Ryan talks with his former teammate and Kings legend Jason Thompson on the hazards of not correctly doing your "rookie duties," being the Sacramento Kings all-time leader in games played, and the bright future of Keegan Murray.
NBA Rookie Life is a production of iHeartMedia and the NBA
How's everybody doing what you want to welcome you into NBA rookie like with Ryan hollins Man and today, man, we gonna have a fun episode. Man, this is this is one of my dogs, one of my boys. Man listen, a former teammate of mine, and he was what he's a fellow big man. You know, our big man always had to get down the twelfth pick in the two thousand and eight draft. He is has played the most games for an NBA organization, for the Sacramento Kings. I want to save it so I didn't give it away. The most games ever played. This is like some this is elite company dog. Okay, none other than my guy Jason Tops jtbles go with your Boy's.
Good with you, man, appreciate you for having me on.
Hey, j listen, JT is this Can we can we JT the kid? Can we slide it in? That's that's what we called him in the locker of j T.
I just remember even when they when Twitter first started, was my rookie year and they.
Were like, yo, what name, what year was that? What year was that?
That was two thousand and eight man, And the PR people was like, yo, there's a new app coming out called Twitter, What you do today? And pick a name. I couldn't think of nothing. You know, JT the kids started in the rest is history. I don't know how long I can have that for. But that's a that's another time for another day.
So hold on, hold on, hold on. So did you literally throw out the name JT the kid there and it stayed so you like, no, it was just literally just for Twitter?
Yeah, man, I mean literally, I didn't have any correlation of that name. I couldn't think of something. I know, JT was catchy just because of my name. Everybody called me JT. No one really called me Jason, and I was just trying to think of something catchy. And like I said, years later, here we are.
And j like Jason. There's a million Jason Thompson's like like, you know what I'm saying, Like so, so it does have to be different. I'm you know, it's funny. I had to be the Ryan Hollins or d however people like to say it because some dudes won't get off Ryan Hollins and he was just being a real jerk about it. But I'm like, dog, I'm verified, so whatever. Like so people like okay, the right. I'm like, I couldn't yo JT for real, Like you know, it takes a while. But JT, man, like I said, I'm glad to have you on And for those who don't know, you one of my favorite teammates. People don't know man, like you have a love for basketball and you're one of the only guys I played with. JT. I know you remember this. We just got like tired of we were in a situation we play minutes, we wouldn't play minutes we play and like we would literally play full on ones before the game, like we gonna have our own game. But that's why I rock with you because a lot I'm like, JT's a real with some guys, I don't want to get heard on. We were getting it in and.
Man, that's all that's all I know is just to go hard. And like you said, you know, I'll explained later on. It's just when you have that type of situation. We have two ownerships, seven coaches in seven years and that amount of time and tons of new teammates that are coming in. You know, I was the last man standing for a long period of time and try to make the best of the situation. But then when you get older and a little bit wiser, you understand, like that's not really normal, and you know I had to survive.
Man, Absolutely, well, Man, let's let's go ahead, and rewind We talked a little bit about being drafted and you're the longest tenure king and however you want to put it, doll like that is an accomplishment and you end up going twelfth. In two thousand and eight, JT walked me through the draft experience for you Draft Day. You know, where were you, what were the expectations, who was with you? What was your agent saying? You know, were you comfortable going into the draft? Were you nervous? You know, like people don't know, Like I kid you not, Bro. My agent told me this stunk. Bro. He said, you could go from anywhere from ten to fifty. I said, what do you mean? He said, I could be the tenth pick in the draft or the fiftieth because you know, I'm bouncy. I was an intriguing prospect. Like day, he's bouncy, he's tall, like but he didn't play that much or you know, he played well at the end, you know, there were more questions and answers than I was a you know, a college senior. I was a young senior. But they still you know, put that the equation. But for you, what was that draft experience? You know, who were you? Were you not in nineteen twenty at the time. Who was JT the kid? You were really the kid then at the time? Man, But walk me through draft day for you and where you stood in your career?
Yeah, man, just a little bit by myself. I was, you know, from South Jersey, you know, from I went to Roddy University thirty minutes outside of Philadelphia in Jersey, and you know, coming in, man, you just didn't think of, you know, being an NBA prospect and an events.
Of the guys that came up with you in Jersey, you know, like.
A real mentor.
Was Dwan Wager you know, the messiah of New Jersey player in the country. His son Daly's the number one player in the country. And DJ Wagner so and then it's Dad with the old American. I think it's the first time three guys in their generation, family generations were all America or number one players in the country, you know, so like I said, and then Milik and the Milik Allens of the world and things go uh, you know, list goes on with that, and then eventually, like I said, I grew three inches my junior year, I started getting more looks. I was going to the Lebron camps than Mark kamps, the top guys that were like, yo, this guy putting up big numbers against you know, mid major competition. What can he do against the best better guys in the country. So I was going against the Maurice Spates, the Anthony Randolph, the Lopez, the Lopez twins, Roy Hibbert, and we were going at him. And then like you said, a Mari was playing, Lebron was playing, and other NBA got for playing at the time. So you know, with that experience, especially going into my junior year, you know, I took a full advantage of that.
We were you skinnied th JT or did would you have like size?
Right? So That's what I'm saying.
So going in to my junior year, I still was about like six to eleven, but I was two hundred and then guys are like, yo, you have the ability to go to the lead, you gotta put on muscle. So I just locked in. Eventually I became a junior year, I was about twenty six eleven two twenty, and then I graduated in six eleven two fifty.
Dang, hold on, j T. There's no way, bro stot on. You put up fifty pounds of muscle between your junior year and your senior year.
All around there. Like I was two twenty to two fifty, so about thirty. But when I when I signed a letter attenth to go to college, I was six eight one ninety and I graduated six eleven, two fifty.
You gotta be kidding men. Sixty pounds, dude, you talk about You know what's funny when you look at the NBA. Now these kids are one and done or they're your age, and it's like, dang, you put you you put on sixty pounds of muscle, like functioning muscle in that time. That's wild. So who knows what you know. I'm sure we'll talk about the lady like a Victor winbin Yama like guys like that like that. That is wild that if he could make that type of jump and increase. Wow, oh so you're falling out. You're doing well, You're doing your thing. Did you always like, oh man, I'm going to the NBA or like what was it playing against those guys? Like well, shoot, if I played, well, here they going, I'm going. And how did that kind of function from getting an agent to your college coach and and and then obviously drot wise, how did how did that come around? Or I guess I assume you created a bus for yourself, right.
Yeah, so you had more of the like I said, the South Jersey guys in Philly is so close.
So during those.
Times, you had a guy John Harnett that kind of ran the workout for Philadelphia.
And you know guys.
Especially when the Sixers, you know throw back sixers where AI would come, Aaron McKee and like I said, Kyle arm was coming, Dion Waiters and uh, like I said, all the Philly guys that were in the league, I can't work and the list goes on. So, like I said, it was one of them things, where are you doing anything in Jersey? Coming over the bridge and see this up and like I said, I always you know, like the fact of that challenge and things like that. So then you know, going into my senior year, I was like number two and rebounding in the country behind Beasley.
We we go. So you know, another thing.
I was on national TV my senior year and the first game he played NC State and that had JJ Hickson who was so who was a freshman at the time. And then I was like, all right, let me let me go on JJ. And then the next game we played Penn State, when like I said, they had a solid squad.
But then the third game he played.
Mike Beasy, and Mike Beasy, like I said, was projected number one, and like I said, and Billy Walker.
Was on that team to Billy Walker.
Right, And we didn't win that game, but like I said, I put up like twenty five and ten man, and like I said, this started becoming more on the radar, and like I said, I was hollering in these games and saying, you know what, like this, you know this is this can happen and make the best of the situation.
When you were when you were skinny JT one ninety two, would you were you? I remember JT. You'd always go in and I know if anything, like you good for a double double? Was that always you know, kind of your basketball make up your DNA, but like you're always gonna if you play the minutes like that, that shows like you're a double double guy. That's just who you are, knows for the ball the way you would train.
For sure.
I mean, like I said, I always tell guys in the mentality right, Like I went to a mid major school. I had the talent to go to a higher major, but they wanted me the red shirt a year, and like I said, I only knew the play. So my thing was was, like I came with the mentality of have energy, be able to get on the boards, run the floor, be the hardest worker, and then your skill will take care of the rest. So if I can get ten points and ten rebounds just off of energy, then my skill will get me twenty So I averaged, you know, twenty one and twelve.
You know, my senior year. So I'm like, all right, you know I'll be able to like I said, show skill, shoot the three, put the ball on the floor, take the ball out of bounds, rebound the ball, running faster than the guards, and like I said, become approximate.
You know, it's crazy you say that, JT. Those are wise words. And if any young boys are listening or coaches, spread this on, because I remember Kevin Garnett told me similar. He looked me dead in my eyes, and this is KG. This is KG. And he was like, listen, man, you can if he said have to you know what word he used, half the people in the league will insert that for KG. He said, you don't even have to have skill, he said he and he's saying, at the NBA level, you can outwork half the people in the league. And he's like, your skill is going to set you into the you know, the upper echeline. But it's funny you're saying that, you know, a walking testament of it, Like you go out and work, you don't even have to have skill. You're better than half the NBA by that in your position. So I think, like that was that was life changing for me to hear him say that, like you you're serviceable just by playing hard and then every everything else boils on. But okay, JT take me in the draft day. You got your buzz going around you. You feel like you you went pound for pound with the best. Mike. Those who don't know, go back and check Mike Beasley. That was one of the most certified players like ever, Like he was, he was just different. He was different in college. He was a dog in the league too. Mike Beasley needs his respect. But take me through draft day. I'm over the emotions. What were your thought process? What were the feedback you were getting from the draft workouts? Now that that you were getting and you like, how did you how are you approaching it?
So the night before I was working out at the time, still with the new jersey nets and the Knicks, right, and then I go to the main draft hotel to pick up my draft suit, you know, and like I said, this is me knowing that I wasn't gonna go to the draft.
So I go.
Then I like, I take the train to Philly and then I'm good. I have my draft student and then I'm not thinking of of it. Uh So, then the draft day, I go, I don't work out for the Sixers. But then Comcast, NBA TV all that type of stuff following. They actually did a piece up with me, h d Rose, the Lopez Twins and stuff the night before the draft. So then next thing, you know, we go, I meet with all the front office and stuff with the Sixers and then I come back home. So I'm at the house. I have all my family, my friends and close you know, love.
Who's there who give me some names man, mom, Duke's in.
The house, Like I said, my mom, my brother, my grandparents, Uh, you know, have my aunts and uncles and then you know just some close friends.
Are you are usually like the first in the family to have this type of success a lot of us mostly I don't want to assume. So are they looking like like yo, like we've never seen this before?
Yeah, at this type of level was?
I mean, I have some that were like actors and one played in Brooklyn. I had some that were lawyers and stuff like that, but never kind of on like that type of stage. So, like I said, like, I'm just you know, pacing myself and it's a long day, you know, humbly, you know, and that.
I'm trying to be in another room. Everybody else espnists on the whole day.
We're listening to guys like yourself and all them analysts talking about who should go here, we should go there, all that type of stuff. So as time goes on, like I said, I ended up. I put I put my suit on. I act like what color is j New York? So it was like metallic silver with with yellow with yellow and then like a yellow and metallic.
Uh tie it as kind of flying. Man, i'mna have to send me. I'm gonna have to.
We have to.
We're gonna have to put a picture on here showing that John.
I was flying.
Uh So yeah.
So then as time goes on, and like I said, like we had the TV in the family room and I'm just in the kitchen, and I had my agent there. At the time, I had signed with Leon Rose, and then I was off with Andre Buck as well. Who's PJ. Tucker's agent and stuff. So so like I said, we're just there and everyone just likes everything going played, and and like I said, like regardless of anyone where I got picked, it still feels like a long time, long day because all the pre shows, all those type of things. And then like you said, at the time, you know, David Stern was the commissioner Rest in Peace, and you know, every time like he goes into the podium, I think you get five minutes, so they're not five minutes, feels like twenty five minutes.
And like I said, I.
Remember, you know, the eleventh pick I think was the Portland Trail Blazers and they took Jared Bayless and I remember, and like you said, like you said every like you a new in the beginning of the night or beginning of the day. It was gonna either be between twelve and then like you said, like it could be the end of the first round. And like I said, it all depends on the team's needs. Sometimes it's not about the best player. It's about do we need a big, do we need a guard? Do we need a three minute? So did you have a pick?
JT? Did you have did you have like a team? So Portland Dartner told me they were drafting me in New Jersey. I went in the day before the draft and worked out with New Jersey and Lawrence Frank and Dang I forget the GM. They looked me dead in my face and were like, why should we draft you? Like, why should we draft you? Are you ready? Like like pretty much like you're coming here. Nick Mick Miller was like like put me in the office, was like, hey, I've never seen nothing like bro JT. No, Lie, I was win milling to step in from the free throw line like I was like, I'm going to port Like I'm going to Portland, Like you know what I'm saying, So, did you have a team kind of like I'm kind of good. I'm going there. I'm going there.
So like, yeah, in between the draft workouts, I had a few injuries that I didn't obviously talk about. I tried to play through it. I might have canceled some workouts. It's because so I can get healthy to go. I had one of the most workouts in that draft. But like I said, sometimes I was getting going back to those teams, Warriors, Kings, couple of other teams that they told me to come back and they're like, yo, don't even tell your family. Was like, Yo, don't tell your family, nothing like that, like we don't want no one. So, like I said, so it makes sense on that. And then like I said, I just remember David Stern going to the podium. I remember my agent like fulping me, like yo, yo. I'm not sure, but it might be I'm like yo, man, I'm like yo, man like and I'm like, I said, my kitchen at my house, like yo, maybe I stop playing me. He's going down on what And then like you said, never forget as long as I live, man, you know. With the twelve pick, the Sacrament of King select Jason Thompson.
With a twelve pick in the two thousand and eight NBA Draft, the Sacramento Kings select Jason Thompson from Writer University.
I just remember all the people telling me, man, like what you going to do when it happens.
I'm like, yo, I might.
Take my shirt off, run down the street. I had no idea, just a wholy emotions. Is all the hard work you put in as a kid and everyone telling you that, like, yo, be realistic with your goals and stuff.
It just all just hit you at once. You know, on YouTube it goes I hugged my brother, my family, jumping up and down. I try to get some fresh year in the whole neighborhood outside like going crazy. Yeah, it was lit, man, it was lit.
And then eventually we go get the limo and then we had one of the sports bars about maybe like ten minutes away.
It was crazy. Man.
It took me like an hour to even get inside the draft party. People from a high school, college, family, friends.
It was.
It was something to people still talk about it, man, every time I go like in that area.
So it was it's a blessing.
You got to be one of the first guys I want to say, you're the of the guys we've talked to You're like the highest draft pick by far. That was at the crib. Everybody else was a green room guy. And you you don't get an invite and you go high and you're at the cryp.
So once you got it's crazy.
You see, I was at the ESPN Zon. I was the fiftieth picks. I was sitting there mad, like I'm gonna bust him up. When I see him, I got like, you're jumping up and down. You at the crib. That's a legendary. So no more draft. I got drafted. We watched our deal, We out of here, We to the club. What what happened?
I mean honestly, it was like I said, we were at that party like for a long long time.
I think also too, which is crazy.
Like that same Lemo that we called up, we actually went to like Atlantic City was probably from there. It's like forty minutes. We had no idea, no plane, no nothing that we were gonna do. We just took it there and was going to to ac Man and then like I said, you come back, and then we had a plane to go straight to Sacramento right in the morning.
Who's the who's the first phone call? You got from the King's Organization, because I remember, for me, I was mad. JC. I don't know if I told you, bro I was drafted during a commercial. My dad told me. He was like, you got drafted. I thought my dad was just jiving. I was like, man, stop it, man. And I saw everybody started celebrating. I was like, oh, I did, like you know, but like and then I'm upset, obviously fiftyth pick. Next thing I know, I'm on the phone with Michael Jordan. Man, I'm on the phone with the goat man. So who was that. Who was that first call? And was it like oh gosh, like from celebration to like, all right, let's get let's get to Hooper, like this is real.
I think from what I remember, I think it was Jeff Petree talking to them and a couple of other guys. I think at the time he was the president and the GM of the team, so we're just talking to him. He was really excited. I think I got to talk to Reggie Thias, who was the head coach at the time as well, too, and they just were, you know, they loved how my work ethic and how well I did in the workout and stuff, and like I said that, this was when they invited me the second time. Man, I was like, yo, you ain't gonna make no mistake of bringing me back again.
Yeah, yeah, you know, put.
My footprint on it. So you know, like the rest is issue.
Okay, how about okay, you get drafted and obviously we want to skip past league because you still some league. For those who don't know, you're still there with the young guys. It's not really the NBA, but it's kind of like, hey, this is where your bags are, this is where your stuff is. Talk to me.
But even in that, even then though the Summer League, I feel like the Summer League didn't still because you still had guys that were Vets that still played. So I still felt like because even my time it was Spencer Hall's played, Sheldon Williams played like, there's still some guys on my team and they were bigs that were there. So I just remember and bringing that up, that's why I sapped. You can bring it up. So I think the first game he played, we played the Trail Blazers and it was against Baylists in there and I and at the I got a bucket at the buzzer and we beat the blazing So I was. I was, and like I said, it wasn't a thing of Yo, you should have picked me on eleven because I mean they had they had Portland had a squad, so they needed to guard. But like I said that, I remember that because, like I said, I hit it jone at the buzzer against them, and like I said, that was the perform me.
You're like, I'm popping. I'm on, I'm more.
Let's get it Philly, Hey, Philly, Philly in Jersey Lit.
All right, what about talk to me man that when you do get to that camp, so you kind of do your thing. I know, the buzz now now that's dangerous now because the buzz is there from some of league like oh he hit the game winner, man, rookies on, talk to me about you know kind of if people don't understand, it's like the first day of school. You know, you go in, you have media day, you're taking your pictures and you're seeing some of the veterans. You're seeing for the first time. Like Yo, where he been. He ain't been at none of the workouts. He's showing up directly been camp. So talk to me about that kind of first day at the school, experienced what it was like your first year.
Well, one thing I did was when I did go to because it was in Vegas. We had a camp even before in Sack So before we had the camp in Sack to go to Vegas, I got my house and I just wanted to get comfortable of the city and that's sure to let them know, like I'm serious about this and let's get stuff done. But like you said, the training camp, man was at the time, we had bets like Brad Miller, Bobby Bobby Jackson but that was his last year playing, Mikey Moore, Francisco Garcia, and Kevin Martin to name a few, And like I said, man, we had, we had a lot of talent. It just was unfortunate. I think we got off to a solid start. But then you know, with injuries and things like that. You know, eventually coach Dias had got h had got fired and it we changed. And like I said, that was pretty much the whole type of you know, a current reoccurrence with the organization which was changed. And the more you think about it, you had to trust the process with Philadelphia, with Brent Brown, and it wasn't really his fault where they had losing seasons, but he still was the coach. So at least if you have that and you had most of the similar teammates, you could still build off of it. We weren't able to build because you change ownerships, you change coaches each.
And every year.
I mean Michael Malone was one of our coaches and was fired and now look have his successful he's having now. And like I said, it's not a shot. It's just like I said, it might be fit, it might be differences at the top. So you know, those type of things are very clear now as you're older and you experience it, and then you can be able to understand how things are supposed to go rather than how they did.
Yeah, and for those who don't know, NBA's professional sports and every team is different. I went from the Bobcats and we didn't even have a regional sports deal. To listen, an NBA team didn't have a regional sports deal. We were that young, so there wasn't no like Fox Sports West or Balley Sports and then national TV games and I was like, what is this Sunday game? Or are all these people here? I'm on ABC? Now? Like what you and the real NBA now. So I say that to say for a young player, when you have multiple coaches, you know, inconsistency. You go from saying, hey, JT, we want you to be a mid range shooter to hey, man, we want you to be a shop blocker, or we want you to be a three point shooter. And you have a summer or a new general matter. You have a summer to kind of develop or a training camp to give coach what he wants. So the longevity or the inconsistencies for a young guy is extremely tough. And then you know you're trying to find your way. So that's a good point. All right, stay tuned, guys, A young JT. The kid learned a lesson from his veterans. And I don't this is what you got to see. Man, I was laughing. He can laugh now about it. We'll tell you what happens coming up next on NBA Rooky Lifey, you came in for the NBA ready and you certified. Now, a lot of young guys we ain't quite certified. They don't like to kind of bring this up, man, But did you have that that welcome to the NBA moment? Did you have someone that just busted you up, or did you have a og a somebody that you like. Man, you know what, all due respect, I don't want to say he weak. Nobody's weak, but kind of like I'm younger than him, I got him that kind of just gave you the business. Like dog, I always tell people, listen, o'della Harrington gave me the business on the other side of the rim. I looked up one time Marvin Williams was was skying over and duncan I'm a second lad on a rotation like that? Okay, this NBA is a little different. Did you have somebody that kind of or a moment where you're like, okay, dog, like I gotta I gotta get better. This NBA is a little tougher than I thought.
Well, I think it's just like the mentality that I had. I always was like, you know what, I was cool. I was gonna be able to fit in with a squad, and you know, like I said, I had a lot of events that I even kind of looked up to because I'm such a basketball junkie.
You know.
We had Brad Miller, who was an All Star with the Pacer. We had Kenny Thomas who was with the Rock It's you know, for for a long period of time, and listen to the playoffs for a long time. We had Mikey Moore who was with that Jason Kidd next team that went to the finals. If I'm not mistaken, Yeah, So, like I said, these are guys and then like I said, Spencer Halls was young, but like I said, these are all guys that I'm going through in practice, and they're like, man, I'm not letting this young brook take my spot. So like I said, I can't say anything in particular with that, but they definitely tried to humble me, regardless of the success that I was having. I think that in my first game I had, I came off the bench and I had a double double, and like I said, like that was something that I was gonna try and do. It's crazy that I tried to understand it now, right, I was humble enough to be able to be confident in my game where you know, I always knew someone was going to try and take my spot, but it never really happened.
Ice Wall and college and stuff.
So now as I'm trying to make a name for myself, I'm looking at it now and those guys are like, man, I'm not having this young dudedude, you know what I mean. So Bobby Jackson one of the times, so one of the things we had we had to get at least ten lifts in the season, and I had not. But also I had rookie duties get the breakfast, the bagels and all that type of stuff. So what I tried to do was I was trying to be on time to get the lift in. I gave money to one of the secretaries and to get the stuff because I couldn't do both at the same time, and I was gonna get fine for both. So I was like, let need to kill two birds in one stone. So what she did was she got the stuff, comes through the weight room and then and Bobby goes, Yo, why are you coming there with the stuff? So long story short, we go, I have practice and stuff. I come outside and I have popcorn in my car.
Now, JT. I think we we we may have some footage of this, JT. We may I think I think we have something that might jog your memory.
I love you.
Putting the story out, JT. Because you're taking us right into it. Actually, So let's go to.
It and it with the popcorn in there too. Walk, I got popcorn.
Popcorn whipping.
There's like there's like literally so much popcorn you can't even get in the car.
I don't understand, like shampood the carpet and everything, and.
You know, I think this is three days now that we haven't had bagels when we come into practice. And he's always he never brings scream cheese. He always expects stream cheets to last for about a month. So he got it. You know, he had it coming.
So do you know who's responsible for this?
I do?
Can you disclose that information? No, you bought it out? Look at the good non JT, Like you're telling walk, walk me through it?
Hold on looking? Did you start to realize the look is on your He's like, why are there cameras out here?
Right? I was like yo, I was like, what are they doing? And I got a fresh package from Nike. I got stuff falling off the box. I'm pissed. Look and Dana went the secretary. Y'all they're gonna spence Yo. It was crazy, man. I was sick Spence being being spenced. Of course, my god, they know man, you got a young brook byby Brown good dude, man, good dude.
Yeah. I was pissed, man, I was pissed.
I just know that I wasn't cleaning it and like I said, now I'm messing out my plans and all that type of stuff.
So the name so Dana sold you out that hey JT, you know, didn't want to do his rookie duty and he gave me the money. So Dana sold you out pretty much.
Man. I mean I came through the weight room and then got me so and like I said, I don't remember this ever happened or being viral at the time. So this went like crazy and then you started seeing guys in the league get it done to them. But uh yeah, I definitely I could, you know, maybe, look, I don't believe. I'm like yeah, I'm like, yo, I know, they don't think I'm trying to clean this stuff. Man. So we got somebody, one of the car dealer guys that cleaned it up for me, and, like I said, messed up a couple of hours.
Man, my day.
Look at the flip phone.
Man, I was sick.
What did you learn from this?
I don't, I don't. I haven't seen anything like this from the young rookies now and you have some super og veterans, and I think, if I'm not mistaken, you know you had three times to kind of do what you're supposed to do as a young rook you ain't doing what you're supposed to do. Man, So what was going on?
What was the after?
I mean, like I said, that's why I kind of bring up the story like me being a lottery picking, being a guy that was kind of a threat, I guess to my teammates in a way, my god, John Samer, you know they put they put me in check. Uh And like I said, they just made me do a little bit more than you know, Dante or Bobby or all those type of things, you know what I mean. So you know they wanted me to. If anything, it was more of a learning experience of just being like, hey, you need to mature a little bit more fastive if you're going to try and help this team out. So in a way, I look at it, and you can look at it when you're older and be like it's a learning experience. You know, humble yourself, rook you know they're going to bet right there. The Govt.
They're like y'all like you.
Know, humble yourself. Yeah, you still got some time to take some of our minutes. That's how I took it.
Yeah, man, it's a it's a lifelong fraternity. And for those who don't know, it's not just like we're gonna mess with the rook It's like, you know, we're not gonna fight you, We're not gonna beat you up. But it's like humble you. You know, like you know, pay your dues and a lot of times for any of you young rookies that happen to be watching this, when they ask you to do something, just do what the veterans ask you and have a good attitude about it. But if you kind of like me, I don't want to do that, I'm bigger than that, they're gonna mess with you. And clearly you know they got you in a major way. So did you feel that, like, hey, next time y'all asked me to do something, I'm doing it.
Yeah for sure.
I mean, like I said, I just made my planning a little bit different. It was my first time. You know, I'm three thousand miles away from home, so not knowing where stuff is and stuff and like I said, learning experience something I definitely wasn't laughing then, but I can laugh about it now.
Hey, how much? How much was the bill to get this cleaned up?
It was definitely a couple of hunting, man, definitely a couple of hundred. But you know, like I said, they're trying to take my rookie pockets and they knew I had it too, So you know, like I said, they all learning experience, man, all learning experience.
But it's on there all right?
We all right with JT. Let's officially get into it man, the NBA Rookie Life Film Room. This is our favorite part of the show Man. We need we need coach JT. So we want to know what's going on the mentality. If I'm a player, how do I get better? If I'm a coach? What were the reds going on? But you are one of the rare NBA players who have had a twenty twenty ball game, JT. And I realized one of your o g's from the popcorn incident is on the floor. Spencer was a part of this game. So was this a little personal seeing Spence on this side and walk me through this?
Yeah, I mean this is definitely a time where it was uh, what was in Live City, man. So the Clippers got a lot of buzz, and you know, with all the things with Sack, you just never knew if you were going to have another season, you know in Sacramento and stuff. So you know, you always, you know, would highlight these type of games and just just go at it. So and I allow an some people from from home, you know, come in town to say they brought me a little bit of.
Do As a matter of fact, hold on, JT, you tripping. I forgot I'm on the floor with you.
Yeah, I know, j T.
That's about I'm true. We both started this game. I was the part of your career high Yeah, yeah, so I was. I was like, I thought you knew that. Yeah, Roy Hollin is with me, man.
Heven, hold on, what on? Jay Z?
My man, this is supposed to be your motive. This was like a payback game. So if you don't remember, I think Cousin was out me and you started and because it was the Clippers, I was like, JT, we're about to get the game.
Popping now for show for a show now. Man. But like you said, you take it.
You take advantage of your opportunity at all points at all times, and like I said that this was something and everything was flowing. How about Jason to turn to rebounds for toxing?
He has been to.
Start a half and then, you know, because as talented as he is, man, you know, when he wasn't on the floor, you know, you get a little bit, a couple more more opportunities what I once did before he got to the team.
Another center to play another way.
How about that a twenty.
One point game and a twenty one rebound game for j C.
Then he didn't feel like didn't have to do a.
Lot offensive lads, But we again, Jason Thompson started the game out standing, and it's gonna finish.
It that way.
J T. Give me the ball back, man, give me the ball back. DC was gonna take care of you. But no, this was my first time playing the Clippers after being there for two years. So I came out. I'm out of elbowed Blake the first player. DJ, you know, got into a scrum with Turgerlu and I remember you rode out because I was j C. Do you remember they were trying to elbow me, hit me and JT was I full with JT. JT riding with me.
Let's go all day. And I was gonna say that was right on Spence too, right over Spence's head.
Get five.
Is there anything else you remember about this game?
But that's what I loved.
You know.
We went from being two guys who maybe didn't play as much at this part of our career, of playing one on one and staying ready, and you had a big, you know, twenty twenty game, bro, I do j JT. I don't know if I'm tripping. I should have noticed myself on the film and your clip, man, but you know, talk to me about just staying ready and like, like I said, you always having an opportunity, You're gonna be a.
Double double walking Yeah, I mean, uh, you know I was able to, like I said, start off my career coming off the bench, and then was a starter for most of my career. And I became more I guess, a defensive guy to help the team and stuff like that. So less shots, but just I was efficient. I was gonna at least shoot fifty to fifty five percent from the field, get to the line and finish in the paint.
C JT. I noticed, i'mna just throw a little shot out there.
You you you had that double double, but you know the assists. You could have dropped it to your boy a couple of times. Man, you got the points.
You know. I'm not mad.
I'm not mad at you, though you were. You were definitely rolling, man, But this was this is a.
Get what your man d C was there, so lo KEI I was even gonna pass it to him or you, and then he passes back.
You should have gave it to you. I got under guy. DC Man. Such a good dude too, man, really good.
Yeah, shout out d C Man doing a doing an excellent job here. Man. And we got to talk to kings. Let's stay Kings, like I'm gonna mention you you have played the most games. I'm gonna say this again, the most games as any Sacramento king in history, the most by far. So that's an accomplishment. So I want you to talk a little bit about one of the young fellas over there, man Keegan Murray. He was in the running for Rookie of the Year. Man had himself a heck of a rookie season. So we got his uh some some some players here from Keegan, and we want to see you break down man, what makes him special? What makes him tick? What do you like about his game? And why did he have the success? What? What don't we know about Keegan Murray that you were able to see? We asked him coach coach j T j T to coach here man.
Yeah, I was watching you know, Sacramento a lot this year from AFAR and I think you know with him, the confidence that the team had in him. They believed in him. You know, he can really shoot the ball. You can see how he was in and like I said, they're like, yo, if you're open and you and you work on your game or not that you can be able to shoot the ball.
We have confidence.
So that's that's the start right there, especially as a rookie. And and like you said, he has decide to be able to go into the paint too. But he's ready to play. He's not afraid of contact. Right there, finishes in the paint. And like I said, they got to play him up because of his three point shooting ability. So then he drove past him and can finish in the paint.
And here's Fox.
Over the Murray for the record, Murray em blazing himself into the history books.
I got your kind of body.
You know, that's here ooh playing without the ball, and like you said, you got They don't think that he's doing an athletic but like he said, want surprise you right over his head somebody.
And like I said, this is what in basketball is not talked about that much as playing without the ball. Everybody wants the ball, either pick and rolling stuff or playing without the ball is very important. And he snugged like a duck in there. And like I said, transition, Like you said, he's not only just running to the three point line. He's able to finish at the rim and with contact. He's not afraid to go to the rim like back in the day where most shooters you're just only spotting up.
Is there anybody like a player that he reminds you of watching? You know? Is there anybody like man he's similar to you know six saight, you know, doesn't look that athletic, but clearly like you said, more athletic high IQ. You know, great size and strength for a rookie. Is there anybody like a comp that you maybe remember playing against it? So when you didn't it's tough to say.
I really want to say, it's somewhat Mellow is a little bit, you know, Like.
I said, I'm not saying it, but I'm not saying it's like I'm not saying that, I'm saying similar game, you know, with a side right from size, scalability.
Handling the ball.
I'm not saying that he's you know, a faceome guy on first ballot Hall of Famer or something like that. But if I have to pick someone off the fly, I think of kind of mellow. Of like you said, he has the old school game in the way he can still shoot, he can you know, drive, He finishes at a high level too. And like I said, my thing with Mellow too is is he wasn't the most wild guy, but he was he.
Bouncing where Where's kind of like a ceiling. I don't like to give a sealing to guys, but kind of like like, where could he go? Because right now we see him, you know, playing within the Florida offense, you know, taking his shots. You know, because obviously from front office standpoints are going, hey, man, where can we project with this guy? People don't know, like you said, they're always looking for a young guy to you know, hey, does he need a bigger role? Does he need a smaller role. We're always being evaluated as players. What do you see of where he can go because he gets off like this, this is a rookie year JT.
I mean I think that you know, right now he's with the third or fourth option in the team in his rookie year. So I mean, for sure, I'm not sure if he's a guy like you said, it's going to be the number one. He may be his number two guy, depending on if it's you know, durability and things like that too. But like I said, I think that sometimes it's not about him being the best player on the floor. You know, it's just playing his role, but then playing at that high level and you can develop him and make him get better and all the clips that we've seen all in his rookie year and make sure they're maturing and being smart and reading the defense and watching film and stuff.
I just feel sky is the limit. And then like I said, he's being able to be a king for a long period of time.
You'll laugh, man. When I was in Sack, I wanted to eat with some family and they were this restaurant owner comes out and he's like, I know who you are. I'm like, okay, how you doing. Nice to meet you. He's like no, no, no, I know you. And I'm like, all right, cool, he's Keegan. I was like, no, he's like Keegan. And I'm like, I guess he could be a little cousin and son.
Babe, are you telling me like this year?
Yeah, because you know with the rockets, Yeah, I'm glad you can mistake me for you know.
Yeah, they're gonna say we all we all look alike.
Man, thank you, j thank you, man, thank you. I will be a mistaken man. You are gonna hear one cool story from from the Kings playoff win. The drought is over and JT was actually there in the building. Man, he has some cool stuff to say, stay too next on it be a real life all right, all right, JT Man. For me, this was emotional to watch because I had a lot of love for Sack in the city. I did get a chance to go up JT for forgive me if you didn't get to see it and kind of see the arena prior, but you were obviously still playing and I had like fully, so there there's a different But the drought had ended. The team got to the playoffs, the inconsistency seemed to have gone away. And for Sack, you were there. You were part of this man. You got to see this as long as Senior King talked me through the emotions. As you watch this man late to be six one thousand one lasers piercing the atmosphere over Sacramento tonight, I felt this moment, JT. So I know there was a lot going you know, I think you were even there, if I'm not mistaken, So talk to me about what you're seeing here and what this.
Yeah, yeah, I was, course, I man, it was. It was one just crazy to just be in downtown area, you know, with when we played it was Arco Arena and it was in the toonement, so away from downtown. So downtown you only really just went, you know, just to go eat and socialize and stuff. So now you have that, you know, a special that team in that area. So you know, once I went in that area, then you know, like the fans was just going crazy. I hadn't been there, uh you know since you know, since I played my last game. Well I was with Warriors, but like I said, before the arena was built, so it was a lot of emotions of one going back to the organization one seeing the new arena and seeing all the new stuff over there too. So like I said, it was it was well deserved for the fans. Man, they deserved that arena. They deserve to have a team. It was a long time coming with them one getting to the playoffs and then you know they didn't get to win the series, but having you know, being able to win that those first two games, man, was was electric. Man, you couldn't even hear yourself talk, and they showed love. But put me on the jumbo tron and the fans and uh, you know, like I said, man, it was a it was a good feeling because you know, I put a lot of blood, sweating tears in that organization, and the gardless of all the stuff that had happened, you know, that team still has a lot of you know in my heart and stuff like that too.
So I'm glad to see them going.
Well, what were the emotions you had when you got put on a jumble truck? Because sometimes you're like, man, I might go, I might not go. It's a little weird, like cause like this is like a high school sweetheart. See JC, I had ninety ferteens bro. You kind of like you're a king Bro. You're like the like you're like walk frasier for the next like kings Bro. Like you are like like a guy like you know, so what were those emotions cause you don't really know how you're going to respond to you are on a jumbo tron or you are seeing what emotions kind of hit you?
You was there a little a little a little tear up a little kind of like that a they rock with me?
It just it just was a whole lot, you know, I just you know, it's just starting from where it was my rookie year into year you know seven with them and you know, like I said, seeing Signed Lady and all the people that would die hards fans from you know, from from the glory days to the days I was there. And then like I said, it was more emotion too because I played with the Warriors as well, and I can kind of relate to them more because all those guys in Miaim, you know, Steph and Clay and dre uh you know Looney, you know we're all in. We're all on those with all the team. When you know, when I was there, so like I said, Man, it was just a lot of emotion from both sides. But like I said, it was all love from both organizations and uh, like I said, man, it just it's just like I said, it wasn't it was so hard to describe hollow well, but like I said, it was a lot of most of.
J no thug, no thug tears, no tug man.
I appreciate it, brother, But before you get out of here, man, one thing. We appreciate your time and supporting us here on NBA Rookie Life, Ryan Hollins. But where can the fans get behind you j T. You in the community. You got a lot of projects, you got stuff going, so give us the full rundown of where we can rent with you and help you out. And those who or are watching this that want to support any project that you have moving forward.
I appreciate that. Yeah.
So, like we talked about before, I still got on all the I G and twitters, j T, the kids, j T, T, H E K, I D. Also I have lived like JT is a nonprofit in my foundation which is called the Jason Thompson Foundation, so ww dot Jason Thompson Foundation dot com. I have different events from Thanksgiving, the Christmas to Bike events, and also my annual camp that's in August. And then I just opened up a business in this past Saturday which is called Hydrate Ivy Therapy and Wellness, which is i V, which is an I V and wellness center that has to do with like I said, b twelves nynesium zinc and just like I said, not just for athletes when people are having pre and post surgeries, and like I said, man, it's just something that I'm excited about.
Congratulations Bro, well A JT. I appreciate you. You've been my dog.
I didn't seen you. I didn't like playing against you, but love playing with you, and none but respect for your career. And you know, I think it's cool we're on that second chapter where we can look back and appreciate it. Especially. I'm glad that you got your flowers in Sacramento. Bro, I was there with you. How I know your heart's in sack no matter what, and I'm glad you got you got your flowers this year. Bro.
I appreciate you man, thank you for having me on the show.
Appreciate you guys for being here and hanging with us. Good stuff there, from Jason Thompson on NBA Ricky Life. But guys, we are so thankful for you. We cannot do it without you, So make sure you just give us a simple you know, subscribe like follow, spread the word, let us know what you like, let us know the things that we can do better here on NBA Ricky Life with Ryan Hollins. But love you guys, and guess what I will see you next week. Foo