Andre Drummond on Secrets to being a Great Rebounder, Crying at the Draft, and Mental Health in the NBA

Published May 17, 2023, 11:00 AM

Ryan talks with 4-time NBA rebounding leader, 2-time NBA All-Star Andre Drummond about the emotions he experienced on Draft Night, his secrets to being a great rebounder, and the importances of maintaining mental health in the NBA

NBA Rookie Life is a production of iHeartMedia and the NBA

How is everybody doing? I want to welcome you into a very very special episode of NBA Rookie Life with Brian Hollins. I got a very special guest here.


Listen. He was the ninth pick in the twenty twelve draft, two time All Star, one time third team All NBA twenty sixteen, four time guests I said it, four time rebounding leader. We're gonna put some respect on this name. A little later in the show, Okay, Big East Freshman of the Year, my dog, mister Andre, drummon, Dray, what's good with your boy?

Or what's the word? Are you doing doing?

Good? Man, Dre? I gotta I gotta tell this story though about the first time we met. Dog. We gotta. I gotta put this out here, man, before.

We get going. Vegas is Vegas?

Do you want to tell the story? You want me to tell that, you gotta tell it? Okay, So I get out. I just signed to the Clippers at this time where I got the Girds camp, and you know it's like it's it's it's like training camp, like an early training camp for NBA players, and Dre was newly drafted there, and you know, you do the drills early in the day. In the second half of the day, you're gonna play and Dre is there. He's a rookie. And I remember I'm playing against Dre. I'm playing against you, and you know, we're running up and down the court and this is funny looking back now, we'll explain why later in the show. And you elbow on me bumping. I'm looking over. I'm like, what's wrong with this dude?


So you hit me, I hit you back. I'm like, this dude is tripping. I'm like, and what I didn't realize, Dre, you had to have been what eighteen.

Seven seventeen turned eighteen seventeen.

Trey is seventeen turning eighteen at time, he looks like a girl. Man. He looked like he could be my uncle and son. Man, and he's hated me. I'm like, I'm like, what's what's wrong with this dude?


This dude is bucket. And then I remember after the game, we played through the game. You know, listen, I don't mind no contact. As big as we got to get used to bump, you can't you come? You come. That's that's bumped central for the bigs. And I want you after the game, I say, young fella, do you know how good you are? I'm like, what are you doing? You don't need to be bumping in that, But I said, you are going to be a dog in this league. Man. You don't got to do none of that. And I think for me, it was fun watching you progress through your career. And I thought it was just funny, Drake, because when we get into the league, right like, we feel like we gotta show ourselves. We got to do something. And I laughed now in a sense, like like you are such the nicest, coolest dude on the entire planet. Dog. Do you remember that, Drake?

Imber as soon as you As soon as you said it, I was like, oh yeah, I remember, girks king.

I remember I remember going into it like my uh my a.

You coaches like yo, just back down for knowing what do what you gotta do. So to me, I'm just out there just trying to play physical. I'm like this, this is why I think the NBA basketball list everybody's elver one pushing and move people around. An intimidation factor I try to use.

Well, Drake, I'm skinny. You don't realize you you probably twice my strength. So but I think it's you know, it's funny because, like you said, a lot of us big guys we learned the position, you know, as we go. But I think that was cool for you to get out and go. And now I remember talking Lawrence Frank at the time he was talking. We got on the same flight. I say, you got a good one there. I said, he could run. He's big, he's strong. I say, he might be a little while, but he's gonna be all right. He's like, you're right, You're right.

And look at that now twelve years later, Yes.

Sir, And I'm sure you've probably given some of those same talks to a number of other guys. Man, I know you're amazing vet and mentor. But Dre, I gotta jump in that time machine. I want to I want to stay there with you. This is NBA rookie life with Ryan Hollins. I want to know what it was like on your draft day.


Now, you were the ninth pick. I was the fiftieth pick. We got completely different stories. Dogs. I'm I'm gonna live through you right now.


So you know, at the time, it was it was a Jersey Jersey where they were doing the draft, my mom, my sister, my uncle, my agent at time, Rob Polinka, and my other uncle was there too, So it was really tight knit, just my close family. And you know, I just remember just being told, you know, I'm going anywhere from two to eight ainy those positions.

I'm like, I'm leaving soon.

Had the second pick at that time.

Second pick of.

The draft was Washington Washington. Third was I lied second with Charlotte and he took Mike Okay Gil Chris. Third was Washington, Fourth was Cleveland, Fifth was Sacramento, who took Thomas Robinson. Six with Portland, who took Dame Lillard. Sata was Harrison Barnes and Golden State. Eight was Terrence Ross to Toronto and me to Detroit.

At nine.

I was going to ask you, I like how you knew, because listen, Dog, your hit list you had about you had eight guys who was supposed to be you. I had forty nine of them. But for real, for real, I remember all those guys. So how was that you know? You said you knew for the draft day. Walk me through that moment when you you know you were actually drafted. Man, Listen, I tell this story almost every podcast. I was drafted during the commercial, so I don't. I'm like I said, I'm still living to you, dog listen, no, no, lie, the commercial went on, I was drafted. I thought I wasn't drafted than I was, and then we celebrated. But how did it go for you? Dog? Walk me through that moment?


So, you know, as I said earlier, I was told I was going to work from two to eight. And the night before the draft that lef midnight at one am, my agent calls me said.

Hey, I need you to get up. Detroit wants you to come work out for them.

I'm like, damn, it's this miss midnight ahead, get up right now, midnight, midnight, midnight.

I'm not supposed to be telling.

This, But had you worked out for them before?

Not to that night?

So you've worked out every everyone above and to pick there they said at midnight and I've never heard of that. Dog.

Yes, I don't know I'm supposed to say that anyways.

Yeah, so I worked out for them at that time of the night and then, uh, you know, they told me if I fall to nine, I'll have a home, And in my mind like okay, well, at least I know where my stopping point is. But you know, everybody wants to go high and the higher in the draft. But I was happy to know that I had a home coming up. I just remember, you know, as as David Stern. Lucky for me, I got to see David Stern on his last go round. That's a huge honor for me to have for sure. You know, to see him come out, wow, like this is like what they're doing game like video games. Like he comes out and he you know, welcome.

To the NBA drafting.

I'm like, I'm living this, like I'm like in my player right now, living this right now facts. And I remember when he came out and he's like everybody knew any day was going first. So Aby goes first. You know, we're all sit back in the chair. We're not worried about that then. And then after like the fourth pick, you can start seeing like guys start getting ant c because I know some guys probably been told differently, so they're seeing their numbers get picked, and you can see people starting to leave forward in the chair like all right now, like how long is it's gonna taken?

That anticipation.

There's nothing like it, especially like when teams tell you that they like you and they're interested in you, and then you see that team go with somebody completely different and it throws you off. And then that emotional rollercoaster begins right there once that happens to you, And I was blessed, man. I was blessed to know beforehand that I had a chance to go somewhere else. I thought I was going to. I had a really good work out in Portland. It was Portland and Golden State. I had two really good workouts for and I thought I was going there. And when I didn't get picked, I'm like, all right, that's cool, but I just got to wait two more places in and I'll be good. And you know, once Terrence Ross went, you know, I started crying because, yeah, it started. My draft picture is terrible. I hate it to this day. I wish I got a chance to retake that picture.

Hold on, hold on, bro So you started crying immediately when Terrence got but hit Terrence got drafted, because you like, I'm not. I admit I knew. I knew I was going to know Lord than Charlotte. Okay, me too, But if I didn't know what's gonna be doing it, you start crying.

Bro crying, Man started crying.

I was like, man, like my moment is about to happen, and I just I couldn't control that. I feel like I just had a flashback of like my life that led up to like this moment of about to walk on the stage, and I just was a mess.


I'm like, yo, I was. I was grieving no longer being a kid anymore. Like I'm thinking about my childhood friends are probably gonna lose contact with, you know, kids that played basketball with that, I'm probably gonna lose contact with just you know, people I've grown up with. I know that it's going to be a huge shift in my life once this moment happens. And you know, I've had a lot of really really good people in my life that sticked around this entire time too, So I'm really blessed to have them still.

Who are some of those people?

You know, You've got Mikey B's on here, Mikey B's on.

He lived across the bridge, used to beat us to basketball, then he came to joint sides, so he played with me his last two years school.

You know, I got my guy, Ali Dexter.

Darting dex That's my guy, man, Dexter Darted, you know, Adam Jones, uh Man, I got Greg Clarity, I got all kinds of guys that I've grown up with throughout time that sticked with me and and really, you know, help me get to where I'm at right now. But just that moment though, to get back to that moment of walking on the stage and seeing David Ster, and I'm like trying to get myself together. I'm you know, wiping my face. I'm trying to myself. I just I just can't pull it together. I can't pull it together. I just remember I took the picture. Like I'm sobbing, like just yo, every time I see that picture of my mom's house, I get disappointed. I'm like, I just ruined the best picture that was supposed to be the best picture ever.

Now, who was the first person when you got drafted?


Was it was it hug mom, you know, high five agent? Or was it a blurred Do you remember what you did? Did you ever go back? And I like, for one, I wasn't there. Did you ever go back? And like why the drafted? Was people show you clips?

You know?

Was the phone was going wild?

What what?

What was happened?


Literally right when all right? With the ninth pick, Andre, Like what happened then? Bro?

I remember this moment for datum like I can, I can tell you this and you can do play by player. I remember I just dropped my head and I said to myself, thank you God. And I got up and hugged my mom.


We did a handshake. Then I went over to my uncle. I went to my agent, then my uncle, then my other uncle, and then my sister. Then I walked up to the stage. That's pretty simple, man. I just remember I was you. You've ever been nervous where your body starts shaking? Yes, as soon as Terrence Ross's name was called, my body just I'm losing my mind over.

I'm like holding myself like, yo, this.

We got Oh you got hey, listen, hold on, man, you clean, you clean?

Hold on.

We actually had a clip here you clean babyface, and the clip man, I forgot it since we seen you clean babyface.

Man. Yeah, might just shaved off one time.

With the ninth pick.

In the twenty twelve NBA Draft, the Detroit Pistons select Andre Drummond from the University of Connecticut.

We saw the emotion that Jay mentioned. Justice talk me through it, Dre, talked me through it.

Dre, I'm listening to disbelief at this point.

Man, I'm like looking at myself now and I feel that same feeling right now. Just that's crazy, that overwhelming joy, Like damn I did it.

Would you look at that?

Oh no, you look you look real Roster, my Jamaican. Loved about my Jamaican brother. We both got that Jamaican heritage. Man, I see it right there. Man without without.

The beer man, man clean shaving.

How about how about the suit man? You look real plain Jane with the mim We wasn't going for no swagger, but we know you, we know the swag is there. You were playing j right now.

Okay, I kept it settling, I kept it real soll I wanted to just be clean cut and just ready for business, all.

Right with Dre. So you get your rafted all it's all the dream. You know, you're back in the lab. I'm sure you went to the crib or got to work or they figure you out. Talked me through that first veteran that you saw the first time you got there and you saw the you know, people don't know, you know, we do summer league. We do you know, rookie camps, and we'll come in for a little stuff like that. Then the veterans show up. What did you remember about the first time the whole team and all the veterans came. What was running to your mind? Like this is different, like where they come from. Man, I was in here getting stretched and shooting and everything was simple. Talk me through that experience. A lot of people don't know for the NBA player, like it's the first day of school, Like darn, they're like, all right, first day of school. Different.

Yeah, remember some league we I think it was the day before our first game. Some of our best coming down, I knows, Charlie go the way of a Jason Maxshield Roll Brandon Knight. At the time, was there for some of the guys that came down, and I just remember looking at them like, damn, I'm not the biggest guy like Ron anymore.

So at the time, I was pretty I think I was very ignorant.

To the fact of like looking on Google and seeing guy's heights compared to how they look in person.

For sure, for sure.

A big misconception of like what it looks like on paper compared to how guys looking person like people, said Kevin Brant sixth eleven.

I think he seven one.

For sure, he is for sure he is Me and KD same hike dog, same yes. So yes, so just.

Thinking down with damn. You guys are pretty big. So I'm like, all right, whatever, I'm not. I'm not scared of anybody. So we get the plane. You know, it's very physical. I remember Greg and I were going at it. Then me and Jason actually don't went at it. And then that was my first That was my first instance of seeing someone who was stronger than me, and I didn't like it.

Max differently was moving me.

All over the place if he wanted me over here he was. There was nothing I could do. So I remember after our practice, you know, I'm just putting on my gear. I finish shooting. So Charlie on the wave comes over to me and throws me a practice loop. He said, every morning, I need you to pick this up and drop it off from me. So I look at it. That was actually like I saw. I looked at him. I was just like, what you mean? I got picked this up hevery day. He said, you're a rook. You gotta, you know, do what I asked you to or it's gonna be an issue. I said, what you mean by that? I was I was a very curious kid at the time. You're not gonna just tell me something.

It wasn't being rude, it was like, what do you mean react like? It was like, what's happened to me if I choose? If I choose to decline this? And he was like, well, you just have a liking, you know, it's a part of any tradition. Like he was really cool. You know CVS from uk too, so real cool dude.

So he knew that he saw that I was ignorant to what was about to happen to me.


Instead of reacting, he took his time and was like, yo, listen, just because you my Yukon brother, you know we have a relationship. Let me tell you how this goes. There's something you do with no questions asked. You are new here, you are the fresh fish. If we say do something, you do it with no questions asked, it will be beneficial in your favorite I said, cool, cool, So I'm bringing this stuff every day. Then I don't think I can do anything else After that, After the summer League.

That was it. It told me I was good.

Oh you got a way good man, man, I see look you musa sound like get do.

I didn get don this maybe like four or five times what I can think Max four or five times here?

See I remember see as a young guy, I'm gonna date myself and I'm sure some og has a word story like I used to have to like load the plane, damn like like the plane in the bus.

We used to carry the boss too at to carry the boss, to remember that at to carry the.

Boss, okay, the shooter, know the plane the bus. I had to carry some things for the veterans. You know, I had to do something, you know, little gopher, a little golfer action. Go for this, go for that? You know I want? Oh man, all right, dre is there is there a moment that you can walk me through. I gotta pull you down before I bring you back up, big fellaw, we'll go there. We know you certified dogs and you can do this now. You know. It's funny. A lot of the young guys don't like to do this. But that NBA moment where you talk about Max on you around. But was there something in game like a story you have for me. For me, it was Marvin Williams. Normally, you know, it's a big guy. We could come over late and still block the shot. They ran a split cut and before my head turned back around, he got hit and was yeah, and I'm like, I'm like, I see Marvin Hill got bounced like that. Then I realized, like, okay, everybody in the NBA has bounced like you. Bro, Like, so you're late. You ain't getting there, you know, Like, was there a moment or a player or somebody that a story that stands out with You're like, this is not what I thought it was? Welcome to the league.

Yeah, I tell the story all the time when someone asked my welcome to the league moment was the first time I played Dwhight.

Howard in Houston.

This prime dwhite Man Man.

Man Man, and Dwight was one of my favorite players hit too. He and a few other guys I really love watching. So for me, I'm like eighteen years old, I'm geeking. I'm looking at one of my favorite players. So I'm not backing out for this dude. I'm everything I got. I'm just gonna throw it at him and maybe he'll respect maybe he'll respect me. So I am trying my darness to stop this man from scoring.

He was just two steps foul, all out of whack that game.


I don't know what the what the statue was that game, but I know it's pretty bad. Another another story, another strength story that I have was Pekavich godfather, Yes, father, man. When I say when I looked at our schedule, I always looked at me. Played in Minnesota to see if I can find a way to get hurt. I have to play. And I still have my marriage to that man. He's the reason why I started lifting.

Hold on, Dre, So you didn't lift weights and then you played against Pekovich and started lifting. He waits after that, like, hold on, what, let's rewind and walk through this one. Okay, let's see this up because it's a different dog.

I remember playing.

I remember playing him for the first time, and that was the first time I felt weak outside of the Jason Max Steel story. And I said, this was the last time someone makes me feel this way. So from that day before, I started lifting, started eating right, started lifting, and uh, I mean, my track record shows what I've done after twenty thirteen.

What did he do to you in the game that made you feel that you need to get in the way I respect your gangster by saying, hey, I need to get better.

I felt like a child. I just feel like I just couldn't do anything. There's nothing I could have done to stop that man from scoring.


I used two heads, I'm pushing. He's just slow grinder, just moving me down. I just had nothing for him.

Absolutely, for those who don't know, for Pekovich, he had a big old his head was huge, He wore about a nine. Okay, he was boffed, he had tattoos. This was a on the dope man and he had he was athletic too, so like yes, when you hit him, hit it move dog like. So no, listen, everything you're saying is certified. And if you didn't do your work early, and sometimes even if you did it, because he was patient on the block too.

Like you wait for you you know, yes, wait, come on, come on over, list let's go ahead.

This was there. Was there anything else from a practice standpoint, you know that you had to like adjust to or anything that you remember, you know as a young guy, like man coach kept telling me this, like you know, I remember, like I had a thing. I kept screening out of bounds and they're like, you can't screen out of bounds, and I just kept doing it. They're like, stop screening out of bounds. And I'm like, y'all gotta understand. My college coaches like you go find that man and set it wherever he is. You go set that screen, Like is there anything you did or a story you had where you just like, man, I didn't I didn't understand this one dog.

Yeah, that's two stories. I'll give you the first. I remember our first day of training camp and we're doing like three on three like shel Drew like have to do the cutoff, come meet you in the paint type thing.

And I have this thing.

I mean, I still do it now where I just do these fancy layups all the time. And I remember I got in the pocket past and I think it was gradual, stepped in front.

I did a three sixty layup, but I missed.

I remember coach frankn stopped the practice and saying this is not the Harlem glow charters, like what are you doing? I won't do it again. Two players later, I do this again natural reaction because that's like I've done it so much in high school. Not just I can't help myself, It's is a natural thing. So I do it again. He sends me to the line. I'm running up and down the sideline. Never did it again. So I remember, we're doing you know, the five man week into the breaks. So instead of like you know, laying the ball up all like all the other vets are, I'm doing dunks and windmills between the legs. I mean, I remember Ben Wallace comes over. He said, hey, I'm feeling better. Save your legs because four or five years you can be doing that no more. Laugh, man, what if I go back to doing it again? And to this day, to my cea, Ben wil you were absolutely right. Once I got to like year seven, I'm like, all right, y'all, I'm not just coming here to do windows somemore. I got to have a reason to do it. Saw that energy, Oh my goodness. But they definitely definitely are cars too. All the rookies watching pay attention with cars. You get don't come there with no car better than the veteran. Listen with Stanley Johnson. You remember what Stanley came in with a g wagon after his second week of being drafted, we popcorn his car, butter oil and the couple jarge of salt.

I think he had the new car. I'm not mistaken.

So yeah, uh driving suburban or escalating all your rookies.

Y'all hear our rookies don't come with no nice whips. Listen, And we didn't seen truck show up on brecks.

Yeah, I've seen it. I've seen it. Behave yourself and.

You know, listen to what Dray said to be humble, you know, because it's nothing. All the veterans want to hear you say is cool, man, you got it. We good. Whatever you need from me and the quicker that you just showed that you willing to do whatever we do, they're gonna leave you alone. But if you want to, you know, fight the system the whole time.

Yeah, it could be a long season for you, really long season for you.

All Right, stay tuned. Andre Drummond lets us know something that he does that I don't think I've ever heard him in the NBA player ever doing, and it's a big key to his rebounding. All right, stay tuned. We'll be right back. All right, Dre, Now we tore you down we got to bring you back up, big fella. Like I said, so this is I stretching out over here. We gotta bring you out, all right. And we were talking about all the bad stuff. Let's talk about the good stuff, because you have some of the most impressive plays that I have seen in the NBA. And from me, I can speak from personal knowledge playing against you. I've always prided myself on being the fast at big in the league. And I remember running and you. You took off so fast. You're bro. You might be the first. You and the White Night be the only bigs that in my lifetime that have ever beat Legit beat me down court, and I remember looking up over my head and you were dunking the basketball, catching it live, and I was like, that dude is different because he about one hundred pounds and running and moving. And then listen, Dre, you you are. You a different type of beast man. But our favorite part of the show the NBA Brick Life Film Room. So now that you're a veteran, now we're gonna look for coach Dre. Okay, and I need Coach Dre to break down with some swacker. I'm gonna show you some of your clips, and we're gonna go through them. Let me know what play was called, what was run, what you're looking for, because Dre, I think don't not enough people put respect on it, the big man game and especially your game, because it's not just running in there for a rebound or going to make a move. You've worked on these moves thousands of times. You're looking for reds, you're looking for keys. So let's go to one of one of the fun moments. Man. I never had one of these, but you had a game winner in Milwaukee that way. I want to see and I want you to walk me through.

For sure, seven point five seconds for the pre season to win.

It, but bas Harris trying the ball.

The ball finally does to KCP four seconds, but Tavi is pretty shot.

It's short. I great capt it in two point one seconds. He kept it in.

This was one of my first NBA game winners I've had, and I just remember the play, Babe Belyve that it was for Pope. I supposed to come set in my pick and roll, but if they switched, I was supposed to stay in the paint and get the rebound. So it's pretty self explanatory. You know, once I set the screen good enough.

They switched.

I've seen the young Yani saw me who didn't have all the muscles yet. Just put him under the basket and just put myself in good positioning. There's nothing you could have done about that besides found me.

What about positioning? I see you, you know, like, once you realize you're not getting it, you know, your feet stay acted. What's the importance right there?

Yeah, So once I set that good screen on, You're honest, I've seen them fall. I said, all right, well, Popa's gonna get the ball, So I have to position myself to you know, get in the middle of the basket, because I know Popa's a good shooter. And the thing about being a good reminder is doing who's shooting the ball?

And I know all my teammates in the way they shoot a lot a lot of Pope shots are long.

So I just put myself in the best position to you know, have the ball at least fall in front of me or tip the ball back in.

What was that feeling like, man, that celebration right there. Look, you're getting mob game winner.


I'm sure you at the crib too.

You know, for that being my first NBA game winner, I was, and that was that was a game to put us into the playoffs for the first time, just two thousand and four, So that was that was a huge game winner.

See. I like the moment where you said that you know you knew where Pope shot is going off, because if I notice when I'm watching your feet, but you're running to a spot like it's almost like you knew where the ball was going to be missed. You know some people just standing and where it goes, it goes. You literally run to the spot where the ball is going to. Man, that's key right there.


Man, it's just reading the play and then reading the game. There's another one, Indiana, remember this one too.

Okay, let's let's run through this one. Man. So you had another game winner. What's what's going on here?

In this moment five seconds to play, four seconds to play, Brandon gets buy him scoops.

It can't score it, but it's tamped upping in. With three tenths of a second to play, Andre tamps it in miss lead eight ninety six, and.

Oh man, the play was to have Brandon come on the open side to his left hand side. I think we said a full course screen for him, and the play was just to have both of our bigs b in the paint to get the rebound in case he missed. But I've seen Brandon make that shot a million times, so I didn't think he was gonna miss it. But once I seen him shooting kind of off, like, oh, this is it right here? So again, positioning is everything, knowing that he's shooting a layup and is putting hiself in a good position to get it right in the middle.

All right with this, where did Brandon Knight shot miss? You talk about you know, hope shots normally come off a little long. Where did his shots normally miss? Because you literally, again we're watching you. You're literally running to a spot and getting this up and you know, talk to me, hey man, what were your teammates saying?


You know, was there a vote of confidence before that, like dre go ahead and clean this up, do what you do? Or like that's crazy if coach actually said, well, Biggs, y'all go in there and get a rebound somehow, like that was actually the play sounds like.

So with Brandon Jennings man, he's so talented and with him his shots are very soft too, especially when he drives to the basket because he knows I'm in there too, so he just gives himself a good chance to score or the best position for me to rebound. So he told me he's gonna throw high off the glasses that goes in and goes in, but if not, you'll be right there to tip the ball. And so once you shot, I kind of circled around to that left hand side and got right to it.

So Brandon actually came to you before the play and said he was gonna shoot it in a way where you can actually go and get it if I missed. Yes, Wow, that's cool stuff.

That's a skill man.

Speaking of Brandon jennings Man, he was one of the I think I don't think there's enough respect put on his name as a young player in the league to drop, you know, the numbers that he's put up. What do you remember about a young Brandon jennings and the things that he was able to do in the league or what was he different, you know, putting an extra work in practice? What do you remember about be jennings Man.

Brandon jennings is just a hooper all in all, hooper everything through and through.

He loved the game of basketball.

He respected it and treated the game as if every game was his last. And you know, the witness him get hurt in Milwaukee really hurt our team a lot that game that we lost him, that we had such a really we had such a run, a really good run going on where were strung off like four or five wins in a row, and then he got hurt. But loved Brandon Jennings. Man, he was a hell of a guard for me. He made my game very easy. And I think he needs a lot more of respect for his game.

In fact, no lives there, man, b Jennings a lot of respect. Man, that brother. Before he got hurt, he talked about a dog like he was on that list of like you knew Bete Jennings was gonna be one of those dudes you knew when he was coming to town. Man, y'all, y'all had a little like a little like y'all were that kind of did y'all buy into like the You know, obviously you can't plan to see like Detroit without knowing the bad boys, But you guys, did you guys try to create your own like bad boy swagger or like you know mindset.

With that team for sure.

That's definitely the mindset that we had, just like being that blue collar, tough team that every night, you know it's gonna be a Dol.

Fight, all right, Dre. This next clip here, this is one of my favorites. You know, I had to make sure we threw this in here. And listen, big fella, big fella, forget the position, you just the basketball player here. This is the salt. Talk me through this moment. What's going on here? Man with the pitty pat double pat handles? Man, come on, big fella.

Nearly picked off by Stevenson, but Stanley Johnson controls Andre puts it on the Dad Christ cards.

There's some seven foot handles. Look at this thing, folks, Halem globe.

Trotter, like shout out to remy work on. It's definitely a drill that we do. You know, just reading the play, it soo to be an elbow play for Linxon Gallay, come off and shoot it. He stepped over. He stepped over. Just put a little extra on it got to the cup.

So you worked on this move. Hold on double behind the back pack and go there.

It's a move I work on, you know, trying to have the best advantage of the elbow because I'm very fashionate with the ball too, so being able to have connors to get out by the defender to score.

That's pretty Dray. That's that's pretty Dray. And you know it's funny, like I've seen you make so many plays where it's like he's that big, how does he move like that? Like is this just something in the summertime? You're always working on these moves, You're always going through stuff, but like you have some pretty moves dog to where people go back and look like like dog, that is clean. I don't care who did it, how it happened. Like you listen, we're not gonna talk about you crossing cp and cp fone. We'll leave that one. But what is that just something that you're always been natural to you? A lot of big men don't and can't move like that like what you just pulled off their in game.

Yeah, for me, it's a lot of work that I put in, but mainly just genetics, man, just having that outletical. I have strong geens in my family of just athletes, and just the hard work I put in day in and day out, and I work outside the box. I don't do traditional big men workouts like I work out in the summertime as if I'm playing on the wave or as a guard, to keep that mobility, mobility in my feet. We're down to shoot a trillion jump hooks all summer. You get set, you get stiff, So you know, for sure, to train my mind to be active and move around a lot, to do all those guard workouts with the ball handling, being able to move full speed with the ball making counterplays if I do get those positioning, and I think a lot of big should work on that because there's those once in the lifetime times where you get put in that position. You got to be able to capitalize on those moments.

All right now talking about we saw the handles. You let some people up from three too, man, And this is the league that's constant evolving, so it's not just your hand. And let's see this other clip. Talk me through this, because you kind of like set the internet off and everybody was see, Dre, I knew you had it me and you we talked about this before and you knocked down some you know, some three pointers. Everybody was kind of like, man, we ain't no Drumming could do that stretch five man, put them on the wing, smoke and drumming.

That means in a three he can do that.

Exco things drummers big bulls, not boxing out there, but he's just so big he gets the rebound.

Made a career out of that at the rift Trumming second three ties the ball game, Wow, Consumbo the kickout Drummond watch a third.

Oh yeah, Andre Drummond's made fifteen threes in his regular season NBA career, but he adn't there. Uh no, he doesn't. He's made three here tonight, and the bulls and needed I've needed all of them wide open and obviously Toronto in the beginning saying you know what, we go ahead, We'll let you shoot those, and he is making them.

Hey. Yeah.

For me, it's something I've worked on my TI career. Being able to shoot that shot and shooting it confidently is the key to it. And you know, this game here was more so on audition, you know, letting the teams around the league and my team know that I'm able to shoot the shot. It's not a shot that I would take religiously, but if I'm open, I'm willing to take it and make it.

See. That's what a lot of people don't realize too. These are the right place. You know, some people feel like, well I worked on it, let me go do something outside the offense. All these shots are in the offense. Now. Is this stuff that you were doing in training camp also and in practice, and obviously every team is different. You know, we get it. If you're the biggest, most athletic guy, you know, sometimes you're going to have to hit the block, You're going to have to be there. But is this something that you guys came in saying like, hey man, this is the offense. Take these shots when they're available for you.


You know during training camp, you know, we really were honing in on shooting more threes, and as in Chicago, we weren't shooting enough three.

So that's something that we try to work on and throughout training camp. I would shoot those shots if I was open.

I wouldn't take bad ones because for me, it's shot that I normally take, So I try to take them if I'm wide open.

I think that's a good shot and something that everybody should work on.

Yeah, and we're seeing literally all the best bigs in the game are shooting at three mb lets it go, you know, yogic as it go. You're letting it fire here. So I think that's a big thing. And I think, like, like you said, you know in the league, you're a basketball player. You know, forget the position. Obviously not you're never not going to rebound no matter where you're on the floor, but you know you're a basketball player, all right. J We we had to have some fun with you, man, because I love listen. Listen, Drake, you are one of the greatest players we've ever seen, rebounders ever seen. Play the game and hold on, man, hold on, man, big Fuller, you hit threes in the lane. Man, talk to me about this moment right here. Metal eight seconds for hour to work with.

Bounded by Irving, stolen by trumming, trumming coast to coast with the throwdown, then.

Chuck a dudes on the way to the basket.

Even just smiling at this one. I don't think, man, shoot the Caps. Take a look at this up on drumming Tyreek Hill. Now with Miami and so is drumming.

Man. You know, we were having a really good game against Miami.

I think it was like my third game as a Brooklyn met and starting against I was really just feeling myself. And on top of that, Tyreek Hill just signed to the Dolphins like a couple of days before that. So it's more how much played for him than actually trying to sell anybody.

Yeah yeah, yeah, so that's what the peace.

Sign was for. It was more so just paying homage to one of my favorite players in the NFL.

Really really, so what made Tyreek Hill one of your favorite players?

He's fast and he's he's my next door neighbors, so that kind of works out too.

So I've already had a relationship prior to that too.

Did Tyreek Hill hit you up after you hit the deuces for Tyreek? Did he say anything to you? Was there a text after the game or or exchange with you and him?

I was more just social media reacting to it. But everybody says it was nuts, But it's more so just a play to show some.

Move Yeah, man, I love it. I love it. Man. Okay, let's let's pull up this next clip. Man, Let's show your personalities right the seconds of the third quarter unbelievable, like six minutes. Ron, Yeah, bulls, there's clumbing the top man.

Left I'll tell you what that was.

A that was an effort play right there.

That was a effort like.

Big drumming.

I'll tell you what. I was just calling a vent move there. Man. You know we're two seconds left. I just got the end one.

I wanted to make sure I got the file, so I got to sell the play a little bit.

I didn't know what it came it was, so I was trying to look around for first.

Shot. You red handed, man, And I think I love Dre watching you from you know, being a young guy. It seems like there's just moments where you're just enjoying the game, bro, like you're just out there. You talked about just you talking about be Jennings and you just enjoying the game, loving the game. And I think this is one of those moments, man, So for you, what's going through your mind? Like you said, a veteran move where you know, I remember, young Dre wants to fight everybody and elbow and everything. Here you're using your heads. So you know, I got to sell the foul a little bit because a big guy like if you don't hit the debt, you're not getting this call.

Yes no, yeah, with that was just that play with Like after I tripped, I noticed it did blow the whistle, So I think, all right, well I'm just gonna throw myself on the floors so I can get the file.

So that's what I did there to nigga.

It all right, Dre, you are you are? You are literally.

Statistically the best ever.

You heard it. Hold on your statistically what the best? Talk to me, Go ahead say talk to talk big fellows. Ever, no question, this is this is numbers. Men like women. Line numbers, don't lie numerical. You are the best rebounder ever, talked me through this amazing night here twenty nine rebounds on Morris, step back gun.

Won't go flushed on the futtled on my Andre.

What an opening statement right there.

As we start Miles with a leaner Andre with a rebound Paul Iron, Andre boards it, George to the baseline, shots off the heel. Andreas morous another rebound. He has five nder Rodney step back gun short over Blake.

Andre with another rebound, let.

Me Stanley Johnson leans over, Stanley fires no. Andre way up for the rebound, like that's mine and Andre back on the court.

Andre with a rebound Paul George.

This is the reverse Andre boards out tested by Andre, made a missic pulled the rebound out or Marcus Morris lets it go, gots off the rim. Andre gathers in the reboundary off the front. Andre with rebound number twenty one. A boy Allen from outside, Andre with a rebound, Reggie to the rim. Andre with a rebounals from long two are rounded off to Andre. Guy's gonna be short rebound off the deck to Andre. He has twenty five to twenty five short Andre with a rebound. He's tied his career high with twenty six rebound with a follow no Andre with a rebound.

I think this is open to night, I believe, and I think it was just there's a lot of energy momentum for us because the year that we ended up last year, we weren't happy with it and we wanted to really send a message this first game and everything this came out way with this game. Honestly, you know, it was just a gift from God man just having this kind of moment. Well, I've had him a couple of times, but this game in particular, it was just a really good night for us as a team and for myself.

A lot of players. You'll hear like, you know, the shooters will be like, man, I just got in the zone. You know, everything I threw up went in. Do you feel like you are hitting like a rebounding zone here where like you're not even thinking, your body goes on auto pilot? What's going on when these monster mega rebound games for you?

It's crazy to say that it really just was a moment where everything just you say, my hand was a magnet, then it just the ball just happened to be wherever I was at at all times.

All right, stay tuned. Andre Drummond lets us know something that he does that I don't think I've ever heard of in the NBA player ever doing and it's a big key to his rebounding. All right, stay tuned, We'll be right back. Drey, you talked about being the greatest rebounder ever. A lot of people say I'm the greatest player ever, the greatest shooter over, the greatest whatever. Ever, Why do you have such a passion for rebounding? This isn't just an accident. You go after it every time you're on the floor.

Yeah, for me, the knack for it came very early in my career.

I remember, like my first year in the league, I would ask my coach, my high school coach where I'm really close with, like, hey, like you, what can I do to state relevant this league? Because you and I both know you know, the average span of NBA players what three four years if that? And it's tighter now too, because some guys just getting sent straight to the G league. We don't do something right away. So he's like, well, let's go through the list of things that guys are doing.


You know, these guys who's already shooting threes, you big man, weren't doing it at the time when I came in, so that was off the list.


I was on the team with a lot of scorers already, and I remember looking at all the top ranked guys in the league for different things like scoring, rebounding, block shots, steels, and I was looking at rebounds in it, like said, I think the highest guy was like twelve point three.

Do you remember who it was at the time.

I think it was Dwight. I'm not mistaken.

Dwight was always a double figure guy. He was one of those guys definitely led the league and blocks and rebounds when he was in on his stuff.

Yeah, I think it was Dwight that was first I looked at it. I said, I can get more than that. And then that's where the love for it came, because after that day I set out to get every single rebound physically possible. And then once I realized that the more rebounds I got, the more points I ended up scoring, it just became second nature after that.

Do you watch film on rebounding? Do you sit down with a coach? How do you practice this? How do you become that crazy?

You asked that.

There is no real way to practice it, more so watching film and know we're playing with I asked this question. I always struggle to give a direct answer because it really is just instinct for me. And I read my and I watched guys after practice, like I sit down sometimes watch guys shoot.

Shut up. I'm sure to watch your they name some of the guys like you. So you've watched your teammates shoot? Who are some of the guys you watched?

Uh? In my time, you know, I sat down and watch Brandon Jennings Branding night shoot. I've sat down to watch Josh Smith shoot because he was ball handling a lot first when he played with us, so I didn't see what kind of shots he liked to take and how they came up off the ram. Anthony Tolliver was another guy that I used to watch a lot. Dennis Shorter when I played in La Daris Garland when I played in Cleveland. Colin Sexton, for sure is another guy. Lebron obviously ad playing with them. KD.

Kai Patty Mills is another guy I watched a lot too to just see his trajectory of shots. And the reason why I do that is because once you see the kind of shots your teammates are taking and where they take them from and how that shot comes off the rim, you know, if they're shooting forty plus percent, that means they have a good chance of me to make the shot when I was coming off at some point in time on other side. So if you're shooting in the corner, I used to place myself on the other side of the rim. If you're shooting in the middle, I kind of just take up as much space as I can. And some guys have soft shots, some guys have shots that go short, and some guys that you know, shoot perfect and it's just a perfect miss. Like I has perfect misses Kyrie Irving, His misses are really really clean. It's easy to get his KD for sure. Ads misses are really easy to get. Brandon Jennings, Reggie Jackson. Reggie Jackson was when I like really like skyrocketed. I really focused on him. I really focused on his shot because he and I had this chemistry going on where I had to like literally study him because if he and I were in syning, our team had a good chance winning games.

So when you when you played with Lebron, was it watching Lebron shoot after practice or would you actually pull up clips and watch him? Like to what degree would you go to study you know, a new team maker when you got to LA and played Lebron.

Yeah, both both.

You know, I would have do it in a way where it looked like I was being like weird of just staring at them, but like passing, I'd be doing something, but I'd be really consciously just watching guys and like how they move a certain move they make to get into their shots, whether it's a layup or jump shot. And with him, you know, I watched a lot of film I and we know Lebron James and what he does and his shots are always at the back of the rim, so he's always shooting. So for me, I always try to space out as much as much as I can when he shoots to have the boy either fall in front of me or have the best chance to read it once.

It hits Drey, I got. I gotta give you flowers too, dog, because I'm big here on NBA regular life with this bro, You're one of the smartest people I know in my life.

I appreciate you.

They are Like there's something we show on the outside, but on the inside, I know there's so much running and I don't I don't say this disrespectfully, like I hope this is in context for me. You're so smart, bro, Like there's just there's there's levels to certain things, and I'm glad your gifts are coming and rebounding. I hope people see that that it's not just a brute thing of okay, He's there's a lot of big, strong guys. There's a big strong, athletic guys out there like you are smart, bro, you are They are like a on a genius intellect, Like you know what I'm saying, Like not to say that I didn't think there was I've always known this, but I want you to know, like to here, that's not normal, bro, Like you're seeing life in a different perspective. Like I love that about you, bro, Like, I seriously I see.

Do I appreciate?

Okay, we got it for real? Bro? For real? Bro, I need you to know that. I need you to you don't hear that from me. By you know that from me. You know how I feel about you, Bro, walk me through this next clip. Also, you had you got seven rebounds and ten seconds, dog Like, that's a I call it stat patting, you call it whatever you want. That's impressive.

That's just man handling you going after physically getting to the.

To the glass. I'm watching you dance. I'm watching you. I'm looking at your feet. Now, What's what is going on on here? What's your mindset?

I think for me at this point in time of the play, I just had that determination on that. I just was I wanted to score that basket. No one will to stop me from doing it. And in this in this particular play, I think it was our I think it was our first game playing against that right up here?

Is that one of our first games playing Yeah, that's Greg that's moves.

So you already know you and moos going out of you already know y'all probably had some words before the game and sudden you know that's your guy.

That's my old g too.

So it's more so me just proving the point that you know, I've come a long way and.

That uh, you know I'm here. I'm here.

You know I respect his game and he's taught me so much. So that was just me going after my old g.

Well, I remember playing against you too, Like you know you play against Reggie Evans. He's a physical, live body. He's just gonna beat you up there like you're not. In moments you're not always physical, Like why are you not always using your body? But you look up, you got fifteen rebounds twenty Like how does that work? Because normally it's like, dang, man, I got my work kind of I got a box out drumming and that, like you move and dance and use your feet and your body. Will talk about that because that's not always common, but you're one of the greatest to ever do this.

Dray for me, it's very simple.

You know a lot of guys that do see me think I'm just gonna bang with them game, which I can, but that's not that's not beneficial for me because then I'll get tired.

So what I end up doing is using my speed.

Once I once I get done playing with you physically, I'm gonna make you run now.

Now we gotta go open down the.

Course to track me now for sure. So that's why I end up having like really high rebounding numbers. It's because I'm playing a game with you within the game, throughout the game.

So I'll give you.

I'll give you some t I was gonna tell you so in the first In the first quarter, I test the water. So I'm like, all right, I'm a bang. What you see, what you do see if you react to it. If you do, I'm going for ten rebounds in the first quarter, no question, no question. If you don't resist me in the first quarter, it's gonna be a long way for you. But if you do get resistant, I'll go to play and b which is using my feet. So I'm gonna turn the game into a track meet. So I'm gonna make you run as much as possible, break you down a little bit. Okay, end of the quarter is over. Second quarter, We're run it again until halftime, running you up and down. So I'll probably have twelve or thirty rebounds at this time already halftime. Come in, I get the rest. He's probably gassed. Who was on the other side of the locker room. Come back out, start fighting again, moving him around, making sure you know he's worn down. And then by the fourth quarter, you know, most biggs equitting by then, like you're not gonna just keep keep attacking me all game. It's a mix between running up and down and just you know, battling with hand to hand combat. So choice and George, how you wanted to go?

Talk your talk? Man, talk your talk? All right, Dre, this is the last clip. I want. I want you to break down, and I want this advice, and I want to know what you're seeing this young man to come and following your footsteps. That sounds pretty cool, man, My man Jayalen Duran, he big, he's strong. He following your footsteps in Detroit for sure.

You know, I think Jaalen is well on his way to being one of the next for me or bigs.

In this sleegue shot clock at for Taylor.

Oh that was during deep to Durham. I'm thinking a Jam Durham turn around. Jalen durn points a very important errors.

Out like that. Duran comes in.

Nobody blocked out. It burks.

There he is again.

There goes that guy Durham. Nick can't convert. Cory hustles the four four.

Great God good sight, Kaylon durn go on gives it up the beas dude gets the bounce back.

No one loves hi. The Durham protom, Oh my goodness, er Jalen Durham to kill you. The other way loves it. Durham throws it down. This is jd You know. Fox comes to get him basket, but Durham pro.

Tom very strong, very mobile. I think once he learns the game in the sense of the defensive aspect, I think he's going to be very very good Offensively. He's a catching dunk the ball. I think, softening up his touch to shoot those jump hooks and being able to shoot outside the paint. What he's doing right now is beautiful. I'm very high on him. I think he's gonna be very very good, and I respect his game. I'm happy for him. I think he's in a great situation. Detroit loves their bigs, especially when they play hard, and he does that. So I'm looking forward to seeing what his career turns out to be.

Is there anybody that he kind of reminds you of when you watch I see you know, he's got the corn rolls and the you know that the head vander Ben Wallace swag right there. But is there anybody that he reminds you like you're talking about him just being strong, like he's a big boy man.

Yeah, I mean, I think for him, I don't.

I never do well with comparing people because I think I think all guys should have their own own view of how they see themselves. He's a basketball pay at the end of the day. I never want to limit him to being someone else. I think his ceiling is very, very high. I appreciate guys that play hard. You know, he comes in, he doesn't complain, he plays the game, and you know, he's very fun to watch and he's very skilled and talented.

Do you feel like seeing you know embiid are MVPs yo kids inbeed? You know Giannis if you I'm sure he plays some part time five you know he plays in the paint. Do you see the game trending back towards size and why is that important for guys like during and yourself. It seems like teams are You're gonna have to get big. You see Anthony Davis out there dominating, you know, in the playoffs right now, Teams are gonna need people to grab these boards. Do you see the game trending back towards this? And you know why is this important to the game?

For sure? I think history is a repeating itself. I think the game is trending back to the land of the giants.

I think teams are starting to understand that you need bigger guys in order to sustain the season because a lot of teams are playing smaller, getting beat up on the boards, and their bigs are beating up their guards and they're losing players a little by little. So I think once teams start to understand that realize the center position is valuable, guys like Jalen, myself and all the other bigs that are traditional bigs that are also mobile will be needed.

If you have a message or the better Yet, the first time you get a chance to sit down and chop it up with with Durren or he says, hey, big fellow, I need your number, he gives you that phone call. What are some words if you could share that you have for him.

If there was the time that they get a chance to speak to him, I would just tell him that Detroit.

It's going to love you.

Guys like him who just play hard and play to the best of his ability and plays tough, he'll be loved in that city forever.


Just put in that extra work, man, you know, being the first there and the last one out. I mean, the more you work, the better you become. And you know it shows your teammates, your seriousness and dedication to the game. So when you do get the chance to speak your mind, guys will listen and believe you because you're putting in that extra work in each and every day. And sitting down with your guards is another word of advice I'll give them sitting down with your guards and speaking to them and even do what I'm doing. If you if you struggle to have you know, conversations with them, you know, just watch them.

That's how you learn. That's how I've learned in my years.

You know, if you don't know how to communicate or you know, articulate that you want to grow with someone you know, you just watch them and then over time you'll start building that relationship. To speak, but I think his ceiling is so high, man, I'm so excited for what's to come for him, and I'm looking forward to many years of greatness from him.

We'll shoot, Man. I want to go back to you before we get out of here, and I want to touch on something, man, because one thing I love about you, the person, the human being, the athlete, the more than an athlete. I hate when they try to just put us into these little box. Man, you are aware of your mental health and if you forgive me. The reason I ask is because we have a chance to help out so many more people beyond ourselves. The world is much bigger than ourselves. Talk me through that mindset of being aware of your mental health, of knowing, hey man, this is too much for me. This is too little, you know, communicating, expressing, if you had any advice for people, just kind of getting through life. Because we are looked at You're like, you're a superhero to people, dre so when the superhero says dang, man, I got a little kryptonite in my suit today, right right, Like, So talk me through that and why is that important to you? And man, how's how's that paid off? Man? I just I love that about you, dude, keep that up. Don't never change none of that for nobody, not ever.

I appreciate that. I think for me personally, when I started taking my mental health seriously, when I became a lot happier. My advice to people who are ignoring it, I wouldn't ignore it for too long. I would try to find help or if you don't like talking to someone's journal, you know, That's why I started doing before I sought out therapy. I wanted to really write down what was going through my mind before I said it to someone else. I knew what the root of my thought process was. Meditation, man, is huge.

You know.

I never really was a big fan of it, nor did I understand the powerfulness of meditation. And having that moment to yourself, whether it's ten or twenty minutes of just silence or even if you like doing guided meditations, is very very very good for me.

It's peaceful for me. It helps me relax my mind. You know.

Just staying within, staying true to yourself and and being okay with asking for help is the next thing. Especially guys like ourselves, guys of the African American descent and and guys in the NBA who do wear those superhero suits. You know it's kay to take it off sometimes and really focus on yourself.

You know you can't.

You can only save so many people before you worry about yourself. You want to self destruct. And you know, don't ignore the science when you feel yourself slipping, you know, pay attention to it and really find the root of what that that issue is and take care of that well.

Dre, you got a mega fan, you know that over here and myself, I'm always pulling for you, big dog, you know that. And one thing we always like to do here on NBA Rooky, like with Ryan Hollins, we want to make sure that we support you. You come on here and you blessed us or there any causes and we talk about mental health or anything you can or any new projects you're working on or something you know we can shout out and come support and rally and get behind you with talk to us about your new project whatever it is. Man, this is your.

Time currently working on a few things.

You know, whenever I get them setting soon, you know, I'll be sure to come on here again and then we'll shoot it again. But currently nothing right now that I have to shout out, but you know, just everybody, continue to focus and mental health. Take care of your mental take care of your loved ones, check on people who haven't checked on it a while, and stay blessed.


You can follow me at Drumming on Instagram, where you can follow me and Andre Drumming on Twitter, Andre Drumming on TikTok and that's it.

Don't email me, Dre.

Appreciate you, little bro. We'll talk soon.


Whatever you need, you already know from my end, I got you, man, And keep it up. Man, it's fun to watch. Rather enjoy the journey, man, enjoyed. Listen, you're gonna be I don't think you're gonna be an old guy like me pretty soon, but enjoy that journey while you're in it.


All right, guys, amazing stuff there. Andre. Clearly he's one of my favorite people.


Shout out to you guys for hanging with us. You guys are my favorites too. You know I liked right but you guys are right right up there. But nonetheless, we can't do this without you, so we need your support. Make sure you like it, follows, you subscribe, share the word, and you know if there's anybody you'd like to see on NBA Rookie like a Ryan Hollins tweet at me, tweeted our NBA Rookie life man, let us know what we can do, who you'd like to see, how we can be better. But nonetheless love you guys, Thank you, and I will be seeing you next week.