(0 -9:35) -The Swoyersville Kiwanis have been hard at work in their community, holding events to raise money for area charities, children and other groups. Kiwanis club president Kathy Breznay explains the history of the nonprofit and several events they are hosting in the community through the end of the year. The group is also looking for members, volunteers and more - you can learn more by visiting the Swoyersville Kiwanis on Facebook!
(9:36 -20:26 ) - Luzerne County Heads Start has been a vital organization for furthering childhood development and education in the area for decades, and the group had just been awarded a major grant to further develop their Early Head Start Home Visiting Program. Executive Director Lynn Evans Biga and Brooke Williams, Community Advocate, says the grant will allow Head Start to help an additional 50 children and their families in Wilkes-Barre, Edwardsville and Exeter's programs, as well as hire 5 additional Family Educators. Learn more by visiting Luzerne County Head Start!
(20:27 - 30) Liz Paulewicz and her daughter, Lily, come on the show to talk about "Lily's Fight" and a fundraiser coming up to support the family at Handel's Ice Cream. Lily was diagnosed with two neurological disorders (IIH, Chiari Malformation) as well as legions and cysts that have formed in her brain. Her family must travel to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where Lily has undergone an array of treatments and surgeries. A fundraiser will take place on October 13th at Handel's Ice Cream in Plains to help offset the cost of travel, lodging and medical expenses for Lily. There will be a car show, costume contest6, kids activities, food trucks and more. You can donate and follow along by visiting Lily's Fight on Facebook.