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What a C*nnes

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Cannes is the sister city of Beverly Hills which makes it a moving target for MMM. Jen and André have a conversation about a film festival 16,746 km away from FBi Radio. It's an Andrea year, not a Lynne year, and all about showing up to work but not in a Reichardt way. Directors do their job, budget cuts become jump cuts, and we try to figure out what Megalopolis says about our past friendships. Noticing patterns J+A discuss The Strangers (all 3 of them), Straub-Huillet, Liv Tyler's sliding door acting, what's starring Junglepussy, a treatise on the Sydney film movement of stylists becoming directors, debunking Fever Ray and Jen's discovery of Haile Gerima.

Eora. Fedora. Sean Baker. Anora.  

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