
Reunion Part 2 w/ Laurel Stucky

Published Mar 7, 2024, 8:00 AM

Laurel Stucky joins Devyn and Da'Vonne to discuss the shocking revelations from part 2 of the Battle For A New Champion reunion and tease a little of what's to come on All Stars 4. 

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Hey everyone, It's Devin.

Simone and I am Davon Rogers and this is MTV's official Challenge podcast.

We are talking Reunion episode Part two.

So much.

Okay, I'm still just in shock in this moment Davon about how fast Emanuel sucked down that tuna and oh, smooth, my gosh, I don't even understand how that's Like I want to call him right now, like I don't understand, Like I don't understand, there's no like what on And it was through a straw, and you can only go so fast through a straw.

Some of the people were still at the top. Yeah, and he was done.

And I was like, okay, well, you're you're not making your case city better for your next season.

Is that what happens when you make it out with a lot of people? You know what? I don't know, but wow, well.

It did because that was impressed, like that he needs to do some world record competition or something for that, because that was skilled. Not to mention it was disgusting, and yet he still did it that fast, like shout out to you, yes, e man. Well, oh my gosh, so much. In this reunion we're going to get into most of it with our very very very special guests.


We are so excited to have her here. But before we get into that day, yes, why don't we do it?

Gold Stars and Time Out A Part two of the Reunion. What are your thoughts?

Okay? So I want to start with the timeouts?

Okay? Oh?

Are you going to do multiples again? Are you? Are you?

I wouldn't be me if I was. I have to write.

Girl and rules. It's like they're allergic to one another. Yes, ma'am, we're listening so funny enough.

Actually, I only have one time out for this one.

I'll look at you, and my timeout is going to go to Colleen, and I'm gonna pay with the Colleen for her interaction with Nourise when they were talking about who betrayed Jay so on and so forth? Right, Yeah, did you hear her when she said, Nourise, you weren't working against Jay, but you also weren't.

Working for Jay. You weren't playing a game. You weren't playing a game.

Yeah, baby, So you're you're gonna sit on the stage and say that you played your game for him?

That's a red building, Like what are we doing? And so I really didn't like that. I didn't like that, a's all.

And then the whole fire that got lit under her for allegedly using Berna throughout the season.

I don't really like it.

Yeah, I didn't like that.

Yeah, yeah, how'd you feel like that?

That's fair?

And by the way, not Berna being petty enough to like zoom in from Germany or Turkey or wherever, just just to say I don't like Colleen my timeouts you already know besides going to you and our group chat. So you guys don't know this, but Dayan and I were like going back and forth in our little text chain while you were watching because it got us both hot. The people who get my actual timeouts are a Calum and Jay because I didn't. I just didn't like the handling of it, and I didn't like the gas lighting. And look, iman, well, if we're gonna talk about everybody who's guilty and flirting whatever, there's a whole bunch of people on that stage, but win present at the very least, even if you don't have the decency to own up to it. If someone's like, hey did you do this? I saw you do this, or like hey, this wasn't great and you still have the balls to like try and deny it or lie about it for quite some time before finally like admitting or taking ownership. That just irks me to my core. I feel like Callum particular needs a change of direction, a change of outfit also, but just like a change of direction.

In his approach here not cool.

I mean, I do think anyone who chooses to stay with either of those gentlemen at this point, they know what they're getting into, so like it's on them, but.

It's just trash behavior.

We don't settle for friends people who don't at the very least just own up to We all make mistakes like fine, but at least like own up to it. And so that was working My last nerve. Now, if we are going to go to gold Star, there are a couple contenders. One I'd say that is surprisingly an honorable mention was James.


I feel like we got to see a little bit of a funny side. I also said last week. I liked he looked great in that suit, like it was fitting him well. But I like that he because we saw kind of an arrogant James all season. I liked that he had a little self deprecating humor in this episode right, like he was kind of like, you know what, I was a little beac you like cool? Like that means you don't take yourself too seriously, like you know, ultimately it's fun. We all do dumb things, so like I really respected that. Also again Laurel holding people's feet to the fire, like I very much appreciated that. And then Nourise, Nourice just handled all the attacks, all the things with such grace and that couldn't be easy to do. So I have to give her my gold star. What about you, Dan?

I definitely agree on Nourice. I think in.

The situation that she was put in and having her friends air quotes up there and knowing what they did to her this season and how she had navigate that and then to have to see them and be here and you live it, and it's just like and do it without her? Man dare to hold her hand because when you really think about it, all she really had on that stage was raven from what we saw all to comfort, which is just.

So easy to see how change life jus at you fast, because you know a season ago they were opposite yelling at each other, and here you have that's like the one person truly in your corner.

Yeah, that's wild, But ultimately, I'm going to give my gold stars Starna, break it out gonna be, I'm gonna give it to the trio.

I'm gonna give it to the trio. I thought I was gonna say Callum.

I was worried for a moment.

I was like, she's just gonna try and irk my last nerve and she's gonna get it to Calum.

I know it, but no, I'm.

Gonna give it to him because he started crying.

No, I'm going to give my gold Star to the trio of Corey, Melissa and Big T. And the reason I'm going to give it to them is because we got an opportunity to see from whatever the edit was, but firsthand, we got a chance to see like literal growth on stage. You get what I'm saying, Like it's starting awful. You'll you'll, you'll arguing and going back and forth, and then by the end of it it was, well, you had me blocked, so I couldn't unblock you, and well I didn't mean to do that to you, and I hope you can you know what I'm saying, And I forgive you.

It was earth like, it was just yeah, it.

Was so good to see. So I'm gonna give my star to those three.

Absolutely, and that's what we like to see. And can we just say too for for people who want to DM me the other day being like how can I get on the challenge? My goal is to be on the show and TV if you make it on the show. And for those who are already on the show, this also this goes for challengers, It also goes for people in Real Housewives, namely Potomac in Atlanta, but anyway in Salt Lake City. But being able, you're not gonna get along with everyone, right, They're gonna be knockout, drag out feuds and moments, but recognizing that, like, it's more entertaining if you can find a common ground at a certain point and move forward than holding it for twelve seasons or twelve years or I mean even think about like Bananas and ct now and where they are and we didn't really get to see them play much together in Traders because of Dan, but in general, like seeing where they are that's fun, Like that growth, that dynamic is like cool. And so to your point, watching Corey Melissa and Big Tea. They were still very much at odds and they probably still i'm sure, have their challenges, but to see them kind of be playful about it by the end was really nice.

It was good to see me and yeah.

Stuck the big toe in the water. That's it.

They did. They did.

They stuck their big toe in the water, and we are going to stick our big toe, our ankles, knees, elbows all up.

In the water. I don't know.

It is a weird transition, all up in the water with our special guest. Now, she has been called the goats, and I would say I'd have to agree. I've seen her in action. I have climbed a volcano with her. Granted she was probably about three hours ahead of me, but it's fine. We were on the volcano together and we are excited to get her to weigh in on part two of three, and we are talking about none other than our girl Laurel. So do some exercises. I don't know, maybe drink a beat in tuna.

Don't do that.

You'll grow up while listening to this podcast. It's just why TJ maah. Do whatever you need to do, but don't go anywhere because right after this, we have Laurel on.

A podcast, whoop.

All right, Challenge fam in the building. We have an icon. We have someone that Tory and Kara both agreed.

And y'all know they don't agree on anything.

Is the goat when it comes to female challengers. She's done seven Challenge seasons. She is a Challenge Champion. She is Louie the Dog's mama. She's a veterinarian, my friend.

Please give it up for Laurel. Woo hi, doctor Laurel.

Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Now?

We can now?

Okay, Yeah, I just I'm not good with this technical shit. Thank you so much, Devin.

You're welcome.

We can I just first say part one of the reunion and also part two. Yeah, you had Day and I both cracking the heck up. You were freaking hilarious, like I can't even so funny and just your liners and coming at it like that reunion needed you.

So glad that you were there.

Yeah, thank you so much. Yeah, you know those are fun to film. This one was an ansterdam can't complain. We just had like such a blast outside of those filming days, which are really long and really arduous, and I don't think anybody that hasn't been on the show will ever understand the amount of time and energy put into those days and then they only show, you know.

I mean, I was thinking to myself, well, how many hours was it do you think like each day that you were following?

I got there one of the days, I got there at eleven and we didn't, you know, probably like twelve hour on the first day, and then the next day maybe even like fourteen. Because the first day, my hair and makeup I did not come. I was stressed out because I need a little bit more time to adjust, like you're flying from a different time zone, and then they throw you into filming and I just didn't feel like comfortable. I was like jet lagged, you know, and so my hair and makeup I didn't do a very good job of communicating what I wanted to the team, and I felt very rushed. So the next day they brought me in at like seven am instead of eleven am, because I think that they know that for the most part, I don't really give a shit like what I look like on TV, which I should, because I look back at myself and I'm like, oh my god, my first thought is you're disgusting. But then like I just I let it go, like very quickly. But like the second day was a little bit better, more relaxed, and then also like balancing the energy of everybody because they're sad, they're upset, they're angry, they're pissed, they're this, they're scared there, you know, and that's a lot to go through when you're like walking into rooms and so yeah, it's a lot, like the whole reality TV world is a lot, to be honest with you, it's also at the same time, like you can't complain because we went to Amsterdam and had a.

Yeast, right, wait did you go to the red light district?

We did?

Who all went? Who all in the group went?


It was me and Melissa, and then I do believe it was Devin. There might have been a couple of other people there. And then like it's so cool, It's so stupid because when I lived in Europe when I was younger for a study abroad, I thought that I went to the red light district because when you because I saw a red light and then now going back, I saw the naked girls and I was like, I did my little naive as did not go to the red light district. I saw a red light and I was like, here it is red light.

You're hilarious. I I'm not with you, that is so.

But anyway, is the red light district where you and Melissa sparked your spark because we definitely saw a picture on your ig recently of you two canoodling in bed under the covers.

So it's Melissa and I clicked immediately. Not in the red light district, but just like when you come to the studio. She she said to me, you know, she was like, you know, I don't want you to hate me for what happened with Nicole. And I was like, I would never hate you ever, Like everything that ever happens when like there's a cheater or a liar or somebody who is you know, doing disrespect to the person that you're in a relationship with, I would never hate you. I actually thought you were gorgeous, like aside from that, and like, you know, like I thought you were the most gorgeous one there. So of course she's gonna go after you, you know what I'm saying. But I never hated you, and so so that like kind of bonded us, I think, and probably the fact that I said that she's gorgeous, you know, like softened her up, and I think we just clicked. And you know, I ended up staying with her and Big Tea in their hotel after the reunion, and so then we clicked even more. On top of that, you're you're getting to know people on a personal level that you really weren't able to know them prior to that, other than just hearing their name, like in the same vein as you. Davon, Like, I like you a lot, and I love like how you're a whipper snapper. You say what you want, you like put people in their place, and you know it's it's it's the same type of thing where you like like someone and then you meet them and then it's like you like them even more, right, ye?


But is that how y'all ended up in bed together? Because I get you're meeting Davon right now, but there are pictures of YouTube posts bed, but there's pictures of you.

A romantic thing.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, No, we were just we were just laying in bed and I guess uh Tory took some picture, but we were all in the room we were.

All okay, okay, I.

Mean she's hot, Like I said, girls hot.

Okay, okay, So wait Laura now doctor Laura being okay, So wait, have you guys or would you go on a date?

I mean, I don't know. I haven't talked in depth about what Melissa wants and you know, uh, I wouldn't be a I don't know. I haven't really thought of that. I because of right now, I like Melissa a lot. I think that she's a beautiful human being from you know, just like I said, like, you get close so quick?

Yeah, yeah, I'm.

Saying like, I don't know why we do that. Why do we get close so quick? We like share all our secrets, like when you like someone, you're like, here's my life story, here's what I've been through, here's the hardships, and then and then you're just like.

Some people call it trauma dumping, but yes, that is that. We do do that, and I think in the challenge environment it fosters because you guys have this unique bond, right like, having gone through whether you competed on the same season or not, you still it's this.

Little world, right.

Yeah, it's sort of different in that way, but We're so excited to see you back in here. I know Day has questions about the reunion. I have questions about the reunion. So much was going on it was starting. Yeah, there was a lot going There was a lot, and actually this reunion even brought out it tested Day and I were getting in a heated debate.

So we'll get to that because we love to hear your take.

Laurcs you there, But let's start with Aesop and Kylin fighting.

Yeah, what was it like to be in the room.

You're sitting with the other champions with the vets and you're seeing this pop off? Like what was that whole vibe and energy? Were you guys? Were you worried in that moment? Did you really think something was going to happen? Were you kind of rolling your eyes like these people are stupid like visuals?

Yeah, Nah, that was like that was like, you know, that was like a puppy quarrel in the freaking pen. Do you know what I'm saying, You're like, break it up, break it up, cuties, you know what I'm saying, Like, that's not a serious that's not a serious situation where anywhere you're like scared for anyone, because neither of them are particularly you know, aggressive appearing, and I think that they would keep it kind of clean. Kyland did actually like buck Up more than I anticipated. I was like, interesting, there might be like some hardness there, which was funny because you know, you like I see Kyland as like this harmless, you know, like kind of light easy, you know, like he's he's really non intrusive when you're in a room with him, like he he is able to have intelligible conversations. I do think that, you know, a lot of times when when we get people from foreign countries, there's a there is a language barrier, right like, like because I've experienced it myself from speaking Spanish with people with that that are from Spanish speaking countries. I say something I think I'm saying one thing, turns out I'm saying I love you by accident, you know what I'm saying, like and like like I'm in love with you or whatever, and uh so I feel like that's like part of where that came from, like the root of that evil. And then also like Kylon's defending Melissa, so he's gonna defend Melissa, you know, wholeheartedly. And then Asof. I know Asof was having a little bit of trouble because he did actually come up to me at one point and he was like, how do you do this, Laurel, Like how do you do this? And I know it's rough, you know, like they're new and they don't understand this. You know, like this shit ain't easy and right and and it's true. And that's what makes it so difficult to win the challenge is because you know, you have to deal with these things in these situations that you're never really in a normal situation gonna gonna get into something like that with somebody, and and multi times in one day. So I think Astof was having just a little bit of like trouble with it, like dealing with everybody kind of going in on him, because it wasn't just Kylind that was going in on him, it was Melissa that was going in on him. It was you know, people were kind of like shitting on Himdurell went in on him a little bit, you know, And and so I think he was having a little bit of a hard time, if you want, like a little bit of behind the scenes what I think. And then I was I was a little surprised, you know, by Kylon and and his buck up there, because I was like, oh damn, like maybe he could, you know, maybe he could bring in a little bit in that arena, which I you know, he doesn't, he doesn't. His first impression is.

Not that yeah, yeah.

Yeah, And do you know Kylin, yes a day, what are yours? Like, what are your thoughts on what you know about Kylon and then seeing him kind of buck up like that in Kylie.

Definitely, Kyli can definitely get active in the arena for sure. Absolutely, even on Big Brother when he got ready to get evicted him and another place inside of the house, we're about to get into it.

So Kylin is he's definitely with it. He's just I think he has him as a person.

It's one of those situations where if you don't bother me, I won't bother you, but if you knuck, please believe I'm going to buck It's one of those situations, right, So that's that's that's my view on Kylin, like, don't mess with me and it won't be a problem.

But he's a sweet and kind guy like across.

From yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. What was the most shocking part of the reunion for you, Laurel.

I'm gonna say, uh, I'm gonna damn. My first thought. My first thought is to say that Melissa and Big T come out in literally matching dresses and matching.

Crowds, mashing dresses and gowns, and then those like we've store tiaras, and I know you haven't been to a wig store, probably Laura. But when you go to the weaves store, there are some things you can always count on. Some lip bomb, okay at the checkout, some eyelashes. They're gonna have a whole row of eyelashes that you can get on the cheap. Probably some nail polates somewhere. And then some tiaras, like some Kingsaniera or wedding trs in a case that you can buy, but they're covered in plastic.

Those were the tiaras that the girls were rocking on this union. So, yeah, what did you think of their their twindom look?

Oh god, I loved it. I just thought it was classic. I was like, they are just like superstars, Like look at them, you know what I'm saying. I was just like, ah, they're just a sight, you know. It's just I was like, I just loved it. They had these sunglasses too that they would put on and Melissa actually fell asleep for a period and they were like, meltsop, wake up, wake up, Melissa up. It was hilarious. It was just it was very entertaining, especially because like some of these fights can really drag on and you're like, oh, you wrap it up, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, So they they did. They just really brought like a lightness, which I enjoy because and that's why I enjoy a lot of the people from from the from Britain, because they just really lighten it up, you know, like they know how to somehow turn something heavy into something that feels like a little bit like more easy and loose, you know, like like it said, it can it can get really like.

Get heavy, you really.

I thought James did a good job of that actually, because seeing James, yeah say that he turned it like I gained a level of respect for James because I liked the accountability he took there.

But he instead of fighting, he was like I became a little bit of a.

Bitch this season, and like that was such a departure from how he behaved throughout the season. So to see him sort of be self deprecating and and like own it was funny. It just like so needed in that moment, I thought, and pretty funny.

I feel like, yeah, I feel like on this reunion, Laurel, you were like the mother, like you were the voice of reason, right, like the voice of like calm down, get go, sit in the corner, be quiet, don't do this, put that down.

Even took your shoes off, like.

At any given second, anybody can get popped like you.

Yes, literally, you were the mother of the reunion.

I would love to know what is your read what read do you have on your children these competitors of this season, Like what is your overall opinion of these particular challengers.

Honestly, I think they're great. I love Raven. I think Nourice handled herself really well because she's gonna she's gonna flip. She's gonna flip on a bitch, you know what I'm saying, Like she's gonna tell you what she thinks. And she's gonna tell you in the bronx way too. She ain't she ain't bumping around like and I like that, Like I like that sharp tongue, and she actually like opened herself up to be more vulnerable because she doesn't like to do that, and so I was proud of her for that. And then I uh, we were all sitting at all the champs were sitting on the couch just staring at James being like and Dureaux was constantly saying because James he was in another world. He was like sitting there like kind of laid back, like staring, you know, like zoning out, and constantly Dall will be like, wonder what James thinks about this argument with Kylond.

And oh, that's hilarious. Darrell would do something like that. Darrell loves to just like instigate, like to just poke a little bit.

That's so good, so good, and and yeah, like I just honestly like as a as a challenge, you know, legend in our own right, once said Paula Walnuts. You know, we are all getting only older and uglier, so it's time for these new ones to rise up, you know, like show me out. Like so it's true, you know, like I'm phasing out of this show, and you know, I have a life and I've always had one, but like it's nice to see some new people come in. And we saw some real We saw some real heartache, we saw some real love, we saw some like and I was proud of them at the end, Like you know, the the chunk of them that were at the end Zara Mariah James, Like those are actually like the stars, you know what I'm saying. And it was over the beginning part of the season was slow to like burn, right, but then when you got to the end and you see these people, it's like, Okay, these are the people that are gonna bring it. And I was really happy about that because I love Ravens specifically. I saw like star power in her immediately because she just she's oblivious and that's the best thing about her.

Like they call her Dory, that's her nickname.

I don't know, have you heard it, which is so funny because she is like she does have she's really smart with thinks. She'll have these moments of like huh what like where Yeah, but she's.

Also stunning, stunning. Her thighs are just gonna literally she could crush her head with her thighs. Okay, So she's an athlete. Not only that, she came out on the first challenge she ever did bake the wind like took it like straight up kicked my ass. Like I like, granted, I just got out of veterinary school and I was like I hadn't worked out for four years, but still she kicked everyone's ass. I was like, super proud to see that, because not only do I want to see someone who's beautiful, genuine, I want to see somebody who's gonna fucking bring it in competition. And Raven brought that, and so I was like we got to like, you know, like these people, these I'm glad, you know, Like also, it's it sucks because you know, they had to like remove the champs from the from the picture in order for them to be able to shine. But you know, at the end of the day, it's a good thing, you know, because now we got some new characters that can you know, bring some flavor to the show.

Yeah, some seasoning.

We wanted some seasoning, just to just add a little bit of seasoning, you know.

I would love to know. When they called you and they said, hey, laure how do you feel about coming in being a mercenary.

I was like, cool, free trip to Croatia. I'm in baby, Yes.

I love that.

I love that.

You didn't have any thoughts like, oh, you know, I don't know.

No, I did. Actually they had to call me like multiple times, and then they had to get like the exec to call me because I was like.

Why were you hesitanting? What was it that made you go about it?

I'm just always like just always a little hesitant, honestly, like because it's a strenuous thing. Yeah, yeah, that's really the honest answer. Like it's it's hard for me, you know, like I may come across as tough and you know, a robot like you once said, you know, but like that is really just an exterior to protect myself because it's very hard for me to be there. It's very hard for me to maneuver socially, you know, like getting attacked at any at any given moment is difficult. I mean, you know it, Devan, You saw how much I get attacked, and it's hard for me to take that. And I just stay silent. I do what I can. I I internalized it, I shut down, and I become that robot because of those reasons. Yeah, So I'm always has a tent beforehand because I'm like, what position are they going to put me in now? Because you know, you know, they want to put you in a position that is difficult. It's called the challenge for a reason, and they do that specifically, so so I'm just always like a little bit on guard.

But then you know, they they just it ended up being fine and I had a really good time, and that's usually a lot of times what happens.

But I'm always just a little bit like standoffish.

Yeah, yeah, I think there are just so many sides. But I feel like your ability to compartmentalize, even if it's whether it's healthy or not, is part of what makes you the female goat, because you do. You go in to any sort of challenge, daily elimination, and it's like if someone's near, they can just see the switch and it is like, oh, hell, Laurel is in Like Laurel is in gay mode, and it's so cool seeing you in gay mode. But then seeing you with Louie, your dog, and like knowing your vet, Like there's this whole other, complete softy side to that not everyone gets to see that like makes her this sort of like well rounded magnetic person that you are.

So I've always had a soft spot for.

You and I've always loved you, and it's not just because you didn't put me at the top of your hit list.

All those years ago that I was further down the list.

But there are other reasons now watching everything that was like going on on the stage. So one thing that both Day and I agreed on that we love seeing was you jump in to defend and stand by Michelle, especially despite your history, given that Michelle clearly felt blindsided by, you know, the feeling she had for Calum. Can you speak a little bit to how you were feeling in that room kind of? I'm sure there was more of that argument and debate that was happening that we didn't get to see.

So, yeah, tell us a little bit about that.

The history would me and Callum goes back years. Yeah, I did X on the peak and he was on that and supporting a voisterous, loud cheater like you know, proud of herself cheating you know then that would be Nicole and and so you know, knowing that he supports cheaters, and knowing that he supports liars already and then seeing what he did to Michelle years later, I'm thinking to myself, you have not changed one bit, not one bit, not once. Have you looked at the inside of what's going on. You're hurting your girlfriend that you know you said wasn't your girlfriend? Now is your girlfriend?


You want to protect her? Now, No, you're trying to protect yourself. You only care about yourself. So I just I straight up clocked him, and like they don't show all of it, and it made me mad. That shit makes me mad because I've also been cheated on Hunt, like multiple times by the same person, and you give them the benefit of the doubt and you get taken advantage of and and with Michelle, like yeah, I may not like really want to be her friend, but at the same time, that doesn't take away from the fact that what he did to her was And I'm going to stand up for a woman that, like I believe needs, like I just that's that's the way I am, and and so and so I stood up for her, and I really yelled at him and like what they you know, like the night prior, I actually lit into him so bad, Like we we got into a in the hotel. Everyone was sitting at a table and and it just came out like I can't hold it back. And then he also came out the next day on the show as well, and I guess the show loves it, you know, because I'm like, oh, yeah, I'll defend the I always say Nicole, I'll defend Michelle, and and uh, it's just because like whatever whatever it is, like, it's not like I have bad blood towards her. I just really she just irritates me. Like she does these things that like, for example, Mariah is my friend and we developed a relationship on thirty nine and that we became friends in real life outside of the show, and we've been through a few things that have you know, involved forgiveness and all these things, and it's been it's been a it's been a really great friendship for me, me and Mariah. Mariah is also friends with Michelle, and Michelle really wants to be my friend, I guess because Michelle keeps telling Mariah to message me and say like good things about like I you know, like media, you know, and I'm just saying, I'm a type of person that's like, leave me the fuck alone. Do you know what I'm saying, Leave me the fuck alone? And if I want to, you know, like it's just if you have too much pressure. Yeah, And then she'll say little weird things like this that I don't like she'll tell Mariah Laurel blocked me on Instagram? Can you please tell her to unblock me? Because I really And then I'm like, I didn't block you. I don't, I don't follow you. I didn't block you. Like you're going cuckoo in the head. Like, So to me, it's like, is she making that up? Is that strategic? Is she trying to play the game? I'm just off on it, and I'm like get back, and she won't. And I just feel like she won't leave me alone. Like one night we were filling the room, she shows up on my hotel door. I'm like, go up, like you know what I'm saying, like, let me be, let me be.

Like I think you guys have different attachment styles. She has anxious attachment style. You have avoidant. When she's on the podcast, she actually did say good things about you as well. I don't think it's fully strategic. I think she's anxious to be liked and she's admitted that too and so, but you are the complete opposite. So the more she pushes, the more you are like, get the heck away, and then it becomes this thing. I'm optimistic that one day you guys actually will be, at least on a friendly term, consider each other friends. Because I think there are certain things when it comes to leadership, and I think Michelle showed that this season. I think there are certain similarities, like when it comes to like the ability to kind of like stand your ground and lead. I do think that there's some similarities there. But I think her anxious attachment.

Style is like it. I think it not mix after well, but I think Laurel is a.

Little like me in a sense of let me do it when I'm ready to talk, let me do it, let me come to you, let me do it.

All right, we have to take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this.

Okay, Okay, let's get back to the show.

Going back to that callum thing.

So that's where Davon and I were having a very heated debate about because it felt like watching it. Look, I am all for giving people grace and space to grow, because we all do. And there's nothing like a reality show that was filmed years ago to be able to watch back and be like, oh, I wouldn't do that now, or I wouldn't say that now, or I've learned things like all for that, But I am not for people gaslighting others or not taking accountability. I am not for participation trophies. And my mom says, to no better is to do better. And you're a grown adult. You manage to get yourself on a plane to wherever else. You know when something's hurting someone, and the way you know that the tabvious is when you hide from taking accountability. And I felt like Callum was only finally taking accountability because you lit into his ass and because he felt kind of back into a corner. And Davon is texting in our group chat like, oh, well he finally, and I'm like, no, he knows.

Better what I said.

Let me say what I said.

I said to me on that stage, there are a lot of grown children, So I said, age does not make you an adult, and there are still some people on that stage that are growing. And I didn't know the whole thing about him being years of defending a cheater.

I didn't know anything about that.

But what I did see was we are in a society where men do not cry.

They're if frowned upon, it's considered weak, it's considered men don't do that.

So when I see a man sit on the stage and he starts crying based on what's going I don't care if he's being backed up against the wall. He's showing some vulnerability. He's showing that I am affected in a certain kind of way. So no, Devin said, basically, throw him in the trash. I'm never gonna throw him in a trash for.

Them, I throw that example in the trash. And also, more and more men are crying. Emotional intelligence is but it's now. And he was crying there, not because he was remorseful. He was crying because he got backed into a corner.

And that's fine. Sometimes that's what it takes. Sometimes it takes for a fire to be lit under you. I just forget it. You understand what I'm saying, Laurel. Sometimes it takes that.

We'll see how he behaves in the future, and we will forever agree to disagree.

What you think, Laurel, will she lit up?

Lit him up? Which is exactly what I would.

I'm saying, now that I have had this conversation, how do you feel about it?


So, so I see what both of you are saying. I do believe that it so I do agree with you. Davon he is a child. He's a boy. I shouldn't say child, he's a boy and he's he. There's there's a certain element to reality television where you can say a boy forever, you can say a boy forever. Because this guy is famous in the UK. He's famous in the UK. I'm not going to take that away from him. But also, I don't give a fuck about same. I could take it and I could fucking leave it because I have a life and so this is not my life, and that, I think is what makes the real world people different. Even though I was never on the real world. I was gonna be on real world Brooklyn, you know, and like, so, you know, I just feel like that's what makes us a little bit different than them, because we never I didn't really want same, did you know. Yes, the point the foundation of who we are is we get real. So yes, I'm gonna fucking light his ass on fire. I don't give a fuck that you're famous in the UK. And that's what everybody was kind of saying. Even James came up to me afterwards and Callum was really affected by what I said, And it was probably more so humiliation because no one's ever talked to him like that because he's callum from whatever, and I don't care, and so that is why I let into like lit him up. And also just because I've had personal experience with being lied to, being cheated on, it's wrong. I'm never gonna not say it's wrong. I don't give a fuck that it's Michelle or somebody that I you know, like, don't like, I'm not friends with. I'm gonna say it's wrong to treat someone like that. And exactly what you said, I do not agree with anybody said like gaslighting or flipping the switch like. So that's why I like it went on for a while. I like he he he came back at me for quite a for quite a long time before he started to go, before.

He became accountable. So exactly so, he fought it for a while, and that's why.

I said he broke it.

Had he did break it had to take a breaking, and that's with any human Sometimes we go through things in life and you don't get it until you say that breaking happens.

And that's exactly what happened.

He had a breaking And thank you Laurel for being there because that moment probably never would have happened, because, like you said, who else was gonna hold the fire to him if you weren't there?

I don't know, probably no one, And you know that's and that's a problem. You know, like he's gotten away with it for a very very very long time. And I just feel, honestly like the women are the people that get get the ship under the stick here like this four girlfriends, do you know what I'm saying?

And Michelle, because Michelle was looking forward to that too, you know, like she didn't genuinely like didn't realize the depth that it was. She said, I was going to manage like yeah, which is which also brings up another point too about accountability. So we saw where Jay said he reached out to was in a reice to apologize, right, and as she was saying, it was a week before they were to film the reunion, So you guys already have the reunion dates locked in, you already know who's going to likely be there, but that it had been six months prior and he hadn't reached out, and he's saying the timeline doesn't matter, And so what are your thoughts on that?


And probably because you heard more of that conversation, since we only get to see a snippet of it of people waiting till, oh, I'm going to see you at the reunion, Now let me apologize or make amends right beforehand.

What are your thoughts about that?

Well, what he said was basically, it took him some time to basically not understand, but it took him some time to come to terms with what had happened. And that's why that's why he waited so long, I guess to reach out to her. And it's just it's so complicated because everyone's always quick to say like, oh, you're only doing this for cameras and whatnot, and and like I don't, I don't particularly it sounded like what what Jay said on the reunion was that they didn't really ever hang out, So Nourice thought that they were friends and maybe they chatted and maybe they talked, and then you know, you just see where someone values you, and yes, in this situation.

Very affected by it.

Like she seemed really, like you said earlier, Nurise isn't someone who shows vulnerability often, but when it came to her relationship with Jay, she seemed very affected by whatever, you know, whatever disappointments she had with how that played out.

Yeah, one hundred percent. And that's what I was proud of her for because that's a step, and that's a step in the direction that she doesn't really feel comfortable doing usually, And so that's that's a good thing for her, you know, like that's a good thing for her to show. And I remember sitting there and saying, like, you know, to Tory and Kara, like she's doing a good job. And they agreed, you know, like she's doing a good job of pushing herself out of her comfort zone. And and and and that's what we love to see. That is growth. That is you know, steps in the direction of you know, growing in life. Right, And and what I saw, I guess basically is just Jade just doesn't value Nourice in the same way that she valued him. And they found that out. And and while he may have reached out to apologize, the damage was already done. Yeah yeah, And whether or not it took a really long time for him to come to terms with that. Like I can understand that, like, you know, because there's a lot of elements at play, But but I also I really, you know, I just I can't. I can't. I can't. The gaslighting that Jay exhibited is is just like you know, I still got problems with that.

Yeah, yeah, that gaslighting thing is is.

That's the problem. Yeah. And that's why he that's why he's in the position that he's in, is because a lot of what you don't see and a lot of sometimes where the one person that gets targeted is there's a lot of social there's a lot of social problems that they that they encounter with everyone on the cast. And then everyone on the cast is like, yeah, yeah, I experienced that with him, and then another person's like, yeah, I did too, So we call you out on it. And then you get put in this hot seat and do you say, okay, yeah what I did was wrong. I'm so sorry guys, or do you go no, that's your fault, that's your fault, that's your fault.

No, that's not you know, and then that's who you get.

That's when you get to see like the real the reality of who someone is.

Yeah, yeah, I agree there.

I feel like there is very little history with these people, but.

A lot of the cuts in the wounds run deep.

However, with the vets in the corner there's a lot of history there, and there's still wounds that are cutting deep. What was going on in the corner with you guys on your own private island, specifically this.

Tory and Kara banter back and forth? What was going on over there?

Hey, they just won't they won't stop. I don't get it, honestly, I was literally I really am curious because you know, like, what the heck. I'm like, Car, why do you hate Tori? And then she's like, you know, She's like, you know, there's there's a reason, but like she won't specifically say it, and then and then Tory's just kind of like poking fun at it, playing with it, which is funny and comical, and I enjoy that. Yeah, they're just going back and forth, like the entire show. It is like one's on my left, ones on my right. And then Tory will be like, is that why you blocked me? And then Car's like rolling her eyes, and then I'm like, no, but what is actually the reason why you don't like each other? Yeah, that's what I'm That's what I'm like, what's going on? Like? What is what is it? What did reveal it to me?

In a little bit of a theory on the reunion. Do you think that theory is true? Because you sort of said you feel like there may have been a little bit of jealousy on cars and when Tory came into the picture, because you know, and then Derell floated out that it was sort of like, uh, Tory took over. Kara was the face and then Tory took over the face of the challenge.

Do you think that there's some truth to those theories at all?

Do you think Tory po pointed out that she felt like Kara was just doing this so that they could work together as a team on another version of Rivals, which I would not want to be on that season. I mean you already they would dominate. They just those two together, it's just, you know, pretty much game over.

But what are your thoughts? My thoughts are that.

I thought that it was jealousy, which is why I said that. And then when we were sitting there, Carl said, no, Laurel, like you know that, like I support strong women, and it is actually true, so you know, she's never she really isn't like bothered when like I'm there and we're both strong women. You know what I'm saying? So so I was like, Okay, yeah, I could see that. I do still think though, that it is, like you know, there there is an aspect of jealousy to it, maybe unless Kara reveals to me at some point what it is that something happened. And it was like, you know, but she hasn't told me, she hasn't told you. Like, like like I said when I was on the stage, I was like, but what is it? Carl, Like, then, if it's not jealousy, what is it?

What is the thing?

She won't say it? So, like, I don't actually know the answer to this. I can only speculate. And like I said, I me and Durrell thought it was the thing that we said and and Kara and Carl said no, So I don't have an answer for you on that unfortunately, like I said, I thought that it was what I said, but then Carl said no, it wasn't. And then maybe Tory. I think usually the person that says like, oh, you want to be rivals with me is actually the person that wants that. So I think Tory wants to be Car's.

Right, which would be smart. I mean again, that would be one hell of a team.

I think Car doesn't want to be Tory's rival, but she would probably take it, you know what I'm saying, Like, yeah, Car's kind of pretty unbothered by most things. But the one thing that there is with her from the very get go is like an element of me me me, me, me me me mean, you know, like it's like, yeah, so so I can't I call it jealousy, but maybe that's not the right word, but uh, yeah, it's just very layered. It's very layered. Yeah, and and I really don't know the true to be honest with you. Maybe it'll get revealed. Maybe all of this will come to a head, and I don't know when, maybe we will see play out in their laurel.

We love a good hints. We love a good hints.

Were you speaking of everything you know? Playing out?

And we're going to get to a new season that's going to be coming soon that I know everyone has been talking about. Excited, But before we get to that, were you surprised? And you can be honest, so if you weren't surprised, you'd be like, no, I already knew when Tory did call you the female goat.

Oh man, I just thought that was so nice because to be honest with you, I've been fighting for years for people to give me a capability because I mean, you saw Teresa. All she did was tear me down, you know, from the very first season that we did together, Like even though I was performing in Daily's like on Fresh Meat Too, all she did was make fun of my laugh, make fun of my cellulate, make fun of my body, call me bigfoot, like those were things that were happening behind the scenes that no one saw. So I'm having to deal with all of this stuff. And you know, I wish you just would have talked to me if we had a problem, but like, you know, we're young, we're young kids, and we don't have communication skills at that point. So I was just like really feeling like isolated and alone. And then and then even on Cutthroat, I had Abram coming at me saying, you're not a good competitor, You're not this, and I'm like, fuck you, you dick, like you're you're sleeping with Kara and like and and you're telling me I'm not a good competitor when I'm the only reason we won the Daily the other day, like screw you. And then on Rivals, you know, like that was difficult because then we were in a house of all vets and so it was you know, and then Kara had me and car had our differences, and so that was hard for us to work together as a team, and then eventually we came together. Like I just feel like, I just feel like the you know, it's like it's been like an uphill battle for me. And so to finally be recognized, even by TJ, you know, like that, I haven't received that before, to be honest with you, I've received it from fans. Yeah, and I truly appreciate those fans, and I'm so thankful that they, you know, they see something strong in me, or they see what they see in me. But not everyone sees that. You know, that's a.

Point, and not everyone has good visions, right, that's okay, and that's okay or dumb. Some people don't have standards. You are an icon and have been in how you play this game very much, so like you are the truth and one thing I do love about how you play the game. And something that was a topic that we saw on the stage, like Nourie spoke to it this season. She's like, look, I made it to the end. Without being a snake like I was who I said I was, And I think that's something you and I connected over on Free Agents, which I liked about you. It's like I am a regard whatever people want to say about my social gameplay. I'm always straightforward. I'm always up front. You don't have to I'm not telling you one thing and doing something else. Find your back. If I do do something, I will own it and say hey, I voted for you or I'm doing X, Y and Z. And you've played the game that same way. So not only have you been a force to be reckoned with, but you've done so by I think being consistent, you know, and and transparent the whole way through. So when you heard Naric say that on the stage at this reunion, that like, hey, versus sort of what she I think, she's sort of implying that, like Jay's gameplay, for example, was a little snaky and all of the different things. Yeah, how did you feel about hearing Naris say that?

I agree with her, And I mean anybody that's tied to old Assio is going to have some sort of integrity.


Like that that boy, he I love him, He's he's the best and like we are we are tight, and yeah, you know.

Justus had a flirtation ship back back on rid or Dies for those who forgot, y'all.

Have a little low.

Flirtation ship for a moment. You have good taste, understand, Yeah.

I mean, I mean, and I was not attracted to him, like because he's like young, you know, like yeah, and then like my attraction for him kind of just shocked me out of nowhere because after like a month of living together and like sleeping next to each other and having these long conversations and you know, him like slowly opening up to me because like he comes across as very shy, he doesn't speak very much, but then like if he likes you, he will share. And he does have a comedic side, which I was like, oh my god, he's funny. And like when I when that happened, I was like, geez, he's like like he's actually like not just this like pretty boy, you know, like yeah, and then like we had in depth conversations and then you know, that's when I was like, oh god, I like him. And then I told him and then he told me about the situation that he had at home, which wasn't his girlfriend. But you know, he I knew about the girl because we had talked in depth about our lives, and I just thought that it was kind of the same situation that I had, which was I was dating someone before the show. But but like, it's not like your relationship. It's not your relationship, you know, it's just like nothing seen.

See if you guys are just kind of yeah, yeah, So I just assumed it was that.

And and you know, I just what I like about him is he takes accountability and and and that is just so few and far between with men as we see, like Jay does not take accountability, Callum does not take accountability. And I personally think that we need more men like Airasio and Ed on the show, you know what I'm saying.

Right, I think on the show, I completely agree and just want to put it out there, like as as a matchmaker, someone who works with single men and women all the time, there are quite a few men who take accountability, so settling for anything less than that, Like I mean again, we even saw James do it a little bit on the show, and when Iman Well came on.

Our podcast, he did it a little bit.

It was kind of look, yeah, I was you know, and so it's like cool, cool, Like that's all it takes, you know, it's just being like I fed up, I was human, my bad, Like I'm going to try and do better next time.

I'm setting. I love that about it should never be an option.


He had the most kindest things to say about you when he came on the screen and he was just talking about you, and I was like, oh my gosh, like their friendship, their friendship is so beautiful and it's not a weird situation. Like Nourice was over in the corner like yep she is, and like you know, she was cheering for you guys. Like I thought that was a very very sweet moment. How did you feel hearing what he had to say about you.

I My heart was warm because I feel the same about him and we just have this like deep friendship and I trust him and you know, to hear him say those kind words about me that that I'm like the biggest blessing that the challenge has given him, Like those are just like I see, he's my friend in real life. Yeah, so you know, like it did kind of start with like this like weird, you know, like are we attracted to each other type of thing, and you kind of figure you kind of figure things out well, like as you you know, go about life right, And I made some dumbass mistakes and I went back to somebody that I should not have gone back to, and then, uh, you know, I think that was a nail on the coffin there.

Yeah, when we heard you say you don't like to talk about alliances before the game like actually starts. You said that on the stage, but you already know we're going to ask you, okay, So in saying that, I want to know three names of people who were on that stage who you would consider being in an alliance with.

I don't do alliances.

None at all.

Wait, you and Car kind of had an alliance back before things went left in Free Agent. I mean meaning that like in Free Agents, you weren't on a team because we were in rotating teams, but you guys worked together very much up until there was kind of a fracture in the friendship. So wouldn't you consider that an alliance?

Like? No, Like, so Car and I at that point we were we were having like kind of little battles here and there, like before the show started, and she was in the process of finding her voice is how I would is how I would describe that. And unfortunately, what she ended up doing was taking out things on me that she should not have taken out on me. They should have been taken out on another person. Yeah, and I didn't like that. Car is also easily swayed. But this is this is the weird thing about Car. She is brilliant. That girl is very absolutely so. I had a hard time.

And had a fighter, like just like a heart, like a fighter like with her heart.

You know what I mean, Like all in Yeah, and I love that about her, Like it's amazing, you know, because she all she did was like, you know, get better right at the show, like physically she you know, she just she used this as the as a as a way to advance and get better. So those are great things. But also at the same time, on a personal level, I won't tolerate any type of disrespect towards me when you know that in life, I've had your back so fucking hardcore. And if you're gonna come on television and now let a producer say, oh, is Laurel doing this to you? And then you're gonna say, oh, Laurel's like doing whatever, and when I'm not and you're not going to have a conversation with me about it, that's gonna piss me off. And so I was like goodbye. But it wasn't an alliance. It was a true friendship, do you know what I'm saying. But it was like a complicated one at the same time, because did I ever want to be her friend?


No, Like in the same way that Michelle irritates me. Car irritated me from the get go, and like that's why I'm like this with Michelle because like I've done that, I went down that road, Like it's too much for me. I don't need that complication in my life. I have best friends that I've known since I was five years old, and they on my back. I met Jack on X on the Peak. I've never met anybody more loyal than Jack. Like, I don't need a new fucking friend that's gonna carve me problems. I'm sorry.

Yeah, wait, so if you and Jack weren't on the same team, would you guys be on an alliance?

He it's not like if that's a friend, yes, I would never do anything to him, Like it's just that's not what I call an alliance. I don't fuck an alliance that's my friend.

Yeah, okay, So basically for your friends, you wouldn't vote them in or off like your close friends regard like if there was five of them on a show.

Jesus Christ.

You know, I'm gonna keep pushing on this, Laurel, like you can push it.

But like like this way, Melissa and Big T were essentially they were like the Doublemint twins, but they also clearly had each other's back and were never gonna fight.

Like people knew that they came as a pack.

One was never going to vote against the other, right, they were always covering each other.

I love Yeah. Yeah.

So like say, which in a game setting is essentially an alliance, call it what you want to call it. It means, hey, I've got your back, You've got my back. Were I mean, that's what it means in a loyal way. For those who don't hold on to their alliances, then it doesn't. But you're saying, so Jack is one person that you wouldn't Okay, good glad, we got that that.

I just I just don't see it that way, and I will refuse to the like I just I'm we're gonna go toe to toe here because I just like, I just don't do the Lions things because there's so many fake alliances. Yes, and that's and that's what we say, that's what we saw.

We just saw this season.

Yeah, yeah, well we see every season, right, there's always somebody who's like backstabbing or doing something else around what I.

Can't there's just an understanding. There's just an understanding. We don't have to have a conversation when we come into this house. We already know what it is. Don't like, do your thing. I'm gonna do my thing.

But we understand where we stand, and so I don't think we have to put a name on.

It's just an understanding.

No, no, no, no, no, no, definitely not. So it's there's another layer to it. So it's it's more like what you and I established, Devin. It's yeah, you came to me, you talk to me, and I can promise you that I'm gonna be honest with you. I also, I also can't predict what this game is going to bring to us. Yep. I'm not all knowing, do you know. I'm surviving just like you are, yea, And I can't promise you is if if I fucking love you, I'm going to tell you the truth and we're going to work it out between you and and that's all I can promise. That's all I can promise, because I can't save you necessarily, Like there's certain situations where you can't do anything.

Right, and I think that mindset is exactly what gets people in Like I think you're exactly right, Laurel in that like where people get in trouble is one they have so many friends they're protecting, like a Michelle in this instance. But then also, you can't predict the future, so you can't promise that you're going to take X, Y, and Z step every single time because you don't know what TJ is going to throw at you tomorrow or what the next step is going to be, So you can't You just can't promise that no matter how much you care about somebody.

Yeah, and I and I and I just I will say this, I'm extremely thankful for some of the relationships that have developed from these shows. But you know, but it's just the game is just a complicated monster.

Yeah, yeah, it is, and a monster that you're still a part of because we got a little tease that All Stars four is coming up finally, is there anything you can hit anything? We should just be keeping an eye out for. Like I see the big smile on your face. We're excited to see you back. So yeah, what what what?


What should be keep an eye out for for the infamous All Stars for we.

Got some massive heavy hitters returning on All Stars four, like not just like one, not just like two, not even three. We got like massive faces coming back like and and not just in the newer realm. Like we've got keithla which was he was on the very first, the very first Real World War Rules Challenge, and I believe he's one one time he was an amazing man. Like, we've got people from like back in the day, Adam Larson. And then we've got some new romances that Brew and Stern. We we have me being a classic mess and uh do it making some serious bad decisions. And then I mean the biggest thing is like Carl Marias Orbello is returning.

Yeah people, so it's oh man, it's gonna be It's gonna be good.

Rachel, Veronica, Tina, Like it's just like everywhere you turn, it's like just icon.

Yeah, yeah, and that's what we're talking about it so much like so many it's it's it is I cannot wait. And big personalities too, which is also the part that's going to not only heavy hitters when it comes to competition, but some big personalities.


Yeah, yeah, it's great.

So it's honestly, it's it's so exciting. It was so fun to film, and you know when it's fun to film, yeah, fun to watch.

Yeah, that's awesome. That's really really awesome.

I that in the meantime, we're gonna have to have you back when All Sure is in a school full swing, or they'll have to have you back when it All Star Scort is in full swing. But in the meantime, for people who want to keep up with you, now see what you're up to, say Hi, where can they find you?

On social I.

Have an Instagram and a Twitter at Laurel Stuckey l A U R E L S t U c K Y. I'm trying to think it's really all I do, but I uh, you're laughing at day one. I I mean, I do tweet here and there. I've been tweeting more recently because I actually don't have put her on my phone, but I have it on my computer, so when I signed into my computer, I can like go into Twitter and see what people are saying. So I tweeted on occasion. Yeah, but that's pretty much it, like, you know, just like anybody else Instagram, Twitter, and uh, that's it.

I'm so glad so much, Laurel. Yes, yeah, I appreciate you being here. It's always great seeing you and seeing you thrive, and it's gonna be so fun to watch you and all starts.

For Yeah, thanks girls. Yeah, it's such a great time. Thank you so much.

Oh my goodness, such a great interview with Laurel. I'm so glad she came to hang out with us.

Yes, so that's your girl, like that she decided to come and hang out with us. This season as a whole, Devin like, this has been an amazing, amazing season.

I know a lot of people had doubts because yeah, no, no.

Vet it started, it was a little like, yeah, it was a little slow, but I think some of I saw some somewhere online where someone said the last few episodes of Challenge Story nine have been arguably some of the best episodes of the challenge ever, and I kind of agree, like that whole nourice Hirassio, the SloMo walking, the eliminations, the betrayal, the real feelings like it was, the shock purges like it was. All of it was, you know, Chef's kiss and really good to see. And Manuel came out of nowhere. But like he even proved in this reunion, Emanuel's no joke, Like he just isn't.

He isn't. He is no joke. And I think we're gonna see a lot more of that coming out.

What do you think, day, I definitely believe so. And you know, going into future challenges, friend needs to know there's a target on your back, sir. The new Champ is not just glitz and glam. It is you going to the nation a couple of times so you won't be able to hide behind people well anymore.

I believe that this has been an amazing season.

Shout out to Jay and Michelle, because as much flak as we give them, had they not been there, a lot of these betrayals would not have happened.

I agree, I agree, they gave us some great cinema.

So I will, I will, I will give them their props on that.

Yes, So as we come to an end and we wrap this season up, where can the people that want to keep up with you beyond this find you on the socials of the media's.

Well, my address is. You can go to my website Devinsimone dot com. It's Devin with the Y Simone with an I dot com. Scroll down to the bottom you'll see my socials. I'm most active on Instagram. I'm trying to be better the same way I give smack to Davion about her YouTube. Really I deserve that smack about my Instagram. So I'm trying to be better and posting where I post a lot in my stories, like behind the scenes stuff if you ever want to see what I'm up to. So that's Devin Simone, Den with the Y smoth and I TikTok as well. Devin Simone and the Twitter. I usually heart and just retwee stuff, but I'm not as like you know.

Active on there.

And what about Oh and Amazon, I have I do fun stuff with like Natalie Negrotti. Sometimes a lot of challengers come there and we shout them out in.

The chat because it's live.

So if you just google Amazon and Devin like Amazon dot com. You'll see my channel. It's called Devin Ssmon's Gift Closet. Click follow there so you can be notified the next time we go live Davon. Where can the people find you?

You can find me on the instagrams and the Twitter streets and on YouTube.


She is on YouTube, thank amen, because the people have for YouTube.

Firm she is. She is on YouTube. She's in action. She is there. I'm proud of her. She is there.


You can find me on all of the social media's at Davon Diane Underscore.

Yeah, and thank you guys so much. We love and adore you.

We can ever respond to all the messages, but please know that we see you, we hear you, and we appreciate you, and so thank you for joining us for another episode.

Of MTV's official Challe podcast.

Remember if you liked this episode, rate and review us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, and tell a friend to tell a friend to then tell their other friend to all.

I don't want this to feel like a goodbye. It's not a goodbye.

I won't take it okay, matter of fact, we will see you next time. On MTV's Officials Challenge podcast.

Laurel and I are going to be in an alliance. She just doesn't know it yet.

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