
MFM Minisode 413

Published Dec 9, 2024, 8:01 AM

This week’s hometowns include a secret tunnel and kids playing with candles.

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Hello, and welcome to my favorite murder the miniesot where we read you your stories. Did you hear that intro? Smooth as fucking butter? Never in nine years have we had an intro that where we knew our lines like that one. Smooth as silk and butter, Silky butter. Silky butter is probably my favorite outfit in the summertime. Oh yeah, I just smear it all over. Sorry, that one on me. That one's on me. I apologize, Okay, can you go. First subject line of this email is tunnel or no tunnel? Hey love? Oh sorry, hey love you? Sorry? Oh my god, my aunt Carol is not writing right now. I love hey love you. Two awesomenesses. I miss Elvis. I often think of the story about the little girl in the backseat asking why she gave the goat a cookie. I think about that too. Then it's a new paragraph. Alejandra has the best name. I've never heard it before. Interesting new paragraph, Okay, I listen every night before going to sleep. For some reason, my husband thinks this is weird and wonders if I am studying. We do have good life insurance? And then new paragraph. You want family treasure stories? Yes, we did. This is all over the blaze. It's just like we were in the brain with them and we're happy to be there. I grew up in Cornwall, Ontario. My great grandfather was a builder, hotel owner and rumored to be a bootlegger. When we were little. My Momaire and Papere lived next to the hotel that my grandfather ran. Their names were Germaine and Romeo. Aren't those great? Yes? Yeah, good Germane. After Mass on Sundays and then parentheses, good French Catholics, we would all go have lunch at their house. It's a large family. There were eight kids and all have their own kids. Only about forty people for lunch. Ma Mayre was the best. Most of my cousins were born within a ten year span. We had so much fun together. The Christmas parties and New Year's parties were in the hotel and epic. When the pill came out, Ma Maayre told her daughters they should be good Catholics and not take it. They should abstain like she did. Dot dot dot question mark, question mark. She had nine pregnancies. As we know. We get okay. The hotel was closed on Sundays and then in parentheses. As nineteen seventies, my twenty odd cousins and I had the run of the place. We would look for dropped money in the bar and often play in the basement. In the basement there used to be a bowling alley. At the end. There was a long, dark hallway, and my cousin told me that it went to the bank my great grandfather had built across the street. We were not allowed down there. I used to fantasize about going through that tunnel to get all the money I wanted trasuer. Later, my cousin told me that it wasn't true, and that it really led to the furnace room. He crushed my dreams. Many years later I ran across an article about my great grandfather, who had been rumored to be a bootlegger during Prohibition. It talked about him going down to the boats with the baby carriage with my grandfather in it, and bringing the bottles back under the carriage. Smart He would then stop at the bank to visit the manager. While there he would use a tunnel under the street to take the bottles to his hotel. My cousin lied about lying. I guess I could have gone in to get that money. Never believe older cousins, Michelle Wow lying about lying. I feel like truly that email gave all of us everything we could have ever wanted.

Yeah, definitely. It was like a hinge enough to not be unhinged.

But hang it same time, just hanging off that last handey, hanging by hand. Okay, this is called fire stories, you say, lighthearted, but a close one. Hello, MFM fam writing to you all again because this story truly has it all. Childhood trauma, deadbeat sixties babysitters, and even a murder attempt plus Minnesota. I'm currently listening to you ask for fire stories, and god damn it, this is one of those two. Yes.

My dad is the youngest of four children and therefore the subject of torment most of his childhood. Of the three siblings, one in particular, Uncle Mark, was the worst offender to not only my dad, but his little sister as well. One night, my grandparents had gone out to dinner and a sitter was at the house with the kids. It was around Halloween and it was the sixties, which is really all you need to know. The babysitter chose to put on a lighthearted suitable for all ages movie Psycho.

Oh no, and that's sorry, that's Psycho in the sixties when they had had a lot of like right horror exposure, I would think totally.

But how did they put it on? If it's I don't have BCRs a huge real to reel.

I'm having a fucking crisis. At the moment, I think you succeeded. You just discovered a gigantic life. I just found a hole in this story. And I'm not what did you put it on? He didn't have anything to put it on. There's something to put on, and there's nothing to put it on it, I mean, yeah, the only thing.

Let's pretend it was the eighties, real to real. Let's pretend it was the eighties. I don't know, because it's gonna be the sixties. I'm not going I'm gonna say eighties, and I'm gonna correct this person.

Okay, yeah, yeah, I get it. Cut you.

After the movie and my dad and siblings are playing when my uncle Mark decides to steal his sister's doll, causing my aunt to be incredibly upset. My dad, being the sensitive well also incredibly over this bs four year old he is, decides to do something about it. Rummaging around my grandmother's va, he finds a nail file, not a soft memory board, mind you, but the old school metal kind with a pointy top.

And takes off. Yeah.

My dad runs at my uncle the nail file firmly and his chubby little hand held above his head, yelling, I'm going to stag you, and it says not a typo. He was so young he couldn't even pronounce the letter B yet, oh stag you so cute.


My uncle turned and raised his hand to protect his face, only to be met with a metal spike being driven right into the middle of his palm.

Okay, get ready for this part.

So far that the skin was tinting on the other side, Oh, all the way through, all the way through.

Okay, with the nail file. That's a tetanis shot right there. The phrase the skin was tinting I never want to hear again in my life. It's too good. It's like too good a description. And also their little kids, Yeah, a little baby ham Jesus.

To this day, my dad maintains that he deserved it, and my uncle honestly agrees. I would like to say he learned his lesson but just months later, my dad almost burned down the house while looking for yet another toy my uncle had stolen and hid under the bed. How looking under the bed cause a fire, you ask? The babysitter was letting them play with candles, naturally, so he's like peeking under the bed like within zet of a flash, sigh with a candle.

Because I was imagining, like those are the big fat ones my mom would put in the middle of the table for like Christmas or whatever. But it's like she's letting them play like old fashioned, old like luky lou candbell. What babysitter is this?

Well yeah, exactly after the netting under the bed went up in flames, like the most flammable fucking thing is in the house as your fucking mattress. Yeah, my dad quietly went downstairs and told everyone, quote, don't go upstairs.


Luckily, the fire department was called and the flames were put out quickly. Miraculously only the bed suffered any damage, but my grandparents did have to come home early from dinner to find a charred mattress in their front lawn. Anyway, I love y'all so much, Thank you for bringing me so much joy throughout the years. There's nothing like lovingly strolling around your baby to stories of horrific murders.

To really put a pep in your step.

Yeah, stay sexy, and maybe find a new babysitter, Maddie.

I mean for real, that's like step one. At least. Also maybe find new kids, because those kids were a disaster area. And also that was the eighties, and we're fucking sticking you insist the subject line of this is forgotten snacks and eighties parenting under two minutes, not the way I'm about to read it. You asked for forgotten snacks in minnesoed four hundred, and I immediately thought of a drink my brother and I would get when we went to the grocery store with my mom. Now that I have kids on my own and look back over those grocery store trips, I realize how insane my brother and I were to shop with. Even for the mid eighties, we must have ruffled the feathers of fellow shoppers. We ran around the store at full speed, playing tag through food Lion. Isn't that the best grocery store name? Yeah, food Lion. The grocery store was a great place to play tag with those long aisles. My strategy was to stay on the opposite side of the store, and when he would spot me through an aisle, he'd run down it, giving me plenty of time to find a route to the opposite side again. Occasionally, moment, that's hilarious, they used the entire store.

Oh my god, I just can I just say that this is not on you kids. Your parents should have been fucking teaching you not to run around oh grocer store.

You understand the level of trouble I would have been in to even be like picked up the pace or raising my vlace like, oh my god.

Yeah, you would have hold onto the cart and walk next to it and don't ask for anything.

Yes, that's like it. The ANSWER's note the whole speech in the car is like, do not, I am tied. No, we're not doing this. We wore her down there. Later later on the answer is yes. Occasionally my mom would yell walk, which my you just had to make your arms look straight while ran I know that one. That's right. Anyway, back to the drink. If we were good in parentheses, which must have meant we left her alone and didn't knock anyone down, she'd get us a drink, our choice of fruit punch or lemonade food Lion store brand. It came in square paper cartons, the ones you tear and make a little spout. We'd chuged that ship before we got back to the car. It was so incredibly sweet and delicious and a little bit thick. I now realized we were chugging cheap juice concentrate, just just just the concentrates was supposed to be fruit punched, no water. Oh my god, I look in my mouth and it's obvious I had a childhood full of sugar. The glove compartment in our car was stuffed full of candy. And whoever won the quiet game got first pick. Jesus, it was my dream family. Oh my god. This wasn't four long car trips. It was for whenever my mom wanted us to be quiet, basically every time we got in the car.

It sounds like someone did not want a parent in this situation, and I'm going to guess it was the parent who didn't want a parent.

There feels like maybe this parent bought the wrong parenting book and so none of the tricks worked, and so it became just like food reward and or I'll kill you, or here, drink this juice. Concentrate and maybe maybe you'll go into a diabetic home. Definitely the eighties. And then it says did she ever wonder if the sugar was contributing to the chaos? No shade on my mom. She was doing the best she could with what she had at the time. I think she's the best mom in the world. I should have read this before we started that discussion. Sorry, and she lives next door to me, now, oh fun, don't tell her we said this. Happy to spoil my kids with sugar. I've asked her to tone it down a bit and mostly give them things that have recognizable ingredients SSDGM and add water if that's what the directions say, and then there's no name on that. So good.

Just concentrate concentrated juice, sipping it down, gulping it thick.

It's thick, and that's like your treat drink. Yeah, that's the drink I want to get. That's hilarious. That was so good.

I bet it was exactly what the doctor ordered. Yeah, okay, here we go. I'm not going to read you this. Let's save the positive words to the end, shall we. When I was a junior in high school, my family picked up from the Utah Salt Lake Valley and moved to Arizona. When we moved into our new house, things were very strained. Right away, we began to notice that there were many cupboards that were still full of items, almost like someone had been in a hurry to leave. Some of the items that we found were a stack of gory religious brochures depicting a bloody Jesus on the cross.

Yeah he's pretty bloody.

Yeah, pounds of food, animal bones and jars, and four safety deposit box keys.

What was happening in that house?

Upon finding the keys, my mom reached out to their real estate agent to get the keys back to the owners. After not hearing back, my mom reached out to our real estate agent and asked if she could pass along the message the real estate agent. Let's call her Deborah infor my mom. That she could also not get a hold of the real estate agent. The real estate agent and the number for the real estate agent had been disconnected. Deborah was confused, leading her to reach out to the real estate agent's brokerage. Turns out the brokerage never existed.


We ended up talking with many neighbors and learned that the previous owners had lived there for about fifteen years and never even been seen by anyone in the neighborhood.

Vampires. This is a vampire story.

We learned that the night before they moved out, there were ten police cars that came to the house following an apparent bomb threat. The boyfriend had found out that the family was in wait for it, witness protection.

No twist aroo, there you go, there it is, there, it is. That's what we were looking for. Empire witness protection program that's coming this fall. Oh my god, all of the kids from what we do in the Shadows have to go into witness protection. Oh my god. Yeah.

The dad had been a big time drug dealer in New Mexico and had been an informant for the police in order to not go to prison. So the family moved to Arizona in order to get away from the gang affiliated members that knew he was involved. So when the boyfriend, I'm guessing the boyfriend of the daughter that lived there, found out that they were in witness protection, you know, she fucking told him, like fifteen year old daughter or something worse.

Guess what just so you know, I don't tell anyone. Like the reason we're so exotic and exciting, I think a big time, big deal.

So when the boyfriend found out that they were in witness protection, the family had to pick up and move somewhere else. Fucking teenage girls.

Man zip its yeah, practice now, Like, witness protection's great until your daughter becomes a teenager and then you're fucked. Then you're fucked and you have to get her into her own, separate protection that's not near you. No. Also, okay, it might kind of question might answered.

Let's say, as a sixteen year old at the time, this was the coolest thing that had ever happened to me, and no one in my family seemed to understand how insane the chances of that happening were.

Now back to the pleasantries.

I began this podcast when I first got a phone at twelve years old.

Oh my sorry. I had just.

Watched a documentary about Ted Bundy and I wanted to listen to more true crime. So I went onto iTunes and what did I find? The first episode of You Guessed It? My favorite murder.

This is the thing I mean we talked about, like the abandonment of the seventies or whatever. It's just like, this is kind of how it goes sometimes. Yeah, you're twelve, you're slipping around yeah or yeah on your phone right, and then you're just like, hey, hey, Ted Bundy, Wait, what's this? The story of a friendly man and a wonderful fisherman sweater?

I must know more? Yeah, I mean yeah, I kind of feel like she belongs with.

Us, sixth grader, No, she does.

A twelve year old I don't know, man, she's going to go looking for Ted Bundy content. This is the best option that could have happened to her. It could have gotten so much worse. So, yeah, you're so true, you know what I mean? Like, we gave her fucking life lessons and shit, we pulled her in. Yeah, we taught her the importance of making mistakes.

We put her under a little vampire batling. We said, hey, guess what the world's changing, and we're going to learn lessons together. Want to come with us? Yeah, and then let's hear what she Let's hear what she has to say.

Since then, you've seen me through graduating high school, graduating college, getting married, and now the first five weeks of pregnancy.

Wow, from a twelve year old.

I truly would not be who I am without you God, with all my love, Sahara.

Sahara touching, we love you. I turned touching all of a sudden, I'm so glad that twelve year old went on to make something of herself. Jesus, she did it. She did it. She even graduated college like without you know, we didn't even fucking do that. We didn't fuck that up for her. No, it's a do's and don'ts.

What do we need to get those honorary college degrees that we have so earned and deserved. Wow, because we helped other people through college?

All right? Made this one last because I it's such a nice idea. Okay, it's glitching the matrix plus a teacher tribute and then it says dear Karen and Georgia plus exactly right staff, longtime listener, third time writer. This might seem long, but I promise it's heartwarming. When I was in high school, there was a teacher named mister true As. He taught environmental science and he was a well known character in the hallways, always had a smile on his face and always went out to support the sports teams. My junior year, me, him and one of my best friends created a salsa club, which consisted of simply eating chips and salsa. Once a week had dancing club. That's cute. Yeah, not ballroom Dancing's just eaton chips where most of the time he'd bring the salsa because he made it fresh at home. So yeah, he was really cool. He was an overall kind individual who shaped so many lives. He passed away tragically in the summer of twenty nineteen doing what he loved, hiking in the mountains. Wow. Wow. So this came right after I graduated high school, and the whole community was saddened because he was such a pleasant person. I never had the chance to take environmental science, but he would put on a week long project for students to sort through the trash in our cafeteria to see the real effects of food waste. Flash forward to twenty twenty two. I'm in my senior year of college and I apply for a job that analyzes food waste in Maine and looks for solutions that can be applied to various industries. I never really cared about food waste before this. I was twenty one and thus extremely self obsessed, but I kept thinking about mister Truax's project and felt called to do this work. Mister Truax's wife also worked in my high school, and I'd taken two of her classes. Both me and my older sister had attended this school, and the true Axes were kind of like family friends. Anyways, the whole year, I kept thinking I should email missus Truax and tell her about this job, and I felt inspired to honor her late husband, but I just never got around to it. Then one day after I graduated, I felt this weird, overwhelming urge to send her that email. Feeling strange, I sat down and detailed how I missed him, along with the work I had done the previous year, and how it was my way of continuing mister Truax's legacy. It was late and I didn't want to send it, so I scheduled the email to be sent the next morning. At eight am, I noticed she had emailed me back, and it turns out that day was mister Truax's birthday. Oh my gosh. She was touched to get a remembrance, and she told me she still can salsa to keep his tradition going. Aw I'd love to say that I knew that it was his birthday, but I had no clue. Was he urging me from beyond did my intuition sense that it was significant for me to send this particular email on that particular day. After thinking about it for months, I think a lot about this as a positive glitch in the matrix. And I think about mister Truax a lot, as he was such a good person who passed too young. Many of us have complicated oh god, this is going to get me. Oh no, many of us have complicated relationships with high school. But sometimes we're lucky enough to have good individuals who shape us in those uncertain years. Like what a beautiful thing, so beautiful to do for someone who actually really did that work. Yeah. Like when I first was reading this, I was like, please don't tell me this is gonna and it's like, oh no, this is just like lovely the coolest person who died young.

Yeah, shout out to missus Mercer. I fucking would not be who I am today without her.

Judy Kavanaugh. Judy Kavanaugh taught me everything about British literature and how to be a cool, badass lady. It's also my sister, Adrian's mother. Oh lovely right, small township. We're lucky enough to have good individuals who shape us in those uncertain years. Your podcast has stayed with me through high school, college, graduate school, telling beyond telling you, I feel you are my wise aunts giving me advice about how to survive, to the point where my mother thinks I fear monger. You probably do because we do too. Thank you for all you do in terms of mental health, fucking politeness, and your advice on how to live in a politically precarious place as a young woman, stay sexy and maybe send that email H And then it says, PS, I've made so many people. Listen to your episode released right after Roe v. Wade was overturned, where you talk about how devastating this reality can be. Thanks for speaking up about it, and hopefully we aren't doomed to hear men opine about a female health crisis for eternity. Oh h H.

I think in honor of H and mister true Axe, we should do an unprecedented thing and end on that one.

With five stories. I did, I did, mister true Axe, do us.

All he usurped this email about celebrity siding that I now can't read, so I think.

Oh, I just it's a tribute. I think that's nice, changing it up a little like he did. Yeah, I think, yeah, nice one. You know what I mean? All right, well, I mean first time ever. Yeah, guys, look for your Easter eggs. This is a Minnesota unlike any minniesode ever before, never in the history of My Favorite Murder. This is where it all falls about. You've been twelve years old. Oh shit, don't curse us. Thanks for listening since you were twelve years old. Yeah, we appreciate you. Pretty nice, stay sexy, and don't get murdered. Good Bye twelve year old Elvis. Do you want a cookie? This has been an exactly right production.

Our senior producer is Alejandra Keck.

Our editor is Aristotle Osceveda. This episode was mixed by Leona Squalacci. Email your home towns to My Favorite Murder at gmail dot com and.

Follow a show on Instagram and Facebook at My Favorite Murder.

Goodbye m

My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. E 
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