The drama surrounding It Ends With Us has spilled off-screen in a bombshell $400 million lawsuit filed by Justin Baldoni against Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, and, indirectly, Taylor Swift. Wendy Williams dropped a bombshell, claiming she’s being held against her will in a New York facility and stripped of her freedom. Meghan Markle is proving her commitment to giving back despite critics questioning her motives.
Instinct magazine’s Corey Andrew joins Rob with all the dish! Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.
VI Shooter.
It's welcome to the Naughty but Nice Sham, your host rum Shooter. And it is Friday, which means our dear friend Corey. Andrew joins us. Hey, Corey, are you there?
I am here. Happy Friday, Rah, Happy Friday.
You looking good, Corey, you look scary, my friend. You loved yourself quite a bit of late. What have you been up to?
Well, you know, it's been about four months actually, you know, really just trying to not shove everything in my mouth.
There's the first.
Start, and you know, and I did actually before the holidays, I started working out and trying to eat ripe because I knew one was coming right, a lot of drinking, a lot of eating ladder calories and so having at head start really made a big difference too.
It makes a difference, doesn't it. I think it's that simple combination anybody that struggling with weight. My secret to my weight loss was working out a little bit. And when I say working out, I don't go to the gym. I just walk every day I have for a really long walk and really being more careful, more conscious about what I eat. That's all it is. Corey, Like, would I like a piece of cake every single night. Of course I would would, I like, I scream while I'm sitting on the couch. Yes, every night, bring it on. I'll do it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But if I'm going to do that, I'm going to put on some weight. Yeah, and so I'm really quite careful now, quite conscious about what I eat. And it's interesting, at least for me, Corey. After about two weeks, your body adapts. Oh, you get sort of used to it, and I'm so hungry. But then after a couple of weeks, I'm sort of like, you know, I don't really need that cake. How are you?
Yeah, the first couple of days, I'm to hung me a small child with ketchup. You know, it's pretty it's pretty bad.
I'm so hungry, But you're right, you get used to it.
And I think also for me, you know, as you get a little older, there's other things not just to look good.
I mean, blood pressure, con health concerns. So get your.
Vitals checked and then your doctor's physical will give you the incentive that's change.
When you look in that mirror, my friend, you've got an incentive to you look good. First, the pictures you've been putting up on the internet. Us got to use it while I can absolutely shake it, while you got it. Okay, let's jump into my show What time is it? My friends? It is to you time tea explosive story at the top of the show. Justin Bildoni has now dropped a four hundred million dollar lawsuits on Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. We knew this was coming, so I told you that Justin was going to respond. She sued him. Now he's suing Color. But what's interesting about his suit is it's not just Blake he's going after. He's also going after Ryan Reynolds. And get this, he even drags in Taylor Sweat, so we know that they do not get along at all. Well, in this lawsuit, we are seeing receipts, We're seeing texts. In Blake's lawsuit, we saw texts too. And now he is responding and he's saying that she called people around her her dragons. Ryan and Taylor she said were her dragons. Well, now he's saying that this was clearly an intimidation and he wasn't dealing just with Blake Lively. So his disagreements making the film were not just with Blake, they were also up against her quote dragons, who were two of the most powerful people in the world. So now he is pushing back. He's insisting that she took over full creative control over her wardrobe, well beyond what her contract entitled her too. He also said that she made fun of his nose and at one point suggested he get a nose job. So she's got her texts, he's got his texts. I'm sure we're just getting the text that support their claims. But what's going to happen now is all these texts are gonna are gonna come out. It's interesting because the way we live our lives now, it is on text. It is all documented. Ten fifteen years ago, these would have been phone conversations and we didn't keep those, had a record of those. Then emails appeared and we started to keep them. Now it's all text. I text all day Now I barely speak to anybody. It's all text, and I love it. He makes life so easy. But he also gives me documentation and other documents. And so a couple of weeks ago we were all like, wow, Blake has got him some of the things that she alleges some of the things in his text messages, Oh just shocking, just awful. Well, now he's saying, hold on a minute. She's also said a few things to me that was so nice. And what she's got that I don't have this is justin is she's got Ryan Reynolds and she has got Taylor.
Swift right right. But you know, it doesn't really matter.
I think at the end of the day, she brings in her cavalry of celebrities. What's still going to matter is that document. And you know, I was on News Nation a couple of weeks ago discussing this, and it's amazing now to go back and see the comments of the public, Like thousands of people have chimed in on that, and like half the people believe she's not telling the truth for some reason. They're comparing her to Amber Heard Wow. And there are people who also are victims of sexual abuse, and they're resentful of her because they think that she's making a frivolous lawsuit that happened sort of after she got panned for this film, like she's looking for a scapegoat as to why her performance was not received well. And there's some who of course believe her, as we should always listen to people who claim this behavior happens. So it is really a lot of mixed emotions going around. I personally think that trying to bring in other people is not a really good look. And if he's got some receipts too, his could be in response to her. So although they both have receipts, you know, you can look at dates and see where things originated from. That's the other issue with text right, they have a time stamp.
People forget this are on texts and emails. It's not just the content, it's the time snap when was it said? You can literally figure out the order of these texts. I think they're both going to damage each other. Initially, Blake seemed to have the upper hand because often, at least in PR, who tells their story first is often the one that wins the first. And you also have to remember she has millions of fans from Gossip Girls. She's the biggest star than he he's he has a fan base, but not like hers. And then she married Ryan Reynolds, so she's the biggest style too. She got their first. I thought it was over for Justin. I really did. I was like, God, this is Blake's story. I don't know who's telling the truth and who's not. I don't even know whose side I'm really on in this year. So I'll make a decision when I see all the evidence. But at first I was like, wow, this is just overwhelming. Well, now this lawsuit four hundred million dollars. I spoke to some legal insiders too, and they said he's got nothing. So he has millions, but he doesn't have Blake. So if she tries to sue him, get done that much to get Blake and Ryan are worth a billion a billion dollars and he's asking for four hundred million their fortune. Yeah, it's absolutely And the reason Taylor's being involved and this is such a clever legal move is now that she's in the lawsuit, she might have to give testimony, she might have to hand over her texts. Now during discovery, they can find out what has been said. Did she try to use the power of her famous friends. Now let's remember his people claim that Taylor's song was added to the movie without his knowledge. He was the director, the producer. There you start, and so this is going to get really really messy. Let me point out before we get to appole that her legal has responded, and I think it's a really good response to Justin Bell Doney's lawsuit. They said, quote, it's another chapter in the abuser playbook. Ooh, that's powerful. That's a very powerful quote. Okay, let's get to our poll of the day. This is a complicated one. Noughties. Justin Bell Dooney has dropped her four hundred million dollar lawsuits on Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, even dragging in potentially Taylor Swift. Are you team Blake or are you team Justin?
Go vote on our Twitter page at Naughty Nice rob Our facebook page is Naughty Gossip and be sure to check back to morrow to hear your results. Hey, Corey Love, what are you working on? Yes?
Well, I know you all have seen Wendy Williams argle with the internet in the past couple of days because she dropped a bombshell interview where she's claiming she is being held against her will in a New York City facility and she's being stripped of her freedoms. That is her claim. In the fiery interview, the former queen of Daytime TV described her situation as nothing short of a prison sentence, and she was speaking alongside her niece Alex Finney in the interview. And Wendy's actually just sixty years old. I mean, she's relatively young still. And she says, however, I am not cognitively impaired, but I feel like I'm in prison. She says she's surrounded all day by elderly patients, and she's being denied basic technology like her cell phone, her laptop. She's making heartbreaking revelations, saying that even her beloved cats are going.
Everyone knows about Wendy.
She loved her cats, and she says they've been taken from her despite her pleas to have them by her side. Although I'm not sure how many facilities let people have pets in those environments, so that's maybe not too strange. But she's, of course the host of the former popular Wendy Williams show, and she's painting a grim picture of her day to day life inside this mysterious facility. She's describing it as isolating, dehumanizing. She says she just keeps her door closed and she watches TV all day. She listens to her radio and watches the window as her life goes by and she's saying it's emotional abuse. She's begging for her freedom. She just wants to go back and be with her family in Miami so she can celebrate her father's birthday, which is coming up.
He's ninety four years old.
Now, an interesting point here is that fans are drawing a very serious parallel between Wendy's problems and Britney Spears's battle for the controversial conservatorship with her father. And listen, Rob, you know, a lot of us were on that free Britney campaign at the time, and a lot of us had the second guess that after that conservatorship was removed because Britney's behavior is still very, very disturbing. So I happen to think maybe Wendy is in that same situation. You have a lot of sources and used to work with her.
What do you think about it?
Yeah, let's be honest here, Wendy's behavior is always going to be concerning whether or not she has dementia. Like Wendy history of her choice, and I think here there's something up with these conservators ships. I don't get how you can take someone's money and their rights away from them and then slap them in a care facility that she's paying for. The state is not This is coming out of all the millions that she had. They're draining her bank account. And so when the family want her, I think you should always go to the family. It's very, very difficult. There are certain people out there who do need a conservator to step in, they really do. I believe that Britney's dad saved her life at the time, but to let that go on for thirteen years, even if she was going to behave badly or spend all her money, it's her money that has spend it. She earned it. I hate taking people's right away from them, and I got to admit here, I listened to that interview. I know Charlomae who she called into and Don Lemon she called it to Don yeah Y. She sounded like the Wendy I know. She made fun of stuff. She has a story. We have a story later on in the show about Diddy, and she certainly was on point there. This wasn't someone with dementia. And even when we hearted Wendy just a few months ago in a wheelchair at her son's graduation, she was chewing out some of the people that was Wendy. That's a tough Wendy.
Yeah, but you know that documentary though, remember like that was a little disturbing.
That that that special that came on last year.
So I think that's where the speculation really happened because she looked completely gone.
Wendy's in trouble. There's no doubt Wendy's in trouble. The last time I spent an evening with Wendy, she was out of it.
I'm not sure if it was booze or drugs or dementia, but she was sloppy, but she was you know, she got herself to the restaurant, she had a dinner, she got us af home, like you know, I was the one that was looking for a cab at one in the morning, she was in bed Like I was like, who's the one that's the old Wendy. Wendy, Wendy, it breaks my heart, But I think you're doing the right thing. Prove that you're the Wendy that we know. And I think by doing these interviews. She's got a phone. Now, you can't phone her, but she can call you. Angel from her a couple of days ago. I know, I know, I know I'm sure it was Wendy. I'm told to. I'm not going to release the name of it, but I know the facility she's in. It's in New visit her and I don't think you're allowed to. I think there's so many rules. If I do, you'll come with me, cause yeah, I'd love it. We'll take our microphones. No, I think it's exploiting a little bit, unless.
She wants to.
But I do think this interview with Charlamaye it's going to help her cause because it's so so outrageous to think that all your rights and all your money can be taken over by somebody else, and not even a family member. This is an outside conservator, a professional conservator who's been paid a daily fee to do this, and all the bills Wendy is having to pay for. That's why this sold her apartment. It makes me really angry. Aga moveing a long Mega Markel has stepped up to donate clothes and beauty products during the LA fire. So Megan's been slammed a little bit here. Some people are calling her a disaster tourist. It's because Kelly Osborne has already spoken out about this too, saying stop turning up for photo ops. I spoke to a few celebrity friends of mine and they've got mixed messages about this. They want to help, they do want to help. They want to turn up and hand out food, water, bottles of whatever they have. They want to collect donations. But if celebrities turn up, camera cruits are probably going to turn up too. The press is out in fours. They're covering this fire, they're covering the response to it, and so I think celebrities have quite a delicate line to sort of walk here, Corey, we know that the award seasons coming up, and they're going to decide whether or not they want to be part of that. I know in Hollywood right now, these really serious conversations are happening between big stars and publicists about how much do we do do you know? The best way thing to do is stay home and donate a million dollars. If you've got it, we don't have it. Beyonce did that. I think Taylor Swift has done that, you know, turning up to handout bottles of water and getting your photo taken. It can be misread.
Well, So here's the thing about that, And I think that Mi Kelly Osborne, she did make that tweet or she posted something about that online and she quickly took that down to it and she saw the responses because she calls, well, she didn't do this, but she insinuated that she was talking about Megan and Harry. But Megan is from Los Angeles, so when you call her disaster tourist, it is so inappropriate because she is from born and raised, LA and before this fire, she has a notable history of doing all kinds of work. She reads, she reads bedtime stories to sing children in LA and she goes in incognito, so no one knows she's there. There was a guy who said that he didn't even know that the woman he was talking to was Megan was serving food because her face was covered. And so yeah, so I think that the productive thing here was what Megan and Harry were doing. The destructive thing was was was what Kelly was doing by reprimanding the help on social media. One of those things was productive, one of those was not.
I agree. If you're okay, we're going to take a qick break and we'll be right back. Welcome back to the Naughty but Night Show, and your headsto shoot the idear friend Cory Andrew. Hey, Corey, let's get to the polls. Last share we talked about, Didy's legal team have come up with a very bizarre strategy. They want to release the freak off videos because they claim it proves him innocent. They claim that if you watch the videos, it is two adults participating in consensual sex. And they say, if you see these videos, he will be exonerated. Our question is quite simple. Will they release the tapes? They're not really allowed to. It has to come down to the prosecutors here. So will these tapes be released? Ninety percent say no. I hope you're right. I don't think they should add there. They'll be online and these are allegedly abuse tapes. They should have they have, they have no place on the internet. So I hope you're write naughty is okay? Don't forget to vote in today's pole. Go to Twitter page at Naughty Nights ROMP. A Facebook page is Naughty Gossip and be sure to check back a Monday to hear your results. And now it's time of the day.
Well, I'm not sure if this is nice, honey, but it's very salacious. It's Weindy Williams again. Wendy Williams is delivering a scathing takedown of you guessed that Sean Diddy Combs, and she's predicting that the fifty five year old music mogul will spend the rest of his life behind bars. That's back in that fiery phone call we were talking about early on. Now she says that he will go to prison for life. And she says, you don't know the things that I know about Diddy from back in.
The day, and you know, of course she's no stranger to stirring the pot.
And she's been talking about this four years and she says, now people, it's about time Diddy is done.
Yes, so I think when it's being vindicated here. She lost her job because of Diday when she was on the radio show he complained and got a fired, lost her livelihood because of Diddy, And she's been raising the red flag for decades. Non nobody else has. I haven't recently, but Wendy was so brave and she paid the cost for this. And the other thing that I like about this is this ain't a woman with dementia. If she might, she might have some memory last ye, a lot of stuff too. This is somebody who knows very well what happened back in the day. She's articulate, she's smart, and it's clear she's not drinking anymore. Although it's her business, it's her life. And so I think this once again proves that Wendy was not only right, but brave of all those years ago. We are Wendy Williams an apology. Okay, let's do our naughties of the day. Prince Harry might not have even read his own book. So the ghost writer for Harry's book is revealing that he's not sure of Sussex ever read it. Now, this is not the tell All book. It was a book before the tell All book, about four wounded soldiers who came to the North Pole. And he admitted that he wrote this book. It was a best seller, but he never actually met Harry. He ghost wrote it for Harry, so he had to go through a lot of protocols in the palace. They got to sign off Clarence House where he lived at the time, on everything, and so he said it was not really a very fun process. It was a difficult book to write without any cooperation from Harry. Normally, when you're a ghost writer. You sit on the phone or in a room coming for hours and hours, you know, and you tell your story and then I run away and write it. He didn't even get to meet him, so he had to write a book.
That's weird. Yeah, I don't think that's a really good revelation, and.
I'm surprised he's able to tell that story though.
There is no.
What's Harry going to do? At this point? I think.
Don't work anymore?
Oh Dear's end with a moment of only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left not done. If you want to do it, do it today, fascination. How many times have you put stuff off? Just do it? I love that. I think it's the most powerful ad campaign of all time. Nike, Just do it. But I don't say do it. It's the just that's the most important world, right, Just do it? Just do it? Hey, that is it for this week. Thank you so much for listening to the Naughty but Nice with Robin Corey Show, a production of iHeartRadio Don't Forget some Game on the iHeartRadio Apple podcast. Wherever you listen, leave us a review if you can, and remember altogether, And now let me hear you singing along. It's not even nice with