Jamie Foxx has finally shared the full story of his 2023 health crisis, revealing that a brain bleed led to a stroke, leaving him “literally within an inch of his life.” ESPN host Ryen Russillo recently admitted Meghan Markle wasn’t interested in his attention back in 2014. Taylor Swift gifted a jaw-dropping $197 million in bonuses to the performers and crew who helped bring her Eras Tour to life over the past two years.
= Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.
Shoos he Lo Lo lo.
Hello, welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm your host, Rob Shooter. It's Wednesday now, normally every Wednesday. Our dear friend Donnie Meecham joins us from the LA. He's not feeling very well today, said Donnie. We're sending you the best. We'll send over some chicken soup. Have lots of tea and honey, lots of liquids. My friends, I know, I know you're listening. So he Lowa, Lo bello, Donnie, feel better, my friend. Okay, naughties, let's jump into the show. We've got a lot of gossip to get to. What time is it, my friends, It is tea time. Big story. At the top of the show, Jamie Fox finally reveals what happened to him during that awful, awful incident when he was hospitalized. Jamie's been quite quite sparse with any of the details until now, and my goodness, what he reveals is huge. So Jamie is finally sharing the full story to his twoenty and twenty three health crisis, revealing in his new Netflix special.
That he indeed had a brain bleed which led to a stroke, literally leaving him inches inches within his life outrageous. Now, if you do remember we reported this back at the time, were very very careful about medical issues on this show. It's something very very private. And so now Jamie is confirming, is confirming that indeed he did have a stroke. We knew that, what we didn't know was what caused the stroke, and right now we know that was a a brain bleed.
So the fifty six year old actor in comedium he's fifty six now broke down in tears, absolutely sobbing while recounting the terrifying aw deal, telling his audience quote, please Lord, let me get through this. Let me explain what happened. So initially he had some symptoms. He had a really bad headache and he just couldn't shake it off. And then something snapped and he was rushed rushed to hospital. Thankfully, his sister, Deirdre Dixon took matters into her hands and brought him to the hospital immediately, where he credits the Angel staff for saving his life. Doctors discovered that Jamie was experiencing a brain bleed that had triggered a stroke, with one doctor warning his sister Deirdre, if I don't operate right now, we're gonna lose him. So clearly this is something that was much much bigger than we assumed than what we knew. We knew he had a stroke. Now we know it was a brain bleed. It's changed Jamie's life. Jamie has said a few funny things. He said he's no longer gonna date white women. Remember he was with Katie Holmes for about six years. Well now to the stroke, he's joking about dating. But insideers tell me there's some truth to it as well. Jamie Fox now who was the playboy of Hollywood. He loved dating, being out there, going to parties, being really the guy. Now he wants to settle down. He wants to have children. Your priorities change when you experience a life threatening situation. You might have had this happen to you. It might have happened to a friend of yours. A friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer, and it changed his life, and he changed his life for the better. If I dare say, he started to think about what he was eating while he was drinking, how he was living his life. But not only that, he had to sit down and decide what do I want out of my life? When you realize that life will end. It will spoiler alert, spoiler alert, it's going to end for all of us. But we don't think about it very often, do we. We get up each day and we get into our routine. What you've done this morning, you did yesterday, and probably the day before and the day before that, and you'll do it tomorrow. We get up, we clean our tea, if we have a cup of coffee, We go to work. We might kiss our husband, our wife, we might kiss our dog. And then the day gets into this very comfortable, very nice routine, hopefully, But you don't stop and think, do I want to do this? Do I want to do this for twenty thirty years? What do I want out of my life? What's a priority? Mine used to be work. I used to work too many hours. I enjoyed earning a lot of money, not because I spent it, but because I could show off. I grew up with not a lot, and so when I all these zeros in my bank account, oh my god, it gave me pleasure, but for the wrong reasons. Money only exists to buy amazing things, clothes, experiences, dinners, nights out with friends. And so I had a moment. It was during the pandemic, actually where I really sat and thought my whole work life disappeared for a little bit. There was no gossip, No celebrities were going out, there was nothing really to report on. So I had like a year and a half off, and that was the year and a half where I wrote my book, The Forward Answer, where I lost forty pounds. And so this experience for Jamie, as tragic, as frightening, as upsetting as it was, insiders tell me it changed his life for the better. Now he doesn't take life for granted. He certainly doesn't take his family for granted, although I don't think he ever did. But now he wants to start his own family too. He's really really looking to settle down. And I think this is a beautiful thing of silver lining out of a really ugly situation, which brings us to our whole question of the day. Jamie Fox has dearly explained that a brain bleared led to a stroke in twenty twenty three. My question is, should Jamie have told us right away? What do you think? You don't know us any explanation here, Jamie. It's your life, it's your story. But would it have been better for him? Not as for him if he had told this story right away, or do you think it's right he needed a year to think about it, to sit to consider it, to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. In fact, maybe he needed to figure out what he wanted to do tomorrow before talking about what he did yesterday. What do you think, yes or no? Should he have told us earlier? Go vote on outid the page at Naughty nys rob or our Facebook page which is Nordy yozib and be sure to check back Tom Rower to hear your results. Okay, moving on long. An ESPN host who I've never heard of, claims that he once thought Meghan Markle was quote obtainable. So Meghan Martle no stranger to admire us, But a former ESPN host, Rayan Russillo, I think I'm pronouncing that correctly, recently admitted that she wasn't interested in his affections back in twenty forty ten years ago. So Rayan, he opened up about a brief encounter with the Duchess or they're now the Duchess of Sussex. Back then, she was Megan Martl at a celebrity flag football game. Now at the time, Meghan was really best known for her role on Suits, and he thought that he had a chance with her because unlike the models at the event, like Chrissy Teagan, he thought Megan seemed much more approachable. In fact, this is a really complimentary thing to think, he said. She's never been more obtainable. It's what he thought, and he said, that's my lane. She's probably doubting herself a little bit right now, so maybe I have her chance. He said that rather than approach her at the game, though, this is the mistake. He should have gone over to her and said.
Hello, hello, alo.
If you like somebody, it doesn't matter if it's romantic or if it is just a friend, a new friend, go over and say hello. I say hello to everybody, and that's why I have so many good people in my life. I put myself out there. So instead of going out going over and saying hello, helloolo, he slid into her DMS, hoping hoping she would reply. She didn't. If you have a chance between a social media and in person connection, always pick the in person connection. It really makes a difference. I've been doing this connection business, not romantically. I've been with Bruce forever, thank goodness, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But professionally, I've been connecting people for decades and I know there is nothing like a cup of coffee, a drink, a sit down and eye conversation.
That's where stuff happens.
That's where progress is made, that's where opportunities pop up. I think about some of the great opportunities in my life, from having my own talk show, to having my own column in a magazine and now podcasting. Each and every one of those professional opportunities came because I had a face to face meeting, not a phone call, certainly, not a DM, not a direct message, not a social media encounter. It was one on one eye to I, face to face this guy. I would argue, had he gone over and said hello to Megan, she might I don't know, she might have said yes, okay. Moving along, we have new reporting about jay Z who joined Beyonce and his daughter Blue Ivy on the red carpet premiere of Moufasa. Now Blue Ivy is in Mufassa, so the parents went to support her. However, the day of the premiere, this scandal broke. The law suit broke, the accusations broke about a hideous, hideous alleged crime, the jay Z raped a thirteen year old. Now the day that that broke, the couple initially planned to skip the premiere. They were not going to go beyond Say and Jay were like, what are we doing here? We're going to have press there, We're going to be asked the questions. Their legal teams, some of the best lawyers in the world, were like, don't go to this. We don't want you answering any questions. They could ask anything on the red carpet. Reporters are there to ask questions. I'm a reporter. We've got to ask if I saw a jay Z. I'm not interested in Blue Ivy at the moment or Mafarsa. I'm interested in these allegations. That's the news, that's the subject that we need to be talking about. Clearly he didn't want to do that. Now I should point out he didn't do any interviews. He just did photographs and then he left. He was in and out. Blue Ivy arrived with her mom Beyonce earlier, and then jay Z sort of just appeared, did some photographs and left. Now I spoke to my sources and they said, had they skipped the red carpet, they would have looked guilty, they would have looked as if they had done something or he had done something wrong. But standing there together with the heads held high as a family, that was a message. That was an image to the world that Jay was innocent and that they were fighting this together and the family supported him. Even Beyonce's mother, Tina was there. Remember there was a little controversy we spoke about it yesterday where Tina accidentally liked a post about this awful, awful allegation. Well, now she's saying she was hacked inside, as are saying to me, she just made a mistake. But nevertheless, she was on that red carpet with Jay, with her daughter, with her granddaughter standing there as an entire family. I think this is a good idea. When I worked with Jennifer Lopez, she broke up with Ben Affleck and the next day she was going to go to the Golden Globes and I called Jen and I spoke to Jen and I was like, should we skip it? And she said absolutely not. I've got nothing to hide. I did nothing wrong. And I said, well, then let me arrange it. So you coming through the side entrance. You don't need to do that massive. It's a really, really long red carpet. She said, no, no, I'm walking the carpet with my head held high.
She didn't do any interviews, but she did a lot of photographs and that was the image she wanted out there. And I think jay Z was doing exactly the same thing. A very very smart p R move. I'm not sure it helps him legally, but pr wise a smart move. And just a little add on here. Mindsight has telling me Beyonce is absolutely one hundred percent supporting him. There is no no, no daylight between these two. They are together. Okay, I like this story. So Ben Affleck, he's focused on his career and his family at the moment, not dating, admit his divorce. So Benny's pressing pause on romance as he navigates his ongoing divorce from Jennifer Lopez. The fifty two year old actor and director has prioritized personal growth and professional projects. According to a source talking with Page six, The Sauce said the following quote. Ben has no interest in jumping into another relationship at the moment. He's still adjusting to single life and focusing on the numerous projects he's working on. He's really really busy, not only as an actor. He's a great writer, an Oscar winning writer, and also a producer and Oscar winning producer. Argo was in a great, great movie which won the Oscar. And so I think this is probably a good idea. I just don't buy it. My sources tell me Ben's always getting himself into these situations because he falls in love too quickly. He always needs a pretty lady in his life, and so I'd like to think Ben would take a moment to think about this, but I would not be surprised if we don't see Ben dating very soon. Let's put it like this, it's a toss up who's going to date first. Jennifer or Bed both that they're a needy both of them need a person in their lives. They neither one of them are good at being single. I'm not either. I'm lucky because I've had Bruce in my life a very long time, but I knew that I was not a good single person. I always had boyfriends from the age that I could start kissing and making out. There was always somebody in my life. And so I'm wishing them the best, but I just don't quite believe this. Quickly before we get a break, Taylor Swift, Oh, she's the best. So she's just ended her tour. It made two billion dollars. That's a lot of money. So Taylor, do you know what she did? She gave away one hundred and ninety seven million in bonuses for her entire crew. So she gave away this massive bonus to choreographers, to dancers, to sound technicians, to truck drivers, even physical therapist, makeup artists, wardrobe stylist, riggers, carpenter's production staff, cater us and security. They all got a huge bonus on top of their salary. She wrote them a check, said here you go. Now, I'm told there's about three to four hundred people that work on the tour. So if she gave away about two hundred million, that's a five hundred thousand dollars bonus each. That's a life changing amount of money. This gesture comes after reports in twenty twenty three that she handed over fifty five million in bonuses for her US leg of the tour. She gifted every trucker. She has fifty truckers that transport her set from location to location, city to city, fifty of them. She gave them all a gift of one hundred thousand dollars in addition to their salary. Taylor Swift, you are just the best. So many artists make so much money going on the road. That's why they do it. The reason popstars are still out there touring is it's.
A cash cow.
They earn a fortune. Most of them go and buy a house in Malibu. Taylor Swift, she gave almost two hundred million back to the people who made it all possible. We love you, Taylor. There's no one like you. Okay, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back. Welcome back to the not even Eisham. Your headstrop shooter Donn is off today. He has a bit of a coal Donnie. We are sending you a love a lela la lao. I'll be over with some chicken soup in a few hours. I wish I could. Maybe I'll send some from New York. Let's get to the polls that the dr Last year we talked about jay Z calling legal action a blackmail attempt. Our question is quite simple. Do you think jay is being extorted? Let's have a look. Sixty percent said, no, you think that there is something to this. There's a lot of smoke here. Is there some fire? We will find out soon. And hey, don't forget to vote on today's pol Go our Twitter page at Naughty ice Rob or our Facebook page which is Naughty Yossip and be sure to check back tomorrow. I wer to hear your results. And now I'm a favorite part of the show and nicest of the day Mega Markle and Harry are our nicest of the day for heating up the screen with some PDA in their new Netflix docu series. So the couple are providing are showing us their love for one another is in full bloom with a PDA filled cameo in the fifth and final episode of Harry's new Netflix docuseries Polo. Now, I'm told the shows them, okay, it's never going to do huge numbers because it's not a show about them. It's a bad Polo. It's very interesting. It's sort of like a looking to the world though of the elites. It's very aspirational. It sort of reminds me of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but without any of the drama. Well in the last episode, we spot the two of them kissing. Let me explain the romance. The romantic moment happened after Harry won a match where Megan presented him a trophy and sealed the celebration with a kiss. The reason this is such a big deal is we don't see the Royals doing this. They have a non PDA policy. They do not kiss. They really don't even touch or hold hands in public. Now that was Queen Elizabeth's generation. King Charles is very similar. I think William and Cat are changing that a little bit, and Harry and Meghan are blowing it out of the water. It's lovely to see people being affectionate and nicest of the day. And now I noticed the day naughty, naughty, naughty inner Garten is clapping back at Martha Stewart, saying that Martha's Stewart about her is not exactly accurate. So the Food Network star addressed the long rumor, the long held rumor that she fell out with Martha Stewart after Martha went to jail in two thousand and four. Now, the reason we know this, it's more than a rumor. Let's be honest. Martha said it. Martha said, when I went to jail, she stopped returning my calls. And in a Q and A they asked Ena about this. She was asked about this, and she said, you know, it was twenty five years ago. I think it's time to let it go. So she said, well, that isn't exactly the whole story. Ugh, I don't know you two. I should point out that Martha helped in in a kick off her career. She introduced her to a publisher who put out her first book. She got her her first deal, and then Martha suggested that their relationship soured after she was thrown in the slammer. These two, do you think they can just kiss and makeup? Do you think these two can put the past in the past. Let's hope. Let's hope that a reconciliation is on the menu. Boom, See what I did there. Let's end with a moment of rob you rub, you get a roub, you get a rub. Failure is an answer, Rejection is an answer. Regret is an eternal question. Don't regret doing stuff. Do it and fail, Do it and get rejected, because then you will have an answer. The reason I am good at this is because I do it all the time. I wasn't good when I started. Every professional was once an amateur. The difference, though, is we kept trying. Failure is a answer, Regret is an eternal question. Hey, that's it for today. Thank you so much for listening to the Natyve with Robin the noughties. You're the co host of to Day, a production of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, wherever you listen, and leave us a review if you can. They really do help. And remember altogether, nice sing along. If you're going to be naughty, you got a pie Nasa.
It's a marvelous. It's not even nice with ro