black women. Just say you don't like black women.
How did you find a way to say I'm not racist? I voted for Obama in a sexual Yeah no, Michelle though, Michelle, Oh my god, I'm not racist.
I fun Michelle the two thirds.
Oh my god, Julian, I mean sorry, Eden, you.
Uh dojah Lotto jesse Z. Can we make fun of him for just like he likes? Why is okay? I hear Rory hers that.
He's been waiting to get that off that ship real. I was waiting to ask me this, like.
What would be my three dose?
What does Dooja do for you?
I don't know. She's weird as fun, that's what I got. She's very preaking. I had Georgia Smith.
I'm not helping your case. Bro, holy ship.
Oh my god, you like the drakes of black women.
The drake would knock down jo Julie. You really don't like black That's not what I was joking. You really don't like black women.
You did not give us one, clear cut. This is a black sister right here. You didn't give us one.
But because we know something, I don't want to name someone that we know.
Women we don't know.
But but I like the ones that I've met that I'm like, oh but I can't. Like, I'm not going to name it.
Right now. Go no, and I'm blowing my nose. Take the camera of from me, right, you don't want you don't want camera? All right?
Why can't you say the names?
They've been on this podcast, We know them, some of them personally.
Okay, well just say I wouldn't say that.
Just say one name. I'm gonna bleep it right now.
No, he don't like black women.
He don't.
Y'all know that already.
I love how you get you trying to push on own.
No, you discredit uh fucking Anna for being literally from Cuba.
She's not black, she's not black woman. Well, now you're pushing the narrative because before.
You named the names we didn't like. There's no narrative.
That was no narrative. I gave you the fla. You didn't name one black sister. Yet, your only black sister you name was our aunt Michelle Obama.
Like, what the fuck? Give us one sister one?
Just give us one, even if you don't think she's really pretty, just say one's just stuff.
You want me to just name a black woman?
Yes, any black woman, and he's just you don't Viola Davis, Oprah. This dude is crazy.
He's never thought about a black woman. That's so hard. You can't think a name.
Woman, doesn't light black women, doesn't talk to black women.
And the only ones that he can think of are the ones that we know, because he's never met any other one.
I want to know who he's talking about me too?
Who do we know?
Like what you don't think Ulian like you don't think Lupita is like gorgeous?
Oh she's mad pretty, she's very pretty. You gave me you said three women. I named three women.
I can't talk of three women.
I named a white one and two biracials, so I can't literally.
Name the same named a white woman and we shared the white one, and she named two biracial women.
But they know I'm getting.
Killed real life. I like dark skinned women. Everybody knows that. So like I date dark skinned women. They know that.
And we've only seen you with white pitches. I've seen Damarus with dark skinned women.
I have only seen you with skinny white pitches.
He doesn't like black women, hey, and it put his faith and put anti black women over his face. Hey, all your sisters out there. Julian does not like you. He doesn't think y'all should have the right to vote. He still thinks y'a should sit at the back of the bus.
He did bring them back.
How do we undercover that?
Just now? R crazy?
I mean, I had been peeped it. I didn't want to say it out loud.
No, you should have put me on make me hip. I didn't know that Julie did it was not white?
Yes, Julian, she was a Julian white chick.
Wasn't blonde, Julie.
Julia walks around the brown paper bag and she was Actually, He's right, she wasn't. He does the brown paper bag test the black women he like.
With a white plastic bag. That lunch bag is way too dark for him.
He's like, yeah, not my type, not my thing. Julian's right though she was Indian, thank you, she still wasn't black.
All right?
The darkest he ain't a black girl, Yeah, the darkest one you slept with.
Give us a comparison skin tone to a famous person.
Got to be famous because the whole world would know.
Whe's all give us a comparison.
To me, like she does that count.
Is that dark enough America summertime or DeMars in the winter.
Mexic baby fresh off of Mexico, Demerius.
She didn't really tan in Mexico. That's not Julie.
That's my fault, you know, it's not my faults, just how I was raised.
So they can't be darker than you. Let's say they can't be darker than you.
No, that's not You're darker than me.
No, Julie, you look at the self hate and he's raised Julie. You hate your mother, don't you, Julie, My mom's white.
You love her.
So you love your mom because she's a white woman.
My mother is an extremely pale Lebanese woman.
Oh my god.
But because she's Lebanese, you don't consider her white.
Right, She's literally Lebanese. She's as Middle Eastern as they come.
Yeah, that's not white.
If the police were to pull over, what would they think she was?
All right? So we found out that Julian is a colorist.
He's not racist, but his dick is.
Yeah right. No, wait, Eden, are you a colorist? I would say not? You are? I would say no.
Houston would say otherwise, why do you say that you went four nights in a row up till four am, because you were surrounded by El Salvadorians, Mexicans, fucking self love.
I was brought to those places like people told me to go there.
Have you ever had sex with a black woman? Yeah, a dark skinned black woman.
Yeah, you're a dated one.
I go, why did you make that face?
I mean my girlfriend's dark Si.
Your girlfriend is not dark skinned.
She's dark skinned the Dominican Republic. But in reality, she's not Dominican.
She's dark skinned. In my house, she's dark skinned. To me, I'll talk about.
A dark skin like a flower tortilla. You meet a black woman. He just told edit he looks like a flower to Tia.
I guess I do, right, Eddon and Julian, are you like you think Demarus is dark skin?
That's how much of a coloriss YouTube?
Your girlfriend is dark than Demeras.
No, so your girlfriends were like the same is and darkskin.
She's brown skin.
I'm not dark, but you have to understand Eden is Hispanics, so to us we are techn Latino.
Technically I am dark skinned.
She's black.
You know there, you know their grandmother's purified erase.
Yeah, thank god and I are just amazing people. Yeah, you're great, not like the rest of you.
Guys and me got here.
They tried to call me a color restmember that I do remember fake fake.
I was like, if y'all could just go through some of these videos I have in my.
Se Yu, I am a man bloy dark women, is what you say.
I love dark women, like big punch that I regulate every shaded ass. Don't discriminate against any color. I love old women, all ethnicities. I love women.
I love that you went to Big Punt as far as like the activists for Yeah, big Punt.
You made it clear like I regulated out. I love all women, all shades, colors, sizes. I don't give a fuck.
I love how we're in this room. This is the most diverse room in America. And the only person that nobody's questioning if they like black women is the white man.
We know that.
I'm on I'm on record.
Yeah, well he's a color.
She doesn't like white women.
Yeah, there's some self hating in me. Yeah that's true.
It isn't like white.
When's the last time you hooked up the Irish woman?
Proper lad spent a long time what do they call irishman It's not lads, right fiddles? Is it laddets?
Kitchen now kitchen nassies.
Have you guys ever had up their ginger?
I've never hooked up with a ginger. Well, a black chick with red red hair, I guess a weeze.
Red wiz.
It's not it's not a ging This wasn't natural.
It's not a ginger. That's the strawberry covered chocolate beauty supplies. I love that chocolate covered strawbery.
Excuse me, but it's been it's been quite some time since the Irish chick.
To be honest, why don't you like white girls? I do like white.
Girls like that, not as homies.
I find white women attractive. No, no, no, Why don't you have sex with white women?
Why don't even blame their cakes?
Yeah, because it's not very much. Yeah, there's.
I feel like there's a new phenomenon potato white women with.
Ass mashed their potatoes is fucking crazy. Shit, that's a very white washed way.
You don't why you don't tune with their castle role?
No, the only reason is that the white chicks that I would be around are like the opposite of they like black dudes.
Like, oh okay, I see what you're saying.
Yeah, that makes sense, But that makes you don't.
Like white women, is what you're saying. Got it, They're doing the same thing you're doing.
No, they don't like me, is what I'm saying.
Oh okay, Like white women that I would come in interact with are into black guys.
Rory is like the fantasy white boy like black girls that I'm gonna start a kit. Yeah, like they wanted to have sex with a white boy like Rory. Like you know what, I never had a white boy. Let me fuck Rory.
I've definitely probably got a livery a lot of pussy I didn't deserve in my early twenties because chicks were like, well I've never done that, give white point, let me let me try.
He was like, sorry to disappoint, happily married to black men.
They never went back, never never called me again.
Uh, but it is funny that we went around a room and found out who's the colorist.
I think because of the college I went to, you know, Mary Waspy private liberal arts college, and I think in the case that Rory is on purpose, that he was the token, like I'll give him a chance. I was like, Okay, he's articulate, sport like, looks good like.
That that was year. My dad won't be mad.
Yeah, their fathers won't be asthma no for real.
Like yeah, they'll be like, oh my dad, yeah, white girl will bring you home. And I wouldn't never at all.
But like I feel like I was like their rebellious semester fun.
Like, hey dad, I'm fucking e Lebani Lebanon Donanon.
Because you know, white chickens have never even heard of Lebanon at all at all.
Hey dad, I'm not fucking a nigger, but it's close enough. I think it's like Iraq or something from like Irane? Is it Iran on Iran? I don't know how to say it.
Lebanon don please change that.
Julian, that's your discord is kind of hard. Lebanon Don, that's Julian right there? Donald Trump?
And so yeah, we.
Found out who wont the staff is colorists?
Do you think Trump is fucked the black girl?
I think Trump loves black women honestly, just can't publicly what yes, yes, you just can't say it. I think no, I think publicly he.
Just you think that's why Donald Sterling like, no, he's he don't like black women.
You don't like black people, not even the ones just making him billions of dollars. That's how you know how racist he is. But he was kind of like, why do you have to say ei to them? What did they play for your team?
He had such like a he put himself in such a weird racist box, like he was kind of like a cook four black guys, but like didn't want the public to know. He's like, yeah, I know, fuck him, hang out with him, like I watch it's cool.
Just you know, don't.
Bring him to the skybox, don't bring him to the sweet he's like the boozy.
But like of his of the NBA, yeah, the NBA, and of like black women.
Rich white racist black white woman white.
It's the same energy though, like you're so negative and so anti but in your real life and at home, you're the very thing.
Like he was.
Didn't you say, like don't post them on Facebook or something like imagine Donald Sterling just at home on his desktop, seize his side, chick pokeserach not to do this.
Speaking of racist white owners, Jerry Jones responds to Lebron James. Uh, he has some things to say Lebron.
He said, I was curious if you heard about what Lebron James said about media disparity, and not that long ago he had said he's not particularly a Cowboys fan anymore.
Did you hear what Lebron said?
And would you have any interest in meeting with him and chatting with him?
Well, first of all, you have to hear me say how much I think of Lebron, and I couldn't. I don't know of anybody I respect anymore. I don't know of anybody that has taken every opportunity he's had and maximized. It made the buttons pop off my best, so to speak, when he would talk about how much of a Cowboy fan he was and he would have made a great tide here. So and that doesn't change. There's nothing about any of that that changes. And I did hear what he had to.
Say, so he didn't address So that was the response.
Said he would have been a great tight end.
He said, I don't never that'll never change.
I always think that he'll be a good tight time.
And yeah, so that was Jerry Jones' response to Lebron. He thinks that he would have made a great tight end. He loves that. He's an avid Cowboys fan or was an avid Cowboys fan.
Shut up and dribble is what he said.
Shut up or shut up and catch block or go out for a flag route.
Yeah, shut up and catch.
Has Jerry Jones really has he responded, like really responded to you know that photo?
No, he's a he's a fucking wealthy white man in America that owns one of the biggest sports brands in the world. Why would he respond to the Lebron James about a picture When he was a kid as a white segregationist.
He was just curious. He went down.
That was the time of America, that was the time they were in. It was kids just like, yeah, that's me. I was there. Yeah, I might have yelled some things at the black kids that were coming to our school.
Do you think Jerry Jones fucked the black girl fucked him? Uh, he's fucked over some.
Black some black woman. I don't know if he's actually penetrated in the black woman penetrated. Yeah.
Jerry Jones looks like he definitely loves the pure white Arian race as the driven snow is going on today, chel Jerry Jones. Look, are we surprised that Jerry Jones was at a segregated school yelling at black kids. No, he has.
The segregator shots. He wasn't holding a sign.
Yeah, I was shocked. He wasn't throwing the right hook small. Wait, they just called him just standing there looking. I'm pretty sure he threw some fucking haymakers at those kids.
I want to set out off. That was That was the most progressive. I think.
I'm Jerry. That was a light day. Y'all should have sold me.
The next day, I was out there Pelton Stones at the fucking niggers got damn.
Oh my gosh.
I think that's where he saw like the potential for quarterback in football.
Absolutely, oh my god.
He was like, they have had shots.
They have big feet, they can run fast. Jerry Jones out there thinking.
I know we're laughing at this, but that's actually it's really, it's.
Really, this is America. This is American.
I know.
These are the these are the people that once we're at these kkk rallies, these teams at these segregated schools, they now own businesses. They now own fortune five hundred companies they now own professional sports teams. They yeah, you have to go sit in front of them to get a job at these these companies. Yeah, this is America, this is what this is what we have. And I sit and I laugh at it because it's not surprising me. I don't know why anybody shocked that a picture of Jerry Jones as a segregationist kid at a school in Middle America growing up popped up on the timeline, Like, yeah, there's no surprises America.
Yeah, I'm not surprised at all. I just I'm him just now. I laugh at it because very bold to me.
I laugh at it because it's like, you know, y'all know y'all are racist, right now. You own these companies, and you pay all these black athletes all of this money, and they make you triple what you're paying them, right and it's like, this is America. The only an American can something like this happened, but you know, it is what it is. Fuck the Cowboys anyway. Nike has officially cut ties with Kyrie Irvin. Uh Am, I wearing Nikes today won't be wearing them anymore after this. I'm lying.
You're lying to this gamera right here.
No, I'm gonna Kyrie.
I have maybe two of your sneakers, but fuck Nike. Even though I'll continue to wear them, I'll steal them.
I won't buy him.
All right that Nike severn ties with Kyrie Irving after anti semitism controversy, Uh, Nike checked us out. Kyrie Irvin didn't say anything anti semitic. He actually didn't say anything at all. He just reposted a documentary that's on a platform that we all have called Amazon.
I don't know why y'all are cutting ties with them. Are y'all cutting ties with Amazon? Or y'all not allowing Amazon and ship Nike products? That's what I'm saying, like like.
It's it's it's the dumbest shit in the world.
Y'all are cutting ties with Kyrie Irving for retweeting a documentary that had some things that you may feel as anti semitic in it, that also had some things that people are saying are actual facts in it. It's a documentary. We retweet documentaries all the time, we retweet photos all the time. Why y'all cutting ties with Kyrie Ervin? Kyrie Irvin has been an amazing figure in sports. He's been a charitable guy. He's given back to the inner city, the community communities. He's paid w NBA players out of his pocket. I just don't understand what what what this is about this? Uh you know this, It's absolutely just fucking stupid and pointless at this at this at this point, you're cutting ties with him because he retweeted a documentary he has He didn't say anything negative about any people.
He didn't wish anything bad on any people.
He never has. That's not his energy. That's not the type of guy Kyrie Irvin is. He's actually a very soft spoken, humble, loving guy. And this is a this is this is disappointed, honestly that that Nike would several ties with him or retweeting or reposting a documentary. And it's stupid. And I do feel like, while I will unfortunately continue to with Nike, I do feel like Nike will take a hit behind this. I do feel like a lot of people will not support Nike products.
Has Levi's cut tiut with Brett fav.
Yet Levi has not cut tires Bret far either neither has Uh. What is the the compression socks he wears, the copper copper tone copper, copper flex, whatever, the copper or whatever.
They haven't cut ties. Haynes hasn't cut ties.
Uh, none of these companies have cut ties with a man that stole millions of dollars from welfare recipients.
Since disappeared, Like, what the fuck happened?
They don't care anymore.
It's blatant. It's in our face. Uh, it's clear cut. Nike, did you cut ties with the Dallas Cowboys, probably after the picture of a segregation as Jerry Jones came out. No, you didn't cut ties with him there, but you one of the cut ties with Kyrie Irvin. It's very telling, it's very blatant, and it's fucked up because I think Nike knows that they cornered the market and everybody owns Nike products in their homes, so it's fucked up to say, like, I have Nikes on today on my feet, but.
Maybe they should cut ties with child labor laws. Oh wait, yeah, they.
Do that already.
It's a lot of shit. You need to cut ties with Kyrie Irving is the least of your words and your problems. He didn't say anything anti Semitic, he didn't do anything anti Semitic and Kyrie Evans is not that person, man, He's Kyrie. Iervan is one of the most soft spoken, humble athletes we have.
Like, if you're Kyrie, do you get another shoe deal?
Do you get another shoe deal? I think you will. I've seen him get another shoet deal for sure. He's one of the He's one of the top athletes in the sport. He's one of the most beloved figures in his sport. He does a lot for charity. Like he's a good guy.
I mean Reebok. Look past Iverson rapping about killing cops, So why not He's just gonna go to rebox.
There's reports now that the John Moran is closing a deal with nig to get a signature shoe.
I mean, good, good for Jah, But I mean what you know, what does that say about us as athletes?
You're not an athlete, You're disposable.
I mean blacks as athletes? Do we not support each other? Do we not say, oh, y'all cut times with Kyrie?
I'm cool.
I don't want to fuck with y'all. Or is it get your money and get out the game? Is it get your money and mind your business. You know, it's fucked up. I mean, it is what it is. I understand John Morant, like he's young, he wants to make his money support his family. I get it. But at some point we have to stand together and say that was wrong. And until you make right and do right by Kyrie, we're not fucking with y'all. But again, that's easy said than done. A lot of these athletes, you know, they want to make these hundreds of million of dollars, which I understand. You twenty something as old, one of the biggest brands you've ever known in your life comes to you and says, hey, we're going to give you a hund twenty million dollars over five years, ten years, whatever it is, give you all the product you want, you know. I mean, it's hard to turn that down. But at some point we got to support each other and stand by each other man, and I would really love to see more athletes stand together and support each other, especially a guy like Kyrie who has always been nothing but solid, stand up, done the right things, said the right things. Even when he said the world was flat, we laughed at him.
It is what it is.
I mean, if you look out the sidewalk though it's flat.
It's flat. Just it's pretty bumpy over here right now. But all in all, Kyrie is a good guy man. He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't not not over retweeting a documentary. This is this is going too far. It's too much, and I do feel like at some point Nike will feel this though. I think product is down though. I think they're saying that Adidas and Nike has agreed to cut production by like twenty percent next year. A lot of product is sitting on the shelves. The resale market is absolutely crack, has it really? Absolutely A lot of resellers I hit my line panic and they trying to sell me all condishit for the low right now. I'm like, fam, I'm cool. I don't need no more sneakers right now. But they're just sitting on product.
Nobody's buying sneakers, reducing order volumes by thirty to forty percent starting next summer.
Yeah, like so clearly you know changes are coming, changes are happening.
They're saying it's COVID related, COVID related.
No, they just fucking flooding the fucking market with sneakers. Every week A sneaker comes out, Ye, Like what do y'all like? People are not not going to keep just buying these sneakers every fucking week, Like it's just too much. Like you're praying on the fucking addiction that you know people have. You're killing the resell game. Yeah, And I just think that there's you know, this Kyrie Irving thing is going to be a result of a lot of people stepping back and just looking at how they treat athletes and especially athletes of color, and saying, a something has to change here.
This isn't right.
So, like you said, none of these companies cut tides with Brett Favre, and what he did was absolutely fucking insane and disgusting. You're stealing from people that need money, that don't have money, don't have resources. You're a fucking Hall of Fame athlete with millions of dollars already to your name, and you're stealing from poor people. He was entitled to that moneymore, he was pure white man.
At least Kanye bounced back, right, He's doing great, he seems Instagram.
Yeah, he seems to be doing pretty good here. Kanye is the first person to have his account suspended by Elon Musk. After Elon let the nword fly all over Twitter pretty much gave people freedom of speech, freedom of thought, Kanye went a little too far. He tweeted on Jay Z's birthday, future President of the United States Yay, uses Mark Zuckerberg's platform to incite a mass investigation of Elon Musk's childhood photos in the midst of Balenciaga Gate. I call this the theory of everything problem solved. Praise God. Am I the only one who thinks Elon could be half Chinese? Have you ever seen his picks as a child. Take a Chinese genius and made them rory like two dogs with a South African supermodel, and we have an Elon.
We have an Elon.
That's what they're known as.
Yeah, the loan known as Elon's. I said Elon because they probably made ten to thirty Elons and he's the first genetic hybrid that's stuck. Well, let's not forget about Obama. I'm sorry for using cursed words in church, but I don't have another word for Obama yet. A twenty four let's unify and find out luafo. I don't know what luafo means.
Laughing under I don't know.
Another laughing under one another.
For one, Yeah, okay, laughing under another.
Fat oss, laughing under another fought os. Uh, Kanye, listen, we love you, but I think you need you got to get.
Some help, bro, make graduations.
Stay off the internet, Kanye, I mean.
He's using the Trump blueprint.
Man trum went after Obama's birth certificate, became president. Now we have to go after Elon Musk a certificate.
And then somebody says Kanye West says he believes Elon Musk is half Chinese neck hybrid. Elon responses, I take that as a compliment, recapturing. Kanye says it was a compliment my friend. Now Obama, on the other hand, what does that mean.
I don't know.
Kanye is he's trying to found his ver certificate.
Man, he's going through as Kanye thing. Listen, man, pray pray for Kanye.
Uh. He needs some serious help.
He needs he needs to talk to somebody. He needs to stay off the internet. He needs to uh, you know, just just just get itself together, man, Just just sit down and relax. Stay away from the internet, stay away from the media. Please, people stop booking Kanye to speak on your platforms. Uh, we know what y'all are trying to do, clicks and views to drive ads or whatever the fuck y'all trying to do. But at this point it's it's enough.
Is enough?
Nobody wants to see Kanye or here Kanye talking about the shit he's talking.
About as anyone heard from Chris Paul, since nobody has heard from Chris.
Paul on his knees, like Lloyd begging.
And Chris Paul, why is he married?
But that was Do you think that was true?
Why would someone like Chris Paul catches straight like that if it weren't true?
Because maybe Kanye tried to reach out to Chris Paul for something and Chris Paul was like, Nah, everything you're going through right now, I'm cool.
So you're gonna say, what did you reach out to my wife? You know, I don't know.
About anything. Hey, help me fund the school I'm trying to open up. Help me, you know for why Chris?
Plenty of people have told him no, So why does Chris get Because.
That's it's true, man, I think it's true.
Why like Chris isn't known. He's not one of those dogs.
He's not like and so what like he's all right cool.
Yeah, I mean that's not at this point, it's not really an accomplishment. I don't know.
He did all of that to give back to circle Back and the night with Chris Paul Fuck my Girl.
Yeah, imagine Kanye went to bed. I mean that's what he did last time.
How can Kanye get sleep right now? Honestly, think about it. If your name was like and on the internet as much as Kanye's is right now, how do you do.
You want to put it on there though?
How do you turn your brain off?
Roy? That's probably what makes him go to see turned the phone off.
I don't know, but when you know, when you wake up, he opened your phone. You know the ship storm that's waiting. But that's what.
Kanye wants exactly.
I don't know if he sleeps to night because he's getting what he wants, and that's all of us to just keep talking about after he's saying ridiculous things.
I think he sleeps very peacefully.
That's like white.
I think he loses sleep when no one's talking about him. That's why he goes on Alex Jones and was like, well, I guess I'll just say I love Hitler because they'll keep him talking for a week at least.
Right and not even a week because people don't be talking about that right now.
I'm happy that did pass for yeah.
That that that people are not talking about that either way. Kanye, Man, listen, I feel like you need love. I feel like you need help. I feel like you need people around you that really care about you. I feel like you need to stay off the internet. I feel like you need to stay away from interviews on platforms. I feel like you just need time to get yourself together. I don't know you know what you're going through, but listen, man, we pray for you. We hope you're okay. We hope your mental health is okay.
Deon Sanders left Jackson State and took ahead coaching job at Colorado.
The internet was upset about that.
Oh, Deon, you said you're gonna bring back HBCUs and recruit top players to play at HBCUs. And the moment you.
Got off of the big bag you ran to Colorado.
University of Colorado's not an HBCU, did tee. There's a line A little bit got okay?
Uh, listen, man, you know Deon saying this is all about you know, making money, taking care of your family. And then who knows a coach like Deon Sanders at that level, at this type of program. I understand why people upset that he left for HBCU. He had some big recruits coming to HBCU. Uh, But you know, I mean, he whatever he's in it for, he has the right to go and coach whoever he wants. I do understand why people upset and kind of like mad about him leaving Jackson State. But he did a great job while he was there, recruited some big players, changed the culture of that school, changed the way the campus looked, the way the campus felt, the way the a stadium felt during games.
Did you guys see what Shannon Sharp's aid?
What did Shannon Sharp say? I would love to know what he said.
So they're killing him on the internet right now because he basically was like, this is an upgrade for Dion, And then the Internet's kind of like, well, Shannon dam like, just because he's leaving a black school, leaving an HBCU and went to a white school, this is an upgrade for him, Like it's a you know what I'm saying. So the Internet was killing him so much, saying that HBCUs aren't as good as other schools.
Not at all.
I ignore when I say this, but yeah, he's buggings like it's a bigger program, bigger university.
Is much better program. Yeah, learn close ridiculous stands to take.
That's what Shannon Sharpe said.
No, that's what people are saying.
Some people are tearing him up. He was He's been arguing with people on Twitter all day.
Listen, man, I get it. I understand why some people upset that Dion left left Jackson State, but he did what he went there to do. He changed the culture there. He uh, you know, he brought some some some exciting football. Everybody was, you know, more people paying attention to Jackson State than they probably ever have before Dion took that job. He uplifted that or organization. He uplifted that school, helped a lot of young black men out just by being in his presence. And listen, man, you don't you don want to move on to a bigger school, a bigger platform. You know, it is what it is, man, But we can't act like you know, he didn't do what he set out to do at Jackson State because he definitely he definitely bought a lot to that HBCU and brought a lot of eyes and attention.
To Jackson State.
So slewte on that and good luck man, you know, we got to get to a point we start just I understand you left, and I might be upset, but good luck at Colorado. Yeah, good luck at Colorado. So it's a it's a big bag he took. I think it's twenty nine million over five years or something like that. Christ twenty six million over five years, something like that. So congratate Deion, saying as coach prime. All right, so uh yeah, Rory back on the road this weekend. This is gonna be like a we're hitting a threesome. We're going from Seattle to LA.
It's like my kind of show straight to.
Fucking Boston without Rory and the third Well, no Seattle, LA Boston.
Oh Yeah that.
Sounds like only a threesome. Jolian would like.
Yeah, a lot of whites in Boston, you know, like the numbers up in Boston.
Boy, the transplant LA girls usually the same.
I'm Bill Russell in Boston. Oh Seattle, you don't look crazy.
They have a lot of fucking uh Lemon Lebanese women in Seattle out here, they don't I know.
I don't know.
You may be a little dark from Boston girl who Juli Nah?
They like him like that articulate. They could bring him home to dad.
I am Kate Verdy in a little bit, Kate.
Barty try to find his twenty three men.
And I know my parents took it.
Yeah, man, I know I'm not making all right.
Were out in Seattle this weekend at the Neptune Theater Friday, December ninth, LA. We're at the Regent Theater December fourteenth, and then we finished the tour for twenty twenty two in Boston at the Wilba Sunday, December eighteenth. Get your tickets now, Roymaul dot com. I'm not sure I didn't look, but if it is, we can check out Tatum and the Boys.
Yeah, the boys.
Speaking of Tatum, where uh kick Game?
Check out our episode of kick Game on YouTube. Shout out to Craig everybody in the UK that showed us love. UH had a good time shooting that. A lot of people. They enjoyed that episode.
As much as I love Craig. I'm happy they're killing him about thinking that Jay Big Tupac line is that fire?
That shit was fine? That was so.
That just wasn't the line he should have went for at all.
That just wasn't the line. But a shout out to Craig. Thank y'all for welcoming us over at Kick Game. Episode available now YouTube. Uh So, yeah, Rory were on the road. Three more shows left. Let's finish up strong. Uh So, I guess, I guess I'll see you guys for the next two weeks. Sick of seeing y'all, but fuck it, that's end strong until Friday.
Will talk to y'all again.
You're rooming with Julian in Seattle.
Jesus Christ, pray for me. I'm that nigga. He's just ginger Peace.