This week’s minisode features more hometown murders read to you by Karen and Georgia including tales of lust, drugs, murder, Iceland, and more!
Pointing. Naren's just pointing. I just like pointing.
Well, hello, hey guys, Hi, welcome, Hi, welcome to the minnesote of my favorite murder.
Where we read your hometown murders that you've sent to us to our Gmail account, which is my favorite murder at gmail dot com.
And usually like ninety percent are the freaking best things ever, my.
Nago dick and then no, no, no, for get those are good numbers. Ten percent.
That's a very standard experience. Ten percent of most things suck.
I'm not even mad at that ten percent.
They just be like, hey, this is my hometome murder and then send a link and I'm like, no, I want to hear you get fucking weird.
You got to tell me a story, tell me a story, first person, first hand. Well, it doesn't have to be a first person. Yeah, and it would make people lie.
I murdered someone. One listen, I have to confess in an email.
We'll get a confession one day. We will from an anonymous email for your birthday.
It's June eighth.
Guys, get ready, don't kill someone now so you can confess something.
No, we don't want it all pre planned like that. No, no, no, it's boring.
That's not the kind of murder she likes. Anyway, I refuse to read about it. That's okay, we'll just ignore your murder.
So last week we did all hometown murders and one of the murders was by a girl named Mary, and she told us that that she listens on her way to work in the morning, and because of that, her puppy listens to it on the way to work every morning because he comes with her to work every day. And then I was like, pictures please, and she emailed does pictures of her labordoodle. That's like the cutest thing I've ever seen, Winston, Are.
You gonna put them on the Instagram page? I guess I should let everybody see that, Okay?
Am me really happy?
Yes? She said she attempted to make him a costume for Halloween of a giant teddy bear, but he ate it perfect.
Make it out of beef jerky, because that is never gonna work.
She made it out of cat. He also harasses the cat and attempt to be friends, but she barely tolerates him.
Thanks for sending that marriage.
I can't believe there are those I've seen a couple where there's like cat and dogs living together that are just fine.
I mind, how is it possible? Well, my dude, they beat that dog.
My dogs would never stop barking at there as a cat in my house.
Oh they would, they would, just the instinct is to chase. I think it's just a very This is my inner species. Relationships are my fucking joy. Okay, So like anytime you see animals cuddling, just and send it to me. That aren't that aren't the same animal?
You like, a duck and a goater, friend, dog and cat whatever, there's a lot of good. That's pretty hacky though, I know. But let's get a llama and a snake. Let's get interesting. I mean, I lose my mind.
Two snakes is okay, because it's funies.
You know how sweet they are. They're so sweet sweet.
Somebody actually wrote to us saying they wanted to hear more about my dogs because we talk about your cat.
Do we never talk about your dog?
That's because they're fiercely private and they do not want to be involved in.
This podcast at all. I understand.
Yeah, they just don't want their lives out there for everybody.
Sure, Well, if we recorded at your house, we would talk a lot more about them, but we don't record at your house because of them.
If we recorded at my house, we would hear them the entire time, and we would be covered in dog hair head to toe.
So it's best. Everything the way it is is as it should be. Let's get their names a shout out if you want.
Okay, Socks and Bunny. See I'm protecting their privacy. George and Frank. I've actually tweeted pictures of them before. George's, uh, some kind of a lab mix that looks really good at the dog park because she's yellow, But then the dog park is all green, so she's really always in a really good picture.
But you know, those are dog nams. George and Frank.
George and Frank.
George Lopez is her full name. I love it.
I love it. Wen't be able to bring them over here in We'll videotape them the day you move out.
My sister and I just sorry, but we just talked about I brought home. I brought Frank home for Christmas last year and made the mistake. My George is the first dog I got, And then my friend found Frank on the street in Highland Park, and so I wanted George to have a friend pet friend, but Frank a bit of the streets, and so I brought him up to Pedaloma for Christmas, left him at my sister's house one night while we went to my aunt's for Christmas Eve, and when we came home, he had freaked out so bad that the door jam around the front door.
He had basically eaten away. Holy shit, And my sister like, hey, there goes your deposit.
Yeah, well, I don't know anyone who wants a home, so I'm like, in my hometown, everyone has a house, all right, right, But anyway, it was hilarious. It was like, oh, I didn't know that about him because he'd never.
Done that at my house buddy normally. Oh yeah, he freaked out.
Dude, that's so funny. Yeah, that's awful.
More stories like this, And I mean, you asked for it, so you got it. This has become a cat and dog podcast.
Good bye, Sorry, can I pet your dog? And per cast because we're coming at you. That's just some hometown's okay, because I'll tell you that when I opened up our email, and it's kind of unfair because these are the the this is new.
I know first page and you find ten good ones.
I promise, though, I'm going to start reading these from the from the bottom up. I'm going to do bye bye, goodbye because I don't have a job right now. Oh cool, okay, and I am going a little bit crazy for being unemployed.
It doesn't suit me. No, it's doesn't suit it's not No, it's not conducive to fucking add right or alcoholism. But I open this.
I opened my email and here was an email from k that said head in a portable toilet where I used to play murder.
Whoa whoa?
Elvi. I just like head toiletist story.
He's like, I know this, Oh my god, I heard about this. Okay, Hi, ladies, love the podcast.
Thank you for bringing comedy into a typically dark subject, especially post election. I know a lot of people appreciate being able to laugh despite the.
Fear of unknown in the next four year. So that's putting it lightly.
I mean anyway, I have been delaying sharing Hometown Murder, but after catching up on all the episodes, I felt that time was right to share mine. I was hoping this subject line would grab your attention while you were fucking exactly right, kay, I grew up in Saint Charles, Missouri, about twenty miles west of Saint Louis, a quiet place, not a lot of crime. In the late eighties early nineties, my grandmother lived near a college, linden Wood University, and there was a park across the street from her house where my sister's cousins and I would play regularly without much supervision. My mom, typical warrior mom, was always nervous something would happen to us, while my grandmother was just like, oh no, nothing can happen here.
And then this.
We were older by the time this murder occurred, but it was scary, nonetheless, knowing we used to play where the body was found. In April of nineteen ninety eight, thirteen year old Tiffany Sabarin was babysitting her two younger brothers and went missing. Her headless, nearly nude body was found a few weeks later along the pathway near a pond near the university by a student.
Oh my god.
A few days later, after a few days after her body was found, her head was found in a port by a in a port a potty nearby. That's the awfulst It's so aggressively.
Yeah, there's so much rage there, just fucking disrespect and anger.
It's horrible.
Bloodhounds were brought in from out of state to trace her scent for clues and led to a shallow pond nearby, where the divers found a bloody bed sheet, flat top sheet.
Wow, good boy, yeah right, the sheet. Frank could never do that.
The sheet was shared on the news and a guy who went to the university thought that the sheet looked similar to his roommates, like sheets with seagulls cutting through brown circles.
What a growth?
Yeah, yeah, distinctive sheets like stop by Ikea and get a fucking pack of they're.
Like one ninety nine. Yeah, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your dog.
He wasn't a.
Planning I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job of murder.
It wasn't a planner.
Roommate who had disappeared from call it from campus since the murder.
Ding ding ding.
So college guy goes back to his dorm and lo and behold his roommate's flat sheet was missing, but matching fitted sheet and pillowcases were there. Police came caught this guy, which is right, which is a good reminder to always know what kind of sheets.
Your roommates have.
Turns out, the murderer, Jason Shipman, was walking by Tiffany's neighborhood and invited her to his dorm room. He was twenty one and she was thirteen. That's creepy enough, and apparently she went with him. They talked and she told him she needed to go back home.
On the way.
On the walk back, he slid her throat, raped her and stabbed her, and he then cut off her head. I took it to the porter potty nearby. I got his bed sheet, moved her body to the p This case definitely rocked her a quiet town and is a good reminder too don't go to creepy guy's dorms with bad sheets. You can't know what the sheets look like until you know. Yeah, but still yes. Now, I live in LA and if we ever do an LA murdering no meetup, would love to have you. Wonderful ladies for drinks, no stay, sex sheets for you. Could you meet me outside in the parking lot, stay sexy, you don't get murdered.
Thanks for being you? Okay, oh man, that was amazing.
That was great when I think about and I do think about this sometimes, like the people I used to talk to when I was younger, Oh dude, like psycho, I thought. You know, like you know when you see the cute crazy guy when you're like seventeen, Yeah, and he's like older, and you love older guys because you don't realize it's fucking creepy if an older guy wants today a seventeen year old. Yes, like the amount of fucking people I was alone with.
Yeah, and trust in, like blindly trusting because you didn't know the difference.
No, Yeah, it's crazy.
And also when you're thirteen, it's that weird age where like everything gets kind of awkward and ugly and you all your friends and the guys in your class start acting weird. Yeah, attention from an older guy totally huge.
It would be amazing.
Yeah, and it's I would I would have been so susceptible to that.
I've gone, I'm going through my head like all the times I should have probably been murdered and wasn't, just because they didn't murder me that day.
Yeah, it should make you feel good.
Oh yeah, I feel great. All right. This is from Kevin and just to make everyone feel better. It's a boring subject and I but I like them anyways, all right, we would it just says Brent Springfield is the title of this time.
I thought you meant the murder. It's ready slog through there.
Oh I found I just found your podcast, and I'm already obsessed. I've been a true crime fanatic for ages. I will watch Snapped for hours and hours. Tell me about it. Yeah, I went to college in Tennessee and I'm a guy, and a guy on my freshman hall had been a close friend of mine. He was from an affluent family in Alabama. I just want to say, this guy's testing me because he keeps putting just the initials of the fucking state, and because you know I'm bou.
Yeah, but I think I'm right so far you are. And also it's just making you panic. It's at that moment of you just have the panic, but just ride out the panic. Yeah, You'll be right. And no one else can see these letters. Only I can, so they don't know.
No, you say any state you want against Kevin?
Sorry, Kevin uh And we ended up joining the same fraternity freshman year. When he needed a ride to Ashville over Thanksgiving, I took him. He was an eccentric guy, very new agey, but super nice and seemingly laid back. Our sophomore year, he basically disappeared. Later we learned that he was having mental health issues when some with some saying that he was diagnosed as bipolar. He got into Buddhism and met a woman that he started a relationship with. His parents were paying for everything. He married this woman, and his parents continued sending him money. Finally, his father felt that he was being cane and scale back on the support, so Brent went home for Thanksgiving in murdered them with an axe and cut their throats. Oh my god, seriously, he was going to kill his sister too, but she happened to not be there as he expected.
He waited four years.
He waited four years for a trial and then went to prison, where he died, supposedly a suicide from thailanol overdose.
Al. Yeah, I don't want to Okay, go sorry, we can't talk about tilan al right now, Okay because of my murder that we're about to talk up. Okay, but yeah, you can overdose on ASPERN and silanol. Oh but how many do you have to take that sixty three hundred probably boring When someone I know, oh Karen I know, said it was boring, I'll be right for a while. After If my college friends asked what I was doing for a holiday, the standard response was, well, I'm not going to kill my parents if that's what you're asking. But Brent spring Ford, there are some good stories that give tons of amazing facts. Thanks Kevin, Kevin, Brent Springford, is his name is the killer?
That poor sister has no family, so tragedy, tragedy, tragedy.
Do you think she ever visited him in jail or prison?
I you know what I mean, would you?
I don't know if I would. I don't know. I think I would.
That's so hard. I can't my sister. I can only picture my sister killing me.
Well, I think because she's tried many times with a hair brush, right, she threw it out of your hat.
My sister threw a barbie at my.
Head lat after school. It was like the wild West at our house. My god.
I mean, you'd literally be like steal a cracker off somebody's plate and it was on and we would fight for three hours.
And then your mom would be like, can you guys stopping dicks to each other? Yeah, I can't deal with this. Yeah, and you're like cleaning your case, and clearly you're right, but your mom just does not want to deal with it.
Our thing was because my mom would work and so and my dad was at the firehouse.
So it was just we were by ourselves.
We're alone for second days sometimes when she was dating someone.
Yeah, what the fuck, what the fuck?
Yeah, you're still supposed to raise us, you're still supposed to parent.
But we knew by the time my mom got home from work, we weren't We.
Couldn't talk about any of it.
So we'd literally like you know, have like big swollen faces or like you know, and I'm sure in.
The door of you were not near each other. Yeah, got two daughters. It was insanity. Yeah, I'll visit your sister in jail when she kills you.
Oh, thank you, that won't be I would like that.
We'll have a live episode from the prison.
Sister and I on location. Karen's Murderer.
All right, this next one I picked because it's also a recent one, which is unfair and unjust.
But guess what, that's how the world is.
It's from Andrea and she has a fascinating looking last name. I don't know how you get your printing in your email to make these shapes.
But because she's from Denmark, she's from Iceland. Yes, they got good ones there. Yeah, so.
I'm excited because when I was in sixth grade, that was my country at the report I had to do.
You know, how do reports on countries?
I got Iceland and this was back before the Internet or anything B York and before B York, before before any of it. Maybe that's why you do such a good Byork impression. Yeah, it's it's of my heart. It's like I grew up with Iceland.
She look exactly like her, So that helps.
Please. I wish you did.
But uh, we actually had to go to the travel agency in town to get like pamphlets and ship Yes, that's how we got.
Information about it. I remember this right. And my friend Holly had Malta, which is even worst.
I forgot the two last countries, like everybody got poor baby, and.
Your teacher hated you the most, so she picked you last.
No, no, no, it was like he was he was drawing names out of a hat. But Malta, I guess Malta's I mean, Malta isn't anything but Iceland.
I feel very proud because I knew about Iceland, and then Iceland like burst onto the scene York style, and now everybody loves Iceland. Every wants to go to Iceland. And I'm like, well, guess what their gross national product is? Motherfuckers?
Be York.
I can't remember just York.
Oh god, hold on, let me okay, let me piss people off with my mic.
Okay, okay. So here's this is from Andrea. Hi babes, see I like that.
That's good.
Babes is good. Hi babes, So I have a hometown murder for you.
I live in Iceland, where there there only there are only Oh wait, she's got an accent in this, Karen, please read it in the Orskays.
Just get everyone and fucking treat we meet it.
Let me.
Oh my god, you guys, I'm so excited.
Hi babes, So I have a hometown murder for you. I live in Iceland where there I bet she's so offended.
Right now, I know Andrews. Don't be mad at me.
Oh where they're a handful of murders. There have only been a handful of murders occurred, and most of them boring.
That's very very Iceland. But there is this.
One gem that happened in nineteen eighty two where two French sisters, Yvette and Marie loose Bauhaud, were hitchhiking in the middle of nowhere, in the outskirts of Iceland.
You know where this is going. They got picked up by an Icelandic man.
They were fine and everything where they went to a hot spring and soaked with an awfully difficult to pronounce names, So I just will spare you the trouble and just call him the man. He told them that he was working with the police department in the area, so of course they trusted him. They got in and everything seemed normal. They even stopped at a lake and took some pictures. He dropped them off at some remote cabin, helped them settle in, and leaves. The sisters go to sleep and everything seems normal. But sometime between eleven and midnight, the man comes back, wakes them up and tells them that he has been instructed by the police in the area to escort them to the station because they had supposedly been smoking marijuana. The sisters protest and refused to leave because they hadn't been smoking. They later found no evidence that they had ever been smoking in their whole stay in Iceland. He gets really mad and leaves. The sisters that are now pretty shooken up, get dressed and prepare to leave. Then the man comes back with a shotgun yells at them to come with him. Some shit goes down and he ends up hitting one of the sisters Marie Loose.
You know they fought, That's what fucking went down.
Yeah, good girls.
Uh hits one of them in the head with the gun. She falls unconscious, and the other sister, Vet, flees out the door. The man follows her and shoots her in the back. Oh However, she somehow gets away from him and onto the next road.
We don't really know what happened until a truck driver stumbles upon the man and a Vet on the road by the man's car. The man tells the driver that he has accidentally hit this young woman with his car and she was now in shock and hysterical. I Vette screams for help and tells the driver. Tells the truck driver that the man tried to kill her. She even tries to climb into his truck, but the man holds her down by the way. Her clothes are bloody from her gunshot wounds. Now get this, the truck driver believes the man and drives away. What an idiot, It's not idiot, it's oh no, well, I mean that's what she's saying.
No, that's what she said.
He, however, alerts the authorities and they go and check out the situation. And when the police get to the road, they see Marie loose that had woken up and left the cabin to find help. She tells them the whole story. The next day they find the man's car with his poor front traveler if that dead in the trunk. There are no signs of sexual abuse. She had been shot in the back, but ultimately died of her wounds, shock and lack of oxygen in the trunk. The man was found a while later and got sixteen years in prison.
Sixteen yeah years.
What chills me about this story is that the man had no apparent motive. No one really knows why he showed up to the cabin and what he would have done if Yvette hadn't ran. Plus, you have to wonder how the truck driver feels knowing that he probably could have saved her. Of course, yeah, it's horrible. Probably, I'm sorry, I'm angry.
Yeah you're you're a little fired up. Yeah, oh you're right.
But I mean that is the thing of like, you know, the easier thing, and now I have to live with the vie horrible.
I know, I know. Anyway, the man who did this is out and still alive somewhere. Yikes. PS.
Absolutely love the podcasting, even though it keeps me awake. I still listen to the old episodes every night. Keep up the good work. Oh, thank you, thank you, Andrea.
That was horrifying. That one made me sad. That's rough. I mean, that's just so.
It's like The Strangers where it's just like we're being tacked for no reason out in the middle.
Of I've never seen that, arend it?
I know? Is it some one of the bags over their heads?
Yeah, I know, I've never seen it out why.
So it shot so perfectly for a horror movie, Like it's really really good.
Vince won't watch scary movies with me.
He's scary. He's like not into horror movies, so I don't really have chances to watch them very often on my own. I tried to make him watch What's the Oh forget I'm not gonna remember, and he wasn't into it.
Too scary Rosemary's Baby, No, I love that one.
No one he can watch. It's newer.
It's Oh.
It's called time Something, a time to kill No with Ashley Judd. No, that's a good one though.
She kissed The Girls.
Kiss the No the Ashley Judd Morgan Freeman film series where for some reason they continually get matched up and are in movies together all throughout the nineties.
I love them both. It's called Time Something, and I think it's a French thing. There you go, and it's super scary. It's it's it's like thriller scary. Steven's looking for it. Time Something, French time Friend. It's called Croissant time.
It's called in the New York Minute. It's Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. It's great. Should you win more than we're I'm just gonna tell you.
When I saw The Strangers in the theater, there was one part that was so scary the entire audience screamed and it scared me really bad.
I'm screaming. Are you sure they just sneeze?
I'm positive because as much as I've been to horror movies, that never happens where the entire audience screams. That's in a commercial for like the horror movie, and it really happened during that movie.
Time Crimes, Time crime, right, Stephen?
Is that right?
I'm look up time crime, time crimes.
What's time crimes? Time cop? You're talking about time cop? John claud van d Yep, that's the one.
He jumps in between the counter, terrified of John Cloud van Dam and time time traveling. Thriller opens with Hector spying and a beautiful woman and dressing in the woods.
Oh, he finds her assaulted. He in turned his attacked by a man whose heads swabbed and bandaged.
It's good.
That all means something. Time crime.
It's fucking good. It's like a thriller. It's like a you know what reminds me of? It remind of what I'm doing, a black mirror the HBO like scariest fuck thing. Yeah right, Netflix, goodbye, all right? Last one, This one is by Cassie My Hometown murder, Lust, Drugs and Murder, Yes, my fiance grew up in a small town in southern California where everyone knew each other. In order to get to school, his neighbor would occasionally drive him and my fiance was in high school. One of his female classmates went missing and no one could find her for a few months. One day, we're working in the Orange or orchards. A migrant worker found her body dumped in a ditch. Man. Those were all around my fucking town, Orange Orchards. No body dumped in ditches? Yes, Orange, I'm sorry. Oh got it. That was painful.
Evidence found that she had been raped and strangled.
The evidence from the DNA test indicated that my fiance's neighbor had been the one who raped and strangled.
Her, one that was driving him to school. I think so.
Yes. The man ended up fastening to her murder and stated he was in love with her, but she had rejected him in a fit of rage after going on a meth binge. Oh hey, Orange County. Hey, he killed her and then raped her. Oh that's so bad. Fucking yeah. After learning that his neighbor was the killer, my fiance realized that the neighbor had driven him to school several times since then. Oh, she had driven my fiance in the van that he killed the girl in and used to dump her body.
Wait a second, were there other Oh, you wouldn't know the people. And it sounds like he's just being driven to school.
By a man in a van.
Yeah, it does.
Like it just hit it does.
I'm going to go drive the boy to school. So that's about right. Yeah, but southern California, you trust her stupid neighbor. Yeah, man, this probably endss in the nineties, right, like you just do shit. Yeah.
Needless to say, my fiance was thoroughly creeped out.
Cassie. Thanks Cassio.
Hi Cassio, keyboard.
What uh.
Have a really long one for next time? It's a good one. I have follow up questions for Cassie. I love them, and ask a picture of a dog. I want to know if you please ask your fiance worthy.
So the thing I think I think.
It's old because when I grew up in Orange County in southern California, the orange orchards went away to build bullshit fucking McMansions and shopping centers in like like ninety six was the last time there was like an orchard. So I bet you it's before that when you just like got a ride from your neighbor and maybe he bought you beers on the weekends once in a while, you know what I mean?
I know, but is are there parents in this situation?
Is this an orphan boy that's just trying to make make get his way to school? It doesn't make sense that a man in a van.
Just drives one child neighbor, so like everyone thinks they know him? Yes, true, true? I mean if maybe his friends were with him too, It was like, that's what I want to know, Cassie, You're the only one that can solve this mystery. Eats Karen's requesting deep, please, I want to know if there's other children. It's because that would be so creepy if it was just him, Like he's basically like a miracle for even being a lion. Yeah, whoa well so many questions? Well wow, she can respond to her right now? Do you want to write this together? Real quick? Respond?
Okay, take Tyson down and I may concern.
I pull out my stenography machine for my coard days and just start fucking activity to happen away.
Let's get this thing written in two seconds?
Are we good?
I think so how much time is that?
So long? It's been about thirty minutes.
Oh that's ten bonus minutes. Right, never go twenty minutes. We always got at least thirty thirty five. It's just my mind.
Yeah, it's fun. And then we riff. It's just a lot of superfluous fucking riffing.
Is it superfluous though, Nope, it's superfluous. It's superfluous. It's a abundantly superfew I don't know, you do know? You know flavor being confident in me. I believe in you, Georgia, Thank you, Karen, high five?
Will we reach it? Probably not?
It sounded great.
Should we give elvis a a mini? Cookie's satious? Stay sexy, don't get murdered.