Real Housewives of New York City alum Kelly Bensimon revealed she unknowingly struck up a flirty connection with none other than Bethenny Frankel’s boyfriend on the celebrity dating app Raya! A hilarious tale has emerged about the late monarch being accidentally shoved to the back of an elevator by an unsuspecting cleaning person during a State Opening of Parliament. Ariana Grande and her "Wicked" costar-turned-boyfriend, Ethan Slater, are keeping it cozy this Christmas.
Donny Meacham joins Rob! Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.
Advice shops hell.
Welcome to the natyn I share your host Rob Shooter, and it is Wednesday, which means our dear friend Donny Meacham joins us, Hey, Donnie, are you there?
Level love love Wednesday. Almost fell out of my chair, almost fell backwards.
I had to go.
I had to save myself literally, and I was like, boop, almost, well you went.
I went. I was a little startled, and then I was like, should I just carry on speaking while he while he grabs himself up from the floor, while you pull yourself up from with your bootstraps like Donny's on the floor, which only just been in the show for less than a minute. You're crazy? How is life in l A? I never asked you are you happy there?
I never asked you about yourself?
You doing no?
I you know, life is life, isn't it? This is the thing. But people don't understand. There was like, oh, you live in these fabus is his favorite? Life is life? Like It's like it's more fun here because I'm allowed to be game, allowed to be myself and fad just friends and stuff like that. And I was like, but if I had the same friends, you know, in Georgia, I still love it. So it's not like a place that makes it amazing.
It's the peace, the people. Yeah, it's the people that's really smart. Would you ever think of coming back to New York? You were pretty gay here.
That's reety. I've actually gotten straighter since i've been here. But no, I don't. I can't do the cold. I only got one good hip.
I can't break the other, right, you actual hip prey place. Yeah, a lot of older people do leave to go to Florida for me.
For the weather Florida.
Let's jump into the show. Let's jump into the show. What time is it, my friends? It is tea time, big story at the top of the show. Now, you know, I love some Real Housewives. I get it. It can be a little annoying. But let me walk you through this a little slowly. And the reason I love this one is a throwback to the old older housewives, the original housewives, the ladies that I actually really was I sort of no, not invested in, but at least I knew who they were. I don't know any of the new ones. So Kelly Bensimon, who was on the Real Housewives of New York, she was a fashion model, in New York. She was married to Jila Bensimon, who was the artistic creator director of LL magazine, so L Magazine, Vogue Elle, These are Harpers, bizarre w These are the high end, glossy fashion magazines. Kelly was married to Gille and that gave her access to really the world of fashion and celebrities. I remember I was working with Alicia Keys and she was on the cover of L and I went to the photo shoes. She never looked better at Jill's the best in the business. Kelly was there. Kelly was at the photo shoot, so she's always been around. She's very connected. She went onto The Housewives and everybody thought it would be a bad fit, and I think it was because she came up against Bethany Frankel. Now Bethany was on The Housewives since day one. I've known her for twenty years and New York sort of hustler, really in it to win. It always got another idea. When I knew her before the Housewives, she had this thing called Bethany Bakes, where she was making cookies and they didn't really taste very good, but she was really trying, and she was doing meetings with publicers. I remember having a dinner with her and she asked me how I made Jessica Simpson a star, and I said, Jessica with Simpson modo Sopha style. I had nothing to do with that, but she was always curious. Bethany took off on My Housewives though she joined this reality show that nobody believed in. It exploded, and then Kelly joined and the two of them were so nasty to each other, really said awful things. All the stuff that ten years ago I'm ashamed to admit I enjoyed. I really loved at Now not so much, but back then it was funny. We'll get this. Their lives have crossed paths again, Kelly told paigde six, but she was on this celebrity dating app. Of course she was reya r a ya. I think Ben Affleck is on it? And who did she start chatting with Bethany Frankel's new boyfriend the shade of it, So she's on this app. She now claims that she had a flurry of text messages from Bethanie's current boyfriend and she's seeing him right now. Kelly told her friends that she met this really nice guy on RAYA she told them his name and they were like, oh, he dating Bethany Frankel. And then her reaction was, wait, what again? So these two have crossed paths one more time. It all feels Donny to me a little bit too much of a coincidence. I don't want to rain on our own prey here. But with housewives, you have to take everything they say with a pinch of salt. Often they make stuff up. Often they elaborate, They certainly exaggerate. What do you think about this one? Tommy?
Now? Look, this is the thing. So it's tom Valante or Alte? Have you saved a little businessmen? The only thing is about this So Riah, which is the dating app, is it's exclusive for people who are kind of in the biz. So I was. Rayah has not accepted me. I'm still on their weight list.
Do they know that you work with Rob?
I trust me, I'm on their weight list. I've been on their weight list for years. They will not have accepted friends of mine. They've will not accept me. I don't know why. Don't you so right? If you're listening, somebody right except me?
I want to are you under your own name? Donny meech? Imagine it, and so you want to get on this app, you can't get on. What do you think about Kelly being on it and meeting Bethany's boyfriend?
It just only makes me go, oh he was? Is he really in it for Bethany? Or is he really in it to just kind of date someone in my famous Oh that's all question?
Oh that's it. He has a pattern here. He likes reality stars. Like if you're hitting up Kelly ben Simone, you know she was on a reality show. Yes, I'm not going to hit up Mike the situation. I'm not interested in dating reality I'm not going to I'm not going to Nicholas. Not for me. It's just that reality world is not my my cup of tea, Tom Scandabal, no, thank you, not for me. And so you might be onto something here. Does he like a little bit of fame that these housewives do bring him? Hence the fact we're talking about him. I've never heard of him. He clearly likes the spotlight, and Bethany certainly knows how to create a spotlight, and so does Kelly. Kelly's always in the paper. She's not been on that show for years, and yet we still see her name popping up. Let me tell you a little secret here. Everybody, when you pop up on page six or in my column or even in darn Ears, that isn't by chance. It's probably a publicist or maybe you've called yourself that have got you in this stuff. Very rarely just happens. A friend of ours, a podcaster, has suddenly popped up on a few different gossip sites, and I know from the reporters that she's being very aggressive. She wants to be on these sites, so she might say, oh my goodness, I can't believe it. I'm on page six, I'm in radar, So how dare they? They probably pitched it themselves. So Kelly is probably behind this. She likes the publicity. She didn't have to tell anybody about this, she didn't have to do an interview with page six, but now she has. I think she's a bit leaful about this. I don't think Bethany is going to care, though. I think Bethany's going to snap back. I don't think, oh it's so cynical, Donnie. I don't think any of them are in it for love. I think they're all in it for publicity. And what are we doing giving him.
We're talking about it. But look, I mean, I find it's kind of fabulous. Now, I'm not gonna lie. If I was Kelly Ben's mom, I would have screenshoted and sent him straight to Bethany. That's just would have been me, and that's just been like, hey, do you know this guy? I would act like I didn't know it was her boyfriend. Hey do you know this guy? He says, he's I heard he might know you somehow. Be very sneaky about it.
Love to be very sneaky, be very sneaky, although Bethany probably say yes, let's leak it to pay six, which brings us to our whole question of the day. Kelly bin Simone has called Bethany Frankel's new boyfriend on a dating site. Should deaf Bethany dump him? Should Bethany dump him? I think she's probably enjoying all this attention. Go votes on our Twitter pageck naughty nce Rob or our Facebook page, which is not degussive and miss. Sure to check back tomorrow to hear your results. Hey, Donnie Love, where are you working on?
Speaking of shameless self promotion, So Harry and Megan, they dropped the perfect couple video. So there's all there Year's rumors going around because you know, they were shown separately, they were two different places, and everybody's like, oh my gosh, they're breaking up. Something's happened. He's not, you know, not gonna make it in the Christmas card, not gonna be invited to the Christmas Well then Megan Markle, who say what you want about her? She is Bethany Frankel times ten when it comes to being a brilliant self publicist. She knows how to get the people talking. So they released this eighty second montage going to Coldplay's Sky Full of Stars. It's talk about their Archwell Foundation, which raised quite a bit of money.
Point three million.
It was like some crazy millions amount. So let's not worry about them. But amidst all these rumors that they're separating, all of a sudden, here's this eighty second montage video of the two of them holding hands, being beautiful, a little bit over there, just steering her.
Come on, I don't mind the hutspur of it. What I mind is that everybody does this except Harry and Meghan pretend that they don't. It's the deceit of it. Just be honest about it. We know why you put out this video. This video didn't just leak out. No, it's really beautifully produced. It's professionally produced video. It looks like a rom com It looks like a romantic comedy like Around the World in Eighty Days, or it just looks so lovely well done. Whoever produced it, it's looking really, really sharp. I do think it's probably because of the rumors. I used to be a celebrity publicist. Let me give you some free advice here to Megan and Harry and anyone else that's listening. If you don't want rumors about a rocky marriage, don't have a rocky marriage like this stuff gets out. My sources tell me things are pretty stressful at the minute between Harry and Meghan. The two of them are juggling these new careers, this new life. Things have not really worked out the way that they I thought they would, at least professionally, and so there's a lot going on there. I'm told they're not getting divorced. That's that's not even in the cards, and no one's screaming about that. But when I see videos like this done, I get suspicious because it's almost like thou protest that's innocent a little too much.
The thing is, if it's for the Archiweal Foundation, If I'm not mistaken, they had to have gotten Coldplay's approval to have the song in the video, so it's like if there it's not just some innocent like you know, the iPhone will make you a video of like your recent photos and these are your memories. This isn't This wasn't like the iPhone going oh, here'll use you and heary the last.
My best memory is the most liked pictures of six months. No, no, no, this is I don't mind. I don't mind the hoodspur once again. There. I wish there was a little bit more honesty about the two of them enjoying the spotlight. That's a hard thing about Megan and Harry. They protest all the time, Please give us our privacy, We demand our privacy, and then they do interviews, op a right, tell a book, so that do videos? Okay? Moving along sad story. Rosie o' donald's daughter has been arrested again, and just two months after her last arrest. So Chelsea who really struggles, has been arrested for the third time in two months and is facing a new sleu of drug charges. The twenty eight year old's latest running with the law has fans asking what went wrong. I can tell you. Court documents revealed that Chelsea was stopped. It was a traffic stop on November eighteenth over a loud exhaust. They just thought her exhaust was too loud. However, when they stopped her, they realized that something was very after they called in the AK nine that's the dog unit, to come and have a little sniff, and they found drugs in the car. Even more shocking, Donnie Chelsea was already out on bond for prior drug charges at the time of her arrest. Clearly Chelsea Struggles Roses taught about this. I think we're going to see a lot more of this. I think it might get worse before it gets better. It's just heartbreaking to watch.
It is very heartbreaking, especially because remember the first major arrest, it was due to like the child being in the home, as a young baby in the home, just needles and stuff all around the child. And this is meth basically is what she was, you know, busted with. And that's the thing is like, you know, I grew up with people in my family who did meth. And I know what it does to a person, and it really wrecks you. But that's what it goes to show, like want it grabs a hold of you, somebody like and I don't. I hate to call her dumb, but like, it's a dumb move to for a third time, drive around with meth in your car, knowing that you have been previously busted for having meth. But it just that's what it does to you.
Yeah, the power of the addiction here, Donnie. I have great, great sympathy, great great My heart is so open for Chelsea, all wishing for her to do well. But we know how difficult this road ahead is. Okay. Another story that's making us very concerned is Britney Spears, Donny, She's alarming fans again what has she been up to?
So it was her forty third birthday this week, but according to Britney Spears, originally she was forty two, and then she was five years old, and then she was moving to Mexico. This video, because I thought there for a minute Brittany was kind of on the deck on the swing. Things had looked kind of okay for her. Well, this video that she posted is just it's not she's not well, it's not scary, and she's she looks tired. And then she even says that paparazzi like put her on a private jet and it's just stories that don't make.
Sense, don't make sense, They don't make sense. Brittany, if you're listening to Lola, Lola Loa, we are sending you our best. This is scary, scary, scary. Okay, quickly, before we get to break a funny story, Queen Elizabeth was allegedly pushed into the back of an elevator by cleaning staff. So this hilarious tale has come forward where Queen Elizabeth was at the opening of Parliament. However, they pressed the wrong button in the elevator and they ended up going down into the basement where a cleaning staff member got on and did not realize they were on the elevator with the queen. They must have thought it was just someone. Now look at that, look at that, she's got a crowd on her head. And so the cleaning person pushed the Queen into the back of the elevator. And now we're finding out what Queen Elizabeth's reported response to us. She said eff in hell, which I love. I've heard that the Queen had quite a knife on her.
It was English and now look, my granny was English. Now woman cursed like say every other word, bad word. She liked the F word, which apparently the Queen did too, like it was her name.
They Okay, we're going to take a quick break and we will be right back. Welcome back to the naughty ven I sham rap shooting for their friend Donny, meach them. Hey, Donnie, let's get to the polls. Last show, we talked about herd a copy opening up about an ex boss who had shocking claims suggestions to her about losing some weight. He basically told her get on a treadmill. Our question was quite simple, should hold her name name? She knows who this boss was, she know who said it. Should she name names? Eighty percent said yes. I think at this point, if I was holder in her career leaving the show she leaves in four or five weeks, I think I would. I think i'd name names.
Well, the thing is, I bet it was probably the same boss, because remember it was whoever the boss was didn't want her to ever be on the Today Show, never wanted to heard the.
Job that no, Jeff Sucker was the one. Jeff Sucker didn't want her. But she said this was at a local station, so this is somebody probably yeah, maybe she shouldn't say it then because it was a local station, she probably could cause him some image. Oh yeah, yeah, I don't forget to vote on today's Paul will go to a Twitter page. I had any nice robb or have Facebook page, which is not he goes in, but I'm be sure to him all right to hear your results. And I'm a favorite part of the show. And nicest of the day.
The nicest is that time of year. My goodness, do you put up a Christmas tree?
I do, yes, I look forward to it. I'll take I'll take a picture and send it you.
I have a fireball tree up there. It's enough. Aeron Grandade, even Slater. They have gone Christmas tree shopping in New York City.
It's so sweet.
I wonder if he'll, you know, have an ornament of his child that he kind of left behind for.
Just the nicest of the day.
But this is able. And the thing is this couple is they're really They kind of shied away at first from the public and now they're just kind of out there and they're like, I don't care.
This is that together. Well, initially it was. It was tricky. I mean, it is the nicest of the day's world. Read carefully. They both were potentially the other relationships. That baby was a little maybe. However, we can sort of move past that. What I was told is initially they were so frightened that this this relationship could blow up the Wicked movie that they thought fans would not go if he was a cheater, if she had left her husband, if she'd stole this guy, and so they downplayed it. But now the movie's made three hundred million dollars, they're like, figet it, forget it, We're going out. Forget it. Let's go get the true put your gloves one, guys, the nicest of the day. Now I noticed Meghan Markle has crowned herself the CEO of her own company after searching for a top candidate. So Megan was looking for a CEO for her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard. She couldn't find the right person forward the job, so she found herself.
I want to see the job listing.
This has all ready been a little bit dramatic, your payton, your trademark that didn't go very well, and there's also people calling working for you an s show you know what that means, and so appointing yourself here, Megan. I think it just maybe confirms all the rumors. Not a smart move, Adams today. It's so interesting, this one, it is so interesting. Okay, let's end with a moment of rob. You get Rob, You Rob, you gotta rob, you get a rob. I love this quote from Misty Copeland. If you don't know who she is, she's one of the premiere ballerinas in the world. She happens to be a person of color, and that is very unusual. Still, in twenty twenty four in the ballet, she said the following, there's nothing like zoning out and chopping gunions. I love this. She's one of the most disciplined people in the world, and hours and hours of work artistry goes into being her. However, when she's really happy and she just wants to zone out, she chops onions. I listen to music, I go for a walk. How do you zone out, Donnie?
I take a nap, and I know it sounds so crazy. I love a good nap.
I love to just.
Close my eyes down, even if I'm sleeping, just close my eyes and just take a minute.
Take a minute today, everybody take a minute. Figure out today. Everybody figure out today? What is your chopping gunions? Wa'ts your moment when you can zone out? Hey? That is it for today. Thank you so much for listening to the naught even Nice with Rob and Donnie show, a production of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts wherever you listen, leave us a review if you can. They really really do help. And remember all together. Now, if you're going to be naughty, you've got to be what Donna nice? Take care? Everybody kid care.
It's sorry but nice with Rah