Langston and David answer a listener's email about fast food menu pairings targeting Black communities and if it's intentional.
WASHINGTON, DC - 10/10 - The Miracle Theatre w/ Jamel Johnson, Paris Sashay, and Tony Woods!
DETROIT, MI - 10/12 - The Majestic Theatre with Mel Mitchell and Leah Vernon
CHICAGO, IL - 10/13 - The Den with Marilee and LaRoyce Hawkins
HOLLYWOOD, CA - 10/17 - The Comedy Store (The Main Room)
ATLANTA, GA - 10/31 - City Winery
HOUSTON, TX - 11/1 - The Secret Group
AUSTIN, TX - 11/2 - Vulcan Gas Company
DALLAS, TX - 11/3 - The Studio at the Factory
BROOKLYN, NY - 11/7 - The Bell House
SOMERVILLE, MA - 11/8 - Arts at the Armory
PHILADELPHIA, PA - 11/10 - Punch Line Philly
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - 11/17 - Cobb's Comedy Club
DENVER, CO - 12/5 Cervantes' Masterpiece
SEATTLE, WA - 12/12 - Laugh's Comedy Club
PORTLAND, OR - 12/15 - Helium Comedy Club
Tickets can be purchased at My Momma Told Me's Linktree
Motherfucking mini episode, mini episode, motherfucking mini episode.
Shoe Flay. I'm straight, I steak my plate, shah day, I'm a smooth operator. Welcome to another phenomenal episode of My Mama.
Told Me, the podcast where we dived deep, deep into the pockets of black conspiracy theories.
And we finally worked to prove the conspiracies of you, the listener. It's a motherfucking mini episode.
Yeah, come on that episode small and it's my customs in it. Here we are.
It's tiny, it's tiny, little customs.
R I p Rich from Damn rip Rich told me Kwan.
Bro I was sitting thinking about it. I feel like there is like one dead white celebrity to every ten black woman.
I think that's fair, a real number, and had most of them diet like an age where it's reasonable where you're just like, I guess that that makes sense. We lose Benny White, you know what I mean, and then we lose a thirty four year old man who sang lifestyle that don't make sense, that's along that ain't right.
Man. You remember where you were when lifestyle came out. I remember that summer. I remember just at the top of my lungs being so so drunk. It felt so good there.
Man. There was an error preceding Lifestyle where I think I was feeling very disheartened with where rap music felt like it was heading, do you know what I mean? Where it kind of felt like drug out losers who I couldn't vibe with and really didn't understand for a big era. And then Lifestyle happened. Now I was like, oh, oh, I get it.
It was okay.
That was on me because now I understand what the fuck this could have been, you know what I mean, the best of this.
You can see the top of that duping the mountain, good bigini.
And I was like, all right, that's that is better music than I grew up with, if we're really being honest, you know what I mean, Like, man, that's humanity at its greatest potential. When I I was just being a cynic because it didn't feel like home.
You know, I get that. I get that completely. I get that completely. And then when he hit the kwand that's a big lifestyle, uh fucking type of way.
Guy, it was good stuff, man, all right, Peter rich onmy kwan and I I'm uh, man, you know I this is how I know, as bad as they're not telling us what it was yet they're like being real, just like everybody's just being like he did, he did, he did, and nobody's like unpacking what happened. And it's like, oh, this is this is gonna be sad that it finally comes out.
All right, b we love you, we miss you.
We had you booked for the pod. I believe it was gonna be it was next week's episode.
And you were rich. You wouldn't believe the conspiracy he brought. It's like, somebody gonna kill me, dog, I can't not today, it's today. It happened today, Yo.
Comedy lives forever. Rich onmy Kwan. We lost him early, but comedy lives forever.
It does. Comedy does live forever. You know what I was thinking about with comedy the other day. And then we'll get into this great email. You ever notice whenever you see a documentary about someone's downfall, and like the time of the downfall, they always show a stand up comedy clip, you know what I mean? It always wanted the sex, being like he was an idiot, and then you find out that he was like very troubled and the whole thing was like not what it was portrayed. It's always comedy. Age is so bad.
It's just us forming, the making these hard formed opinions and being loud with them. And yeah, every process wrong, every single time.
Was a bitch, nasty bitch. He remain alone, your dirty whore.
And it's like, oh, actually, actually, guys, if if, if you look at it, she actually was a pretty decent woman.
Who victim and took what was a really terrible thing that happened to her really in stride.
She's got a great sense of humor now, written a few books.
Yeah, she did pretty well. Yeah, Bill, on the other president, it would be a wrap for me.
I oh man, no fucking way.
Yeah, I'd have been been right about it. So hats talk to you, Monnica Lewinsky. Anyways, Uh, what are you?
We got an email?
You got a good email.
A person by the name of Sam sent us an email with the subject line McDonald's in sprite. Am I racist? And we don't know yet but probably probably Sam. We're gonna go so far as to say probably you're a racist, but when you follow this podcast, you know that we don't think that's a deal breaker. Nope, and in fact, that makes my ears perk up. Yeah, you're completely honest. It doesn't make me think you're a good person, but it does make me curious. Yeah, you found this one. You want to read this one?
Yeah? Sure, I will read it. It says, hello Langston and David exclamation point. I like that day one fan. I noticed years ago that fast food men used nearly always pair hamburgers with coke and chicken with sprite.
Uh oh oh No.
I always figured because the chicken products were being marketed towards black people. Is it racist? Or am I being racist? Other restaurants do this as well. I'm black and thought everyone noticed this, but none of my white friends have ever noticed tail as old as they don't.
Know, the white people are noticing that. They don't give a fuck.
Brother, they don't notice when you get a haircut. They're upon the nuances. Why is the spy.
That's just a white dude in his card.
No, that's that's our ship.
They don't give a fun.
They don't give a shit about it. Anyways, Thanks for all the chuckles, best, Sam, and I do think it should be noted this also says sent from my Verizon Sam, some Galaxy smartphone get out looked for Android. Uh, I did not mean to blow up your spot, Sam, but it was part of the email.
You gotta remove that signature. Sam. I'm gonna be honest with you.
Got it. It's because it's like, there was a time where I was impressed that you had a smartphone and that you were emailing me with it. That's true. There was a whole era that's far gone, and now I'm judging you.
Now. Now I'm judging you, and you're not even emailing me, frankly from a phone that we respect.
So had it been from the new Google phone, I would be like, oh, you're just text savvy.
What if what if they were like emailing you from Google Glass, I'd be like, whoa cool?
Look at you, Sam, you're doing it.
You have that.
But like Samsung, I'm pretty sure you can get those for free at best Buy.
Like they're like, you took the time to come into a best Buy physically, you get a Sam shuck.
Come on, you get a Samsung. Hey, we don't like our customers to leave empty handed. Grab a Samsung.
Grabbing Samsung and some Dreamcast games or whatever.
Did you know Reese's tried making a sour candy. You can have some. We got a whole bunch of leftovers room.
I think we got a projector in here.
Some shit. Yeah, Sam, shame on you for emailing us this way. But but it is a good question. I've never considered that they were pairing the sprite in the coke like fine wines that that never occurred to me once that chicken only paired with sprite and uh and burger only paired with with coca cola.
Here's the I hate to be this guy. Yeah it does.
I listen. I didn't disagree with that, Okay, okay, it's as I was reading it, I was like, oh, huh.
Like there's a reason that we love lemon pepper chicken.
Yeah, you need that zing.
You need that zing to go with the zang.
And coke red meat red?
Can you want to red.
Red meat on the inside, brown on the outside or brown? It's like a reverse coke cane.
Yeah you wanna you want a full bodied cola with with your burger, whereas.
Something more more robust.
Yeah, you chick, something a little lighter with your chicken.
Exactly. It's like it feels like we're doing bad yeah, no.
It doesn't. It doesn't feel good to say this out loud, but I guess I got it. It is the most important thing, and and yeah, it never it never occurred to me until it was sort of said this explicitly. Do you feel that McDonald's is specifically separating those advertisements so like our our niggas not getting the burger ads and thus the coke ads are we were getting both evenly? I guess it's a question.
I I don't. I truly don't know, because McDonald's has always been very black in my opinion.
Yeah, they beat the ship out of our community in a way that us do you know what I mean? Like this, This wasn't just like we got in a fight because we randomly bumped into each other. Nigga, you've been waiting outside my house my whole life and jumping me every day since I was a boy.
McDonald's trying to try because they stay when they should leave. It's like an abusive I mean type in McDonald's fight. So do I think? I don't know that I have noticed this specifically until it was brought up in the email, But because I wonder too, do black people eat more chicken? At McDonald's or I don't. I don't really know. Yeah, I'll be honest. I think of the Big Mac as a black burger. I think black people like Big Macs.
Maybe that's that's not true, but but that's what I always think of when I'm like, black people want a burger?
The Is it weird that I think I think of whoppers as a black burger. But I think it's because so many of those coupons.
I think I'm speaking more specifically to McDonald's. I agree with you that the whopper is the preferred black burger, Okay, but not when at McDonald's. Within McDonald's, you would send the McDonald's universe. Yeah, in the McDonald's cinematic universe.
In them, I would say, over the McChicken, over the hot and spicy McChicken.
Well that's what I'm saying. If we're going burgers, right, but if but then you get into the chicken territory, and we especially back when they had them dollar chicken sandwiches, we went.
Crazy, changed my whole shit up.
We were absolutely nuts that like two and a half years that they were like, you can get a chicken sandwich for.
We were because you remember and you could also get a medium fried so you could get out that bitch. Did you ever have add ons? Did you do that? Have like little tricks or moves you would do?
Oh, you mean, like get a meal, but then add on fry so that you can have like.
I'm talking about, I have three eight cents. I'm coming in. I'm getting a double cheeseburger with Big Mac sauce, right, and then I'm getting hot and spicy, make chicken with cheese, and then a medium. You know what I mean.
I got you You're you're You're making you're you're Frankensteining a full meal.
I'm not even with a Big Mac.
Yeah, however you want out of what should have never been.
However you want to handle that.
They said it was impossible, but you said nay, name my brother. Watch this.
Excuse me, garsh San.
You know a pack of that Big Max sauce. I know you don't charge for that.
You're gonna go ask somebody. You're gonna be mad, your man agers gonna say that's illegal. But trust me, brother, I've looked at the code. It is not. Please give me your Big Max sauce.
I lived down the street.
If there are any issues, please speak to Tyreek you're in the back.
I believe he knows the deal. I'm also supposed to not supposed to walk through the drive through, but here we are.
If you moonwalk, it's basically like you're on wheels. We're call upon you because we have new merch. We have very exciting merch that we are now selling and it's it's fucking great. We love it so much.
Just sleek, it's sexy.
Come on, you want to tell them what we have?
Yeah, we have three different types of hats, which is really fun. We have a two tone hat, an alien dad hat, the traditional logo in black and khaki. Then we have the enamel pin with an alien who has a koofie on it. Since my mama told me. And then we have t shirts that say proud little Mama, which is who you are.
Yeah, you can buy the merch now, go to my mama told me dot merch table dot com. It's a brand new name, but it's the same old merch and we would love for you to get some if you haven't got it already, and we want you to have all the sweet stuff, so get it.
I also wonder about this and this is a good time to bring us up as any do white people.
Drink a lot of right, certainly not at the clip that black people are drinking it.
That's because I'm trying to I'm just like trying to go in my head now and think about like I'm trying to imagine a white man with a can of sprite in his hand, and I can't even pull up a picture.
I've seen it a lot. I'm not going to pretend like it's it's it's like the impossible, right, But I think they have a similar relationship to sprite that black people have to like mountain.
Dew okay, interesting where it's a thing.
Yeah, most of us don't drink that, But then every once in a while you drink, you meet someone who does and they drink it exclusively, and you're like, whoa you you wold nigga. That's how I feel about you in a good way. Again, And I can't emphasize this enough. I don't drink Mountain do at all anymore. I just I just had an era where I did.
But we could get you back, right.
I don't drink sodas anymore. I think that would be the harder challenge it's getting me back on. So I think at the point that you could give me back on. Hell yeah, I'll do the do for sure. I'm not above And that's always been my issue with people's response to the mountain dew of it all. It's all poison, right, Not one of these versions of the thing is like organic and good for any part of you.
It's blue.
Yeah, it is all just hot evil sugar flowing through all the parts of you that should not have it. So yeah, I'm gonna take meon please.
Yeah, I get that. No, listen, we've talked about my love for blue drinks. I'm not here to put you down at all. Wait, Olivia says here in the chat. Back in the day, McDonald's had a website for black people called black three sixty five dot com. WHOA, first of all, it's crazy that McDonald's got to that domain name first before.
Love Black three sixty five dot com doesn't mention McDonald's at all. They just were making a website for black people.
Do you think it was like black Planet?
Oh, like a like a social media site. But but McDonald's sponsor.
Yeah, like you could meet girls on black.
Three blackthree sixty five dot com and now I'm on Black three sixty five dot com. It now seems to carry black history cards, black literature, African Americans, and stem it's. It's got all kinds of weird calendars and and generic T shirts. There's again still no mention of McDonald's or even a former relationship to McDonald's.
I'm gonna tell you the truth. This website is a downgrade from the old Black three sixty five dot com.
Yeah you remember a more dare I say robust Black sixty five dot com? No?
I never went there. I wasn't, man, I wasn't on the Internet every day until like two thousand and nine, twenty ten, when did the first android come out? The droid?
Oh, we gotta ask Sam. Sam clearly uh fucking loves him.
Because I had that before I ever had a personal computer. That was so that was that was the first time I started going to Internet every day.
Damn I I didn't start going on the computer every day probably till similarly like two thousand No, that's not true. It was probably closer to like two thousand and five, two thousand and six was that for wirk No, I'm in college. Facebook really was like finding its groove, you know what I mean. And you're sitting there and you're like, I had a a girl at the time. My girlfriend was a long distance She lived in back in Illinois and I was in Michigan, and so I was like, oh, this is this is my only connection to her world and ship.
Did they even have directed? Were you guys just like talking around each other's walls back then?
I think that's what you had to do. You just had to be like a miss you baby.
You had to code that little You had to code that little for the glitter text.
Yeah, he damn this man knows computers.
Yeah, and love and love.
So, as far as the conspiracy of all this, where I'm at is, Yeah, I think this is racist.
Do you think it's racist on Sam's part to acknowledge or you think no, no, no, I mean the marketing. The marketing was purposeful and racist.
I think the marketing is probably very purposeful. I think historically Sprite and most of its commercials seem to very clearly be targeting black people. Greenstone, that's true, damn fuck all, Like mental cigarettes aren't green They just did that. Yeah, they just decided that that was going to be the Association. Yeah, yeah, fuck, that's true.
That mint.
Like you have us. I just mean that, uh, they'll make me. That may be.
That that's not what I'm saying, you stinky monkey, you sky.
Filthy fucking animals. I'm not saying that. I'm saying, like mint chocolate ain't for black people, and it's really they're not aiming that at us.
That is that is interesting. How did men break through? I don't know because yeah, Junior Min's I don't feel like are Yeah m hmm, wow, there's probably some something to it. It's probably science here for Yeah, I'm sure Eddie Brenees had something to do with it. But that man was the devil. Eddie. He's a father of modern marketing. He was a Freud's nah few Oh yeah, really interesting shit but dark dark damn.
All right, I'm gonna look up Eddie Burnez.
Yeah you should. He's very interesting.
But yeah, I do think certainly the targeting of sprite at the black community and the targeting of I would say, chicken products out of McDonald's feels very like. I don't I don't know that they're not aiming for us to eat burgers, but I know they're really hoping we eat the chicken. Definitely, they're they're happy for us to eat the burgers, and they advertise the burgers at us as well. But man, do they get pumped when we choose chicken? Yeah, that's yeah, definitely, So, yeah, it makes perfect sense.
That's why they're making the McNuggets. It's like you can get like one hundred for five bucks or some shit.
Now, yeah, they still they put this shit like a Louis v.
They've changed every other price tag at McDonald's, you know what I mean, Like there is no three dollars and eighty cent meal anymore at McDonald's. But them nuggets you can still get at a fair decent price, and that feels intentional.
You gotta eat them within twenty minutes.
Or that the hardest piece of meat you've ever felt in your life.
You will get cancer outside of that. Don't put them shits in the microwave tomorrow. You just you eat them. Nah, You check the bag to make sure they're all there, and then you eat them.
Putting up McDonald's nugget back in the microwave feels as close to putting a fork in the microwave as you can get you know, it's.
Like you're never doing good, You're never nothing. Things aren't going right in your life. If you're putting McDonald's in the microwave, you gotta just finish that. Yeah, man, just finish it. Throw the back away so your girl doesn't see, and keep.
It moves as be done. So, Sam, I think if we wrap this thing up, it sounds like we're in agreement with you that these are probably very intentional ads targeted at black people, and subsequently black people seem to be the victims of said ads. And we pray for you and your Verizon Samsung Galaxy smartphone that you get to help you deserve and.
So desperately need.
All right, well we did it.
Yeah, that's good. That's it.
That was fun.
You want to tell the people where they can find you?
Cool guy jokes eighty seven on Instagram. Go to patreon dot com backslash David Borie G B O R I E and go purchase my special Birth of a Nation. We're doing numbers over there and the Patreon's fun. Got all kinds of videos there. We're up to like fifty plus free videos.
Google community there people talking about what they eat for breakfast. It's a good time. Go purchase that. Give me your money.
Damn. You got a little social media network. You've built Black planet too, baby, bigger black.
Yeah, if you want to get a white girlfriend, come to my Patreon.
As always, you can follow me at Langston Kerrman on all social media platforms. Watch the special Bad Poetry. It's still on Netflix as far as I know. And you can also watch the show English Teacher. It's on FX and I play a role in that. And that was fun. It's cool. It's very funny. So go watch it. And if you want to send us your own conspiracy theories, your drops, to your your nude send it all to my mama pod at gmail dot com. We would love to hear from you, like subscribe, retweet, remember to call your mother, and to go to our tour. Come see us, come to it, yeah, come see us live on tour. We desperately want you at all of these events. You want me to run it down, Yeah, we're kicking it out. Go ahead, you got it so.
October tenth, Washington, DC, The Miracle Theater, October twelfth, Detroit, Michigan, The Majestic Theater, October thirteenth, Chicago, Illinois, The Den Theater, October seventeenth, Hollywood, California, at the Comedies October thirty. First you asked for it, we gave it to you. Atlanta, Georgia at City Winery, Atlanta, November one, Houston, Texas, The Secret Group, November two, Austin, Texas Voking Gas Company November three, Dallas, Texas Studio at the Factory November seventh, Brooklyn, New York, The Bellhouse Theater. November eighth, Somerville, Massachusetts, basically Boston Arts at the Armory November tenth, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Punchline, Philly, November seventeenth, San Francisco, California, Cobbs Comedy Club. My mom's gonna be there, and probably my little brothers. December fifth, Denver, Colorado, Savante's Masterpiece Ballroom. I'm riding my bike to that one. December twelfth is right up the street, baby. I just walked out today with the dog. December twelfth, Seattle, Washington, Laughs Comedy Club. In December fifteenth, Portland, Oregon, Helium Comedy Club. What a tour.
That's gonna be a tour. We hope to see you come out and the tickets are all available online. There might be a couple of dates that haven't quite been I know a few of you have been writing and saying, hey, this day was or this link wasn't available. We'll work it out. We will work that out. Don't give up on us, and we won't give up on you. But we want to see you at this tour. Okay, we did everything we needed to do. Bye, bitch. There was due to a feces thrown all over the walls, the floor, the ceiling, and a stunk so bad.
Well, the fucking many years, so many years so well, the fucking many years so well, the fucking mini years, so many years so well, the fucking many years so