This week's episode features audio from a workshop by Dave Friedrich entitled, The Ark of Speech.
“How far does our hospitality go? How far can it go? What can we welcome and gather in, and how? Hospitality is, first and foremost, the hospitality that we give each other, exchanging words and silences, glances and voices. And yet…” These are the opening words of The Ark of Speech, by poet and theologian Jean-Louis Chretien, who is also one of France’s leading philosophers. In this workshop we will explore how to move beyond mere digital connection that leaves us alone together, and into a shelter for conversation, a safe place where we are heard, challenged and changed.
Dave Friedrich was born and raised in Canada. After attending Tyndale University for Biblical Studies he went on to study philosophy at York University in Toronto for his Bachelor’s, and then completed a Master’s with a concentration in Spiritual Theology at Regent College, Vancouver.
After backpacking Europe, Dave ended up at the Swiss L’Abri where he met Anna, his lovely wife-to-be. Their two delightful sons were born in Ohio where Dave worked in a church as a Youth Director. He then had an itching to live bi-vocationally which led him to become a professional firefighter/paramedic, and an ordained Anglican minister.
The Friedrichs then spent some time working at the Swiss L’Abri before landing at Southborough L’Abri. Dave was an on-call firefighter in Switzerland and continues to be one in Southborough, where he is discovering the joy of stand-up paddleboarding.
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